HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1909-09-23, Page 3 (2),tra,
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furtn' on te tit
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. ,
r Nal':sr., ettjte . I
There Were 'a Ulla
ile at „ tIenbtilti 1
ce 404 . Punap, . :* ill:: :fzisc:4jejet "st.et4m, $ll ' r
gts veer t ,
wires ,nelar the tited, It,isbelieved that MV KC"tt- 1%C, Alberta & I° at Atater
. nee manner -theil.,,reee.mieht, lelie,:been_fesuse tit& $.1 4 ,:_ligatate Ipailtr-4,0011*,:d
111431,t OrOla had a pb.,,,04--'en beltin .,at 1th4ittn
o Fort MeMurruy. '
entnngic(1 in tit Oediately, On Thatredayefternot 41 no ee it,i.... it. and ,(1„ je. B.
insulatiou. wit some, boors after the tragedie... Neeet anxious to eeeero iete$00 of tit
made a aueceteini Akeutl lalgtt13 berths 6P -ern Which toetaut ties.,
upon the opPosite, stdol. of the. Al littunipeg. le 4,1Pplying to the Mi-
taleitteCertal. Iftl'ems billed tO)nultellitie Department. for permission to,
at -tether aseentean the cv,cning 0.114 organize A regiment of Highlatiders
was dragging the' airehip Welt' to n, that titty.. .. .
the grountle vette"' if ettnek, ia. live Arohitiam ittecon, ,ex.thiet, of
wire :beeretine.-ientraue.0 to .t,b' e''' Police of Iltaile,yinare, was aertuite
- Itibition. It took fire at Orme, but te440 tile Autfgeof taking a bile
*hot- up in _ehe nit -three_ bundred ,...411 -prisoner tO-,e5ea ' .
; 'feet telote:tble balloon' 4)°rti4n .4 Teton eliare of liereeptage
the machine, exploded. The airtiziP- and mileoge ,t.entale from, -the To.
* but 1:01 '°ne' roetoettailway for the. leer ending
e, no Pear -1W August 31, WaS,4570i625-
nanaflVtoenK AccI41:c tto dijko,-- r-hippixig- ince, ere .,
t., etali x al to.
e Urea
Ilion, and
Taping off tL
eer end.ef'the airship slewly dro
ed ti the gretitadt andathe aviator
. the assistant, Wingard.
to '*lo...ak eut for the rudder,''
x.ety erteld were a,Ssetable,d., in -
be Edweed Keatiog, of Bence
e we"' Malcolm. Careebeit, who
ag forwar4eto assist NVitspet
je;' The ..three,eitten. -tea' tmewovk at flee tame -ti
ardly had they touched
,wii-n tbe.4pretator,s flaw them drop
ground in.o. beep. They
had tc.4 An electric circuit,
ItFwelf. t'33. 4104tr0
W4t3 'muted.
itattglie .,. but
tingiatie for
• Iferie letinor Dea " • iged-Withi-li'lliing-:Arthur
Peoserated4 Inrd, of Terent*,.
• f 0- Fiveterhoroiay
Thurtdar afternoon, High (.4OUfl-
Constable Cochrane nrrcsted
aa Fred. tJepting °At bis home in
Bridgeport!", on the eliargerthat he
did slay -end kilt Arthur" Bollard
nd et Torwito. The 'warrant -waS is -
s stied by County Ategistrate. Felmi.
anttinelutled.the brother
.70Pliae, who was not ett,leatine.
rhen Fred Was atrestetle but on his
return he voluntarily submitted.,to
arrest. Both men were arraigned
before Ittagistrattet Felinisoa at,
and admitted to bail of„...,
.006..each. On the application o
Mr, O'Conuel, their eoutsel, .the
prelitninery,learing' was.pestponett
till. Sept.
American ergot a ,
IVAlt ouici is TfluiTY. A Chinaman • rage was fined
C foroffering a lady the shelter
taped '.1fondsome..;.Pee.fit u hyena d g rainstorm.
Tinneor'Xitte Washburn, thirteen -year.
0 tommitted "suicide -,at
despatch from ,London sIVs
estingeeltiehe whee.oMee
Taking itdearttage' or the preyailing sued him..
ehitrtage .ruel theCenhaneed Price
for eeneedtrate, the thrifty Brit-
ish \Vat' Of1ic is reportettto hove,
reaped a lien some profit by tell-,
log:. back ito*:oertaln- Obaeag0- houses
large ttocks of tanned .meats oe-
dered before the, 'Defeo advanced.
It 'appear* these SuPpliee.ate nob
wanted immediately* and under its
contraet .the -,War Office'. may e
leeeiste F4 V31 'ellen._ it, de-
sires, at the- 'eld ,a,mat-leweeepriee.
-Offielitlif a the War Office 430 iVetti
'nestaltre deelined to eitliee eceifirm,
or (enythis story.
STEP'10111). is nowt'or TItAINE.
.CW-fii=-Sitalt: '
rie eays ...,' As, the. result of a vis
0 etectives Austin and Fartin
lo o the Saosiduriing August, fl
he Poiiee Court on We.dncsd
amide(' to e8tel. Benne' Sei
t, ne, a west -end Italian,. was .fo
-Aeilte, ton three charges and VAS
s.sed $4.60 Men had visited
Ii*CC'and *Warned liquor. /farce
o Maneoa, another. Italian,' was
$257, and the Algoma Hotel
$12. The,amonnt of the fines has
creat42'donie eoneternation among
liquor ‘dealers,,especial-
-the feet that a VON On
lo'aI op ion takes -place there • in
'dangle states tbet he
. ed by‘ the (31.ieernmat,
re he basa amber of other
. here.
oh Smith' Meet Statqd Telt
--Killing--Dominiek Spratt.
despatch from Lindsay . says:
Ile trial tiflatob Smith, who was
rFkanded in vonneetion..with the
. hoo of 'Dominick Spratt, WAS
on Wednesday morning be-
gistrate. Moore. After hear.
veral witnesses, who - repeat -
evidence brought out at the
tp , the *reused was commit.
t - for trial :it the Quarter See -
o i the Peace, to be held in.
ber. Jiteelt Smith IS in a very
, or state of -health and ii..filtid-to.
in the .iinitiet stages of typhoid
hIrejIt ese1s calling at its port.s
Mr. oltingwo ebreiber eltee
the GrOnd,Trunk Paeifie will never
be- _builtwith_ white lalene- There
e two 'thousand men working in
, 1i Columbia now, and an e
;h IittIe prospect ofiejetting there.
-GREAT Bnittry.
iord Tiveedinotttle who a short
time ego was first Lord of the Ad-
miralty; es dead.
Pelhigra is -causing terrible ra
ogee in North Carolina. ,
Seven persons lost their lives in
a flood in lower lower California.
E. IL Harrimanbequeathed. al
Lispropeety-, without, restriction
to his wife. -,
The Detroit Federatioe of Tetbel
hoe,praeticelly withdrawn from tit
wing .TEsetward 'Through Fort
In Large Quantities;
espatch from rod Wiuliam
Wheat is beginning to errive
he city inlet* quantities, and
the first Ain* this season the
tors were wOrkingovertime on.
ay night. , Shipping, is still,
'ver, slow, aed the Vabcondale
count, ,and barge Vngava, are
1 the fiver empty and-I.:ailing or.
, LONDON'S', p0P1,13.1T,ON.'
lessiseat clteturns Give it!*4- 40... •
„ . *
07.-A small inereuse. ,
despateh from leoxelone9nt..,
.aThcppu1ati.m :of London is
.otecording to .the returns
zj11'ted on Wednesday by A,!el
inetit Comniissioner Greet. The
ain eltaringethe year was 70; the
'illness of whieh ieattributed to
Iae merit of'populotion te tub.
elm- city;
The Persian pretender has pro-
tianned himself Shah at Luristan.
Japan will devote *to large sum
during the ensuing Tear to the re-
eirptiou of bonds.;
[Santos Dumont an Ms -miniature
roplane attained a speed of /lite.
vo ndlea,en hour._
Vieek is to be 'begun in January
ou a. railroad- connecting Mexico
end the rallait30. Canal, -
C0113n184111er NAM in an toter -
elm at Battle Harbor, declared
that he himself was Vic °nip White
mon who 'ever stood at the Pale.
seiner Living Near Deihl Killed The resolntien in favor of Invert;
I 'preference was carried' by a Urge
sem* at the meeting ,of the
Chambers of Commerce of the Ern.
pire at Sydney, N. S. W.
011 the Ilvielk;
A despatch from Delhi, Ont.,
Early (01 114-305(la,,,X morning
j'aeol.) Ilillo,-* former living el*ottt
four initecnort14-4 1aerie-W.4e strut
q; a Miellegan tientrat ltailWay
piess train golog west'and Institut-
ly kill(4.1. Mr. •Bille waS, 011 way
to attend a funeral and was walk-
ing on t1xe. south eratkeHe' step-
ped off to the 1.) thor traik topa's
n. freight train, when the ttaxpeess
train sttitelt lairrielIleleevee
ily of tie
. ,...
Puhlie Schaal Closed Oing to a
despatch Imo Chipp Ont.,
tys4-0witig tO an atitbrtak ofdiph
Iberia. in this villaige' the -Pular
school,bits been closed ireleteritel
lt nuke be severs, weeks befeire it
'11 be reopertede
torkdoti !aye.,
*Aittereile eitplor.
it the Briti8la
111 orxunand
. rmart t
ti* ie
tptaiu o
I Ore
men atad
thc t1esirs to obtai
n to the
tioi a (It
I 0
it a Itende.atis Collision Near NitAt*
Tenneris. ttee-.
A despatch ftout
'Ae the result *et a heed.°
liSion between ,pasSeiKer erai
No.. 4 and a •' 51 ot
the Nashiilc,t freag 0.
Chettanoogoi ,&\13t.
Louis\lita,ilwoty, one mile sorest of
Pegram, on, :Wednesday
eight men were killed, 4)110
.ty injured ond number'of --the
othero„.reported. enere or 1e hurt.
No passengers were killed. ,The
vary taught -tire, -and- tite An5dies, -of°
laeveriti of the 'Victims were.eremat.
Both enatinextiere eteetAtletely
'wreeked. The wreek -wits toms
be ot.irlotoking of orders.
vs, Acriv},14,
Hare fle
• 4
despItteh Itre
-Vetteeitis a,
uport rumbliegs*
mie ,shoeke. The sm
craters have been nnn
tire in 004 TiuL tOW 413110.
Oia s4s
by slight
all inter.
*11 ae.
79cin of a fisit 4,ies Mt
st itself as a suitehlniattri.
te 'reeking of ciothee. -
r 7 -.mak ),ert e
rtq. in
• 0. 1lert
ports,flay October siipment,
*no Whe , r ehipment:
2, IA to e90
at °a,lritstelyti-elPit4))riPtuksiur de' ti-vetr
64, to5.5,e, and NO. 4 extra,
us---t$4e: '
`2, Ontario whitet new,
to 37Ne outside for Ititeptem
ellipmente, etude
shipment. New -Can
41,14 ern
silleTtSer--No new, 70 to 72e en
to 070o
• ktt
Corn. -No.-Anterican
76,4to 770 on track, Toronto-
nadian 70-e on trackToronto.
Ifteefeettla euteitle in bulk' ter One
torio. bran, and V1,23 for shorts in
orOnW-freighte° shorts, 4121, --To.
nto freights.
ritIllik '11 ' ; .1',,g,,c: , el:i10,611,,:(11 I It
r 11‘ )
. ,
.the ta/ Wreekin
, pa ., , r Inar 1, .
la* 410 Oliver., the easltiee of
teurant. end its only oweueant(t
_ehttiatie of the explesiontetel
J.nocke-d down, t‘eltbouglt. by -einem
wage -chance eseapirer with no
meee sericlue injurythan a few
,Iiratise,s. " . ... te .,
eveeal Pelicemeon, bottled by In.
erector tievis, who ,beard the ` ex.
plosion while at the corner of Bay
and ItiChniond streets, were on the
spot a minute later... Theeyoung
woman' told the ttory of two men
elm had been in the Place, and P.
., -
• 1,
0-eSe a,
, tioil• )
'nred,' ftnd
, ; 42.4t,i'
Oil_ ,
li 'L4ry i t1t,
Vas e, b&rXflii t5C4
a ..th
4 rltsAtisplar in front of
tnd stand at the Exhibition.
i 0 P by S61dier's tied eitilien*,
.i said. Seite Of these trework*
iiploeletet of high po 'or, an41
eed..have eioused -emit a ' explo-
as'. last tiighee. It is timosed
I . Woodward becamc. possesse4.
e of them and took it into thet
rest.aurint .with the ()Wet of "hay.
me, some fun" with the Clenamene ..,
being .ututware, of the damage. it
would vane& ,
Jae in
" le
of tips
Montreal, Sept.- 21....e -There;
ot teeny prime beeves ,orx the mete.
Let1 and Tete tpe poun
k t
u k -sold at 23.-1 to near
per 14. -Calves,. $3 to $te each
4 3;4_ to OVec Vier lb. ; Sheep,, re,"
to 4e, and lambe, teeett
Good tote of fat hogs, 9 to 914-0 Pe-
.4Z1- ta.)--eale
Toronto, :Sept. 21,-entitcher
ero in eteore; demand. Picked lots
prime steers andbeilere sold as
h gh as $5.80 pr et., but this"was
eteeptienal. Th& general average
of good loads was from $5 to $3.
40; mediitm, $4 to, $1.90. Milkers
.and. springers were insteady de-
mand. Stockers' and 'feeders
Firmer. SheepitietIeolves,-.Steady
end unchanged. Lambe -Easier,
owing to heavy ran. Ilogs-Selecte
are quoted at $8.2e f.o.b., and $8..
ett to $8.05.. fed and watered.
,Apples -Cooking apples, tee, per -
barrel; . and St. Lawrence and
Duehess, $2.ee- to $2.59.
•- 1eans-Prime,. and hand-
pieked, $2.40 to -$145 per bashel.
Hay -No.. 1 timothy,- 'tee to 0*
a ton on track here, and No.
$14 to 1$14.59.
Straw -49 to
Potatoes -76 to 75e Per bag on
rack for Ontarios, and 800 for New
Poultry -Chickens, dressed,- 14 to
leie per 1114; fowl, 0 to lie; turkeys,
17 to 18e per -lb.; decks, lb., la 'to
Butter Pound priute, 19 to 21e;
tubs oda-large le.to 100, in-
rior; 10 to 170; creamery, 23y
lc, and separator, 22 to 23e per
Eggs Case lots, 24 to eec e'er
heese-32c per Ib for large,
at 12e for twins.
011-Long„elear, 14X.. to 1e
r Ib. in ease Iota; mess pork, /Po
to $23:o; shortcute-427 to /527.50.
Hams -1414 to medium, 104 to
31,0;1144,, heavy, .14c to 15c; rolls
11 to 14.V,te; shoulders, 13e; bark,
o ; break-61-st bacone17 to,
c. . •
ard-4,Tierces, 14'6; tubs,
ontre,a1, Sept. M. -The market
fur rats is more, evtive, buyers were
'41's4c,_pr bushel afloat hero
for No. 2 Canadian Western, to
arrive, which is an advince over
what they Were Vara -sated- at same
0 weeks ago of figge per bushel.
2:Canadian • Western,,. .41 to
,Ne; X°. 3 Cauradian Wefeern, 431
o 4.3!eie. Barley,No. 2,-00 to .670 r
anitobar feed barley, 64 to tiec,
klotireeelanieobit fhteing WIteat,liat.)
outs, fixists. $5.90; do., eeetonds,15..
401; Winter wheat ,Petents,' *5.40l
StanitOrba strong. bakersip
straight CIAO 415.2«:* o.
in bags, 0.33 to 11%0. „
°it -Arlo bran. Ske t() *23; Ontario
middling,, $23.59 to $e1.50; nit
tobrt bran, T�rt
124; pure grain•niouille, *33 to Sa
rnixd moitille, $25 to$e7. Cheese
Westerns* TIN to wk, and east.
ro,„ lig, to 11?;e. Butter -0 Finest
(Amery, e3i,e. to etel. seconds- at
to 233i0; Manitoba dairy, 14 to
Ind )restern dairy at 19 to 20e.
se-Seleeted etoek'eitelf. to 20e;
tandled to 2,, atil
Att-aq tQ 19e,iper dozen,
atis, , Sept.. Ot eat
„ e
t- Sept, in?),;
Mity, $1.007‘; to $
ft. I hard, $1.00N to $1.011,6
Nerthern, 99e -" to $14.00'ef.-
' rtheria, $2,73e
tst ikr I/ Or. 3„ IO
thtir -domain 41.
°They ArailhNo. 1
hal. The ANtre,
tweeze. a Doe..
forth aed stela /-4i" t, 7
'0-4 • ;0'
t.•21 -
*butts 9°!': On la tb Meth' 4
and Lowlands of Auld
Nerve in flrafrs iIa Wonderful Ef
feet tpon. Cowards.
it only a hair's breadth liebe-
*ten genius and madness, only, a
rye lies between the hero 044
aceording to the- I t
y in brain tesettrelx.
Jules Bonnier, a fanlails Sur -
eon of Paris and a niettab,er of
the staff of the Chareot Hospital,
413, after a series of exhaustive
esearcitee, found that the emothine
ef, fear and melancholy are due en-
eirely to a smell nerve that stretch-
upward_from the medulla oblon-
gata, that second brain or ganglia
at the back of the neck, irate the
ereellialtrle‘ r and more developed
this nerve, he anuounces, the more
wardte,, timid or morbid its pos.
or is; „theless developed the
A 'se 1. was otOnglat alive on the,
_Wm Of Loeb 1:1044,.„
Eight youttg women were e,arged
.1th gambling in a Glasgow ccmo-
A new' twin sere*-atearner 04000
s , 5 to he hatiltlor tho Donald-.;
son Brothers, Glasgow, at. White -
inch, ;
The end • Bettalitart Royal Soots
arrived „recently in EilitIbufg,10,X,
Bombay aftex 15 Years POI
. A Museelburgh, girl .rianaed Sill
house,s4% .1mars old., was kilted by
the .1tiek of it -hem in alarea-near
Addiewell. •
.Thecabinet-makini weeks of Mr.
Morris, Cewcieldens, was re*.
ntir -destroyed. by ,ex,e at dam-
age of V0i,000.
salinon' :ikeighing 44 Pounds, ,,4
feet 40 eloellesf.lerege, and. ,,..." feet
- eltes-in gixeeth, ivite,-ciight, at Mea -.4
dow. Raven,
Mr.. Alexander Keith, a buteher
of In -e1, Aberdeenshire, aceidente
11e. drank a quaittite of eerbolie
ttlitig in a short time.
3.*Itree more attimals.-two to**.
end a horse -have died -of apthraet
at MUsseneirgli. All:belong tri the
dairyman in wisase premires tlo+44:14,-
ereek 'occurred.
e3lir. Sollf"Ptliteerdfri•waiell 4111
Broug4ty Ferry, and District Tram.
'v as since they were opened about.
four years ago./ haseheen emirate
(el meneger the` Dunfermllue and.
int it is only necessary to ctit.t
District Tramways. .
'to turn. the craven into • , Tile Dundee whaling . miner us.
&newly one into- a being INosel front the. 'Greenland- islting;.'aud
cvery mental reeess is, penetrated' lutti, fl) board' four etheleg. Theise-
• his'°(1, ttiele°mIroe st aninting, finding
ain..surgery for a decade, has
Iven :modeStly announced hv
Bonnier, „with theil)roots of idicdie,.,
-covers. it is most weederfur bre
r ...eoneee without . oe!laena reached DAndee _last wek
will yield 'one and 141P -tons ot
lone and ;.,tct
eir.t Dunean Macgregor. eipal ,of Dunoon. bee s;gned the pastorate, read will in
lire devote himself' to: the, work,
muse far one of tiwtsto prinuoi the college, except for iiday
lanpulstis of life,.andlos been stip3"Prelebing.
poRed td be as ei*reined in every There is at present iii,"Ourse of
tell as hunger itself, Which irthes, ereeti4n-*t,Itothwell a largo. dispel
primal say Ito psycho. 41°01 for thelionetieratholia eon'.
• itnitr'of uothwou end Hamilton
In \fact, it ie herd to ikut,q.Patci, Callitry diastriots. The 1--,ch0o1l
ether fiett-or hunger 'twit Oetimet‘edeto tost. ,
it is to aritiwer that other lane- Mere. Nuitti)eh Ancl Murray,
fus quextion of whether it was the Port Glasgow; have seedred s ton. .
tlatettert.,that' wits first 4)n the trot, to build gi PetOetlee and car-
e. „ For fe‘rh meroy ge 8teanatar 10,r Liverpool Oweers.
pulse of self-preiervation.. It ie Thc Trades - Council' Ims (leciacd
trough fear thethei been en. lo hold\ au anti.sewing deirionstra.
led to dim)), the 1itt1 to. tion, 011 tallsgoW Green on Seet
elle tell .twitorning *round. in a 24. ' ' , , •
ord ,puttdir * into' bird 'The ,Glotsge* School Board- are
and beast -
and Matt. Friar has kept eakirtgeettpe to earry dont 1.sehema
the r.ergamisare limey from myriad for the tutdioal exantinotien ointi
'itfa11p and *Bowed it to mirth eptevision of children.. et is pro
he thin leilge of evoltici, posed' to appoint a ,riteditalt
jn1ediea1 p etitioners.
siou:- issues
)ftoor8 on Tra
t 4. liar" L1 8t;is 't' ibea
meking . preseilt
tted he ,, ra tetine,a
o plients*9 ,gernen
prevont-14-.4*, (sr