HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1880-7-15, Page 2r RUSSIA. AND OILINA.. Alt,51A131ENTII ok"rllETWoNATxm.ts contquEn. --,tovaxeit os THE Toucou.),,N rxriart- l.t11.."--ritTSSIAX DEFEATS O1IIIII14-'^- AuEsicAm saiLitins, London, July 7.-Ureat in(rc i4 now felt in trousequonee of daily evi- &nee of the probability of a war bo- t ween Russia. and China. A dispatch from St, Petersborg this mornim:, states Oita tho Ittissiau Government. has ir. structed Prof. Nortms to draw up IL .report t1.10 ioteruational rules regulating and regarding the laws or blockade, for the gnidaucu of c »x1 - of Rossini) war vessels in the (wilt of war with China. Should war break .ont, Poiesia, it is hAieved, will endoavor to retain a very strict blockade Of the Chinese ports, 0131011 has a formidable army, and the fou 'd- ation of e. cinnparatively eilleient naval terra. The Chinese army consists of two Government divisions, the first recrui1. 1 froal the ionnodiate subjects of the ruling dynasty, tho TilthIrs, and the second by the Chinese and other sub. ject races. The pmely Chinese army vitIod into a Multii..nde of camps, rlistributed ov,..r the e10pire. t1'11,3 tayy emists ofl tight irouchtd. pturboars, !wilt in Englend in 1877 1Llid 1 ',TO, `DM tire called the "Alpht," "Beta," "Gamma," "Doha," 1 ,n," "Zeta," "Eta," and "Theta." Tire have engines f 310 horse power, a tipeed of Dino 110t0, t1,1:11 alined with gene at somo '25 to 30 tons each,whicli are worked by 'lychee:41 power. The navy of Russia cintri,t8 of two first Cittss 11 01:01:1118 WWI four 85 ton guns eullt, iiu Se.oiCht.8 ironclads 111 tiurd.class ironclads, and two circular monitors. In addition to these ittissri Las a large ilcet et sailing vessels and do cullah oil tuy chillnu I say, 'look, ie bean, you jest; tiger ou whet do law IiUtPaun't cum 'roan' dyer axin' statin qt ehins like dat 1' lie say dat he got ter pro down whether dey is black or molatter--sa.d den ole hurry - cane broke loose 1' tilow way 111111?' *De ole qiniati was liotoning, an' wheu she berth (tat she opse1 do table what. de fortfolyo %vex 'yin,' emptied the starch bowl all ober de rArtrus, ate kin to holler, 'Heidi, Tiger,joss like do forty thieves done broke in de house1 1)o sonsus zo bo grabbed rip his doelcytnee Is an' made for the fence, an' ,twix liiddin de 010 '0111011. wid 011U hall' an' riger wid do odder, I got mos' tucker'd not,' qVhere did the eensns man go 'Do las' I seed ob hint was op 011 top 01) er box 'qui,- by de .&r' I lute abop dryin' out de returns ob &113 distrielt eu do tin rc,of.' 'And how did you get the old lady quiet ed 9' ,She lotint piet yet. 1 joss had to make 'scape,too, kase she net4 gwine for me lett in' do may 10, 5.11(1 she say (bit if the 'United S• ates wants to know de cullah ob bor she are boon' ta write bit ou do Cyo ob ebery runner shinier duy lueods prowlni" round her 05.111 SIIO'Htt via:rens 'ome11 t%)1.:tid the Ohl Mall get up to go to the Supervisor and explaio mattors. CANADIAN'S IN THE STATE8. STATDIENT OP AN ESSEX. SPECTOR. Cortrtright, July 2 1880.-AIr. Gra Iwo of this place., treats your readers 10 yesterday's issne to an intresting 'WESTERN CurNTY PILO - \voodoo „did re,,,,nov mat det.triettra acccunt of 'Michigan. niire,ased this °ranch of her service bv" I sisal to p,,,1 them also a little about !he 01 0011 Milted of land of Iowa and Thrkota, torri'ory. Same of our press seem to laborhard to impress Oanadians with the ,supetiority of YOUliee bold over Canadian soil, in 1)A1selonin on the t)th of Juno reach- in order to in ike capital against the (11 Duni 011 the 11111. Toe inhabitants N. P. :Nit% Hughes, whose recital I give below is a hardware merchant in this place, well-known here and St. 'enemas, whore lie was formerly in business. 1 le is Au undoubted Reform• sr.whicn will clear his statements from any imputation of political bias. lie says :- "I lefPort Iittrou on an exeursion Lan nothing justifying the reports by train 00 the Chicago and G. T. R., ou t way of India respecting the alleged de i'llundtVi L)let of Jane. The excnrsion feats of the lluseians by the Chinese. It is said that a thousand Sacts, col 1.atted by the Chinese in Iiiishgaria to make roads, were forcibly impressed iota the Chinese army. Tashlturgan, 11?Itr Fort Naryn, was recently sacked by illassuluams, !Anise, probably ori- . rioato.1 the report of the capture of Fort Saryn by the Chinese. The Roe siau cruise Yarostaff, uow at Marseil- 1 ‘s, will leave there io a ahnit It montn t join the P.:el he fleet. Tha which HnjItl from Oronstadt for Via- d:v .ck, carrirAl 8.000,000 cartridges, 10,000 oubmalitte mines for harbor and coast dekoce, and two torpedo boats. ,Sne will he the sixth Rnisian cruiser io the Pacific, and it is iotended to bend six mote. the porebaseuf a number of fast sail - log 11 ansports. • St, reteisliiirg, July 7. -An official dispatch says the r..connoi; (('1 1*! Coln (110 sent forward by General Skoheloff from 1o1,,tud the Russians are fortifying 335.11i and cAletting provisions there. Farther reconnoissance was made oo the 28111 ult. in the direction of A.rtsch- man, wheuce the Toremnans witirew after an insignificant skirmish. The Valide Busse asserts that tele- graphic. advices from Turkastan con - was give') by the Illinois' Central R. R. 0o., which company holds farm lauds Ilenr Lt Marrb, Iowa,:for sale. Those of the excursionists purchasing land • would have the amonut of money paid 010111 for the land. The company sal - for their tickets allowed on the pay- ()E G A IN S . Tan ,3uLy 15 1880 r10014.0.0:11?Mr1,10KNAMPFIRO.T,~morAilefolkmv*Imemo,owikvo/mr04.r1IMIP*0404,1111nr/fwoodwr.0,,,i/o,,,wv... , i1] and heartless. Try your own west. ern country which is free from many of those objections aud drawbacks. Yont'sLroly, JAnws 311 'gallium% Free Press. CONSUMPTION CURED An old uhysinian, retired from praetiee, hav- ing had placed in his hands by an East in. dia missionary the formula of a simple vege- table remedy for thu speedy and pentium:il- eum for .0011sMuption, Ast 0111111„ 3001 11.11 Throat and Lung Affeetions, also a positive and radical cure for Nervous 110. hility and all Nervous. Complaints, after hav- ing testel its wouderfol curative powers 111. thousands of 0(1.1358, 10(13 felt 11. 11113 duty to make 11 kuowu to WS suffering fellows. Actuated by this motive and a desire to relieve linnoto suf- fering, Twin (.11(2(1 free of charge to all who de- sire it, this recipe, in (Io)'llian, 1Prenel1, or Eng- lish, with full directions for .preparing and us. Mg. Sent by mail by addressing with stamp, naming this paper, W. W. SumtAn, 1.19 Powers Mock, Rueltester, TH-EsF .Nr() • 30 -N113 !-- Truth Conoorne Tau More Than Counterfeit Therefore, read, p (web ase, and anjoy its lnrga inn, W11011 1 say 1 maun facture Inv omen r tti tort 11 11). provaro(1. witU 111y pro0t.4101q G1111 1,1,1s pooplo eau 03101.1 a 11 ,ty ti1110 Ly illi.111.4 at my Ware. rooms wbere they will SOU a. sunerb dill lalq of Furniture in All Its Branches nrutuflohrei by mysott ‘tog eo:,tooq ,rett,,tin skin, ,y (1.1 o1.1 rvwionanshin. ItIrt. us.Ltisfying ate ((00(210with a Ohtss or lett 00•1111, Mott oanitot b.! ittotillo1 Air tt.tlity ur oriUu 10 Esetur,a11 biowile; thu eontrary , notwithsta WHEN YOU. WANT ANY FIRM -TIRE OBI J. BRAIn A GM. Neariyon)04.itc Keulp'S Tobacco Stare.illain Street, rp, rIttle/monemsAremellaW,Skar,111T.V,III,VITIMAIWNVIIOIMS1 - . . . . '17 31141 PARS Gra-07917.2n .AND 1 1 LI,Ii.111 OR E, DRUGS AND PA 7ENT MEDICINES OF AiL. KINDS --AT TIM- silvNG AND snagEntMEDICAL HALL, EXETER. h, I; BISSETT BROS. are now showing, a large and well assorted • STOCK OF TINWARE, consisting of MILK. CANS, 11ANS, • 2AILS, &C., &C.. Also a new and well selected stock of Harvest Tools, -which they are offering at prices that defy cominAltion. Eave Troughing a Speciality. Highest price paid for Hides, Calf and Sheepskins, in Cash ur Trade. T UP WIT E TIMES _0_ PARTIES INTENDING TO .PIIRCIIASE I 1 y tin age:lr at LasMa.rs, vvh. one duty ta show the laud tolintending buyers. The appearance of the land is good, 1.1.0ITLD CALL AT ro ling, but if they were to give me a thousand acres of this alleged soil, I could not be induced to live in the country. The inconve7lir1)ce3 are so great, and tunber scarce that they have to send to Chicago for their toothpicks. The produce is principally corn, which sells for sixteen oeuts per bushel. They raise at lime spring wheat and a few A Berlin corresomident discussing oats. Spring wheat yields about twenty tile rolitiono between (Illina auti Bus- five bushrls to the acre, and is worth 55.says litert) seem.: to have been anabout 75o. per bushel. Oats grow about 3 lea of purchana sdships an 1 (1.1.01)011a foot high and head nut ; the yield is i 1 Ainevica, and putting American soil- small. In a Ftretch of 500 hundred me» again4 the linnet lamblulhers miles the how 13010438 are very few and foriring the bolk of tiro Bassist) crew. verY infolior nhanties, mostly straw 111 ther, prosonct of the eche ne roofs,abolutely IiO ontbnildinks. Lem- hein4 carried oat before the war is bel' is HO dear theyleanuot ttft.rd even OL1 SE IIXS TROU'IlLE AT TIIE CENSUS. • 3,1 AN. Si el: to rathor late yesterda3', I i,,Iiil.,..:1,001,0Aittat fatitied. After a 1 '; t•t• is itt !non PriVSet'il :11 In Lori wid (fern: tort, •"0.1 will mean the census taker 2' I.Li;se dot ive de 1)0010 dey go by.' Witnt iiive d'i'g rib ?' d•-y's dp,vn•dar hi my :Itirriiij tip 111o* 'filth :III' parsons korpra-,1 k,,1 ped down in a, month.' "rile, is unfortu :ate. ilityo Ltd von yet ?' Wat'.4 r. hat lealzes me so beliin' ter (lay. Oori 1,1) dew cum down ter lion,” 11.1 monin' tap on gai.e ; bin) what's de matter, an' he ria,,Vs lie 11040 C11111 thf tick iny seinqui ; an' 31 lf lnun't 110 'way from ,:ar, kas (1r 310 bizness in dat shatity for entry drinnwere from de loutivick. ,sylorn 1' 'What -did be 133y 2' 'Ile say dat uf 1 fools rid de lieris118 Ite ‘14,ue t..;tti,10 pot der law to, tott ; 0,i' 'i' 11" ''(.),Ittintld ,t10 1:1W. Dell I boil nil WU", ni) ittllt an' axed him in.' did you aloog then 2' "W. It !Olt '10.1g ty •tved °well he 011111 ter isho' cultoiti what. dc chiyin 2110 het, d.uwu ; dou .ho tay tux me what itin a water closet, 'Li lieu of which they • dig a large hole in the earth and stens are duo, to go down it. Sonne of the wioiltliitir farmers bad planted trees arnand their dwellings to protect them against the svinds ; these are shipped from the south and sold in bundles for a good pric•-•i. Thel 0 are ninny Oana- dians there iv', have llen up land ;Ina lived 00 it a few years, who world roturn to their native laud if they could raise the wherewithal to do -10. 1 was told by a rePpocted citizen t ),f Yankton, 1/a., that lie lins actually fi ,-t,e1, WWI) WhWII the trains 1.1 V' •ett ' • trt ,41 tt.t - milts at:mug:it rir9r. or17 and Examine his Stock. the Best that are Made. DOMINION ORGAN CO.'8 g( tf., 0.1,1. would leave. This following will Otow how very unreliable the RO- 0,11 lit gi1roo by A toPrinan papers of ths groat iliflux 11' Canadian ernivrants, 1),, way cacti I s-iw cfniv of Sionx. 1 City which wittes that 21) heads 11 of hmi:los from Ontario had arrived at 1 Ylodcton on the 28rd inst„ and hid all pnrchased 'lama in tile 'vicinity of Lc •Niarrq. Chis referred to onr 1)111 ty which only numbered ID two of whnn 1.1. 011) scoinen, itistead of 29 beside Of fatuilies. bid tt man hi our party bonglit a foot ot land, We W8( 11' al: lied pally cured of the western fevor. .(3harebos and schools are few and far between, attl the latter, at 1 icast, badly managed." .IC 18 10 115 hoped tlnit the above will bare the tlect of keeping our citizens who find it necessary to move front try- , ing the Western Slates and gettink -catuflit.' -as it is sig»ificantly °ailed here 1.y the land agents at30 railroad companies uwiug lai,(11 who are grasp. t . t 4 I 11 111(.. the netio-,sttrittH 03 lilo, TiluKt7 l'11113 (P5 'lfy tile 11ttotin, alai 144 111,1241. In/Wert/711y yet hootilitigly on the Liver, Stotattell,7 11 o'l nowt•Itt, giving tone, eutra, anti vlgor to titotte groat lot, In of life. They are eon- fuleotiv reeuur.u.011.10‘1 as a ("Vet remmor oat where the uonstitation,from whatevcr cause, 1a.1101.10 1.!'eitli11.10d. 410 2,,,1,10111111y (411V)11401.1$ in all 511111514/.11101- 0e1A,121 t)f All age; %lid. Llai 5,guriulal Fatuity ottstietne are ansurtiattotal tiver---4Z I lts sottruhou; and ite,thog oroourttes al's lotown Itrenphout v.,/,e11, For the el.tre «f 1,1,11.1ugsbati w?ttpts, Wall/ 111 5514124 sIsi U1.;pFt.,, it /1,11 on-veto:11v rubbed the 111+W( ADO 0115/0, UR SI it 11/11) Meat, it Onfoq iv, throat, BroigthitiH.Conglis Colds aryl (won A A.Iintit. Vor 0 landiatt- So (4011tin011:1112Thilll (Wery kill (11)1 Skin Disease, it ltuH itt,v or be II known to fail. Pilo.11.118 %tot (Rutin cult are mail - facture. Illy nt 1411 OXFORD STP,ET, LONDON, Aud Axe solti by :di Veutlors of Medi pima tbrougit- out the eivi1imitt world; will directions in almost t"22 ;.1;117(1 14),1. '.11f; of these llutlitttnos aro 1313'd,2. 1(11.11 !feign, 161,V one in Alm British 1101.1 thil Aillari011/1 et/U11. V-4:1.01 14 f(.1' (t(1,'. WM. 1)0 )krt3H0(.11.1t0d, oboo2t1 hal( to rim Label ou the otlotyl flogea, 11 the, adilressts nut, 111';13.0xitall Strout Luutlert, tItuy alo Spuriou W. B. SaLILEY, Prop. 4 Call and see the Flcwer Plants. .161".centroonowae.s ItmortwrounrnMaigenm=mitrn.....1/1•IrrrI,.. ,,,ImortrInrwrIon.........46 ITAELESEESpralakEltint USE ONLY TILE rCastorine Machine 0119 TUE VERY nEsT IN USE. FOR SALE AT TIIE DOMINION LAWRATORY, SIGN OF THE GOLDEN -MORTAR, Main Street, Exeter. NOTICE TO WILLIAM .REW FURNITUR.E DEALER Having been drawn into ihe Furniture Line by deceitfulness and falsehood is compelled to continue the business, and • 15 PREPARED TO Si;;LL CHEAPER THAN ANY OTHER HOUSE IN THE COUNTY 013' _HURON. An examination of my large stcok, which is not excelled outside of the cities, and a comParb,0,1 uf nay prices with other faetoriss, cannot fail to convince the public of the truth of what I sa Every Article yarked Down to the Very Lowert Figill'e. haw just purchased a first-class New Hearse, and am prepared to attend funerals Coffins, shrouds nail all Undertaking NI:aerial on. linud, Prices very reasonable. Soeiety Emblems constantly in stook. Be sure to give me a call, and I will make it to your advantage to buy your Furnitme from me. Remember the place-101.th of Itolsons Bank. wivc. nnzwi THE EXETER 'FM AND STOVE AWN ST. 0 r TAKE tiiio opportunity of thanking niy numerous customers for past favors. cud 1. notify them and the publics generally that • 1 have Purchased. Mr, 1). Johns' stock of STOVES, TINWARE, LAMPS, &c. &c, and have moved 'my OW11 stock into the building lately oeoupied by 11.Tr. johns, in the Post Officel3luck, where I now have one uf the larges1 and bot assorted stocks in the county. Cooking, Parlor and other Stoves THE BEST IN TIIE MARKET. .A.Ise a huge variety of Tinware, tam t.s, tamp Clmmiqs, Coal Oil and Corlery. Ifhtstimates given for Havetrunghing. Cariit5 PIadni s, Depend upon it will give you good value for your money. The very highest priaeiu Cash peid for Hides and Shoop skins. Remember the place -the Exeter Tin and Stove Depot,' Pot Office. Mock, Main Street, Exeter. Exeter, January 20, 1880. ,Vrer... • • • • -7.4411,are" 1.1. E 11. SPAECKAN. InC11,1/1tWortaftram,../no 4.7,11•Irm% The PAIN-KILL1 Is recounnonded. by Phys;ch,,,,, Mis.sionaries, Managers of' Factories, Trork.shop,I, Planattinne, .Ntilw,v in llospilals,-in short, everybody evorywhere who 11.s ever given 11 a trial. TAREN INTERNALLY, it cures Dyotartery, Cholera, Diturlana, Cramp and Pain in the Stomach, Dowel Complaint, Painter's Colic, Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia or lutligestiou, Sudtku Colds, Sere Throat, Coughs, &e. USED 1:XTE1ZNALLY, it enros 110118, Polons, CU1S, Thmises, 1311121s, Scalds, 01(1 Sores atm Sprafas, Swellings of the Joints, Toot:taelte, Pahl in the Face, Ncaral7 gia and Rheumatism, Chapped Hands, Frost-bitten. &c. The PAIN-KILLErt is put up in 2 oz. and 5 oz. bottles, retelling at 25 and 5(1 cants respectively,-Iarge bottles are therefore cheapest. PERRY DAVIS &. SON & LAWRENCE. PROPRIErates - MONTREAL AND PROVIDENCEJ, R. 1. 1 42e