Exeter Advocate, 1909-10-07, Page 2 (2)- A A , NOTES MD 1 The proe&h Wit a- fair rte of on uzth* ,u portion Cb th port to urse or th4' ex pease a tionr .tria1 and rniiteu nnfs;' *rd to "their itizn t9r. re ,tbeief1trf0 tit itate to perpetraftia fcurtb he knew tliat e folloWed 14,lifGQ11:111:tri91 The' 'gross injustice: mo4ern . penal methods h demon. ed byAlier well 'crown fact thet .wnt are too oftenthe greater sufferers from the punishmentwhieli society in filets upon a -criminal fith e. The man is relieved of • all responsibil- ity for the support, of himself and family, and is himself assured of abundance of food, neceSsirr eo things and fairly tonsiortable shel- ter in return forialmr that is rare- -It Arduous; and whieir Ims-re*y be • able to shirk to se limited extent. In light jail SentioCes for minor misdem 1 • -A 4.••48 t Ifiti .e, loafs, am1iy1vidcdfox state Whose laws he hails sviiilated. "Ths particularly aggraVating the case of• wife beaters, causing many a poor sioratin to plead for leniency -for the brute who.lias inis- ised her, lest :the and her children, suffer for bread. t *witty' deliertion ot hu e.aiatfettikiren t!!sittit*td zvui i el* 'to taxpayer n bee° • Ur , Au e 4 o er i 1 rezd EeIftlportjng,h but "Etat! 'thejr duty to seeiefY' femilles; ' • their old ga i in 8witzerIan1ar4 II be in.thi 'tan It i alvcr•ar 6-1141-1-01: ply , evApora $14$0, -Atd cn be used for lighting, heat- ing* -cooking* soldering,, *nel weld- ing. The advantages and vonverd. cues offered by liquid gas Prese ferT-it;;; wide field of usefulness. Among the various uses towhich it PAY be applied are the heating and Iighting of resideaces,...public manufactort- treet lighting and "ifsoking, and teelinikal laborator- ,. nitpro h „ 91in , a 'been. - r witb. is. si 11 ixt ..the r iv crs- -0 greatly ' kneed b montslag • Me The du v ,;vo out in."' s i . 4 .4; ' eJ 4 b$, tbe'n1i'43 a k Cl , an ". • t meter e$n two tom lY -131:71:116 (intbe Oa ,s, liquid gas btirner. This on eintrated heating power makes it available, and especially desirable in \the smelting and forging of iron and steel. _ The success of the Switzerland Work and plenty of ib is the best factory has demonstrated the fact method of reforming criminals. The_thitgi_hotattp_malrt_and_ vie that liquid gas can. be nosnufaetur-- loafer are well aware . that police "1 and "Id it a Profit Art mural- etations, jails,. and stliiihouses Oen with Peal gas and electOeitY, have opne.ti doors, bot coffee, and its nearly every town and viliage ir Switzerland is supplied with ar- pleasant reading rooms for their comfort and encouragement, and tifieial gas week's and au electric lighting plant., Yet, wthin a ahOrt this class is far tee selfish ito care how their families are lariat; in the VaPage- tfintr tho' comPanY -hat absence of husband and father. In- Placed ever 100 gas tions, and the demand for its pro - deed, the willful desertion of wife a seriovs duct keeps the plant _running -full and children is becoming problem for eharity"-oiikanfrAtions 'dal:416'4? 'day and night- When to cope with. The present penal is understood that the factory was system -seems almost to put a pre- built more as aw experiment and miuna on vice and .crime 'for this fer the PurPi.)441 Alein048111,4ting elass or effen.clers., There Is no Um- the Practical:4114 nistunfaetur- it to the number of times which ills liquid gas as A attritil for they may. be convicted and serve heating and lighting than as seutcnc_es, No amount: of impris... commercial enterprise, and the fact onment deters them. from further that all -the material uted seem ported, which vastly increases the wrongdoing. In fact, they cost of production; it an be readily emboldened by the number of sen - seen. that greater profits might be tences which they serve out; until even murder may be added, to their Qbiained-from the manufaetureui hst Mr this' country, where, raw, ma. of crimes. Imprisennent• life should be the fate of the habi- terial Plentiful'eled eompirative- Aug criminal, and courts should - The Swiss Plant;turns Ce empowered to impose such Beii. out 460 pounds of liquid gas every day besides, a considerable ellen- tences upon those who are breught tity of tar. -before them for the fourth time. If three terms in prison cannot re- form men the ease is hopeless, and. the interests of society „demand • • • • • • • • • • • • N. • • • • • • • • SIGIITIASS TRAVELLE 8. that they be deprived of power to nu .10 prey upon it. The _habitual ,crim- -"u" 'en '"itte Travel" Over - the World ILITiittinded. inal is a perpetual menace to the public and -a standing disgrace to The recent refusal of a •;rsialsvay ... las 111 rewd -11-i-trticket-elerk to---issite- it --ticket -to. I It - If be knew -that life imprison -I- 411:--fidice070;434114.."" 11611 ett ra'e abuse '`Or'Ilindltirrh""B" upactortied cvs:to Jame's Holman, in -eat wa-S; 'the penalty of a fourth, the famous gt had traveller." rime he would hesitate to: Although absolutely sightless • lila the ,final oficnco which, wo,,TA this' remarkable man visited, very, "'" rarlY in the IASt century, almost shut him from the worldforever.fOrever. • • eve.,r,Y. Place of note in the world aod throughout his w nd Tle tii)an behind the \-har' was .enette' e'Ynoft6 be e he put 'hard labor; the PiOdnet 'neve? met with, any- seiimis, mishap. Hi; brfergY isOd Adaptability were -of selueh might be sold at a fair apd'thee proceeds be devot- fordedtirursvellous.He scaled hirrav mon. • 4.1 to the support of his family and streains,and ' tbrr:sside'd safety other expenses, as 'above stated.:e\imlydeserts that taxed thitetf The leOrk should appraised,sis ; 'most .the powers of -normally ev20: such valhatien' that it would not , come into toMpetition with What ; veNntuturallY he met with many a termed "free ' labor," hence the poritteTin-71n60'°sft vowbieh he t isi4E unions would 60ti object. to ume,.. now long 'mit print and yr0-'ry rare. At o'ne time 'he *as ,ft 'its .being marketed; , thitlei this *WM of Pimislutent there" would tireping- in the wilds' of easteht be 'ewer executions forti tali/6111'a. vhataf, 81rjvitr$, his ,41;vn elyteh, ;4. virs, . r- mig feteds, sikee murder wotikl be floti t'nulalkOM 4:1)4int eagbiSJnd i fregeent and society won/4 thus be nsed him" o-lf.ki °Thi:hweress ropo ted lof the slegrading effects of t4) thf5 111/Sria"-G6Verri*r 4ered hint to be arrest executions. Birth aitd sra' pro- t $PY, believing h —ditzettel bolintifullyn4foit thi. provision !.:es he assumed. I people a to, make them Hp wsis probably the', only ni hippy; the human 'brain is Eurol)ealk who hits ever ben toan- itus moors for s;rtlitifyin,31 'LI $11 eXperiette01, which befell ,hist not liPPluMl to the, floating' bait* A.?* ?SA IONA .880s 01(M. ee' Ti; ' to * Ofat'it T y.,,e4ScIlkl.'WOIli is ,,..• SaMe".. as 1 ; chrnsaleto, AntilIatV'ifit! ' .r. ersoir-; raulr the 'San r i chief- petestii; Claudius, I4 i - toy Zeekq,' Pane( nephew, i e ntorions, seddiers; "Velix,. the. ri ui save:6:444o .0 erzior. :Links:: The thief ea tain, earing :6i-ao- an,:iiinitito to, •4nscts • or . introduction of ame.,‘ Paul, a Itotaan, arranged a' heer. thysts. The jet gives a, touch f 'jog. tor.him before,the prineiiial re. black, which is *44 in favor,: whi 0 ligiOus authorities of Jerusalem.; the Ia*prideil hues of the serei-pre- Pond of the Narretive: Taking ad- vioua stones, r•eflect the purplish vantage of atliVision among the re - tinge. which most gray hair den ligious rulers, between Sadidocees manda, The.comb Set ean.be made and :-PbariseesE rani Succeeded in the nuclOus of It collection whien, Winning some of the Jews to his i, never too late to make or en- aide but the more bitter of his foes largo. Gradually piece by piece Plotted to take his Tile. News of _An be *44W until a set of gray this being carried to the chief ent),- .411 4 touhtikg.' ,10r,Irsalvklurtatikit 4beips.efaiiitio_usct.t.Son_t THE VONSTANT DANGER-- fillgret or'attractive-sliver will -1:C- 00a geeti taste and individuality. 41einnat1)4:-ew-errea:intn-rada onieQP,rhrewalitArrsotamilv-ei The Ability of people t,...ia,..easT,z,ne him is that we ehall substitute tbe logia ,Nrecklaces in a.dull epee silver are transferelICN by eight* urd'i* be.* but r°11t1/-61.r.."te)31133 bia vision and viriarneit:Igel).-rYItiQi: ofthneo vielliunegto°fthitatis ' .., sae ...I ,....... ,,,,,,., •., , . .17 t le Ilk • WNW ..."... a wAir te ziti ,of .,.:. 4,..e.,: r. .,.....- Th -e, eontemplation IX th--rfiV-- ,,..... . „. wonderful ornaments in sill: it4)m" 13"etu". corifinua4 being ..eubstituted for i ne m re ee AQUI.. -. -- - r - li frem. India are union- the character of Christ Men wor- n" he IMO- to .clasvfbe, Chapter 2,.'veiTe, sp. Desirin re pi 1. Living is religion's most convinc- becoming more.divine. shi him by admiring terms, they ottafs 1 I biovat the flea. ,Thiii knowT the ' vertaiiity . therefore a r weir -thee-rieriii-le,, itis logic, In the ftetd of metaphys silver teller pins are inexpensive was accased---As a Roman ofhter, his divinity, -And seldom or never 'Nes most-niinth liviiitTer-41--In * by their likeness to his divineness. and help in this silver symphony. the captain was bound to see that They mock his character by maze; in the fie/d of eharecter and The new hatpitts, juelude oxidized justiee was done to a /Ionian cifi- analyz. conduct evea a child finds the way; silver filigree- With jet trimmings, zee. . - lug it instead of.. making it their They who love 40 e°t' need to 4404 gatudea.a,tractive silver ring,s are le- - The 'chief courteil—These were, of course, the priests and all ,ibhe inspiraion to seek about love ; they who live its faith --TILE.-SAME PATH, OF LIFE. can let it speak for itself. No one ,i. ef religems authonties, and the makes any mistake who reeds the ' - -- - he „at -Iosveseir lives-besitte-hielerat-iesse 1;6141(jri---01 alife.. . ' - ,-- ---::: fieulty was a religious one. Ti :. 'go they look? C4%vnapare the ehurch Both.-thOset who are seeking to a with her master, or, better, test ferce-e, "shibboleth" on the world council was the Sanhedrin, „ it by the tommunity in which it and those Who ' are criticizing the ..tilhoseput.te4r.h2e3!7hvisrseprei;estAhottn!airse—m stands.., Do the needy" the sad, the church for her vain :pretenses are A D. 47 to tia. Anti VMS noted for disconsolate, • the erring, the per- wasting time. The day is se short his violence of. lexed, -seek it out? Is it. to them and human need Ee great ; the night an asylum, .:... refuge, a living loving comes soon when we can no longer To smite hins—Coinpare the treat - Wend? This is the test of Chris. show the right life,. and the true . ment of our Lord (John is. 22). In tianity. „No matter how ornate its love for one another. Why waste of what he considered presumptu- obe utr t a spoke utt_ b eb language. th f.high rho p he i 0 se ,:t was disapproved asked, o r ohbouwreoo,rtivitthyit.souids,actrines, the seeking agreement on words? el'iathueVrb Iseeltes:usteh6heb,lbweinir as pEritrstot . . r-ongst men as their burden bear- holiest things, if we-eeek the heav- r as it moves If we 'really desire. the best arxd . only life for all, must we net lay building, how elegant its servifts, our hours debating over history, What need is there to rettind aside the weapons of mutual con - ourselves. how unlike -to this many- ilict and take up the tools of hu - churches are? Often the stained man service? The better day for eerves-hut AG hide thei-eig hich all long will not CO -Me by any cf squalor and the peel of the or. Agreement on words, but it will be gen to, drown the wail of 'woe. It; hastened by honest, heleful kind- eeems a thing apart, set to save ness, right and love'. to -which all . itself, or to serve As AO oasis for worth leaders have vatted us, .• - e, - duly accredited travelers in . the HENRY Y. COPE, Lorift,'Le , 40,611 ,:o!O re, and t3 dividual f slaily life, I ''''' servant,e the. in . 'el; pec'pleir e.refieShing,•-streoln , F. , .1 I i ligapu has al's?* the whole, deseet Ined one eros as S'ee - 'garden of, tlie;Lord, . ' , .. ., , 4_ . fat, but it, ...0 11,4C1XVROPtit'eteti '' It .is An easy matter, to criticize, ,pr'ac 41iy relegatkel, it to the,chereb, for her feihre tos,ge ;:pischaini ft re of Oceels.tha kissediti her burildas th t she has xeotillOtub..es v tins people* regai'd about doing goed, for being. 80 Pus': sif h t:4 . k!reiiii:sa''tie'r\I - ' ' u . * SF-frfrirm isnot°cute.. A , . 41,--E-I,tWri * . Jities ire the li e of -great lead- our 'criticism; is but Self-aceusitior!, 4*. S, 'cougpegatioa composed of , The eternal tempeta icin-is to ex- viduals who . have been stlencin' plain Jesiti of Nazere h Instead of 1 confidence dominant.. all the week following him, to cant ourselves will be likely ,to Want it soothed by Ake satisfactory if we what we soporific eyllois on Sunday. eall the right attitude ward him, avow our faith in his attributes item the most iegival arguments - int the d;vituty of the Lord come and- authority; and stand ready to ;from the lips of tlsoee who lead the defend hiM -,vath syllogism against [most diabolical lives. t 1 ept_gray or .whitelsait se- siIier-entaMeralt- priately beautiful. They have not the shine, and glitter of gold and -colored stones, Ind ,they offer a consistent, attractive adornment fel the beauty of deeoratioe. There never was such .a pinky pink season as Paris has under- ge-nc Her women have been lib- erally swathed in rose from the Arst, whisper of spring &lova to the last loud cry in favor of greens and *lives that shall. harmonize with her fading roses. The vagaries of fashion are, in truth, as astottainrig is the vagar- ie youth. Just a short season back we used dyed laces over silk or ousel, • mate the skirt of a. 'coat suit, but no* tho late is the under, or elIP, Monte over which is worn another of tneked chiffon (two separate blous- vs, if you please). The laee slip it an. entire gar- ment, finished, sollared and tuffed while the ehiffon overblouse is left without the cuffs and eoilar; Mark the effect, ani, incidentally, the economy, for the lace blouse is wearable alone or with another ehade of chiffon to. veil it. The possibilities of the chiffon AO mousseline scarf have never bten,greater, for, as they appear with- almost every costume, Ma- dritito may obtaul an infinite num- ber of effects by. the 4exercise of merely ordieary Ingenuity. A single scarf may be made to do duty at once. for veil hat trimming while driving, walking or motor- ing, and the memo_ searf may ap- pear ttgaxn tra the Isfternoon as a betweea the two parties was simply a. God shall .smite thee — This piophecy was fulfilled,. secording to Josephus, who say if east Anent- asTiret a v en ea . Compari- son 0* MS410 between tide ut- terance and that of Jesus when .srailafrily provoked. - Thou whited wal1—Expre4ion for hypreerite. Like a wall which has been limewashed in order to eorteeal the filth,. so this priest bore the -semblance of justice, but was really most unjust, - Contrary to law—From John 7. 51, we learn that a prisoner had a right to be heard before being judged. 5. I know not . . he was high priest ---A plausible explanation of this ignorance is that Paul was ttoubled with defective eyesight; Thou Shalt not speak evil of a ruler—Exod. P.O. O. Perceived . . one part . . Sadaucees and th.e other Pharisees e --There Was probably some mark of dress -which a, Jew -would readily detect. Paul's use of the rivalry Velix the governor—This %moot, ruler wa3 made procurator of Judcsa by the emperor in A. D•I 54, through the influenee Pallast, Atbe.4 brother of Felix and the fay - lora* of Cfaudius. From his tog - sepulcher of a.Saint Patrick. In the eighth century the Saxon , King Ine built- and endowed a monastery at Glastonbury and him- self became a moak. Here Dun- stan labored. and became abbot; nomen, Antonius, he appears to jand here were the sepulebera of have bent. a freedman of the vrii- ringikEdinund and Edgar and Ed- mund Ironsides. . Henry II., in the twelfth century, built -a -new abbey and church .of superb proportions, the ruins of whicit cover some sixty acres. peror a mother, Antonia. His char- acter was corrupt and his methods both orviel __-_ Re_ se recalled toward the 'close of Paul's two -years of imprisonment it Cce *area, and succeeded by Festus.. •In 1639, 4311 the refusal of the eh - A letter after this form --The- hot to surrender Glastonbury and Ite itreasures to the crown, Henry VIII. dismantled the abbey, au -hanged and. beheaded and quarter- ed the last abbot The property fell Into ruing and passed into. pri- vate hands. Now again:- it. has, happily come beck into the posses- sion Pf Church En0;nd. me years ago, in, traetag the foundations WAI the abbey,_* ne s dug iteross the spot where tra- i 'on ,placed an ancient chapel NOthing was found ; but 'within toe past tew months a more detrmined ireheologist opened up a •much larger areiii-Atici-10d-hai3O founds.' tions of massive Itilasoury Whieli the 'r earlier seitrebers had misse4 b .only * fey. ineheti. The, isAieffis old abbey ego& is peeseived, in Wells Csthedral. BY a NIPPY coincidence, the very day on, which. Glastonbury was taken ever by the Church of England the tee of Wells observed its milieu., - ary. . * captain puts -the ease in, a man - per wholly favorable, to hieaselfx omitting all mention of his illegal watiung .sash, or even as one of a means of .getting a heaong . tor, 'iohimsrderattothscoontrrgme irsoull,rasro.doingixveas. the new Henry In. Inantiefe. In the preathing of the resurrection of man _who. was a:Bornan, whereas he the evening a& te-arf may fortk -the -dead. upon -which both the .idid not know hint to be a IteMan Part of the eoiitume, either as a pharisees' faith and Christianity until los-had:boond him with chains shoulder_ throw. or AS a mantilla,. rested. . _ : ..,,,__L __ ____ iel hotedA'aul'irproteet-- - ..--` Veit -of---ofi-----soft---sillt. VIM -a 7if•-a spirit heti; apokiin at. ,Antipatris.-Iteboilt by Ile? .tritly.14sprecurediwal...aiiesof- nattier hit;e4 rose* orne khaki* and sigihrtlie °Srs-d. liduire'esngeles toltideredirgm. 'the Great.. re.--444.11AntlparlerT-e4.6,r4:101414e*r hasfa- * nles green, beside all the usual' pastel sale. • ._ . . I- , shades and bilick and white. Mawr* le. Fearing lest Paul should be lortr,ojfetehtlemblielTs7 in4,tainfedritiligleap.tlatihei. tpestein, painted obte f.,041111014thertrs band thlarn iw%pn',.ft.ciel;p...46 By his speech Paul at. Left the lersemen to go with sympsithy', Of 'the him—At - i great, a distance .from there are printed in tk4e and love- .pharisees, and his person., conser theeity eguard Of seventy was nose ' Y Tatman shades- 4 The wuniso quently°, .beeame ,St bone of esktitere. sufficient. That Lysias.thoiight it, withlthe ,Onarf may be far more en- tion- between the .two pertils. : nects'iary to ktet .t.out with 20; ‹lettleh. .tttirsten;i:mgrrdwitietahuest,itt.th.an, ev,,,i • The ioldiera-LThet were pilesent intent of four hundred and seventy :, esiiy ottomen weaves are 01 in great number in Jerusalem at abowa ' he 'desperate at4t.e_Pt Ibt reArins, They. will be used for this lime, owing. to the excite,4I province. There was dissiffeetion triitiming on lett and for dressy gate of the populace. ,. . ieverywhere owing teei the folly and euturife street tosttunci: . 1.1; Bear Witniss also art, Items ferueity of Felix. ,. , ... Chiffon broadcloth, serges Of au 'This. was the great desire of the 44. cilioi*-311404. And Cilieia kinds, with fine or loosely , *oven '"etle'll' life (43°InPare nom* 1. 11 woe --minor provinces .attached to am:41'6,100411(! for°putst ch:simucinsPcifisziah.ree Anil ATeltrei.14W2sIlibartd.'ii thein' 'seives ntheitortrtifewoofi4r4tjoiliZioll fitSSoliiiesia" iti:elLeti:hs°:t5.'-h6; wmitalolit;breei:1111.1t;s:d:triudin:' rte' tus.i. °ptigtriihtnerif7trretridbiorwSielrialti"lktlilehlis48111:bellisisollii°Va(441.41146:t11:31Tnh: '°b:ILel:e'gisitirti.,:ny:e4it !k'sisptilibeee4 or , is, allowed. ' .Dark grc'enip li fairo to. carry 4001.t their pit. 0 eSinte Of Ood upon then if ply ihatt,theittliPetle was Poi4.400,elt 41At '21: 2$). They invoked the Both the verb aria- the riounim- Contrast kii !ewe dash pf vivid to Jet and erystal beads and beetle 1. - - - ' I -I ° , il**604"4*Ps siT'llitst,itiree6',7:n3dbuitiliut''s browns and purple4.are popular. i 1 4, 15. Niue to the <lief firieSts rters, must 'have been, ekite. to iTni:nalabrtroinde.rfor aeFveentiiineg nri7fs t 1* elders'Ille niaj()ritY 't4 iba" 4 Fel* (°°11411"6 jk, die jet ao sikeis spangles often 'nett; were unquestionably Of the -*O.' ,e tbe ehiathss ,,of an .levenint liatkitie,tete party,: and=ivould. lkst n.. cmarasiiit 06 thusionsolo their influence, with ,plici tonneil ' '01400,Nt0-311* A PEir* , cis„, lot tpe momont, t6. k' rare fias the itaptain bring Paul 1 nter drapery :Of tneh tg0Wri$, 1 . SAM 1. be ; tit thiY„Oldest • the se ibe -the thii. net. or moueselitte 'ulir 13:101:111if7tliteAs ?s,*atitt'.. : ' Strictly speisking it sheold be only It'ent4°n' °t tI18 41134 44 Paul.i . ' Gresii. -84.talsis, ' , ' ,i,- eister, bein permanent is . 11r.' The site, \ iitt4 ruins I !AO*. ,,,,,,,,g 4:101S0ii,or thtl improbabilit C'titty Abbey., reeently,IIMIt to ' of the eityi i 'bete toniect the Clinith of illtighind, are het perhaps * stela stu able ,a4, the 'platee - ,ot the 4Teraellerer is n ,Iti had keen. ehittiV in ,IIritaiit_100- t ' .,,Ther - .. leissio its po.i'car iment tancl ere- dtleted 4"-er " e°81 8eragli(51 Sires; ith cVery mnteril means Th pne,e,,- only, but .in three oceetions. PuisS tor I- 4 ,tsle, within tite; sit 7 1)171 'tele" 4tt's Stk;r151*baetlfIrtitehSCICIPtticilh t thiwto hbert t trt!..41.) lift'', I • tn itttry t0 31U1 4c.,- ti!, • het t4' ,r? 111 . I I k , . Lt Ottit ' n ri..the dawina 4 Ak 1 .tt.* •r'• , 0 V • 11 11V itiking position to a (lung lady it , 11 I t h4*4 e 4ii,s; in Arthur and *n the repu , SENT -PIPE Mg° .ltirS. The faith that can be hidden r stays healthy. E ' If you are a Jtantyou. will want ,te Whittial regret simply putsthe/ besdligh.t 'on the tail 00.„ The Only way to keep fel h'swett ,i, is. to. keep it '\i4 serviee . They who go. out to Itit le high ares land on the dump. It's wise, to 4 opiel of the old - lib.' thet foot morality, t is often sister to trust an old indiee than a new appetite. he tight , fisted usually think S' have!, a at griv On the roele, , 'impressof ,:ur lite depends what ,yon sire trying to exprese. farle metes piety 1. „ 10 '4.!; * eTs.' 1+, hen '