HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1909-08-12, Page 6 (2)e
&UJ who
• Allison %eemC1 like on
onahs Oven back fr*m
fie had believed ber lo Iizn tut
er,.and so nil his Ito
to die with 140., Lifef,r .the
ture•turd held, 110 speeiat zttrtiu,
for hint, although *ince, perforc,
Je must live out his *netted e;
eint Wooed by acooiraentiou
ess that wailinnxte, he won
tned to *fend it to tirime pil
others, even'tliough he
reap no tonsoiation therefrom.
But now all this -ow** changed
The dead was alise the lost W4I0
found, awl henceforth , the *tar of
• olio -would, gleam with no uncer-
tain light Bis Iit1eneas, Ina'
ed a blessed thiug once mreto he
•n. inhabitint dof earth,
Tie lovers took no note of time
noralieir surrounding*. To -them
it wast sufficient that they vier
each other's pre*ence-that
could look into each olAt
„know that life &nd ti
atilt their* in which, to live
4 r
\ 'were
Oa -net
bIaze 111 • .!tbise..
uodo:* it -411c no,.
and i istbe is 1. hose 'origin:ft
Ot retwrnd. Ifeb
bad naiht have inteicepted
l6ttOr$. That rAKIII 44 his wor
„lofty, thoroughly, but, like nix
morev'"Wliero is, he now El Allison in
it$6 bxei,tizaa45,0,7 to tire nd f
f'In New York" Gerald replieu,
and wondering if it would be bo.4
'Ubegin upon the story of tit)
man's arrest -its why* and witerk,
res, that afternoon,
"I suppose .,that woman and her
ugbter-wIo he Said, were WI'
itey,'i the rgtr, pursued; w
'gretful sigh.
-"res--; the sin -,ti -was :deckled in
their favor," said her lover, but
with A queer little *mile beginning
to play about his lips.
_ "And didliemarry that girl."'
Anna Brewster,: he called her. lbw
Id me be should, for "he lis.d 110
They were only brougbt -bc to stip through lus fin.
other realities about them when "lcoid he dare talk like that to
Lady Bromley came to summon Your exelairaed Gerald literati.
them to a lit le feast which had "Yes," he added, "they were mar
been prepared tied shortly after -the girl was -pro4
flounced the legitimate heir, wtten
they went immediately 'abroad. .1
inet 3,4abn 'lubber(' on the Stratte.
ndon, one tlay„.and had sp
ited conversation with him regard
big the .rascallAt betrayal of 'tot
ttust connection With, you;"
- Gera141' said Attire.),
somewhat praintivelt "r. ani ve
an ut beripiell7again; but t.
sorry tee- be ,
"That deo not trouble inc in the
est, my darling," Gerald into'
pesed- with -* gleam of mischiotia
is - eYes."
shed the-slaintiost- -
at his words an,
r mina stfil al+
her poverty, she
in honor of this bles-
sed reunion. '
Gerald inside(' upon carrying Allis
eon dowasiteirs„ Although !tr. LT.
Men smiliney-e$131red him
VAS better able to perform that se
vice, since he had long been scouts
towed to it. •
"You are like a feather, my Poor
;wasted darling," said as he lift-
ed her in his Arm*, xthrill of pain
shooting through his -heart as bo
found how ,verylight the 'Was.
. But her'spirits:hed not failed, if
her body had, for throughout the
meal she "Xxs,.,a'e,,,b_t_g-i bright merr
as iof old. in fact, the was the
only one of the petty who, did. not
*cent to be at all effe401.1 the
emory of theterrible shadow
Moll, had enveloped her . for o
any mouths. •
And why should she be affected
Ly it l To her those month* bad nieznt in
simply been a blank; . them they, it does n
-had been full of suffering, every day should I
having been marked h 'sorrow- band* o
and hopeletsness that., y woukl .two stran
be long in forgettin m- papa $o Uri
ed to pause and take a swellew
Gerald tried bravely, to respond
to her lively sallies with .equal
and hut he. was often obligct
Aof t
twater hefore--he----4:ou
voice to reply.
t . se
for tknow papa
LVC that money, and
ti t all right that it
.11 fallen int, the
ieked pan thonigli
women, wino I,
hold(' be left
1' I
Allison, that was ..4-
Xohn lItibbairrs from bigi.1 t
end . hes coveted and seliam-
or_thaftortune ever s'ince •
s't hoeame.aseociided with
sto,sr Gerald returned
en you '4:10 not -he,liev&that
storywas true -about hi* Itareg
e married to and seperated tryin
h 'pretious to his Utiztoku
ith Min* questioned Inc fait
giri eagerly. '
"I am Vire that-she_ivi/ Atevel*
hi* wife," Gerekl positively rin
1.! lat b
• When their feitst was over,
son was tarried back to her
bcr, and condemned to perfect rest
and quiet for two ..hours, duri
which Lady Bromley, 'Gerald, and
-the Lymans had * confidential
terviewt When the whole history of
the accident, its consequent -es -And,
Allison's recent discovery by Ellen
'were discussed.
During_the terpoon I
spent severitarlt)iirs toge
the pest and, their piens for
tire" uaturelly became the t
• eonversation.
Allison, during the mutual
• enge ,oxiotkientor.00141 re
o John illibbardreleffO#$\ t
her into a 'marriage with him, and
how, upon her retus*1 to submit,
he bed revealed the fad ;that she
'011S not, the child Ifr. and Atre.
Brewster', together With the proof*
in his pottesion.
, "And, Geratd„." she „40listreta
'6 bile speaking of !this?
were in 011,45 0i.tb0$96+104)
hiih 11$4011%0: 'Vitt '40.Wiali,
1444' t0 Me, even though I did no
really belong to e hitul-te0 vitt to
get troy, bank tho atina*y be
erald started slightly at this.
**That accounts for srhet-116-4*
and What.stented rather strange to
• me *t the time he asked:net) get
them," he said. "lit made sol -
tingly promise that I would never
41,10W atty tole to suspett my visit
or errand to .the hanki, tad to be
torenl not to excite the.suspkions
pft aroroins while taking the boxes
to him. One, be said, tot:101411M
841.441t it*ti$ wadi had belonged
te hit wife, ad 'which lie wanted
• to have; the other,"' he add(
"arti-t wondered What made bim
grow ao pale-9tottls nothing of any
epeeist! IiImporyinte to any one s*Ye
wife iS an
shi..htior con
or Mrs. Ilrewitter* as he att4
to *ewe.' -1Sievertheless,:the was
married Miss Miriare Thir
of, New lifaven„ Connecticut, some
lirek or 'four years previous to liia
inlitnit with Mitt Porter... ;This firlt
wife diktat ovor year after-
ward, and under- ,prectiliar eirem*
• "What * strange, strange stork
murmured Allison, with a wonder-
ing Xlg-hi "nut go 0111 go on tr;
Gerald then related that.be
knew of the history of ifirlion
,ricina_her wedded' life as 'Pm!
.ied in his aunt**.-Ifiss Winchester's
--letter although he did no
then expose -the- .fact that be -was
the child who, upon "his mother
death,left nameless
tieritai record,
solved.• .
Oh, .41erl /-,.. She .
astonishinent written., ontfier-
lOVelt'y "you; areA Brew-
it some initial speed,. and *rotation
eh will keep it from turning
ever. It eonsist of rOo or SOO
of high explosive, like
te, whielf‘tannot be*set ,ft along by COnctried011,, but is explodegg a
fuse *well concussitm will ignite;
and carry a.'steel cap at ite
end., The initial velocity,, and the
lore* of gravity scquired in the 101
of * mile thrtroliteh-the -air, will give
this * great 4 by 'the time it
reaches the deck of a Ship. It w
as* throughtheupper aeoli* to
he armored deck below, Where -the
slowly, burning fmat will at list ex-
plode it, and -its' force, e direeted
lig40141110 sharpspeinted steel cap,
will drive this through tbe armored
deck and tear away the intide o
the shi it -no reason vib
is :Would_ not beeome aa
daugeroua the sub/astir*
0 lo*ion against ibe
when' the tops are about.8
possibly attite • e high. The last appliestiOn is SO
along the sides of the rows
cultivated in immediately, its It I
very soluble and siterittrates hitt •
it left exposed to surtend moistnr-es
have never 11s4 such good success
with .potatoes planted after any, ,
o ther -trap, itos I have on a clover
u It n
'jt the u exzxnp�
*. ly
(1?4IJ ierpIex. 01 T.
• imply 341 ,weiti
l'•property,, fhr 1: but voung
114 • i
it V Of
,10 liuhhard's been :4. "Yeti but
proved it trend if that- w* ter whit
vet. his vt:i 0 n vthYlsolv " ' or
papa** will a ,-
I be rico niz t , ;,4ind' sigh. I how- .
he r. ' , • "'gave you ,liave you see hun,
"It is cons *other claimant Gerald -this , siffis,.. AIlito0„• inters
has appeared,." Gerald explained. , posed--rathetineo main het°
"Another. . tl'''' ' r itted he could. go'on,
the startled g "Paps no "Oh, yea, many times."'
relatives. Ali! pp!, there Is 0 4 t 0 1040411 i* be nicer
claimed his estate On the ifOU e gilt 11"414.44,007,4iotre7'
sin -„, Annie Yourung/ *gas
ng that4I was not his own ebildi , but , Auohing
being the nearest of kin *port learnhe -
I would. not have :thought -th4t,
Annie," 'the coneluded,' a note of
ch pai in her voice.
, „Amo nuing Imil *bray n
ber ideal w et noble wom
•alti .,1.-i
4131$4 '
Gerald gravely re-
tUrned,, 4',441 dreadiag-to reveal the koala(' little wein"5°)). are I ex -
truth to her, yet he knew that the..claiPoallera-I4-4.4„41-,40101N-liis fue.
Would' have 'to knot,' it sooner or onn-li „0,43,114 ni„,In_lewl..4),Ln,er OiroxamPloa
later. "One who 'is nearer of kin -0-001,47 and v°41,1iPLaue".
tun Jars. *tanning .has avow:, giant an have not answered my
.. - - - • question. Is he- wort10" -
• „ultimo* coiwan that. be poxsitael you .1 ho be. will prove himself to
al in---, -Gerald,'" exelai be he responded, with un-
"NO 'd r
tott 5
"Is he st, worthy ti
Jibe questioned, elies
serious oyeslifted his rage,
I:4e is, I• can shake ?suds cordial'
with him and tell him he is
ison I what * grand,' rite.
ir Von.Qubler
DI %Rate
peliusrhipis not
oar throug)i tin
ignickl$ a04,4t
an ocean-going*hip, bu
mobile. Nothing coul
wonderful than the ron
gteit, craft. Turning
CI 4411 papa 1VIC velexl tiwn ting
before w ded magatia,(4840,1 had up ,atirtseas like With
Oriel slip 100 feet long and
feet wide could carry 4. dozen
e mile high in the air over.
reams Of 500 miles, And back; Unit
is, it. Could reach every principal
apital of Eurcpe from the bor
I, mo'in' territory and set
ve 0, in; addition,„ devote
ut five tone of cargo weight
mis and -ammunition. This
clu4e ten ,L „114.,.Te%„
iuiped wit imaura von, enoigh
for * I oriel work, and • two
machine -guns of the typoi built for
the Zeppelin f,„ with 2,00 shells for
each weapon. Two' and lo411 tons
o torpedoe* could . I
0 "Y4-
ni oill- rc
.1 't
r h gbt
r shoul
any t of. t et,
clesred land eV
O' eVepit* 'but,xn
a good ver
lent* a po
withtilizer ??..-sms.11 per eon
resell his- is not a vent
sive fertilizer, and ha* law&
en: rue good. crops when u
clover .sod., buy the **ten
Atka the fertilizer' by the ,
loWing formula,: Acid phOsphott4
nd ,fish *crap 010 pounds each,
Otte of potash .400 pound*, This,
vols. *bout 14.80 a ten. u
joao pound*. to the *oro hi21:130,1:4:4.
is plowed. .This is 'worked well in.
ture, 600-hroadoest* atter .the
to the soil with a S*ding-iultivator
e r o p
rows six inches deep, three and
'Nue-half feet apart, and distri-
bute evenely the other 500 peundah
in the furrows. •
The seed keleeted at digging
su for half of the machine timr, from the roost productive hills.
gun; and their limAnnitlion# it• it Tuber* of good, medium size and
were desired to alto& fortifications • if shape shape are used. 'We cu
r--eities,--Forty-traft-of-thli-#46- be-witht-wo-geody-stroz9r
could- be Intik stott,-*M01641 --10 v and plant'-10-inehcs- apart- -1
cost of one prosidnouslit battleship.. the furrow, and cover by throw.
rig a light ridge with a one,horre,
plow from each side of the row,
bey& `discOded the use of fresh,
barnyard manure for -potatoes as
1 Invariably produces more or less,
scab with me. Well -slotted' uutuUrok.
applied to the sod the fali previ,
*us to planting is all right The,
largest yield I have ever raised was •
on st field that 104 zot had atly-
stable or bernyest susinire
,ohimren, bow ,0#414 , -there be a It curious eves,'.- fitrarige lou I And such a. fleet,. without oppoits
att.! You teem verY oVsterk011#- tion from other airships could con-
rect heir
"10 -darling, ' pray be calm," quer Western Europe. ,) The Ma-
pleeded Gerild tenderly. "I would ment it is launched, the standing
not for the world cause you a AO- armless of Europe jeeome in enach7
mutton. --
ment's pain or itnnoyitneet but I
have 11):`'littoy.,.-tr tell you that wilthe "The Weapons of *. ship of this
a great -surprise to you,“ and which, kind ligalligst, battleships"would be
. fi , .,
wero if possible, I should lyeter to ,_„. ,,,,,„ , , ,_, , large aerial- tonedoes, filled -with
withlutid from you. 'When i am PyrAct, tc,"4 'A"' aotgell papers Ir94 exploslies, . It has been pop- .--
you will understand why] it. /Li., .04 placed them illiti,..trhisincl_s. 4.01 advaimed that reitsirea ,of this.
unsptrysstbtowtrofrrk.0.;weitAirecjttow.oiarduab el iwatrortiecturtiz.:4 tit;intatitattruatmsherat. her ostleasu. secured by
podrIplize gaimany eita. object
i turned
tmwtoy yearsThekle:tphtw* osOdu roivr4,k*.:
i have hesitated, kern A beliOV,0t1 •intje"_Tn.. ____,,°,41s, 4°1°-; tue4 rfa r4l''114 voulotbe simply 41rep from year*. ,The field bed 13ean rot* ed,
mitiveteSsi to -4liSdefie at It i$ ( !a14 eireTTI'Allag t'll VII* .. 4°' "4" the airship. This. would h . ridieul- cern *AO -VAT, WIX$14 ' one Y.
down Aro* a mile of air, filled ied until June mat,. when ,the P0.7
suppose I aro the proper one to tie. Allison unfolded the one
late it lo you To begin I wil holy mast and found it to be the with conflicting cross.currents. 'Woes were Planted and the above
.ried.previous 10 1115 union ,with.the -A "I- BrWistel. t4) Ifitil"1: guti*
that likr. Ikewater had mar- tn. 0136' teOillillg - the - Tulttriage -ofwin -•
seatromatra piorns$9,nwi 40.10 formula of fertilizer' used.: All the
niercial nitvOgen that/was ii$
the mystery Lew..., with sufficient, forge to give
this, young, man some one whom
already know f •Oh, toll meg Ger-
ald.- I am just wilt with -curio.-
And yet itheltad-not a auspicionrof
the truth. „
, Gerald drew *. wallet from his
lady whom you caned mother. hen#1.,eiagerk uro. Ootlung out . what the fish, strap contaiued-
#‘011,`Iint,you * ' " ile in ,;/0„, other.' sres 'roan" tne minte Of 4..icr. en.1 ;plant potatoes on la
thou .breattles I . aid .Winchester Brewster upon, the
,. that has no sod; 1 Use in addition- -
Eliush„ dear. the above ' forroula100 pounds if
20.40, -whom *Ian,nitrate4-50doloAhe acre at plot.
oq es your father'sing time, and a wend 100 p,p,u.
Post04:‘ and that, no
:Yes, •
vie been at workfor many wee
ins- out a -ease of -frauctageirost,
6 raiteal, .andl *Lean be* prove
nd dispute' that it wait only
rough -forgery that "'Oho Bah,
i '
hard succeeded n getting' paQses,
'mon of the ItreWster fortuno
in Provingtide, we ,alsrl-establiin
tharfact, that lus"*Ccomplile is-, Ora-
ifemiiniiwa$ never, your Wer'
wife." • ' '
!Ihito no reproach can .*1.4 upon
'mammies inemOry., She was poles
t "Yes, my darling
bekidifiK tq- kiss .
Ions lip*: "Nev
thought to tro
reputation ,of neitti
iad this will *too* bl
the world. There it,
trial about the first of
"And then 1 *ball is
Intek, 1 suppose," said A1hiso
'with *bright, little laugh;
"Ott, what, • • avaricious lltt
Doty," gaily retorted her
'Are you so very imitioua ti
, corer your fortuttet"
Mere grotels. "Would', it see
very, fora to have to shoe a
itea biome with a reterler
"No.. it weak% ritit at all
red.'" iitst responded, ftushing
happy aa
ru r
lie hi her
papers Olt
(fund in SU
newlyWhkwasupii- b6 e 0, hoer , o
h her., come tO • light
•t 1•ilitiion
Adain Brewster
together, WI
certiilcate of their
wa 1001V the OlaillstUt for t
"101,11" 'es:Claimed Allison, *he
ho concluded, it equal to th
most exelting nove1.1 ever rea
"It certainly' is. It iitiem
e when , X was t4)1lowing out
threads,"T 'atid Oer
erribdring with * thrill ti
sation whi4, be had etk
t.pofl finding those names u
New Ihvcn boos o mxe
also his shook of astoni*hmi
on visitinit the "Winchest
he following.day.,
'‘Andyou and Mr. tyttletou are
to -limo charge of the, stilt for the
spintitt,...41145 ,di*eove
Orr', musingly otioker*ed A11110*
"!,eres.:" And the lelung
szzailed slightly, yet with aomet
of *feeling of uneasine**, ifor 11.
aia net, know bow to disclose
to sr the id -entity of bit, new
equer that seetraso,Gerald
is the tiro
*tier heard
o be continued.)
TINENT• t-Iffatsik;
When the Aerial Itat.
4etelitt.syk thel,laet iw
u b
iencect eve
they- are II
Theit' slue of pasture for bogs
niore generally recognized now thin.,
it ever was. Or course its value per
acre depend?' upon what kind of \
astute it is. -Clover pasture has,
bein recognized Tenger oi profit
* lo_r this, ur
But the Coming _into usA
e generahty of alfalfa in tom.
*de it a -favorite for
543Wfl*. -
K11,01 for
beeauseow rap:dly,
grain feedings
these pastures -are
iogs,orjt inakelithon.,
thin' and giiis them rapid.
Swine feeding * ;astute,'
prOhahly require 'more, food than
tte, those in yards hetose tore
is required in graxitig then in.
hong *round But they
get more out of the food given them.
while in pasture' than ,Otherwise,
because of the itiiture and
combination of thost- food and Ow
teater -Attila, of the digestive;
tigani 'brought *bout by
Tbe r n food inereates. the di-
e arity /of young;pig* *
iuta theni in fa better to
fot Iattcr fatt'ning.
Just * pasture is worth it,
bard to say, though iti-value per
to equal from 1,1$0
s of feed.
Eeed hen bone mod or crtxshM
yster sh&1l at east once *
would be bolter). I'Iasttr
froin the wall will also answe
purpose-. ,
'The than who bores auger holes
mhi * *table floors to allow the 1
immure to • toes?* from ft*
is making, liol**14 bis porkrt-
boqk. A siniple, inexpensive devico
t bis
.A eet o an*i1
..,.fi o
00 a Year, ,atiid I
did' annually for $25
incentiie Id rept
eril *and of inir
the present peviod of
nious war totes." •Suck is t1
rtion fivretttliosiaitie bebevi
he id battleship. Re gor
o ‘t, : •
new 0
X Xtilin'4; of war has
1. will be **hip **itrp"
t.uahJy,ratueti larger* than our
ent or bottl&tipo. r It wilt
amilabove '
nd will nianets,yer
be rat disestono*
Saber ,of rta,
it so4eall aosia af
wbkh the last Oerrsan
about 1,680 3*rds
*the $
isnri for
it re tko.Ers
4silititrt ri
# *
"hi &Aro
un4 the
ctiOn or
*opt en
ous . on '-'makes, it
, malty\ * tr so) far as the
moiement* of s enende* on the.
round are coneernedbray pre-
pared artihlery•eau pottibly hit it;
it will attack only when
vy,',1* notyriely. It Will work
-,ndwsird ,oft a' low level; then
into the high winds of t101 zone
utl swoop over unpro.
itip•- of infantry and
• with the, speed ,of
it 'till:
eds of
aharnt rot the
avering will pisy the
devetopnserst as
a 34 gesieral
Iden so tit
.0y0 0
s point that he- stero.
Ily importint
ted nf se trait wilt
yaitiles sn.httlir ships; ars-.
by r small sot
.m4 4_ 2.1 t44
With I
000441616iiik .10,1