HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1909-08-12, Page 8 (2),, ..,,A L. . . C.4.111,4, wait 7.'ilfaz- ,, , _ , , . &On WEDNEDAY• ' ••• - i u , .., e'' . a t •:, , [ LOCAL 0,' , IS II.4114012 . 1,, . 144 if.04:,z..200-,-,1 II0.-iya' I*, ,illatil:4vi.t4e,..41* '4'!..'CH&NGICD, eil:IrligtcaI - '42!,.,74.4,* 1 4 ; • ,,,,,,,, .., to'• ibitArt* .., , le* **4101r • 4t41 ' . _ _ ._ ,_ f,44011, *a ' ', o.- . sited• .... . . ., • . . ...., , , ,.., • -- „,vorfve . -, .. s . , trwea - 4. . . . pp'1.10'. I '''-'4'"c.--443°. °%)141' 11414:114.;""424441"liC"' ,r4s Ai g" . ae r, j virk.)0 trie,94-10. 4 I, 014 ' Ell FAY .bet9x* ', ' •• he liebr...L,O1Ve 4 .. a , . . .0 tierc.aro some, I-.14 - totite vi- ,,, . .• , r te,er lw.tit $0- 1 .0.4w.11,,*4. . h ' -61, • 1 ' rye Cis:. tc., ",..4e.r! st,„tio Itwort,-,... Exeter. ..., . , .0 . t. and. 'A*0;04 .Jkptinibei . , ii.0 ' ,• • . filt,44, I: . . . • 0 ' 4 . i,,ili• ot • itie' - , , , •towfl044c -,..1,00 4,04... itt4di,..% 25 *nee either ',do* 1 _oiti thit .4004, ctit ,t, - It .. ri, To be re*Stit* • ' • ..". • .• • ' ' • - - ,‘ _ .• - • , n ..,..- •i lefe„Oti FlY X'ota.00..abd - 11)**0 , u.z, .1.• seulpitt,:tit4iet,:lPirderovr„,e14.,,‘ie ' jr .tit,',t,• 004! , 8StilPt: „ , . , .,_.. • , ., . , $de lireatitan.• 40.1) ot Ur-. W. ..• 'f'*4-"-lrrt*:t5P--4tikl-*--lrt-tr'te'' t telt, , . 41tr -watt . „ ,f 0;-4 14el4-ese* , zia',31.4tiv rAaty$t iftt wotota ., rie,i--)4.tinree... - - . , 9,1!;0141-4,Plinictt of‘149:40 r,'Sund*t.::: • ' ,. .04.'.0‘Otker, ,str,,, :TP..PciP141,ii ii toe•s: .hers..,•-:: ,.. 'Waited\ . W , et' ,wsele, : te . •e 'N4'1' . tiet4 I '1,4r*, 4.04*. -' tier. , . ''' ts steitirur lifil .4 411.: there? this Ve0)5,,,•• • ••-. '. ' red. C;" lit ' t' ldi bit r. r oek -0. - , co lean ,vuteiting, . shise fatb\ er*,.../41'-',J*,,,z0t. i taw*, trecti. • . ' Mit* ttene: 104t$1.0 of - -44-4' ' - ,.,'" '. $,t, /re . : ,,, . . ' A. In'Torotilt. " ' itt . 0, c • j. toirtdcfrit` "bir-- • 0-, .e. . , ; . .. , .4 *4 , " Oa . r ., • • , ,•...,. hoIIdy- '''• .ifOrtbt -... ' ' ' " here, Gould , • • I* . . ,. to..' „ - .. _ ' 1444,,,,Iiir ' * . ' 8 ' o. ,r ow • .. . . ome,ere oour . • g„, , • 11 ' wife d . your ,. . t . .2.1, io'fi.• foot, 0' ii,,,,i..•,.. «, , ft ,•.,. ,,,,..,:, _.,.. rtitOltilli .o ... • ' • '-i ' , „ 6.6 6.611, 66,!,qt . pertoele. • 046,4 RS* 64, .W ... •*r. ,i; ' '''''e' '.*-* . ''':.:t , , , , • . , , 4.,ey., ,, .. Get he a 6, • ,108,1v4er; . trim..• , i , (et the10t 0 0 ' R.,4: e. ,. , . . .,„ ••, . ,. 1. . 1, Nti*i. 1•1440 of 110v stke.W....4*.,11. o; ,tor. 'rate/ate, )14 sod:, s. ,HT. Vitt** st)q....rotuip4 :to' 14411w. tax* •1,OrdaT; 4tVi-, colr`apanieti lky- her 'mice, *is* ' til :CuIling; wbo will spcnO titono 4•1,nle lb*. . ' ' ' ' ' - " " ' . The Iiiiell: ' Se... 11201 DoilaH.-iImPO! ''•Ot--",'!IiI szetvi• . puhitc *chool will - re open ' lizt. With the- ,Prindttoi. BOOM.- e niatieat* and ..bloderrts,,,' ;W., 43..'". We," ,- 4 ri"!' . .,.., . hatinner, P. A. i , plitealcit and kongliali zit,. ti, m. notoo, ouloe joicinier, .$ )inb.4 through 1)1 health) ; ' comme 1 , . . . . , , . o .. e mtv or • • . visitors WI • , - j3inder Tie '. • . . f . nit the in. -- - -- --,!--- .: , - • • ' If the)m's any. thing.e -you need that an g - hardiSlire OtOire keep, we have it. .. . , , . . .421-4en"--'-'1!" - - - imt Whet *y4ft Illte.-4114' well 110- the' int severolY-frO4n b1-00.44;$4000,1flit 4 , rest Cc Clotliest Made bete dtele* 110 GrandBendthe result of coming" in con- • Will „ at small C. 0.91 I,Pe***I*04.0 tart -with PoloiOn Ivy.- . • . ' , , f the 400 scree or fax *own at Sea. Pen' 41 41•4. flIk•.w-Iti. wl'ung", triends ,to town. . , ., . . ,, Ness *loot who ho;$ heoo Ithsititos.,n -atives litre rtttertied to her beine in NOrwieh Monday. • lirorleatut-,4unler-14theirettleie-Ula M. Johnston. ;The tliplornaa ,grented 41n tho ceumn)leew • Section are _government standard; inclUding: typeewritielt all 44,tynograpny. The ,' course covered le coniplete Tor Vecond,claviis Certifteatto ---Anth.tti, #iin 'flour wisX a day's recreation, -bit , _Wait our fishiritt tadlile and ev • take day's outing. / , 9 te, oldi .200 serels-sellt--be pull mt,,, the balance Weer cot b , - - Y * 11104* ine*Inade for the purPese. •o. The Octet or marital .luteeitless I* 1.10t •alwai,* 14 lettIOS a woman j Pave, her • Attere)Azit 0. . own . loray, but In letting , herhave .;t .witeout letting her 'know pat' you know e ro • ontado that she's getting it. P.. Mr. • Weolier.; tiskyznani, who *hat"' be:an a.,,,,,,,,,, --,aa aaa,„.. „,,a,,,„w_ ir..„..,,,,, TX..6,1.1-* ,S4*"`"-***" -***"..,"*""**--* '''"'-'"" IL „aseAvoy• 'were eletting--a few- flays 1el _London flu.rino the -week* - a_, _ *Ur, 444101 WL. B. , Plett ;014 maw 117 Or atiethrOY are inelideYleg tn te%1V/14 arriving' Mondey irening. Mr. John TitomPtiOn fOrmerlY entoloi.. n , 31 "3 l'ilth_a Ibiessl‘til 41`1" -len 'Aft litel:)°"e`t.7 w‘cat,„412.14elstor‘,.,,„t-alle.,.,.,.:Cluiltrpt.41wtehitts„,.wer,n1". and „Junior Mettleulatlen. -Over* 10 deeke were allotted for the past term. Tee InsPeetor's and Government'e re. porta •give the 'sc. hoot first Place ante. US• thie ' St110010/ ts4 Ontario. For, -sitting* 'addresi J. CRIG.G.,„ See. . . . , 11A1711111148 ex : - 1501sT . attending the Iheoness", College, quit-, -----1" 7.. w." ... ''''''''...14-. tiatil* -Conte has secured A eeettion ai, ,•. . . . 'cohea.,a erumiteers"rs. Dewtritohlt,I.M41c.h1,1'.1u$11:* • lisinist iiotais — Read Ikea . _ - -r-i. ' - 4" trein'sre Soviet* of their P41• .ren• "I't 4'4* .• Geo.' 'Powell. over '-SatuedaY :, un:' S,Ondot"- 144r. anti eli-te:' J. 0 Inwood and their Aar011taitalogsat .4$00441," . * ' , .. , ' ii • tt „... r. . , ' , 1,..AN , .4, ... , . -1••., e.t.ce,-,,.....-..-7,e • . , ,, .,,„„..,‘„ .-..,.:ti,4.-7.-..1:,..,.....H''--,:i ......,.....9.4.0.- - 11 e a limit Friday and °Fee Q0 y are Ira , , • ce.e 'Sir*, 10"breicTiT'WgarkeirdPeitlA 4reIttrIli:W'rti"1"-IriliellIte-334tr3-'44tk` ,...„...... -, tt- late I.ord Tennyson has -not waned. 4 'Apo ' Needle . Underwear. Ithe,y"re -le ' " ,-. ll, as in .tite trilddle and eear _ . dome or tuo Victorien Eta, the moat .......... . English' • . - - .- • i tai - 1, e ditughter, 0 ondori are /spending a' Vire'V'rieittliet VVirio'br ste'Xii'i.i`& •'• . ' • - • -. • Sander**. MaIrt:,:atfeet..._...,4. Mr. Mits..Tebbutt-or,:,Sialt*.whii--; -Avail bam ttioido,y.tnireirett•---_,1-.6ifieli .,,.. --„... . .. ... ,... ._,...._,.....,... .•-•1:100.-- - „.„ , i' .• Having secured, the agency f . * - - . • ;4 1 . flor Tables -...-- - . - Easy -Chairs . . Odd Chairs Music Cabbots Couches _•-_ 77:7-- • . _,t -1--"Hall' , .popular of poets. An --person- - wishing Euckwheat for . „ .•*co can get same at the grist Mill. Iri London tact week it east jaelie John son the world*. changdonc prize right. ,,....-... Ieritett,t. Oats and Barley wanted at.the . ",. • miii.......yunvEy !mos. ; ,•. e.r, eeet.e0 for o : ng, his` automobile ' . at Woodstock. Jack paid with the re. vale. vtalted hero during the week. and went to Godericli on' Tuesda7: l'i mr S. A. Poplestone wan her e from myth- last week. go and Messrs. A. E. 1..4,1*e And iti--N-.. -zey, Tor: :too ?now 44,-ttend_ • - _ ttt 1 : ----- - Sideboards , . . .Raekg- .„............."4",.,......... :. . ........ . ---buys a ewe . 115 Woodatoek as to. nail .tatreYlig forfeit** Rat at Stewart's. Regular value q to 5 ,‘ ., 2..,1,.....,. m -- . - ...,a. as „fr„ -uvureeeeereeke.0444444k-4-=''--- - : anent of CkidfellowS $4 Ottawa. ,A, al ect ti , -0_ ji re D 4kluy -ids- . 0 I. 0 - ° Flo r - - tlfretti-'-7..---- '--- ----Tabine Kitchen whig-rooTables___ Dinm,T1)11airs -- •, , 1, ant, now ready to equip Farr°. ....,aaeralnigar.iltgle 111.4:1,7walt:ci)tal .datibt. are the . , Beet on the Market, , .7.- - - . . . . • Dainty,. well.made and at reasonable prices / , . Bed Itoom Suits Bed. Couches - . 1114th138SeS ' S f tido ,,, .. , • Brass and Iron ; •`. is ----' --"' • 111,--iriundr-ostruesViarltrfti-ther-to.. 1W faintly havr.-beeti -visiting- -hie ... 41EcoND HAND .BICYCLES ' -,' -Five goat; secoed' hand Bicycles' *ale cheap. John Triebrier, Exeter. . of Stephen, eeinctot te. Cancel/don a. to . Vr... ..Sarnue) Preszeator or the same townehip. The price paid was $6.600- Voqaettion - will be given in the fall. .arcnts .and, oilier relatives and friends 1 Exeter. and $t._ IderYs, bas returned to his work lo rtaxildln, Ohio. • , '' —..1.- • . za: the yard for your ;hitt of any , colored Dress' afuslint at Stewart!s—reg. u/ar values.15e to 25e—move quick ! / MI'S Lou BelMaetiiiibe,' sister og Mrs. ..7. N. IloWard. was, married at vatteouv - Ci. B. •, 0.1 on July •ie7th to Mr. termini 0.... • Revelatoke. Mr. and Mrs, litriaPe w2ii reside iii Revelstoke where ' Mr.: Fred Old14 still Jr:outlaws/ 'very eti at the eons° of his sister Mrs J Elston. ' " calle• - Geraid. ton of Mr. and Mrs. S. int, - and- to use. theta o be convnce. 10 tidW . , n biewest styles and all at. popular pripe' e guarani, tee satisfaction and tbe price is rivItt . - e * - . .. iilfm. -Gillespie Exeter • - • , • • • rgozos,51, ,• ._, , , i.)"- . eta . OWE & A DON ..„ The Leading, Ile e rarnIshere d Funeral Directors; 2 for 25e-.-tadies' lilac eh and tan Hose pin laor .rildied—regular value 200 00 250. 2 pair for a quarter. _stew- art's. uforrnet is engaged in the furniture anti ndertaking beetles*. T4e ma,ny friends here or the bride joie in beet.wishea. • The auction, kale Oa Saturday ot Iles* Cookson's farm Property rebutted fn Mr. Vein. Sanders buying the 50 acres sde ton. la *tittering from the, effeets of running a nail hito Itie foot Saturday. Mr. Noble „Matfett. 'of_Oi,tawi, son or Mr., and Mrs. Ai. Bassett, rizeter. waa married on the 1,3th of Ju ly to Miss Crifa batty .Ottewit.“ \ - - APPRENTICE . 'WANTED AT - ONCE—', TO learn tailoring. W. W. TAMAN. bts galibi 1 k, -4F mite* wost or the Mensiela litellee. Willie .gre • Wree Dearing bought‘the 30 acres it half- of , . ., Friehde here ot Ifr. Eld. Powell will regret to learn, that •he le coefined. tei -Creek, lerieraiirsierVellgeStrillnelle , ' - . , The titokeprio.ro for old look.. .,,, , -. PHONE. 04 32 .. ............ • 80 -Seamless floor*, Rugs, in Wiltons. t Velvets,-4almoral,13russeis akd Motel - . all at bargain prices at Stewart's. .D.0 . Intie nert4* 404 l'ar-.0 Nvni* Nert4etitt the: ir) ii. ...-- -, ---.. - -., - .- , ere realized. ' • we D'ave• no_e_joite....hettrd bow Iti* the Pattie Sanitairium throuith,111 ne.es. Ile is ‘ezitocted hoe?. to viett. Mr. Win. -Anita hae 41-41.-:?t:gied a ntisevocZreiditernadbill. arrived on Saturday. It • . you want orte t . -.. • Just ot, picnicker* from Elimville fared larger than the ' Otto( one and more of 'lie are alive and so is the old ,rel iMe• Orin '14r: SAOESONIS SON rif, ' ----* . 0 ' . 7,-0:-7 door *Oath „.of tbe Sfetropoittam Jilat 100„k at ,the folio. wlinit__trice...s. (00-tra0e_allti xi° t,rileg,i,eil 14e! ny ' • , ,- , . -1,11113SthlitlE for -the Advocate. and get all the neliej. , ,PM dinner at Grand Bend on SaturoLay, DLit no dOubt the)* Missed sorely -the five tine chicken they forgot to change trent' union butt ottyle. ' ' • ' , * reaterday, Wednesday, the Marriage Ito! rztjee at the bride's home iii, .04ele ......,A t.....,_ _ ,,,., I ,II,,,,....2.., .. 4-.1/1, fines a sireev'. "OrMi*Z-4,14;#144176 China Dinner Set -at Stewart's. Pi re, srAitat bay with neat pink floral decora. . . *knitted gold gracing, - • :. . their ourtiest to tho ottrjr.an at Exeter. ;we tried hard, to get:hold Of one, am it pioUld Itilve Wert *rare treat for en ell! Itor, 'het Jake Finkbelner, into- whome . . .. h,anitst they tell, is fir too honeitt - a chap to even allow us- a look. at them. ......,, -* Miss Ethelda C.. nose, eldest daughter or Mr. *ha Mai' I. T-',. 11031ai fboermerly of lEhteters tO M._r. llifillisim tt_o;‘, rt Ilellamy of Vanceuver. Mr. aridltfrs' orcion,.,„,.. ,„,1„ --o to in VsincOuver. ---''' """ • . The statement is made ori epParentlY .• . 6 6, • • • R 75c Iron from 600 to 75e ,Dzid uitubber Boots ,4,-,1 ,,,,,,,,, vs, 14.7414Mill.17-ii • .... a ... . copper trg Brass - ' ' •...". Heise flair •' _ „ *,, • ..... Lead and. Zinc. -.... • .' • . r hundred pe _ .. __, • 4 - . ,,, • 10., ., IC per w : e e 9- 80e 4 . ;,2io •4 • • • , • • - •A Goiad Reprooentatiott,/or the FashionsibIe , .. , , .. . Fabrics and. filbs4lee that Will be -- Comet for tbe rail seaion. • • ' , e- ave pre for . WANTED, I.,IVE ,R,OL'IMETE--Chieltens •Sll . •. 'lens and Bucks. .Liigheat market priCOs. etewarts. nor would he tell us where lie Pet Ovum Viol authiority, that no newspaper .pro _ The iii .Eteha'ai Deitartme t or lie prieter, editor, Publisher or manager .0 r II Exeter • 4. 'Igen 1 HI -..,. . , 00 w re.° 0 vn printei is now or ever hag been ii, re.a.. 'dent In leingaton peeltentiary, •or in the September lot with tile rollowang e , • • Hoc Nt) POIVSAIZ-•-ilabbit dc . Good •. .hunter. Apply •;--at. ,this iiffiete , . ,cetitral.pr,?ton. Toronto. Not a hed ro..e>. Prinelp*I•c.-3F,A;j3,11:,tuvrtrillkeyriblunmen. 4,4!"icott: ord for t..e great Fourth Ebtatee .4.61siant •.t . . * • _ . - meretta -Speelseist; A. M. Johnson. • Tee_ me.ears lkfelve arid Ituesteil Boutheott 1..ct ua rend yeu T.he Advocate foe , tht balatrze of itoop.- it wiii give yo'u ali ,the • ;IOW,* WOrtil having* in the die* trtet• 'Front now till the lat. of JanUarY — ourse eovered li cemplete Or Steeled werit to- St. Thomas Saturday night. and Class Certificates. and Junior Usti -Jew on Moeda, Melve„ran in :tile 100 yards istloo, onie past xe0ord ot this selloOlerace. but was 'beaten by S. 8. th...at ot placeo it first in Ontario** list for the Vi"oodata:k., +The tratit was slipper* arid course ectiered; Desks allote,d In order the Exeter 'boy was hateliterseed owlfig limi • ninE A Pest verkti of boo Plee r r Oilwaysatthindlit Alfesa0a, J , . . Abzi, priej. stotia4*.tot - , itieTil, kitACIN0 Ilb sortatvAltranot ' , , . . . . • . _ Jacinto' nay °zit; ------1,116UNItM4,:1DXSTEM- '-- -' - .0P,P00ITIC ELEirlitIOPOWER41017011 , , _ , ' e i _- co ce- ll . t . t ets Et . ' *--; -k Illitr le , - Ilk ... ., v ILI .,ti ew- o ,,, , o rt on . ,,--'-'-' . , • SOC 0, . 3910 for -40 cents. 1 4 - I 6,t, applicittlon. Aunt closet& with 'over to, Nixing nO spikes -in ,hiii abbe*. (........ ‘ ,..._ Now la the time to buy Canleras and ea.t. enrolled itttideots. For *fittings* adte, The 'Central Business C011ege, Stroll- (twee ..ellrigge.,.....ftretary.,, _ - ;- = j ford. im-,,,,seknowittigetti=40---tse---hjoir.tr, ........ ' icodak..- gig- sititit-,To ehabei frotn.A_sk ' for free CAtIVOgitti*-; 110WeT141 Dt`ua-. Store.. - • . .. _3' The' Just before'new AsotritOes are cooked. beat schools -of -it* kind l'n the QV,. reinovelroin the Are And, let cool;, take ince. It ha* thrvie different departmento,. one pint of butter Pesoe cOolced until (forrunertial -Shorthand and Telegraphy . ,. '• - " SARNIA aii• -DETROIT, /11XCIMIS OA.-- St.ft anzsili poPtilat. ii. 0... O. tender andcutInto *mall pletee. VIluen. %toe* wtehtnir to ,secure positiOnli in: the ,potatatat are -cold chop -baiter eattriste, the eOlrenereisi world sheitid- -writer ilm - - • .•, • 1 I•In% . - , .r... Io, to eernia and DetrOlt ' Will satorttay, Attiuot 14th. Train loaves . ictopeo at 843 *.m. lieturn fare .to Oar* 65 Per steanir- " Tittolitri00" .,..... 4** IA !tont:1 1 Sarnlaintett Daerectilailt* trefrattUarn,w7irieli- ;6 - Bar. -4 .' ' 4,111lieParlti'lq-- tl,tno on liton41/41t, _August" r. Tiltip Is tile! trip Of the iteaeon,.. -401144,4000 - *".4Pe--- -4-.0t4tieLlfetieva-, - teltigee; ith,i.• ,tior, -_, . texnate leYel* In as die plenty ern, Ovens On ',Sept. let. butter,pepper and **It; 'Im-iit ***r141111 Net, and Mr,. *1004 nejbildAi 0. °Iiit_,,,.Cu.Ottli._'1" tt,111 Avii'd lirititlItle * With W4riettelselk aSIPOHnt SittUrdAti Arid Sunday 41.'41'114 er*CKetif . On top.. -Cover and ste rtiaticatieg at Ittyfield. Mr. Delbridge fn the even `long .enougfir to' get. tho ,,ttendett's roe' tint" of tht ileitis*: pont,i4 ouckly hot* then rernor torop',1 • 'brovo nitioigtonpro IV410414 it trailifee _Or thtQua pa/00y and eetire. \ ,.:. . 1liensitt Of- tlit C4Mtneftlitl Muse, Thor. t I f 1 sani1=OUtitx- . *doff etrlpe n.tilhipei trifOCY, $41P0 • ors Viottottoto '' . *.41ritool do* 08 , If ' 0' la ' •• ti rop„Iti'llt Tkiti urit .liteti• ' ...oar,' j.tna of . , Local VieWil - I tesso- ' ' * . _ .. . - , .. , .. ti Wistena Tort - . . Grays - ,‘ , . Mark . \ \, \ ‘,. ., • -- - • J., , ,lil . , Tile Cattoxilito Bank of 'COMMer itt h** • isettc4 a mato atom ottaidtati,yetita to ' cOluparsied by it- PlatiPhiet dektIrrtIVe .0f :the ,omitern of jeehimeete lend- sot*/ • anttothe t.otriesteltd1•404tons look. t , •• able to that pert of 'Canada. The 9mtp , A A t rit14,,,,, It w** .rot .settleit„ and a.- - fort, 41tE 100 -11.140P -IIP -Wm% t cher tneetittle '"ecill take Plate at nrtiti. ° -We have -AC few.‘ subseribeys- scat reed field nest Satutility. , 4060114 the -world Who stein, to forget "v! . my!, noitday- 0.1 vh,uriiiity .14olt..b ,iiiii* thet It costs .Enoney *,--to Yuias, * news- a (tufo' day In .4.wor iii- urge. .0,440„tibt peper;', Look *t the ti.bel It tells the coot( *cot 'to twx Bona *0 net' 0,,,e, tale. -,,.- - . Day opott.o. Ttilt bowler* , eillved . THE 1311111 ' •. • _ - ----- -- t Alik A% AU 8 v Of, and inforniation .013000 are iltrtalttable .41' othoir A so 1 - - . ,,,,,. to tstrroi:144 it . 0 te p attnirlo. ' tag 1We21. arid. COltiels esti be Obtaited FREE at ill offiettS. Or Of Batik.- .. • ___... . .,. iy , -few glinies.*thentitelvec - Ai tOod rr.-uutadtit, i.. -444.1.1),L4 -4t. nmst ill reel* .. _ . , ,. L . . ,,,,_ . , nleny o/d tltne. 4,ig *re • oithl ironer* thg writ a*ltill'it Serok-mt Valentine' Itak.t2 their luele alOrtg ' the trot** ' obit lute teen terWertled to °tip's& for . or.. eer,"-tut the' vatehes wort milittl" • • vice by Pieter * Zell, eolteltoret, Alli.•• t 0 ' 1 ' •• . ..... . -, , ._, 4 , . , iiiiiibillirit**1141,0 lib 41 040- . t * gpod: btoOk ° to ire tett ' ,.• -, , ..,.. , 1 • Ot ee, h IV' th rie t . e as , „ e AIM n: it t to:, Ort.,. irtie. ruotitt It ., Abritism be* I tittles. ProbithiY! 14 Meet tick ,•toropenaotton , Aterlttr,'Arld the novel thilm Is .nudellot, ot 11* fisher/nen wig . 011/110Y Pitt for iservices ln „...,..., % i4 0. if', '0, , , II ' 4 '44'00 - If , • ,..,. .. • • , ,. le ., t u,i... , - . • - /13* ' lit 00411 him* tor 00 . St 400 the IS. stools° ab011i. II .th - - • • , * ' • ' rt • it • It A l" ' , \ Iii•Y , - t' * 3riOr niirt ti ' o $ bouti4 t • . 'ha -. ., . . n' IIIIC .,,. .. ., •- - . • , .._ . .= ••,', i r ' 1 t left tto tue go! . , - 4- . . r ._ _. - , , . , I ,, . . ... ., , ,.. , •, •., • „ BEAUTYTEB , 'f,... ,• . '''... ' 1 , . . 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