HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1909-09-16, Page 3 (2).g ,e 7 * work Lai ' he'ra r„ ,y *ttAZfl)Oft after Set 3 rit -with his reznakb1' 3 in te financtl worl into' .474.4eath in filet 140itedCliele isociatea who; eo leided Mr. .Itarritean We .smooYstnets* during en 1 tiniewa*,givee tOfl 340 PS; '7httt Itis.. the e WILL RE 3ERDEL 11 ort*: et Qutppelle, Sask., re $ 0 $ uinut at on Lho ' h ein New - rrimet% 1id paceu1Iy, Leos*, to the hot 144144 Weed it* integrity. .' After •pie on 8udzy he seekstead. he neon hoe'. 44,4 the Mipro*ch of • ei a ehance f .niiig * u 1 0 t f. 0 41 ' ral privjito .'bka to repiace troyed iv tbG ParIianiet, i * v. Robert dhzburgh,, '6W, Testament uo College, Toronto. Jervis of Winnipeg teke Winnipeg,- Iio 'is missing. hat . the *Mt_ • )1nndreds nd evv'n then and ••cIoIItr, and the, poultry freter. t . - greaUy startled -by rep'rttdstile of a breeding-peu ve itte„Oepj.egton fowls by Mr. entreesto Mwlani. fpr -sere That j; the world2o riee for lL It was_reported tth& purchaser h •v oueit'rtel doilstes mother of the 'se hundred dollar it had ben efu ft o ariS to ILarii, an t Oic414 tair4 A Iub5tantia depoit at the' t-42town In the buggy. and it is allegcd forgid and omit' -for -1109. Be Ieft •the beret and buggy at liv table said nnmber• o. -o blends, *n th -per inforM * 1 • .'•Usi. `Pink toMont- , -bought eket tor that, eity, but he left ! t \Vfnnipeg, where h iterateur er BrIet, cb 000*1Toront tared iPmen * and No. 3c, October shipment. tario Wlieete-X ge at *outiele points. erleyeeror future delivery and No. 3 extra, C: -o No. 2 Onterio white, s eacl sssultin!ii't enYte.°Illetattrpeeto Sydney Kech. ust1,-Wt' t tett et., arr% ret r tkieiber ai m!odge expedition 1 15,' 1900, ani • atarted nortbpte Columbia, March Ii pesseed .the British.reoozd on reit 2, was 'delved by 0 e wztor e:nnI 3, was beld'up by opc'n :water from March *fret% 11, crowed the elth-paritil March 11, and oneoenter, an opt Icad Maeph' le; etosebd the eetli rraI11, 04 March 18. erosei] .the SGth aliel NOW 22, aiid en- countered 00en.Iead March 23; e Norwegian:tee 2: paed„the Italian Marcb 21, and eneountered an open amile; says t reteoes to discuss ttrntnfurther' htithen air 0. without a touel% of. braggadoio. trie onlyreple to 'oinrn1x etre* de*pateh.„...e„tting that had not gone out Of .fght of I us thio otatement; - have been to the t . I said on•Teeklity heard t Commenrier.`Pear *nee' say he has been Pole believe birn1 or robbing P coat Mr. Godfrey L 11. Lloyd .Tuiverity Sheffield has been minted asootiatet- rofeottor itieni iei,enetriirt te Univcrity onto, io atithorlties low 10 44 regard to the t epidemic atCobaIt, three inpector, h e Loon sent to have the tewn, ceaned Eniery Shelley, hold at Siincoc in onneetion, ;with the. hooting o ehael.liall, hes been, diseluirget thc Crevra having no bvidoto4 e e t that the, beer -was shooting i - on the -day af the tri r a outskle in bulk for On- tario bran,,and for Aorta in bulk. intro o, Toronto freights; horts, See,, ronto freights. me crewo housand Ave h 4 „ M t , Peggy,—but It part with her, parEly for il tt partly nit n�ed the money white Orpiugton were r t OR1AT BUITAIN. t.m , a r "I. ight withhis acro 'lee at Al t, on NVednesda to uuc pe �ntarios eketts, drested; per .1b4, kw1 10 to 12c .7, 6 to 06 rerti cement, I e," - 0%1' • 1 vere -shock to the ode rif friezuis who knew ber On Augt 31, Mrs. Smith too_a slight chull, but -nothing new than extre , • WAS iht, l*A03 ate caue-f her elendee. r twee was attached by the to Mrs. •Smith's illnes u ,11 Sunday little who she suddenly became worso. From that time she radua11y lapsed ittto sAide of nn* useloutriess Which toted until dcath. . • t temeat at Montreal Enquiry ki •:Three:, terterts. Spateh -ttoM-Montrea, $ satire- 'Wednesileeet ! before.: ,o,imissionet c -119 51004-7.- lv,44ani- tho'-artgaalifiedAto iotr'.,or the Water supply e f hy• three expert btteterio. Iogisi, —one or them a no los own ttudf,eettiblished-strreethOrity hat% :Ore "Milton 1162%0' himself. The evidenee of theoe ;doter* 'foie Iowed tiiettof ittrl agopip, 44tnin, stiottinion4,04 of the „erne ,I,Vatee. ,Department, who. allirme4.1.-„that in bi „oPirnoe the water•':44 the 'Teativrenee irate etteeeior. to that of this Ottgwg, for drinking purpotes. and that ot new intake would lin. rove' the city's. «drinking' ettpely, • but that the :Tee:Amtimproven*nte evonid itotiolxviate'the'aleeilitte flitratien at some futur ' , Arralgte Itiag'et sretteh fro -teholsto, a Muneryan, ppearrd before Seei're, Chitti dnr,da efteenoort on a .e n with inteet t� k orne3nts J,ozn, an radial* con- abe. who eat to arrest. him. Re ,1 week for his pre o thouaiu1 five hundred dclIar n $4. u ei 1one hundrecl, and has ousand dol- nmequai1ingth counteredIeed ' d u ly en water Mere eross ,the-eath parallel • d tkotti_ tliteepth parallel- it 4, and -row e4 the North ..Po e „April 6.. -lett-410, April 7; ,readlled „Cape Colum 'pril. 23 wing on board 'Roe1AprU 27 .T1ie Roo velt Ieft Cape Sheridan -;tu afore o 46 4f the word 1 rit:e*dlitni: b3sinn i,repared to 'ffean cdo htitedMiLittf4otilaellrfact that I IOU right and t:!aat night prevail,1. will submit , at the per time myiull itory-tothe of lot reso ha people posed Cape Sebum, August te left world.” - Mileli cow; $30«to eatle Calves to $14 etteh each or3 y to seee tfat 0 * 6 ;04:4;rper T5. Good , 4 I -4)-J 1 11'3at highest price ever paid here. Toronto, Sept: - Wet -Prime buteh- ers' Were firm at from . The general average oedof fair s o 1$1 5 0, i quality1 • retk afl at tratr ;ft: were steady. Stoekers, feeders and ealvett firm and unehaneed„ Sheep and liges,,s are now quo t record prtert of egkee .o.b and $f4O tea and watered„ and it a °red that even high. . priees had been paid hi the exliibitcd ata number of sh�ws special fture, f liun- drcd end fifty dollars to threhun- dred donate a week hems ti&uaU" received aneshibition. the _strain 'originated by tress, which- he nem stal White, etertrie ;4) the pur oloe. „•0' me five vears ago aiAreerica to a Cerms,n, faneier nineteen ose.corult bitteleelin toos'for three thousand tour Intedred dollars t the largest ettlee of ptte-brc:d poultr in the teuntrv vp-tet that eOnc to* bird sold la one entire *Led breeding - pen vf fie birds.' for one *oilseed he -big for a bird n ightsf flee -Ter feie-eth. Jubt a year or two farther t the Boston -show* a buff e "ekerel was seed for tbree 1iun red dollere, 4 price at 40/ 'time id to be utpreceden the late eighties'it waaid that goixtspeelmees o flock never eseeeded dollar-; yet Mr. IL It. Fi311e1 tdls of .selling a tock bird tor -five hun- dred dollars aed, tetueing one thou- sand dollen ter * Arst.prite..eOe bird in, 1000. At the -s4Mt time he sold the stemed.prize omit, for eigh Intoitred dollar*, the fourth and firth.priie toeltel for five hundred dollars,' and the tour hens in the S000na.torizei hr ing-pen for* foe httndd *la litte 401 it on thouttand *even hnndred and fifty dollere for 'seven birdh. tiEgg is rfor Inetehine pur ligOtta proportionate twit* of two doll:ire or three dollars *fitting it. *tow very ordinar *by breeders elmrge ten 414eler setting ter 'eggs from their hex 'tette, 60436 twenty dollartyand eve *her priee*. Mr. Kellerstrass ye that he tould not fill more than *Nty per tent. of 'Wit oilers Izst spring At ten dollars, twenty Hare, thirty dollers and forty.fite dollers al 'Will Of tourist, if blrdaare worth and will sell at each high prkes, the natown., . . , 2 $$ippl, Mop, unableto 110 O . 'negro' - muraere hanged; - brother in his teetel., .. • Astrononiers who reecntly ma c'bservatmns eol Marsfrom Motto Wliftncy iey they bave proof th ttiere is water vapor on the planet • .Theidea',._ an Itirperetl ias tt ' ' er one central ceotrot scems to nd. faeor' in . Zealindo, -Aeleito Mille . , etteoposed': to bt from. Toronto, waslound. Murdered ,the*treet ,in Calealtuarte, (?bili. The 'criptaiti"*.and erevt.• of , the eneh sehooner ualite mur- deredwere. naties in the Nil* 11-. eidee. . ‘, The inc,dus viveidi betwecn rt 4,, gin ji, Oft ,Newfoundlaud.-.1sheries, it , Tneorreet * having: brei made i lama. n ef land'in 6valleyf the % sill ' 1 Id. nt ro, ghats ,that When he As dam . nished in 1i9 over tete as eh Xi*/ water be ie1d up at at present, ' if* ft 1 exprettd'that 900,000 scre'iof land 1 the*erir. r.orth c1f• the flelta. or 700 mile* ititertt from th ' will then bo reelitimed, sinee theri will 'then be tremor water;en4Ilgh /to? irriste thh vete* teatt.t But until the am' 2 :finished, no stem Will be taken tpr reclaim or dom. those _9004000 acres, whieh lie in the. low.region of the -lake*. .Vehen, the work 4) re'e1amatn is begun, e the *id 'Moto ,to be employed will be dnediea 'the estretle, the zest ot labor will be manual. ,Whithiis rvey he&p io Egypt. Ir. ;tor_ r ve$, elet leettel * of Valuable Skies. BOG ° Baron,dear,, i1 to 14%e er lb, in case totseuiti pork, vs *27 a lig medium, 16,1,-; to heavy,„------1434-to 154 rolls, 4e. shoulders, og to 1301, gimeltiA11314% iiicsn No. 2 y to,. No, , I tea 44%0 X04. 3. ' to "103.4e.1 :Barley feed ba c. Flour Flour Merti‘ elieet pittente,‘.firtate_ emu's, 1#0.40t.,Wititer. entre $5.115:;.ifiteitoba strong bak- erie; $540; straight roller*, elee in betet,'*2.00 Ontario Bran t22 to eta; Ontario reidtilintett, *0.4 50 -to $24.404 Manitob* beate *22 do.„ short, $24; OU're grain 1310Uille: '$3 to 34; mixed inottille. $2.1 to lieeste—Western$ UN to eterns..11„Uto 11c. Bet. t 4reteiraere„,.e3 to 23, ,e.47e; t4„; to 236 ataiiha deity, ill to teNt Weetern"daiter 19'to 19iS.Etoot-eSelected *toek Vg:S to We; eindled at SC Sle; ce('2, le to,100 per dozen., ATES MARKETS. MiineaLIo1it,.8ept. - ecember, e; May 06 to ee!,4e h Xo. 1 hard, 'esg, tieteNe;-' rtbrn 97 to *Vile; No. ern, to •05e:' No. - ern 93 tis eige. flour— 'Hata .10 to .415,3e; gee- ' :dents, to e3,te ; —OM ; second eleers t 33 . Bian—In 100411. 14.-elttemand for ts good - iteVin, ; new crop' e* at git despatch trent. Edrnonton ay A daring theft opeurrete let tbe.-first of any seriouireess _ in the North, when from to 15,000 Worth' of turs, the pro- perty or Hislop A04' Ztirglet, were ken from a.,witrehouse at At a- aska_ h1,--fursto - «mitt of thrt'e packs of mewl. lapeeus fur, and thirty-five Eihter foxtides in a trunk: Site& 'to - skin alone are worth from ti t $400 eti,ch. The tuts were brough down to the landing some elseie ago, and were 4teing., kept , !there pr r,aratory to being shipped. to mouton. They were' in storehque which an entrance was for netdefinitely.*know ha uight he *robbery <wont gooda had, not. heea Otam .f0 ome da. The thieves mar thu have obtained* ettverid 'eleys! T ller at Fr” toii New Bruxaskk. eh from tt, ya r lit, titdoet. $e on Wedtvadst night, the theft of *83s of1company's .« meneif.-2 A -Week ego Bosch reprt. ed.that the 'money, done ep to pari - ages .-ready for expressing- to the - head *Zee at Montreal, -11441 *t* appeared from his desk theeno ten minutes absence. Detectives front Montreal have been working on the esee, ever since. It is said that an audit of Bettelee booke showed a large shortage in the. tittle of tie ct,'-and the deteetivete theory hat tile pritOner ufmi the ,Atolen oney.to *over this up. Beath bee always borne a,,good reputation. is d hag one thild, JIi was forty dollarka T POLE. *poach from , he. rdiet, of a voroner'e jury, to- gcther with the 4evidenee Of an i held in Crowland, on Thur yetiesbeen forwarded to County owrt Attorneyegowper,, and it is likelythet telwerd Beckon -and his two faith turiste, ill' be pro. 'etuted Their daughter 'wag taitet ill or ('lphtheris and redottor weeeallrd They , eeitted the ,house hob !icskrded, Lotzt would- not .4110 ra to administerii teetatnent. ( hilil'aie4 glut the verdict of thrL try h that he cisme to her flestli front diphtheria., and death was. I towd by the, neglect of her pa 'nt'. who did oot get * oloptor fur dieal pureese4.91 11)111 POtRE0 0 theitreret Large Q*ut neer st FIk take. nlk Lake t, • Aflswcr to Sit Gi1brI 'Vetrk,er'm •fttletition. A ,devateli.° from, torelp. rt .esie Mirdster Aetteith replied lu thc OIL/C0 of COMMOIlt on NVettries«..• Sir Gilbert Parker's ques- Lion with regard to the ownerhp - t land at khig if tothrtt);t74z7,401:01v. 40, eon ;Sti.011 WAS in two parts, the 'Ail eait as beloniiing,to the Domin- ionther7 th(e'4110444-14:14it'eaendor t"4"(kt)eln4eAleeir nag,. there wouldAriete.,-,iloi_ilettit, t -tate Airyr.ver ezip,nr4 Tlie. tnietni tier*,,'' 1 • ! land' sa the 'Noah rate Tbe ceeon1 pot if the gentiere Ive o deflnite te" The eepete wagre'fd with _ , ON1, mitUlt1611:- 4, REn A, • O Cit Vord Was reeeiredere o ' , Tue4iy n;ghuttion 1a tidal wave c 8oto La M*in*, towu in the 8tste ct,Tamettlipsee . oniplete tJiM the 'whole ntirele" '*red, with„ , be ‘e bort of a 'mph tow- s tht project .fiettm , the; eertate -, 2t, veritable sea, iFo Ontehakbe4n. ' bre 6 get doer, / than a leag 4e• ; mu_ where the. ton 'mite st.$ • ow;thig paint rescue parties Imre tacitieed tent's on the side of a tall ill, thi, ,4-ady:,etickueo er life rie-' meining. .111.3.I ; 4 , a 0 tilt gi T irnru ltron sell our o pctn4ctittorrier, 3 At« 11404443Alt • wavs, three VotAi • 14 latle froje; :114- •