Exeter Advocate, 1909-10-07, Page 7 (2), rt deepatelt fr,ni (Lt -'e •saYs;tw Seven men ,wer leullets ott ,Wedne Drell', /rein , revel's settlits peal, eons• thnses. Were. jki hem" Iteistgestr tiOther *an( v- , --timrtott„.pver sonv0 men. atectling POal from .onc Scims. which have been 'up by- strikers *oiliest - A' little , to tho ast ward ot•I'sre. 2 minc is thc elsashore ad long the elifts facing tlos sea Appear tm*11 eeares of the *oat. These are of little economic value stud have never been worked'. The land is ineluded in the Dominion Coal Compares teases ands qut ol- Aciairne 0014141V have- been forbidden tile digging of coal from these seams. Wednesday afterneon it WAS diS- I re; tcOve ig ,e uIil fro! '• 0 a • .bY' r 'tee. , t 0..404 reoIe \Vhile it sre. nrnenMt -Leg .rortlexsid the crow ehf)perh, bnt the,- orders were not,* peeniptlY obeyed:. :,The yaliete PLOW'S' theirsre,YoiYerS atitf.tirest.144.inetlitt *it El then into the .crowd. The' enouttsteel men wet's*. arrested,4 raped in :jail e, charge of "uis• ha:Ise been. isseod for therearrestesel awful ;tenet/J.1;1Y" anti- warmots OND , Atzizcf, te' ti&ofttp, otollioto • litectrot ITEMS Lit oir$1 bhpke , *'we _-- li°fthtL l'iS.r1 A$2‘ ' 1 -?---- ,, '0 ( Toro , , o is alifax. .su ri ed 1$590 tolhe moriattoi4 . Walter Blythe, eo* itv of ronts. dtring his wife* hiet eseetechas been granted a new trial by the Court of Appeal. ek route of the Cari*dian-Nor- thorn lis.iiwa vie Smith's rails the :Men who used their revolvera.- -soete-theeero St01104 before they ixited their bola, but the meti*of the, erewd not a stone was thrown untilthe' revolver shots wefesfiret $ $ A' LONG siartys 01 i4ErTs. 9. iiiiricriffialzartairenifine Vaeitms Place& 'A despatch from. Toronto SiSS: maeka,ble-serieeeof-thefts-we•r admitted to have been committed! by Sohn George Rose in the Police! COn on Wediee-selay. Ron was searraegnedeori--fouof Weft ltotels,--an41-to--allr-4 -And elected to ble d by Colonel Denison. sThe eharges were of -stealing suit eases -filled \with clothes and other ar- tieleti. The case was reiffaildett fox, a week to allow tt,e police time to make investigatiortes His destrip- sent to several citYes in the United Stestes where it is believed that he ie wanted.- AMES OF fltANCE AT FAIRS... Pres Gambling- at VaArs.i A despateh from T.oremta we; ft.. • a . • ris beg67.-ippr ved b3.- Hon. G. P. realm, r. 433 of St, ThOMas will succeed E. Fisher as 'Gen- eral Superint ent ofethe-Voreas to Hamilton & Buffalo Railway. Chief Justice+ Meredith dismissed the suit of Merritt, against Moine tone to restrain the. eity from rens tertng into a contract with the Iteelreseeleat ..1.40 GREAT BRITAIlsr. The British Government has pur- --Mareoniettations-v ish 'coasts. of tiTheat•Pfraoirsvin:idal_exitGoishvitrinottmes,u_iltlat preparing tOes,* fttstee a larite number of fakirs have been dif- ferent putts of-theeProvinee, -Mr. of, Agricultural Societies, has ar- ranged tor send a number of private detectives to the various fears in Ontario, who will se 6 to it that the law is strictly enforced. These, deteetives are being sent out by' tion and finger tints have been ties department without,the know.*I ledge or request of any fair °Mei, als. In many instanc,es these SEA, 'Linos uP IN -Atm. kokookm14. Deivand Inerea0c of British 'Navy 17,000 Mee . - A etespeiteb from London says. • The Standard reports 'serious fried- • tion between the Government .arkl the tea fords of the Admiralty in • fernee to the latter's propopal to norease the personnel ',of thenevy nearly 17,000 enere The paper er--that-Vice-Atiral • Francis ridgemen, Second See, Lord, -who is reported to Le the author of ti reew manning tobenu!, has threaten - td to resign ittlie Cabinet persists in it, present refusal to. Increase the personpelJ whit:Ostia-lira' of the Fleet Sir joint Fisher's retention et the offiee of First Sea Lord is becoming difficult. eer-er • STARTED ritom BRAZIER. Plumbers ltepair Eit Cruised Fir at Parliameat Buildings. . A despatch from Toronto says: The -origin. of the fire which recent- !, destroyed the western wirtg of An Perliament beildinge has been Officially detertnined. 'The Gov- ertanen t„ has investigat -el the seuree f the fire," void Sir Penes I'Vhit, licyr, when interviewed ori + Wedies, tiV \‘‘,''and there -is no doubt what- . . ever, tlfa,t it was eauseflby the char- .. toil bre ier .left among the raft - 41 era by ,r pitiirmplumbers. The flOVernin nt -has had good reasons ' for e ..1 time', conclusion." \ it es..... e... . Ak.,0. I Cri» .\ 0!),„otiojtok ° pt.i from Mesieo •t ys: tInpro edentedly cold were. ,r in the' valleys in the vieinitt* this eitT has destroyed ehe Core Ps. It is estimated that the loss prifl reae $20.0311,000. Thie, this • ter on •Wediatfsdlay • redr,two\ degree. below the oint. IN MEXICO. iiutgrit to the Extient the B Ur. Henniker Heaton, •criticiieo the -Postmastetqleneral les vereTy-for allowing -1;11 thetsburden of lleis leieseetitaga4tite-poete 'borne by.Canitsiss. * 11 61 t ig a TS 103141THE- ItAat NTRE t • se, .0 buyer ¶roronto,•.. .to iu nbuyer' 1irtiiat t.* 0,, tong ** te, 5 or t os aexitobte`wittiott No; .004, By ports, _end NO No -them at: BaY Pclts* Ontario wheat—No.-2, 07et out- side. Bsarlq--NO, „ 2 66 to 4" 060 outside', ant( No. 3 extra at 63 to eio out, ."' 6 ,0 "A 6t; 17_ t4lirom ' lea4 t ft 031,aertt teeentn#ceml last aTleiltY Sher,* to loin in the attittitre+Feds 4 ' 4eetehratito*. W},10% the eity' .as been peeing special tribute, for eels, ,aret did net ite,,essiturtec to how itte.neipreeitttion. 'ate eroved was (1141CV4 to recogniz,.. taetieel merit...and unstinted in approval of it...where found: They •elteereel the Britishsiaeks in their odd-looking traw hate, and the Royal Marine 44-t-h-t-t-trlf-F-i*Wilie. gold globe ter -38e, outside. New Oanad "West oats, 37, spot, )3ay ports. Pe -NQ Ww1 to SOC de. ..„ lye—No. 2 08 to. 70o outside. Rueltwheat--4)5 -to 500 outside. Corn—No. '2, American . yellow, 76 to ,76,,i4seeteeferinek, Toeonto, esselhiWee$18s-to--$10-stuteide int itst for Ontario bran, and $20.60 to for -ohorts, bulks. - UNITED SUMS. Fear of a-- Black- Hand-orutrage caused a panic in a New. York school. . Four men were killed in a cave- te in a waterworks tunnel at New Raven Conn. gamblers earry on their nefarious Theodore Rizzo has confessed to practises without the knowledge of the police of Utica, N. Y., that he the directors, having seelred spacemurdered two children in that eit:tr; on the grounds ostensibly for legi-1 The Massachusetts Demoeratic timate business, The penalty for, State Convention at Boston &eters the infring.ement of the provisions eel in favor of reciprocity with Ca. of thesettsrieviltenesta secitties aet is! nada, *red demanded a lower tariff not lest than $20, and not melee than. $100, and tests. QVARRELVED OVER MONEY: Heingstriane Shoemaker' at Ifoehese ter Killed _His Mite, A despatch from Itothecter, X Y., says: After sleeking- -his six chiltirea go to bed at hislionie her, John blema n. Hungarian shoe- maker, killed his wife in an adn- ing room with an axe on Wednes- day morning. Ile then fled, but was later eaptured. When the on the necesearie JUMPED INTO RIVER. 3oeseph Gay,. of Otte*** -Takes Ow.* Life. A despateh from Ottawa says: oeepit Gay of Ottawa, 23 years of age, a clerk in the Marine Depart.. rent, and at one tithe Secretary to Then. Mr. Brodeur, committed sui- eide on Thursday morning by juirtp- ing off the interprovincial bridge' into the Ottawa River. Several, men saw him run out half wey pollee reached the scene. the (+int athe c.!? -3 bridge and leap from the etren were found erting-IY-th-iiiir441, Inginto-the rivet.: forty feet be-- s - mother's ttethitle-. Klerna's'i Luws sboat wahastily procured' head st as almost severed from her and put.off to the reEelles but the body. A quarrel elver meney tnat- ters 'caused the' murder. ' SUICIDE ST THE FALLS. tnknowti "Inn Jumped Fi'oin Bridge Into Rivers A deepatele fThets Niagara Falb N Y., says : slit] unknown man, about 35 3 ear 7:1- okl, early on Wed- nesday jumped from the ;lever steel arch bridge into the Niagara River and- 137-aS drowned. Ile- was teen to make the leap. by Frank O'Neil, a ,workinin 'and by E',?veral bridp k ernisloyes. The body apreareel the surfaee for an instant artil the was lost to view. s TO A D CAPT., SCOTT. Lo• ndon'e Lord Mayor Wilt 0 Manslon Mouse runts swift -flowing riyer bore the body away before the rescuers could reach it. Mr. Gay returned to his office in the Marine Itepment only a few dap; ago after a long holiday in the country north of Ot- tetsa,- \there he --went To recover from an illness brought on by over - study. It is supposed that the mil. cide was the result of a reeurrence of the malady from which he pre- viously suffered. FIRM RIFLE AT Froatenae Man ,Seett to Central Prison for Two Years. A despatch fromKingsten tetya: John Hickey, of Clarendon, ebarg- ed with aggravated *seault tend threatenirok to ehoot hi)s'etife, was sentenctel on \Thursday to two -yeare in Central, Prison. The prie soner pleaded guilty to the first eharge of aetault. The man tame A despatch from feaudon nays: h4 1r drunk *nd •began ill-treating e Lord-T.40ot of Itondon has. art. Ii wifes-ts—Irentnally, fired & rifle ouneed Ws intention, of opening" at her, the ball passing el4se. t� tension ' Mute --fund tosteitist isereheitd-and-enterivOlopialrli,- ain Itiiberk F. Scott to raise side the betl- r for his expedition 'to' plant I tlie Union lack at the, South Polo. - Britain's Eighth, Dreadnought the Water. &spate!' from Portsmouth, Enghtnd, saes: The Neptune, Great Britele's eighth battleship of the Dreadeought elate, or her eleventh, including' the three itsttleshiper Ade. . ese kti fe .1 12 cot lo get and two feet -wild. 'fi any of her prtdece3Sors. ceeds the Dreadnought tpe ,;o and the Belleraphon by • toni. he 1ia turbine - u en- t, ",,1•7;"t, , • D0NII10N.11011.41: Groat laere*,,e• I* Customs fleipta tor September. *A despatch ;front Ottawa a445 The 'ett'stoms revenue ,ofi-tlie, miniofl. for then month Piet ending showssn-kner-cese- of no. J4ss than thirty-five per cent over 'Septem- her of last year. The total eolit‘ tions wore $5,431.468, an increase of $1,409,531. For the six months of the fiscal year the tustonis revenne, t4t)414'12V/'$11$008i ari -iireroise ilq*49i1V.Tift, as .compared itIi the first half et the late fiscal ,year. h*s.fly r practi riedo. 6 was, eonlme ced ntlar<st ath kntdisplacement h 410 feet, attd,il sid . ei coiseettent. arr 11$ s ,016. ten i-irwhgunk b fifty-*libr. hie r range and penetr 1212eh 'silent now 1 * addition she will tar. ur.ine guns for repelling t *ttic. The Admiralty r the, most ponerfu hest ter built. 1 ha • *Aita.i.4401.‘!„ are burning t, of the pa tge to the p* ipaf.d. Fir irnber iuntry nnrth rd Iiich h*c he ne s3it.<4041 are*`04,.** bn trodst4. 'ISO 61 13•Y PRMIME- Appleee-Wind falls, $1 to J1.50 r barrel _441.1_14anikpicked_Afgel sitantts- elceds---$2;40-to linstens per jou z e Boney—Contlee, dozen, 42.23 to $3; extratted, leo per lb. t timothy, $16.50 to torteon treek- hem, and No. 2 at $14 to itie.50. STRANGLED IN A TOWEL. Straw --$0 to $0.50. Potatoes -55 to Ctee per bag on Tbreesyeattold 13;ty Found Dead by traek for Ontario, and 750 for New Brunswiek. , ; of, movem .4 !Ka cr0W41„ toraie t ritiehs" ever . n 'thew otos, 40 ood tip ,propmAtory evin4 ieg Feiwarettesitten iust roe • tiost tali* sects. tendered the. men ef tbs .1.4tlantle.tleet in Mellionrses a -Vitt* • seer ago. It liV3S t. A!! Aro% Wee in the memory ef the' *Meet of' those _present when te British. eoluson of -fighting men had pante- eJ throtigh the streets ef,New Yorks' The, Inflexible's. band lioacled the Britishers, and' well did* it sustain! its reputationas:one of the finest naval bands on the senew seas. The Britishers got e, great _weep - t on iFalong the line, mid when. n their eollars, which tells the/ the eolor-beerers With the Union, 5 story eet....bettlee-sandeleards-ser-viets-Jaek-ae4ethe.seAdirtirat's-eresematt-tre- passed, tbe 'people stood up in hons' or of the colors, while. the Ameri- cans and foreign officers who were n 'the stand ,setod at attention, their right liande at their eolps in, salute,• in every pat o the world. ' The well-setsuet ettilora from. 'the Brit- ieh hips in their service nnifoini aroused greet. enthusiasm. the ac- claim -subsiding only to rise again - as all the details of prescision. and the g neeal average for st aighl loads of good butchers' was from.. FROM BONNIE SCOTLAND $4.85 to -$5.25. Good butcher eows -were strong.' Milkera and springs ers were in steady schereand and eetti wells asltig pi -id for a few extre ch est tows- Calves-- seised: LA meters Bekets ,quotedeat $2 f.o.b.,. and $8.25 fed and watered. Poultry --Chickens, ',dreamt 12 tc 14c per lb. ; fowl, 11 to 13e, tur- keys, 17 to laso per lb. ; ducks, 11 to 13e. TIIE DAIi MARKiTa. His Mother. A despatch from Galt E3ySI. The little three-year-old on of Mr. and Mrs. David Hastings, North 'Water street, etrengled himself on Thurs- day morning in the kitchen whit() hie mother was working in tbe'next room, He had been playing with Butter—Pound prints, 20 to 422e; the roller towels and it is supposed tubs and large rolls, 18 to 19c; in4-beiionting enmeshed in it, was un- ferior, 17 to 18c; creamery, 25 to able to extricate memoir. The lit - 20c, and separator, 22 to 23c Per tie fellow media no outcry, and bis Ib. mother had no Inttniatiort-or the Eggsse-Case- lots, '250 per 'doz. accident until she had occasion to C1eese-12Xe per lb, f,or large, -visit thOtitchen, when shoWas hor- nd at 12* for twins. rified to And her eon entangled Os the towel and suspended in it. Drs. Wardlaw and Charlton were at once summoned and every kesoivn Method of resueeitation was tried, but without ,effect. Life was appar- • HOG PRODUCTS. Baoon—Long •clear, 1Z to 153.4e per lb. in ease lots; mess pork $26 tc. $20.60; slioxt.cut, $27.50., Trams—Light, to medium, 16 toehnetrtitse lyextoinve'etom:.•ben the mo'..her made 16%c ;-do., heavy, 1434 to 15c; 14% to 1434:3Z; shoulders, 13X to 133e; baelts, 18 to 19e ;' breakfast ILL-TREATMENT ALLEGED*. becenei7_ Lard—Tierces, 1.5 to 153e; 3rariimsa Farmer Cherged With 15% to 15e; pails, 15 to 15%e. Abusing Home Bop. BUSINESS AT MONTREATes se, Montreal, Oct. 5.—Oats----No. Canadian Western, f423 to 43e. Barley --No. 2, c0 to 67c,_.; -Manitoba feed barley, '04 to 65c. Buckwheat, r:---14rtnito Sping wheat pateats, firsts, -0.70; ' do. seconds. $0.0; Winter wheat .patents,- $e.50; )Nlanitoba. strong bakers', ..$5 istraight rollers, $533; 46.4 in bags, -$2.23 to $2.60, Feed Ontario bran, $21 to $22; On- tario sn't.idlines„ $22.$0, to $23.54 SfanitoInt -bran, $21; •Manitoba shorts, t23 to $24; pure grain mottillo, $33 to $35; mixesi $25 to $21. Cheese—Westerns. 11% to 11%e, and 'eastern% a( lt% to 11%e. Butter—Finest ereemerY, 243, to 200-. - Eggs—Selected stook, 263 to ,20e; No. 1 candkd at 22%' to 23e, and No. 2 it 10 -to 10c per doten. INITED STATES MAILKETS. - Minneapolis, Oct. 15-7,-Wheat-SeP..., tember; 9J to 03%-e; D.ecember, ..1191441,-,; -Man, ,.---$17.-02,4_1-'41TO: eVe rn/I:s NO. 2, Nor.thet e4s; to. a Northern, 06fsS'e. oer kitet-pat. elits, $5.20 to. 5.30; second pat. ents, $6 to $5.10; first elears'$440. 3Z+ $4.65;• second dear, *3.10 3.10 te '$3.30. Bran in ,1004b. taelcs. *10.60: ' • Chicago, Oct, .5.--Cash''whiat No. tee', lit 14 to $1.17; No; red, $1.00 to $1*14; No. 2 .hardS Sie03 to --$1+083; No a hard; st. 01 to $1.0034L.NO.I Northern, $t. O. to $1.00; No. 2 Northern,41.03 to- $1.00; No. 3 Spring, *400 JO 4$1.0. (th'nNc, 2, 64 to 0414t, XO. 2: ytliow, 643‘ to •04!(.0; No.101 Otto 41414411*NO. -3 yel1oi, 4e,, Oats,--4to. 2 white a,ifhlte., 30No. 4 white, 3 to 30e,; .sta ard, k •;! Jo P.0 j est si o , f rnto, Oct ka k A despatch from Lindsay says: On Thursday morning, before Mal- istrate Moore, ea charge was heard -against a Mariposa farmer for as- saulting two Barnardo Home boys, nameel'respectively Albert E. Car- -dr; 15 years of age, and John W. Young, 8 years of age, who were indentured te him.. - The ebarge was made by Mr. Chas. II. Bfake, inspector for the Homes, who af- ter an investigation. took them back to the, Ilothi in Toronto. Car- ters the -elder, teetified: tes hie hav- ing been assaulted by his roaster, first striking him witli bis'fists, then hitting him with a Wrenah. .SCRA.TCIIED 'Br MAO DOO. . , ., 'PiLifki Death , * LKt1t.1ttty at •1. iya.verlyt-N. A despetelt from Waverly, X. Y. inixa,t. A. sertitelt from the. paw •of a rabid dog wtts reSPensible. for the t 4.10ith, on Thursday of George Mur- ray, the -eearsold .ehild of a 10. Tho boy.. va.4 14Y lag tear-hit-1rOme-s-reeently with 'Sled oldee boys, .they wer suddenly/ Attacked by a sten dog.* The other two were ttsur , - NOUS -OP- INTE UM RANKS A.:,\D BRAES._ - What leeGoing.on In the, rind, Lowland Scotia. 1, At Aberdeen one eley, lately 33 eteansers landed 231 tons of white kfieb. • . A hundred wagons were loaded with lambs at Thornhill in one_daf recently, ' An organized gang 4:11 boy thieves, none older than 17, was discovered ir Edinburgh. - The other day Air: W. Itennio, Dumfries, caught a 35% pound sat;'' -mow in- the Nit/6 At Itenfreir good progress is- ho. ng made with the erection of th* \new- polite imildinge-.•s Port Glasgow people still live in -hope of -getting a brand new rail- way station earn° .day. The Renfrew pid. Age Pension*, Committee are still examinina claimants for the pension. Miss Helen T. Baptiste'circlet_ maker, Selkirk, was fixate:18n for working her girls beyond statutory hours. Cagebusoethan School Board is to erect a school for the education of dekstive children in the perish. Messrs. A. itedger & Co., Pork Glasgow, have 'contracted to build b steamer of 300 feet in length for 'Swansea owners. Tradesmen have tomixtenc.ed to erect the chapel for the Order of . the Knights of the Thistle at St. Giles' Cathedral. There is quite a beilding bonein ethwell., The !tonal(' Iestitute, e.ng erecter), is giving empioyment to a -large number of Men. In one dsty recently at Wink, 35 Wats landed an average or eight. erans of herring. The week's total s estimated at 5.000. erns. • stirs -James- Coats;' inn., Fergus - lie House, PaiStey, itail,gifted a school libeareessf 'enecse•150,voitnnes Eglingti'rn distrien school, Kit- , The coetraet for :the ne+.* graving doek at slIterutislaria, eviiich is to cot. *bola t1',p00,000, has beeix rav- els\ to Messrs. i.. Young .& Sons Ltd., Glats4owe Atnoeg the et poor elii;rgable to Ardrossan parieh- who died during he past iyear ten vee 70 1,:ears of are and upward, And_ two were o er ep yea es. siTEX,ANI) 110118E0. • -Me "real Ike(' ("taint+ to trait! Lek $1.000 nalt,Dia ond., A deseateh from Afontr6al sayar Beaten Into iesehsibility and rob- ed of $1.00 tI taste 'aed a dia. snood rieg 'segued at, irx), was thee, f&ry t 1,11 it IbeAreeisttenente !ioirt en, TitteredatS by Mr. Charles , and were sent to the 1'a7;teur,,Id stitutefor tre3tment as soon as it became known, that -thip, 4104 :K*3 b mad. The Murriy ansury, was so superficial however, that g to alarm was felt On Wetines-- (lay he, /developed unmistakable ttemptomeeof eralnee and died on 'Thureday great agony, nILES (ARS, VI Vkeat Crop Will More *lent lkom. iepateh from 3rolitre4 /0 itor of * reeor4t hantst is for b es• eke et n • 1r�ken *i ft sest Cederstrunt, mantoter for Blown - field, Ilrothers, p1 mereits` ants, who • tippfeared t), pits. the barge agawst Joseph *bum. 'who tt-AS 11,11elte.,-(1 on Weds esslay rieht cE1 esestiipiono His ory was that after' talintihe ab inas driven int4 ais ;infrequent. rd. part of 'the' 'it', and assaulted el robbed. The' accor,:xti ,spa superan Su 1", Ilatte receipts en. t il (i the' publirs.rt ire 14nttsi to iconte irf troll) Psi totnottlee and ses 42311.e-en:lee reseed b ' • exttettnieuts 41 \Ss. .t se. • - e • 1+t