HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1880-7-15, Page 6THE TIIVIES HOUSEHOLD ECONOMY. the middle ages, when it was introdue than doing good to Another. When ed by the inhabitants of the Celestial you have no opportunity to speak a APPLE &UM—Sour apple sauce is: generally improved by the addition of a table -spoonful of butter to a quart of sauce, and, moreover, there is much lees sugar needed. A little lemon peel makes it fine flavour. (Yetneete,—An excellent cement for uniting broken glass may be made by dissolving in a pipkin over the fire •Iitking especial care that it does not boil over) one ounce of isiuglase in twe Wiceglasses Gf spirits of wine. This will be transparent gine. STRAWBERRY JA.11.4 —Sarno weights of strawberries and pounded white loaf sugar ; mash up the berries well in preserving -pan first, and add sugar afterward ; boil for twenty minutes, earthier, well and skimming ; always ase patent, glass jars. G'itn.4.1-171,—It is said grease may be extracted from silk by the following procees : Wet the part with eau -de -co- logne and gently rub the silk upon it- self between the lianas. When dry, the grease will disappear; This will also remove recent pale t,and the grease from a wax candle. LEMON PRESERVE. —One pound of pounded loaf sugar, quarter pound of hatter, six eggs aud the whites of fur well -beaten, the rind of two lemons grated and the jaice of three. Mix to- , getlter and let it simmer till of the eon- sistency of honey. I3o eareful to stir ell the time, or it will bnrn, CLEANING GUM—When makino wake or omelette. take your lisoarded egg shells, crush them into small bits, I put them into your decanters three parts filled with cold water, and film.- °uglily simile them. The glees wi;1 look like new, and all kinds of glass , etnpire, Engraving upon metallic substanceswas not practiced in Europe until the first half of the fifteenth eel]. tury, although it is probable that tlie art in this form was also 'mown to the Chinese long befere. he term Gotham, often applied in mild derision to New York, was first enipl.)yrd as a nickname by Washing.. ton Irving. Then EL i not an iiiven- tion, as is often thought; it is an actual parish of Nottingham, England, whose inhabitants were so proverbially rus- tle and stupid that they gained the ironical title of the Wiee Men of Got- ham. 'Many stories ef their dotieheese have been told upon the (3-oft/unite/I, one of which is that they joined heents on a certain occasion round a tholn-, bush to prevent the escape of a ooehoo, In order to etnifirm the tale, the bush —the identical Imah—is shown to tourists in that netgliborhood. It is aaid that Mug John, of INIegna Oharta memory, intended once npon a time to go through the parish for the purpose of bnving caetle and grounds. The Gothamitee, knowing tit t the royal visit would considerable expen- ses on them, pretended, when the monarch'e niessengere appeared, to be occupied with some silly, ritliciikug purstilonuch to the di-gnst f tlo.4 eg,41 emissaries. These reported to olin w they1,13. eeen, ledeviated that ho not 11111.' castle in V, neighborhood where such simpletons Thereupon tl,e parishioners I • 11 • • a, ")tre fonho, writ, past; through Gotham then re- main in it." IIOW TO BCY ;111.E.V2. cheering word, yen can often send a full beam of sunshine into the heart of some sorrowiug,abseot friend by sitting down and writing good, warm-hearted let• ter. MYRTLE NAVY.—Tile sluices.% which the Myrtle Navy toba; CO has with the public is because it IR composed of the very finest Vir. inia leaf grown, and is inatinfactured with the roost .51011.11111 OBS care at every stage of the proceee. Important umptives A gsntlonum haring bot -n so fortunate ft to cure his sou ofcaustmo /aim in its worst stegeg, after heing given up to the by the most oiflo. bratrAl playsleian.8, art-ar: to make, known the cure (which prows successful in (ivory c•astti 01 those tabled with Asthma, Dionoltitis, cionghs, Colds, Consumption. tool ihe Aff,,e- Cons of the 'Vliroitt mid Longs. mid rill send the Keel/ie, tree of chart.m HA/ who desire it, if they will orwsrd thoir tt.1 tress to DANIEL, ADEE, 34 Itiborty St.. Now York. 11F.WV01,. tir Corxrmirerr, IMITATI6N4.- 1.'lle high reputation !rained bytIttivArm's Pee- Ttnt.1.1). f.."0' tile v/To til ORION, 1' '1L rivet au itiseasee tte, 1+•;(1 1.1011.1776; hag giV(`11 riSe to souritots itrW PR1," .11A1.10:4 11:1101' F. 1.110V, It lit t10. 1,41 :Co WI: of Ow 011,1 F.t.11i1 0: -4. Vic tIti!,1; propor to 'warn 11w 1:11..:1--11.1.•,11”; net.iii.t 8 11011101 otitor tioni.,•:. no. oilorod as a substitute. Twok eorobill•.• to tLis :ot41 Oho utter than 1.b.i.11',A;.1i*S. 1.'01-..,w, BAL.. Mist. IT, 4, 1." 110r ,1,r 1,1 %,110ri tOl4ti•-• tooss, nie.• etaine. JULY ri„ • • Dominion ()mans mid Pit -most& ";te,Freee. \ • 0 'rt The Largest and Most Comillete Factory in the Donahaionp .1.40x100 foot. Big:hest Honors o'er awarded to any Maker in the World. 2,,fIF,10AL AND DiPLOINIA AT CENTENSTAT,, P0 111 811)NEY, 1877 .11T.,DAT, Pri3OVINCI t EXII 1 .1.14N.oN. TiatoNTi), 147(1. lib 111 1.',ST AWA11T) AT IN.DI'STIZIAL 13X 11 illiTION, TORON'1'0,, 1 Wo aro now mannfaeturing Square and Upright rianecc Best in the inarher. Corresi ondonee solieited. Send for II- usf rated Crittiogito. Mailed free. Aaaross ,a!".7.ali ltaro, ar.a. as,r.0 C7c,mr_lany', Ilt)WHANVILLE, DNTAI:10, PUMP W01;Nli, Ek.,„ do.. Q.; \‘',1" .;'71 .fo -rb" •••• , . . • , ' washed in the saine water will 1'))k a •T3 ,,L:CT),741 Pi2ciiti75732. equally new.. There are not mane louse keepere eee 11 • - Beeeernex PI.—Take 01 Id roast whit hAve all111..411101 'e beef, cut it into thin slices about an abont meats ; cenditien in whieli vniap . 11 Wouer tooteteee inall anti a half long- Take raw pots- it ought to be le night, its ft' • .' 71 111101 to 01r inamyTriorr, a.1 ' . , . .. toes, peel them, aol cut them into thio when it is unlit for 11 SP, to.qi. thi most slices, 'Ince read:;a deep dish, lay aosirable cuts to pnrelmee. Thiq 8211.2 81112(3P/0/to any Fa ( th cto, la e County, -- --- some of the potatoes at the. bottom, and of knowledge is meet es-ee tie', espeei , then It laver of beef. and so on till the ally when thPro exists 80 1)t)1 0 eorsci• mil it. ,i,-0.,,,sFi tile 'toeone.ettlion, Wells am 01130 on lite part of the bit: ithers. One .:ietelietiagoa um smnteu 0.1tice. 6'111 11 ij1ed. Seat:1011 ftS you wontd chicken pie, fill it with builiug water,, cover it wale a cruet and bake it, 111:11.111B sotee rhu- barb, wipe it with a 4.1e,te wot cloth, A it,ts.irtment to be ofterc.1 for sale by Pni,P, („J Auction at -:, J. DREW'S FURNITURE WARE.70011M 111111. Exeter, Tif,r, FrooK. is s71 ,iro.). , *at 0_,...1***11 lie Lititle i'sliwt•ou VTLIrriT.0•12771G cis usual al; lowest rates. Ordi,rs in this dt-partinei.t revolve,' at el: 1. ,itts, ,itty or night. tact slionlo be reineml ert tl, and that 1 c .foro ii:•.:11,:v"1•111 ...111 at r.' 11:1S l'11:1111 Work,' i'arlor,boaroam Lira (1111114:room fureiture strt)Viieti f.'0 1:01: Cont. lower tirot tieN •Iti,et-itote-t.,i, that 11) On% }111 It )0 Of 10.'11! t., BA i It filo trule. i everythoor eke, the host 2:1 1.111' 01)07111- 1 .,,,-,...11,:i(.-,.:111.0i:ii,12•17.0.ilki 111:10- il-11-t of 1,.--;nt,j., 3011 N' .1)111.:,We . i est. (Iv nit j 1,1,, always include bye,/ --------- ti Elle.% V .F,A 1:GA iNel IN reel it, and ent it inil 1,s an had) ; hems '111.1 5214 ws ; sue() 111 247 siietil., . ...... .. .,,14. ..ro E. ,.....11 i,,,,rind 41,1 iedribiin Hal I.,e relea ter senn mid gravies. Fot eit‘?e,- 7- 7 -7 -r -- --- 7-...., ,...,-, --,.. , ,. 2.. • .......... roesting end lioilloe eneoso the 1.4,, ..,....,± ...,.....1....i......1 ...L. -!....1 ......1) ...1.. I i r'., ;.,;f..;,4::,,' ..t.; -:,...•:,---,iii rt. t•-„••!,;‘,.1-,-•---,‘ a -, .--,..,-,. :-... '...- • ' ' • three feurtks of a pima of telette 811.. . it to hoil fur al•,.,11, ton utinit. : e'')I';,- t'801) 8,4 1(".1.4 1,1' 11:111 1 on rola V0,21, 1 ... . ';'...• : '''' ,,: i ‘ : ' :'..' '11 ' ' ;..):‘ '':..i<8,'; ::\''''''.;:::1 t''.1;;11 E' .'-' . ..•..v,.'..; ..-..,', .. i .--...:\1'".,/...4:!,..) litv,"‘1, . Ser .1"11C•21.1.1,1•1& _ . drawn. rille, sirlein and le mei of reeef. tee, or 1111111 the ;1;100 is well is.:..',train it into a peclectio4 p,vi, lot it ! (is heel, 101,m g'ori nwi ylni)0,11,4 .7.,,gii I ;73 3 G A RI, I 0 37,'S 1,,,it rpiekly tilt it clime.: to the spoon, . a i'lne "1'° groin 111(1 aufta r"ii e01.011)* ; shun it an put it im.,, jam 1.,,It.s ,41. i t:, no. 14 firm tuld 21.10;0. T 1 ,. 0 gild -11 .,:117,0 1,,,a1.0 0..0 , toot. of Sitilliiiin -Ulf,: amt 'E•im..•„o• e,.'''''''..''I•• v.'''''•• ° rrOillas. Theilitl.t r.1,,• 1/1 - e• iieof a cow le•JI 14 cle•sve will ine eio,11 ;i-.L.ier. 2)' '1' itIt ei. . will set is to droll a little on a plate to . iiiitt“ r. IVIlillt the (et 3 f 1).'3 f 14 1-3"34 ill II. ? 1 (:* 1' ( ..; 0 r) :.):T1 : aua ,aitttty. arid the 10'1.1 t iili. !2ii 1'13 i .„.,.7e -110 .IIILr111il1 it i2tq7nferierola inpt mav b , .--,„,,-1.:./1 041; ..,,.., pi,..,,,.1 .........t. :4.11. 08-, ..1-..., .•/... - Ths. 1010W 11 1.117 A line of horny teettiro rim. t need, :Lee: 7,...,r,••; .,,,...ene eel 1,,,...14 teeett WISri el.ND OT 1.1E11 \VISE. • note tin (melt the meat of 1110 ribs. Tilt., ' CL'101:1/ 121-'y 1' 11 i0. .;;;. 00:1, .t - A -12,:•:.....r 0 hi 8.,,I. t8 .(.1A1U-11C-N. ' i'llti.1 101011I1 11.11 ell:It:IC,. b. hake!, nti(1.; , .. 000 22 '‚10 21 1.! 't;.' know.t4 ell aeont • nimbi, „re tle, lees, 4ie,ireede, feireee 1)1.'"1-C ST it t'171.-.1'' - - - I.."1..11.1? larming, says Clic: best 21"14 to raise ;led middle ribs ite;e bt:et fur roa,t• etrawbemes is with a spoon. ; ine. PUBLIC SUPPLIED JC.1.165 11.k",'S 1ii.” Colin f,f her 111 efetewiee reilitio, look for then ii heir that teoutilee hie: 10 ehoesing ee,:+8 0,11.1 rw.p.q.ss 0 1. • ; helpmate. Tile c 1 1 1.t r ie • •174,1 fit in. v. lit re fat. l_etilib ehould be 1• .;• what interests him veeeli', tt4. Tlie veil) ill the le el: of • ,e_eeeeete esiteeve.0.0 Every I lz..tt1. (101 Ts. cell is bine alien OM fre,b, hut e.;„; • : read wi itieg upeide 1l *2', , flints green when kept tilt) 1-1.‘ rooltes 1 a rale 014, eilet bnyn g lii,eleeerters, I xerrtioe tie; e, `A ter and,addreee hie: be, hie name he. ; /ley: theto alit he a. elieht emeif it, fere he gots the iaet leteer of his name I meat is not as fle4.11 OM it E4110111.1 vVir*' finished. Vezd 144 g'141,2n111y prl ftirrc,t1 ulit•tt Daniel O'Comtel once met a. conceit- IlilOt 147 Jelieutely %% hits, brit it iu tri- ed fitet.m.y. „Hit ; ilevoored tied more j ni.-y when the saw a capi al thing in your last , color 14 12 little ile,,per, To test veal et." "Did you 2"ly reiditel his livik '11)0 loin ; if the kidney, which ..A. :'ill le, Ottawa on the nrpter env delighted listener, "Witat ryas it tr' pt and of butter." owl ef iii loni , i etivt•loped in 1121TA sold white fat, 111,7meat is eermitily re, A yeting woman tried to be (01440' eretio aod did not look et the money ;kit and 11,,d,,uhtt•diy gorel. that slot gave 1112) tramway car condlic. "111°Y al'e," ell first, awl moth the 100/11 is 11 thby and spotted, tor : but he meekly gave her back the 11 l 21)2(1 tne "met soft. , oz,,inge, on which was written, never cease to love thee," and said that , iThWai.: an orphan with five little brothers SPEAK A ClIEELIPUL WORD: to support, and mast be e:tensed. Ile mime into the sanctum with a : Dia ;von ever go out in the morning large roll of manuscript under big With :4 heall 411 (1.111.014H1'.1 in1Sitddened 3.1141 sail very politely : "3, have a lit- i that a pall seemsd spread ovsr ail the tie 11) 11+2 Isere about tlie beautiful sun- world ? 13122 on 1114'01in.t 801418 friend get yesteraa3e, which wag (lashed elf by who spoke cheerfully for 41 10111010 of mine, which 1 would like two, it' euly tipott thinreet Mal 1"4, YO8 11/86111e41 if you have room." "Plenty have felt yeuteet! wotelerftilly lighten of room. Jost insert it yourself," F.a. EVOYV Child dropping into your replied the editor, gently pushing the house ou an errand lout breughji in 0 waste basket to wends him. rity of 53111811i/1e which did not depart when he 2091)1 1115 way agem. 1.1 is a bleseed thieu to spPak a cheerful wild BITli OF INFORMATION. when von can. "-The heart knoweth catin= alimOn•tie 102111 DASIIWOOD f URNITURE WAREROOMt v . ,; 1,1, weal i to t Is i‘ *1Itout 1 ta -111.01•111.1 i11. 11..0 ;.l .1.‘yt!cmg (118 UM' 11111 1.0 11111.1 2.1/11.01 0,1 iy 01 108 01.21)1)1 vs to. (.10.0.ing tett, 0 11111. 14 4011111114!. 0111011i et iii100401Y. 01i/1111111 a 11011 .0.2111\ 411110 17, D8.13 1 • Uentral Drug s.3,t ore. WINAN'S 01e1) STAND. • tillIE SUBSOUIBEit TAKESTIITS °N.:enemy (1, 214,1012111g taw pablio to* taaqr tan simr.‘ of Pa0'0i:n'l 1 11 '21" "'K2'0 "" 11.1i41.40.a22.1 1ii1( I A CWIPLE L'E AND FULL STOCK. - Drugs cs; Charnicals Constantly on 1)14,1(2 41)1.1 NN, arrantea. BEST QUALITY & AT MODERATE PRICES erieneto wheel awl Livvws ta 11 bo relied on as bort quality. A 13(001,11814 141oe 17 12D7irt IMAGES el LES- V P1i3Orifte,.1:011S, &e. Always 0r1. 1112110, Aka Station3iy,8ohool Books,Panoy 600rls,c0o CZNTRAL Zatla STOU (.WIN !4'S 01,,,D STAI§D). 1 • Dieeeetly opposite! the Cenbvali 11r/to1. i lie own bitterness" he world over, and Irtt EVenattr 0118 Of 1(10 goad•worde to such boarts "are like is the highest Innuntatil in the i apples of gold in pictures of silver." whriti, it is i?,i),1)142 feet high. ! Even strangers we meet easnally hy Po prevent lamp chimneys from I the wey.in the travellers' waiting room, er, eking Put the eiiiremey into a, kete 1ere uncoutscionsly influenced by the (lo of cold ' Water gradnidlY 14e411 I tone ore use. It is tho one with plea. - Todd 12 b /ifs, and then let i1 as grade. f ant, ut..rds on his lips to strangers cool.11 in strange }midi apply for advice and To get clear of flesh worms, wash direetion in their perolexities. Take nem. fat* in warm water stud then rub it 9,8 h compliment if some wayfarer 1 24,t1) 11. 6482rge 1112001. 'rhis 101(1 destroy , coulee to you to direct hien which etreet the ficedi ore:wire, which are nothing or whiell trein to take ; your memner ;yore than congealed fat. has struck him as belonging to one he earlieet Method of engraving! can tritust. It is hard sometimeto tvai vpon wood, trhidi was known to 1 Remit, a, pleivottit, ward when the shit. the ;hilleete h, l'ore theo Obrienan eret, dews. risk n yeair heartbut nettling bill WWI pot ttt,owvf„ Stiovs 2174 o II 1 ntl more, !pi Ugh teo our stieite • - 4 Q. LUTZ, .. 1:',... • : \ ...2. '.; : ,....,.,...IA '''.:'-1..' ,..,L27.1i. 'tt.... ,... i '14 . „.• • 5 # : . ',.1 '''.":":.'t ' , i :L. ' '8. -,, ' . \:,-,7'',.,..: •:":L.-:';'"I'Z':;";:i'il,',77`,; i,f r".70.,,-; ' ;.,.., ., -, '7 ' ' 7... e.: 1 t 1 - "-- : ‘'.. ' _'..:..,:'• ; t,, '-•-.' ' ' l• , "-tt`r.' --;;;11'----''':0,i 1%'t '-...'e •• ',- "".. 'i.,/ h ' . '. '. •'• - . -.., ,' ' ',, '''', \ ' ,..... ,,, .::,,i....,_ , .. ,,. ,.,..,-, 6-11 ;,..,,.;;,,I, t:•,,,., : ; , t .,:.,:\ `k /81 11.. .. • - '. 6 1 i .,. -., .:(.....J • ' . , ,, • t" , \'1,r.,' '2,,,,,,,:43..42-4.....,.../L6: '''',,,,::',. ONE Or OLDZST AND 1.1.1.za 1111 THE reie THE CUM: C4 Coughs, Collo:3, Throat, Bronohirk, Croup, Whoopt:g Asthma, and evelY affection cf ",h1 Luns, nno , • •,„„i • including1 1, ',..-f,, "o'. " '',lt .. o•ec>eet ::'1,•',.::.,'.:,,:.,T,;•7.-..;..,c:t f ,.. . . ' e•-•'•.1., ';',;. : '..'•;,...;.:,,, ..l.t,tt le ' - ',••.....;,,,•t.,....::,, e.,.. t i ..!* • '' ' ' ' '''1'-'-•. l' ..,'it.,.,....•,•''.;,' .:.'.7.....';.,'''..:,',-:...4.,,,"-...:',,y, . , r,,:: i.:, ,'.;-,.....„..!.- l .::„..-'.,,.'„.,,,,,! (:-...,'1.',,....;•:,.;,.-f':;:.,,70;;,..:''.1.,,,,,,,.);;;,..4,,,,..',. '. .,.. ,... 6 , ...,.'..',.,i,..i.',,,,,,,„4;ii !, ..c. .• i . , ,•..,.....,1„.:.....„ '.''', y T.'„I--...„..,t ' . '%:"..1': -•,',...-....:, CONSUMPTIMI. A WELL-KNOWN PHYSICIAN nirrr B does not dry hip a cough, and 161.7%:!:',C.-.27 'e behind, as is Ms CaCC with, most pi...;,-;-,-;••• but loosens i4, cleanses thelurgs (0111 c.qe, thus removing the =ow cow,,z-,,,t." DO NOT ZiE DIFICITIVED bearing a similar name. 13c sure eon eeL, lee WISTAK'S BALSAM OF WILL) with the signature of "I. BUTE,S " 21.e wrapper. 50 Cents and $1.00 a Bottle. Pr.,- pa...red by SEITIX W. POWLn & Mass. Sold by druggists and dealers gt•ii..•r.:115. r :.„.f ;.,: ,,,,,. ....:;i• - , , ,,:;:i,'`..t\V.--t, 1 e ; "-: , ' , 1 (.'4_11 ,,.,:. t ,,, i: il 4'11\ cil '.. ; .,,; .. '. N., •:,:,. ' .../ i, ,..,)-te -- r, ,,,, i ts. 7'1 .. -,, L. ''''';‘,.. 4..t............/ St,- . 4'):**•,..,..,:„.11,....4. . ,........kc iib. ii........Liiiit,.;;-',/i._..4 1:"."`"'••.,.1.''i 7: 71 " •,,Al 11• ••• . - '4;'••• • :g3;tot.,A • "11.)1g-li •P,S • • ,•16Nr A la& 111111FM" •: " Itt .17. 04 ,••*, A Protected Solution of the Protozids of Iron, Is as easily digested and. assimilated with the blood as the, simplest fond. When tile blood does not contain the usual'quantity of lion, the '71,. -t'.4, orit*S• deficiency can be supplied by the use of the PERUVIAN S rRUP. It cures a "thousanl ills" simply by TONING IT7i INVIDORATING1 1111.1: t! -:/ -.'•-• .. ..;'''i'11lf:\,. (,, '. "I ''' 410.2` ele4 out morbid secretur.s " " liing for ,q. A Vrratrznie the system. The. enriched mut `nitt vitalized blood perentes every part of the ,., ., ' disease to feed upon. Ifil5 Id 21)0 secret of the, wonderful success of this remedy in curing 1 body, repairing damages and waste, searching' Dyspepsia, Liver.Complaint, Boils,, Dropsy, Chronic, Diarrhoea, Nervous.Affecilons, Female COMpinifitSt And all diseases originating in a bad state of the blood, or accompanied by, debility, or a low state of, the system, OA.137110N.--Bee sure you get the "PE- RU VIA'N'S .FRUP."' Sold by, druggists goner.. ally.. Pamphlets sent free to. any address S1111-1 W. POW1.111 & SONS, Proprietors, 86 Hat., risen AXOEBIGI ill/SLOB, NUISSa