Exeter Advocate, 1909-09-30, Page 4 (2)• liau#JOria 9400k9rA.9 . AURSPAV, 30, y09. 0999asier*******99.99,99999.19.991.9999.*9099..9.09;01 . MT tPird WI* rri*, nie.rillIg for th.l. ref' *KO IfUrtM County conitnitte. Of Menlo ChriStian, .Aseociation att inslc,".inertutlit • Sept. 2lat. Pres% Oa -ere 0. P. flIajr andellehi rci C.117-494.3 J. Mer.istr. aittrientVi R. "onag..,C,Orlowl; Duettaa". .4 830' 0.,‘, ; and ilia C, iNeming. 44er veiti4ical oexet-rittes' by SiOssra. piem% rbcOtt, prom ,mintize* �t the.pray*. tn* mating were nail acid , The treaeurer'S report. **aria woe* -ail • 'tOnovili. was Cum 'reteived- Itwelpits for quarter Net closed, 8153.3 .455.48 Oisbureementit in treirara.at-saie44' rczte.20.-9 trattiln. receipt* remainder quer. 393.5( Espendituris ...5$5.01 " otatao tactiett for yrear 'The tresaurer, Ur. Scott. reconatnend, en that ite lOcaliiiies not yet "canvassed tor the year bt. caaiitailt. for the pro- hable which rceeivectlitOr: appro- • val, of te cominittee. . Mr. Stott rcteentmended that an effort ...hetrut. de by _la conunittee to but the biidgets for future years upon. a pennon- , eat baits.byeollelthw plethres to re, Amain. 14 Sreai. after year, and tet' minable ilat any t irnet he pledger tIndrn himself unable to continue the Weds' by giving notice to the treaeurer to till* ,,,,rci,trArAkt'LlgtiztrAtig4A4/44--.4144.x.-„Mitr-ktifj of making -a yeally cant:CIL with fl attendant uncertatnty. . It wan Proposed by Mr. Blair .and dulY Plaised Altat-ttie eecretari-be-authorlavd ATifaito np-with----the Pro -vinciatcomniffiee the Matter of transference of rnemberahip feein any County Aeaociation to town or citY ,9,650ciation. to the end tbat ally you van leaving nioiassnaa- at any time to go to the city* may_ • have -the balance..•of the year's mamber- • IMO alutiva G the elty asegoeivtor, without further cost, the same tranefer.:, ,enee to be made always through' the County SedretarY. . The departmental sult-conimittee, iphyaical, social, educational and rens- len., were asked for their policies and wive lot work for the year!Obese var- ious department*. As these Were only -a a suggestive character they were re- terreditack to the committee for more - definite cryatallization after which these sub -committees would be authorized to 'carry their pkoasi into "effect. • The county secretary reported the fol- lowing' work done during the quarter by the local- easociations.--2 Bible itudy ses alone with an a.vcrage attertdance of 29; • 15 Siniday afternoon meetings of secured song with an average of 15 taking tort 2'1i:0qt-tic Meets with 33 and 38 en* • tries reepivtivelY, and offended Ir. - Average of 200 people.; 10 social events With an leverage attendance Of 23; 20 . Ttrystml, eignts witti an average of 21 laldn,g part. -' isiangeeet 144.salt hatt,been secured. ter • monty,3 work n thc ',County, so oegin about October 5t11. Ur. Flea ng also re.' pbrted f6,vorably on tie War* lie aCO3;rt. Volia!Ned arid tht benefit and inspiration reccived at the Sliver Bay Conference *td Training, Institute. Children -Ory FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORI.A, 11. Of Pavia Stock and Implements. • The aedersigned Auctioneer r tastnsets41 bo U by public soaker et LOT IS, CON. 3. STEPIIM, ox THURSDAY. OCT. 73:11. 1900 at 1 o'clock p. Am* The fallowlag valuable property: tionsro-Gatinai prease Wan. in kal: genera purpose bale. ycare oh% ...1.yearold fifty.. got by ;tavola. t.,,yeer-ohl fay, go: by Derry Down by Nea Parc:e; lily'. 4 inioatime okl. WIfOO; . 6 mestie old. got by NekParele, CATTLE -4 cows, supposed to be ta kottf; eslvsd cow: cow, ilae to erhte; oueyeer.old steers. 24.94*._ yeeoold betters: 7 3:_pcbts cam • R003-Thotooghbrtd riAletare sow. In pl*. VOIXTRY-3 aged geese. 10 young seem. turkey y*mg. turkey*. IR bees • TrOOAktatts-MPle-bitOL • 12IPMUILIITRAtioder. occww. 11 boo' ail TPA* Weed *On steel lad miler, byIrestre; sot , seillesieed hartaws.. sprtrifict, Limo ctt; Pm:ITS sad 'Ilresteedtivetar. 7.Lli1• INEttD*1.. gsliit;r2uvr„. inst._ *ad Wei*: Ibarp take, laMber ught „ _11•041•00 1440 eettera, itotte-batt, pa-tr Or bateleigsak hay 000 Its ptstferm 'Wales. Chatham fes 413g1 !man attathriterit., mvs4 bast iges Ur toot r. 2 sego kettle.. kyladettoa... X . %sots at „sleek asmere. * sor *feeder peke rod* doh*. . 144 tot *ace t;*601 article* htHler.C3,01; tbat a.ss.4 11 '11111010#04.33 ,ett itipprong Stites.lw t of 5 per cent. Per 31,411111.0i 1St toreitt ammtats. AU swat esseltavely soli Xkitt 42111136Pbsestslit kftetarmy . ltorrittANDEB8 aititu3ne9, • Clearing Auction Sale Otrarm Otftit and tioiiietata•eisttisie400's oitty rime Anetio4ss LOT 19, COW*, HAY, OZI tIMPAr• otlioaRit 4.(4. Iwo Csosstelsg .1 itiettoai . rtettrt OW* ler Met 4 A .11 toqi - a 4 1 te it red Ott CENTRAtilif. Sr. W. I1 Out** 31 left goaday tor Toro -to, wtere ;be regill POMO* hie ett**'; tea' In. Medielne. :_ths- ;third, cour4.rs. 14444.4 4aluit--datiegttet Pesti,- after_ law- Awe! --visit with-tiu; formal's, 140tiAr* Mrs. tt. .4419r08)9t have **turned to. their aninik inrows. whefiv ;Uri; T40°4 .bas b�eu.a, yealdaht for pearlY-tillity year!. '1. Harvest •1Ionte.r4110 Alairveigt,•ItetrifIti the Vkilhodiet-/Vnurob twee.& most en*, :3°Yable affair. Lanka. 0;4%010000e Oraated the "P*4i9r, on ,lifundai and ibe "Ionof *me* In, t4e, evOiinar . WA* Patti° Wetly' itnerdating, end ,profitable. Th tOW1 atuppOr' Oft Monday eVening ergegtto the Zadk» of the eintreh, the -literary and pmaleal entertaintnett following Was'. Aleph **we the average AddreSae* Were ithrentby &n W. It Vance; inatrurnentela i sea Baker ,and Pettneelt, solo., aes Butt, inett and AntireW utt, recitatton byjiffs* renteroy ertet_te • an11-541-esitts. 'SUMS, and Harold Mohan. end ;a 414$ by Mattes Butt and Portiere'', • Itev.'W. ILIButt acted as Abe chairman. About .40 were taken in at the door. O'Brien returned Monday trom seerding the week end In Ann 'Arbor, Mich., Where Mrs. cenrien has been visiting the' Wet month. • Mr. LaVette, and ins daughter of Platte City, Mo.. havo be visiting their friend* Kr. and Mr4. T. Nell for* few days. - gr. T. W. Neil hav nom hio tine farm to Vir. W. H. Connor ef Arvit, formeriY of Clortdelloye. We extend a bearty wel- coxus to 5it. and gra. Connor and fanr- ily to Centralia, as they will be worthy citizens. 51r. Veil thtte islnee purchased r9199.4&AiolsttittlaIntaa.loti,. road, a lirle north of the village, W are .pleosed 'to learn, toot. Mr. and, Mrs- NelL are to remain artnins. ue. ' j-tUk0.2-4.ts491,33tOt-lailitl-- - The 'titter Vail' was quite * -drawing, card from this vicinity. --Mr. Richard/At-1 ker,,lo,nuite ill, but we are gion to learn he is somewhat better than he hos been Albert Church of Niagara Pah, aang-*---Istbutittit-rtulo--ht-the---Ltanxthi churc on night w1th_l1ntteffe):4. -Rev. G. W. A•Aidle*411. 'Rife and daugitto Brownie halve been -renewing acquaint - nee.. in the itilitge.-,-Mr. and Miss Church of Niagara Fails and MIAs Gra- ham of London have been visitora.at the parsonage for a •cintele of darys.-!5.1r. E. biwIll ts preparing to build a new ed- ition to Mir -dwelling house.--, Parsons Davis are doing a rushing businsvs n butter and ens, malting, large' con. ignments weekly. -Miss Evelyn 8hnp- on Lueen spent Sunday here among rlenda..-Mrs. A. nowslaugh, * former realdent of this place, was in the village last week renewing aceueints,n es and rnany of ter former neighbors and riendai were delighted to see her bright cheery face. a Tut-ts, ttc 141,0,f4t4o,itoundary,1701:1)04,1704:4).:14.9mti*iitirt,04.40tirra,..400.18411 ry Z4s. 1* * ppfl ProPer 'won lootte„, Urow 0C: .140;4, -1,1t4,. 4.C;V1 9f4;'Sun_ t • the Valr are leavIrkw nottant uit- 4o.;- Wads itnaltink,t4e, rior yt* h. vat !la' Its The alf:It'ial t.144,gi If:4r are better e,* a44, be a swot intemallOs if„cAtufe The: Public ...,,chesotl. prociationi done Sone!, atc0,14.11..be in°,* wottll,* tal„as will *leo .be ttte, ;Weeding ceRIT tte;hitettigit eentehlt: anti.the lady drv. 014'4; .10410q4 'will 'have the- f,,ali! 0,t „Writ thiii •ifOIS19 ths,tvitOtS110. On, 00. St"' ntiDs 4fAXiCitinkit gr.. Edward Vit, this week Moved' tront4tX0ist • South Of the irlitsg Xr, Joint gar has. again ',rented the j hue Aekton farm tor another term. r.s and Mrs., John Pultoil of Walton are visiting Zriencis around Veroubar.--Tha, marriave ,took place at 3te. and lira.- Henry Passmoreee Thitnle3 ROO, .on 'Wednesday, of then' davgnter. Tena. to Mr; miff 4..10bl:tett township. 4 DASIIWOOD • 31"138, DAIIIIWOOD eOlfeinf. Jgrit IMES. Nods. Wide, Mortgages ail Legal BeeasteetaearseellY swiCtcetlY. proparsd Obanteantederate. *Wig C.4 • Ideasiss. Several from this village and coMmun tty- attended the Exeter MO hist Tula. AtilltARC.--.MPArt.favot:*2*-Jett-tba- -.We; miner la at prevent viaitIng her daughter.on the Goshen Virse ley 14111er got Wet plows Xor Ms:striver "t-ths-Zurfoi-ralri-sltrixottreS, year old' .roadster claSs. Mr. Phil Pass old got . second "mbney for his sty stogie driver at the same Pair.- His frienda here will be pleased:0_35110w ot the marked -Improvement In Mr. Jazpb *it* fa mached br et Rebt. tkik from till t and' 4)10. Ork tbe front window If lit sliver -visa reg;;. On 94 ..16,102 libt the 011atr.s \ *if itoaalf lblut window street *ad foUwalele • Owinrad g Cien. XI) In tiksb 4c41 '.*14,34Strie0 1:0,0ree*Y4 Mlle Village. 0.0n t! 2nd 2o91 gun.; vir. btoke'..4140:einst.'*.gistntjtY ot; 014004 t reetn. VAtter **V. tiOne.tm44,4 Wine -4131) 4.)0110. , • , ". „ , Ver, .the lUtA0 ,itt OW*, 'year * the by n fire on Vuee, day celp at tan O'clock that ibOatt. 1104dastkuotlein * ;imp)* 01 ,trerns ',u1,101,1‘ •114 ear- Of .0e4r tral -*totc'. varitio. bin.0 origInP.ted froth some unknow!t gout* I, the etable ot Sproul, and In thsu. ten .04nOteli tho: entire * * OA** et' :loaves. The Centre .11 si were burning , different , r the root tor over an .bour. the Coon, No ‘belb* Agree,. sefulltfOught fr. the side by the horeemeri. and *tram- tint alde by title bucket brigade.k ' The ftiolloerlag in the report ot * the Septa:mixt, Examinations held in ft. Eh Yaborne-Sr. IV., lot* 460, Vai- n* 'Heywood 812, "IL,. total '41.0S Inez Oteely .355„ Edward 1Cellett, 347, _Roy Goulding 207, Eric coward 21,0; Jr. III., total 3e0, Hardwiek Cornish 430. Dia Cornish. 31,0, May Clarke 2219 Lila Heywood 218; 3r. IL. 'Otal 450. Gor- don Duncan .aati. Lloyd Jobria., ;96 ; „1,14Azirrile W.444.1M4.144 iii-Cierniatt 154, ,Vera Heywood 144. -hest* Hamilton. Teacher, A orA tInuatIon-at_ tho..:satne-4111-a--.--cemplete recovery 101--olitill mon. filer 4-oa disposed of his property in the village to 5fr., Joseph Willert, who will Itt aillikilhood- :neve front the farm into town to spend thil rest ot his daya.--The. :Manes ht, and Theo Harticitr,left on Saturday to commence a atm' In the • IskIrmat School at London -Mi. Henry 4. Kraft le now runhing his cider mill every day except Siaturday.--Mr. land Mrs. Geo. Kbeli-Inteed lotting friends lit Michigan in the near tutiare.-Mr. and Mrs, ikatingwood of • Port-, liurbit aro at present visitors at the histnt Ittra. Collingwood's parents. Mr. and Mrs. P. Cloatunan.-It ia satd that .shortly one or our fair sex is to be diarried to prospereus young knan from the West. -TE Xtietta Louisa and leidt BLANSHABD PARSISEt STIttICIC DT TBAIN. t,. MART8.--.30hrt Donald, of ntensh rdp:•4111, croning the G7;.fl. track kin bitt$i mar FOIWian,"## Tile Works, half a nyt clot of the Innction sta- tion, was! struck 'by thejurseenger train from 3iratford, 01 1T 5.80 Tusedtry evening. The engine struck the front wheel of the liwggy and the'occupant was thrown heavily out of the rig, sustain- ing a fracture ot the Teo and a scalp wound. - • -Auction Sale Of Choice Fero Stiock & implements Mr. nes. Cateeree ben 'bees *strutted tease by Mille Auctkat at • oze TUESDAY, 00T, 12T11, 1909 okt &tut* 11.111 *ape . the' follow!** nilmak. PreptttP. 110R31:3-Mo4 msre. Atilft; 004 au% delft; gesend pewee imam; doh* yesellsg ttlly, daft; holee sock fill Qausg.-pur,Asrsd Outlast cow, cow dos at thee sf sale ' newlyeslved cow. I cows due hi Ruth. cbefeelsoliers. *yams o 911,, fat; steles 2 years old, 4 stems year old. 4 heifer* 1 yes: 014,3 calves. 110011 --Brood sow wItIr litter.st foot. brood sow 'due to November. POULTRY -A number et rout --, IRPLILMENTS-Lenaber *Ws !ft h1.low sliaele;pair bob4•100.***111 *win 64.s6-tt wows: seed drill. itsw; spring tooth contrator.wiwl dish stw;vIdlog Otororew; Mist Vow. 17•0111 mod; elegfe walkie*tetw. 19**•3.6.trew, Plow. set of kr. row*, toad roller,stto• seeder, teasing cattlarbor; eyer.lteedpirwer, all oose• talegor swamAttlee. idth attacks:seat for **Seth* Stock; root peps, hay rockdock reek, urgirsoigese box, new; grovel box eet of sows spriage. set at !lief repes, set of deible kensee. set ef Saes haressetcresmetpasbm-seatlyares: leap Wen sew; washing mtchtse. Debar clews, w tnw secloyoker. grids, forks. hem. •te.,-* a bars3 aier,aa et ditte. sesagelds sad *alp. mid mem 1001111vslY mi noon* MI titi kaeeeldkLsf*ra. s 213LMS-All moue efIROO sad wader. CASIft tMi ashostet111ototttlof Mat veal, be Rile* ou funt Appmed jams netts, Cperoest per Sose.. iItwos.ko.credlt,aseeete. , JOHN T1/01{Bitt 'Prep. THOS. CAMERON, Amt. littalte um and Vineitirtirtoptrir4a-tho Township 01 fitoolien and „ Exeter. • 1osr.. of of e et it* tiolo •1 eitte. This le c **foe the Cart A,4, Q. 111 1.T saa St ead UACKNg A L Ian lett' last visek'for Detroit. 4.4440:4440.0.4.944 .CLANDIFOOYE A De3th.,7,-Therp pe,epe4 &way aethnde. 370 On, Sept. 20th one or .nor ;jar a'it qvitieri, in the person of yfoi,ittio gib* the dece.acent* troitE:41,petr: ars. Ireland, in the yeat'lfitl4*Imitr sei- tiedin McGIilviay. PE:ti yearsisio 'he married V:ltabeth, daffirtiter of. WLflham- S&rnpvon of McOillivray. Tee dtceaaa4 ta .1101.41114'Ved by a Wife, two soh* ater,four deugt.tero The funeral took-oplace..ua James; cemetery. A quiet but very pretty wedding took place lest week at the nome of Ifrealall (a ulster of the -bride). near Liticari. when Miss Laura Blanch Sutten• daughter of Br. Sutton, of Clandeptge. was united in marriage to Mr. Itklard godorks ot Ottawa. The ceremony „Wait performed by the Bev. Arthur a. 1. Lutan, assisted by f1ev..1.11r..x. i. -5t1 - on, of Dorchester, a brother ot o the ride. The bridesmaid was Mils .31,0er - Coder" of London, and the groeinti an. Mr. John Ilodgins, of Ottawa. a 13 The tonowIng le -the: report ot S. No. Usborne... for Septerriber.-81V 11/.. A niter, C. MayBy. Coatest_ A. Hunter, L. Mates. V. -Coates. "L. 'fording. Sr. 01., may;T:--eitinnerord. .1.11....XLIThonnon.4....Pincombel. -tiuttP- -teri--a7-1Itt,nter, omson. It. Webber. cpateal, V. Hicks ; -Jr. AV. Than: - son, C. Davi...U, Coates; Pt, ki.Sitin-- her. V. Hicks ; Pt. T.; Carron. C. Wetb• bar* IL Thomson. • P. IL Swan. teacher. McCITIALIVRAT. • Death. -On thinds.y. Sept. 26th. , the death took place ofone ot the beseknown and oldest pioneers at the township. In the person ot Mr. William Dixon. who passed away at the sire 01 yearta;and months. Death was due to a growth on his handcombined with the infirm- ities of old. age. Ben near --Toronto, he.cams lleG1111Yrai 84 Vara alto. Por a ritunber ot years he followed the occupation at threshing, and.liter took up Panting. For several years he was toWnohin ceuncillor and later ,deputY.- reeve. filling the offices with eortaider- *Me credit, to himself and honor to the townah:v. Ile was Reform In politico, •ferfigii7.11:t4'd447*11111- ivrnbr IXIEniegrkv; liall1141rm MtL D1 -on Pre6see_ aaed him iieventeen year.. Ito 1*'*.tiorilvert by Mat "aorAt "avaLlwo daughter., all reeld,inte-either at home or in the immediate neighborhood. They are Willintn,""tdward; .1-ohn T.. Morgan. Morten, Mrs. Cook and Ural. Idalutre. The funeral took pixel' to Marc's MU cemetery,on.Tuesday from his late rest- dence; Lot 7, Con. 4" and WA. lamely attended. .A pretty wedding took place at Fal- kirk on -Wednesday last at the residence of M. and 54rs. Geo. M. SNOW, when theiectiliwiter Trent was married tolfr. Wilihrtn Lee of McGillivray'. The bride ams ottended by her +hater Silas Lizzie end,thn Orropm Supported try„.y.r. Geo. Ltr....Itev. Mr. Geddes' 'performed 'the tyrant:my. Atter their return front 11,4111) to Toronto and Niagara i F404111$ they wIU realde on the fourth OtlfcGillivray .t 03 a brother of the groom. / StilPHA • Last week thc Advocate copied„? trani the Parkhill Gizette a notice seating that on the 15th the marriage of Mr. John Batz. Jr.. and Miss Gainer tied taken place. The Advocate is now In receipt ot & letter from the Gazette stat- ing that the report was an error, and weg, are pleased to make the correction. Any . pttaon who Would make twit false- report' to it ratwatiiper Jimacer- tainly have sunk very ..low in the .0nlial seal& CLISTON.i-Albert rt. MeBrien week di...posed' of his, harness 11111.kint btlainesit, the purchai*r being% Me, 41f. Idelceon„ -e.e411 knoviri forrner resident ot town. - ' ' 1 • ; GRAND' BEND Saturday 5 tew load! elf .picnkkers Av. ,rived to have a dales outing-ait it004 fellows. The da Y was an ideittene an4:90Paitil,14:VO ruo-rit- *ells tekenAte suet es 'boating'. raiinz• 44106% etc. Itt fact it Was all Ideal, and wermist say thil- wire as -hearty do13ya rerowd inere gleced our burg for -the itistS00“.4 ortitey *ay they are cotning ,ittatini.ata we also'Would add, • **.orne.e? .4 • MariAn •OraVo:to, *WY 'had reatel. tinceit Park, moved to Brew** tin entraY0-4614. Pritzspen a few - 400 etmotel 1tt weeito-Mr. and -164, Pk, Otilltatitt *Vent few alayi itt ettfortit blot Week0..-5fr. and Mrilt.'• John *MOE *ritedrlaiit yotiek In Itoter.-Mr. 'om Webb bismiliner Over tho ',or you daughter on the lcOthe-‘str., cortlers is 'visiting hie plrerateo-.4% i. foomenit. *no haa bein visiting at 'Joe, OM'sleft for his home in Toronto Saitittley.-411r. and Mrs. IV itainlito1'01 Mt 4th 01 ItOptten, ildted lutr3 4.7- /0h0t atstton loet a valuable hot whs his been clerking With his ',brother,: loft turdayJ. /10 ls, going fa1m1ng.4--Mr. *rs. Moe vielted. at Zerieh '1 •••* 4111 w. 09. TOO. CAMSBA. Fat Abo. Waltr., 114 ft* 0 Anniversary Set -vie at 11101.11/. on neat Mitt ot Litti•Ain • 9460,44044404.4444.401114A 11 o Children Ory FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR1A -0 1 `iHk /4""/ tai Mail 1.W911, Plioakrat 01111111110.1.0 r • I , r 03 t 'fah • and ter ou ;�REE 21 T 7 • -9 st d.,:tip poi .WRD,Qassx44 Reserve Fund, • krotl, and In the. 0,1)(,f EnJifld Deposits -of and tipivarda are received aml.mtirest allowed at icatte0 rates Ageount* may 0' °Maui the names of two or "l-Wrawab-nittdr=•bracty------j-' - one of them or by the survivor. t, 234 ExeterBianch-re. Etarrlion• libulager• •Breaucli also at Tbe the line algeceral hiaZgrullit tnds bf r. OW AM 401, nit.4" bulliaese a Exeter in est Market Prices Paid for - Scrap -Iron, Rubbers, litoreelitair, cropper! All purebases Etc. to be dellv. to T. 114, ..BABOW BIM "the difar*M. trade Ovesn. Ordereforco)Jectlor scrap zaay toe left at the *MR dere, WherirprOttipb att.eptiO,Syft • WEX-Isie ea clip Exeter, n .,, '-‘• A-R:Ai4GE--ihould-noronlrtook-gtwd should be all-good,,We'hitve-what could be safely twined the porfect nape, up-to- date in the•truetitaeuse-knowntar and wide . as. ths-- , nrpiarmitiopx.pciao 7" Top lid of ash tam oefi Pine ece leeks 11.1.197/114 put dallablg Oat width hi Wand stow. For sale by W. 01 HEI9WIAN ittliasod:11600thith Business fravinitpurektaxtae7 blacksruithro_perq and business or MRA. PY.M, near Town' lialVritm prepared to do all kinds of Black. ,smith Work for the General Public, and respect- fully •solicit the patronage of all the Old Cus- tomers of tbe, 8129, and many New Ones-. believe we,ean love you entire satisfaction. Your, •par41, Busse . Let your Vieddiag Gift be admired, as it 01111406 your heart. lest wishes for borne joys. It need not be expo:41,sta beingood _taste.' Our await* are the best •and prices- the lowest. p"0 i AAA A At#440;,•,, 944**4(09•9+14i4900,444Amitok*Wom,m,4' ‘«t: 9 •