HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1909-09-16, Page 6 (2),
of prayer,. °no*
pray loot truly, a.n4 offectsIl,
rng tfuzi!!xititlea,t.u, 0u*
ution for bgber gr
• t been
Ire el
.co�.Bowie M
f4tuto, of r4.1)11.41
h fort
to besoech th. proteet
gainst * world
long as .ehildrn
thinkof their world
powers of evil* *pobogp
est the
to eo
.41,)114ng 1:11
deep.• It is aapira
beyond tho priv
r. apineous stisr ii
Mr. David Boss,
w MuseuE
C*ithruksslure. ,o
7, birds are plen
r Athol .cb
'girdto .the miniiuumcpii
i for the proper mal textsnc°
es I* lirod. ata In
u en dietetic u
o rem g ta
esent' aoxne sereso
offersotae epii
I att ofatops,
* <tau
i I son axid
Mucb t i :In* It. o jaMtrilia to the wife laIltiat5Pre-
0114 ^ laborer,1 iri4,If *t Clo.
own of
zamon, it 4 *
ress is being. made, by theWse
. lis and furniture fat -
u ' z e e*recL a.
eitss.:0*ulirkisin:e:u1:::004' vithOlet)4pening 1
uurdered near
Madden "11014""witt°onteXuir 7.
'kJ, Al#04: V.., ;
•#: & . .
the potato disease has inade its *p.
P rents.: in several .runsprayed . pc, -
tato plots around '• the village of
Middletown. ,.
cted r ' Petty8
r ' ite+r--vioto**** 't t
utrition, we ar
own b Voit
zinines I protein lood for the av-
ersge'man doinawork;
uhsequtntIy. Atater
. . .,f1 kt 12I
Ot t
0 ..1
or °tilt imsginry disaster.
Stilt other(Pr out ef
a p
Sloth, me .aik forng on the
erop they zre tob Lu to eultiv*te
breador f.rthe .
or the u
It 11.* good tbingthat
irtaitt nitenetter
aot lions fail to scureb
requested,peoific thing This
utterlyvould bo an ,imMor*/ world
even words
oukl putaonte of us at 40 great .an
dvantsg oer th� rest,. it prayer
igh• welts benets unearned and
o man vat pixy* unti'l proms
..1fromeommerisl petition*" to
Plc, .0 rse of souL The
a ! en. s' .,.
.0 . behin and. 'id
unleu the deepest and best
have been hep8d into regular work
hrongh, th. mediumthe News-
boys' League in 0,1* w. •
'The town ; council of .rdinburg
havo approved of the! plans of thet,
'chapel, for the Knights of the
*Thistle to: headded to ,f4", Ogee
Cathedral. -
tweet( -71000' and 8;000 of the
Territoria1s in tataftat Gailesand
-Troon engaged in a sham ght r
in the, vicinit u .*
tbe Japanese
imsll race and tonsequen ly need
roportionately its* $004 than 0
Europeaus It is noteworthy, bow
•ver, tht during the recent
Manchuria, Where tbe
apanee dip1ayed so mudt vigor
auppied to theirr
...f. thanhadfa
t'.f any soldiers in previous
cstin of its
fuli ef tribulatio
1 of helpfulness
.01 le e
st nermen hay
ry large nuantitie
Edinburgh robin
With' :Mg
uol. I'boenix
eesymptoms* greatestti ns. or
rttautointoxicationptrno tiiue4r*t.er.11reu morbidn,
‘1.4irk$ from headache, dizziness and
usligestion to various. mental dill,.
turhantes, ,**rvicius breakdown or
"114,411.44.4-i-tutit rning Itro-ta
the irast�
Products that ought -to be eli
de,,d; through the kidneys issiisovery '
vommon, although in tbis esas,the
kidneys 'being , .*ctuall
the hogdgclie, blirldno
a *nl 'Other .symptoms
sOriptoms of tho
3iseae 11evertholtss, t o
reitlItit due. to tostocrItox_ese'.,
ne;., , • f.
sr. de • or so oasiIy roc
The Lune ion ,of tba perspiration
probably more to ociolthan., to e t
minate, although -some waste 1*
4doubtless-e* ff7througis.
There is' a. tradition coneernt
min*, • "st wel, the clziy of whi,h.
waseftotaosufdporttoo3utuntaian;thtneinse min-
vom Obiu,f4.
sere* Ottat v
wife .o thel,lic 5en utit for or
f sbtty-five dollars per
foyle, late
. r
7e..tr to
he contract for
•iouses in biocke
or tli
3,99O, all:in the o
ilouston, has been appointed head
o • Departh3ent of .Mechanical
and civil Engineerrng in the South.
stern 14.0 ytechnic, London 'i
. .
from Mong1isn to
rientest we learn t
to time attemptshs
•very ongagop:.
lc 0 1,
ol eoher* or II
each Retie*,
t as
hon. tr °f a ken uoloafrimitYrii;
. r vel -1 '
e are
st Sui
, t 4 , te
;bow us that w
ng things, but li, tbing,to .,..-
t U
1 t
to:- to re
shows how appa
at h turned by into
strngth is made
iu oiri, Lesson IX we
lest (
he illustr
day -'a lissothatth
Christiart religion i Jove.
each in i
its story,
ot o , 4. t;rdinary prisoners4
ere kept ,oa a d1t coutainhig anly
fty-seven grummet of protely4`*
duction which brought them to
*te of ' : tion'; 'Ilshittik for
nivkts �n whs,t i; term
b al, es pro la,
eient Then voila; tin., leineso
. ration .containing tai*tyvtoitr
raiximes t protein was found b
tutier to be"too poor in ' t.'.
same tinie 4eationed by
to bear in mid tatin
cp xbed .a, 1earnedmzn wbo i
oeuld bresk ur a buman life mali
1t& fragm�ns;p y to f
neurology, .psychology,
musele, , valve, gray ,vzatter, w
sttet, thoUghW *freed°
titani But what, socie
need 311 not the fragments oI
but ' lislig man; and we
MN out iiiilitter'ii I
not en bits of lessons, but tbe
Qne sk vital truth: That truth*
°ban n the little
our,word wbkb 'Iden Veld be.
e '014
word of Ood and re t
IN * written
tion with ' us.obturtutbeil'z ad- tbe
ventures a bc
ply. AulusilIy. 1 tho Iessonc ,ths
he 17th
to receive sorno ete
tut, tbe eost to he
aIy by the eounty and
Among he,. ,,,buskers at Rothesay
?air. was th�: reteran Peter
Glagow, the oldest heal:titian on
he grouud, whois in -bis aoth yesr.
rhis !,*, vis° and he he
yor vi4t d'riuq
/ that tiine,
studied Sunda
ay during * the quarter
calletl by the words of
ring, the recent postal: trou.
in Paris soldiers vrerer called
tc7-4.7) tbe work of the
to •
n ititents 3
hueir we
tne4 to t 8ir
slertidit ths
ottia mut 1
or /*sot
reducible on
I; below hzi
, 40- , "
%applied in r
and that tberei
mum 4 au
cocur , In oth
.;it M04 4
004 groieLzttiglitil
irilLY ?Ind hi 9U *rip,'
v. Golden 'Texts* he gist
istianity grows, in t
(farseoisl.), 041
lie, and guidance.; by the abedi-
his eflittantav, sin41 b7 the
ity of horitat friguirets..0041
the ThN$fb, "Comis,over juto
I went "intlitedi
atteaest his
was Wise& irnd
an 00e3I
out 1:*111,Pfcrre— ta!k to each otber
oil introcluction, and I
, no liattorin this, unless vit
*0 girl travelling alone. In
cae yoo'nistst eep absolutely
youraelf, milts* drcztstanoes
4All talk to
Should, yoatle tri
* party and should y
*intim* on tbe
to remember tbitt the
mg and do nut, aak�
iMential friends. Stasi
emdsnay be ateirsble-ot most
They tOlne witliout
ues an they *its without
6 chances ail that
t so
iith'ut hearing .your
* Plur•
feIng friend are •
rdered on 0
is, 1owrer Id by th
'nch Army eorps44401a-we a
-nLyrins somo yezrs *10 mot
al animais e
he neigbbcr
1 the rskknt were' soon
te of terror When they ap
*' Paris
iaixe'nsres' at
soldiers se
runaways. So:well d
ir work that, with o
t *It I the animals we
*lite 404 uninjured
0 en
ho apeedi1 died froi
t elosing *11 tbe pore of tbe skin.
rhe story is probably made up, WI*
he lesson it teethes-of:the need' of
ee elimination through the -ikin
valuable, and oughttobe, beed-
ex *our -et of poisoning o
• disturbance,
ec reflexhe Decayedtt irtsiiohnt vreert:t c":Peilenani
i ai 1 111
auec ess O -r-- blindness
oo dose; together or. growl.
lions • has
u�e serious men
t's1tby, I
Beea Brought up. Simp
AU of
disease 0
The 4p104riet*Uan
ose who.** them during the via -
it of the Uussilm,
at Cowes, Isle' of " htr. their
almt 14473, dresses, blue reefer
*oats and bine strait hats trimmed
witli folds of white chiffon, all
actly alike, they formed a pretty
picture of healthy', happy. thil
Tlirifittcr.-!riP:Piriun,Co:eovsamadrt ttresndthoiop
,grest deal in two hours, buying
gots of -things at the shops
*gal, dolls, souvenir, spoons,
ney woriti,eod all the thing* thika
els of from g to 1.4 like to' posses
whether they are grand duchesse
r 444 ordinary,youngsters. The
_their British ,royss
retative., Princess y:1is Irin-
cs Bdward and Albert
s14, ithe clerereat. Tall forher
figure Srt
ond daughter, is"really a/ beautiful
giri, with*thief skit, old/
d1rk1 hair and regular features of
She‘ii the. oul$
:delicate:one of the four Marie
is p cid, well behaved *04 °blip,
Anastasie the youngest. it
*Titled 1,y her governess, Miss XL.
ger as, 'a *regular little pickl*.$
Ifer name *.iinastasie, which mean
eh*ixii breaker, or ,I:trisou opener,
was given to *Ur hebauss to telex
b;ste Lier-loirtb the flue p*rdoned
reinstist 'the siukrents
p*rt in tb. r19tsn Itosco
All the
*idea Russian. I
th ais,
* 'and pz1n
Iways spend an hour Or.
a.t knittingembro .
0work SO
T gifts for relatives sad friends.
Czar reo.rred'a
bolder is
ers with4 an inscription worke4 in
'sixiimont sby&coi°
ect.thg first. signs fecitb*14”
nt dentis Thus i s
*lion or poison prodUctio
before artZir great damage is done.,....
outhis 14.0iont' .-
slight - taste -
it is Impure, .Vilterm
not quite enough. , A
of alum o each buckeU
-purify * water wonde
izd conduce to health.
Woe, or deposit „al
et the
on, are now exhibit• ed ieiue--
ns of tht go
1:uustrti 6ensta.41:iitti. "tic t rala markedr lh* *
ing witb. spots
of a ocolor;
thereare numerous 'Species;
distributed, zad all_ reatarkable
their brilinsnit, 'coloration. In most
frog of
euStodinioifttslie under • tut
ootb; but in
these treatures it is granular,
pierced by port*
oisturs is „absorbed
n the breeding season theae I
ruake for the **ter., .1* thoi,wintat
and in/ time otdrought 014 hide
In ulna ,or Stair stone or the laerk
oahrra,.rtse,40.(447, .itthreabvthow",air tIonei fhos...i;106
*tithe tints
of ther
wediate troutditgs.
• freei in wbirh