Exeter Advocate, 1909-08-26, Page 4 (2)-110VE AjI CtJM;. 4 VP 10,,, rr4*at 0,4140 1001 r *delliery .rOuteir have' been ,teetab,- a'AZ*14:W liVe • 1,40,944w poirttora. ,,,Afttivipso$ . Avo.$10:4V. 904.00,• *01: 410W,24atitt,PatikeitheWan. reo,1e.,* trent,'.eit4er t gar• , .0110`1110* Olt„ :depart., clAt tetabrisites",rpniee.''.1.00.0vOir 41014,4,0*"..hir lt,"9 iq**14 tlet;'prOlding the iapPlka.04,14.,- "?' he`appreval 1.tize,'. 441110,10.40.4Algise 10P.10...attrig .i: t• .10440,-; o twsce AiNikttlittnt..• c 11614;4:tat:a,'c4 IT R Vc:w0Scli,73 16, . /W. 1,40-illtal; Zr4.•40iiler, West:0:11 *44140 J,Zo th+4 %lie:4142 Vtitrie.1)1clin ,wy%o 111,1v441. at .4"tikuvor., tor robbing kilftemitg.r..•..12,40)4.41,04*.avac.. olifters. bringitior Pflin :000,11 Vett!? 1.01t. "the' 'Vet eratidiskovered. •Otx 40414 Staicii Ahei It Iiirs; "0*.ti *434444 front 4heriat Iliellattelg,i1Afar 1404*, 414."'e41114, atr.4.,*tfAreA.-400-: lose '04,,,,theuSarld -4h.•;t1e,'„'"'SCAWN plOinor 'With ok • reVOlvcr . , . 4eTic%00e4t tOtt 9 • son r ;with*, 114.11'0,10.+„ 4)*, IsAta 4.1,111,4,,t0a3:0 tkr4iloctr."‘11011. .4e rie start nctver er it.bly re* Co At 10.. thwn wLoe busLpe.s men 44r. 101'1 ot advert10. lXe may 'hew) blineelf .1trOt aree,'-hragging ot ht* Own, but If, h rat1on/4-'00hr its rh.7.7energir rboe hisi town Are ‘nOt. backel. ,emoutit' of advertising • • ; bust:nee* Men' ,of the towiif the Vt will be elow tO take 'his state* 411400tted-teetiniOnY---of • -the local per. ,A0 ctervineet the WOrld ,pat 11 the financial centre,1 the best riot, the Wetness' tentre.'and the et place on earth to buy goods his, evidence needle corroboration. , , -The man who. makes money , out of hogs is the man who ha* hog* to *ell. . when Prices ,ure high, whose farm is -never--ovcrstocked.-ner-yet alertt *as true. It talc ntore than tile 1...1,1Gmft.,L.,...--WW4713r1i*‘ illualY,7,71W: 0 ' 4 JrnanY: hogs his farm wili carry to ad- vt:e Under average ereunistrcci. and he practices a we conservatism. s-40---ht0fr hP 'Mil, A_ 'profit ; whefl they are low, his profit L s Small, but the average lie ta,irly Sit. - Isfactory., tie _ fluky- -*Way expand or Eventratt hi,:. it no at various -., -Vines, but he ne *Iplunires.'!" ' The Sin* eft te-tio-TeWT whew he ought to an is "le at all such' an extent all when the nuukel -#ta so n or r.11. 8cot zdu suddrn1Y. TOeitttai .h ut ' 01414 was.' Inn it* yOraritialf,' and ,'•! r, lett It for a \Lish00 'time.' livteu turoc4 ';'e and lad smothered • to death. TU le, world has flttie Plty *Ad tew vors to be speht • Ver the Man who 1* disgruntled and *Its sulking In his tent yoOr venture* have hest Prospered do not &WY curse xour Imek. •111,it gat out ad make the people won- der at ,your mahlY gen will never come' to cootie' ou If you hang back tit despair,, • vilmatIngattszlittsx they W111 not arrange new chances to replace the ones you loae While you haunt * gloomy corner c11nw. .--t42-4 mues. ut • They are foolishly seit-cheated who --keep -harping on their -woes Atter they have *been: deteatedthin bur ail then are their oea • ode- , he "In" The iothe times, but /wirer to o seriously damag. goes, Wrong. tkiEWS O1 TEM WE.EIC ' bestOw nt or the Mart wbo I tthigrglitled .9itt3 sulking h� his tent. - i ,te &pitnit, T 'Its tL txt-booka to b ui,d., , . ct:os te - 1owd uddhs .,44, ttlon sciloOkir • an ‘011 I e,,Instilotes. ,,ThLold 104.4)04 aupizid tti 1208 *114 PM* SIM* ilnAt tO 1140, 1411 the taidsittiliner 0t-.1349;* 'PAP •r,ttc ntsr. ltotilta' Out that '1.14100* itentien- ' T4001,40,94 ' �t flu. Ocittloi*:'or PodoZ''$chool Tr te prittel , 1 trodic. ttgs 4, ':Or , 1 f.,. ta • , or tritAti 4the ,P•p, the+. „Iptlettle• reading of thecinteriletterial.' Ib Sag.0yhitertatterti..etZtha Se_r, .eprUflent 'tie • int a* 1n*be 0444nr(xli ' Per' jinnarl, :14 1,0101 fbli tit*. AtrV. PO 'loner t *law bookie: and *do tet be auth011101t; No text- ai,e lorsertin4-tor-POWSIA riarre44t at pensenoid' selenet. Atteri.'rutasu rn I2I0' no. text -WOO will be entho is1 la *ItIriontary' piano -,geoinetrY. Ste LIO tttomot solo bototor. Rart rti, will not be oputtiorizos, The yotogiattent ot. pity:Khoo ureir wlfl .IIattitcul, in *ay' totantitYanniveri to any litir twenty and twpiity41 per tent. less erer' tario$ surghts at, the trie imuni prlce net. erkigwa 'Pligett Jett for the:Weston cutting* *so Thos.: Kay, eNlool ,antt WIC OtOtear1 lett, for tbat.00nntrvi.-4-110. A. 441 family of Seafarth IWO leridi in the vielnit v.preached in th. Pro*byter1n* ' ere very well 0430.01 bot of the-Cburcb *Ike *11 attended the wedding (0 tfOrd) Of the .forrotri of • that ,city. -Mr. Liousi In Ell twai\t, Mr. and Mrs. Will Dickens of IJlddulpi bioth *rent Shinier at V. coet...,-gr. end,Tack W Ford -of E11nry1110.- 00.0Ait..-„.5Un. V *„. ;wive nt Sunday with to 'Exeter. 3,ir. and gra. Trevetblek o tbeNfor Credtton lotted mr, and gra.' VattIt1Pot 1--hoinber--,frointbete..41-. t.ded the Ie Crearn Social at Central* ta Mod ntgtt, and report en abun\d*• ice of cajce aupt ereatrh - •., olFtlockmk.. *It' . . N4 in the itOnes 4 witharlim:41s-414, 'etifirt,01„,,t1.,.41?-,e,SOVIN'tir.: . , )00.11,7 • llottatitalciat Dilate notice that Z am &log butinets ittExeterin Inds Oft:vane Maret Prices Paid for' Ubtiersi Home gar, copper, o f.r. HAWKINS & SON'S HARDWAR :ot Achdersioreo teeth!. v - fosi&litIn01:WillTheizary. net ono" 0 e. :thilTrive brok.s4ing flnsb Derande, the noted 'tenon iiiirathen -airner was 'married In Italy on the 20, ' !ars. Thos. Leckie, aged 74 years, •••aelui tad been a resident -et lilhea-rdine- tor. over 511 years, Is 'dead. Smith, one et the beet known neri Or Norfolk...County, Melt very skid. SaturdaY night at Delhi -There 4* a, acaret 'fever epidemic In .11a,0**iton. Ao- it,-* result all eltiaretive the ar1nkert7.4t-triet have be Item. John Cook, a ttoman Cathatie priest at Wooditteck, died.leeetnirali LI* ,estate.• valued at S5,060. to -the poor At his otigreolion, "link; 4,.. -Yount married labor wa* arrest44 by. COnstible Shaver fitiN!./...In Westminster, .3at4or4,tion •.,,a-ah54.fe „of having *et 'tire to * house senie.e. he bad oecupted aCtlithrey„ by Zahn. Andersen. • - The seenitdifaitnnal-o0tIng ot the' an "--Ted,. Clob''.ef Aaigele* V** held disugus,ot 14th at; Long Des.ch, end more "e4Initn 2,500 former residents ot Canada Joined In the fesittvities that listed trona 4-.31,00rt until late at nright.', The body or Auguat Sporer, the Aad ' uuhO 'went through tint) whirlpool Rapid* 40 his death oh geltdity was retovered. Ten things tor whlch no one ha? ever yet bean sierry. 'they are:- . Por 4*nar *good to -au. 2 For,h4rot patient -toward everybodY. 3 For hearing hew judging. , 4 For thinking before speaking. . 3 Vor bolding an angry' tongue. „0 'Per inettur .14ind to the distressed. 7 For asking tur„don for ali wrongs. 8 For speaking Oil et none. 9 For stoptottag the tars to tate-bear* 111., j-For--dtsbileVing most of te 10 •ieports. - , — - A I lorAlrs Igrit...2...„.1.0trit To Fig* nn, tbe. ',street. -0P•k,oac trelproveinenta. • 'vote against the establishmen trie Af. tinbitc-then' Attu the town !Iowa to stranger*. Go to Sorne .cither town to trsude. rtetosee to .advertise in your paper. D* not hureat a !cent; lay out • your money sethewbere*, else. --Ifs particular to discredit the 4motive of public 'spirited then. . Lengthen your tete when a Stranger oPeatte .0t_ locatingn your town . - s Annie MeCtireeia and mom rout Storiernan o liensall -iiore 'guests a 'Grant Itvchn'so ...Suridel*.*-, Mimes ukion ot Listowel ar4holidaying-with their griendmer othtere..-Atrs. ititewar•t and ,two children Of Seatorth are visiting relative* in. till* neighbor, - hood. -311.1* E. Diplom* hes returned to Seafortli, atter two wet** with relatives 1ere..-31iss gaggle *torten Of HulmrheY to visiting her -aunt; Mrs. liorton.*;-gr. Ayr ot Toronto was item for the petit two weeks, the guest of tits cousins, 7trs 3 T. Mitchell .artil !ars. F. Herten-, Xte sang .040 Ili Chisel - burst 'church on Sunday morning, whlch was mud: aPPneelated. Ile .retittned to the. city Tuenday.--Xlitai 'geode,:GIenn :Ineonapinied by -her atrws-t-nalits Alma, ststwArt., ',spent _op, :week' end -at Verna and HayAelt.-Its7. tract Of ilensall 'Nyiks c4iler hero T.4 adxy:. "•k • • gra. $neU, wito4tait --been sttlngie , -sister. grs. Lampert, '4, -••„ns, tYturne4 to ot th7 tier home ln Eketer.--Nirs. Wtn.Cun rdtl$11,,thn4 thintbter. Xis* J`eneo'strul grend,daugh,ter, Xis* TillleTager. have Cone to lianditon as Aber thetas ot Xr. and gra, Patliamento..gra W-Vrette of Port I:Wren Is visiting her parent hem...gra. W 1 Haden*. et Moore” vine is very ill at this home of no Os UT -In. -law, Ur*. Vernon, -here.'-t, gases- Ilodgins, who has been sick_for ion* the, Is not Improving- very' Kcilharge$, who has been sick for the past three trionths....4*-11n. proving nke' 'X, D Oulirley ot Tie* Tork nyado a *holt visit- with his_ untie here Xonds1.--gr. john Quigley celled on friend* here Monthiv"-il.fre.D Colt* ninghera • and daughter, Lily, -of Swett London are' visiting Wends hereto -Ur. glyn ot Stratford hi visiting friends he and In Dentleld.--Parrnersi ot Ude ir.Sc10117- are Pr4tY well through,...With their Wove*. Now threshing 1* *11 the llitoati who have threshed **Port ve0 favorable* on the average turnout, which is .betweett 20 and 30 bushel* I', titre for wheat. zattday near the. Zevtlotott -WOW' by *I If a mart went* to buy your ProPertY Canadian beet.Mati. The siOi • had been oosk loin two prices for it. 4$1414ea bi 'be rotits In the stream,. , it he went*, other tiroperer. interfere Friday 5. dlatrea.lflW atchlent heto* and tillitourage htirt. ed at they CI, T. It. 'yard* at Sarrati. Reuse --to see t,hit trierit\ht any scheme by whec1 it-l$011t:133A1% rilkined "Oar -*obi net easeqy 'nenstit you. *ifIarry- Innen, received ilitters lideatric' hat) dowo, your „newspapers. and Was badly burned Omit the 'Run down'. :7 Out, otticets. tiktids,, which roithave to be antiottetedi "'Run down everything and everybody ' mitenetir tfie,daughter of 'Portman. but Nurnber One. . _ ..31tint ot Ito. .5 tire hsli, " Ulm 1.or1dori. bad •11 toirtow es- cape troll* What- burned to, death at the ' xasidente et T dc14.4" ,y• ,gbildatfi When' :herclothing caught' Ore she teethed averthe gas StOire. ' !the entire iiarit ot--tzle Tudnope car. orapsnyas well as ab0.4) .11 etliosen oth0-*Wildinie at / wait destroyed -ny tire flattitedaY. started', _an, the ittirit7ah - • • weritei '-The'losit 1* est ..ketite insdrance II t, FALL mutt' Toropta--Autuat-28 to *Pt- .13* IiOndon 1.0 to 15. :20- and 21. Z *pt. 22 and Oh tyttr;t4ot. 5444 11, st:iisrys-oipt. 22 and Ss. at $000 '50(4.1014.2 la , „rn -214%" AL- italt sta stvittord 1 - ' One of Ahe hioadiest rlote An ‘ienn5il4. latitton,.4*" 0 and Ot. 1. ward* .sinte the days et the Itenteitteitil , Parichil1.4*Oet. 5 nand, 41.1 t Addle* .0ecurred. Suriday ntoitht. .0,11t1oS, SPailliels.-24ipt. $0, Oct., 3. -..-rtivitt -Jives aulid at '10eat „ti.lert'liteitiiii. 'Infl4eys .': , terth . SS and 24. rufie t, i,result or a eta.* Atgoolell,. „,. P. v r r &Soul, between Ine Pressed Stem, . ,Ooniii4nf of SaitoenyiiIe and t.tv ems ;oori Mts. • . ' . letting Into the/leer est s. G."Talt. :train DiatrieUltUta ithidh was tout ot their mab,(lIn. W Aesturr.:that' soder was titird'In iluron .atiltt1t of 40110/1 and V. ot 'Oiounty tor the atnOunt pets moo CloreilleV, Were aerialists., InNted. .paid lot:year. 'Weals° 11641 that Marco zett has both lege ott and trolLY'dte tOuntY has eleven aftlealturel iotteties Vetty Iniured aboO, the. cheit and the priee money pats vat, Imikt.wai t%Indothittri.013ti, but hope* *pr. held Out as toiloweo-thrusieola 241$1A0.. ,tor Alt*r,cOlrerl. r T '\14310:teqp ItY:th litorith Te tUrnor amerger' of loading ter.' ..,,B111te.1(S3.2.1 '442043* it,tetjeti#072.41/5 tlegs tatted** in Carted* le reelied*;and ''xotth(S3.2. oodilith,"* 04404 Thin* et, Is Stated that the -details are; now 44otton It444^23; • VirlItOurt-t4001-$0* twat woriO4 outIowa" t,003004' Iciritteit $30$.15. 'There ate 221.' iroe. tlOflL . and Le. Jo* 0/1tvleited Ae, Imo* toes few days last- week. -Mr lat-WeeL , He. IL Etlber&ndwl froin Credlton, were .11tre. 1 ng the incinthfrof July and Arigust we will o run our Cho per 3 days per week, as 'follows: Tuesc Thursday and Saturday. We also have to offer: ELL• (Onterloinlena ) • Rout uousitttoin (00,10) - 5 ROSES (take of Woods) Otattry trorsetors Nods $1041X 300 .14ftwo ref orders eitell RG.thee, 43eidon, Exeter . , tiara a Watcli. 411* I deny .biria4 . lila swabittedi:tan solar ye . not I a' ''s make 'vie thlitt it's, it . , .0 theft . it In . it it ni�lynickled. Et will-Vet/4121 t k.4. And ft will tickle hat boy ofyours if you taks oup b.to 'b irortoti.k,itth,-* ttyittt -et /our,:1-EttelaIn,the :province rAtillat iiiivoad* af is; *Oft tillts*Ett 44 -for their sxhlb 'Lector**, irt, ottutio. latiUditur M. Forte, Tior`" c-,10. ''" ..0"•*""Prill -O 124* Go- dd/a tad, *thaws. St* indil 14* fa* '!1°` 14.2$. .P1111!", ..1411.00 Z0104121* no 1,00,4 to *40 field 31,08 t *titter Int., 1110et ort,"*.$2t ' 043oiriet $1122e0401$11tinah serAitienatrit. In 'dreg Itc)rttem tAin #1040 Kirktot $157.•4 114411,10m Forks tt* tiSoicatte infriiitritat • ?today. Whilq Es tith: . 101 •. • a Sas4t nine tkoussuiditJr 10 bon. Isrostra• ot *e bett 444, arrieed at Win* 14 ekt. Aeon *Windt tine brat Ot thie resist ,la • *len. ear Pa*floW1nj tit it illogtat atts ot anti eit iiiatieo- to bine to the Wars144t the tine lw111: \ 64, ds'fr,