HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1909-09-16, Page 4 (2)V „. „ `K. 0 tk' • ke•-•0 'th . znaile tft „ ttnr*I. •ta r9.311s, #resier it • i".fOlocs *hal or Ole, 1 Way ',Wall,' 4olcd ,ostk hi. ory *40;4 ileac:14w• the „\torth , pule. would Andieato that _lie wa* Isoits'A to 'Mit " t4fet Oart ' of it from tki.e sestw41,44Ders. * . Isn't ,It tunny bow soino **ogle who' ware Always' bloWing„what thfr* should .to :boom tlq,e tOR 0,e,ver snake niove tI•tat dime ion n14. winy no ,praetice what you • preach our tirst atep v411, be to trade', at box iv where you st,Ot and uteicles Don't . Al* 1.4 01940i in yourIvillage nd then braak, ,YOur t;evic to g t out at tow to Sigma It. Xott.l_tha"Klf F0_4 14110_ gone ontid' 1,0vin 33,ve kc. and £i rciilty ttse'trip be vast you one,-4041ar moretbanit .yon' Ilast stayed home and secured Your 400. aU rortil of inerchanettse in the village 14 WhiKt 17041 get your , bread and butter. o *Sort le,r tr ,110, dut %$t111. 1441.e4, , On n, rst t..•; SV nind 0401 • o et, :4vi" s!' eny4iiitik*, I: Y•W(0,:i./ to vi' .4 Onliars t09:014,thful-to'' • ' -.what" he, ,th 'Oil:Ltto to'•tell,vihar' • „ „ to kuo 'Te el** • w o z • ,iUideri £omIfty.- vents ./11.0. t3r exqr. u.uaUy the 'chap wna niairts *tau ,W*tiftt • x'YQU 4. -P it#01.0 The' ,dep‘1314*o wletIer yen, patro ..4901e Indio . i‘o,- abroad fa you issight*buy at home. .11 bi, t 4t*V4treisTWIllitliti AliTri OY or, 4*.. ijrwIk; , nkt , *3.3t.- Sgirk De* been takiz t9 , !..r4„;ort1;-,_, , lativirii4,;14.2uttlirt4ritlits;:boltnixatte tht idhd L. , alit It;Oltitra;liTtil,lo7tylfoltilic. ,,. Ilar"..vairS, bit440. tstoinstifkkili with , v whole ez.soir:.' She la *4 rAble 4 •' t•-tv 'e:c., ,•701, he using ood xt-it,,I4 " MI* her seri tii t'' .. : ,t,, the' Itat,, occ1 'it , LU. C1 to; hI,j th.ft' ,At none tlie many who went West again i• fan, we MIS* &OM around here; Chr *topher gcparthy• Jahn Fallen. John wax., Itars4Y litimacosithe and David welltte ,Granton,,,,,,Xr.--Miehael Innen hes returnesf.rsona after visit - i • : Asta.tement sit -the 'farm crops 'of Can. . ' ' tl'ItAllferiV.O.P1-silM110 --..., 'I.- 04,111.41. atic*-44tice-on.,-Ifiti 7'.o -t the. -pro - Auction computeds.trorn the reports of a largo miatt of correspondents, sod al- though ,the otal* are somewhat, les* • -than.1110*e o a mentb-anpa ter_ Wheat - and barleY, . OY 41111 " show that * Cast- ., Ada has . resPed ‘ a Jersey, In tact a re- -4�!d haryest,;"rheriihrelit—oliiecirTir OA- -410wti 44, ,P18;3101,1).0O-h-tieheit./Or .,A1-ta bushels per acTe•,, xi* barley- itt50,975,.. .:, -0110-44.htfliit., Wiltrani: eDir-vrodrae. The yle14 or .000, which as not esti- ,mated,last month, la stye a 354.010,.. .00 bushels, or -38.15 bus I& p.,,,t acre. The rye is 1.708,000, ins rids. peas . 13.184.000 bushels. beiris i'.311.00,4 bushels; buck*Issat 7,104.000 *bushels. mixed grain 4%52410004 buslitte.4". Has ,',2-41-$1,000 *Abets...said. b*r 10;246.000 4,*, During the last session of the-tD3roari kw House ot gammen* at tile time of the discustilon on the .Geodetic Survey *sr Currie; I4,;. P. tor liarth Sinicae stoggestbsti to the , government: .-theoadvisis tnother.lirs. David j'elutatott, About 50 *Wittyot eatablishing an *twined:tog dew- of therelatiVes were present to Welconie liartnit 44011 as tbeilloyal Ilnen'er•'4 404 Mr*. Aunning and ',the ;hearty In E:riiuid. ad We Erir,Virke2r3 COLTS 43; NirPoitangton• Ue 01)ilite4 out that *theie Ninto, a: great deal ot wattle effort AO things Were organized at "prsserit, "..end unut:primition ot vitgineeting. Work There was, he said. ono enginierlpg stgtf in the Interior Depafrtmerst. another. .in Lena, Sarin* and Fisheries. 11. W14 $11-siturcliqr. touittrIn the kW- " itia ttepArtment and-salii another In the ;Hallway Department. There was no corn triunity ot interest between tueseAnglit- leering branvhcsof the variants depart merits, and -the result was 4isplicat1on. .of work. etintuoloh,, And tsieri, 'diaries town', to the, contractors to .ctirrY , On „trait** -..,operstionii. )its)or Corrit** Id* le that tigre. *461,114 be only one en- gineering department; tree titan , the ot the ,.spenclituf der•artvalMt* *and that tbe'.'inemberst shoal* be enitst- fed Officerts' with promotions, and sank like the lloYst Ensirteerai All en.. 'at :ter'.1-4s v e ntotrat.vvr7*'01111:7 Ogat.1011,0/,*,011: it.00414Ales,1 1700,04. .*e;Aufbe t tak114-„ot *D. IA ft**. fit*4' el1114 0144,1* 11,.• ,itio****41.:'ot .4*, roll' 7 Seasir nd, taisisig Manner; 04 tealsio vent.. kit WOO t . iarsit, kind . to .everybOdY., both- .04 taitue, L4L 1W' notm will rtedve tore " :runiversa. ,t 4:14c41$147;11.:;n01:044;11,100,3410..a.:*ili.nniOrti‘tilnire„ Mrs.Lir olt wizhea or the, )rloto tor tti.eir iia* ttri . i ' 4e4re ,o4.• Droomrttr WAIL ttle vomit '4 O.' ' 1,4,w who , were, Amttect, In mutlage on. 141-er .k. 7clne.417 Irith Snot, the 'happy, eve -t . axityrick* who. hilvet , - . rI-eltmg todoic, plotge At op ',home nt at... And mrs. their men,' friends 'hem 'returned to • 4 tte. 14; #13X 1 t ;IT — eaI fro.ofi b r • Mri. John n W pant o 13' London are her gfrelsiLou- dim 1ope1ad,", -*btu their eldast daughter.,‘011te 1497. wittingly gave her heart ,and hand to 10. IP4.; Stone, a. thrittY Yonnt farmer ea the township ot ttsbarne,„ The_ _Invited emote_ ritteal4erett 150 and they vim all uncles, and *mita with hi*. ',hivtirer.In•147.0,niA,p .city, and cousins ot the bride anct .hride4 with .11/4 undo .in Nebrawk. 4.10 sgroom.-After wittiest*** the ceremony, performed -by the Rev. 11.yron Snell the brisito and ,groom received *bowers of terigratulatians. 'The. bride Ware *very mat and becomiro costume ,whiett ,goe rts the xrpwth at, the Jatter ,piace 1194.4.14 lie i*vhi een Ie saYS, the - ern grow eight inches. In 2.2. Ileums and potatoes ost the table, to 'eat mix 01$440410-',"004111Wett • ',otter- rdeirjoitilirrs;7'w 11e4 their Itepheiv, Newton Ulliscr, who has been on the sickUt but who we .arts pleased to OXY, is able to be ;Around once mor"60-7)11*. Exeter' was the guest of Mats Gun 4.1.• 41 ' 7 hlite,a4V9TAWOr‘ Ya.„4914,-/Itit,.40,70:61 WILV`illArtWO -11 '..whIcts ereat to those prepared the santei The Presents were both numerous Ana costly and much admired, teatIfying-to -a, large lie - tree the esteem Ili which te bride and ning over fium4aylany Itoto various groom are held. Their .oecupatlon wilt p ii•tteitajwie -1z-tarmtnt-aral-therwitt-taktruD-their ,the. tofierat_ett; Want ,daughter,or abode. on the farm recently, ,occapleil by and 14rs. Geor . Parkinson, whick ray ?..frs. Wm. Pmnels, whieli the groom tcrred isr-t-he 41011,--cln ' • baught-st-shorttime *go- Thst4arlde-and, concourse of trt Mt* were in attend -apace Itrboink nre wcfl`*pd taveratilY known and ..rancli SYTA atity: tot expressed ; tor -in and around...I.Orkton:::for- thdr goad the bereavesktparents in the loss or their trait* of character., The AtIvocatel sweet little Pearl. ' with: the. correspondent and * hest ot , **Gone to •Its Heavenly rests trientis1» valshing late 141,11401‘. lorom stit *rid *Orr,ow tree, the matrimonial. sea. ' Pillowed on Jestist'breast; !Ir. tiaxlewited of Itirkters re. , Our Gad with tlicei" turned 1, ort Thurssisy, from a three moa - Wedding Beeeptiotro.4,44 Nelson ann.. Ont tr1P- tO the Wt Ile visIteds ning,..whiAs' on, his way..,hortie to re. nig*, .1.1artney. /minder. Ilandata, '10.4n da11.00ter, Oak Biver. Rapt() OW, Ilran 4on and vitinniPelt. lie -palled Upon 4 nurnher- or 014 rrien4s 40.0i this 'Part or the country and was ;glad to ;learn, ot their splendid suttee* 11144 Edgar Shier is workinga three-quarter.. Sec, eon; Sincemoving' there elithritear4 440' t o' hae erected a, tine naw house and; as made tufkny oriler irnprovementil, suet .lts plemAing' grave* • 4114 SIXtrilt Ineldirsvs. Harold *Shier ts working a thiee;ass...rts.r nectian - also 'threshing laving DAtrit-'!.A.,•vi 4 new Otjt:Ztv a"•,,,,,,,fted sliver Speciatir tro Shiers Dave spiendtd cro14.-t WeolOi..liazeiwoo4t1, of' Cratt4411 Is working ,040„.z.e.fest.,..41e!As .bulkling a- new house th14..year Anti hi every convenient* to make a pleasant horn. He has tine stock and `irookeroPi ease Shier ot -trandatil 'is working a alir, *teflon.- He erected 44 new Iarge 0444 thilit /004 Ago. Orop IS good. Luther Sweltzer or 'Crandall le. work*. :Dig 4 halt *teflon and 40ittir, wel14. Den Doupe 1* working•6410 *ere* and bul14. notary- Dag sUrsIC his position a* ,dentist land. B. Co atter being at 11 claiming *sr Ms brIde Igloo iCa was, given. a pleasant recepti * Sass - Wax and Pc McKee. by his greetingS,*(1 Well..wishos extended the. bride and arressini wee trilintei honor to .tbit Worthy Couple, They to.,ittivir new homeBritish. Cetiumbia.. w!.1t-i the beat wishes sat all their friends tor h*I4,0f *Int OrtinDerotui Wedded'ilte. The groom visited his grandmother .bere.on 10, 14(r, *04, )014 Arthur Ytestrnim ot Granton- Were .the guests ..of Hr. and Kra. &d. Andrew" on Illinday....-The Song SerVice in' thelgettodlat church on Min. oy. was largely Attended and was of * brIght *rat piirtiontsely interesting 'ober., acter.,-,St large number from *Mind hire are attending- the .1404011 FaIr this week. 11,4,11PLET ilbett'Sn1; Walt 4$24 4-elownieebt' III Mr, and ,A4•0• Fred*COM ri matters not what.department. should be ;ed. by their little ion iffd-rilects, Xis* do" hY- this 4t4Itt' Whi0i "*14 *1" "Je-40/e.-at OilltOnkl** are the guts 414 do the the work of inireect1004.vor le..11Utrat, gr. Thos. pAntat,...gbps Mit ot • %mit Crape. Is to be built nr the .pent Sunday $4403.1 with,. hit.; Mrs, - %Department, the plans. Would bepre r by the Enginrete, tenders would be .ostled by the Public Works dettartinent, *.titt ...4a7;e* 4:471;oriukin&ir rt and the contracts *Warded. Then the , 0n., the -tomer*" Nuns near ut engnecr would4110.' the *rehlt"—- 'Kis* *Pearl 'Stone's tittle ou*Ine 11001: , Ur_ [the government* inspoethur' all the work and 'material, ift4 on their wr (ctvi'llyiktinifreaberatolittiti.PrO„Ont. tue__41._iptaniov ''-Dethia --nut woo mtaibee 1--irPri--trirdnerits * dell visiting friends '- would be carried on, Inspection on the 114;prows :wit week, ' , here drodigts, would . -by members or this wOr Systemtu the' iStalteit tItates :and .ottier countries To, k • eirra.Thi :-st ' na itect-wel SAINT ttit'V . art4'there 4* sio reason wh,y it *ban* ' riot work wtn The Ilarrist- Ttstinksgiving serlytes Icre.Patrieks dittrch '*.in be boa igfi Does anyune know Who first lilt on day,Sept. 28, when Rev; IX W. 04110 the Idee Of billing' fail harlot How I,E.eter en 01*"1°11 at ihdl,•etitot did theft originate' and \develop? : , If nlyr' *Ill be givenivost ,due, to ***3), ' 0011e0tiOn toWl sup SI_ and mild have * monument tell .:to c6nclett' "In 144 OlgeY an t°44434t "66" bit menkory more imposing than can f,."1",' 'the 28tt4 for by a Toroutb &wit, sub.' toren II' Itcvs. vollins and Wilt /10/4000 the 144194444,11344r11411er o tiori. Of cootie tide niters to the Hamilton, /owl. ton. • **alio 0* raal all taimi and not to the gotobi. ut tutu" tatuauvine, httl,po and Visa aoondsebtit ot, 'Mamie* drome and advtAtsing ',thow thet i. ,_,Rod,,wili i•Likt 14.1, one ,.."2,21221 gven In tiht. hrgr doe* "err ifsa Ainsso 4miwassoson pro. sts,rocr real rail fairliFronfined toexhibits .Art4 60fitett '41)&11 -'eettitle It/e*.; el4141*-en thairman; Ber. 0.. tqator, ,•• . te the ectininutlitv IsrgefrnIrsarevodoubtolvalneineu':Ort1100tWAI; - •ed prestitett4e viol /A' * in baytitio.4tr. And Krt..,..W. develved form fa lu 4 • tat0111 e aid lootra, 30.**,1.4 roster 1400 tOWDohttic Lovie Ot 'Oratttt Oto4 Nitre Slitters at ars ne.rer • 0 thiitt10011 oi Mr.a« IXteWArda40!* on $104%)fpire 4 pettftwk *bete Mlia AlbOrtit Ontrritt 'visited ho rrith4 ed. To „olitrplues from Mk* Nettie tiottott ,on itunds*„.-Miet *pine, knows does mot. theixo, -tont of lidition: visite4r4bar 3voliog, than to win gotniu, l'ikfias Mary itutrithtscii. • a looteloolty who* dfrePt.the 'past, Weelco..dtr. W. 3. WUsan • valued moire for oot'ut ttet# modurdel 011 Sondes' with returns thitsctotAny.: motives in It0ytke14 ad was igtomPen bOII ..itut' tu. tea Ultvii_ht Mrsill. Wilson' and Mr*. tiue-i :ott , set *lid •childrea.-ortit Wornatess *ta 1,* tilt* Will nett their next Monthly, ;vote. it spelt, Int at at iitra. A. �13e1t on 's fair covsk be devsed tbit'teeileit, Sot. *1et..11,•ev. Kerr bow k tot Uie*rtpreirbsii two *tit interesting i. wovk hiltruttive sermo *Ili 1,01404 .Iteth the int i.tce smaller It is dug ey cootie to to pronto*, 1rio A d lt 4:7 ,Virifint'PVLOit "TtleediaY'44:410., rote.. wine*':6110;:ii.pent.• "last' Week the •gneet Of his denstliteri NO, 'Thermos,' Chester atattlake Of; _Sodom. vents fit* ..,days last week sr *her aster. Mra Harry Smitb,— Mr. and Mink.6001*0'"'Ilttl$01- fe*Ide_yet last Week,' 'in liell*Winerreturnett hornet on Satur- day ettee•.:**;-'''extended..:vit with- friendevet • 4410.4 Dixon of McGiIILwray 1. . igher tighte It ter It0 u .40.114. .14bion, 4411$11ter• • 11„, .0 r wI also*t .„ toTMrl eat INT 0 al 41 * former ommerce Ju the yiliage, Is spending bis ibolidaya - here with ,friends. Jitturde bite meal wsrm hentaid_wein1411.,41 hissmillog face agaIn—Tbis Is Lon dotr-Ifitir week A large' tiOtilbet' -of peopleur haveegone to the city, , the niajorfty tiking Adventage of the cheap rates to transact their —Senator' and f him. Bata of Parkhill epent,;. hitt Sunda* inthe village, the gueets of Mi. and Mr*,, Obis* ;Wicker. John Trevethielt of London -is visiting her .on Thomas for a few weeks.—Iemes Isowton,i. baving his °weirs store repainted. - Mom Flynn is the•iWork.,,,-4,Artblir 110butten' returned to Naperville. 111.. on Friday to continuo his studies in the North-. Western Ooltege.44tom Arlytin moved into the ;dwelling owned by am* Fitikbeiner,. We welcome Nt'. • and 'gm Flynn -into our lads Wiliiain Wenselan4 Sink Boor Bern iter -have returned home after visiting relatives in Detroit and Hamilton. 1 re- ispectIve4t.--The, Village'ratbiere hive, 'bed ltd. Warto triottoitig the trees- On the 'streets. It h&s, made 'it deckled Improvettient.,44411be flax.ndfl tlnisbed t.hes sitokiner thief, hit* 067p114ay-everting ibe 1043*tioi,i7sh0 thttilible-Society *111''hi4d:t1ek-An *tilt .th.Instigeliossi_C Ifiotit-1130efein, who bas done • Cleat Ofmluionary eferk in the Nortb. West, will be:Prevent In tbre interests of the Society and will give., an .eult dresa, which wili . be illustrated' with' lair* tikaft:ifithe—Weit.- All Should ttend And take in this Intereistitireee.The 'Mimes Theo, and Mlien lfartileW:Oath_ Ing a large new tarn 55s$0. OAF. Zanier On Ma OrIsPer et *gin- le working 12SO-screeexander of coutztaiitus and hots good .ero00. Sierithing at Hill's Hotel.—Death 10111D4r, • Alfred, Sutherland Is 'working r tit $20 sterk's Ile erected a new . bout*" tnits;bleis three Iota *go and ha* * Phttelolit Pe01000of PatrlckFlanaganwho home, joins, Sutherland In working •* onVirednesibir, the three-quarter otetion and has- splendid 1.1140440,:ortutstiiiet durtUnii. -The crop:J. 0. 3. livntic or Hainiota is work eased lived *bout:three Mile* from, .int 440 Aires, ,Ile erected * new large the vlUags and was .known far- and ;tame housetwo year* . ago. • lie his Deer ease person ,,ofL"greit honeett and a' private. water..workii system:4nd es, OD, *boo was 11,1010.4. fetter and good err. Convenience,01043.1i1 croPs, n1'e- nelghbor.,;,-He died' *t --tee -age of O� )1, fenced, especially -*roundthe bufld- years. filaremilne Were Ings. Dr. S. 3. liCjr10' of Oak ittlyer the Cemeter erected * large frame honae, having havis dayol number belug In Ing °Mee in Part, tOWer. on top, making' aflce. The bereaved fun uttrui house- Dr. Irak liart_st• pl*ctlee. 3a, IcCide ot7" Itinirolio, worklng 1,000 atirelit, soleirad erope. Ile Is building a tine' Irrante Douse o Of; -fap this runinie1itleo..7•Itirithy of innipeit ha, * tine dwelling. 04 447' Oitrooroi St., with ey,ory cre11*e/l1‘IvP* tins garden and laWn. 13 110 141. 1301,101 that doing businees Exeterin kh3dit of scrap, t Une ofrrthatS0 Sera ea Attirkat PakZOr Rags AUbbanio,Eorse Bair, Coppe Etc. i to be delivered to T. il,A.,warkIs &SON'S BAUD e he oath will be peld or trao given, ''•Orderto forgollectiono &,left thee:04e 11tOrei, W4400 PrOMS 13.• W AN WAY Or OVING ASH/41, lo eh* Jt featutes found 'Only in thS IMPERIA4.-OXFORD RANOg- If yall but ttlFe the trouble •tO gall in We'll gladly rave to you why thisrange szz 1/10,101000--Vbinrur .„ setai *11,4". wrosommomar...44, ANNAN S rchased, �lacksmithasines viL , et- sinit4 Pro Lly solicit e patronage tor the-- Ei ieveve can eil, near tilo Tow kinds of J3lacl ti lie, and respect -- all the Old cus- e you entire tsatitatet4 Youusi • eU • - dIM cs \FOR ftgi IIER'S 1" • ot acquaIntawies In Starlit 'niany Years shot they t!thts•0-16arta .4/34 *40416' the)* see tfiinx tr414t, or, Ilerlin iFialtinsy at the hertir-i,/ at brofilerm, tht liter. L. *D41 Uri. Gro. lialsitorter 404 14taster, 1400 sWied: trlen4a at ntikke on Sun Arthur lCeflermann $014 Woo Minh* MONT* lett on Monday to seat eke ast their *twit's- at Sloth W,etrn elotiege, NaprvUle. fte, beat Wislie*-: heir Many friend* hercites with' theni. Vh#6 MN" lion*s crop or tias IS, Ow 1 hIlOhesit 041 his been, Ssereasit 'out,. 1 tie OPen air to tot Aretoato4 to It.' wing worked 4uto In tnt 'winter.,444 The Woo* Minnie and 'Catharine trinktitel *pent 'IsAncto wilts relativis at CarlY Wilt-A*40a 4404 Axagliter • 14 retsserstelast -Week atter epn e.a.rtt . • its I k rt,h, Itt JO) 4 , o tiottob, one a very °wit.° .0 to)* tarn ambitfon cau easily be gratlfied. Tbla is not s 13 sSu'Y t.teltethee "make Do thinkingtwa *re 0f, 1re•uee till • tick. And It wW ,\ him. tQ \ . ..\\ . .., wan believe"4.. ink teed time Olt,. , dental riagigh 'It wlfl retain its 1r11kd4 kie • lOt P011 oo a AO% -.44,4471' - Li • 2 r. 'Art 44. 'J., ,