Exeter Advocate, 1909-10-07, Page 4 (2),
4,t oxi.rto
DAY '0014
leeelegreeteree, Mastro. while
td the rniefOrtehie to
tOe ;Shin With eri„exer
Ofl. lefiteted et-VeeY efly
3711414AGIT ,VitelPERT
eTeere Will he otected
Ile Ave-leenat
etNeTlItat,SDAY. ocrowitt ,ost.. 199
1)3. AZOI
bY. 'Po
a le prOperty. vtz,
' The South ha.if of Lot Np. 4 Ththe
2n4 Coecession of the Townshlp of Ste-
.ereepting tepee= the -front ten
',Whet Part ,of the' North half of Lot No.
3, in the 1st ,Conceission of th.e Towne
ship of Stephen, lying west of the Lon-
don Iltiron arret Bruce Railway.
The South iaLf of Lot Ne. 5, In the
4th ekoneeselon of said Township of
And the tolloWing Yiltage Lots In the
;eared 144 to 159, West ee the said Bali
way and eaat ot Prince LeopIld street
'iota numbered 176 to 101. west of the
'Prince Leopold 'Wet and forming part
- le.rte Lot No. 4.1n thelet alenceselon
▪ e-numberede18,2 tee- t.
lata-IMInt b40.01 -d Street -are
tit of Bald Railway.
Tee above tande ere known aa the Kan-
. .
PrOW45 1°9.,
Terine-OL gP1P v Of
sale or by applytng tp
• 13arristers, Etc.. Exeter
Dated thie let day of October, 1909.
**.--Vhe undersigned Auctioneer hu been instructed t
sell by publie auction et
4oz.c THURSDAY. OCT. 7Tt", 1000
at 1 o'clock p. sharp,
- The following veluable property;
HORSES -General puree.* mare, in foal; general
.64surpooe. yeara old; 2-3etr.0ld Illy.got by
Ravolo;1-yeavold 611y, got by Derry Down; 1 -year
-old gelding, gee by Non Parole; filly. 4 moathseelde
rereheroa; Wis. 6 month* obi , got by Sean Parole.
CATTLE -4 caws, etippose4 to be in cialfe newly-
.ealved cow; 0#6w, due to eseve; 6 one-yeaeold *teem
7 orie.yearold believe 7 Spring ealvei
11008 -Thoroughbred Berkohlre sow, in pig.
POULTRY -3 iigedgerse, 10 young gesee, turkey
'ikon. 7 yoking turkey/. 26 hens.
JeMeeSenteh Collie Web.,
131PLEMENTS-13luder. mower. 11 hos drill; an
Vitost& Wolk& mate *eel bad rellere, &Avatar, set
,1 Dimond 'Unarm.scuillerelette disc was
-wood; ealtirstor, Peter liarreltee; Cock;hutt wane
erg Vow, Daudet= ;see view, 0r03t told Wood;
'40 Ile euit014,, timing, that gts
.400i4et- ilk. -10-100-40111#4,-0tilfl
so idall,i041t. '
aat *ball Ms 010t that
1. OUIY Of Itse/F.
tinwkto.t lila .00pret ./(411
efeeti011 inut..:
ic hinge vett goint1. add
fltkl*t� rout .konit Iteuktot.
t f9ort..04 *tai
tn. to.iitt#Igiger ths,n *0
Ite,11 YoU eall a Min a liar do •
aver *'IoNT.EIT .distaikee tclephlme.-
tle. itnIpa 4.0110 brags et being atteedY
tlot:efiletirit An tho grade ho 1* one
stbeenest..ereteteabie te;etUee. Of a vaeler
ten are lookiege,feirward. ti it and back
t it,- •
Tho MAP% that knows all about ,yciu
to. .
Many fik good man on tiunday. does not
maasure up to standard on a Widnes*
deal. '
He wlio "has many thought', to hide
hasn't much that men are fled to cir-
19V1411 t men la
self. he Is genera
st the jeb.
Don't expect to
Peter 'twit bteaUse
'church -gone --
Akins a fool ot him"
ly working overtime
t pass _from St,
ber of hee frienet Friday, everring,_lin hire, lion spent the ere
yeti ate a regula.e ofe_ote44,er_bitity.;--xne rivorted--441 eee parent4, Str. and 111 se john
, somehow when a man gttso into -a- cellent ettmee-Work
in connection with Henry Saida!' and wife. of Pigeon. Mich.,
the fiaz will be t are visiting here4-31rs 0. Iloitantann is
crowd hc. oink" he 13 the emty 000 qloon a an. end it the .
in weather Reeve line. It is reported that Improving nteely from her recent ilinees.
a. hurry.' Mr. Cook intendelgiving up 140 intent Ed. Denamy has *ON his 30 acres*
'it Ja a -good thing ee, haws, but In the flax. 'business here and Itirning t Lake Boad Went, to 11.410001eau, and
they wont dorough 4004. II, ytets jeesttent over ledo.„.the, _bands -of esonseefamilieesee. Pesil .1?OreiettleeO tbeel
Ett4ititt - - -eeeHer _essinter ethed----emne
• 114-10•:
• -
)jr. Davitcleft o 3oud4y for Ails;
whew he 14340 enatP:C4YrOft tri, •
Ist44)14147-NT., fierraan Eldt . leans
rtly ;Or. : Themas,,,efellereo Is ft,
.g9:1 Q,a fnigeeeeeMee Vireeiey Miller got
eteeezel ,pleee gee -Ma 43,yee at the Weel
McGillivray Vairek-A tnerelene of the 1,Y0te
peT: p,N4astir,--vitac 53,ctct./4 win be, 1414
afg, tt.e, Evangelic4chum4 on lizo .c-ferpr
nir thp. :-.;•6447-0.4( -Rev, Ur.
P0A4c,n. the F.0e4EtZi.,'se agehee 'selli boFres" :AL
vet and edrireas the ene,efiregeeeA; meeting
Ire the itietereat et. Misalon.
ary tnovement for 1,40 ,Iturori ,Platrict
*rot wto..44 the Paiportite.4 chur41'
here dai OpWhert. ThereevIll be•two:
sessions,' efteeepeel heed evening, There
WW I4o plenty .otrspOicers. front pOtOlde
0,1P!‘. *vd-110r-d011
wit; .bc spcnt.--41010# Matela ltout1ettee.-
weo was- tee T, Dvits.4to at the:
0e2rmaitiOn loceentle hetd. at ,Sttatforl.
gave a' very Interesting report ot the
Iconventien en Sueday evening..
• eeetee •
Froin *nether *curve.
• eeiss Emma. Davis of Loedon spent
Sunday at her home here.--Mesars. Joe
Gassunan and ;rd, 9ke of tturoirdale
spent Sundae` with frlendis in town. -
Mai Emma Welert entertained a num-
:47 ocasIo.
Report of foeatrageettublinelichool-efee-
Attp-T4beTK•d4r... 1V. Ite Andireort;'10.Nelt
'Fairhall, M. Hentele; $r. III.. 31„
flsMn;an, It. Manion, Milah f Jr. ill.,
ooics,,Xleten Abbott, L.
am. IC. cuibeFt, 4. mown, a. ge.
. ice merin4en pawn'.
P. Itulta.ble, L. Dicks
31. :04 0., Oulberte'1.. Alexender, A
Hackney iIt. It. A. Iftekre, W. guetable
I...Taylor; Sr, Pt. /.. Le, lellah, 1)4 all*.
:ItcY# Jr,' rt, i„ V. up" M.
Nell, C. Colwell.
' E. Pomeroy. teaT'her.
• Mr. an• d 0,1ist Louis •JeffreY Nolo fob
to Wand Pork D to v
ra Alan aft. Mrs. Jacob Schoe-,
Man and -Master !wick Pink of Pteston
are visltbris at the Lutheran, ,Parsonage.
-Misses, Nettie and Mary Demuth have
returned to their iumie In Asidand. Wis.,
af,ter an extended visit with relatives
and triebOa in tido vicinity. -Jap. °'n-
tron formerly teacher at Hillagreen„has
taken Mr. efeLeod's place as. principal it
the pUblic 'school for the balance of the
:rear. --Win. Weide and' wife cpe Dennox„
Mich., are visiting relatives -here his
week. -Jos. "Wieicens and wife of In r-
Whenta Man iellei lee Imo% about mole Monday for Port Hurcin.-nr. I. Paw. 44konleizreY hits his welling hp from
ffflIf he is Anxious for aomeone to can ell was a visitor iiere -Wedneadayerelr. Ilt- Joseph and is busy with; the cement
and Mrs. Harry Ilarris left Tuesday for toundation.-S Ow& is building a
hien a liar. . _ . ,
. their home -in Sainia:4efis- H. Naush- stable to tbie7fea-r of his new houv'es-
--Too-many vehre-givO'etne pooreerusts elf rweeeer and Laura Kraft took In the fair ` Deeth.-A, very ifid-event occurred here
loaves in the alle'
bread on the streets are stealing w.hole at Parkhill this Ai'veelt.-Nlistoes cook or„, on Thursday. in the death .of Mrs. Jac -
I,Vhen you see a woman wearing PeeGrand Bend. -A number of young b'town spent Sunday with invade at ob Kipfer, dau.ghtet of Mr. Jacob MoYele
The r eccaeed was a victini of Bright's
clinging gown, It Is a sign that eihe took in the raffle at 13111 Mil'er's Tues- deTesse, and as other complications set
thinks she has a good figure. '
That book under , your arm on -the weye Mies Term 'Stire ot Grimsby arrived I•n
0 •eee-yemeese.weeeereeeeeeeateer meim-belit-willbeertriehere.
• I e oes not deceive fouri to wit km -Witied-,-ty overall .- N e
• da esenit.g.-'Sir. Feted Dearing'
o ooir-boft. . ireabout--313- years efir -age. -iile
_awl in, t e locattmedical men were -unable -to
save her life, although,. everythinE Pane
one o tr 1 her thr h.
on Saturdey. •.
• aged' nta, and a, number of bro era
leave besides a sorrowing husbandher
MeGILLIVRAT. ,and Waters and many friends, who Ishi-
i ' cersely mourn her early :death. The In.
Mr. J. D. Drummond ban purchased torment toO101ace in the Mennonite km -
the farm on the 7th Con. of McGillivray etery, Goshen. Line. .
from Me J. C. Dorman, Mr. and -Mrs. Thiel-Weseloh-A very pretty wed -
Dorman, we understand, will move to ding was solemnized In St. Peter's Lutri-
onicilo BEND
Mr. and Mrs. John Baird visited in
SteTeka, Sunday. -Mr. Ezra Brenner *reeved
here from „Shiplca Friday. --Mrs. Fritz
spent Sunday in Zurich. -51r. Sam Grat-
tonemoved to Klondike Friday. -51r. C.
Green and Win. Dewey were in Pt. Frank
for a fe:w .days last weete-Messrse Jae,
Jeckell, Jas,- Howard, N. D. Hurdon and
sons at Exeter epent a few days on the
old riverlast weele-Itliss Nettle Ravalie.
gave a birthday -party last Monday- even
inge-Mr. and Ws. TledematyoL Gode
erieh are *tufting aroun heree-Mr.Hea-
man of London • here crokifig after his
Sharp rake, 2 Inrober wages", 144 .waco r*c.-Mr. and Mrse Gravelle visited ;n
-2 single cutter; stone -boat, pair of boteleighs. hay
.rack, 2,000 Its. pletform scales, Chatham fanning
efaill wsth bier atteehment, gravel box, wagon
hex, root vetoer, 2 se.gar kettles, eriad•ston •' 2 sets
• et double hareems. 2 sets of en,* harneese 2 bed-
, • studs. a unerzer reeler poets forks. ehaina, sitov-
41e. aptde# and a 1.0 of • tirr useful article's.
TERMS de =Rdnneer. cult; over that amotmt 12
satonths credit given on furnishing approved joint
enotes.ordivccuut ef 5 per rent. ley annum for Cash
os eredis amounts.
All on us t positively be sold is tks pro.
4srletor has sold hisl farm.
Atueleeeer Preprieter
Auction Sale
<Of Oboice Parra Stock It Implements
Mr. Thole Citheron has been instructed
mull by Publio Auction at
LOT 17, N. T. R., , USBORNE,
. op; TUESDAY. --OCT. 1909 •
at 1 o'clock pan sharp,
the, followhet valuable property,
HORSES-Grood mare, draft; good mare, draft;
general eurecee 1:54re; otacice yearling filly, draft;
cbae sw.ker Elly, draft.
CATZLPe-Pure-ftred Durham cow, cow due at
time of sale, newly -calved cow, ° dews. duseinliferch.
3 chtdce heifers, 2 years oel. fat; -3 steers 2 veers old,
4 +4001 year ell, 4 heifers it year old. 3 eaves.
HOUS-- BrOd sea, with litter it foot. Isom sow
dee in Norember.
POULTRY -A number of fest,
1/APLEMM1S1-lauuber wagon 0 itk high etie low
4 vithee4; pair heteleighs, nearly neer, &ft. binder, G.tt
women seed drill, new; spring tooth cultivator, new;
n ; plow. new; riding phow been used.
singleset ef ber-
g webeite2-
-asweehnid rUer, nafl1er, turnip -wear,
mg/ cutting. x; overheadetoraermer, ell cora-
edge; set of pi men scales. with attachment for
weighing stock; root pulper. hey rack. stock rack,
Wee wegon box, new; ;navel trete:set of wean
•VP, set et slice Teets,, ef double hua set
settle harness; even" ale:rater, nearly new;
110.44 *ern Whaikitg ziatsCiaine, Daisy churn. whittle-
ntek_ •yekes, shovels, forks, hoeieeute., a lot of
ittdaMtlay. Qtrrts JO 4 !c 'e rearrgeedeenki envies
*terse -ail&
Pasithrely as reserve as tit* pnwrieter
4i0s *Old Ids farm. ,
TRILY.3.-All ana us $.00 sed under, CA811; over
Ust, amen; Le months' erelit will be eiven on furs.
,iettise approved joint notes. Optr cent per amen
44011 for er0 oe credit astaneft. \ v. -
•' .10/1N Tvcscica; Prop.
, THOS. 0AME1t014, Anet.
--of illarrtrand Village Property In thei
-Tolinship of Stephen and
Village Of Exeter._
seith ni Selelt
' or irolMliege Of Zie
-elk*. fel scre0414ilyiew,westoffille
ne Ora est rattle here there I&* deep
greed. *ell !silted ter torrent w
raete had. ths this prelateAketit
Winos Of NI .wasat• .0.4prosis
TittiArchc;21).11e1 *ad elgted flat ell
thettane coetety.
A. 4a. BIER. 'Proprietor.
puo, befog sertheris fart of'
Twnehip 01 Craerie. is tke
ze1e. On the psepeity OW* it 4. As
#0.44-10 W01 40ited
aa cIa .0
1: *r - Ia.
“ICNEY, Prop.
0) 'Ari t'4.t poverty lying, between Catalog
" Vik,',I.ery old EVIWaltdt till Ezetor#
i () All Met
- pret, wag Ns 44 AMA*, 14-
I24(tos ftldz44104S) that1.4,440 W
'aol Viellitiot Stoat X, 4 sod St
ine 0„-,:iat sea win ts soil £n lotus
esignrka..r. 40 kW*. to
4 TkE CARL!N1 '0,ST.la1t
.* ,i044**,,4,1
11‘ 41.4 it •
A ••
Thedford a few days Met week.
Man ted. --On Tuesdey. eept. 2dth the
eine of Mr. Stephen Webb on 1::e El 'lite
was all astir. *no occasion beers toe
nitrriage 0: his eldeet eisarerSi Mie
'Myrtle. to Mr. John H McGregor of
McCeillivray. The ceremony leas perforni
ed by Rev. S. A. Carriere In the presence
of relative -.j and .friends crf the •young'
couple. -The prSeents wea both numer-
ous and costly, allowing the_high es-
teem in which the young, couple are held.
They have our very beet 'Maher, tor o. life
of 'happineas and prelperity.
Wedded. -On Wednesday, Sept. 29th,
the home of Mr. A. Tiedeman was the
ecene of the marriage of his eldest dumb
ter. Violet Rose, to Bartle L. Heat. At
two o'clock the groom, entered the par-
lor and took his stand Under evergreens
and curtains and awaited the coming of
the, bride who was given away by • her
tatter, the 'nuptial kriot being tied by
Rev. Mr. Steadman In the presence of
batot 125 relatives and friends. The
_bride wore a peincess drese of wtete silk
with yoke of all-over lace and trimmings
• aPelleue anti buttons, and carried a*
bouriet ot cream roles. She was aseist
ee5y eer eister Oilie, who was attleed
In a •princeal dress of pele blue mull.
with. ,yake of; all-over late, and carried
a bunch a: pink roses. The groom was
al3.319tel by els brother. 1tay. After cone
graulatione "all repaired lo iTct€Wfritoge-
reom where the tablewere-loaded with
..gooti things. 'the evening was spent in
dancing and music- _The presents /made
a beautiful array, and was an evidence
of the esteem In which the young people
are 'held. Congiatarations and best
wie,aes are theirs.
Mime icra ig. We regret very mutth to
• lose these worthy citizens as they are,
food reIghbors and kind friends.
The death took place im 'the 20rd of
John Scott of Moray, of heart fathom
aged 87 years. Rev. Carriere of Grand
Bend -co elueted the funeral service. BO
near Quebec City in 1822, he came to
this district -55 years ago, residing here
eran church, on the 28th of September,
when Mime Okera, eldest daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. 11. Weslote was united in mar-
rfage to Mr. •Wm. Thiel. eldest son of
Mr, and Mrs. Andrew Tbiel. She bride
was charmingly attired in White silk
and carded a bout -teat of white_ asters,
She was attended by her sister. Mies
-Almada Mresloir. viv,ho wore a very ratty.
ever tseace. He was a Liberal and o 'gown of blue aisle. The geoom was' ably
Presbyterian, *being a member of Cor-
bett chtuete He was twice married, first
to Miss Smith ad later weirs. Patten.
Tare. sone and four dauretera eurvive.
Tee pl*,...V11 away at his, late reeld-
dnee. to,en Witte east, an Sept. 27 t
Peter el. :Douglaa. aged 76 years. after
an Illness laettag several months. Tfe
and one sister. Mrs. James Niche! ,,of
came to thee. country wit hin faille- In
ootiheaervse7 3aohwnitiaanwd, oDnuense:nn,.Aoldrevehotn7, I zaulrXrdit..-1 their
a tnudture_ tiorn
homestead until the tinto sof
1842 from Scotland. Ye rest ed ,
nt 6.1111. !le were serenaded by the Jubilee Sliver
, _ Mrs. Thiel will notice
The death occurred at Nairn oneSept.
.27th at the home at Hector "Munroe ,of
of Mrs. Mary Grahame at the advanced
age of 9,11 Tear a and 1 ntonths, as a re. -7
nult of a stroke of paralysis, She wad
born in ROsshire. Scotland, where she
weee married in 1805, emigrating' to Can-
ada the following-- year. Mr. Graham
died 16 years elev. Hes 1 t walk who built
the first frame barn and thefirst brlek
houat; that were erected in Williarnse
and his wee ttre' first team of horses
brought Otto the township.
assisted by his brother,liefee • Elmore
Thiel. The wedding march was played
by ettes Ida Sippel and the eventony
was performed • by Rev. C.. C. J. Ma.aae,
atter which the happy couple repaired
to the home of the bride, where they re.,
ceived the congratulations • of their.
friends, The gutats, -about fatty in num
ben ii -at down to a verysumptuoue wed-
ding dinner, atte: whin the young coup
Kenneth 'White of New Liskard is home
on a visit. -Mrs. Charters and daugh-
tee left last week for Chicago.- Mrs.
e_ceu±tee ..t.? ler
ightIda .aec.
-Ifi-MIlverton.-Ilenry Pfaff late -been -11
with stornaet trouble ter a few /lave
-41. (emceld le moving into the rest-
dence tonnected with the hfolleeas
Miss brimmelson, who has been eltet-
ing Slits Myrtle Bengoughe has returried
ed to London. --Albert ItieBride has dis-
poeed 01 bit trarriess businciss in Clinton
to Mekeown of Lerrolesboro.-William
tanimiees title little siirls left, last week
to continue teeir studies -at the Bileid
intititutioe at Bra.titto'rd;ellev.
of CreditonuiII preacb enieversary ttbr-
mans drisettrurst "Methodlet ehurch
on`Srenday, the let.' Oetober.-Mise Em.
ma itlryedele lett lase week for Dui:o'er,
gadike! Whtlfe 1110 will take charge of the
Child. en Ory Poet Orifice and rent& with her bropier,
Eriinkel-Frank Marshallyilttle toy John
. has returned to thb Deaf and ritunb 4'04
tituto-at tome fitt-.cat.
.A4 0 "Ft I A tie belorginif to Mr. John NicArthUr we -re sippipmpopremairassirsoloossumipiagoiiii
be* loaded,- Op the trail' here one or
tleein Wits crovieted Off ttte platform and
as (ma, serfbuitly hurt that It had to
beekillisde-Mtes Smith zet Michigan
'death* her hoSinr
clair itt
Aeiids leaving ton shortly to Work the
,Saos Eyre farm EC recently purzerved
at Cillitcli.arst.
Desth-After an illness of several
wocke Janet icetr passed away on Se.
8, at the home Of James lloggattli.
aged6.5 years. Dticeased had ilvtdi
tins section fax aratir-Yea.rs and. was an
industrious thrifty wenuin. !rile tuner -
al was iheld front the hornet of 34.tel/9ge
garth to Iiesisall Union Oenletery.
# ST. 51.1eRYS-Tee marriage occurred .on
Sera. 27 of- Fred Sylppor to Miss Frank-
lyn. an English tri, at the Salvation
AnnY etuarters. Tee cfleinorry was ,per-
formed by 31a.tor Ilay, divisbr;al *rit-
cer at Stratford.
Several in this vicinity are indisposed
through bad colds.-Mesers Debert and
Weems 'Morley Visited their brother at
Moraine oipSunday.-Most of our young
people attended the special servIc6 . at
Elintville on Stitiday evening. --Our trus-
tees have arranged for their tanniversary.
Rev. A IC. Birki lot Askin St., London,
Is expected to Preach on Sunday. Oct.31,
and on the Monday a fowl auPper and a
good program will be given. More., dee
tails later. -There are plenty of outings
for our young pooPle now. Its fowl sup-
pers andanniversary services on every
hand. -Mr. and Mrs., 'Frank Gunning
spent Sunday the giests of Aheir brother
and sister Mr. and etre. Fred Gunning. -
wilY 10 Irak tO
100, and
104 *O.P1104 Itiltday Itiletinks 11‘441404114
k •
_Gres4 /30tositt,
at Carrot rhteere.
714141.44‘00*10es4 114 folitormatios reiganiiiii *ea *sr b. Obtata_04 tot av107
assits. ' • ,Widto
• Exit.* Dranch-44. VV. floiniscin, Illanager. Beau h idscrat Oredlton: .
"The, "1"5-"!otisin
Scrap Iron,
heat Market
firEfeteritre .
cee Paid for •
orse Hair, Copper, .
AUptifC11118* to be dellvered to.Ziattimms.,,srSONSBARDWARIk
-wbere tbec,ab will be paidAntradisgeotn;:::.--Ortlet,afillection of
-scrap ma be tett at the *IMO itoie. where prompt attentionwill be given.
M. weALen -lank Dealer, Exeter,Ont,---
5 TO
ltangne741"4"440tettliellii e "-
A PERSONAL in -s. peetion IS rircitle8t.--
iNd and now is* good dine to come, •
New Stock just in—Let's talk it over.
Surprisangly moderate prices for sure
satisfaction.. S,ce us before you buy.
For sale by- Wo Jo EAM,AN-
urchased Blacksmith Business
Raving purchased the blacksmith property
and business of MR. A. E. PYM, neat the Town
Ball, I am prepared to do all kinds of -Black-
• smith Work, far the General Public, and respect-
fully solicit the iatronage of all the Old CUR-
tomers of the Shop, and many New Ones I
believe we can give. you entire satisfaction.
David- Russell
Readout. IMA CommiJ.es
caishause irass
W#,Waissivelt. Wassarralt, Ire C.A...
Pleads:A Vieiettiseepal.
Auction Saler
Of' Farm, Stock And Implonents.
The unierstereed Atactiestelet bee hats ristorted to
sell by Pubikt Auction,
LOT 8., 0Obt. 3, STOP1.18N.
WEDNESDAY', ill0TOBEE 20th, '00
feasusieneberist 1 *Meat absepi,
tliefellesias *shaft Iteettorkie "tbi,
reeitt reeet hero. ,0yei5s oldiloavy
We, bud t*Peol Gift; *sell drivistr•
(*pt. 1104 seserid 'segos* gcsidialci, X yitri ed;
**Or dt#1404 Ant X oat old. by Lord eireteese
gekliag. 1 ywww. by ?boom, seeking eat, 004
sn'tx.gros% aspikotst tab is tan:, 6#* 114#
14, 14.401441400; keikly 2 yosts 014: 6 Meets- 'X,
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Mr. ilyron Dieki of Centralia, 'Who
tn ri a two months' trip to the co*,
tut clittertnt, puts of the Were, tttufli
Over ono tbonsaracl
' viesibit entiiled bY our chid')
last year. It pays to at -
link of this great
ohair4for "tit Intros tilos
ta 'entittcarz,"
Thodeallina for 011t*
Othet tiChoole engage out
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Oris4wit.e oft
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! Let yoltr 'Wedding Gift be admired. a* it canies,your be*rt-
itet used -not -be otOrt*Prelcrbeitrgood-- • -
tide. Our (Italian are the best Mid petite the Itowt,i
Cut Oiass
Our Cot Glass hoof t •
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Our Silver 'Dept. Is
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