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The Exeter Times, 1880-7-15, Page 3
[J rN 15, 1850 THE TIMES. their nursery appellations that they 0 . c; S. CxZDLIT'X1 • cling to thein es their fixed and proper muses, They relay be even offended tinder ta•'1''k.E'er F 14,rC3it1 .re A1cd,T2'u.f, ,ctu, `'G i ~viten they aro addressed by their oorr, OULU TO rect uan)e,a wJticll they imagine are less 1f t7lpso wtro intr;la WEALT1L - Au nlrl writrr, Ootvley, spealts as fttl- owl, of alt article which 1;t4, like the r•4I.I?r'lli.t ' of poets,prubtLbly fount' very t0iaicc' il(,ail til „ efs in. brethren lintel, (..,tJ ul Irtaliliea aolgtte, 1%%TE WOULD can speoiaiatteutiolt pretty than t•rlete pet diminutives and ptzrebaszda to 40 so !MILL 1 to nurundertakiug3lul,ltra the ,lzauafactnrur. Tile S"t jl t1. ' y v ,•� n � 0 IIr nTot[ow �U1zaiellvtn,an w lzi8 10.01'0 0 1111- G iA� T © R a �!( `pAt(I `t some Tt'at'A avow)] it 13 wOtneft will put dealer who 1313431 to split ! f h:/ , 1 � {'. I' R , a e B J t l l i �P I Y CJ atlaln 1 britt uec 1 11UIY i nn [ +-- � .ttiiit+tl several new tlut`i;;1z>; ii Milt, Or tsTlr«ie, 1♦1tLltllEl 01` Sallie, on hero (a prolt, 3Ve'lluful eta 3\� �t i "-1of lett+ bo 1}cst'elinin, to givt tl,o 13•uohavers tllrl _ r 1, e (j� �,;: ca!titet>; niece' li,au,1 Ovely ,—IN -- to b(411(+trt,''[vltic+ll tr.uu11 hili ' %'•+3 ttut,lal 1•.p)llal"itf' at Cite to lomat tho, vitlwe of titre 1Griotgors, Our ex plumes ,"I T jYi�'" `' i II( Itr a tts4t' nouauzcr (<l13,11. II i are in.,88than those of cite "p 1K-":"` v `,'''' eeoaul>c,ttEzet jttiri.'[:: tc,l 1),[t ul,tutt'ttetnite'>••couea(lnozat ti• ,t \ 1..')f". >;ccuntt to uu:..8 in ,,the )rU-01(11 se 110il01U1or, ..-,fir-:�9,'y= •�-.-•-••-•.,.•-„....7,44,,,,,,..;4:,,,,., pro viae'~ - . 3 GENTLE -MEN, F. E. HATCH -- -Ih OFki IEINU-- (1,41,1 tl'(v frit -41124111p ttelit1r1L134 1!Ielt' CEt1'dH ttti. i ltlicy.were its pinafores tlsil tear create." still, no', Ito3vet,.til•, rashly eon. 'Ile fasl..i'in is Arne' i(tan ; but our !;'iuslt'' 111;11, rite br rr,tt', liuniLr.t{I( play• I}at!inti.un cannot meld us grow fond -r hh.,l(,'• p ir0 e,t1(1 }he :IA Ill t,, G0141• of It. Thu ni(tktti1111ca which >4I>Iloar lu emit 11, tlr,tl n:1t, r lttt}retry+ pi., ill,+, we=1•t, so largo it share of these Public ttc1133o1 311+' ileac } I!.a1 i" tl,it \11111,1, f•'t' (11•' utters anis' ((It331ttures would au very well for ,•.13 1( t1 1 13. '-' '1'1.:1•t b,t tak,'it pion !frecn.i ...the pots at :L (113;; show. WVnen they ,...,,. tf' . aro itR141 to e>xf>r•os4 1 tie affectionate re- (k,i,d rt3'Lr 1'110 (91 11N1 of 111 11011 13115• VIL1'11 for near f''1.^1313 it.nl£ 1tlbttivti1 they (.1 V hot the want of it 1'(ive1111(1+e5, 1.,. 3111y 1/0 Very pr311 L V and 131 r:troprint(?, thnt t•( ••d�; V3.1V etltltr'trr:t 'i'r!1. Mt t'I'!telr (lie;' look very 4!!{ti 112 it foiunt't sitsIla• )lf1(IZ32 tit ullee 111E3 tills It of t131r1 ttire, twit surely Il'> tint btttilttlt tll(t.:Il t 1111'-alllt't1t, i11 V 0f e' 11111tH ltreltt. illiii1111, ac2lsnri?in�s to t.lie tticoiorlt fn6lt' 1(I':tl't!t1 1',r (''+ tl' 1, '1.1 (i •f ,V' „; 1V4? 13i331 Vie p v,.er of tr1tu11fo1•!(lin; cVl1'ythi'ir 11. t'lineli' t{ into i}3t1 i 1 r ,111, -11�• 1331,1 noir pair of pretty lilts, or 113'1I313 a 011.44 341 tv;at''e, 303r.1'l tek it per. Comae': \t l"t. - 3(.'l 3!'in3;1 !331131(1 to geld. 1.3v. 0(3'11-; and 1lj 1 at4 re 411 'iveiy (13101l1i1 !,l ,• bti.i it:' .t 144t2tl.stntl l'ur 7113• Vl.1l 3'i44+0'('.' (Lin 1n:L'! trio little, the 3))113 sT"1)=l'l tut) ralCli, t� 13'„1.`t3i.t.Ca rpt" nue 1.1 it t01'S' thlil tttta" :trt(t 1.1 Itht:t'itne ijustly, 31tie,1 sob •rtv, lett .31t(!(tt,"{l,t', ,,:r.'i'it t to !;-(elm's ad vice, 111e,.e is 1."tlinti; ('hj, eli,1313a1)114 in place onr p.'^ of htt!,1'1loil'1 741'111,4' 1 we should 1"t 3('t; it•ti, «: 1: 31)1th iti 1-,• b tl:l et-•conot; e. a $£t,ti.:l not. , nJ'I.r,_ It tt !i' 1.1 111•.I'Vt3 tr1'.ibq Il,lLtt(14, 31.'•.1 outweigh._ 1'i(tfle, 33,1!1<i, t;'143 , T!1 ;Ct)t3elt, le:}: :.T2;Y i K 11.1t-Vlbt:!", it lilt!!1 f. ",t•ti`1", t' 11'1 t.11'. 1110111tlrtli-- _.. , 0,13'0,!,1 11: 11,3 i1•'.'Lt)ll .;`it', r. .1 .111 1a'11elt warm. • ?..3,01‘..1.1.:., L1.+ 4, ). - N t..; t )1•'! 1 4 �'.3 .L 1:1141;3. A 1'41311:' 1113':4 S'iiG 100ke:1 fli if he i131.ri a ilt':aa e,t ,F .)3: 1:i; lllltltl, -1)11( \ril , Ktri >r✓: t x ) .(> •'' aro 4.0 t3'343,'i 1 13' ('•11(13, iii 130 tie'.i -1 3(i, i%e'1tt''1t i:t•.� i•• lt:c2 ether' da; elid „I 58.3+• t;, :1,.:'1. you a ;;1017; 1e101'01g � , 1;11,r1l;4tT „all 1 a.11, t'.:"R the reel'(' nC 111(. aln3fI3\''...✓1 119.431,8. '.1116 1.4' t?133 id t1;iht • --1.11 n,13 t"1 i -i t'3 .1.111 tants go 1, .,113 , t• 4131 ?" 1113 3(R f i 1 ' - 11.( of j3fiat1liio.'' rat, 31 1`136 go.., tla(,l( 031 1110 itlitit 1313'1 1 (3 P ' '111 Il t 313) an 411, ,t•," tllirt3 y 113i'.4 Itt 3.33, a)341 t2lurrit'111 Irl ron1 'Thut1. 1 ti:l},')1T< i, laatt) 11•at•p„ted ]tar 1 11:r i ,u, e!li;u1h0lo3l elle 13.114 Mall 31 Blight t(r,)tllb 3- 33'1' h I'0 t a ti ., Ii ' 13,11 of bcalee- 'Gt,', t 1'.t ''1!, tit] 1.5 i n - 'icier (tvcr and 111 {tont 0f her r1�4ht ttti01.' It never 011143331 her any p'tin, he's 'I. i❑ ll.�h•1•`'! ill..' her1(1F,T.i'114Lt1 311 :(1111, 119 It 3t'1.t1 11ot 11t1:tI2,{1-ly, 110 p:lrti "..t..1 333rI1 1 (1111''''',31 tendon 3) -3s 1313I(1 to it until I >a another (i 1 Iti_ltjly, ' hoe, aPtor a 4on1” tial tturioli 1.0 i;ti )a i+``''•t3 .'i :,I4U t'Lll% ofr 8t1141t1e' Illoess, it be;., 131 t(3 grow. lar ger, and 1yTn-fitiii, {',ti 11. i.t''LI?£0,. alllnng tll.ese: r'i'�Itt {'141,11(+d u,a1111'8 swtr«,s of 11it1• - ttl,'9 a"(l sIa!((1„ :L34.i only 31(130 and there- n ;vin( t, )L 31?330.1 11101'0 Oil 1111011i- 0118 3(!4 43011 R.3- tnn. J11,te is GREEN, JAPAN, trtaosform, ,1 33 u ttiy -int 1 Jounie, Caro. '1OUNG .111 SON 111333 11310 t' 14'1 It!, Ellen 111314 Ella, Eliza - RAISINS, BLACK TEAS; int+t Lizzie and Ca K in, Katherine RAISI�ti CTTRII ANTS,7 into- i' .a((', .\l'iltl133 L>11.() �, ti tits, 1.I rt3'1{lt 1'. PRUNES, DRIED APPLES et into I't-'1'I,1, Atllle Rod Alinas hitt) :11111133, 2(1111 11'v'rit-1 ill IIiatti0. Such ,(13-11",1 - 1'133,111 '4' t1,14+e appear (1111tH (.'11111-ntly • t" 1:Llrie, T;i(if lPi111 , Til• 19• , liltli.. It.,+,,', :Vt='tie, I3ibbi(', Aggia '31311 \1 111.11• . r1` t r}' e.t •11'11 rt•'i'tj14 to he to mann. ! 'JITTER S 1T Cl: ANT) rIC1,1;4,T11ANn1r5 r Sar.l;• AN1 s;rr*rs, D};, MAI.L' factllrll 11..011-01e 1 it tt (•11118 10 1.a+ tail+l in vJ14It; I.1tiSli:.\1J t;O13yfv:1 \k11I;a, 1i?5, 1 .)1 d,1(2OS AND CIGARS; ,tee„11Yt1!i.it['t it rile f1,lt:"4t appclitl.ti'lfs for 3\'0.41.'3( t4.4 13 33), 111(ne4 r1i/U3Vn1(1 1.0 1> 1tt41.1133131 i4i-4.try; ta,3d of 1.1 sweat aq,i 311 E1 0111 31" 11"33tltl, 111'6 613001349(1 np ihty c'ililtli-ii (inlini3ti304. T11l'y 6,n - Vey an idea, of L'et(ino-11, nod de• opt ri,3113ly t'elol g to 1,*ir1K of dignity and t11111('1(1'ler—Jit'Is lik0 10,so who alefy0' ill;{.t,t 3h14 NOrili;Lt ti,dloge,so rnrany Of 11 Loin :viii tttt E'«! their liven; to earn. .— ( 1 V 7 T + i Andy: t rile 0 girl t{li,rlc it 1.l 111(sity 'HE (2'1.NAa-k. CO IP_� r S to tie known by 411(331 pet names, and > ,� +1'I 11:+03111 as litcly "rid. ((ld tal>•i,ioned ilie n 3.11}:: by winch th,y are O'1311"{<'n- 1t tl:lt w"13',1 t!243' think 3*311r:rt• register 331111th g.tvo the ','•111'tlr 13133X~ 11^3 n, 41, 4 ,li(nl(ti,t, Billie. 11, bin'?, IlUtlltlile (.1131st lie, Sammie, and Diel t:) Emblems of all the afferent Soca ^s. JUST RECEIVED 11.12 T1 -IE AND LIQUUF STORE, , I1t111G:" ti'>:1'O(ili, 01? CANED FIlI7IT, S:AIt1JINL'C, LOB STcE]IS. • SAL23102 , 14'llolesale and Ratai!, • fl'; .,iii:V`. 76lain St . 4'?"".\ 41nIVA sex n s c�A:.b , Do rot Gtiil ti* call allot sura his L:trg10 stock lie fore 2.741. buy cl;eaitel'e A'JTETIICAN CTJT NAILS Cheap 1311 Cash at the Sign, 0.2 tho rad 140613x, S:run':,'il (4. I'lthrlal'rll,look.Mriu St„ Exeter. Ho ! FOR MANITOBA. I>zu•ie„ the z,-11111;1011101 rile 51:1113111 IVIt n ▪ toba Parties 9 331,11 leave on The FIR3T TUESDAY of Evo y Month ;it•>'3t purtyon alt noz.*. T't)1 1'etl'3-11,11a1s tt1,1 1.y lu IXn .XOX. (1.\,Il, . t, Centralia. LEGA l ) )C"...1).1)N BAI1,.IalA T(lf NE"Ji-. t i ,tw,1:,1, lt(.r,, , ()11.11111.1 .. 311'tx 1333 IT, 711 ::11t'.iL:, AT.e.....A1.1311 "CV., 11U 1'tlilIN 1.1 , ,Ienibei of L: t,llr of 3"1 1.•33111 i 3 ii .'.t1')1t':,n F,' V.1 1 1 u 1115.1 :1+, !r 33, I, 1 1111113:0i 6. ▪ t{ 111N1)i\1,,t (ti.: °.;11:111'-(iR . 1:1 le, lesido(4r to I11 01+11:r 10 nlfet 111c 1143a113 (1333'1'(i11111.(31c r8118.111 C3 1(11.111)11111' for e 1:1( or 1:•111133, 011111 133' tern):• \1'., .11ittJ(i.'N 1 4 t [ 1 ,, G, ill.. a32i1 ill1:,rrtlli. 8:18338.•:‘,.1.. fi o I'. t4,(31,1.1111:113. rHtTt_',..e r4(t• ()tree P. E @'� T} ,'^i E I S ,ti21i4 1,i,1t..,,,,, 11.:1: .31,11 3.:,.1,0r,,1.,,1+, 1.1111'(•), .C -L. � 1.i> .L...2 1./ \� '\.J <-a � _I� .1.J .../ J.:.t t+.� , - :� 111_1.. 1111 . 5 t '111:334, L0,4;3,,, -1,,c,,,,,1 or 1, a tl(l.t"1 1,3 1.1 ,'• I 41 . 11•:`3'11 311,,1 • 3 o . ," in tb,• Tr(t.,a,14 i (. .'{ t l'0 ,, .,t}!. ' 11.; ,+tt.1,:. p'1._�y '{ ry� �t 4.3 x 1 131', rix ;3 491. 'Y d ( 1311(. F n1. f ' L[,T)t, i ^1 1: i,. :'1 �16 .t 1�I�(�_r .L'11.1� 1.l-tJl 1+:1.1 I_'li:.J. el' ,Y::1, (1221'L,`'[i'It}lt (1 t3:r1'At,::u1,11V(ti •; ,1.1 the ...:11,...11,), tl.e 3a.l l.tl let"t., 11131 U11 2638.1 1(1.1,1'31c :f .1.e...l (- '._i:. •. ,, 171 ,„ t 1-+'• I l tat[, -t) I11, t C12a'S-- I:t13 n, rl .t. 3 1 . i'tl 4 . , 18;1.131 1 ,.1. ('T lull. n a 1.r t 1-,,(,n 1,ntrl111(.l. ,,,-(1,,, Lure ,I , 13( 4... t 413 lel l 133'11',Jr T, l,'1 • • ('lttt':tlr,+' `1'l IV $ ;- )n•' of the 111 1K3 '31 I u,L'1, 13 , :1 3- n . 3 it ,1;. 1, 1 'T ,eat I3 ,r1 31 „t tttuu, ti, L. %1,lv-,3, '.i i t 1.)Y ; y 3 .3, 1 ;11 0 .11,.11.113 L•',1:1: r. 131 •,I1 13. 1 1... tri• ,.1 ur-'1• ,r 1•:1::.4 '11 1 n, _l l'ic 1iii•:• ,i,' 1,3 .1 1t ,:;131 • 1I• �,,. 1.. •3l ('lite 'll s'c:t1 (teaks that Lae kv1-1'!,1,,a1...,!8.4...,,",' 1 i•, i COut u,4i-u. 194.:�.,,u•1,'ir. 'nu LYS,,' 1t +4. .1e.,..t. ...._.t,•1,it.:+1'1.', t.sdrtlt.;L.,llc.1'.:, 4) '_, ii lit' -1>; ,;t t, 'Ic't ilnttt? p'.?7,'L1r(1Cllr: doctor:. of this c1i.y \'tll'4 0,!usdaUa11'1,110;-U3.,.:,,},ii.3(;4:Ltl,1,-.:(1., 1 1:it„1,,. ,t?1 111'1 - ii.6."C(:It'tl 131!33 we'31i -iql the erase of a .•:. .+.,.,,,r:R,.:r,,..-_. ,...sr,.,=_:�:-.,.•„- ..,,.,,:.r...., -r .-A.rt.,.,,+-�-- 1313,+.- . ... _1111...- ""`•- f Y L E', 3(r is . ..._._� 1:3cly, the (1.3.11„ilter of it well known anit r•4j'1 V_'r ' 1.1 ,.• . e 1,,, his :. 1.• ' 33 (3, 1. til.', illi' 1'33.1>l'C•}33(1 M13t1'1111111. it '1.11. �..11TI Ti4 !ill. \VkOse (31,1(31; of 011"it10433 its .. j, to I.: i 1\1(3')'111' 'CAT S'1 t' .t_. _,1_ Shia. 1_ 113:1,. 1_.l-.:. .. 1111... . :', 1.1 'leer i } : (r 1.,-1-00itt;,£ - 1lt+-11,.1..II� t' ' 74. ..•;t4i1!' (!•: .'Kirktott, • �..v.2;Vu' - 81102 3,1;,,t. 113, 0 ~13011 tl,:etielulh sl 1[ntelatl 111331 3111 i't.tllt501' '1.;•-t itt,ihOr )3111 let blitiy 1'1311; y''33 i4t tut '1 e t )(11,l!(t,,, 01 1,13 usual »303301tiuu:3 and n +=i.;lltly til sod drop 37,--,11 [t 1 s1a1•A. Tile t31(3 NUS (1..111014'd Olt -Cu!! supoo; i; I I,,,..1 1.esntel her ;dollnv of lweek.. I(4 .1 hut:r , ..1 .-I° q t1. '.:S 1111(•1 Will/ Ettv';ny 1•1,h.tig unit)ret• ' 4 1031,1 i and seeming solidity itainced the n+ t. 't 14 ,l'Oi'nnt to open it. Their dtP'l.trise 1. 't t 1113'' •1'S� .r� e 1 77D v M tli .,a 11311 31304. KS. r Thr tut'lnt , 1 -u .a ? • tet r- the 111119] i- taut; 442 L.,, ,., ,t, '1 t1 ulttt that hcLt:1 . t i 3311 �,, t s1:' 14 C. t rt ' ,0.11.t.,1\11,.1.1 i ;. 1, 1. 7 -/ i t i., xt 1'311..1 trrl4n t- (1_1.„411•'1 I_ tl 3101': 131,)130}c8 1:113- .2118 I11)311 1,31 4 1!4':.1 .-(1 311',4 1111411' )'. 3T 3 3' 1 1'ai tr,3.014 3 7:1.17:172 (3 ' • .n r10 tun 1 3,(1-.,:topciel,toilint11111IV llotvuraltoh u, 1.0 o r t 1C..l,na1 v 3)3(.111 r t toe (eoi l 11'11 ••3 +1.u'• ,;1..1.1;:.3 .1 excret otttel 3st,t:},rl(,, . t tl' 1 , 1 i;rl•t ilA �n>:; t>111t i:. n:Lud at hSs # j 11113Li a lniJ 331. i 3 ,ire I t 1 3131 the ,L to 1 1111):3(3 3t ibo Y,3I11113 ' 4t "A.:331 her laal. X11<,r tvl:.sl fill nec�11'• x ula3 b 1..11L'�ioe:1 33433 I it ie Alavat14,tt �.. "Then 1(011 (3'3'r' illi' 1'14"itl,or>3," 11 11 111,+ (31311.33 was (0:31131 (1.(1 alWll14t of 1 31113 Pelf' 4t 0131111, h'ttlt .1.9 lttr Ts ad t116, I 1.l', 1. for the 1(1 olinli of on a,dtuar3 'had rix or eight ,T21•ti,1(>� u'Js"lt solid a, 1..11 (Ito old man, ,,, 1 months Elle jaws were eopocl:ally 12:romo, d bill n'ilh ail'1.t4eti dollars .01°3,1311'3 Set, They ' con'tained some 4itO teeth wort 13 o1 \3 1101 }1 , )" 1f tyal>lt> 01 rtldll3tental'V and 11)3atiit•1t1. t Ile 11. set ;]tin upon y0tt if run ;1.4(. tlll•t•c t()etll were badly t100t30d, like him any trouble." %ave, (hobo of a, middle-aged pers,413 who has t'1. :111 1.lI'no 1•edr('9e3 1.+'.4 ''3,e11, 3.3", 1;3( and belt file liralt 10 been dentally caro�eoo. When taken 11113,,331 who has stolen the"•Tirl'd i3lf.,c- out the (tknll Ives covered an the top lions."`' with fatly matter to the thickness of 3'1'!1 do it l" about an inch. 1'Vbeu this was 1•e- d it was f"Glad to hear it. I'll defend your ofr113Lir oVoltau0017(1 0 eulitai Laifg, 3'1313 C;tae for $10."tatel3, in cleaning the bonds they were "Um J., t'1 int t" boi'e 1 Ein very strong lye, which cot'- ''0010e to think of it, he 16 a bigger 34131 partially destroyed some of inau than 111¢11.4 them, t;3( that tb43 skull C11,11 3103 HOW 1133 "Thtu let hien lids 50." hornet' $ you, and. 1.11 laelf4et15' 31 1011latecl• The gntt•tia1) is 143313,1(1' it'o4)at him $50." ing like King George's gnetion 1 i , e as to the nook in the dumpling, ‘:flow "L'1. l l" I'll think c'f it.' did it get in 2" That the fuels aro ns "li 3(l ! Office hours fr')m 8 a.m. till here stated is ungestionabiy tree. ii p. 133. A,uil the young man, troubled with Dr, Pierce's Extract of Smart -weed inwar(1, agitation, took himself out. 1•8 Et compound fluid extract of smart - weed, 0r water pepper, Jamalta ginger SPOILING WOMEN'S NA1IES" and other ingredients renown to be ) --- carious in erring colic, diarrhwa, (AT. Y. Stff,) dysentery, blood-I1n,i, '9011 kindred '3(f• ft'o'ions, It also breasts 111) ooldn,feVc'1's 1111(1 inflammatory attacks. Suitt by druggists. 13Iany,if not a majority, of the names, of the eight or 01110 13''11131 Fires+ from the public $61133(31 wbe have been ex- ampled for lldtiai1E:ion to the Normal College givens the impression that they belong to more household pets rather than t,3 yot1fl .women who are ap- proaching maturity, and. who are 1311• gaged its 81 r1' us work. These girls 3(p- l3arellty pl-ofer the nicknames by which they iti0 known ill the family circle and to 1t,tilnat0 13iendl(,to diose with which they were christened, and therefore folio pales to adopt then. 10 their sig- LOA 6 r0$, C3( so ming the public school girls G, 131V1I3.N YR GP.” No at13e1' medicine the world 3433(8 eyes given such a test of it's auantive qualities 113 lito1(1I11ai `11 (i-T'lltlt,t;l SYture. Ill three years two millions four hundrec1 t]1.3ustaud small bottles of this medicine ware (llatrtbutlatl free ofCllaa';7(' by druggists i11 this aoa13433' to those /Meted with (lonslnllptuin, Asthma, (;roup, severe Coughs, 1'neutlInonia, and other diseases of the tihroat Ina luttgs, giving the American people undeniable pranf that 011313 env 8111310 will cure thein. Tile result has been that druggists in every town and village lathe Ca. /links and United Mates are -recommending it are not exceptional among our young L° their' n811)111°11' (10 30 stray (lruggiet and women, for itis bite (h© fashion 1laav> ask what they know about it, Sample bottles, t1 in cents. Regular s{ze, 76 cents. Lee ! doses . arlatys for thein to grew so enamored of Ivil4 relie'Y'e any Cane, 101 h'1 - •1.,131 C 1 .•nit t 1131rr1C(l :to Itn,.l', 33 3331 .10 1'111.14 3, 1I. DAVIS. t,:> teas 3(9 4 * . yell 331 �� All li.intis or printing done neatly cheaply tlli(i with dispatch q1 r + HAMS, �(' ,� Order your mir11 where you (tam 'CTU it (111ue the cheapest, CHOICE HA.ti.A., BREAKFAST BACON, SH {AND •.'N Dj LARD, y { 3 ! �y FRE SH Sr l ."l\r'r DE11,1.LIES: ORANGES & LMONS, Colored work h u c i Ia ty AT THE— The I\ ; SJllFICl7, has oeol1e1t 4,6 -Pities for turning C1. i { ,BILL I . A. -O ti, �... POSTERS, CIROTTLAB,S. Choice Family .r'ooery. tl A. m)e 4v'x KW'• ,tiW+,:NpM,1.F .;xF out . O4LER't XT. \Ant! Strawberry A. Specific Remedy for all Summer Complaints such as Ditlrrinert Dy- :,'11trc, Canada, Ohulola, Choler 11it3tbur (Iltellt'-n 33314olt311.11, 5,oir Stomach, (31'ipiur; 11141ls, and all d11'Sutgotnautrl of t,}zr. bowel41, O,tns- e(1 by (b01211; 1111111.01101' food, 331/31/1113 raw 3•('3.,•tebies, unripe or taste fruit, had 3131134 impart: 'water or change 3,1 water, changes of tllo seasons, exposure, No matter from. what cause of 111 what form you aro vubJ't•t to slay of the above (1143)1* plaints. IIn t;o34Lhlt's ]1x'run(7r ell' W3T,Ii 3r t,,MBR101ty will relieve you,. and (a spu['1ly clue 3vi11 be effected without injury to the system. It is. m,lnafaatl'red from the Wild Strawberry Plant, and free from. opium and other injurious 41334)3. For sa3e by all d•. niers, 3(r, in, 10,d1. so or $1,01) 111.1t'.\it3)ln 13? ' MILBUrRN, 1311;N111B'Z t PE'ARSON. 7.0,104' O...