HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1880-7-15, Page 7::slut 15, 1f440 FARMER'S COLUMN. heti earner must apply a heavy quanti- ty of costly melba' tnauure to the 0011 raise cows for the (miry they; every year, if he expects to have an chit til not he alluaed t.) become fat at 1 average yeiltl, and tt sunder oheapuese tatty singe of eroeth, and shotihl lee, reappears bet nearly every point of t) onritt to eat borer° two yen rsof age, tcnitivtttiou oxeept that of labor. In. Early #.tleedieg darw::lfare ittr;a milking the eettlernunt along the Aurid River, iu 1 laawore. Northern Mitinosuta, a 1'lonttll may run thrnuuh� al0 Soft alluvial eon for miles' Experience n1 two) 5',ts0l1S, olio wet j 8(1(1 l ' thea., rind, ie 810,11„ nt a in t straight line wvitborlt ell snnthtel•ing ,11t W11ic11 1�,u1;Hind duels nut often the fttitlt- =eat a $roach.. 000 dry, is Ill,. 1� ), •,>, stone, ,t tree or a 11111, a feature to hr,wv salt l t l r •t•lo tt�r tet y toque n . w u h e.. ,. , 1aure fret, Crum weeds and grass after chop of Iota, thee: nneiropine(l so(l'bruk- eu itt Isley or Jane, Nothing mars the beady of a farm 1 , r.orO C hao to see It seri molded by e ' TUE COQUETT.EI WELL. greet big overgrown hidgo foliate, shut- ! „ on 1 r,nvi.11's DREAM:. Ab`rinll 1(3 HAD DEER -- Ain the farm nut from. vi.'.ww', ttnd, IDA t, A SUGGESTIVE LEGEND, '.there is r terrible legend of Orim- T'artary, ani10nrtihl�,r •t very 11nt'sive end itnpnring edifice, which ]r al.•o vee v lilt- tient, It 1( s;) vault toad I1111'l•1'cttive that travellers are prnfou11t11y lull' cted, (especially talose wlln count from Onnn- triee where a certain utirnb`lrof percone aro annually rtnetroyed by bura)intg the- atres and falling bnildinga. 011A such traveller \vas+ leolcing with admiration mien the rdifloe, 111 c0nlpnuy with 11ix lfajesty the Bion of the ceuutry, and be could not restraiu bituaelf from say - tog t "0 Bing, what i4 the secret of the wonderful strength of this bniltlsng, that it has neither Humbled clown nor 'the osier lt:tutl, nothing 5111-3 more to ( JILT)(. Asti, '1'111, HAPPY 1tU;f3ULT THAT been burned up ?' the eppoaran00 of a team than to see it. CMILU: out IT. But Itis majesty.: the Ting of the ('l mounded by: a molly trimmed bodge county was coy, and furebnre to an- t•f the proper height. Petroleum Centre, Pe., June 21.— ewer. Being pressed more closely, however, at length he answered, '0 stringer, ire strength is tt secret of the state," Tito stranger was not dismayed, and after tnnoh entreaty, his portinancy overcame the reluctance allot Ring, atul finalty said, with solemnity "0 stranger, when my ancestors began to build this temple, it was upon insecure foundations. Thereupon be sent. for another builcler,and sail to lam : "1 he present corner -stone will be ritised,and the present bniltltar pieced tender it alive an 1.the stone laid upon his body, you will proceed to erect the well.— Should it be weak or iusuffi'iient,it will be taken down, the corner -stone agaitt raised,you will be plaood under it alive, the stone will be again titin, and the bniltling proceed on �e more.' My an- cestor said nothing further; and you. know. 0 str,n.nger, the secret of those tsol18, Read why this building deet not tumble down. The stranger, says the Crirn r.Psrtar lotentl, went hie way ranch meditating the, marv,.11olts anv,.rntuot which was able to preveut flimsy building, Tihe old practice among fartna:re of Otte of tel' most fam•,us of all oil farms etnnuelly scr,tpiug the true ks of tttrplt' that were developed in the early (lays trees stud afterward eu1. lyiul a e eat O of tele petroleum excitement 0n Oil used to be. Still the good ra•ults Creels wee the Hyde & Egbert farm, f)llewiug the Nome will well repay elle neat! this place. .D:..I gbert, of P ank- Uudernest.tih tho eery and dead bark 1 lin, and hie partner had between them e;,,ntttlees nutt,bt'rs of venin snake their 1iot;t:1 •; when 1110 bark is removed and wbit(waslh applied the clettruutiun .f all vermin ie cnrtaiu. A. little effort i4 necessary to teeell 1 watt to tak.+its first grain wiry, but it vitt soon learn it. Beginning with a a email tputetity and gradealiy increase lug it after a week or two, or wheu the c:tii''is four'to six weeks old, give it all r :it will ear of these light fritts, feeding it immediately sifter it has takes its itlllk. A. good iucroase on ono good calf well protected is bettor than halt seine on twacalvee poorly caret. for, earlyfault of 1804 a troop of Iutliana lent+t of ale ferus found in our woods gavau exhit:,ition in the village. The contain more or less sterol', and when properly prepared ale extremely palate able and nutriiioue. An attempt Ras recently insale in i+''rouoe to popularize thele ae an -article of afood. The young shoots of the common brake fern wheu exposo.t above the 'e it t.i the air oudeut. IIs hard leap eutertaiued and sunlight become exceedingly fleshy, the ilea of eeekir,; his fortune in the w11jt wnta11 i8.11Ot Bo 00 n,0ltin 1)0waiinnyr t ,$1,000, whish they paid fer the farm. 'ruts wee eoliilidered ahs isniaeuse price for it, as it had not yielded enough melee eultivati 1n to pay taxes. Iu 1801 they struck oil on it. They haul 4cveral good wells, but done that com- pared with the great gushers that had •tpouted their 2,000 aud :0,000 barrels a day fni•t.her ciowu the creek, ` had brother \ 110 ' tl£ r 'I b0itb lath Hyde ci, I-1. � i lived in au 1sastern town. He wee in love with a young lady of the place, who wale netod itt the neighborhood as a great coquette. Oue eight in the young maul cu(I the young lady in tlueetion atteutled it together. After he had e40orted her horne, lie seized an opportunity that offered33041 asked her to become his wife. She refused him. He went to bed disappointed and •des - white aid tender. A famous French painter is kiinwn to pride himself Oil his fern oet lets, aud the hill tribes of Jatpan live on fern all the year round. In spring they eat the tender letelets, aud later in the season they eat the 4itarel1 extracted from the s'od's. These s'f:ggostione as to in3naging S'olln•g bulls are given by ,the ti�iltiam• etre Farmer :—To make a first -$:less animal he should run with the cow till he is (3 menthe old at least. If weaned ,eariNr, feed on new milk jag .from the cow three times a day till be is 6 'srir;ntelis old, then twice a day till 8 months, thou once a dry for 11 month or so longer. At an early day., 'say a a nl entil:old, give 'Jima little fine hay to pull at, aud later let •htui nava •Rohe •oatmeal, a little Oikealte, vegetables, sax., increasing the rations nes he :grows •older. Worming frog• milk should be gradual and in pasture tient. .Ring his nose at 8 wonthe, handle 131031 that 'tinge daily, After he is weaned feed as you Wul 11 others to keep thernila good esuuditiou. Do not handle the r1,ag af- 'fer the ring is plat in until the wound is entirely healed. and rub on his nose :lnutton•tellow twice a day. The number of Texrts cattle seems to 'be increasing astonishingly, as we may ;judge from an article in the St. Anto- nio Express. It says that the drive jute the bordering states this year was not less than 80110000. The largest porceetage of these were one and two- yeitr.cslcl paeSestpnt•+a, which are already „('orltl'3ti ted for tin aclvauee, .at gold prices, svith the.nlose Northern ranch - men. The animals are said to be in extra flue coni irfrl,,•and tho drive b:'- g,an much earlier this spring, than u,• 'tuts, as the mild past winter has boon favorable for the growth of pasturage. 1 aihn's steers cemmnnd $0 on an oil re?ions,aud ere he retired that night he lied determined on cerryiug out the idea without further delay. Before n31orniug he had a dream, He thought I t k ' 1(1 1 18 s o0 In a wild mountainous 00Us p pee, alone and frieudless. Suddenly au Iu• dian, hideous in war paints, sprang from a thicket and rushed toward him with bis touiabawk raised. Tho dream- er was unarmed. He tried to save himself by flight, bet he could not move. He had resigned himself to his fate, when another person appeared on the Beene. It was the coquette who liatl rejected his suit.. She bad a rifle. Dr. Hammr'nd, a native of Ilon- Stle quickly paced the weapon in her treal, appropriated $15,000 of his wife's El i k.27ri1 R Pl 0. ill d lover's elands and elisappeared. f tonne ju :t%inuea soli alld tilers e10 ed an offer to the rev.. gentleman of a half interest in tete cozloerft for the use of his name and literary talents. It was t not accepted. All interesting case is pending before Sgnire Iionry 'awards, of Lobo, Lt ai,pear's that Alonzo Jaynes, of the Towvuship of London, whilst working with a gang of mon neer Hyde Park on Tuneday last, related a story t0 the effect that a warrant teas out for the (meet of the Rev. Jolter Layeock, of Melrose, fur assault with intent 00 the person of a young lady of his congrega- tion. It appears the minor mrosefrom the Rev, A1r, Layeoelt'c; visiting at the house of the young holy, and before a company of youcg people jocularly nulling the young lady upon hia knee. From this the story spread, as gossip asosily does, until Jaynes is said to have told it in an altered shape before a company of men. Jaynes is cited be- fore the ivIagistrate by Lae -cock for defamation of character. Alonzo Jay- u0s seeks to (dear himself bylaying the story 0u bis brother Janos, and Jatnes heard it from William, and William beard it from one Itichardsoll, and £ ieharclsou heard it. in town. The re - Ault of the investigation is not yet a known.. 1)omamion. William Pessmore,nf Dnnd.t4, a sad- eller, dropped 'dead in fiatmllton 0n "LOUR, and GRIST MILL, Saturday. The cause of leis death is sup posed to be apoplexy. 1 1Being in good working order' gives every ace.otn- A six year old son of Mr. Burgess. 3 `cation possible in gnetidg and Souring. "lour anti "sill food aotivered biota o p .rhos leavinE' tLeir of Sesta, Ohio, was drowned in the utUersbeli o.neoblock atJ BfL1';S.isalcery,or Gatineau Saturday n]gbt. He took a o'BYi4NG titCO' , oratmill sante dity ,auxn_.samu.aTr232== srxcana. 7 d '1:11 4it Ami toxpeil818 t0 441041,$ uutpt tree. duuruos 1', u, Ylt;h, r tt X, Augtmta, S� 1110, ADVERTISERS By addressing t,Teo . i,a 1 e� 1 & 1. V. 10 Spruce St,, Now X,)r11, care 11 aro the t•xazteorr of any proposed nue •af A1)i� 1 1tTIShti (3 in Ameri- 0a0 N9w5 )aper$ 1•..,100 -page I'arumh1et,, lea, .ter ( AT..itll t.i ! CATARRH 11 1 tie' \..J The groat Serra Nevada Smoing Compound, 'Theonly positive eureforClatarrhystdiscovered. FOR 3A'L1•3 )1Y C. Lt TZ'S CENTRAL DRUG STORE. W. L SMITH, General Agent, Arkuna, Ont, &YI PLQ rag ►R E ../rT R''13 it .rs.i1,Z,, Send for circulars explaining our New System of canvassi n Agents have wonderful success. 100 s.t?m$c .111. Ett,S To 1,000 IN)LAcITAi4is, . Our publications are standard, Address, itis Henry Bill'.[)ab. Co., 41. 4.1 and 11 Sllotuckc.t st Norwich, Conn GItAY'S SP.rrlcIE° .11Ei)ICINE. M„ .„ T.bo(It IntRu lssitTRADE MARE'. 11.•rnetly,au rattail ing'eurofor he,.ni- ,,,,. lea IVeal(n, ., _, SPernlatorihea., Ilupotemoy,an,i'011 Diseases that fol- low as a, sequence of Self, Abuse, as • int•, ,. loss of Memory, Before Tal:ingtntm, Pa1n mlsal e1tne Qfter Taki: ;, asis Back,T)ilnness r2vhsiou,Prenlatuloo1,140 1 4111 1 lita11y other Diseases that lead to 'motility t 1' Consumption and a Premature grave 1...0 Etat 111.11 r,,lars in our pamphlet, which AVt' desire to fsend fro by mail to every one, I: -s• The Specific lfedic,ine is sofa by till druggists at :11,erpaciiarc or six packages for 15. or will be sent by m1(311 cm receipt • L ,i the money l,vaddressing 1 TIIiI ("BAY MEDICINE coo„ TonerTo, 033x., CANADA. a.1'S01d01 Eceterhy ttll druggists, anti ev 'v- wltoreinCanada and the (JuitodStates',ywLt:le- sale and re tail druggiats. N, B -The demand of our business have neres- stitttedotic remm'in,Y to Tenanto,to which yia,e' please address all future uommunicatcns. TRADE The new I"ronrh 1Ierlicinocures Sperntatorrh,ra A. -Kat C1, and all nervous coanphti.nts,•e- enlatng iuLu$s of Momory, serious in(pediments to marriage, great depression, etc. 76c per box" 3 for tat. Sold by druggists everywhere. Whole- salo—LYMAN 13B08. Cr CO., Toronto. Sent by mail, secure! sea nr 1, 9, lett, on receiptaf price. Address Imperial N?atlioiue Aaeno?. lioxr330P.O.. Toronto HALLOO, MIK. 'Where did you bey thorn brick? 1V,.11, Jin'rny, I bought theme frons \titchc�l1, of course, Iles ho many of timet left' Wtay, yes, tl,ousanda of (1,e)n, acid first -41s Inn. How 1100)4 01) Holl th.un, 1Iil e? Well. Jimmy, he s'U4 thorn so cheap that 1 Was not to toll, but 1h you want any just go right thele, for be ,.1)•:, to lj boun4 to sell as cheap ar any in rhe tonut3. 1t on:e 1 iur, hu livor swath $1118 Crectiten gravel road. JOHN MITCHELL. ere Ilion, Feb. 01, 188 few i ,xeterIN Orti' cramp while in swimming. A, F. Cotton and J. Miller,of Ottawa have received tale contract of surveying sixteen townships in the North-west, and are making preparations to leave next week. 0 T WARMS E_i.A.SEI. ALWAYS O HAND tits IN THEIR SEASON, the best of Seedbarley t`1A.Y 4 Oats ALSO cuicklime & Waterhnme LAND SALT, LAND PLASTER & Blacksmiths' Coal AT SWENEBTON'S WAREHOUSE, 9� �^� C ',Exeter Station, '4r•tf ■ a .t.`l ' 1 whero my wareborsentan will always be fon: d from 7 am to 6 p ill to wait, on customers. B. SWENERTON. 1 Y ) P The lover covered the Italian with the j with another laxly, and has been traced to his native city, and is boiug searched for by the police. On Tnesday of'last week a trotting rifle) and fired. When the s+nekeclear- ed away the lildltan wee gone. 'Where he had stood there gushed from the aromed a stream of oil of great volume. rape acme off on the Godericll Driving 01 It flowed down ove the land iu a 1n- Pere, between "Dan Sullivan," owned bemire river, in Guelph, nod "Brown Disk." of The young tmali awoke from this Kincardine, fol' $400. Sullivan" won dream. It made t great impression in three straight heats:. rpoll him, nut only in business mat- ters, bat in his ]ove affair. He depart- ed for Oil Creek nest day, and went first to the farm where his brother was "William Fagan stole a Horse and buggy from Mr. Grant, of Unionville. oa Dominica' Day. He was 'tussled working, One day the superintendent by the 1)01'00 aud captured at New - was showing his visiting brother neer maritet. He came up for trial on ani" the FIy(le •_s Egbert fart". Suddenly ktlmt t 50 every . Horse $day offeiitealing (�e i° this the latter stopped andlookedabout neig.liborhood, hire with an exclamation of surprise Sunday tnorniun two boys mined 'This is the very aput;' said he, 'that ptttrich U eshen and Tans. Kenealy, of 1 saw in my dream.' Cobourg, were found dead on the G. He then related, his dream to his Ir about a tette west air the brother The spot was considor'ed tt T.11. trlt c o favorable one for strikingoil, bat the tewi'' Supposed to have been run over by a trade. Both lore under the dream of the ,young mall so impressed iufiuenee of liquor mbe.li last seam alive. the superlintende0t that the detertnnted to sick a well there. Tho result wap A. few days ago a girl Denied Har- awaited with inleure interest by the ley, !.bout 10 piers of age, was arrest - two brothers. The drill at the debth ed 00 0 charge of steak,,,. some lade in Ottawa. She was remanded to jail for three days, dttriug which time 81113 W114 pl10e1 in an apartment in whiel.h a oouhber of prostitutes were oaufiued, one of whom n'el Lizzie Ca ay exact- ed tt promise frons the former girl that when she was liberated silo would go to Gray's House. 011 being liberated ,,he furl Tnrlily entsatgoti .i H. st.IVim t With 0 fatuily, but was in duo it to go to Lizzie (iral's It?ll:+e, Whcre elle re- maittod fir two (tel .'8. 81)'. IV:IS retno• ved by Iheh father, and will t)r„h.ab! be placed in the Good Site1)hi 1'1 , ileum. tI Prior 1'0 1101! arreette 8119 wVa)rs i i,"lus- trioissly !tort bore a good Ci!,1v11.0 or. It 14 lea(tie)1 from rr?iablo authority well. With this sum to start with, the that fifty y, u g men o1 'i' .r•'nt , warn,) ft,(ttlrlate deertrl9Or 10 a few months • a(lluirore of the it •v, \lr, li.t•etlful'(1, made a hn.ndstethle fortune, leo lee- have agreed along tlw11111 lvos to rtti,e tomtit to hie -native villnt;n, tall. 1=)v a smlzl of ltliaa00 per eon unl, to by but beat him ju hie own 3053111)t ? The ing the young Indy who 011(1 ((31050(1 hie pais] to that geutl1:uau if he will answer that first presents itself to this 001111 and learniu_' that since hie (1e- preach iu tho Albert 1I 111. The niter, 1111osiion 1s.the en00rnolla diftereocra of rent in Enelaecl stud A.rnerice, but thee is nearly, if not altogether, oblitotatod by the coet of transportation from the w este-n fields t.) t he A 10(313carl market. of 1600 feet, struck a liteial river of oil, average, 2 year-olds and cows, $9 ; 8 The rich deposit spouted out at the ye=ar -old, $10 beeves, tale, The aver rate of 2.000 barrels a day. The well age evorth when tho market is reeclhet3 'became famous at once. It was given i4 c0'.3.i)t11tied at $11. per Head, making 1110 name of the "Cognette," because ,$ ,ta;0,000 for this lot—a goodly round h,1ul for the Texas rauah•me11 to realize in a single year for their cattle, A Loudon paper „rods an interesting ettl[t'very o:refill (1)mper:sou between of the cog nottisliness of the young lady that re•aulted in its being drilled. 'Thousands of ptrrsous flocked to the fat'•rn to stye it, and a flee of ten 01tlt8 It head 3453 cherged for a sight at it, English mod :\.toeriean fanning. n pouring its wealth into 1)r, E,nbert'o 'Ent(' ;incl ono acrd yields on art avol'age tanks. It flowed for fiftee11 nlontles. 10101 boshnls of wheat,w11ilu;in Atneri- Dr. Esebert trade an iletn0tlse fm seine Wit it yieltl'l 00. an overage only Qin- from it; and then sold tI nue twelfatilin- teen. The American farmer must f0rest in it for $2.75.000. He gave therofore eultivato two nand a half acres $:0,000 to theyoung man Whose dream iv order to produce the same quantity led to the discovery of the Coquette of wheat as the English fanner rais0.4 °o:1 one acre. How is it, then, time the 'American farmer 000, nevertheless, not nutty compete with the I ngiish farmer. l:arturc she had ceased entirely to go as yet, has not been accepts,] hy Rev. into society', 11e propose;! to her again. ler. Handford, who it is said i4 patients Thia time 11e W04 ft00epted, nod lee ly awaiting (Lettere eVa111tt' 30 0•)111100'"(101.1. Married the fennel' coquette, Shortie wide tho Bond street On gr(Igrtti ,teal nfterwariis the 'well weaned so yield oil Cll0rca. Should tee nh'r beutekeu ht The real advantage which the At)eri• volurtterl)`, fent to a weal ''1'•uU313101," 113 more that] likely that the populat, eau f1(100)' has over the LngliSil lies in 113)1 then became entirely extmostnll, orator would draw away from his uldt the cilea1 )nes of cultivation. While A foty maim; others of the derrick (thumb fully three fourths of the mom -1 �. the Anlericen soil 11 00(18 little if any that stood nbnnt the one)) famous wtell here. Therefore the these:see are aux- man 000 ret all.in order to yield an aver- is now all that 010)1)18 the spot where ions that 1)e should leave the rely, A a 1 t ft the Ii' g the 'ver f oil burst forth proprietor of a wveekly,,ewv81)ai er made gp laws$ 2'0111 after year) n Eug- le rl 0 i 1 GR.u9T CASH S 11,13. Having disposed of m y store, and iettviligto vacnte the same, I will dis- pose of my whole stock at amt. under cost. Balo to commence \b•etinesclay, June 4th. My stock comprises the fi test goods in the trine, ane this is a rare opportunity to proenro bargains never before offered. Call early. Goods booked will be charged regular ln•ioes. All outstanding e °counts most, be settled in June, W. D, i1. 1+LOGHLON, 136 :Dundas St., London. PRINTED AND PUBLISHED Ft1iu1 I,EZ:C. I 'OIIflINION. NOW IN ITS SECOND VOLUME. Unparalleled Success Greorge Thexto .ENSALLI PORK PACKING HOUSE Having commenced businessfor tlae Fall andWi nit€ rT rade Weare prepared to purchase any quantity of Pork, subject to the 'following regulations We Will take otP two pounces per hundred if dry, and three pound if soft. Shoulder shuck,. twenty-five aunts. If any of the bung gut is left in, 30 cents extra will be deduett•d. No porK will be bought at ars price i7 warm, We want all Flogs Cutting $right tlrrongl1. broast to head, and llat,ms opened outto tail. G c S. PETTY. PE VAa E 11 is a,tonisl,ing to seethe change lash, has taken place in the Ci)I1.N11 kt STORE Opposite Central EXETEI tt. --0:0— hew and Improved Form. id Pages Only One Dollar : E'er Wear ,r von. 52 IA` 7 III3F;IIttS. 4 Numbers a Montle; 832 Pages a Year; 3,528 Columns for One Dollar. Devoted strictly to Agriculture, Horticulture, Stock, Dairy, Poultry, the Apairy, Ilousehold , and everything pertaining to a ;arm, both 'out of doors and in doors, Its Weekly Commercial Reports and Prices are tow -1 q, The extraordinary success this paper has mat with at tlid hat)ds of the yeomanry of Canada dur.in;� tltc peat yc .r, stands Unrivaled in the annals of journal - s)11 of Canada or the United States. A large staff of able and practical writers are cn. (.0;.,;(.0., rind corresp,ndcnce of a 1010004/ nature ' from tt5 many sub, ri0c r, t) `:.,V1t .iwtla in tilt: Last aud 11ri user Coluusbia in tin tVog. F5Aantereles CO)PZE3 1 831EIF . Printed and Published at the Welland Straw Print- ing !louse, established >S0 j, by N, 13. COLCOCK, Proprietor. IV. P. PAGE, Editor. A Oircas, CANADIAN PARKER, Drawer II, Welland, On., CIUMilist and Druggist, IIns inrt op.1l„tl „tet a film New stock Or i'1.rE InI.4115ZRawl Ohlmr(.1s, 1).n gist, hllt:.lr liyo Stmt's, Patent -Al calcines, Coni til l:iwls, -Spit !;rushes, To 0h 1.3x11 008,. (.loft) l.rusl,(11, finis 11111;4h18, F"lrsh ihn:l,e:., rt4110111t,ry. soaps GIFJ11fC"1> S, TIwI SSL:;, SHOULDER BRACE'S. PUFF BOXE,S, • l EE1)!NO BOTTLES; Et'., N() OLD STOCK:, '1'nu tom always rely ullom Pmre autl 1'10-11 Drug's, n:, I dead with no Jobbing 11)0,1)', ee, menth r tI o 111tea-- Corner Store, Family long bon' )•3111,, he ('t 11':1 701,d, is\Ctk r. Cr { 0, THEXTON) Motnbor 0. C. nun