HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1909-09-16, Page 4 (2)V „.
tk' •
. znaile
„ ttnr*I.
r9.311s, #resier
it • i".fOlocs
*hal or Ole,
Way ',Wall,' 4olcd ,ostk hi. ory
*40;4 ileac:14w• the „\torth , pule. would
Andieato that _lie wa* Isoits'A to 'Mit "
t4fet Oart ' of it from
tki.e sestw41,44Ders.
. Isn't ,It tunny bow soino **ogle who'
ware Always' bloWing„what thfr* should
.to :boom tlq,e tOR 0,e,ver snake niove
tI•tat dime ion n14. winy no
,praetice what you • preach our tirst
atep v411, be to trade', at box iv where you
st,Ot and uteicles Don't . Al*
1.4 01940i in yourIvillage nd then braak,
,YOur t;evic to g t out at tow to Sigma It.
Xott.l_tha"Klf F0_4 14110_ gone ontid' 1,0vin
33,ve kc. and £i rciilty ttse'trip be
vast you one,-4041ar moretbanit .yon'
Ilast stayed home and secured Your 400. aU
rortil of inerchanettse in the village 14
WhiKt 17041 get your , bread and butter.
o *Sort le,r
dut %$t111.
On n,
0401 •
o et,
:4vi" s!'
I: Y•W(0,:i./ to vi' .4 Onliars
• ' -.what" he, ,th
'Oil:Ltto to'•tell,vihar'
• „ „
'Te el** • w o z • ,iUideri
£omIfty.- vents ./11.0. t3r exqr.
u.uaUy the 'chap wna niairts *tau
,W*tiftt •
x'YQU 4. -P it#01.0 The'
,dep‘1314*o wletIer yen, patro
..4901e Indio . i‘o,- abroad fa
you issight*buy at home.
bi, t
4t*V4treisTWIllitliti AliTri OY or,
4*.. ijrwIk;
, nkt , *3.3t.- Sgirk De* been takiz t9
, !..r4„;ort1;-,_, , lativirii4,;14.2uttlirt4ritlits;:boltnixatte
alit It;Oltitra;liTtil,lo7tylfoltilic.
Ilar"..vairS, bit440. tstoinstifkkili with
, v whole ez.soir:.' She la *4 rAble
4 •' t•-tv 'e:c., ,•701, he using
ood xt-it,,I4 " MI* her seri
tii t'' .. :
,t,, the' Itat,,
occ1 'it , LU.
,At none tlie many who went West again
i• fan, we MIS* &OM around here;
Chr *topher gcparthy• Jahn Fallen. John
wax., Itars4Y litimacosithe and David
welltte ,Granton,,,,,,Xr.--Miehael
Innen hes returnesf.rsona after visit -
i •
: Asta.tement sit -the 'farm crops 'of Can.
. ' ' tl'ItAllferiV.O.P1-silM110
--..., 'I.- 04,111.41. atic*-44tice-on.,-Ifiti
7'.o -t the. -pro -
Auction computeds.trorn the reports of
a largo miatt of correspondents, sod al-
though ,the otal* are somewhat, les*
• -than.1110*e o a mentb-anpa ter_ Wheat
- and barleY, . OY 41111 " show that * Cast-
., Ada has . resPed ‘ a Jersey, In tact a re-
-4�!d haryest,;"rheriihrelit—oliiecirTir OA-
-410wti 44, ,P18;3101,1).0O-h-tieheit./Or .,A1-ta
bushels per acTe•,, xi* barley- itt50,975,..
.:, -0110-44.htfliit., Wiltrani: eDir-vrodrae.
The yle14 or .000, which as not esti-
,mated,last month, la stye a 354.010,..
.00 bushels, or -38.15 bus I& p.,,,t acre.
The rye is 1.708,000, ins rids. peas
. 13.184.000 bushels. beiris i'.311.00,4
bushels; buck*Issat 7,104.000 *bushels.
mixed grain 4%52410004 buslitte.4". Has
,',2-41-$1,000 *Abets...said. b*r 10;246.000
During the last session of the-tD3roari
kw House ot gammen* at tile time of
the discustilon on the .Geodetic Survey
*sr Currie; I4,;. P. tor liarth Sinicae
stoggestbsti to the , government: .-theoadvisis tnother.lirs. David j'elutatott, About 50
*Wittyot eatablishing an *twined:tog dew- of therelatiVes were present to Welconie
liartnit 44011 as tbeilloyal Ilnen'er•'4 404 Mr*. Aunning and ',the ;hearty
In E:riiuid. ad We Erir,Virke2r3 COLTS
43; NirPoitangton• Ue 01)ilite4 out that
*theie Ninto, a: great deal ot wattle effort
AO things Were organized at "prsserit,
"..end unut:primition ot vitgineeting. Work
There was, he said. ono enginierlpg stgtf
in the Interior Depafrtmerst. another. .in
Lena, Sarin* and Fisheries. 11. W14 $11-siturcliqr.
touittrIn the kW- "
itia ttepArtment and-salii another In the
;Hallway Department. There was no corn
triunity ot interest between tueseAnglit-
leering branvhcsof the variants depart
merits, and -the result was 4isplicat1on.
.of work. etintuoloh,, And tsieri, 'diaries
town', to the, contractors to .ctirrY , On
„trait** -..,operstionii. )its)or Corrit**
Id* le that tigre. *461,114 be only one en-
gineering department; tree titan , the
ot the ,.spenclituf der•artvalMt*
*and that tbe'.'inemberst shoal* be enitst-
fed Officerts' with promotions, and sank
like the lloYst Ensirteerai All en..
:ter'.1-4s v
Ogat.1011,0/,*,011: it.00414Ales,1
1700,04. .*e;Aufbe
t tak114-„ot *D. IA ft**. fit*4' el1114 0144,1*
11,.• ,itio****41.:'ot .4*, roll' 7 Seasir
nd, taisisig Manner; 04 tealsio vent.. kit WOO
t . iarsit, kind . to .everybOdY., both- .04 taitue,
1W' notm will rtedve tore " :runiversa.
,t 4:14c41$147;11.:;n01:044;11,100,3410..a.:*ili.nniOrti‘tilnire„ Mrs.Lir
olt wizhea or the, )rloto tor tti.eir iia* ttri .
i '
4e4re ,o4.• Droomrttr WAIL ttle vomit '4 O.' '
1,4,w who , were, Amttect, In mutlage on. 141-er .k.
7clne.417 Irith Snot, the 'happy, eve -t . axityrick* who. hilvet , - . rI-eltmg
todoic, plotge At op ',home nt at... And mrs. their men,' friends 'hem 'returned to
14; #13X
;IT —
eaI fro.ofi
b r • Mri. John
n W
pant o 13'
London are
1ope1ad,", -*btu their eldast
daughter.,‘011te 1497. wittingly gave her
heart ,and hand to 10. IP4.; Stone, a.
thrittY Yonnt farmer ea the township ot
ttsbarne,„ The_ _Invited emote_ ritteal4erett
150 and they vim all uncles, and *mita
with hi*. ',hivtirer.In•147.0,niA,p .city, and cousins ot the bride anct .hride4
with .11/4 undo .in Nebrawk. 4.10 sgroom.-After wittiest*** the ceremony,
performed -by the Rev. 11.yron Snell the
brisito and ,groom received *bowers of
terigratulatians. 'The. bride Ware *very
and becomiro costume ,whiett ,goe
rts the xrpwth at, the Jatter ,piace
1194.4.14 lie i*vhi een Ie saYS, the
ern grow eight inches. In 2.2. Ileums
and potatoes ost the table, to 'eat mix
11e4 their Itepheiv, Newton Ulliscr,
who has been on the sickUt but who
we .arts pleased to OXY, is able to be
;Around once mor"60-7)11*.
Exeter' was the guest of Mats Gun
4.1.• 41 ' 7
WILV`illArtWO -11
'..whIcts ereat to those
prepared the santei The Presents
were both numerous Ana costly and
much admired, teatIfying-to -a, large lie -
tree the esteem Ili which te bride and
ning over fium4aylany Itoto various groom are held. Their .oecupatlon wilt
p ii•tteitajwie -1z-tarmtnt-aral-therwitt-taktruD-their
,the. tofierat_ett; Want ,daughter,or abode. on the farm recently, ,occapleil by
and 14rs. Geor . Parkinson, whick ray ?..frs. Wm. Pmnels, whieli the groom
tcrred isr-t-he 41011,--cln ' • baught-st-shorttime *go- Thst4arlde-and,
concourse of trt Mt* were in attend -apace Itrboink nre wcfl`*pd taveratilY known
and ..rancli SYTA atity: tot expressed ; tor -in and around...I.Orkton:::for- thdr goad
the bereavesktparents in the loss or their trait* of character., The AtIvocatel
sweet little Pearl. ' with: the. correspondent and * hest ot
, **Gone to •Its Heavenly rests trientis1» valshing late 141,11401‘.
lorom stit *rid *Orr,ow tree, the matrimonial. sea. '
Pillowed on Jestist'breast; !Ir. tiaxlewited of Itirkters re.
, Our Gad with tlicei" turned 1, ort Thurssisy, from a three moa -
Wedding Beeeptiotro.4,44 Nelson ann.. Ont tr1P- tO the Wt Ile visIteds
ning,..whiAs' on, his way..,hortie to re. nig*, .1.1artney. /minder. Ilandata, '10.4n
da11.00ter, Oak Biver. Rapt() OW, Ilran
4on and vitinniPelt. lie -palled Upon 4
nurnher- or 014 rrien4s 40.0i this 'Part
or the country and was ;glad to ;learn,
ot their splendid suttee* 11144 Edgar
Shier is workinga three-quarter.. Sec,
eon; Sincemoving' there elithritear4 440'
t o' hae erected a, tine naw house and;
as made tufkny oriler irnprovementil,
suet .lts plemAing' grave* • 4114 SIXtrilt
Ineldirsvs. Harold *Shier ts working a
thiee;ass...rts.r nectian - also 'threshing
laving DAtrit-'!.A.,•vi 4 new Otjt:Ztv a"•,,,,,,,fted
sliver Speciatir tro Shiers Dave
spiendtd cro14.-t WeolOi..liazeiwoo4t1, of'
Cratt4411 Is working ,040„.z.e.fest.,..41e!As
.bulkling a- new house th14..year Anti hi
every convenient* to make a pleasant
horn. He has tine stock and `irookeroPi
ease Shier ot -trandatil 'is working a
alir, *teflon.- He erected 44 new Iarge
0444 thilit /004 Ago. Orop IS good.
Luther Sweltzer or 'Crandall le. work*.
:Dig 4 halt *teflon and 40ittir, wel14. Den
Doupe 1* working•6410 *ere* and bul14.
notary- Dag
sUrsIC his position a* ,dentist
land. B. Co atter being at 11
claiming *sr Ms brIde Igloo iCa
was, given. a pleasant recepti
* Sass -
Wax and
Pc McKee.
by his
greetingS,*(1 Well..wishos extended the.
bride and arressini wee trilintei honor
to .tbit Worthy Couple, They to.,ittivir
new homeBritish. Cetiumbia.. w!.1t-i the
beat wishes sat all their friends tor
h*I4,0f *Int OrtinDerotui Wedded'ilte. The
groom visited his grandmother .bere.on
14(r, *04, )014 Arthur Ytestrnim ot
Granton- Were .the guests ..of Hr. and
Kra. &d. Andrew" on Illinday....-The Song
SerVice in' thelgettodlat church on Min.
oy. was largely Attended and was of *
brIght *rat piirtiontsely interesting 'ober.,
acter.,-,St large number from *Mind
hire are attending- the .1404011 FaIr
this week.
ilbett'Sn1; Walt 4$24 4-elownieebt' III Mr, and ,A4•0• Fred*COM ri
matters not what.department. should be ;ed. by their little ion iffd-rilects, Xis*
do" hY- this 4t4Itt' Whi0i "*14 *1" "Je-40/e.-at OilltOnkl** are the guts 414
do the the work of inireect1004.vor le..11Utrat, gr. Thos. pAntat,...gbps Mit
• %mit Crape. Is to be built nr the .pent Sunday $4403.1 with,. hit.; Mrs,
- %Department, the plans. Would bepre r
by the Enginrete, tenders would be
.ostled by the Public Works dettartinent, *.titt ...4a7;e* 4:471;oriukin&ir
and the contracts *Warded. Then the ,
0n., the -tomer*" Nuns near
engnecr would4110.' the *rehlt"—- 'Kis* *Pearl 'Stone's tittle ou*Ine 11001:
, Ur_ [the government* inspoethur' all the
work and 'material, ift4 on their wr (ctvi'llyiktinifreaberatolittiti.PrO„Ont.
--nut woo mtaibee 1--irPri--trirdnerits * dell visiting friends '-
would be carried on, Inspection on the 114;prows :wit week, '
, here
drodigts, would . -by members or this
the' iStalteit tItates :and .ottier countries To, k •
:-st ' na itect-wel SAINT ttit'V .
art4'there 4* sio reason wh,y it *ban* '
riot work wtn The Ilarrist- Ttstinksgiving serlytes
Icre.Patrieks dittrch '*.in be boa igfi
Does anyune know Who first lilt on day,Sept. 28, when Rev; IX W. 04110
the Idee Of billing' fail harlot How I,E.eter en 01*"1°11 at ihdl,•etitot
did theft originate' and \develop? : , If nlyr' *Ill be givenivost ,due, to ***3), ' 0011e0tiOn toWl sup SI_ and
mild have * monument tell .:to c6nclett' "In 144 OlgeY an t°44434t "66"
bit menkory more imposing than can f,."1",' 'the 28tt4
for by a Toroutb &wit, sub.' toren II' Itcvs. vollins and
Wilt /10/4000 the 144194444,11344r11411er o
tiori. Of cootie tide niters to the Hamilton, /owl. ton. • **alio 0*
raal all taimi and not to the gotobi.
ut tutu" tatuauvine, httl,po and Visa aoondsebtit ot, 'Mamie*
drome and advtAtsing ',thow thet i. ,_,Rod,,wili i•Likt 14.1, one ,.."2,21221
gven In tiht. hrgr doe* "err ifsa Ainsso 4miwassoson pro. sts,rocr
real rail fairliFronfined toexhibits .Art4 60fitett '41)&11 -'eettitle It/e*.; el4141*-en
thairman; Ber. 0..
tqator, ,•• .
te the ectininutlitv
- •ed
prestitett4e viol /A' * in baytitio.4tr. And Krt..,..W.
develved form
fa lu 4 • tat0111 e aid lootra, 30.**,1.4 roster 1400
tOWDohttic Lovie Ot 'Oratttt Oto4 Nitre Slitters at
ars ne.rer • 0 thiitt10011 oi Mr.a« IXteWArda40!* on $104%)fpire 4
pettftwk *bete Mlia AlbOrtit Ontrritt 'visited ho rrith4
ed. To „olitrplues from Mk* Nettie tiottott ,on itunds*„.-Miet
*pine, knows does mot. theixo, -tont of lidition: visite4r4bar
3voliog, than to win gotniu, l'ikfias Mary itutrithtscii. • a
looteloolty who* dfrePt.the 'past, Weelco..dtr. W. 3. WUsan
• valued moire for oot'ut ttet# modurdel 011 Sondes' with
returns thitsctotAny.: motives in It0ytke14 ad was igtomPen
bOII ..itut' tu. tea Ultvii_ht Mrsill. Wilson' and Mr*. tiue-i
:ott , set *lid •childrea.-ortit Wornatess
*ta 1,* tilt* Will nett their next Monthly, ;vote.
it spelt, Int at at iitra. A. �13e1t on
fair covsk be devsed tbit'teeileit, Sot. *1et..11,•ev. Kerr
bow k tot Uie*rtpreirbsii two *tit interesting
i. wovk hiltruttive sermo *Ili 1,01404 .Iteth
the int
smaller It is dug
cootie to
to pronto*,
,Virifint'PVLOit "TtleediaY'44:410., rote..
wine*':6110;:ii.pent.• "last' Week the
•gneet Of his denstliteri NO, 'Thermos,'
Chester atattlake Of;
_Sodom. vents fit* ..,days last week
sr *her
aster. Mra Harry Smitb,—
Mr. and Mink.6001*0'"'Ilttl$01-
fe*Ide_yet last Week,' 'in
liell*Winerreturnett hornet on Satur-
day ettee•.:**;-'''extended..:vit with-
friendevet •
4410.4 Dixon of McGiIILwray 1. .
igher tighte
It ter
u .40.114.
.14bion, 4411$11ter•
• 11„,
r wI
eat INT 0 al 41
* former
ommerce Ju the yiliage, Is
spending bis ibolidaya - here with
,friends. Jitturde bite meal wsrm
hissmillog face agaIn—Tbis Is Lon
dotr-Ifitir week A large' tiOtilbet' -of
peopleur haveegone to the city, , the
niajorfty tiking Adventage of the
cheap rates to transact their
—Senator' and f him. Bata of Parkhill
epent,;. hitt Sunda* inthe village, the
gueets of Mi. and Mr*,, Obis* ;Wicker.
John Trevethielt of London -is
visiting her .on Thomas for a few
weeks.—Iemes Isowton,i. baving his
°weirs store repainted. - Mom Flynn
is the•iWork.,,,-4,Artblir 110butten'
returned to Naperville. 111.. on Friday
to continuo his studies in the North-.
Western Ooltege.44tom Arlytin
moved into the ;dwelling owned by
am* Fitikbeiner,. We welcome Nt'.
and 'gm Flynn -into our lads
Wiliiain Wenselan4 Sink Boor Bern
iter -have returned home after visiting
relatives in Detroit and Hamilton. 1 re-
ispectIve4t.--The, Village'ratbiere hive,
'bed ltd. Warto triottoitig the trees- On
the 'streets. It h&s, made 'it deckled
Improvettient.,44411be flax.ndfl tlnisbed
t.hes sitokiner thief, hit*
067p114ay-everting ibe 1043*tioi,i7sh0
thttilible-Society *111''hi4d:t1ek-An
*tilt .th.Instigeliossi_C
Ifiotit-1130efein, who bas done •
Cleat Ofmluionary eferk in the Nortb.
West, will be:Prevent In tbre interests
of the Society and will give., an .eult
dresa, which wili . be illustrated' with'
lair* tikaft:ifithe—Weit.- All Should
ttend And take in this Intereistitireee.The 'Mimes Theo, and Mlien
Ing a large new tarn 55s$0. OAF. Zanier On Ma
OrIsPer et *gin- le working 12SO-screeexander of coutztaiitus
and hots good .ero00. Sierithing at Hill's Hotel.—Death
10111D4r, • Alfred, Sutherland Is 'working r tit
$20 sterk's Ile erected a new . bout*" tnits;bleis
three Iota *go and ha* * Phttelolit Pe01000of PatrlckFlanaganwho
home, joins, Sutherland In working •* onVirednesibir, the
three-quarter otetion and has- splendid 1.1140440,:ortutstiiiet durtUnii. -The
crop:J. 0. 3. livntic or Hainiota is work eased lived *bout:three Mile* from,
.int 440 Aires, ,Ile erected * new large the vlUags and was .known far- and
;tame housetwo year* . ago. • lie his Deer ease person ,,ofL"greit honeett and
a' private. water..workii system:4nd es, OD, *boo was 11,1010.4. fetter and good
err. Convenience,01043.1i1 croPs, n1'e- nelghbor.,;,-He died' *t --tee -age of O�
)1, fenced, especially -*roundthe bufld- years. filaremilne Were
Ings. Dr. S. 3. liCjr10' of Oak ittlyer the Cemeter
erected * large frame honae, having havis dayol number belug In
Ing °Mee in Part, tOWer. on top, making' aflce. The bereaved fun
uttrui house- Dr. Irak liart_st•
pl*ctlee. 3a, IcCide ot7" Itinirolio,
worklng 1,000 atirelit, soleirad erope.
Ile Is building a tine' Irrante Douse o
Of; -fap this runinie1itleo..7•Itirithy of
innipeit ha, * tine dwelling. 04 447'
Oitrooroi St., with ey,ory cre11*e/l1‘IvP*
tins garden and laWn.
13 110 141. 1301,101 that doing businees Exeterin
kh3dit of scrap,
t Une ofrrthatS0
ea Attirkat PakZOr
Rags AUbbanio,Eorse Bair, Coppe
i to be delivered to T. il,A.,warkIs &SON'S BAUD
e he oath will be peld or trao given, ''•Orderto forgollectiono
&,left thee:04e 11tOrei, W4400 PrOMS 13.•
Jt featutes
found 'Only in thS
If yall but ttlFe the trouble
•tO gall in We'll gladly rave to
you why thisrange
szz 1/10,101000--Vbinrur
rchased, �lacksmithasines
et- sinit4 Pro
Lly solicit e patronage
tor the-- Ei
ieveve can
eil, near tilo Tow
kinds of J3lacl
ti lie, and respect --
all the Old cus-
e you entire tsatitatet4
dIM cs
\FOR ftgi IIER'S
acquaIntawies In
Starlit 'niany Years shot
they t!thts•0-16arta .4/34 *40416' the)*
see tfiinx tr414t,
or, Ilerlin iFialtinsy at the hertir-i,/ at
brofilerm, tht liter. L.
*D41 Uri. Gro. lialsitorter 404 14taster,
1400 sWied: trlen4a at ntikke on Sun
Arthur lCeflermann $014 Woo
Minh* MONT* lett on Monday to seat
eke ast their *twit's- at Sloth W,etrn
elotiege, NaprvUle. fte, beat Wislie*-:
heir Many friend* hercites with' theni.
Vh#6 MN" lion*s crop or tias IS, Ow 1
hIlOhesit 041 his been, Ssereasit 'out,. 1
tie OPen air to tot Aretoato4 to It.'
wing worked 4uto In tnt 'winter.,444 The
Woo* Minnie and 'Catharine trinktitel
*pent 'IsAncto wilts relativis at CarlY
Wilt-A*40a 4404 Axagliter
• 14 retsserstelast -Week atter epn
. •
I k
o tiottob, one a very °wit.° .0
to)* tarn
ambitfon cau easily be gratlfied. Tbla is not s
13 sSu'Y t.teltethee "make
thinkingtwa *re 0f,
1re•uee till • tick. And It wW
,\ him. tQ \ . ..\\ . ..,
believe"4.. ink
teed time Olt,.
, dental riagigh
'It wlfl retain its
kie •
lOt P011 oo a
Li •
r. 'Art
'J., ,