HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1909-09-30, Page 6 (2)- • ,,4.4 ••. „ w 40.•aelk 411404"whoemotiosset041101 014014 • tr " c• , ie..' ton Oa 1.',40,4.1,‘ With 1.P.VIAA. '1431,4. j9t t( L?art. dtr' (an'it he; that* ed- my own itt1-4,5k1 Otr- op. a. yetir heart to yeti'me., they ,al tr loVei er a. little, a this. "I ,!ve y,4 -a great Ideal 01,* YyP beautiful , Le.Ien Ifiwai4 and laid bee he soft eheele of the here" 4)w couirl ve been wifit you al! these o'ad net grow fond, of yoat fow perfettly lovely it Will be," she added,, with i 1,0,.*Nt 'tee. 1400 the" tlireillierar neck a,nd drew the `ly, bee? -a moth 444 17"^: NO -41 tan . be 44:4: tunatei eircurntance for h* same Another ter- have found her own ''elaiighter so opportunely," smiling- • lf.;remarktri Mr. LYtt.10t4ani"1-144' 114.4--be1igp,--rnyAleaT giri, -that?. 4U baltreelize that, through this (lie- ecovery, you .will Come into an in. me of some thousandS of u , 11,• 4011,1 11 ) 4 r • ,a'un the name, *el' boar ,all Vi • ny hear r a 51; „('Hy xj4ti. ht - d she 4 1 trivi ve said it, alln• ost )ressively happy I arn teeuight 1,k" /13 coneluded, wth a' laugh that, tanded alme„et 1yalerie41:' Iltish, dear,' ,Yon nine vay ti extitemeet," said , ehip, in a tone of gentle repreet she f& .her arms about tio ghteform *nd dr ad upon het breas "Wo inust not forget t ,• smut, d well; 'Eut yh ug to sa ,=7 t yeti go I iuteuptc<L • was..goiegJo,.if ths lit.th' key really lirdoe r h. her it, iS only an e men t :sht, t.ied wLth the 0 I I CI iisatommoom that . akw;s sir, en li" r & tit Ithe, *hoe ii1i1d from inc. t4.141 ti tbatt, 1 w teensh and n tci1Itearelaiskuti.",..SutitlI10„. 1 stupIac , ty *j,ti;htt 1wutIt*ve. sonittlie ikt 1 it , .. ,)" 0111.47:',0itbxl,vitt:14.01:4?rt41)1,,, ,.; , ,4,144,,Ovilii,xn4.;.1.11,41.4t ii Tsx i ' , 1 , *-0114 - 1 „ tb ' kg,144 ehe 'now Pt4,441 ttLen p rePlaced ,t1 .abnv'it, atter which- sto bent *n ft a soft paress,, -like a beni41ic tion on the% slen&r tend , CA) b(rPetIntinti "7 el IT 1:188 Tor Breach , 1, 1 d of liaekin- sbouldpy Me; dee . thie ‘7, , .04. Ot#0 rgt. 4 orre Var,Prof,10ei . oeornyiet " tiek, ybind--41nierter wide.,beely., A top, end ° t -o' ratleei 'quite leveL Froin he outline ud tie and broad. CattIo this type are refereed to as bkiek intlicatiere--tomp*Ctue *litleneatnees--of tonne, If tlue'body itelined to - be long, it May he meti••.„, animiil* long a les, oi.h.owlog,to'o'little depth and fuI1ncs. of body, maybe term, The had houM hove a. broad, .•• 8txozIg tiitir.Sle, ndicating 'superior -grann .aud feeding. eapacity. trhi, ne4tras loielt!set4ewbat re in. , eid Froni I poini4 view* gland ie the hest ermtitri ,OT3- rtl, Ir breaeh of o o. o „„ cv ges from In -certain parte Unityd 2 State s breitell of promise stetions *re not allowed to be broughtin- () our., and the-eian i, at tiberty a _ s. many ma/ ens. other perts,of.theliift bow - r,„ huge damageti ltre somethites a,rdeel An very 'slight evidence, • In -Germany a special ' laIse has been &sited whiCh has Completely abolished breiehpfproMige ac. tione. Should a young tourtle. de- sire to bevornee,engaged; theyvisit the town hail and • declare 'their willingness to marry,: and si,gre with witires.ses1, a, teriee rdoeu- Ment* wiiieh: 'render 14, clienge of mind on tlirt man' S parti. j'ittiefiest'y ,elit of the, qiiestion, „They ,are not, eegaged until this formality. oat been Carried out. Should either party :discover thet they have made a inistake.and‘O.Db 4441,roni--thieeoloeeinenti the pair again visit the town ball, and lifiether- Sotto/ &tun:ants are forinally sign -N1, Witnessedi sal .*The authorities, then mine the question of eempensation for injured. feelings. . In France breech, of promise ate tions are - extremely-, few.. The -- French-, law reqeires,the plaintiff te prove in Cotirt that she .has suf fere4 ',pecuniary toss by her fiances fickleness, Throuirtiout Frapee 'A bride almost invariably 'has.a mar. liege; dot,' Jorge- or -struilte and the fact. is likely tto Weakenelteromes The, Same laW hae beeir adopted7 Ion a WUI L1 ubstantiat7d- *P- attie English r a -lands° nullity "Why, do you -mean that this wili -step all that litigation in connec- tion with Lady_Bromleeee_imper- tyr" critA Allison, astonished. PI do- mean -just 114, lam wind up " that matter very shortly, and with very little 'trou- ble," the lawyer reeilied, 4 'Went I /rill sure I dq not half. realize it _yet," she fend, with a long .breatli. -"Gerald," darting a roguish hW:c °at ' 'him, "do bvi hear t Fin no longer 'as poor a8 a church ineeicee' Areult you glad I" • "I do not know that I rine erpeci% ally delighted," he smilingly re. spond6d "but if you are happier J-caneheLeentented." • I'M you happen to have anything besides that key in • your pessee. *ion irrove e -,our identity?' Mr. L$ttletter. here inquired. "Yes, indeed, I have. " Wait 41, momeut, and I will eliow you," Al- - lison replied, and starting eagerly tee her feet, she flitted from the rem before, any one could detain. her. She sooa reappeared with the ,box in her _halide. Putting it into Lady Ilreealey's hands, sheep)). revved : , " utu$t 13Ren it, and when .3eatt what it contains I 8111 sureeyou will feel that the ehain evidence ie tomplete." • Lady re- , ry rrowful at the question. Gen4 • ,104ing hOrsett from Allison's ern- brece;!'•Wit. ;went to a trunk and brofight forth a. beautiful casket of ebony, inlaid isitirpearls and goldt This she, placed upon the table be- side which they had been sitting -unlocked it, and threw baek the cover. - Alliton 'uttered an exelametion delight LI -S110 -6,4W, the array of prectoite and Iteatrtiftil jewels that were thus eeposed to. her gaze., "Almost -all of them were given to me by your father, dear," said her ladYebiP tremulously ; "but, rarely wear any of them now, for Jam still in. deep mournin 4 IV 1' , me just f me o biek to .14.1ii . i , ' She • a ful locket as the poke- passed it to Alli- mlito who foUnd herself looking. in- to frank, rather boyish, but, altee qeether attractive . face, with es very like hir OWII, and smiling lips which she felt very ,sure never gave utterance to 'aught but kindly and 'courteous. words. 1 ., Slie sighed ..ae-,4 ehe ioftlelosed theeease and passed it liaek to her ruotlie-r: ."bLe.elid not- speak; were tears in her eyes. s 'choking. eensatian in her throat,-, and she., cold(' not, • n Austria:and Holland, where -tee , With trembling hands the. woznan presently. Lady'. Bromley. found number of .such eases .ia 'isrinell,, In - ti,cw vatqc the e"ce, whoreitpee, rubat 6fie, ..wits...r_eekina, 1,0, a sixiall ,Motat of the Continental cities the Mrs...Bryant came. te her side, aed gen oldcube, ,about an 'inch and-ailmrties concerned take the law in4 both eagerly examieed site eoeet nts, halt tquar.e; 01,4 riehl., sttidow to theil.r- eini. -hands and get their their tears 'falling...thiek- and -fast zirh rahie3 and •diandleilds. .'" she big,'..brothers Or muscular frieude . as they unfoldeel the dainty r,,r- laid it in Allis4Na's ha.nd. • to itdminister a severe thrashing to , raentse every one of which they iai- 4,17a.hmk. ittO I ' she .gent15,-, .. eom, uy f.lekle man aciio breaks. his etantly identified. - .• , tranded. ,,,,ron. have tho kes,,,,, pfornise to marry, .. Mr, ' leyttletofl. aleo stood by Still another method is followed 'With an -expression- of -wonder in ...,: nib.. The law_ reotulies the, ...lord overlopking the4r ,inevenieat% ant her great -blue . ,-eye.8,-• the girl de. '" , tat cd the mysterious key from the I ".surng for breath of promise, of I *hen. at length- that note which had teen found ipy It.lise Naney Porter ,,,ehlin abOttt . her neck, inmerte4 it whichever toe, to produce a, „writ -- 00;1(4 tiPos Allm'oll's $11.nket 1V.3" Nil the 'lock, andlttined it. Thtin. iTiinlarillTiZrbtegov:ugerrtYhetr°ett-uit;t5' t4i°11„.1:: • ,nefelded„ he reeognized at the firct F.0,-.1,4.11 .tt strange., them ivi.,ti, intr-the-handwriting -of eltitesit-, eirifimi--a-ritli her iferves, litt4id 'tautle-thrown- out of eofert. •--13.16 ter's friend, for he had read matcr ti'le Ilif eel etre., hells within e ,neat. difficuttY of Producing ituch. evi,- deuce is,, of -course, practically 'in. surmouttable„ and es;ses are rarely t,ried.; 'Manz an Italian girl, there. This, of 'itself, prove3 a, ieat tri'‘iitTihuegrelbr;Caultinil:erii7tfe:rea:IiiCtgnia*ea' 1'0/To:VIM-FM airtions here betn. "blIghted does riot liesitide tO 0e- , 141,034 and 'the careworn look which oti iti,... imier sugate. . ittati, i v gb herself b' ineans of. tliel A- letter whieh lie.,144t1 perinea 4°P'' (of elite' velvet, a plain butlicavy 3 g 0110 S'onthfut eerre1/6edeace of eireler„of foid.She iitted ai in. le' two girls. e Ire had Worn ke few; whenevee he klear,l) • said 'Lluly s tttbv • '0144$14t, of \the 4,'IlreliAey. _aea"" • Iteintiving relverent tone disappear AliiSon turned' it to theAight • teem his ,farea. read: st 'Ilrewster • Th ity," he jocosely - remarked, (onr joy ,over learning that ,a tr,othet -that.bczz are the ' o. (ouit--I thate t y‘o-wilt nt-ntirdy turloek the feet thith 3',lo si 'uncle." ' *- Itleekel" she cried detigli 641646' My,/ blessirip' ire' nod ting thirte'lliehsr4.1, 1—Igthink the relationship demands ratifiel- itione", TliVs was e*id With eu0i, charm - ling stir oL)E ..t..&.titsec,livinu,d • fee a blush, while;she togeishly put up her red lips t.) him. that it floin the houSe4 and the ...equilibrium el everybedy %IS ld to'red theigtbc,tal that ' „there *al, g he talked 4`,0%tr stl!t4 to at, t44,ttit.tol 44/11. VIT 4.40tgec; I , "C. 33, to 11. t '11,1-1,4141111k4ru-s; ler .exptitined with 'trerritiloie ; it has .rerer been upe - -Since that -ene-happy week whhh y4 hatband and pent to gethet 'Berton just sifter our czarringe . The iiley before be was it brouelit ire .:that golden oisktt.' 414'y SAtifilt 'dit ;04ill never "dh for evu, ar - ' 4? back to ite ght yoft'this`t eome hack to you. I have had tire CArk weitr itceithe to, itind -new this be, veure an& mitre 40 Ag 140' wished, I never t oleo ab .it . litt .tre et, It eteere ry' ran hen, thinking. r that she, 0 ire et, when # I Wes t in until safely in ;I• t hat fatt liarite. thitt RI 'fur ti ie *urthkk -BOTTLING VPFLEET. „ Lke *a Niery Conlit he Skist in a Danzig news. cmotednby The Navy, on the cot -Ultra: eruite of the -13rit., h armored cruiser' Cornwall it *flears that fears as to' the • ft. ;el lieets are not entitely efin, to English writes's, on the Germtne. . The journal, 'reports that/ On the oreasien 4if the Corilwilli3 visit /to Kiel, a dense prevailod„ and he harbor Authorities, who bed been. advised, of her pending ar- rive in the evening, did not e ect her to yet in. an aPpiTare fbre morning. • , ifowever, when day broke,' there' wes,iinec tred,at her assigned po- iti aud appearing to be quite 81te had reivigatel the ealte Wel feed the, doirkness rd WithOLIt hoard This rfrnsz&41. h» rate t '10,1 ' ttli 4 9q3-; d 'not .r . \ia n 3 4 but it s nez 1/4 1 41/4, * t ors t tive nor 41 • O• ieiit. ' s will 4.Z buttei .4 4 ' .. i , Ist:'''4111,Y,a pow:titl:i:4,Itviit ,cpt for dairy usee wi ofse 'go diy ,,-lieiLior. a, u will o 1 ,,. e rinirie it; ' 't I, stem wor ileep';'*4.ikiri:g, :'-‘i'' e'tifttc:i: ',Fox: v" ,is geed fiow.44 t4.0):::wug,x4., , , 4 If .tiiii:S eontaius fain afrz1...u., , t , 'sAei,...r,:thiate:r: i '' 11A. „ tbe *milouutt 1 • . ulat ut ...limit. it /TO ar under ordinarY'VIMIST.IDt3 determine IkelgAN•r, ere%is h.. krteariinyrr; Nee begion rs '11 r bl„ flier are net No p- ing. No eoWe ehold be kent in the (lairy that .gives less than 150 unds Eutter. fat a year: A cow that gives twalandred pounds lways profitable in . the corn belt, and /nem beginner should' be estified ,with that at the. first.' Our vorresponeterit is evidently a. new beginner, and he hoe a great de I to learn, whielecan be learned old A,0 experience; If 1u will reser vet to keep, WV co* loner than one year inch does not v ee zate 1; I 'e ass preferably khnrt, . with 050ffle, cur "dish," • se -termed, --inet-l}elow-the-eye Mob should -43e' wide rt, larg vitt sr -gent e- ra en. A quiet eye means an feeder, l nervous,wrestleas -o shows la annial uneatisfactory to handle and core for., Tire -forehead: as indlosting mental earewity, ettoitld be broad and reasonably full. The race and cheeks, in a superior head are fell and deep, connected with a rather liroall, ,•strong lower jaw. If on the horad-type, the horns should not be toarse at the head, but should show plenty of fine tex-, tare and quality, and be graceful end. of , urn/onions - proportions. , An .aleind nee of rather Jong hair should crown the poll or -top OLtaliti teal It is very desirable that the ear. should he neatly attached t the head, iwithout toareeness t at isshouldbe of superior otine e. ty...0;e4 neatly. pointed and vovered. with silky hem with long hair at the edges or tips, „ The vied: of the beef animal Undri "1,0 be Short, thick and nettew. cubit, of inedinin'dePth4 and should be neatly attached to ther_liead and smoothly blended -to the, 'shoulders. -Tbeebull at maturity...stiow neck • ottuttre length, with heavier roue- eles, some ateli * heavy coat of *hair. The-feinale will have a short. er, liehterlieeke with lest thiekneis and :less depth. 'Tios".:tteer stioald halte. .,11.13tfitert thicker,: ..fuller,„ smoother fleshed neck than Ole tow, When 'in perfect pose, wit -h- head up, the top lino of the neck ishotild he slightly raised above, tips height' ef the withers. The shoulders :*bould extend 'Well into the hack, lying smoothly covered with fieSh, blending nen-1- '4o with the body. A, high type of shmilderes 'uniformly Covered with resh froni-thoulder point to top of Itoush angular shouldere, rareveuly -covered, are among the -most 003.1111104 421 A prorairient. shoulder oleo emplut• ..te3 the- developenent7tehina The .breast' and thest are mos or ant. The former, thould b lcd well forward and brozd all in the bosom As one itandz'and iyittwa a beef bull in show form, a greet. breadtli Ot• breast; land, strength :. of ,brisket Meets the, ,,eye„ '•Boinetinies the breast arkl dive, „hi/ye great depth' and the brisket 'comes with.; la fifteen inches of the level of thc loot. Viewed from •oue Side may Eire• forwent like t1;6, Pro* of eow izonsider*ble- Worn nutj? '*how, but itot so gtiest, s 'degree', and , with less 'breadth' chest which lies between the shout. - Atm and,just badit of theta slioela 5$ full -at the crops, Showing much spring Of :rib and also. welt filled vut n ;the trent flank The rtioif beautif1 front on the beet aiiinlistl rc matte* ivbrther ,bult,i to*/ oe steer, h *smoothlY laid, well.tlesh. shot/14er. -With a strong arch 4.)f rib‘1*)34.0.dw leming little rikr de. sion, gnat depression liettind the thotthlers or Sr • Itiattior, cif, low thest indi4tesiaek of TyPee and of .Esrm 1 ,r 4:4 tl‘ • enzn *ft\ inti,/ 14,AI ' 31 ingbt 41, 4!„ business. t u'eso however? tare rtml pain 'vhieb few men *re willing to take apif- isieftunate.thatit ie -so 'because Wird men learn how to v-eigh .and, test and feed for the epose-oleprodueing-the-maximu tuantity of milk and select eow gwe 401,----7V-10r43:-. fat the price of butter and milk will always -be high enough /to make good liviug for time, , who sre fo take the pains te nod out how to do it. 44, VAll.31, NOTE listint on the hoitses goes with prosperity. ',Tumbledown and wea- ther-beaten buildings are a pretty sure indication that thinfis are not going as they should.- . It 134 good policy -Oen in 'collo- trVinarketi, for those who have eggs of different shides color. to 'ecp each sort by -itself. They may o bring any mote in .everir eas ut they k better and are -more agg dealers and eonsumers and in the end it will be found to Pay. • . . It ii-fOrtiiiiate for many farmers that the h,ouse.vrell sometimes gees dry, heeause it.kiees an oppeittun; "ty for tie/ming it. If it has not ten cleared for two or thtee years, pump it dry and go at it. "Anyone surprised to see how' much sediment a well aecurates even when its top is Caret Ily guarded. Dad water is the -ea, e of much sickness in the family. SuperPhospha,te ;of lime eontains a large proportion of u1phiite of lime or gypeum; tit this -way the pleisphete Of, Hine' raixed with 'sulphuric acid; the add takes two, thirds of the litne front the phos. Onto, leaving 'what is known. a one Irene phosphate, or euperplabe- pl:ate, that is; there is three times an "much ethoeplierie acid ,in. pro- portion to the, lime in th,e, .super- phospitatee. AI in ,,,,,,,the„p!losphate. These two.proportioneof lime cern. bine with tho. sulphanriebaeill, inek- ieg.'sulphate of limo, or gypsum, But'some otttie-eliaPiturie acid' re - rains ;free in. the mikture. -Andy/hie liurtfid to the yonng , I • )1 LIVE lobit xOry,a. .. An important point in the pculity biisliiesS'33 it toed house. inxtki ter *hot kind a. !Ouse, whO,ther it :s Modern or riotl\ litet slit its' dry itlid "wind:Proof. lows calving, in the Spring gi more milk for three months after tatting than tItoser'oatolgr iii""the " Thissituation is reverski from theraTseventir tO2-nintli_ months, Fall cows Show enialler variations 3 . milk flow than cows calving the For pigs nrind one buShel'of flax,. seed .with,,eight%buslielli;of osti,„cir *11 the fiaiseed that ten be ,ground without sticking', to the millstones. Thermie 100 ponixls of this grOlind 0 . • at Volese,1,x* . tie* of ' strikin 'feature el. the ,nriliquek held at thte, isen quare Garden'kwrites'XII,C, t;_e_hrattielk!s; New York tor,- (fentY„ was, the large nntleher men exhibiterh ,,repres,e/itntr torie*. es the restilt t eir enterprise, lioree sprne ep -er the eounry .within new %Omen ve 5, C t0341-vd`irt the • atrmfaet1 Woulerefol Clothing, more, t .ree ortper eterY !eir 14iiceess' reads like (Mr*, Ca pt.), Cif Oulu elauehtei then aI tcrt -- enall Field in Chicago, 444' years afterwards Knead hers tablislied in Paris its their.44 ladies' itrulerelotiting„ Three 'years ago 0,843, she decided • reanufaeture in her own behalf. She began with twenty workwomen.1 Now she employe e00, additiosi, ie nearly, „A hundred agents travel -q 3n8 in every part -of the wOrld iftiss" Leona Foreter, ..Who hi4 Oki% .in the' early thirtie*. She is petite as dainty 40.45 rosetniel..40ee w , No t I h to speed -the day in her factory f vin 7 *M. until p.m. in summer and from. 4 a,ni, until At' pan, in the winter. Miss Forster explained that her suecees was do ) her entire deVotion, to deeluretl,„ *Or -teettere -Wake-tlCeirirfFe" siness TiUbSidiary matter to thmt sotial success. Se manY of thetn, pouring out by the hundred front echools-and volleges, eery are seeking some genteel occuPae, ton which will leave them free to' play tennis and atteral -numbers of afternoon teas, raw of, them, *merited in business in rug, land beeause their habits are not businesslike." 4. „ .With !flies Forster are exhibit:, ng two Scotewomen who are &ogle.; ters professional men i' Seote" 1333.4r They went to A, ,f.rica to; teach, and have found a more prol fitable 'livelihood in business. One of these- ladies molted that e'ree eava-14 donei father the cmi- gration Of women the tteri doss. There is a demand to them ht Amerzea, $he declares, because, they are better educated and more 'reliable' than. the young women of Areerica, Hess IS NO,.EXCUSE 11/111. The I','ntitly Woman 'Who is a Illot on lifer Se,x. There is no excuse for the !untidy'', disorderly weman—she who leavee4 odds and ends wherever she goes. It is asad- fact that a great,inany lot/shawls are far neater atoll their belongingsthan their wives. and rimy a man has decided that matrimony was a failure becauee' he house resembled a• rag box re-: her than 11 home. Every neat man with ordeile ha- bits ought to be such.a reproath tc the opposite kind of woman that she,. should retire from Ociety un- til she ehanged hereways. If we ttre neat and nietletelieal itt ur ways we are lacking itr the chief attribute ef woman. bite I'S meant to keep the world AneerderAted inakeilife bcautifui iile rna1 ivra Js whole time to work.. Xot all the good qualities in ihe drld CUT rcdeern the sloppy,. ir/I;xitcfrom te,ing fai,lure'aa WL)w 11She eitn bo brillisut, witty ena) good., but ahe) is *or ereatutt if Ate 43 s1iy ittappeereeee• I hme et hois one painhle of dust, and 'things out of place. , We eannOt all' 'Wive rich and home tiful things around us. Some. ofo ' to,°, .must go clad in eotton and .at oste„ //1/414 flaiSeed with 200 pounds t.brgn. !TVs Will beithe bet kind of feedyfor young pigs, and it will le good tor them, all 1.11,S, time up to 'fiatenitig ;eand besides t his they 'will .ernooth, tangy rigs, malting good itGasters at 'any time, • In ether Words, theY.' will grove *id fatten tery thty of their live& In, breediegosh,etp fOr-70*001,; ith thoronglibred dOr gratie 4.14its huge ini.size AS .thol can lie had. 'length and thieknesi toiii-toaree or, gainm ' I t thtte rom pine bo*rde; lielirde:eliould be sernbbed until the' glistenlike snw, and t1z eot., ton--'4fess *humid- -4103 .14'th.: O"rning. nialiten thrie your wearinn, Ch spleWellery th*t eeds, repairing, lieces that need, washing 41141 fel/fliers that,won't ettrI,ganda'Yoll don't hive to nee inzi‘our house sjilotteditalile. clothsvtlust covered ,hr/c,a.brise stud h,rokeit fureituri, :Better an empty rqeM fouriare' f IFYING A- EMP eurionis ace reti (pliant in*hout, e tusker, happencd to. ' resiii4inekue!ork A ), <7 1 4 c , statit4 el ill set • 41 '