HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1909-09-30, Page 7 (2).4 • 444444,044.4.„.„,..4r44,44.414.....,41111141141404,4 vr,t -"4010.10M0401101.11t000,110,g0. .rimakucenolidia40#40441011$44' , A •• s. " 4 , .. *'4490 pi*ee4 *11 of bis e ,t piove t114 ' . .11 t.Nirti 0 ti 14, 'its, . Lrd of. York, P Are 4 ' I ue .0 b ,, ntrover'sy until lure zL 0 over all eked so ia- urda aiid tbc two have - P4ary. aiinotineed, from.„the Lab ,radr haven that he 'was. bringin with ,bim itudisputable evidence t cut the 'ground front under Dr. • oolc.ls elaiet to Polar aehie've-. Ate. . He would- not accept any itations or ovations, he esild lats at Sydney, until the 'matter of - les pretensions had been anal- : s settled. On Thittssday he turned, , ,,-over to the head of the a SSOCiati a Whig,11 ' had . finance& his recent Po- lar,expeditions, and which shares ees11 , Sty, rots $ $ overe crs, of ini5; xt. • vr,o, ONf4Y WAY A .114 ' .• r nett , e t 17-t (litb,° o speech, but ded zi.uthi23g to what he has already tthl about„hie ;di overy:. He did net thinkhe*40014 1kavappeeled t43 atts'Isotlystot ease „to look, for thesrs_des, a big ship is tie selv It atoll of White: Limn who at best are oviee$ are & distinct Mn- dranee, while a tut hersome 1ixiir uspreent is f tal to ,proe We chose to live a lite as simpl Wet et Adm.antt we foteed tbss strands of humat endurance to seientifie limits; I you will readhs the :Pole there tsno other way. We we not overburdened with the thnt purpoe. id, not s Ottt' LLZ 01,0 a tett e ew waterworks.. VAIN 4 nu/0os ongtakt *tei1' ,liangter .140 n` ere rxioned. •:r 'The' e tilat the 1 lak The ion o mesa teen :lo triti in 'tbe toyr 1in czst. of, Toronto.„ IL antsiteeS* ties ets te worst on cable from lXa»itoba Robertson, ;Ask,' has ointed lecturer in physics **Selessl uf Minilig, Ji4ng- TIie Ontario lissirceeteetrie mission is preparf4l, to supply Po. t- rAr:intecirstv.i. -atisount of -poser e Mr.. A. A. Tisdale has been a Superintemisnt of the Lake e ivisi.,),„In of tn. G • ae t orb wouton., being esiden a he 45E4)(30110P as Pe res b 1, S. isreat u. ahantag 4174 als-Contestty-iVilt-Esta RA a Plant. 40,1,111, AT BIOTA' litr.tt j Balfour tritieized the los7d-0 rgi budget in 1 •%, .iLllainiltofllflik wood Cemetery, Ottawa. 1I4!I,4•the Otile‘r* t ein htie ,. .44,4 .0441110....1 Ors 41444014$10.4.0., • Ott ut4M114, Ott' t: ▪ '14* Arad TOO -Pt -0z Manitoba Wheat rthero,#1.41%, , ,N .*Northerit.at $1.02,!;s:flay *. 001110# 1)10170srit.0.111i0E110.4$v AY arni No. tuber shisielent.' Ontario, Whoit4No. 2, 393 it) 3e, a, lositside points; - • , s BisrleyseFer fiture deliveryXo 53 to 5k', and. -No. -3” _extra 53'1 -t - e outside. Oats.--No.**2 'Ontario whites new, to 39%0 outside. New .Calt- 'ada West oats', 39e, bay .ports... • es,s new, 77 to 800out- tzele reh Itas • , .wki k,c o Tele. -. 0. 2.amerieaesyellow s TOiotito. . traek, Toronto, 19 outside in bulk for On- rio and *21 to . for led .50 in istse s, Torontofreights; 511 Itor1s,_.!24,*Toronto.freigli COUNTRY MOD • fzt Huudre , - . front-sevtral 0 seihils. A , n ;M.' ,0 -) .IAhwbi$ 4 oryi4,the ' r*,(.4.%4N.,i;ii. qef thi , est 3rs. e 1,4 tl'i,spotoe..,, + on ,-- , , roust $ '4 1 :41 i it: I! 0t ' 41 30:1t, I e. , S '''$, 0: ' 0 , .. , A , fy 1 ' 11 ,0t. the'suo „, , 1 '• , , l*ted „,. ,, W.: ! ' .4 4s.tinikettliOterSS sPict r .- stri. end girl'e ss r ei frenzy 1O(' ., ,h u .0 ;00 ' tr ffiOthes,..',.ehftiPt '' r110i ix 41 •14 Js 'were4 I '4 ong .line , a. ••-d are,a1 ftake .. . 2-„,f 0 4 kteutr,relY,:i 11 . ussiits jez. res , .1 ersous eh injured., .Thers t p pen them. Two, Jewish. „4& thtinsited Tossereirstialties. isoys wile sought to defend tile W4)- L'eides th0 destruction.. ef ,IiiiVeril , leen ,agatist tilts ,otitrag0-''. 'hundred thousand slollar, worth ot teited by the /c,aders and thrown Jewish property, The .J'esiva lissi Onto a nearby ,borare that had hera. but scent, i means of Idefendin built of the plunder Of Sacked Jewss themselves, , and sttesseetted in kiii, ish hotices, and, roasted.alive, while, ,ir' but three of thrir RUasian as- the mob, danced oh ut the flame*. ai1ants Ang injuring if 44C ore. • ' One of the first-aeta of the mob, , reactionary party,is revolt- whieh had been Made deunk before ib1e ft,sr the !at -est anti4.1ewi.51i being turned loose for thesinurders outbreak.- it homerenragtd at Ous work, Was to rush to the syests the Iowa for -their supPoet of i .le gegtle, wheteethe rabbi was hutch - reform moveinent„ and ,eleesel'edt„) eted and the congregation driven ., inaugurate the ,./ewisli i New Year the building, rne edne Will 4. ... A . 'Avith. another” Attie- le 0 0 Ow; t demolished. esk4,...2a,APArlks.i.t.r,..,sr , ' I I • . Toronto, Spt, s. Straight !vette' Of prime to medium, hutch - ors! sold 'at from Ir4.135,_to 'Other stades were. from. 13 to 5e lower. ,.„.:Very ,„(ew expoz-trrs iere ort the market and these were htly easier in swim Stekers nd feeders of the better elasswer wanted, but -the rougher sort '41rQ harJ . tu sell......,(1,teiee -tows were equally strong, as was and for good milkers and spring- ers., ShViip were steady. but, lambs ro fully 2.0e lower, C-$,Ir'e--$70tiatly„ gewraetecedrotiff 29es and are -now, quo -ted at $9.15 f.o.b. and $e.40 fed Ana 4._ de atdi -from MontreaI s It i'i-,-Sritted tame' titittssa -number lif- roMinent shipping men are form - 1114. a big - ship:building company. They are planning to -build. esplant capable of turning out men-efswar, and in 'attevery kind of steam - Sir 'Montagu Allan, inter- Niewed on Wednesday, admitted hat many prominent Canadians • ad been discussing the projeet quietly for some time, and had promised to unite in Anancingsthe scheme. "There has been nothing • ldefinito done' yet,". he taid, -"hut I -k pe very shortly to tee the torn- * .37* well under way." Sir Mon- gu said that as yet no decition As to the -site- of a Shipbtfildims 1404 bad been determined on, but Admitted that& large one would undoubtedly be established. CSTRALTA'S • Will be , Recruited From F144,1 ' Trained Men. At -Cording to & London Times de; • evate/i regarding the Australian • defence selteme, tadet training be- ns in 1911 and citizen training in -1012, When the seliernz is in full working -Order it is estimated that will rprovide 40,000 junior ea- • ts,./5.000 senior cadets, and - 35,-- 10) stizeossoldiers under 91. The. irnlitia, 25,000 strong, will thence- forth be teeruited any from the - fully -trained men. It IS hoped that • after 1016 Australia will hate a first lioe of 50,000 men ready to go any - here, a seeond line of 50,000 read • to stet as garrisons, *and a third, line of 140,000 composed ,parqy of seen who have had eitizen training and partly of older -trained reservs • sts. TittpLE ExEctnow. kree Freedmen Guillotiaid WIuIe • Crowd Applauded., espatelefrom "itAlenee, Dront says: A triple execution by il *tine took place in this city at • iglit on Wednesday; Threes stin-lierruyer, David *ed Llottsrd --were decapitated for a,....seriei -of • ittroeiouecrimet in the Department mf Diome, which ,treated a reigit-Of terve'''. No lets, than twelve -mut 4 tiers and 200 rsibberite_stre latd to the doors'-of-thtse men:-'" They ieften tortured theirs victim red-hot iron. A gr,eatsetoss-1 Wt thte ex eetttions and *Pi31-* time the ro • wa ie grave of is young wifein Beechwood Ccrnery, with bullet bole through his brain, E. 11. Hamilton, a. former -resident of Cktawa,erbetterlys exisployesissin New Yorkbya boot and shoe come paoy, w$S-found dead on Thurs- day afternoon by the varetaker of the 'cemetery. A revolver lying be- side him: on the grave told the story of the su"eide, wife died a few months ago, after they had been married less than a year. On Wednesday he tame from New York to look ,at her grave the eensetery here. At noon- on Thureday he exiled on the -.clerk at the'vemery and asked for the bill for the tare of the plot. A few moments later a pistol shot . was Lard' 11411.-t the grave -of Mrs. Ram liton, and the lifeless b-ody of the despondent husband- was found'. a few minute" later prone over the grave, • The deceased was 35 years-, or age, and was formerly a, mem-, ler of the Ottawa. police force. Chief County Constable Hamilton ir an undo. DIED ON noNoltooti. NewlysWedded Pair Aspblxiated ° Boarding ,,,Ilouse. A despatch from "Albany; N. says: En route from Farmingto Conn., to hailstone, X. y. . and • Mrs. W. II. ?etchers', were found dead on Wednesday in a room of a boarding house, haVies been asphyxiated, after a four dayel honeyntoon-S- The police ete pressed the belief that 'thoughtless- ly or through ignoranes. the hus- hind had blown out the gee. marriage. 't ertifieste, which was found in - the room, -showed that Petehards aged 45', 414 his bride - May Ilennessy, aged 22, were ried----Sept. I Conn. „ . WAI,XED It *CAGE., .1 - 440, Riadell, a Towng :Has His Neck !traces at ,Coltelt, • „ A 'eleopatels from Cobolt eayi; S. Itindell, * young Swede, aged 23. who hail only been a short time 'insthe,-.,eonntry- and had just Mart - ed -wedeln Abel' nsirie, met -instant deittft on West- Pesday Afternoon' about 2 -oleloeir. Itintlell 'had been wattliiiig the eage -OMR- 'up And' down and .finally wsts_iyeseeods. rokett'and itis tradiy imps= Ions el kom. rort from eal4 to wets dergeing a, wave of prosp " iilldie3t11 ef ,4 Mil ILolt 1 e,ts,-repr Sent iniestrnen Th twe ntuie Rober facturti-o printrng presses, , A Cirmainan living near Oaklanill, Cal.,. has invented an aeroplane. Otto -T. -Barnard- was -nomiti for Mayor of New York by the al- lied Republican and Independent fortes. Lord Northcliffe, speaking at Portland, Ore., on the European Situation, stated that foolish ,op - kiwi= was greatlY to .he deprecats ed. W: 3. Bower, an *retie' explorer, 6 has just retvirne& to San Fren- etic°, reports finding a new tribe of Eskiinqs in Prince Albert, Land. omplatals have been made by State's Attorney.Waymast Chi- cago that whole Aries are tainted through tonspiraey. to defeat the en& of justice. . A Grand -Jury at Cottneil Bluffs Ist., has irelitted eighty-three me r. charges of conspiracy to de- fraud in connection with the pro- motion of alleged fake mos. Three winner).- Were --killed and three men and & woman seriously injuredwhen tile automobile in which they were riding jumped over a trestle at Seattle, on, Wednes- day, Two men, one of thema, priest* were killed* ft religious riot at Castro, Spain. . The Moors were -defeated with loes .of 400 men in battle with the Spaniards on, Monday and TueSday.. The - Australian defence bill pro- poses to expend 02,00,030 annu- ally on tite military a,tel naval fores es of the Commonwealth.' AN AtTOMORILE "CORPS. peilment to be Tried tit Titaitkee givieg DaY.Ma,oeuvress.- ' A despateh fromOtiait, Qwsoya:, Arrangements are under way for the formation of an autamobile cerise in eonnection with the Ot- tawa militia. It is cal(' that up- wardr or * hundred- automobiles Would\ he soy -salable to assist itt •the , field ininoeuvres hero on •Thanks giving Day, and it is• expected * trial will be matit'of their pratti- .tat)ilitxin transporting trOOPAI, Supplies, 'keeping up line* of communieatiorecte..--1( the experi- ment proves ituttessful here the Militia Department 'may eitedur- age the formation of similar corps AN Death tot Copt* r 4 ' xitiqat fi„, ' A 4s flouln pitch' frOrii ,Fithero an o�icer of armyssiras killed, eatleaday morningwhile ri torlplane„ While in the *thine turned ompletIy and then. liaihed to the (*alpt*in 1Ferher was tndeathby th.. uto 11#11M1 11$ it Itso, ,t ti soot o 'barres /04, day'ho, ea thrieop strriess1\ Thuru1a,,,‘tte.ari,z1 f;s**1 itt hat \ tops eyfr t aPples, $1.7sr 42-and-eatings:apples-at, $2.25$ t4) 8240. - Deans -Prime„ .#2.25, and ban $24Qto*2.40per hushe Honey -Combs, dozen, ,$2.25 $31' extracted, 10e 'Der lb, lioV--,No. 1 timothy,' $15,50, to $10 vton on traek here, and No. at #14 to $14.50. Straw --$9 to *9,60, rotatoes-40 to 05e per ht,14 on aenksfwolek0.0tarios, and 15C for New rlt Poultry--Chickens, dressed, 14. to 15e,per lb.; fowli-V. to ;turkeys, 17 to 180 per-Ib.f ducks, lb., 12 to - 1.3c, THE DAIRY M.41-titETS. Butter -Pound print, 90.0 22e tubs and large rolls, 18 to 190 in- ferior,s,17 to 1Se; treomery:\gt to 2. -Act *Ad separator, 22 t, 23e per Ib , Eggs -Case lots, 25e dozen. -elleesm-123c per lb., .for large, and. at. 13,0 for twins, HOG PRODUCTS. .l3aeon-Lqng elear,„ 15 to laXe per Th. incaselots; mese. pork, $29 to $23.50; 'short tut, 14;24 to $27.50. • • - -Hams-Light to . -willows /9 -ecs 10c; do., heavy, IA% to Ific; rolls, 14 to 14340; shoulders., 13 to 13,1,2e-; Eacks, is to, secs,breakfast bitten 17 to 1734c. Lard -Tierces, 15; tubs, 1534e; pails, -151),.. BUSINESS AT MONTREAL, Montreal, Sept. -23.-Oats---No. Canadian '1,VeAtern. 43U,. to 4434e No. 3 Canadian Western, 42% te 1331c; barley, No. 9, ee'to 67c; Ma- nitoba feed barley, et to etse; treek, heat, 45 to 553.,.;)e. Flour -ni- b& Spring :ilea -paten , ...20; Manitoba Sitting wheat pat- ents, secon(ls, .$5.40; :Winter what *tents,#5.50; Manitoba,' strong bakers',. $.20; straight- miles% to $5,23; .stritigilt rollers; in hasp, 243 to 1$2410. geed--T9ntsire bran, *22 to $O; Vnilt414> $23.ttO to *2550; anitobt bon) $22-t pure gram stiostilles.$3.? 131; Mixed mouille, SO to $2/. Clusese-Westerns, to -1Viie, and esoterns inin to lige:, ttnt- tit4---Fine$t; erearnery, ME% to 25b. as -Selected stock,. 23% to :510;- 04: 1 vandled, 223 to Os and No' 2. at 10. to "190. per dozen. • .'-'',4i1,14411=41 • , • tNITEI) 'OATES IIARXETS. * lit, Sept. 28.-.4.--Whea ; 0734.0; *Ay, *I No.'1 hard, $1.01-itto rot SI -00% to" t1iern, 4, to 31 Xnrthrzti61.1; to Wait. u irst„pate 5,10 to $$*- itd patent, $4,90 to *5 *1.15 to, *1..55,, on rst * $3.39. Bran In 69.11). sack', I - t Sprin rtherit Winter .ffelos t stronger; r storr, 2 :ow I.1ST '11 ragettese .Senteteed to Prison With Hard Labor. A despatch from London sus • Ordinary imprisonment oaring failed to cheek rioting on the pa'it ot the suffragettes, at Magistrete at Birmingham on Wednesdag ternoon sentenced Mary °Leigh aul 'Charlotte Marsh, two of the ring- leaders its - the - outbreak At Ole meeting in Birmingham the night of September 11, -when Premier As- quith delivered an address upon the budget, to two and three months,, reapectively, at hard labor. knottier woman was, given one month at hard labor and others carious terms of simple imprison- ment. When the istatenees ' were announced a, number of suffragettes in court picked up whatever they eould lay their hands on in the •form of -missiles and broke the wties dorm of the voile; room. •WITNESS lifIRNE0 Montreal Newspaper Suffered • Heavy-LoSs,. . A deepat-ch from' Itontreel t120: Tbe Montreal -Wit-negg office was g,tittered by fire, which broke out about 0.31:1 on Thursday night. The damage is catimited at from $50,'. 000 to $15,000. Several ,tteighbor- ing stores and offices alto suffered; The fire was 4iscovered at 6.30 by ensworkitissinsthe--jots-e0ini, 'tow it originated 1$ a mystery. The flames began their! work on the top floor, &eel iii an incredibly -short, tbne the . Whole upper flat svsts wrecked. The roof then fell in and **led tsi: the elasnag4 Flames ate. their way .down -through ithe ot14r floors to.the .prets reom in bieereent. In itelditiork .to ‘the 'damage by fire,, the' loss by water will . be. considerable. Arrange- fisente Have been:, -made with ,Tbe, Oitzette toe publialt the paper for the. present. There was an iesur, nee, of *150,000, on the buikltig litt# 4.104. • 4 k p.i Lupe SIster trail It1ilek,sn4 it We ' .0011 as She Ent it DOW*. i - A despateh from' tagot, Ma says: Murroostht itta,"enlar.o son ,of Neil' 174,hnsoqntott Itosentlyar; as aeri46.01,a1ly shot through lithe htad hist stiglit, dying three hours The tared man had return - ore the elevator, send e*ro1d sister Aciingrol into the, ens vit-sse rifle Tay ,f/etlii4e4 fo1'Owiin4 It bsby in his toms* st*rt 'lit' over the wheel -at the ltttle ri fieked 41) the rifle. ,The,fitt.lese reel her to laY the riflesdowle dhared. aind t 11 %IN T Mining Stationletles.nFa_r_rp in Inet -Pasece--issthes 1tigbct town intheworld.- The reni /de bread gauge railway by whi ,----e,.tout t at of Mont Mario it. is reached pases ove+ a higher a fitude _and there are iiining anvil irf-ges tr greater e eva- tojs. It is also true that there are IsglierileilWaritiersitiVTer-Ostrtitis— ArequipasPurto line the station of ' Crucero Alto attain -is -the taupende 111,42-gefevaetti:b3304:ef-,14466:eafleete;elbrherset n no other real. town of ;8,900 bis,.... - habitants, with a railvi# '' 'nation, tr legraphs telephones, ehurellie. shops, 'Clubit hospitals and vices censuls. It its 4 W011411111 eX411440 4. American enterprise, says the London Spectator., - . The section of the railway which runs from Oroya te this town 'be- . longa togthe Cerro de Pasco Min- . mg Company,„ . and is extremely:. tertifortable, smooth running and fast, tonsidering the. gradients. I passes through. (Inc grassy valley*, grazed by countless herds of 'Ilas nuts,- and the blue sky, the spark- ' ling streams, the snow pealtsvo.in-- - tone with the green, pastures tog.mir a delightful variety of eolorg which afford a striking contrast to the ' unifoirn brown hue of the barren Chilean Andes. To get a fair view of Cerro de Pasco it is necessary to go to thss top of a high rock near the railway station. The town, with its little thatched house and narrow street* hes in a la?ge -undulating basin in which- the chief -ieittires are- the- - toll chimneys and other budding* belonging to the mines. In the dis- tance a large lake tan be seen, and all around the horizon is studded. with sooweapped-heights, • At our feet is a busy scene. The useful Indian is evprywhere - now driving herds of Ilamas,..the 'savers' sal Mountsin earriertnow riding Mules oridriving camases Over the , undulating.,roads-And all biti bust- neis is a -part of tin 'great worksof 'extracting copier arid sitter from the deep shafts.' The rosy vheeka Utile Indian ,children, whose, hee- l -4s ,eolor---- eltistes, through their brown akin, i$ an unn$not sight in •sallew South America: for the cli- mate is lieidthy and invigoitting. In the' Winter, there iste great deal of rilin *04,$leet.,•1 but ,the ttunmer la bright and env andall the ;mac _ round °this ktemperature is'eitultibK on Of moderate void in which the 1 thilitiometer ;seldom falle,inuelt.bee ow (reeting point. irs,t.hing at Cerro Ve-'Papsep; is "run” by the Anteriestri. , Thereriss $ spiteteess Club' .wheres -bowls ars ss played -nightlY, and in. the hollo* below there i* a ,basehall ground. Roth these `,K*rnes "06 .chstietmrit- ti• hte_eaullibiltir 4atiggfigi,oraterrtncauret tthilecoiych ily,t7h:replittiyhlt to about onesinel a Milt hours, he -players, ar,16,near enough to the( tetsitors 'to hear the es:mutate, _ �fle41rgLfl -6r otherwite that Aro 10.avicatv 1Gtotowftt. Th; hospital. of the A0101010* il unbounded; and the life i$ one of, the utmost god feeling al:A.100d fellowship. The only Orstibiek to the sltitor's • enjoyment h the s'oroch mites tin- eleknese, which iii 1 .ers *in to *nark a, new -Owner unrss *vends by very gentle ,EIGN OViVitOR0 • 1 it r, Slrr Rept.*es od animal. 4 mrnon e 11$ oat - a tb1e s»r14 etitssst •zperienee n ..4 li WAN. lir allitt# 914, A n mniut4, ete squ e A ift s r el' r , - .4