Exeter Advocate, 1909-09-30, Page 8 (2)•
*OJ* taklinett, y
•unitOini thikt ei
ljAvi :US TAIWit
4 , -
IttItzt top' eaat-ter
ettot eeentnge about
**v� to. be told *bout
twr cletbing •wh n You
, 0411 hsire the eel or
Which only trist-el
werwlYe oi
Weir-it:dm; inn)
doe. *tau • Won't
the, superioritY or
seo and wear, it-.
being well. drese•
tailoring can
0 Chant e r ail0r0
limbless locals- Read Them
rako yaw' ?ire aiekett; Rents and
'Ducks to Stewares—that's fike spot for
rarer mines. '
. .
TWO -F0 *It—EnereENTS..---Tror tele teltnerk-.
ably low price of Intic. weWin send the
ADVOCAVB and-ntAltinin InetPIREI
to the end of 1000. Subeeribe no•w and
get the full benetit ot thia, very iow club.
str want to Ste a wet/ lot of new
taitomnade jaeketi right: down to the
wink. mit at &avast's.
A.t•itttis WAriTnID.--Pertnere and
other. leaving *Orden for sale win ete
well to . bring them *Into Ue Uvap or at or
whtch opened for buelstegow last ,weee.
Good -prices wilt be paid,
$0.00 AO pair forlki new Veto Nap
731441k't$. the nicest blanket for the
q Yeii ever *saw. Steiart., •
semsostrosor •
nattnErtArtrit.Ett*ICE WANTED. -
Apple to rentsratee *Burke. Meter. .
.31a:ee ▪ ten* care of the
r matt at Stewart's. She
hasjnet retu front the leading Amer -
Iowa fashion eeetres. See the newt ideas
she is introduei
1101IND FOR SALliedtabbit dog. Good
bunter. Apply at this office.
FOR VALE.--;•ehoice Barred Cockerlis
at .1.00 encl.:. Speak quick. 'a-. -T. D.
-r CABLING.. •
The operesceson tor game Is 41 fele
;--Ducks, Sept. 1.et to Dec. 31st 1
,geeee and swans, Sept. 15th to gay 1;
squirrels. Nov. 1 to Dec. 1 ;„ plover Sept
let, to. Pee. 15th; rant, Sept. ist to Dec.
15th: tram° and woodcock open season
-onipe Sept. 150 to Dee.
men will tali° notice that • partridge may
not be ehot this season at any. time.
wiATItEllt FOltiCASTS.-A
regular otoriti Period extends over the
Xof. to t he Oen, having its centre on the
Ord. Vac MereurY Period is always cen-
tral on the 4th, extending quite to the
• 140. Gomm' eloundinesis' and -threaten -
Ins woatticr will prevail as we'pnii; trent
Seeteniher into Octoberbut these eon-
- ilitiononwileinerease into pordtbet *tor
- et rent, wind and thunder, Oft and totran,
Ing the ardneth 'and 5th. Thew) stOtrati
Promk..-'0 general rains and will wind up
with meet cooler *Winn:lel winds and
wentten %Sections' *lops- the mirth side
.qf tne e4untw,-*- mar' Possibly Valve ne
Antent of cerly sleet and snow. weldng
I , Awitht htgh baromt)tee that. Is
peso clone on tie western' Mutts.
'then* rstornis. It will be the *relit
Hag to, 4.r"atett faX high northwesterly
gooe over the greet -lakes *et ,period
Prooty nights when the absence of Mer-
etniel clottis vent permit. Will be natur-
alin vortherly directions from about
lite *tn. to,..thie„fitnt,
SLill8t111.11311 tor the Advocati
how s
Sor,ilny, •
• 9
imt4 ii4e014441
*eteeln*rw esPeel,,
;Otine et' tc4,;•. retrelen tfOr
‘,0,1 • •
elv e4
vIttic enit aiept
In f,tt.
OttlAt 041444:41101
fieteirday atitt des
t „pleee In e4r1entle
c 11,td thia.
• .0111004-ahoWer
Grc,?.tly needed,
earn per
. artd lira, Won Wirier; Stephen, On
Friday evening loan' '
tr.Charles Long. eon et Mr*. John
Welene, is very Ile In Winnipeg, es *
moult Ot relay , after we severe RI
nese or typhoid' tei
Auguat 'Outs
inoeed into )1
0040 on'llain st
ebaa 1.4v1
while' on- any/felt
_allow, was taken
inoefgrlichbol Field DIL7
iltIci''on:-Frldin Oct. Stte Basebell.
boakettoll and football in the morning
ontinnthletic sports In tt* after000n.
einnlienabout-ber ---lionsehold
PennIO*Iwtet Urts. wellington Jogni.ti
tortunaleir. tat and fractured a stria
bone in her left wrist; Under 'the el.,
toe:, care it Is improvieg
The rattan ot the _Trivitt in_Sentor 1
Church woe oetupled on Sunday_ lest ny
the-ftee:'vrtacey„: sointodntry. in the
ah-enee of the rector, Rev. Collins. whe
Preachen anniversary services at Saints-
nreltilble 'thing ref
tr1et-of 1mA ..wero the
ni. which were
ai en.ined by* nunnher
people at the home tif
drokitt4s eentractor,
. Richard Blatchfordta
eet, hie. household et.
stone 01 , liniverton,
Itinr; Joint �wI
It list .week s.
nirs. McDoneld, who has been here vis.1
Ring her parents, Mr. and Mine John
lett bolt week,_ aecomPanied by
her mother, to spend a .few days with
ht7 :lister in Ingersoll, prior to return-
ing to her home in Caieente
The vitae purchaser vent reodlearetully
hat the local ,nweraht ,liSs to eitY lis
tho advertising columns_ Of the home
. Leak up the -ads in this week's
nnier and you wilt,* convinced that you
need not go out of town for ;bargain*.
SOMO of our citizens sire .greatly an.
:toyed over the proposal to girt the new
centent walks between the fences and the
trees. We understand that they will rc.
slat: to the last inan, and the last bullet
and make the ti I stand In the last
dittle-Liensall. _Observer
A well-khoWit• Grand Bel nd ap4
neared before' Igneristrotte -Karr here' -*on
Saturday to answer to charges of re-
taining money .WT00111110 and of cone
rducting & tottery. Ile. Pleaded gullt7 in
- both neses,and the Meglittrets remand-
ed hint for trial at Goderldn taking *
bond for his' appearance.. •
11r. Jas. jtaPalis,. who recently' sold
his 'fifty acre Latin on the second cert.
01 phldulith. has Itereinteed_ the 1.00acre
farm Owned_ by nitre John Inroditick, on
the gth Cotternision ot Uay, bowing lot 3.
'The pries paid was $5000. This Is
30011 tarm,„*Ind It Is coneldered that
Mr. tticralls haa. a bargain.
The cold and wet iereather has retard -
the conteet in Scatter Double, on the
bowling green. Those -1'4 in the game
are Crexh and Devlin Taylor' and Lin-
denfelt, Unman and NVeldeilieemmer,
and the winners Of Christie and :Wiesen'
against Snell and Seidort. *WWII is Mo-
en& ion' yet played -14 the steCand
A reception and "Glood.Bye'• evening
Was tendered -Ur. and gm Adams (nee
.&my Johns) at the home - et Mrs., D.,
Johns Thursday evening telt, vrhane a
large nuirsharri of their friends called to
winit them "God, gpsid and .(lood-Bne.i`f"
There sectimPanied by gine Johns, lett
for Sarnia on Saturday inerning#Whence
they Were -sinceVoartiet tor thelrbotne
in crixory. ". ° •
have been drawing prettrAtair
this Week, iri the Opera tfouse. Mary,
Lindley Is an old time end very porton..
All OA the stage_ . and thowee he hatilmors,
latetwith hire are well ula.t0 the weineike•
fenns-yeres,,with the reSultn, that those
Who /war atteided-4,0, - ben plea
with the goettorsoinves., The Voirwir
tfojell-to:,potyatch: 01/40.1** ,tow‘
• ,.
The Annual County Convention ot tie
unwell* thrhitiatt •Areagiereirice Union
will he held • In Main Street Methodist
Church on Thursday and 'I.triday, the
Ith and tith ot October. 'The service* ot
ltev. C. IL Jona* ot Oodericieluwvii -Wert
•wired rot 'Thursday evening.,1frolOPPII.
beeft-ietiveii 'engaged s -Local Ope
otenternpeign Work and hls address Cane
a tail to be ot great Interest 'and,
tett,. • _
; W. A. Ounton, repreleenting Mr.
3. Ictiso# superintedieltjtit the pep
fit of Iftleetal thildrida .40,40 the
rio GtOterranent, :Malan titre' oh 'Friday,
ri apPreheided three thiii*tt Tht„ nyld
ritscand (laid, twitOrMation 'twetoregait,
trates Uy and MetlellUtn# with he eel:
t that the Magistrate* ,frottenittnd.
z,e. 'children' to to* care ot „1,t.t.11110.1
• Ald Sockty sko the OsiwaitY .0t
rs. Later the Society; aIlowsdCom t
g t� Velative* ,ot, itte. Kirk ,W 5. al
weeks triet. Vida, wootietv !Ig dot,*
AO work in ittenvInt eblidren front
hone* th*t.' ais ro suoti 4ii"S toettr
bet gravqh, phyalcal.* !mental SO
mora, et Out en1111
zool A114401'
(hiaixb*and** wswerjinuf,
*ttend4 •ie
0.11. .111-
)Lr. Ista has 94 trig. 1Q* IQ fie NIrc
Mlaji )41 Uhn!Wy• WIskesktsty
t In V*44•41, ° •
Owe I,leitietlinweron ima returned tr.
rip to the 'Witet# • —
Mr.*Iit_},C0 • resumed his
411041110 4t Lordon.
Mlai0 et Ti4030.0n,la. vi
ILIa la.MiOe it 0 /
* o ted ir aleter.'
flier -oet
;Elmore tiewwWetutne4 to Torpntli. pn
000 to re*Unwe-,1.4e stUdiee.,
L'*uI Izdehser?he ',to% Nevada
*Ith',Ok-Inect ot,!1,4lick4rVAI0i0ig'
31,0**0 'W100*. 00'.0r4T went to :L.00000,
t#'„oto-4'the, tiorn.41#'.•;.'
,Awislr or Pokotil,•ls,
Ir. RktiirJ lteturnewee. •
ix -mood t
. .
iia,y-Nvitir relatives /ww Mitchell. ,
)ftee- )(1u4 Iohne, hue gOno to 'lliwin.
MO* to attertd•the. Normal *hboi.
Mr..1= IChristie is at Vott Art* thi
weeleinecting. es. Judge on light horece.
lar. ''YTa.ltel* Nyvatcott is vieiting ' in
Ilan:Mon, teaming Wedneetlay mornIng.
Mire of Winglirun wows the nue*
01 Kr -, Jelin NteI40110,11, nal', 114Wit week.
The ' ( toreee )(order: et St. Mary* * are
wets or Urs. 8. r. Shs.rp iat 01,04ton
Mz. and lare. -,r..d. Itunt ot Seaforth
:vielted: at • 5tx. 1, Armetrong's Sundey.
,r. Ilar0004-Pwesarilete -or Tbstretts -041
hes gone to the west to see the codntry.
Mr. A# Met -Inge int* returned from
London, Where
he spent two or 'three
Ntr. sn4 Mrs.' 1enunond ot St. Mar
4!,,XIMottW,-, lit_414,-- 1
Str. and •Ifirstireathwicic of Lolid
Waited the' latter'. mother. Mrs. Plop
over Sundar. _
'Nurneet,envittn whentine,ixon.sttshdling
Mr 4:-AlidiellOweennretureent to her
home In London.,
littrantigequeen. wno ha* been wattles
on Garvey ,Amireson, returned to her benne
in London EieturdaY.
24Ers-; lnietwoOdi rater: A.- nibalinwithniler
daattittertnnixs. -StantAttnee,' ,Itaiteretnitniett
to her heme en Whitbr. • ... --
)1r. T. Rupee% who has been visiting
home. In Saginaw Monday.
• Mr. W. A. Gunn ot Toronto, Collector
of Custom*. visited his daughter. elqrs.
Dr. Bright, part of loot week. ' ...
efr. Oeb...Knight, atter spenditur a few
dayo at his old howne here, attuned to
his home. In Ildrton Mondo.Y.
Mrs. Vrooman and child of liarrieber
an) here visiting the former'S parent
•Ur. end Mrs. George Ander-sole:.
Mr. 'Ardagh Rollins nand Mime M*ud
Rollins attended the Wetzel or -Mrs; . .
J. ItollIns In London on Friday.
I' Kr. A. D. It. Duncan -or. the Union
inanic, Ifilisbury, visited here and at his
tatter's et Farquhar last , week. - <-
Mrs, Statham.whci has been, -41-111-1ili;
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. N. llowkd
returned to her home In''Actort •Saturdenr
-Wax Lois Inirnei.,.whO was • here --
leedinig.lhe, faineral of ...1.er..... S.Ilitt;,,,,,,t4r
Rueseil, returnedto WindsonnUottdar to
renume her duties" as stenographer. '
etrwe Fred Knight and dadilliteninitter-
en extended visit here, nave rettitnet to
their home iin the west. ' Mite Sotnet
Brown .aceomiainied them as ' lar.!twit
Toronto. • . - ,
.- .
. Mrs. II. C. Cotter, who has' been'iia-
het mother herc, Mrs. Thews. Green
wary, tor the I*atr loor _weeks Is 14404
her sister. lire. W; p. Mier a Lorte
don, this week. ,
Dr. S.* 'Bolling of Orfitia. who bawd
been attending the funeral ot Mrs. A. J.
Rollins, Undo:! pent Sunday in town,
_Snaking_ hands .with old triendwn 'While
perste was the guest or C. ,XI. Stindersi.
- Mr. John McIntyre attended the tune
eral in* Swearorth on "Sunday of the late
Sandy: Menton, who died .on Friday last,
aged Mk_ Yvan's. The deceased, being, an
old nenidea nt Sentortn. Was well tome%
and•the runerol, which was conducted by
the Masons, , was largely attended.
The Ilensall bassket bad team lwretp4et-
ett tam Saturday to Play a littutirk
Itev. wells or Granton preached educe
"Atonal^ atrinons at Mein street church
on Sunday.
Mr. John Taylor and family are mo-
lar Into their new house on Wsilingto
r. Win. . -Arnold liae mold his fineraCe
401.4re• Miud Patrielcot Oder-,
ton, and *he Las since. ben -shipped t
the 'Statese • ,
Mr. William Wilson has moved to hie
farm he 'recently purchased in tlibeillien,
a hap also Mr, ir.d.gar reason to his
fittu--/tVflarquitar. -S\
ntraetor teidon IS 'progressing •rer;;.,
Pidirlwitit the el. -United contract for the
come, nt sidewalks, end,goon nearly. ,eioney
street will haye a' good stretch 'Or walk.
The (liven Presbyterian Church la toe-
ing decorated "ttnd painted both inside
and out. The'contractorie Messire. *help*
sore and darter or Sarnia, at* eamble
artiettio end wherw their .work II ctsti
•tbe mtnthera and adherents' al
church will have a I/err-110W and er
tO'rtable church home. At e. meeting
the/congregation field Oh Tuteder "Vent
log to diatuait what form, will,* Aitken
In Tegards the, re.4en1ng iieraleci,
was OCIded to ka,ViLl supper and 10014
#erienlnic, on .the Monday foltovaing the
flunditleserVices, During- the evening Mr.,
Mallegertientiouti .4 the workaairu
LisiettOtiry# theIrl foit
wait, and prop° lond "dated o, the
• e-Tirs toile*
e headred next
'Oritr.gra.: (Ontario Illsnded)
ROYAL 0011813fIOLD 00441
5 110iiRil (tae ot'Woods)
PURITY,Orsoters9,404 riovwe SAW
e Old Way he New -
to -Cure -a Cold Way; ',rake
Exeter's Lea4in \liaraware
30)0, .01,1 • 14.,1,7"r0r1.4%.,10VAili,toNOVN,Vrair &AU 0i1Y0*1/141)
Itowees btu
Parlor Suit
Pr,Buts -
„DininganonvTables- Dining -Chat
Dainty, well.roa.de and at reasonable prices
Bed Room * Bar -Couches ---
Mattresses Springs
Brass and Iron Beds
(3104 mt-and,all at popular prices
nure titters
Beat Bos.eed
and tter Carne
overtt,td oolstetiyarg„
Beatty' Bros:* Steel
pin he installed as cheap as
lumber and IsAi. forever.
Beatty. Bros: Load
' These three- things are great
labor‘savers for farmers and Iles
'comities on a farm
Por side VI .
-Wm; Gillespie, Exeter.,
rizotnara • - •
• e'''.0i1.0
Parlor Tables
Odd Chafrs
w • ”
me Furnishers Funeral Directors,
' Themarketprices tor old junk
*realise and so is the old reliable
JAOICSON & 80N -0 -one
door -wwbuth of the Metropolitan.
Jost look at the following pekes
(ue trade and no truck) all Claill;
meeting -that rneniber •-or the clnn
he& letn_dly donated to inn; ntjokt
conpiete electric! 11104 eyetern tor
hole clakirch, coetiro, g/50.00.
MO its 5 giveteuivriset nta tat
ra preient* and they jahowed" their *
reciatiorw by a hearty- hartdclattei
ilat Its 14611)014.-Alenerati rtgre
was reit here oi'Itaurwidalr as Wii,nt It
heteinelltnown -that * ternecr Its4wir lady
ltollina.- had Palmed **at
t hcme in tontiOn• the previous ,dai.
b*8 teeit 111 du1 much ot tit"
01. * • 7
ron fromilfift_to
fl .4,
or I 1 1:
* * •
* * 0 0. *
greet v
ye tut
.1 A
14110NE NO. 32
peciat Fail
All are coidially invited .60 r,a2 (in us
and see our extra showing of Pall and Winter Goods. It will do yott
g�od to see them and do us good to Show you our immense stock. All
e TallAffearables art -now on our counters,. And we were never hi
better shape to supply your wants.
For all ti
• MUM 87.".?ZUEfl.
IC Vole &itsHoii
I., '41
Platlitle Ottplir• •
for mit!
bj It•
kit and,-Itee. S.10.
bytetion thurtn.�YieXte
'In the inattretOore
ennent-th" 110 M*s�ri b*
tiptrintO„dient# teitetteim. *14
'AMsn InloveAttlt loottot
'Siam -
lacer an ate \
licks eit Cchiralta.,
te ate*# a
—Our largestaft4flidllinert-are.
already away *bead of them. -COme serif a.
hair* you Pall Hat good swed emit
A Visit to Our Sho1?Rqotps
Will Dlig1txou;
New , 1)ressOOr No,
&t *11 ber beet
fat011100Abiti AShAde* and Clothe*:
'plain dr striped
IA *II *OAS rie‘totits. MOSt -
rietot trollotheal;11'
• 1/
new, .1411.41 teats
lflr$l the 'tors of ,black. Side
ing trta) avrell for.
ucy EttMliw in Weep*
%kites ladies and citild
union 00, 'Pt, 'reit