HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1909-08-12, Page 2 (2)faithit
9t1d yu IflUI
dread e•tueueo. zttendsut
ilureto conform.. T
12r%," lestireataiskro attend
• oitest.deziizl *Cape . belief is
fitlA 'ttv't4t, „
in wea
ate tit w
blindly to insist on tbi
curacy of incident*
discredit in *ny tithe
The reel difficulty in
the average man,.
tn the credibility
tement$ a the fa
1r0 no
dyt submit to th.
he universe Iics in
• *our eternal
U ubscribe .to
oro, or
toric ac-
e would
I ion.
ligion for
It s, net
• not ittl4)tof the tele
logiclof their syllogisms; he is evert
wilting to take many such thin
t 7
In suchce of
torn he C*4
tertance shoul
most vitat--thin
41„t heart ev
creeu an
why their, ac -
be rego,rd61 loathe
in life. - -
man who lives
*boye the brute m religious that
-4,711e- desireir-to-realize----trume
way those soul and character ideals
that ,grow within him and shine
before hizn.. '
one often tineonstious and seldom
formulated, is to discover the agen-
cies and aids which will clarify his
*Weals, strengthen his **Solves, and
secure their realization.
lie will be satisfied with no faith
that fails hero ga, 42sos less than
this. He cannot see how the per-
functory atquieseence on his part
with the formal statements of the
creeds would aid to this end. Sup;
13030 he throws aside other colloid.
orationsand atecepts *the Mose%
cosmon,ger,y-what light will that
thmtv_oo *the, struggle in his own
*out between the dust and the di -
*Jost In what way will that help
-1.1,m to altruisiiil
This truth is that "the faiths" are
of yesterday„ while faithis always
uf to -day -00\fad to-mIttrrow* It e
I ,0
i *0 ,not a
within but, flectins and pul-.
lout".:It ,
ut ofe * "IA . rot: tbe
coationTIlO faith tha't
erfe!lt Man • is sait.e,topty, 4
SS it bee0Mes the:power that push.
es moon to yet•nobler perfeatiOnt4
utilees the fads of Qui past boom*
Lor mi_theltroPhe the futur
411 thAlort- -of the soulhi
vat only utdiceteis the so I
tlirectien. toward its promised
try.- I believe the pot r
the past shows the raoecomiflg 111-
to the fuller present, firing m
lowlier levels.
The formai ststementsviliklyme
call faiths are commonly but 'the
dead shells that. *neer contained
glowing life; they are like photo-
graphs 4 a sunset; the lOrM ia
tbere, but thel,"810W) the color,
lite*has gone -from it.
iauig in oogiorwar
opt -44,6,-1-7 -se 0-
sith prom- 'wefl seasoned tomao Mice. Toaat
lilted laud; thou tome the eartogra- crust1e lide of bread, butter,
viler% whotare nothing about the aud dzpto 'hotsalted
laud so long as they make its maps, put the elites in.pu
1103,. -d-fate -noes and lay, on-Olors ing abb.-rut a spoonful Of tomato
thoy decribe, prescribe, bound, 'mutt An esioh Itiy.er and when the
and mit-tliai-athic_Lthttr.-114110.ts„
of larger heart and hope Wave seen kaU00 over it.,.00'Ver Artd, SO4 in the
ave. living,; glowing -gtor,i4. Thus oveni,ton minutenibefore. sending t
from the visionless minds .wo get tole,
of ye-
terdats faith.
That *which hits been ,catt never
enough fbr that which is. Bolig-
ion is to creed and forms of faith
us' life works on physiology
and an .
atomy Religion is the love
t life, the faith in its fullness and
meaning; it tett find expressien
only io terms of life, in life coming
into its richneis, beauty, and use -
It is the height of folly to quarrel
over forms flekeriPti.01/4, $11141' 404:-
I s.; it is but cowardice to listen
to he croaking voices that tell us
we inust..siberibe_to_thir
must see through their myoptic eyes
ir be forever dioitined. It were bet;
tor to he doomed for loyalty to
„troth than sexed at the price of
teraproniise with our own souls,'
• r-^;:"
o your outdo
a 1 il, ,,
te I a..strong
,h0rierSori4h.bt ,,tho gi.
'-fateler to',$eli you f
irge seradith.
ngh he -food ,
salt and, onion, 'and you will
,*deliithtful relish.
n. of Soup -Take
it of. the , hard rejected Por-
sanaragus -. cover them with
pint of water or sioek. 0.tsoc..slow*
half hour, press through . a
colt, err 301 pint ot Milk and plot
of e emu mixed,. i.Thicken with, *
tablespoenful door : .teasen . with
salt and ;pepper. 'Stir: well .until
Intslitte_Tteaches tlie "boiling .,point*
'then *04 large tableepoonful butter
and. strain throu ire. add
le,' .before...
CST 0.
ssouVil.. Pau rs Third Mission-
srj lourney-Ephisus. Golden
34,. Act 17.,
-Enterr -Upon
sionary Joire., and Ltrengthene
- the - Oier 0 urehes.---Atts
*la had Winplete
seeend mitielow,y $02,1rney lie nt
up to4trusaleto to pay his reipecta
to the wother ebuteh there, an
o a* at other tituest;,
told the womdrousOry of the wrk
ofGod in btu:keno Gentiles
lnto be kingdom.' litre • he would
, remain long etteogli.to complete his
110"12, the apo5tle-to-1h% Gentiles in
lomat accord with the mother
church of
Thto,* be wenLdon to ths hoiie.
church which had ent •
Here he Woo always welcome.
her.told'Ate story of his Missionary
lit*entures *and 2the fruit* of his
ors. . Tent ever,* blessed thing
for the home ante)* to hear Wpm
ber'tniisionerier;,,and the missiOn-
arks need t. comein contact and
fellowship with churches.", Theolfia4
oBard *re wile inhaving
nhiouaries come hteno evert
ably • the last • ti
Paul was gii,hto visit Antioch. s
p Which Paul Mad
oartol for Xearly 'three
Yc&rs ,4 Mi rionary Work.
rhesus was 'not miry the c*ittl
of tbt prmilitv, but- as Co city 0
e'Rtesitr,'*4 imr '&vtitittcp1 in.2111 Asia
rfor talc! itte
m of tra4e4n tI1 FAst• It *204
I d .ne &t theArs-eis A% Min
rue* ,fcrity. mileA tti* north:
ng theoth,er. nit city *toed on
unth 'cl a pan Ishont ave
ortg :from to west)
*Ott b tylm#.1
th6 an
Cul5sseum,, heate
the largeV'
eaus there camt to pheu*. 4
istian Jew of great eloquence
25) owing onlyt the, baptism
lolin, the gospel ofrepentance
forgiveness and Christian
orals, and of -loans Who Pro-
laimed the kingdoniJot heaven at
hand, and worked\many miracles
of love,. -and -died on the eroas.
The i•tory which was toki
earlier 'Ito*P0, 18.
...But of the kitptiani of t
at rentetoot,, his,marvollons gifts
of --power And light and salvatiO
of neh experience of fulperis 0
lite,_which canto 'tin 'oir 0 1'
abundance,. for some reason
40110i had not beard. •
Theso Woo P#seins, and Ac
pounded toilim. Theit he
to Greece .
much whfr
# *it
$ 0
in hi e intli2). 4planted,
wstercd, God - gave tha is. -
crease' (1 Oorr 42 6x, '
ours Preaching and
inL-VL.tfitl.0.' A* towel* Paull,
gan Ivitli„the4ews who Were beit
10 receive the gospel, •8.
skip t•oldli. ,it required it
littlp courage. t� take the. unpopu-
1a side,hicli had so often brought
:h.irninto touble. Every preacher
must somet es. risk his 'life and
reputation andoworldly 'Ituti,Per
d preach tolcily at oy. ic 46. But
at see to it that, he risIrsAh
in the eintle Tot trtith.- Disputin
*4'i -tootling*" ittgu4ts witb
"lo&c On Arts" and Iperstuidin
thin eiery legitimate influeu
and motive, t iroluee them to re-
the.. gosp 1 of the kingdom of
e real kingdom slich all the
were ;expecting, ,aisi, which
bad elteitily begun to take on its
' . from'. •under Jesus our
K 4,114 of Testimonies to
'he Poer anti Value of the Gospel.
In addition to the hol
tend noble. spirit exhibited
ordinary daily lite, there
*Outward and visible testi.
2 4---
4 1 inth at the
'd urfley., hi* Men
td ill* went with hi o
k* PIe!1ts. 7 Wore 'ra
longer Work a
•To StretchCurtains.
who US no curtain .sitretebet if You,
will . leave the ,,pott• In one end, of
curtain and pin the other end firm.
ly to clothes line you will be sur
prised to find how nicely 'Curtains
will look.
To Purity Mr in. Sickroom. -Put
absorbent cotton in * pan and
cover the cotton with sugar, then
set the, cotton ort 'Are and the smoke
wilt hePloassnt_to the invalid,also
loaves It sweet odor in. the rom.-
ood--cooks know the vahie �f *
feu' drop of glycerine ;Wed to the
Hour in cake -making, in the propor-
tion of a teaspoonful to a round of
flour, this making the dough light
and feathery, while three tees
tuts with every pound of fruit in
jam -making rreVents the ferment*
On of the , sugar owing to ifl$Um-
cienJ boiling, and obviates all r,,
ot e latter erystaliting.
oloring Light Globes., Whet h
color :theme -i desired florin
party- or entertainment the erre
light globes eatl also be colored
using wood *lotto!, with shell
and dyes. Dissolve the dye in
cohol and 'Milt' intilf 16
thi shellac, dip each globe in, it
and hang to lirS, It is a"good irni
tation of frosted glass. If
tim on whi Ve the de
giobe again soak i alcohol
flome Mode .1Vati 1
he bottom, and ove-
Tn this bore holes all over it wiLl
*mall bits' piste-four-elestirbrie
onthe bottom of the cash, and ,0
hese, rest the perforated top, Oi
t rforatett top_ ut b
inche of chiiroal broken nto
the ize ot peas and over tin
clean alma six inches
fot*Sint,threwth this 1
und and that of charcoal undez ha t •
1 ye it*' purities brhintt "rWot. , tausieg'sis the
and uri throng the failed clear foregoi
while w� were on Our raretell
4 ming. too or throe vessel
shouldinonths the filter be renew. voyzge States
ng our 1ng curiitrei We, bad
o young elect , which we
t in * large tub on drk.
one day to ebonite' the , water,
,upset the tub,(leaving the cru -
tures for a few ruinutecon:the dry
,oards., /laving replenished i the
vesiel-wirh fresh /*stir,
4;frie of the iritildis ,to put 'the
Ai he proeeeded to 1i (
eeiveila strange thrill whieft
eauSed hint to let tho fish. tall from
kis baud in * moment. Re attemp
or woll ,i
awl water* w*U 1
from being I ttiair 'thel'u:°verant' r
whitened and cleaned by soakin
in borax water for & sho
To get cornfortablyfltting
buy teem in the afternoon, wbex
the exercise of tbe day Iiaa
the muscles. of tbe feet to thei
-largest extent.
To Remote Fat 1 rom Stock. -I:
you wish to do tbis
in for the a ' ou 141041
p u
r*g flL ruuaover
o °St
et and the bur
not throw wate
ing it On thi
id go on ite
IC se,
or „ tkti
1 ua* this j1
tt" An
ship that broUght
:shalt niay bo -crushed; it wi
Prtutt tbe four years of drifting
fruin Itehring. Straitto the other
e'Of the world, at t rate of two
mile* * day, the diet. of tanned
food, sea shrimps, gulls; walrus and
4, bear meat will naturally beeoine
onotonews. . The member*.o
pediton will crave,and need
h vegetables. Itovi can they
had an the ft.lotert wastes of the
Par North ! Mz. Bs,k1win ,plans to
raisevegtable right 011
li e Ivi'i*bto:mied-oilkiteitutteeg or (Mug
at e t the flamcs
, ha
and tender, it isgreatly imp °veil
by i treatment: - After16 .1. kill-
ed1 .
kr some fifteen iiiiutes,
to aHow be, anima v6roth to cool,
nbinerge.in a *Oa, of cold
water; bo u Putstistr4ttelhig"hr over , t. .. ry is
leave some ten or , -rtwilivei. hours,
hen .remove • *eadd•- Pick oft the
feathers, ,and t,russ. The toughest. c will good and juictaftei
this treatment. , .
A T Ye *el
" Stott
history.&inong the c otitteit of natuI
e trical eela The
belong to the. ries, tlaeir
power f elearieg shoOk
1*in interest
3 E: Warren, ad Adventures authortnuofr
Amason," bells
in his book somo th'
*musing 'stories
srect ins which be brought
A friend, at whoso 110tikei.W. were
*hit/0 411 of.the..sloc.
trio kind, which he, kept In a -tub
• water plated in. the ye
!thirsty duck in ranibling about in
search of matter* Chaneed to Ifeek tbis
sse u the side of which h
relied elf and began Vet
:contioier r to drink. In nt04.
exit he ""ved a,' shock which
msde"call theft. to stand on.
end, and * atgetfiesthiniAwite
Biit the duck
was 0 than any one
supposed,would haye for
ti f
"" Dou hit
o cupf et. hot to
with two oupfulti of tutu', ak1 one
auj4ul Milk, three eggs.betn
r*-ter.34 liqte-salt# mitine o
flaouring1 and histly t4ree
spoonfuls ,of . mated hotter.Md
flour- to melte. a *tiff 'dough into
which tablerpoonfuls of halting
powder. have teen sifted. • These
doughnuts are diff rent, absorb less
fat. and keep. more moist than the
usual kind.
ow liouglint sr
has gar, . two
tut milk,
ful o ing pow
of !lour and more to make fiff ba
ter* vrte-ItsIt teitsponfil
'outdo% to ta*te, Drop fro
the troth and pilwer of.,i into telt lard andlry like an
pirost. .mitactes .0.11, doughnut. They will bit per
ood wrought roetid, tender,/ and easy to
zraseles: "Extraordinary Itwell to Ye/' the lartt bids'
he deeds of the jewi b with th'efir/Ing "11"-- whtn'
roll in pulverized sugar.
to that
M theirstrct
11 *lot
pretended t
s s
neresAstrt. to
I was *tight-
• n
it *gain, but With no 'better sue
Infinite was theconsternation' o
tbe other' sailors. Who tried in turn
• pot 414(1dialtfilital into -the.
bi ard truly Istughable were their
kti ofseendermeitfoceit!iontd by
t1-4-steriolts sensationswhich'
they had aeveraliy experienced
, one, however„, was more *MOLzed
in the captain's mate. Beie
self whnlly uniiertuainted with
the tq'oPetlies of the fish. he w
unabh' to magino,any other resso
th sailors eouki hese for dropping
thin the difteulty of bo!cli,g
s aad *Tippers things an
tificial t,suppl
of tht six Oaths sun,a 1
oiuona and cabbages close proxi-
to the Nadi' -Po - -To farm
on ice and plant crops 111 a section.
where the thermometer may sixd.-
• at that none but a stient140
ilgticulturist would atteinpt.
Mt. Baldwin intends to use ea
tive, azublii*ible'belloone as ac-
ceitio-ries to obientilig:G ehsorrationo,
while * wireless telegraph outat
wul keep him in touch with
zation through ttn- intertnetliate
station .Alaiekit., The dirigible
b400110 motY furnish 4 Mean* of
twoe to the *exploters in case
their island , become -untenable.•
The .wireless system inform
the world what discoveries hav
been made, bow the garden is gel
ting along and vrhen--thevartY e
peeta to reach Spitsbergen, while'
keep- the be-
onetoree-by providing them
wit» the 114'4 news of civilization.
A seaohlight for hunting bears
tiring the six month' night, and 4
deep *Nit dredge tat which
will by. explosion hur APOci.
men* into a net er novel
featuiles. A st ph will
Ice picture** scanes *dents
of ter or importance.
litorY g the
Ittouching' story of ea in
fidelity.nos . A. Ifillis
tells of hisdog. ,‘ h" in " *
ite on the Eockie."Muter
dog had been out s s
excuraki'n on. ' ho bleak mountain
tope,...little above timber-
. stopped to take so e
hotegrap , ft. To.Idothis he had
to take off bi theepskifl -.mittens,
whi:Cdi bo placed. in his coat pocket,
but not securely, as it proved. Re
gooson: • . - - . .
Froin tire to ti*e, as 1 climbed
the sunImit af tho. oontipental .41.
'FY Itatt
4013 that /1000%
a the Ova of
.qus with. . who
as they . think - me cant ,
#0t -toe alleatuous unleSs71610 thlelr
and black and nasty, so they thluk
women cannot .breathe and ptosPer
rptuae many of tbe alleviations
andilil., awn iite niOikr •, , , m. g. 44,4 i ew b i et' ::itettiii ..,.0 sorsa to- c o aut ic 414 take i t to
Wheu' looking a portraitts of
the r ish 1444 * ch, Voles.- -
o t • , ,
-,,- Sts4. „
nd the' ttan
n tort so Oat .ra
their chests and so narrow and tia,
22- uneomfortable-looking
down waist. Surely no material too
rigid than wood could trusted
men of all ages and degree.
Now.turni,-from thee women af
m ievaltlaYs to *modem pictur
I and --observe the freedom.,
the individuality, the gracefuj ease
wbieh, for the. most-partr-the-wct.--
f to -day permits lierself„.ani
mated t#3t nyKlern sandlot:IL
it is not necessary to co .1.
trast her' with, e womart-of the
nzidd1 ages- She is so mueli mo .e
comfortable and ',. sensible in her
dress than was her orantlmother,
or von her mother. - -
is fact is largely the result, rf,
tbe cutlet acceptanceyof athletics,
for women. With the invasiou ,tf
the upNto.dste girl of -the tennis, ,
court, the\golf course and the lakes,
and -rivers, --the seventeen -inch dam-
sel who seemed to spenda Iarge
portion -of her time in biotin
*pelts %vanished, one may hope tot-
es-cr. .
- It is possible to iknock a croquet
ball,alsout in Stilt clothes, but for
444 game like tennis; ' that villa for
real plaaay.01.-m,4911;teonotrinitfutso et bo 4ittton
from upro-
,ta e4atrtsayillittorottliitsivi,arGisovsvoutehrteaccore t6
4 atdoot, ben wiped oat, The ,
rsets no longer interfere
muthitims' been done of late .
th -the
rz as
jo, nk:r000, istilAtinligitngtaaPPeratus„ a
.witheut them ---Youth's Comp
often better off with corsets than '''
.dragging from the hips, women, aro
human --that skirts are - Miry a
With oir ' provided
he it "
corsets - leave the
abragcn *nit 144kport and
out Iood, *ter a'
not live wit
The Inn
• ,.
e 6
h, and toid him 1 hsd loat
n, and that 1 w*nted him to
wn or it to sill° me trot*
Instead Of, starting 411
; he had itomt-mbly done before
obediine to .trty .ornmands, ho
'A still. 1- thought ho 'had lois-
etatood me, so 1 patted him,
41 wen, VointingAlowo-the slope"
said, "Go for the mitten, Scotch.
1 will wait bete for you."*
etatirted for it, but went
f (6 Itact always served rn
o. cheerZuIIy thatr could not un
derstand, and it was not until tato
the nixt afternoon that 1 realised;
that be had not; understood me, but,
that he had loyally, and at the risk
his life. tried to obey 1136.
My talon, eighteen; Miles AWATI,
43 tf•ef nearest house, .and the re-
in wits utterly waitA,
reasonable thaw for tkotelf:4 te-
urn, but he did hot tome brick.
it was late in the afternoon, and"
growing eolder.„ I decided t4) St1on
toward my abin, along* route that
I felt sure Ee would folio*, and 1
rtasotted that he would over
me, .
When at midnight he bad not
eortie,' felt something' Wes. *ton
Aept two, hours and deeicled. to
to niett him •The thettoome
r tlity
through he I
y ef fresh' airTbs lup
nu toss\ be tir
gots *re trot. /f one breathes
througb the mouth, it Meant Matt
the *it ,does not 44.6tr th* 144%
either in sufficient amount or, in
conditi6uthat it should.It
the children aro mouth breather*
their condition ahould be exami
to ascertain the retoits.
every p
disease ea
mole tire,. or
Siieden, or those .,f tbe
rf 410010;4. t
ir'1nre this ,',I4eisr to psy
is *waste of the
tors.tnrttt iitrap.httnier,
isuro which better transit
its would 3;icItt the eierj
of the wi
11 frau
tont t_Atan
31t4 44 if .*
with a bar
r reel * *I'op,
Of ,Ipotts to their estlite e
otit 'any farther idnile
t •
to let
bed him
IlY pto
ituiu for him to eat
!atarted merilly to, hi
;t'es) *M�k
vh I 5. Nadir, pit"
t 4041.