HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1909-09-09, Page 4 (2)a ' ".• ' 41'4 Uder C400ch, PrOpg.' _ A r,ait.; I aecen aer ka.-1) a/ elfYl„kctf,t,* Orp. diys ; 14*.13 VOronttri The .t Abe' .,mp4rt -Munttv-or-: 'Auguet ;,-Sr. I Taos. Yearley. e;ealia Finkbelner. 'Emma „eattitin,7hael. Harold dower, Jr. • Iv.. Eita wuteint. Jame* .1%taW1IInnoY$'110? 1141tz, Leon) • Johns, ..11•07 johns. ICIctee. John, Cunningham and Glatire, ,,erWitivrey 'tenors, Veronica itartover. ' '11. ' Imo :awhittney (tottors) Arthur ILanover. reicr Peed Cui uim. Edith Inn. Pt, 31 Dertha Hartma pdgar Mawhinney. John Hanover. 11%1. E. Sherritt, • Atti , tf4o44:y , pre am1W,PttuOcil ;, e 15atordayiliPrie , :VtalOy0 404C-44' 4u!• ory "hetel'a2Cirr:. 'spe.t•SUnd10.,'Iwre....fi4Str. 4,9t"1le ot Oro41,. MisSes.: ida;; and •itre ;ripe itag. o.ee..f. days in • '0 A.> • _ 444.4.44,4,14,•••••••111111.4;444•4444.444,44•4414. ocher Mr. 1.Velter ifolokirit called oh his fath- er here Monday before leaving for the IN -eat -Mr. Fred Sinurtons is in Toronto attending the Exhibition.r-Mrs. enesney 'T‘w"lri'-""`"11111111111111ittVlitZtlildritivittirwareiitAlwt* or Day with-. Noa.it Horton and family. Misses $/aggie Hobkirk and May Mc- Queen and•tHarold Glenn are attending iliste-Setnet-Wr-metsh-our-yoerrir feicnde nucePem.-Ur. Jae. Horton Is in Forest --Mrs. •ZUMordie of London is •t5e guest.' of her-rdaugnter lere MI Matti Stewart of Olen Mien, Ont •aait xeturned -to her home after an :extend aud oW4:W07-1171M-13611: sail -.vieited at S. Herten** On Sunday. Mr. John 'Glenn spent a few days with friends at Atwood and Britton ;the first • of the Ave -,11t. - ' • , oda - • MAPLE GROVE. t • Ali 11,1111•141.4411,4141114 uto otrt4U work, . ptier the 1;04tteeler It 1. 'tv lo tis e;pe Qtgt1 s:Ineri et." hes.. 4fIo° I 114 ipto: ..0, 'the . re 400,4:time*vti C*W'Q• irvconSnie.0 tJi t' ' • :kr.tOvitakUt %rtak Pe64 .a..ve. �t U.exn tO' hen. you e41 ' • aW.Irt et4nk. Tim.% tkeerage, 'emertare• *Ceres thai,..:tier".fittsbaitArfe:*elfe'lle tee, iro0 Or! Ln.i; A. otwl. lottocut air . titiret to a; let 'tuote *Ytapatitythaij - t jg alnlost'att _difficult for you to iet- a man to tak9. your advice as 'It I tor you to take 4)44 , N'ateivany ;hats long enough 0,44 you will see Ititni,40 •eornething he ought to• aohained o. tut, siver4.0. Weetatt evident „teal*. *every .for herself, it .0116 can find *pine Man -fiel .aorry tor her. It . would. take Moro than teacher AO cultivate the voice Of cen's. Science in . some people. . Many a • WOraart hags -at her ltuebartd until atw either brieePthAtte_to_ter_ei 01, thinXing or 'drive!' him to dri.nle. A man stePt bragging abourthe "smart toss of his children after tleY learn how to separate him front lila entire PAR41111AR '• 1 Miss Ltie Daliantyne, who bed bei-Ieg 476747teeTi&-Te--recoviiang-fir Dad Mix -Op- Gn Sunday evening lee Messrs. Fred Waghorne teed Ed. nor - felt got „into a bad nals.up. They, were ex-ercisinif a cint belangtn* to the ter- raer. and Iv:lien about to enter the Mr. Richard Neil and , wife spent Sun day at William Willignies, 4.Clendeboye. -.John Gilbert is doing a rogidng bue- iness threshing in this vicinity.- Miss? Maud H:asitett of Diddulph was the guest Ite shoOld remember Mel no twanged the farmers aro thtowgh 'talk Wheat see* ing.-143r. and Mrs. Geo. Williams ot Parkhill called on friends 'here Friday. -Mathias Doyle as ;rentedhis farm to Mr. Will Darling tor term et year*. -A on ,was born to Mr. and Mre. Alf. E. Kilmer") the other day. --Fred Neil Its.s traded off ids famous old trittleg horse ;Tony tor.,a pacer: Be says be has something that tan go .sonie.-lars. Burnett of Lucan was the gitest of Mrs. Ada,rn Neil on Friday. 'SCARCkTir OF TEACHERS. • hUndra ehirssi certificates are title year • enter- ing the Provinclat Normal- schools to , ...genre higher standing In their profes- sion. As a reeult it is said an equal • number of rural' schools will have to obtain new teachers. In'We1landscoue- -.0 alt eeletobs Are without peroianent Instructora. Several have secured tem. ,porary assistance, but ot this they will • be deprived when the Normal schools • open. The scarely of teachers for the • rural achoohi is due to the special in- ducementseffered to third-clase tca ehers to take tours** in the Normal ;schools, and secure'itecond and first - clam* ',certificates. the condition ot, af- fairs can last at furthest only *until the • 'close of •the Normal' school's in tee spring. In the meantime the Depart-' • ment of Education is prepared to Motif the diffleulty by granting speelal eertif- leatee, to persona. as yet unqualifie4 to Ae,ach in districts where vacanclea ran - net be 'filled. - • The ..Kirktell trill .atktted on Sept. 'Mt , to run -everY • day. -Mr. /ilk Marshall /*St a valuable 110steiwcow the other day. -Janes More.leaves ANS week for VancoUver end SeatticO.-Miss Campbell .. l'of Toronto 'is the guest ot her brother,. De. C. A.,,,,,Campbell.r.Mrs. E. L. Eger of Mingeatiolis le visiting at the home of Mr. , alias Shier.,..ligiss Sparling of Anderson, occupied the pulpit of \ the etethedist' church' laet Sunday Morning. My. and Mrs., Snell and 'daughter, Dianches, left fortwo' weeks holidays with friends at Woodstock. -44r. C. F. . Marshall. D. A.. called ,011 friends.ditt 'week before crimmenclog' duties st0G.'nei-, ence mastar in the collegiate at gam- ' ,\Ilton. --Mr. Chas. Duffield is buoy toy- , , ing cement, efidewalks. from the pereon. age. to o th corner of Victorie Itotetc ic M-.IFitd lAttstin lett, tor Montreal t meet his rZoit,. who came over fronutng- land. Tiwy returird hone On l,/ouft-tY aild *Miro eetticd in their new mime. , 'Wedding Ocilit :will tittoirbtl tinker In ICIrktono 'as w,0 •understand the house lately ozettpl'ed by Mrs, Pm. Vranclis ti Elt'S.w undergolno repairs for the Ramo. ' Glatt luck to 1POu Ed. Tilos relit:odor is rote result of the fall wheat Competition helt connection .wital the itirkton Agricultural SocietY..- lsto W. J. 116birnion, Se 1-2 per vent wall 0:1ws0les Goiden Chaff ; t.lnd, Ai.. t12,te Francis, 674. flaw. Gold. CI, aft ; 3ri1 Wiltur Saarling, 84 14, with flaw. Gol' An Mat; 4t1h 40,3$ 'Dow* 840 with liar, *relf Kg; We. M.'10. Swetter, .113 I.C. W all Dawson". Golden Matt; The MCI. ly Mhavritded with 6'3 per cent onpsw lohile Goritten ehaff, were Albert iihir and $105. Kirlptr and Tie MtiMended *ICI 4 '::1*4. ' Ptilion. tiurr/- . - r. .t :Aft. 4intao$1;,, Ua $tv tretazigei tit* take 44 krt -et - tr+ io% e � tte $t„, 1c * tte or& ot the/ .:,d Pm* toltto ttt, to ,,4 M4skolok loot wee tt oftr *t ta* , tattoo , „ Mloo, $1601114i .., oiloy At p. ‘'¥r. Uzold flp1*x,. Ur. loott"ntoui De4 is b*ck • eta at*1akbdfr- M1s'Lattra..Butt apest 1.40k ISO oak 14 1.• Nefleur chore* .ppeniliui her holiday* ii Lnnitnir, Uiu Baker takin ber place at tlie pisno.- .A. lete1111.4#411.1.10.H.4 Aim xi, rett.lt$ cupe.1h6".' --. here On • 13U - ening and gtw gooliatlitact Our Iyasebsll plaYetlAWo.,'ganfes etery0 tior'spar, ilft..toilo.:110e,, are ,at tendingtbe Higb &boot ,department at Raeter.$4TheEpliortlx League, un0 der 'the leadership of Dr. Ornie, Iiss started 14 for more aggielehrle work, the 'meeting of Tuesday Ovening being' indicative of ..greater suteeSs...tVra, '140;1d.Ott and daughter. Petal, of 'Tow*, re tWO:!gtteets of the. twiner's mother,. 0.1 Art4ettiOnfripi Thos. Oink. 'moer, Mr. Anderson" boeretlitoed *legs WOO heA 410 been \ visiting hie th to Ws! borne In MeXiect., N, Y. Mr. Bicknell owns * large fekti•Ctterrdin NewTorliIitate and arle a great auteensiln.- that Jine. It is fourteen eat* Once he visited hitt old lkOme - Wont to_ MA _CAW and the colt, tempted to back up., Mr. -Witshorne -at plied the whir' freely with the res that the colt became grunattagesAtle, u s• Al the rig .,slopur road,and smashing the bun,'" and int nests badly. The occupants hada hat. row Shave Or their Luckily however they escaped vitth rtothtele titer than 'Melt Sunda Y clothes being Spoiled. 3firs. David Hackney and children of Regina are vialting in the neighbor- hood, also Me. deo,- Hackney, formerly of this Plate. together with ,his bride. whom he lotely wedded...41r* _ 'Mulatto Stewart, M.r. T. Mudd**, and wife and M.r. Wm. Turnbull .attended. Toronto E-0$ hibition this week -Th e wedding took place on Wednesday. *tit litho at the home cif the bridefather..Itte Ceremony 'being perfoemed. by Rev. C. Pletcher, • 4: Ntr. 411toa, DallantYneto ltise Millie daughter of Mi. and Mrs Geo *Monteith, all of *Osborne. They will' reside on the grooms fine tart% east of Farquhar, and have our wort best whaties.--- John*, our atore4teeper, has sold out to Mr. <Uropbell of near .lionsell. 0`e. :-IorrY-14-TrUe--Mr, Job-he:At w�n alaaY 1.,1,144 • -ettelle, It Tr • •••••••0•09.1. Mr. Scott McLaren who has helt-* 114 - tering from lune- trouble $ Is at present in a serious condition and the Imd°1. expected at any moment.. -The Militlee' Jennie and Nettie 'butler and Mies 011.1e Spearo are attending the Toronto trait, this week and wilt Berlin before, returning. -Mies Wm sphirilto Intends leaving for Doltish ColuMbla on Wed. needitY-next, accomp)arded by her b. ." ther, John?, fintrieraton. Mr. Minh* Wilt be away Several months, and visit her sister. whom ,she his not Seen.tor 17 years. .14,••••••••••4•••441110.44,0744.4444.(41444k EfolltVte. LE 'te.te a large number from, ;the: villag Ad -vicinity attended ,tho, ariniVerstar services at Zion on Sunday and 'also the ..chicken Pie 004 on Monde/ even Congo -Several- ,froin the -vreirdty are a tending the Toronto 'Exhibition- bite' week. -4(r. And Mrs. John Delbridge Of Winchelonta lett .on Tuesday for an ex- tended visit to the Woost...11rie. 11.4)Ader 02 near --near '• ritrithui l viaitillt her mother, wm. .Slearnen. ' • t$trai,1. Andriws, svhc$, has ,beertsirtgo, feehltilitate of health toe 'Opmilittmeiwior Able to \be removed to the front Of her home. and In company with two nt her grand Children was - photographed -71flt ltiondst. Wedd, ed...The hOnte.of Mr. Eta Krt. Robert .Woods was the 'scene of a !much SoYous testiVitY on Wedowei:14$ SeptentIvIr inh, when their eritimahle daughter, Rothe, Illanch,,was united In matrimortY to ,Mr. tharle* BKriard. Down. he Perier was beautitoillYdec- orated and it was there, the IrrW eittotr.' ed,istAntnr, on the-ar.M.Lot., herfattioor, while the iedding March biting played by `Wig Smooths Down, sister ot the groom. The merriage ',Certain:MY vowel took plate at 12 o'clock ntien, wee Performed hy the Re*. IL Vil'atoon. Titer bride looked beitutifUl 1: a very dainty oatterto 'Of white embroidered 'silk Atid., 314,ell a shover bouquet of Pink 'atilt white carnations. Iter trierelling geWir was navyblue, trirtuned With "twvy. woe •ink; A blue sftk bleeeito• while the hat WAS Ot Tettet." The bride ,Wail slated by Miss Strait Dow n Of London .ster) of the, groom, wttile the groom as: supported by Mr. ',swill Woods, brother of the'bride. , After the tertineny performed and_congratolatido* itArtr the bridal party 'adjourned with their, gotatit, nomtering. between eighty and, 1r-ItY to the dining Nom, Where baeutts tOthiesk o4?ooi.t404, with, •••..;...............1•1111.••••••••••••••••••• INTSIIITRT ha par esr (leek* ot Toronto 10t around hereev-Mr" L. E&yeIJ Tbedfci-d is VINO* t* t** env r s hit ttetiWea 001 .r 1,4ditt 1 icke4 ut StzatI'Vi.ithbIs prent* for .7., v le, t- ftWdays ato A ' t , j 8lmon ow' el ve.Ar*, v..,beei3 rtinnitg4fi:, Ulo.' ..140eto milt 84.!gon6 -to- bi honia, it,be mlig- - " i Vi 'Po s visiting „ ,k u . t • . e la& ..rettxrned to afte*:,:e..Pending• witb 4ei toreilt.W0gle, was 'itecorop.. anied-by, bersister. Martha, erne will via relatives in the eityr for a few. Weeks.-.Mitte Susie Kuhn. has 'accept. ed. a position as milliner' With a isrgev firm in Toronto,;41rs, 14(e)orvar And Son IA erne left here on Monday for Sot t Man.,for an extended visit. They wil-eitlitrelatives in WieoiPeg. for 4 few weelw-Pred Brown of Lan. ,dort is yis tins*. tbe_henne otWilintm ' Wenzet,.i This has been Toronto Voir Week. The following have attended the Exbibitiou the past few days; Air,. 'and Mrs. Daniel Oeetreicher, Sainuel Brown, Gottleb Garnet Swett - ger, Weser Brow , Barney Brown and Bert. "Clark.--lifr and Mrs. Voelker visited friends in tothWood last Sim - ay. The iron w rk of the bridge t • t-ent14.105. aoonea the Abut ent Of the north bridge are comp et;ed, work will be Coromenced here at the cement floor. The-arlfe--oLlleers gave birth to is,datighteron ifonday. rylooks happy.. ---3.110 Misses Mongol** who have been visitidg their igtrents for a few week*, returned to Winni. on Tumid* Provincial Constable Saturday ctn.,* businese trip,routria$ the painter, of Allis Craig, is painting the dwelling of .Mr. Oleo. ZWICIrerstimil when the . work is Completed, there will belsinarkett rovetnent---w.B ard-41,4ierse . `War -spent LaborDay 0At .of town.. --Ted 4 Ma 011 of. CatiaperviiWWat, a pleasant caller on the boys on Saturday. .Ted was at one timestationed here in the Bank atii--Teller and'b. .4:me,.ez:.b__:_pt. 1 ._op. itiar vrktit the young .people....41-zi.Ja. °Oh Mist and Miss 1l.d* Beaver are visiting relatives In Ennianagh. Mich. -.Ilfiehael Beaver is on the sick Ibit$ We hope he will soon be around again Mr. and Mre. Will Lowie ' returned to South River on Tneeday after afeW 4iieekshrittit In town. -August Kuhn -and MIs. Melinda Trick of .8tratford, Garnet_Baker---of -Landon, spent Labor Day In town. --Mrs. Link, who 'NO been attending the millinery op. ettinfta in Toronto, pas retnriied home. She will again have charge -of the. mil.. Jittery dept. at Brown', and Miss. .11. man of 'Vienna at Igotelkozoo.--110., W#4tiaitot London i violting with her .roother„ Mrs. Homy Stars enttoZuriott-tm Labor Day -to -p bitee.ball. !ORA, shame to Mention the sem*: as We don't *Job to hurt the feelings ot the .ports of this , neigh. boring 6Arlif but 11 toi -too good to keep. ..44--tris-144in 'favor of our lads. Either the Zurich boy* lost their nerve," • And -couldn't mak* connections- at the right time and Place with, the sphere* or else their reputation .as * ball town was a myth. • • - Treadgold‘..lcas.-A quiet wedding was 4°1e:im1ed-at the parsonage ot Wel- lington Street Methodist Church*, Lon- don, Tuesday morning, when M1s Elh" int (Ctrs, of Crediton was married to Mr.r reed. C. Teestigoid .of 14.igh Street, dpOth London,. The cereinonY was performed by Itev. 47.. A. Graham. Mr. and MA. Treadgold will reside in Strat- ford. ' On Syndey evening the 14 Year Old daughter of it(r.. John- Sinitrts, whIle bringing bottle from the pasture was kieked in the jaw, with the result -that it Urge Oka of the Jaw bone with the teeth Was breken off. She wan un- oneclous-„ for -400M44 !lifter cao doing -sat -1-Vrell- -As Can be nitiActit‘to... ;I• llugh Murdock and Nassau l'aindaziy of Woodstoek visited 'Imre on Sunday last , , ,F4teiarekalekesteltAetr=vet„ days- visit has **turned bOtrie..-.Mies B. Crory IS'icisitinit in this neighborboad, 0. -Quite a 1hurnber from. here __attended -T2r anellra. -Thos. Ditinnos intend. 'taking a trip West ,to to'llte their on aultere-Mlia Flossie Sweet 02 -Exeter ia,y1s1ting around' bere.--Tho. aunty engin= Mw surfeYed a ditch .1. from J4reerWood Monter', to the • GB Miss Ella Ilu few days with Young. --Misses het And Mae Cartuth. era and Mine ° Eggert lett for Detract on Thuraday.-Mr. and etre. W. T. 'Melee; and children vladted at Mr, J. C. good- nahtls, Corbett.' on Situday.-ektra. las. Arrand ot l`lutana, Seek,, ta visiting ter Parents, M. and Mrs. John McGregor. **Misses F. E. NM and Mabel Rend visited in linear! over Sunday. -Miss D. Et of, London visited her friend Miss liotion on Sunday. --.Mr. and Mria. 3. Mite and *tater Willie spent Sun- dayevening at Mr.. fr. rtirdyss.--uev. 1. 04 Kerr of Lucas*, who wit* pastor Grand Bend eireult 27 yaws. Ago will. preach in Boston Itfethodiet thurch at 2.30 able7 p.rn. on Sunday next.-Mits Mary Thompson of Port 1-lurtin spent s. few days the past week at Mr. Turn'er's. -John -Bening, who *Pent the Paat 'swifter at Niagara, arrived, Mune on Mondays -Mr. and Mrs. • Jas.- Foster 'and MI'S Laura left this week or elee,--wherz-‘ -reissue-11 studieo;-4$thte Moth McPherson and Mabel liutchinson have started High School In, Parlddll. VirINCHELSEA Mr. .14 A. Taylor ot Detroit 001 our burg tt flying vieft last week -Mr. Mrs. W. W. Kerr, Miss $1...tt-Itamitton • Xisses Lunt and llhea acniboit *pont * tow days at Toronto ratir..--mr. John Delheidire and wife left for 110113ug.; las. Men., and otivtr points In the West on -Tuestlitye-Mise Vella IfeYwoednat Tuesday' to attend the High School at St. Marrs.m.A. number from here -attend- ed the thieken pie lieetal at 2ton on llonlit",:revertinV and report a good times r. Me of Tett:Oita- *Pea a 1---siarer,- Mak -Nina , t it — • 14 (up • • ' edd4fd. A happy event toot . piece at Ito home 'of Mr. .tos$ -$41,c`rOvr$ Lake Road, on wedneaday of lait week, the, ,oevotsion .being the marriage ot his yOultgett \daughter, Adeline, to Mr. %atrium,. Turrintili of the. flitithke Line, alri-Theo-trerriliony. -wait psrfarzned the Eev. 8. A.- carrlera lotrttre'.- pres$rece- 02 *bolt 100 invited *Meat-a...Vb. tere. Mon* and contrettolittisine over, l:#11 sat down- to a magnificent:spread th th wn,_ sitter- which -the ygungoetspie w • riven to Vstithin, Whet* they !Oak tke finiVIng,testitt to Port (furor' And oat-. popits. The haPpy twain ;r?olit Wave. the cost Volans,* \or a heat of -friend' for their (uteri, wtlfare and haPPInesii.The Praleinti forined A magnificent arra*. totripriiing Article* of value, beauty and usefulness. , r. thrpugbp k•r• • 0 A **(1, genies:. . • 11 cent* These Orders are tz.bleat Per at ei1ary olflce otaCharter Bank in. (except in the Yukon) and at the pritteipoint s in the tilted States; are nepti4144 at $4.90 to the sterti itain and Ireland. .. , They term an excellent method of remitting 'small sums of money with safety. .1uut at $41-14110st, and May be obtained without rislay., 'V Exeter Branch-% W. Ilarrieon, Manager. Branch' also skt Crediton The general' public will take not ee that am doing busineise in Exeteri the line of purchasing -ail kinds of strap, . Highest Atlar4et PO* -Paid for - • 'Scrap Iron; Rags, Rubbors, Horse flair, Copper, Etc; ' Etc., Etc. 441024454A EXETEB4 where the cash /on be paid or trade given. Orders for coUdttoxu scrap may be left at the same store, where PrerePt ettention-fillrUt (Prep* ANLEXLER,Junk-Elealw • THE CLEAN WAV OF' TRZMOVING'ASHES - clear space snowing for large alae *slim --"fhis is . of -As bright features otity-Whe-- • IMPtRIAkAMFORD ROME 0 you'll but take the emit'', -to caltht weltightdly prove to "tehY 04 to PoPtilar• . *Itit tis SOO= YOU MN 1111 WV (Si 4 r, 1 FoiSale by we J,HEAMA fortiff.rworsorrissimaisa., ?pit:hated Blacksmith Buiiness .00006.01140.160,6144. tfavingtpura i-bliteksmith property c.t1 Id business ofMR A. E. PYM, new the Town Ball, I, am repared to do all kinds of Black- smith Work for the General Public, and respect- • fully solicit the patronage of all the .01d Cus- 10M6113 of the Shop, said many New Ones, believe wp can give you entire -, tisfaetion. Yours, David Russell ' Mr. L Abixtik_. attendittl__Detroit 7 Pair Mond* AO Tr-W.0day et this 'week...Miss POLYtr* Of London' visited friend* ;on the ttoil. Eh* to4ri 411.awitY last Tuesday and 'brunt got * rather "sevenk vitiaking up; Mr. "vrat$ tokkov., tuts returned hOnte from Toronto and says, it 1. a goo: sothibition.-Mr. Alex. Ruth* hos sod the malt route troth Luza.n to ClowdeheY o Walt. Itodgins.. i . . t.c.ttle tia•Eggistait: edati r'..n7A30:rieIht d te I '104 trother.in.taw and*frit.i. 11. Metaugh *idle itiOliter'a presort . or * hatdeonte sum of wer:getout. tront‘Lotalon, Mizit t*T" aeeerich. Cromerty. y, libtotet, • Wittehotees 1,Lehappy tenets enter iito � tit* liarother .,' 11 hoot WHALEN .1 toothee heiktitY owlesoti has gones and not'st evetiont, aronntr itere Went to solur af teativOtlitre 3. Wrilitt *is. Ring, this 'Week lit Strattorit, the " wet or 'Mrs. John Passniere. Mr. Wflght visit44 in the city Orq Monday. Deverley Youngstoit event the hol with friend* lot ittratford.-4Miss M1)soti 1. violking among relatives itt and around, ,Eseter.s-While tooted ' threshing lest itatordel Lloyd to .4 , W I °set ons thousand An - dente enrolled by our phairt lait year.. It pays to at. link of, this.great chalnifor "in tarttnivnicat 16 ntittr. *liar 8.133 t h i*t hia o�lnt b: hr Wk w k 41 IA to own * watob. one othit yi very nitro." Why when hialmbitio* csn belitirea'' witch t,b* wa a IliblenCreteirerif Nir Ag,•.:arrsaktoes teed tiMe piece. It .is silnply put together- sO that a litste -dental_ sough usage, won'tlastrange things. It is nieeltnickled«. ftewill-ketairt Its spp..iranoe till the . °list tiek. And It will tickle.. that boy of IoitreiEyou take OM:thorn. to blmi' ) .1 ewel r artti 44_ 4.14_ .arr, fiet k43 144V'.' elea u paid up rr • 444144; 4 twiti014‘ft 111 (.1