Exeter Advocate, 1909-09-23, Page 7 (2)47, ,V4 Le eouut jf the re* •tho: re to :fld - wu tight'uti , • ,alumet f o .istru "t if zted '*bout twu, 1, 3 433- 1* 131 ,. grijwji i mg il ,or re. 3' ire way t 41, an at, is .throug tonc tieatrnent uFplicd - iy br. I : s 4 f tbrf.er P , These PiL atually ma ' riiw, rich bIicd wMdz growing vt. and women need to make them' well Itnd keep them well. l'housauds l of. mothers and thei daughters V6 tott114I an effeetu cure, for 4etnitty general weakneps, indi. , gestion, , talpitation, nervous dis. ,orders, skin tratiblesiand other ail- raents in I)r. Alrillia.ts' Pink Pills, lim J., Q.: Mono, Brenton, ,.8,- &yii VLat spring zu1 ummermy L1aughtcr's health 'gs, hzd o energy, was vry pale: n a ,etite. I , f , 4e Juik1, ,tea std. . ith i , , file- t 1 party'*', with w the. !it been t&de aitd tLiy um t tak� at. loastof il,-.. _, wards passed ,aro airiong tne Indiana prese t; who also take a ro whiff .of ,,it, a d that ecremonia , atiiles and ma es sacred the cola - poet that has just been entered in- to. The passinkaround of the clan - met is an act of hospitalitY, aucl a rifusal to take. it is considered a dire (donee. veomen, and as ake the Pais ern *g. and vigor; her he, e id . i loins n liamerPin aill ' 'Dr' Thtset, Pills are old by all medi- cine dealers or will bet by mail at 00 cents abox or boxes for li , $2.60 addressingl TA' Dr,. Wil - II . *ants _ • Co. reekvil' le, On. SLtTUE PxoPos*! to Ert'et Octc) o rite lib:Services. ing • of Indian reentIy to,«meert measure fortbe erection of * ttie of Lot Kiteliener to o his ser- ikes to India. The Chief 4tistice pre Tbe arajadt Tagore ed in eukgisticternis to Lord Kitcbeaa- e's services to the Indian r The .1faharaiali of Burdwan soak Tiaa hnilar atrain, and paid a high. tribute - to • the Co1umander.1 Chief's military • genius and pow+ era of organization. • The sum of &OM' was. collect :tart, therViceroy giving £50. SIM-VIRG SOAP. /. It4s tommonly: assumed' ,that used iirshaving. for the of. softening the hairs, but ibis. stake deelareS a writer ontemporary- It is ii,sed, oit he tontrary, torender them hard, stiff -and brittte,.iii. wtach vordition . they hest yield to the razor. Hair being -naturally oily„ were' we to „shave dry- or with water only„ the ,razor would either stip over .the•9 iin loat ev,ittingit,or, en- tering *Vont -half way, bend the hair hack told sliet ,t engthwise tte whilo'streining it,niossain,- , fully at the roetti and as a tazo on141- tlitiS Alid-pull-741." • ably a large nnaber <I hairs, at the 114tr ences and ds fOrtswhih inr, experiences in *Javng untie e „ xisting conoi. Iraq would h ,9nsiderably intcn- ified • ') Xtt!.. ; *Yr ea` e twit Near me 104 re *tetid!co,netlerei tb. eplend. k 1*tiavie*-&fe *nil n TonertY atkti state *ed. luretttoos duties, ttorte- 'receive t i1* et t # • . N dolt 04/itto4 -turepontrti., : riftb'. -. rfolA ,toltio)a , ova.. k1I!i, 161; Shore eanualle fur teorle 1 oorr 'MS KY/giro-41 'ittWit iiiikir TIN* it: Itruty 0% itrIt4:1 kitifilit94 Ittt**tt, 00 re . It ...I, * lithtir tilIlIttet*tilt* liebi...,41* Will bte the, tit* ,c, *car iiirote etts Twits A r to be tr;tot "to-etiorinto ttel strait , thentleat , twtertet intertket 1st it* itattailerlftnatit ,..ws* Treate4 et„Ithe. PV,A*ril- rtifittittoa **et* alwrik stetv volio it ',41,CoskeAks' „Pvilitits sittAlreasiiiiaticie ateva,rd1 * , 'r4 ,Thts stator- ' rtl. uOtt,:. lt ,stst,.e.l. •4tIlr.'illibitc)tIfr,'ib i,L ' • ' rola eat eestrer 14111, orateretivl *Olih V'e �'e iat 041 Ford.ortthi*41e t soolFolt A itot reth c/ a* etbefire.t4iden,,,e, It* t 'aI i,tVA* itt On lalts, rkthee I,* tt tsfl,. At all dealer** tie per am., 'others bUt orte of the more oreretty osrint year( at the Toroutok ann hIS wort ,cf,,It rsb t4:1 rea/Zze tIzat ' Defore a rainstorm, a at 'near y lways wa,shes its face. Why t Some e aim that the Atmosphere exites - iny , 41(i!live i ' -01-- 0 . EiTii ottih turitilio4 One' 4:4 ' of this sort still "k44,, gr. *. tikes of Athol a0 the . 4 a „,,,,644Littill, 0.0.4kgro i,the k iiigi)e ALI ' bride across , .!.. hold of Blair -.Caitle ibei aAceard with aa traditi that itia unlucky for the iirst tine t� walk the ordinary Thi is only one Othelnany--quain feudal customs that are observed upon this estate, which' the l)tike 'o Atholt. holds from the crown e.of those strange tenures whit aro4-wash:malls!, ear of fur feiture the owner has to ijrcaers Lis sovereign with a • white ros whenever he or sho 37144 the.200,41 , . iii ,,* 0.. t 11 , iighrr p1ee.,:k. °IUtictl ii t1i, , patience . nd f Ii 4I, fr1I eet ad his dreams div e quitter is net €o! , VOOD Vsws nu Tux ottr. '47 PLA .44 • in eitvz aud itreo he se fLere is rio eat in thc Jiu,ie,you ay possess & parrot. .11 he bird, s own. ind makes $0*t 01 out for rain in the night. One needseldom fear gat- ing 'w in the country. ,Ilortes, s • certain 1 e u iarities before a storm. Po.ga ry bones; horses fidget and neigh; ,eows He doon_hg-oftif fa** fiome (lay you may. Walk intit a Acid and see a flioek oftilteep, in a •eorner, all their 1)46.4 turned to the nosith.west. '-If.,you wait long enough, you will feel a wind blow up from that direction: ' DEATH IN A SCIATit pie laltirles willt,Seitons, Results. Mus tzaTn an kre yetis ,oht, Wi042or by si :result atoll 4(on his1101*" 0004 entered:the Was, tatese4 Ittld ;b�PArstdette, the boy hut. "Seets lorttients sash.osit.-bino-useene foment -plea to 'mike peoplereelite the ago 'that. may is cyCs in the ate*litg, wonnl itsko asrnsple' ahotilkilo$4. siks, testy aerate, a splinter Witty mr * bathed witefence, or **hoot; watches ib. hatufithestatter.lainoceleteit wth gem*" of Wi4cirthealtaboat asisfaittlftitese. genni,-Ati*intrOit*Ctsi throe& the breach' i te is; it bottle royal ensato between theta staateitatatortatilstasla. our Wood. Whoa the insedistg genet ate too stresg fot.Nstaties-4,irtsces, * few hours the finger Will Insetwo hot *pa throbbing. little later the wound tasy exhibit a Whitish pfearaiteelt theastatlieef these/siting, and. .have What la 'town 53 * foitsoog or 'poissedieosita.*. • . The Ayer . to ev1Qi4 sea sittlotteteittlte'is to cleasse the' wotisct atsta*tx:24iiiditav. 74*-nek se powittfai.„Yst,,,t$iwom srmi :- Mao, sad'. *he* applied, to uwbragen skin ia aberibra into ibe tisset‘ instantly tiro Ito**. the -Amass tnat artes4:1-dite-ste and - The lie4h fettles sonthedand patilie41. the wound ;nts4e prifectly healthy, ane 4014 taus, of fettering: ternovet1., Ua'vw* done thisiZain*tlairthets proceeds to besi the Avowal or sore .with :skew healthy thWee, 1* ,* toicki ,ratioletee and vetted Zetn4Sk motact be ,tioattitsed wftb etdisity oiettikents. Zion.ault is it aahlue tope:ratio*, prestwitsg, atititieritich. soothing,. ihst,areau itcbefostd, to.getbe'r n*ey. 'other .pcaratkn.. It is xio* ***Tquoibtslitor.isbn4ket. it k 400 in fee& Fiw ali skia 4rnitiont*rotthoplitle** retie braises,late* errease#thifist, ekters;, SingWetinii etc., it Is nritIgAtt- squab- It it also *sot .atiaelyf for pihts.ler Which ;St ntay • be regirea as* spetiAr.ok Alf.41Tegiiita and .itotes *tit at 'fifty oats * bos,ot&el from Zam.8Co. Teroatoo for re FOT 0)04 1210tilti `Shatiting erinie4"ied Thtccl pion, to Ohio Considerable .curiosity luts -often . been expressed as to how 4elligs thatthe'. flespite..that great wealth,and--their4irgt.1.4atill, (they "itte 4/1"p•rinees anet-prineestit. es) should hive oonSented to buyY themselves Jot' rifonber of yttara the. small town of Bremen, °hit. The. departure of the late 'Prince uis Sulkowski, Duke. of 'tont Austria,' for the 'United States between( irA, land 18450;t WAS ill:Medi. :at01 *IV* satiOtikiog tragedy -4: 'me of the, darkest that haillvire tillie4 the annials of au/illustrious tily. Et was nothing, more o than *he killing, louder Vie' ni st atweions eifeumstineose tu titer. of Prince, wa assinated one March in 13. at'' the ” Pursterthof; nu suling *1001 loto thts town.nt Msyslowitz4 it Xertlittsstern Aus. tii,. but f the atwqrtf rra iltztet ft, tot ',1;atural. Itch. An Via at tea tem *Ns 4.4 hair itt ore1 4** 1-7;-„tC.O. 15 • v sth• W•.!,6 Ita Or IA lir *r$01±St.:si=141 %,-1Wie4 tratt!--4. 4.tit Mitt e 6# st it/Aviv, th cr!nfe, st Con 'unti u*rmons --A celebrated. New York Auri4 has been selected' to demonst te to deaf people thatdeafness is ti, rase and can be rapidly and cured in yourown40410'Ilo . ; Pr,,,l,PPoselt,„10-prove..this fact noo* to any person h&ving troub!e With _,Vieir 'ears x *mit of - Ow new method.* isit, free* bav�__Ito3i-444 with th vioizAts w ow* ormturts.0 PAyota CUR" Pas assoatit of $1400., tor'boOkisimrartaw; Vettratary• iteruser weeny* molted* 40,416 Adoiskide St., It Toroato*, Coo CAILIOIO PIONS tru. 140.0rawo Web. Dsitpa4J-'-X,rI- 1. XM 1%114* *14 Si 00000110 WADO awsis .-Tflatc CH 04 ECUC1flOt, lissenisT $ok le posit (pi (*andel and t#110os ket and prcssed upon p at-Po tention, but none has endured 804 /r-keitZ and wewish tc long or -Met -with -,s0 ttlem that they will receii Parmelee's Vegetable Pills. ide:t siltUra4,1"/Ii:.1)641utettlfe4V11° pread use,' of them has t r grest_1414 wi et erti'ement an . Baying: grin established them. Selves in pirlilk,cateemi.--sthey now rank -without -a- peer - o standard ,vegetable preparations. ;tTREiENT. It isiis't always * sure test to rnea- sure a iiiArt's „”am• portince, by his chest expansion. , WI Dive IfOl? A 11111 Bo, the gettaine, 'Tito D. to W ittothol tlaster* Va- 1,..thse tottnufectur:r; are toils* to telt*touvlotete of the 'groat, ails et The a. .1,4' by putting up a substitute. T4ablievmaturittokoctueo. 'woad* payis 4 u will_ VC etitning-to iho society»ofell. llow. Men. You: ..will d�ubtkzs .. .have work, offered _you." PriSoner:71.7hat's wriar it-troub-- ling me." 'Ji kindly old'.gentleman Nat tel- bng soree.lads the Story -or Paniticra-' was strong.," -eabithespeaker umming up, "became weak:, and •gain -regained bia.stretigth, whieh bled hiM to destroy his enemies. w,. boys, -an- enemy, *hat Would you adviSe, Mt to 401" -444. IiUk boy considerect,t1m-seeret f that great sinelentts strength ttiol 'his hand went` up?, " hottlo of, hair.' restorer, claimed. . Don't . ,experimerit with nrirnt actory substitutes. WIlsolit6 I.' dtf kilt ninny' tittles more house files thou Any, 'other 'UMW* alike., An 1d 131ftste1er iS tailed -Upon ficf give evidence for -the' plaintiff, .CounSel forthe-defengent tries to 'him. • "Rave, you. 'ever been in prison I" twief.).".. 'Row long .the first timer.: "One wholei afternoons"' "Whatti,•And the -Seeclud thnel", *.,tAttly One hour.", "And, prayi...4at Ofenee had you .-eolnirnitted to 'deserve ,s(;) small a, punishment 1" - "X was, Sent to prison to ,,whitewash a. cell to ceommodatea wh bad hiegia OXIC vf his Ateittltr"' rather. who • . •th, bus son hole to zet while It Ileachisi 'T John, ou e — few remedies befOre the, public to., ;.Wheri fintshed. talinjg 1 * day, WO t4ieteion$ in removing paire waysitavo4- 1.116 table. John- John and in allaying.and, preventingpuli'l "Yes.. Sir, and that v ia• 'about . monary disorders as Dr. Thconas*14ou ,do leave."' telettrie 011 It hasdenionstrittett,, •' itsli43:wers in thousands of iristanees''' Teacliciz.‘"Wilfreil, a beet its sAtile artd-,* 1are niireberof testimonials tbing we.,.5,et, wax from. Row; tel s to its great value as aluedicirt. what is a beer 'Wilfred 'Our,• row. could • be got were -there eaoi teaeher k a, bee Iteeatise he's tt0t0,-, Pills That lialre Benefltted Thou. tois-,--Xliown tar ,10141,--near---**--a, sure remedy in the treatment of indigo -akin and all derangements„ of the stornach4,. liver arid kidneys, Parmelee's Vegetable Pills .have llother Graves Worm, Extermitid, brought relief to thousinds when *tor has the largest sale of any elm- 'other specifies have failed. Innum. liar preparation sold in Canada,. It „erablis testimonials can bo.produe- The tic tool that basitad I longest eltilerience and e -est aucceso in training yning- ic rotor the ractical affairs ---tborbest-r always gives. satisfaction bv restorf lug health to the little folks. 4.444r, PE.Maitit POISON. Professor .O'Flanigin' vela- up nitda'phitil„.oncl the ele101 was si- lent. "One drop -of this, liquid," said he impressively, "Placed von the tongue. of a cat is sufficient to kill tho strongest. maul" 10 EARLY se 1* Palaktiter Ands ,ztse 1* ewer's home. lervally* for tutsbotar4oprolus,or bralooe; tatereally. tor dlarrbeort and 43 'Iorriterrri, Avoid antottitutes. Aber* is but • ou.s,vRalakillee-Perry at0411e. 1$4311/Z, TRAIT. establish the truths:of this aa* Oile0 tried they be found superior to *11 other pills in the treatment of the ailments for which they are prescribed. Lady (in eltereist,'s shop, t '..4.`What amI to take t icine in, my ladr' mouth, Sira . 49rour daughter's music im- proving," said the prote5sor, !but 'when. she gets to the scales I, have. to wateltiter--pretty "3ust like her father," said Mrs. utrieh. "Re made his money in the grocery business.'t Tliro green frutt in dren beocirtiti s merlins Cause& by irritating Olds • ,4to • ae Ply Padthe hest. o Itillers liotit the ,tUc and the ‘ilisease , fl X ,Ify," said the gushing neighbor, "how touch the baby resembles you-, both." : "That's. strange," replied . the newcomers* "she is• an adopted It is :oily, necessary to read Ab4 etion eatingstimonioati 144 lie etAlVixcteir mtuer di-olloway's Oorn_Cure is unequaled' to cholera o for the removal of corns, worts; • - ettt It i *compete extinguisher.; that aer'Itioltati.Y. on The: 11004 .or the inteatineS.Paint and danger - out Purgings ensue- and the .4eliCato nevi of the ehild suffers: :under the '&am1. to such eases the rat. est medicine is Dr.., j: Dysentery. Cordial. the. inflammatien child's life. " ndly mention- the name of this er in *Titles ttiliarertiseo., • country visitor to a, hig„,eity Iteungel contemplated with .aniaseMent the win the-tk huge' gilt sign displayed over.. the saxetb. entrance to AA illatitlit0 in it prom- . *bent thoroughfare: "Stainrce0,- Institutc Trial . Lesson won% tal soul,i ettitimod,the oral don't beat IL /1 knew they taught ' 'most eiv- );,,,Oug.,,thele` da', hut who the ieken* ',ants to learn staninier- lise,1140 .. *",.."+' , ,Ziltinlii ,..ftftkodir. sarear, viitersl, neutves, lily: Muth* ri littneStIrl. Aturtato_lor Iour A 11 e Tritoibles. 0 Wilt '.1.ut Aforlat,‘ , \ t *mhos.. 'P.*,At Your pturststc *rite, For- wie.lioehle. woo ittei, atrnedY"CO4 TOX0140; ., . . gritioVAinlitoan enotn*** ---1411.044%114111,13140,011411111k- Wr1te for oritelewoo; • .FON SAM OW RECITATION 1100 loot -ion published in Re ellehl Teo cents. Arthur Moo* Oraribrt Alt* VA SAIX-CouritiSlitar4 Kere0 stUttle00-40**, lottntt keasui tart* harnit, ood orettarao *stet fence*, no "rotate loot, choice lotatlost nest.. - ood olarkets .:„Esoir .tertne for 411111t 'WO*: P.0 Wanilt•''VOttertii lU P. 0. Ont.' 1 ST ELL Joon A CLIIINT' , fully paId or* Dottlortoosakle •h res tn OoIci...Dredging ,0004”,0 trolling ikose acts* rleu -*Toe Armtek now '04 count Will per shore tor 1111 or pot: %mows. Atortsr.sioot, ED.4-010 ACT A ior ONTO ilATURDAT itt bis sparcAker% Oeod *woos Iattou atsuager. Toronto. Tb OXITOliAlt aravrtni, Vgas woozy. goo to , orrsts Itissiii004.' - Alfred Tyler* LoPrion; Ont. • • '0 8.4k. D otato sosntso t'3„V :rweetittouvretuiry'rair•as and vtaFtIfg r..er Dor linvertile retalosio- _too* erterviinAteebeitt areetaltie4 s. • -6;in ALOcilt *Ott ..101110,0'.:4±114110,1.000fe-ls rePidy* frok ,OD qtit. VAN clot4 ,C,o„,' Tootle. Oat. * - *CENT* *4.1•114E0, iiontitil ' aceirrs-atziAntili ,,Atitts ore *tort it, bustoess of -their *WO Itroli Si,. Audit, Ioterobautir Perirelt Cu. Toroutt4 AGENTS IWAliTti)...-/ bare •serttreds nit feurret agency ot•Vocarthe io for , tale ow our Buttot *lain* 1,410111, 112144t4$ two pound* or 'Dotter out ot G; *5 an idditOnal tot Of'. *tee Apilantr; • 0X41" eltentleala nod*stand* plat food Ina-peo-7 tino .Weite for liertiontara for erjetasise errithr*s to ' Our Sutter Fifliite .V0ekt4tration Lite flutitliti* Tao reljeons-verker gaye-,* for. Men,P! 'during the wbieh he expressed °, his coriXiction tt,at rio )utilg man should, visit any place to; which he w':,u!i ,not feel IttAttw iti taking h olio' 'sitter. ‘"Itt 'the* apy, y-outig nun ivrei4nt hotin s onUay afely, „ ra this -wise asked the ker atvoutli in of *.t hi‘ I are and phinted * sten "si tone ''Yes, sir. 1 • "And what.' sir," a the anry and serpris "is th place to which ,you yuursolf oiild think of slitting to Whit not take our sistei:r' 4Thher'*." thing. w� get whacks from." • roseape te Uri it iperts, esaployed ermines katisa e tliffes carrieM, g Thr etitse**, Fly -Nits. wilt pieuM alt *I torten** tros/C 'tkat ii • ,boalt • "0-„,i'MED TO 11M1; Pfl (11 /dreamed of $01* last -night id Boodle to his wife oyer thc • eakfast-table; I hat (Ild oti tiretin, dear'?" "- "I -dreamed * dream," sit le. 'But *hat was the dreamt 'Ors. toodle petulantly. . it tamed 1 caught * chap run - / IEE Itt,11 lilt tile produrti the li is „still tiliz is shown by the e ij Se French colonies in A retent repo ent says that h'rTz bordering the Tunis :sere te fl .1 tl 0. with YOU*" ' "'d what 7,clid yin t ,to bim ired la veifee 0 litini *Int u , tr, '0 10 OIVIIVO 004 tif 014. OU - flEAVIl CUNt ,eitres where. others fail: Selig on it; Ow* ,atorits. rest of testio 010bIale turnl.hed oa 110Olirgica* Ask Per tiro -lost to got yla *tato, oosa 4t4W lett to Four Itrothers.. Resteelet • Price 11.0 r batkago. , Charges, paid to swayero. • roe .-oalc*,. Nur:* /*noire without o ode *lark, r0,1•211 /1110Yriingit nn faelt stoke**. Try aoseksteatkd be cortrIrced. thie Others bare railed is te.,0 readout b ° Reaves tatt00% be torrid _ Dr?oarBrotbeia •grarit Cara.= 'COirtia 14,401.44. )1k0.01.' *4404.4.* , . , . , in 'Ior3ugh4 into, n!ie sin 11 omit.,'..)itis ' Ainorts newls7 isitodslooti h 49st* **a eirlIt sea( table i Se norober 1 .., •••._