Exeter Advocate, 1909-09-23, Page 7 (2)47,
eouut jf the
re* •tho:
re to :fld
wu tight'uti
, • ,alumet
f o .istru
if zted '*bout twu,
3 433-
1* 131
grijwji i mg il
,or re. 3' ire way t
41, an at, is .throug
tonc tieatrnent uFplicd - iy br.
I : s 4 f tbrf.er P
, These PiL atually ma
' riiw, rich bIicd wMdz growing vt.
and women need to make them' well
Itnd keep them well. l'housauds
of. mothers and thei daughters
V6 tott114I an effeetu cure, for
4etnitty general weakneps, indi.
, gestion, , talpitation, nervous dis.
,orders, skin tratiblesiand other ail-
raents in I)r. Alrillia.ts' Pink Pills,
lim J., Q.: Mono, Brenton,
&yii VLat spring zu1 ummermy
L1aughtcr's health 'gs,
hzd o energy, was vry pale:
n a ,etite.
I , f , 4e
Juik1, ,tea std.
ith i , ,
file- t 1
party'*', with w the. !it
been t&de aitd tLiy um t tak� at.
loastof il,-.. _,
wards passed ,aro airiong tne
Indiana prese t; who also take a
whiff .of ,,it, a d that ecremonia ,
atiiles and ma es sacred the cola
poet that has just been entered in-
to. The passinkaround of the clan -
met is an act of hospitalitY, aucl a
rifusal to take. it is considered a
dire (donee.
veomen, and as
ake the Pais ern
*g. and vigor; her
he, e id
. i
loins n
liamerPin aill ' 'Dr'
Thtset, Pills are old by all medi-
cine dealers or will bet by mail
at 00 cents abox or boxes for
, $2.60 addressingl TA' Dr,. Wil -
. *ants _ • Co. reekvil' le,
PxoPos*! to Ert'et Octc) o
rite lib:Services.
ing • of
reentIy to,«meert measure
fortbe erection of * ttie of Lot
Kiteliener to o his ser-
ikes to India. The Chief
Tbe arajadt Tagore ed in
eukgisticternis to Lord Kitcbeaa-
e's services to the Indian r
The .1faharaiali of Burdwan soak
Tiaa hnilar atrain, and paid a high.
tribute - to • the Co1umander.1
Chief's military • genius and pow+
era of organization. •
The sum of &OM' was. collect
:tart, therViceroy giving £50.
It4s tommonly: assumed' ,that
used iirshaving. for the
of. softening the hairs, but ibis.
stake deelareS a writer
ontemporary- It is ii,sed, oit he
tontrary, torender them hard,
stiff -and brittte,.iii. wtach vordition
. they hest yield to the razor. Hair
being -naturally oily„ were' we to
„shave dry- or with water only„ the
,razor would either stip over .the•9
iin loat ev,ittingit,or, en-
tering *Vont -half way, bend the
hair hack told sliet ,t engthwise
tte whilo'streining it,niossain,-
, fully at the roetti and as a tazo
on141- tlitiS Alid-pull-741."
• ably a large nnaber <I hairs, at
the 114tr ences and ds
fOrtswhih inr, experiences in
*Javng untie e „
xisting conoi.
Iraq would h ,9nsiderably intcn-
ified •
*Yr ea` e twit Near me 104
re *tetid!co,netlerei tb. eplend.
k 1*tiavie*-&fe *nil n TonertY
atkti state *ed. luretttoos
duties, ttorte- 'receive
i1* et
• . N dolt 04/itto4 -turepontrti.,
: riftb'. -. rfolA ,toltio)a , ova..
k1I!i, 161; Shore eanualle fur teorle
1 oorr 'MS KY/giro-41 'ittWit iiiikir TIN* it:
Itruty 0%
itrIt4:1 kitifilit94 Ittt**tt, 00 re .
...I, * lithtir tilIlIttet*tilt* liebi...,41* Will
bte the, tit* ,c, *car iiirote etts Twits
A r to be tr;tot "to-etiorinto ttel strait
, thentleat
, twtertet intertket 1st it* itattailerlftnatit
,..ws* Treate4 et„Ithe. PV,A*ril- rtifittittoa
**et* alwrik stetv volio it ',41,CoskeAks'
„Pvilitits sittAlreasiiiiaticie ateva,rd1 * ,
'r4 ,Thts stator- ' rtl. uOtt,:.
,stst,.e.l. •4tIlr.'illibitc)tIfr,'ib i,L '
• ' rola eat eestrer 14111,
orateretivl *Olih V'e �'e iat 041
Ford.ortthi*41e t soolFolt
A itot reth c/ a*
etbefire.t4iden,,,e, It* t 'aI i,tVA*
itt On lalts, rkthee I,* tt tsfl,.
At all dealer** tie per am.,
'others bUt orte of the
more oreretty osrint
year( at the Toroutok
ann hIS wort ,cf,,It
rsb t4:1 rea/Zze tIzat
Defore a rainstorm, a at 'near y
lways wa,shes its face. Why t Some
e aim that the Atmosphere exites
iny , 41(i!live i ' -01-- 0 .
ottih turitilio4 One' 4:4
' of this sort still "k44,, gr.
*. tikes of Athol a0 the
. 4 a
„,,,,644Littill, 0.0.4kgro
iiigi)e ALI ' bride across , .!..
hold of Blair -.Caitle ibei
aAceard with aa traditi
that itia unlucky for the iirst tine
t� walk the ordinary Thi
is only one Othelnany--quain
feudal customs that are observed
upon this estate, which' the l)tike
'o Atholt. holds from the crown
e.of those strange tenures whit
ear of fur
feiture the owner has to ijrcaers
Lis sovereign with a • white ros
whenever he or sho 37144 the.200,41
, .
,,* 0.. t
11 ,
iighrr p1ee.,:k.
°IUtictl ii t1i,
patience .
nd f Ii 4I, fr1I
eet ad his dreams div
e quitter is net €o!
VOOD Vsws nu Tux ottr.
PLA .44 • in
aud itreo
he se
fLere is rio eat in thc Jiu,ie,you
ay possess & parrot. .11 he bird,
s own. ind makes $0*t 01
out for rain in the
night. One needseldom fear gat-
ing 'w in the country. ,Ilortes,
s •
certain 1 e u iarities before a storm.
Po.ga ry bones; horses fidget and
neigh; ,eows He doon_hg-oftif fa**
fiome (lay you may. Walk intit a
Acid and see a flioek oftilteep, in a
•eorner, all their 1)46.4 turned to
the nosith.west. '-If.,you wait long
enough, you will feel a wind blow
up from that direction: '
pie laltirles willt,Seitons, Results.
Mus tzaTn an kre yetis ,oht,
Wi042or by si :result
atoll 4(on his1101*" 0004 entered:the
Was, tatese4
Ittld ;b�PArstdette, the boy
hut. "Seets lorttients sash.osit.-bino-useene
foment -plea to 'mike peoplereelite the
ago 'that. may is cyCs in the ate*litg,
itsko asrnsple' ahotilkilo$4.
siks, testy aerate, a splinter Witty mr
* bathed witefence, or **hoot; watches ib.
hatufithestatter.lainoceleteit wth gem*" of
Wi4cirthealtaboat asisfaittlftitese.
genni,-Ati*intrOit*Ctsi throe& the breach' i
te is; it bottle royal ensato between theta
staateitatatortatilstasla. our Wood.
Whoa the insedistg genet ate too stresg
fot.Nstaties-4,irtsces, * few hours the
finger Will Insetwo hot *pa throbbing.
little later the wound tasy exhibit a Whitish
pfearaiteelt theastatlieef these/siting, and.
.have What la 'town 53 * foitsoog or
'poissedieosita.*. •
. The Ayer . to ev1Qi4 sea sittlotteteittlte'is
to cleasse the' wotisct atsta*tx:24iiiditav.
74*-nek se powittfai.„Yst,,,t$iwom srmi :-
Mao, sad'. *he* applied, to uwbragen skin
ia aberibra into ibe tisset‘ instantly tiro
Ito**. the -Amass tnat artes4:1-dite-ste and
The lie4h fettles sonthedand patilie41. the
wound ;nts4e prifectly healthy, ane
4014 taus, of fettering: ternovet1.,
Ua'vw* done thisiZain*tlairthets proceeds to
besi the Avowal or sore .with :skew healthy
thWee, 1* ,* toicki ,ratioletee and vetted
Zetn4Sk motact be ,tioattitsed wftb
etdisity oiettikents. Zion.ault is it aahlue
tope:ratio*, prestwitsg, atititieritich. soothing,.
ihst,areau itcbefostd,
to.getbe'r n*ey. 'other .pcaratkn.. It is xio*
***Tquoibtslitor.isbn4ket. it k 400
in fee& Fiw ali skia 4rnitiont*rotthoplitle**
retie braises,late* errease#thifist, ekters;,
SingWetinii etc., it Is nritIgAtt- squab- It it
also *sot .atiaelyf for pihts.ler Which ;St ntay
• be regirea as* spetiAr.ok Alf.41Tegiiita and
.itotes *tit at 'fifty oats * bos,ot&el
from Zam.8Co. Teroatoo for re
FOT 0)04 1210tilti
`Shatiting erinie4"ied Thtccl pion,
to Ohio
Considerable .curiosity luts -often
been expressed as to how 4elligs
thatthe'. flespite..that
great wealth,and--their4irgt.1.4atill,
(they "itte 4/1"p•rinees anet-prineestit.
es) should hive oonSented to buyY
themselves Jot' rifonber of yttara
the. small town of Bremen, °hit.
The. departure of the late 'Prince
uis Sulkowski, Duke. of
'tont Austria,' for the 'United States
between( irA, land 18450;t WAS ill:Medi.
:at01 *IV* satiOtikiog tragedy
-4: 'me of the, darkest that haillvire
tillie4 the annials of au/illustrious
tily. Et was nothing, more o
than *he killing, louder Vie'
ni st atweions eifeumstineose
tu titer. of Prince,
wa assinated one March
in 13. at'' the ” Pursterthof; nu
suling *1001 loto thts town.nt
Msyslowitz4 it Xertlittsstern Aus.
tii,. but f the atwqrtf
rra iltztet
ft, tot ',1;atural.
Itch. An Via at
tea tem *Ns
4.4 hair itt ore1 4**
1-7;-„tC.O. 15 • v
sth• W•.!,6 Ita Or IA lir
*r$01±St.:si=141 %,-1Wie4
tratt!--4. 4.tit Mitt
e 6#
th cr!nfe,
st Con
--A celebrated. New York Auri4
has been selected' to demonst te to
deaf people thatdeafness is ti,
rase and can be rapidly and
cured in yourown40410'Ilo . ;
Pr,,,l,PPoselt,„10-prove..this fact
noo* to any person h&ving
troub!e With _,Vieir 'ears x
*mit of - Ow new method.*
isit, free* bav�__Ito3i-444 with th
vioizAts w ow*
PAyota CUR"
Pas assoatit of $1400.,
Vettratary• iteruser
weeny* molted*
40,416 Adoiskide St., It
Toroato*, Coo
tru. 140.0rawo
Web. Dsitpa4J-'-X,rI-
1. XM
1%114* *14 Si
00000110 WADO
.-Tflatc CH 04 ECUC1flOt,
lissenisT $ok le posit
(pi (*andel and t#110os
ket and prcssed upon p at-Po
tention, but none has endured 804 /r-keitZ and wewish tc
long or -Met -with -,s0 ttlem that they will receii
Parmelee's Vegetable Pills. ide:t siltUra4,1"/Ii:.1)641utettlfe4V11°
pread use,' of them has t
r grest_1414
wi et erti'ement an .
Baying: grin established them.
Selves in pirlilk,cateemi.--sthey now
rank -without -a- peer - o
standard ,vegetable preparations.
It isiis't always * sure test to rnea-
sure a iiiArt's „”am• portince, by his
chest expansion. ,
WI Dive IfOl? A 11111 Bo, the gettaine,
'Tito D. to W ittothol tlaster* Va-
1,..thse tottnufectur:r; are toils* to
telt*touvlotete of the 'groat, ails et The
a. .1,4' by putting up a substitute.
T4ablievmaturittokoctueo. 'woad* payis 4
u will_ VC
etitning-to iho society»ofell.
llow. Men. You: ..will d�ubtkzs
.have work, offered _you."
PriSoner:71.7hat's wriar it-troub--
ling me."
'Ji kindly old'.gentleman Nat
bng soree.lads the Story -or Paniticra-'
was strong.," -eabithespeaker
umming up, "became weak:, and
•gain -regained bia.stretigth, whieh
bled hiM to destroy his enemies.
w,. boys, -an- enemy,
*hat Would you adviSe, Mt to 401"
-444. IiUk boy considerect,t1m-seeret
f that great sinelentts strength
ttiol 'his hand went` up?, "
hottlo of, hair.' restorer,
claimed. .
Don't . ,experimerit with nrirnt
actory substitutes. WIlsolit6 I.'
dtf kilt ninny' tittles more house
files thou Any, 'other 'UMW* alike.,
An 1d 131ftste1er iS tailed -Upon
ficf give evidence for -the' plaintiff,
.CounSel forthe-defengent tries to
'him. • "Rave, you. 'ever been
in prison I" twief.)."..
'Row long .the first timer.: "One
wholei afternoons"' "Whatti,•And
the -Seeclud thnel", *.,tAttly One
hour.", "And, prayi...4at Ofenee
had you .-eolnirnitted to 'deserve ,s(;)
small a, punishment 1" - "X was, Sent
to prison to ,,whitewash a. cell to
ceommodatea wh bad
hiegia OXIC vf his Ateittltr"' rather. who
• . •th, bus son hole to zet while
It Ileachisi 'T John, ou e
few remedies befOre the, public to., ;.Wheri fintshed. talinjg 1 *
day, WO t4ieteion$ in removing paire waysitavo4- 1.116 table. John-
and in allaying.and, preventingpuli'l "Yes.. Sir, and that v ia• 'about .
monary disorders as Dr. Thconas*14ou ,do leave."'
telettrie 011 It hasdenionstrittett,, •'
itsli43:wers in thousands of iristanees''' Teacliciz.‘"Wilfreil, a beet its sAtile
artd-,* 1are niireberof testimonials tbing we.,.5,et, wax from. Row; tel
s to its great value as aluedicirt. what is a beer 'Wilfred 'Our,• row.
could • be got were -there eaoi teaeher k a, bee Iteeatise he's tt0t0,-,
Pills That lialre Benefltted Thou.
tois-,--Xliown tar ,10141,--near---**--a,
sure remedy in the treatment of
indigo -akin and all derangements„
of the stornach4,. liver arid kidneys,
Parmelee's Vegetable Pills .have
llother Graves Worm, Extermitid, brought relief to thousinds when
*tor has the largest sale of any elm- 'other specifies have failed. Innum.
liar preparation sold in Canada,. It „erablis testimonials can bo.produe-
The tic tool that basitad I
longest eltilerience and e
-est aucceso in training yning-
ic rotor the ractical affairs
always gives. satisfaction bv restorf
lug health to the little folks.
Professor .O'Flanigin' vela- up
nitda'phitil„.oncl the ele101 was
lent. "One drop -of this, liquid,"
said he impressively, "Placed von
the tongue. of a cat is sufficient to
kill tho strongest. maul"
10 EARLY se 1*
Palaktiter Ands ,ztse 1* ewer's home.
lervally* for tutsbotar4oprolus,or
bralooe; tatereally. tor dlarrbeort and 43
'Iorriterrri, Avoid antottitutes. Aber* is but
• ou.s,vRalakillee-Perry at0411e.
1$4311/Z, TRAIT.
establish the truths:of this aa*
Oile0 tried they be
found superior to *11 other pills in
the treatment of the ailments for
which they are prescribed.
Lady (in eltereist,'s shop, t
'..4.`What amI to take t
icine in, my ladr'
mouth, Sira
. 49rour daughter's music
proving," said the prote5sor, !but
'when. she gets to the scales I, have.
to wateltiter--pretty
"3ust like her father," said Mrs.
utrieh. "Re made his money in
the grocery business.'t
green frutt in
dren beocirtiti s
merlins Cause& by irritating Olds •
,4to •
ae Ply Padthe hest. o
Itillers liotit the ,tUc
and the ‘ilisease ,
,Ify," said the gushing neighbor,
"how touch the baby resembles you-,
both." :
"That's. strange," replied . the
newcomers* "she is• an adopted
It is :oily, necessary to read Ab4
etion eatingstimonioati 144 lie etAlVixcteir mtuer di-olloway's Oorn_Cure is unequaled'
to cholera o for the removal of corns, worts;
• - ettt It i *compete extinguisher.;
that aer'Itioltati.Y. on The: 11004 .or
the inteatineS.Paint and danger -
out Purgings ensue- and the .4eliCato
nevi of the ehild suffers: :under
the '&am1. to such eases the rat.
est medicine is Dr.., j:
Dysentery. Cordial.
the. inflammatien
child's life. "
ndly mention- the name of this
er in *Titles ttiliarertiseo.,
• country visitor to a, hig„,eity
Iteungel contemplated with .aniaseMent the
win the-tk huge' gilt sign displayed over.. the
saxetb. entrance to AA illatitlit0 in it prom-
. *bent thoroughfare: "Stainrce0,-
Institutc Trial . Lesson
won% tal soul,i ettitimod,the
oral don't beat
IL /1 knew they taught ' 'most eiv-
);,,,Oug.,,thele` da', hut who the
ieken* ',ants to learn staninier-
lise,1140 ..
,Ziltinlii ,..ftftkodir. sarear, viitersl,
neutves, lily: Muth* ri littneStIrl.
Aturtato_lor Iour A 11 e Tritoibles. 0
Wilt '.1.ut Aforlat,‘ , \ t *mhos.. 'P.*,At
Your pturststc *rite, For- wie.lioehle.
woo ittei, atrnedY"CO4 TOX0140;
., . .
gritioVAinlitoan enotn***
Wr1te for oritelewoo;
loot -ion published in Re ellehl
Teo cents. Arthur Moo* Oraribrt
Alt* VA SAIX-CouritiSlitar4
Kere0 stUttle00-40**, lottntt keasui
tart* harnit, ood orettarao *stet
fence*, no "rotate loot, choice lotatlost nest.. -
ood olarkets .:„Esoir .tertne for 411111t 'WO*:
P.0 Wanilt•''VOttertii lU P. 0. Ont.'
, fully paId or* Dottlortoosakle
•h res tn OoIci...Dredging ,0004”,0
trolling ikose acts* rleu -*Toe
Armtek now '04 count Will
per shore tor 1111 or pot: %mows.
ED.4-010 ACT A
itt bis sparcAker% Oeod *woos
Iattou atsuager. Toronto.
Tb OXITOliAlt aravrtni, Vgas woozy.
goo to , orrsts Itissiii004.' -
Alfred Tyler* LoPrion; Ont. • •
'0 8.4k. D otato sosntso
t'3„V :rweetittouvretuiry'rair•as
and vtaFtIfg r..er Dor linvertile retalosio-
_too* erterviinAteebeitt areetaltie4
s. • -6;in
ALOcilt *Ott ..101110,0'.:4±114110,1.000fe-ls
rePidy* frok ,OD qtit. VAN
clot4 ,C,o„,' Tootle. Oat. * -
*CENT* *4.1•114E0,
iiontitil ' aceirrs-atziAntili ,,Atitts
ore *tort it, bustoess of -their *WO Itroli Si,.
Audit, Ioterobautir Perirelt Cu. Toroutt4
AGENTS IWAliTti)...-/ bare •serttreds nit
feurret agency ot•Vocarthe io for , tale ow
our Buttot *lain* 1,410111,
112144t4$ two pound* or 'Dotter out ot G; *5
an idditOnal tot Of'. *tee Apilantr; • 0X41"
eltentleala nod*stand* plat food Ina-peo-7
tino .Weite for liertiontara for erjetasise
errithr*s to ' Our Sutter Fifliite
.V0ekt4tration Lite flutitliti* Tao
reljeons-verker gaye-,*
for. Men,P! 'during the
wbieh he expressed °, his coriXiction
tt,at rio )utilg man should, visit any
place to; which he w':,u!i ,not feel
IttAttw iti taking h olio' 'sitter.
‘"Itt 'the* apy, y-outig nun ivrei4nt
hotin s onUay afely,
ra this -wise asked the
ker atvoutli in
of *.t hi‘ I are and phinted
* sten "si tone ''Yes, sir. 1
• "And what.' sir," a
the anry and serpris
"is th place to which ,you yuursolf
oiild think of slitting to Whit
not take our sistei:r'
thing. w� get whacks from."
• roseape te Uri it
iperts, esaployed
tliffes carrieM,
Thr etitse**,
Fly -Nits. wilt pieuM alt
*I torten** tros/C 'tkat ii
• ,boalt
• "0-„,i'MED TO 11M1;
(11 /dreamed of $01* last -night
id Boodle to his wife oyer thc
• eakfast-table; I
hat (Ild oti tiretin, dear'?"
"I -dreamed * dream," sit
'But *hat was the dreamt
'Ors. toodle petulantly. .
it tamed 1 caught * chap run -
IEE Itt,11
lilt tile produrti
the li is „still
tiliz is shown by the e
ij Se French colonies in
A retent repo
ent says that h'rTz
bordering the
Tunis :sere te
.1 tl 0. with YOU*" '
"'d what 7,clid yin t ,to bim
ired la veifee
0 litini *Int
'0 10 OIVIIVO 004
tif 014.
flEAVIl CUNt ,eitres where. others
fail: Selig on it; Ow* ,atorits. rest of testio
010bIale turnl.hed oa 110Olirgica* Ask
Per tiro -lost to got yla *tato, oosa 4t4W
lett to Four Itrothers.. Resteelet • Price 11.0
r batkago. , Charges, paid to swayero.
• roe .-oalc*,. Nur:* /*noire without o
ode *lark, r0,1•211 /1110Yriingit nn faelt
stoke**. Try aoseksteatkd be cortrIrced.
thie Others bare railed is te.,0 readout
b ° Reaves tatt00% be torrid _ Dr?oarBrotbeia
•grarit Cara.=
, .
, .
, in
'Ior3ugh4 into, n!ie sin
11 omit.,'..)itis ' Ainorts
newls7 isitodslooti
h 49st* **a eirlIt sea( table
i Se norober