Exeter Advocate, 1909-10-07, Page 3 (2)front it 'cur: xo pres the ot C 0 OD *Westing • .4. Aust TV %* -haps, t lio ed HtTe iigui e 44.0 of .hia tesieberit. in fa' in, that he ct,u!d e hit* by hekii be W&%: only tweWt-4biU liJ begaiA to startle the w i moustratiena of wire * rfLC$aI)hy, f4It4 Of his ,ftiMe co . the, il4Yt U7t$ . iris, e inen, ard•liate$ trail' .....**$ Qt10"*• le .;,irt.'llo , heerin* t*WtI titilted into laPit ' $ '4,1;4 " .MOY,:':,t,043"14:' 00 te iad.' who : 11 • toU, r Iaud't4ha. b jd1 up."h iat .60a it to ast 4ntiwurthrong r .ha I 'of .eXeretion els,. like kducys andthe kin. ; 'When this i, donecthe matisra is permanently 'cure‘l, and long its% the blood is kept pure *Ad rih the patient 'will be freo. from rheumatism. Mr. Thom* Biehiburto, N. 11., ea; "Permit' me to boar testimony to uickl s, ,ithd thA lnAlT I hi rnn until thOY,v r w .. t la u9t. often that ee iz Aibbed;'-but ,this happe vote, least. to If.; IL R. tho., Prinew r ,. Ades, During his first Visit with 'the Princesto Australia he, the worth of Dr., Williams' rink , was- out walking e Surdayitaftert Pills as a 4nre fer . acute rheirrea. ,,, noon:with his hot, an impOrtatit tiarn- , My on, Frederiek-rwas-sub---offielal. --T-11,4-Y- hapPened to tisss a - - le,et to this painful trouble for a It StiOdayrEt0b00.1 SUSt AS the scholars eriled of :eight or ten years, and I were coming out, -and, naturally, unapt this time periodical attacks ,4b.tkehil,i-r* e,foupwed the distingq- would regularly occur. Ilia:4*A at- 1 lshed pedestrians. At lastthe-host tack was a, most severe one, and 'asked thein id, runaway, and all •1 -lbeK,painsr:Ifire excruciating-4A'the' ''',?;1404* one little, 0-14 did $43..,:4. rt .extreme,,shooting throiigh r the Iiiiri ow tot continued to gaze wita-A , coo parts of thc. body to soch- au, noceut .-roverat the Prinee. At last • extent that even the approach of 'tltbo latter took her. hand, walked ,caufifr1iti,t4 ' ..„--.44Iii-distance,„, awl -then "IOW had a Walk 'with 1. her 44 or 1 hOur f ''' 4 - UC, infi away and play.", inamedi. owe; els ca,me, the quaintly -severe re. -1 ail„ at ny rendes without tort: "Please, sir, we don't play oul4give no encourage- 0112311ndaY 1" that ibo warne Vixen n artproarthin quaght female ruler is went ar prove.. beneficiaL. Just at Uis timeof age. Until her -birth, the Sane •we riettiet4 where some perion ii L�W, by which- --no- -woman toad Early- afflicted had been, cured by I reign, had been in 'force, but ;this' Dr. Williams! Pink Pills aml•Aletid. 1 wAs aside by Williehriina's fa - ed to try them. He kept on usint.i g" I the Pills,--eseh 2'stateeeeling box This applies also to tho, Iittlo Prin.. *hewing improvement, until he had eesa -Juliana. It is %aid that, al - taken ten boxes, when all pains thorigh PrixicessWilhelmina was her and aches had completely disaPe father's constant companion,she pear.Nl, aid althoughm his ode of did not realize her Royal position. Jile is that of a, fiShernian,-and con- until the latter's seventieth birth- tiently esoosedto both wet and , As alie stood at the window he has had no return 'it rang to -the crowds that symptoms what •0 , King, she turned to hergoy!. cure is.complete,. a is entire-erneks, and said, with an: air of u . k mpg intelligence: -"Why, the th e Pilisout any. Xing is My- father I" Ber Majesty • mine or they -will be eent suceeded to the 'throne AS the first tol by 44. at 0.-elints a box or aix Queen of the -Netherlands when ten or 0.50 by The D. Williams Years of age. Since', then she has fedkin� ' Brookville, Ont. been 00'1401 of her' people, •who bare, earnesthess, sharedin her sorrews and in her LAST liziLLAD. rejoicings. "Crossing the Bar" WaR-Written At the Request of IfisZurse.. As Tennyson's- TTu7se was sitting one day at his bedside, sharing to degree the geueral anxiety about the patient,- she said to hina, sud- "Yu have written it great many sioeirts, eir, but 1 have 'never heard anybody say that there ,aineng them all. I -wish, .sir, • you would write is hymn while you are lying on Your siek bed. It might f..elp and comfort many a poor suf- ferer," „The, next Morning.9whea_the nurse 'had taken her quiet place at the -bedside the poet lranded.,11 seriv of paper, saying, "Fiero is the layinri you wished me to write." ' , She took it from his hands with expreseons-of gratified thanks. -It proved to be "Or,ossing the Bar,' e.f-Poeirs that- was -5 ulster Abbey at -Tennyson's- UV* *113, and which has rtouthed so many hearts. A Potleinn en MAKINC stiazi WEA11,11.011CIEK 4 ...MOPS fosiNIIA — In th4f. sae oars are *sari *interest to 'et instrippe \Against trts*--,-tionti" a)ant 107,!`-r* esticiesible envie* n4 I* Isolable to note that we bave now Ystsed at s paint *Iwo It I* voisibis •, to insure your new elothea against be,' smiting gresnatarely worn, otit.,;•saatt no iiottibt *alma people' are *War* of thla tEt thansanda will take ordiOntligit at IL Oboe insuranrm in Abik foor'of. •Itisiaret• r': Waterproof Mir* PUsh IsUis beat Vitt ▪ an 1eetist,-"tor It wilt itioatti tio ,',Ait0_ct Irour Atom bee.te ft itstint,tot, Per soft iiiu1 "liable a kra410,. '1* •• • "Voir' 4.1,1er tors ** sildos aft year Acts? Zt etude fiat. Ile *Iaikr Tp. 14I 'Nagget,'''' le Waters oot grepsYso %ion Srbilch in, ,,lott weather retain* it* "kiwi-. and tits gOth itself will act rah, tlotkel, tinder an, coital. c. Nit**te!Inv ou tit to te it hi hair inpat .11 lert.e e tt)m sh*!Eld cf. A th 1 11.13r8„ TINE - I A L.011,11LOIN !ME When baby is teething -the whole household is -upset. The tender lit- tle gums are swollen and inflamed and the poor child often cries day nd night, wearing the mother out and keeping the rest of the family. To the home -by's Own Tablet:, are used there no such worry. The Tablets al- lay the inflammation, Seothe the ir- ritation and bring the • teeth through painlesily. Mrs. Jean Boutin St. Marguerite, Que., sitys-: "Whent.I sent for Baby's Own Tab- lets months' oid baby was suffering greatly from teething troubles and I hardly gotsiriy rest. few --doses of the Tablets- reliev- ed her, and the 'teeth " seemed to f'nnie-through vitin1erilY,71oTd - lw medicine dealers or by mail .at 1)r. Wit- icine 4 Ikt bawl,. •hd.1u* wro , .11404it4itsg aa'd'i Cuts 'w a ! t., ititis ot,st 4t. 404$4c w 4' 144t At 'WM. 101141tittl,qt *Alia 04*,, 7 ,,,t0,1,5is ';tissi fos:iti , Oft 14F actaiairet ancl .- • . or 7 is ti eir to:434W to :St in . 'a il a 4 *v. 4ocicksi, .`,,t.*ey tr *11 4 .nliubtislea 0f-or:a.094 • 11M'4i4,440"14tmotai tipoi. . , .*** W.00 140144 WA, WAtAliiir.ia00 104 moiiii4,4, in, 14.41, 4 e . „ , 0014;14,44,.uts.vv_l_el, lit - I, 0 n. , . . h . itiwuneat iotiEwit hall; t * . , Retirealted, .an. astastits-soocootikir ,• ' p 1101 .4411044- ' . etea4C4illicut4itf*eors..!111 1 atter O l ' ' ' t - ''' ' - '' e Children' are tos`11,407'eloltss'erfoe444utt'litu'ilite'iStpiteeatseast'' 4 eliairs„,.., eit.t. • ncoura reissi.§Ziatetisk iroost,eit toy of tiiii .. Ate with 4- and fOrXS, and. aiRt otepliefist Whet be :was. aots4.thst hie alk' lIng.lish The result will soo,n 44. tic**. sublii to wili wit*. otter elsildips,• ) tzn ti„. invivvemout ,of ,tim Pray to tisietco. *astute vutlorioet Nu ik ,# 1 4 ' . .k.', 'c' ' ' ' . - ' * boa clotion. btot zion.alk „cluita this poyaquo or trio next generation. Itlisiy /00., said vaxlic 140,-.04 .4.44r. lovi Tho movement twelves t support smooth, ti, 4* voitiieitut ettesevilogeilot fthe Emperor.- - isatitera:ihroostoai 0** -.40* -1#00 14$7,1' "There can be .no doubt li t Use it tekrOy." * ,....:. riorg9r*ottscrairl"P*1-‘otimisiontoirikaInlibiiinfligisosi'tet,.Zat*ratl ff.ttittt.. la vothost, sesat . it also cum tate, boss* ;p405:ortilsowito*,40,4000a 0.1),iiibsortev.ctoutvtotdm..lirolkiec,stUZ4,07,1;:44/00at dr 4101041016.,fzo� C0.**Totooto.., „.„ uorou ; t , r roliase stock cat „be indignation Irian, is"part,Of , the uropettni d t Riu*g Sun. 'ie lflid,g *' tt ority '011 . 4 sid 4 eh - an A A 3 r Ring Alfonso is fond or mingling with Ids -peopix7--SometlinTe: -lie visit -el' a -mall 'town outi1'4 gadrid, and,, somewhat disgueted. joined the erwerd which thronged the street -in 'Order to catch It glimpse of himself, -Suddenly word assed 'that- the'iti4g'wal owning. ehigl female yoke at, his back et sue get in o,frcei.t- ot you, will you 1—I've walker/ all the war -std.-spoilt my new black dress. Get out a -fray -sears ---1- Neal see, what. the King is like." Tura ing round with -a smile to theputh- ing, perspiring dame, his Majesty whispered : "Here is tho King." The woman looked at him %scorn - ,fully. "King, indeed l" she ex- elaimed, "You're more likely somebody who has come to blow the poor boy up." HIS tTA,CTFUL-11EMINDEB., A41 Two guests eame to spend the ev- ening, and didn't know when to depart. The host, And hostess were patient with them, very patient; but when eleven twelve and, finally one ,o'clock struck, .tlYie, husband realized that something must now noW he done..;,'Ilerivas an *rime' chap, and, in his -droll way, he looked over at his wife and said, mildly "My dear, 'hadn't 'we better get up to bed I Our. friends May want to be goingl" One of the most interesting, von - tures made by business Minded tit- led ladies is that of Lady Algernon 'Gordon -Lennox, " who is trying le popularize the bottled -fruit trade in England. - In the village of 1 odest sertlel, a fruit -bottling bu- siness. Superintending all details herself, she produezd 120 *men bot - titles of fruit, and sold the* in tbree months. This year she cannot meet the demand, although her pro- Vluce has amounted to 1,00 dozcn bottles.' Toni !She broke this *engage %ant," Dick—"What did -Barry -Tom"Resent-her&bilIf the tute.of the engagement 'ring for the time they re 'engaged." The German„...,2rnikress, though imaewlzat ovtfrahroldweitike-iforld thinks, by the ,Kaiser, is a wotium of very real influence in, her own eirde, and. is sitopityAlsr,oraM by her husbat and children. T love her. sons .hear her .il- lustrated by a *tory - told of tht Crown rime° in his boyhood. The Court thaplain, was oti4 day giving the Prince religious instritetion and trying to, impress Uppn. him that alt peopleare sinners. : 1,kiiiited out BIS ImprW ifigl1neas* ,"father may be * *inner. Alik-10 SA* but ,F4„ quite,* aura, mother in t.” tit 113', proh4hlie 4'014 D gittts Straus% the finnousH Ser," Will *become the richest mu- sian. who as ever lwecl. He is paid for every note he w it and already Is *teat, Ivor )" " tte:4,4f—brough large the store o 0,, 12,50o, but he )0 opyrotht, f "Elett\rat,, addition. it is 6441 that h *4 of VS Areif4 on ever latter sold. Then,7ai 1 10 'A e. 1 a Plessiant Purgative , Parra hes: Vegetable rms. are so opai, pouttdectsot to otrat0-ott both t it,otiutak_ and .the bowel, so thi, 'they act alOng the Whole &lime, tAry and exeretry. p'ssage Tiv ,atee not drastic iii,=.their-work. tit and 004104:Sure of taking them is ionist equalled by the gratifying efteslt..they prod 4Ce Vonipounded of vegetable illtbAstAttitY4 46 curative quallttea )01 Which were•fully. tested, they if. furd rk1ie withoutchaos of tit. -fury ,L4tdy lus:hosPi thit, ha Oj)et[od o.rthatatl.'o.t.:navectitlAttlthe I iviott theirand thinkly that the sisteride- inec1w for thiscampaign. as ""' and _ "I" 11 et: ttitionottivw c I id * ga1Int c4oiotte4 tttt;:tby tet7 tite141,;" o . tory pleas Ithor 6 s .10z4. < ave?; ..- t A arsittutst* 0411NW11141 *UR A A n 10:304,Avu jaMt wrIsAwei t • oodr-m%cr,,., 4 t" ottao-elt apply v41.1 I)OYS IC: IV: oney and address. for cur ;selling honsch nit *smut'', 141 1 kiir,s ,'n41itcbur e fainiostio.ot ' 014r ' vottrititleltkie tIo0 • (.1k044* Sitter. OITA - T a tb* fo)eral site or Ont?tri snie, of A Thorough rim. To clear the teases tw 1,,4cr; 2 "'" °I`'whiO4' , '4‘ir vtr(0" uti ot.outter out or °aces* .0marh iind, bowoa. or imi-iiiitil al: a ditto 1:eest 0t thred cent*. AO U.d. irrita, nts il: lifIC0333XY When n eciellritoPrirj1:1,teto tiAtniAiiilitsjuprf:aurilllIfer41!IniotEni; their action is irregular. The pills ak ;04. t;A:::dillir. Tee01740. that Will 40 tide work \thoroughil 4;Virl;eraarirtte emt;1":11a4Vdelineiltabbri.,11:tilYto:igsiillIv54 sren04elitelonItzlruObITlistrImOiNo E0,,tkinii.whizineasustztot n results. They. purge , T-" • , 0 ., nd - efeetively, and work a per-- CeaL8' Arthur ."-ce.4 rtilbis Qtte. omen cure. tey can e use* without fear by the most delieate:e eonAtituted, as there are "rfto pain ful effeets,....vree_e_din,g, their gentle, iOrAratikr11,...- ' - ' ' . ' T AR_ FOOS' find tolitutie."11r..,---,...• - nt into iiiii-teuntry to ire -7.- if.04,....,4s,..r1=-....z,--_,,t+.-..„.,...,_-_,--5.,f-4,- .... 41 he J. nese, hough it t r their wonderful, powers of e u e. ,The wrestlers of Ja- , are Use mountains of 0 *WU intiowle„. are all fe4 11111111111i 0110 CAM*. :#113,4.41 ItIUl foraua-aPpersmarreutiiarItter- ossta Ong- sew* 'for big 'Ito*, the 04*-ple.A.,,r10. .1000.4'sivs plentiful and .9gtitosi ic,tiurivngovoiiitheberil)03.6104th../Trobesui- •territogr tOrest toserve of vast .4144 Pakbliit; and ill addition to •beitut the bunt. ees. parSdise. its waters abound VIM 10)014VPtat'Ot *Aar 00050e0:-"'A%S. Utile et the red ,r-4.4ombed-oomewriat to tb south 0 TcO1110441.. fsrtieulitrly the known-- -a- 411(usicts , es. 'Luke. or 'llsgst",..; g!tjtjarstu H..4tRiff,1SISSing.*" • gAwskithn bakes" Itiffrirltft0".-to lteDoPoild. Dibtilet 'Passenger Anent TorootO. for a too/. ot "tteltiret-14e' • It-etrilLCIante„ itonted-blr the Orland Trunk Raliway Kreteze wttkit ton,' .otescribett ..the hunting territories reached by this- line, toying_ gsztte Iawa exap,. and, all inforniauon. dotatmoto • 1 10154.44t* r,toNkyl MAKING 11„ t ArARIVIS. IN • LirmarqtAtIll sooiriloc si*S**401w010. iss siscoL, MA, riAw040.." t*s. !Pay toyskotio. *hos los t**4444 1410, *kik • 4o, quite the opirsitel; he vat down on An ant -14W , Atter. tailing.. a -.110,St earetai 11014 Of 'Moistener, V. S. Otirerits ifiekittifliteLifitate--drial a . Dr. ,Walter 0, Smith, the Seoteh preaeher, once tzia to explain to an -old lady the meaning It of the Scriptural expression, "Take up thy bed and walk." , Ile said the bed was simply a mat or tug., eas- ily _taken up .iand carried away. "No, no," replied the lady, "I an- na that. The bed was A regular four-poster. -There would be no miracle inwalking away wi' tit o' inrt or rug on your back" - • ilithert can I get some or MAIO. wais Corn Curet I was e*,tirelY oared of my corns by this reined", ana. I with sonic more of it for my friends. So writes. Mr. J. W. Brown, Chicago. Sh 'Sometimes ' you , pear real1y manly and sometimes you Are quito effeminate. HOW do you account for it l" heredi- tary, . I suppose:: One half of my ancestors were men and the other tf 41 , SECTilATVOU CETIlle NEAL THIS 0-1)nscrupulous makers are puttinjip !OP Alt It00.0terleit of "Vhie D. A menthol. Piaster. The Eitouirs 'snails by DaVii ...t**Wtene. CO. • "I went you children to go to My eture remarked A pre- ssor to the younger members of hi • family. .”601-1140% Stml instead 'jiist this. 'once, -„ father I" - aid one of -them. It aI1owo to' • t an * • ,stifrloolcink - Ouse Les nor iamb, tt. real rag. eiy smy ' *Ott .14$ tbel are litit!or* prilteirtal .4.getttik 0* the tea;• these-, sienily. disease*, notkeild, 'fevers aka Akell •P 'I under'44m, s.*./4 for*, *holth,otts, in the doorway lait tight talking to the - politerotn) 4idd,yrJ wouldn* *ire. 4n.0. *MAW titiercP for an.hour and say 00 mentor' methng that Xii.;:-Whener limbs or biaek, ti lectrie Oil; po 41, and ap1yi beneath If ibe not arnyrd It usually 1the 'The01 will ri o the 'affected ill'tome. it urfz io d u14 Rob. re is felt in et 1)r-, Thol. it to the he pain rt applica, whiek t IuaJlyPrue. 11 ONLY A "flERTW Trithman. who 1a mi Dublin to loyment.'w** in or d1* poor thance of g was diiplat et 4, on MLIAT4 V' Or IMMO. _ incipat weans ot distributing typhoid lever, diphtheria and smallpox. Wilson's Fly Pads /kill the flies and the discos...lei:Its, • trio. SAID UNCLE SILAS "When a feller has a job in a, foundry he tells about the Rhea where be works, but if he's an a bank he speaks about the cencern y whith he- is employed.'" — _ INFORMATION WANTED about the roan ho lass mover beard .ot Paiukitler, Sold r over Wyears. Is the best reruedycror cramp*. collo and dysentery, and un- equalled as a Ilnitesnt for cut* and wounds. Avoid substitutes. there Is but ono **Painifiller"--Perry Dav1s*-2-1(5. and MAXING PAOES. you see a 124411 making all serta of fazes at hithself in * mir- ror * tale 'bet that hos either trazy or slatiVing. Attacks of elioleri and,dysentery come quickly,' there seldom being any warning of the visit, Remedial action Must be taken just as quiek- ly if the patient is to be spared great ,Suffering and'perritanent „ins jury to the lining Meitibricaries - of V-Pri*totra tion for for it p is.ar.' I. D. Kellogg's Dysentery Cordial. It an be got at small cost at any din store or _ g neral „ deal — F afford relief before can be :called. UNCLE EZRA',SAYS: • "Sometimes the takin' hold uv the 401 by the horns ain't the let - ,go ixteary.,,eatery Relkved I3 -*aria* Erg 14emtdr#,.. • r._Your By. Treettlee, '0Arnt Like Mzrin* it • Tour sts.. t roe. at 00 ati.0 011 , Kindly noention the stsinie of tbli Peer "1* writteg ltdvettipervs,. The tstly.--"Loalc here,' roil said 4at give you your dinner /Maw the lawn, loV Me." like to fAllt TY -00 ItOt to teach you -* lesson Never trust the wort' of * total stranger." Paretsbiiv we the len* for their :ttt*I ,expeller Wom Exterior kniow itis clialdree and attt , ng Iti Sti 1entering e Studio to th. iois rtr3itpainter. '" ..ish' } tti tO - paint roy por , ,0ha1l, he'delisthtetl, i'll *I want, it painted with my new hat' on' .. *Pardon m . am, it I *IA not a 1\andie E masts Jrukri_te--) teLat cones... wane sit Ir1,4611,011tlit,' '11; T* orringtori• Mu*. (11N, /133110AL CasitriltivittlittY, HALL. *Je for rAtt l'Eftli no better time. Thorough, practical courlies, at Instruction and eterv un to vititi provided by Our odea find -Moot reilitbin school. Orititit.Ansoricon luireass- College, 14.0.14. EIRLOIRC, ITOP111* Writ* for catalogue, IL I e A FEW OENTS will elpop., yCUr wis:b.ito* rich -44100d glowt. FHANIE, beautiful's col° and transparent, will do it, 8peclai dodges for churches. ban:plat AsentsissUtr' *4, %Vt.** 11. lkwiSt141,1Vi iest.-3.1taag Montoril MOT irtAll.:k0 024 'RE llEat. or Inf it fundi - inv hnen atea.' praent ( Me, idiet4er f large amettiat r fmail, we /gars compiled an ez-teii irelist of r 41,17 470 11444 ,PC1).1,1C SPR ritl.en. ;ad P0144 7 II bonds. rim curiae* (Pre(' wili receive - I I approval Vae Mo$t Conoireatir „ i- Incettars. ./ ' 1111111(111PAL anisetitunno. .0 Afuniciial dt6entuio t4'4 to 4f7 • OFJcer eft- iii:147.4i0 'Count-y*704k and': to iif4td 4.% to so 4. A11.004 0 litt URVICE 111?111014 1111 ofer a erect liot eit V.Raitroe s 40tItUrtibitte 4$`4t vor 0„,‘/0.54,4off atorlesti to tentefor 41% to\ 6.re flirth,r Itashiloy 4, 4 14 MOO Win* WI* .rts. perlooltro, tema TOrlitttil 111411ilia 110 itt,!140- (4 ) fre *Silt tiniretnis. e 00 104 Mt y. a *tot osairis sttrott FUL.t. liAllt111111.0111*. r• tot #eteol.froot atiata$ts it* in. , r