HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1909-08-05, Page 7 (2)1,
The tnkJE. hw
itillery and'the 'dt
e s have been raked wit
g Alfonso his back to
Mz4Irid from • San Scbatiazi son
\Vd'ieIay And iS5M441 a sleerve pro-
4aiming martial law and tlie
"suspension of constitutiona.1 guar-
antees throughout $Pain. oitardera
lave been Fiv'en itit3 ernors
of the provinces to erusti the revo-
lution At any cost.. 'without hesita-
ton and without pity.
An- exaet. esstinsate of the dead
and wounded in the clashes be-
tween tLo trpops and rebels in
'Catalonia is ',impossible owing to
the rigid 'censorship., The Govern-
ment, admits, however, that riot-
crs bay* been killed and wounded
"in several cities ancrtowns, in -
eluding Barcelona, Alcoy and Cala-.
.Details of the latest disturbances
at. others points are, either mea -
re or lacking altogether. There
as b:an rioting at Saragossa,
Vendrail, Rioja, Port Bou and
Lianstai,-and a general strike, was
ared-ourst---.1",M va,
At these places—there has been
itch destructionof property,- sin -
.eluding bridges and public build-
The centre of the rebellion is
Barcelona, to which place the Gov-
nt s rushing extra itrOoPe,
both infantry and naval marines.
A;slaspatch of Wednesday morning
451141 that the Barcelona revolution-
ists had been defeated as a result
,of desperate chargva by the troops,
9._ 0,
eS e
'101 In e
\ rti4 ,
lists th Al
'1,* -, ..
c .e Pm
P' 4 441'941'
,th&r iues'U1kIr 1%,)
a i, i,%, , 1,
a it , re':-auaton ?L'as,`Iieen
i. '14 ''s hat ° lite, i
. ,
a ,ssst. arnin;., p esful itikena
to ensaiii sissies enVers.tos am
or dos , t tees
•Tie.lapst 's.ess 4.12,s, froni Bane -
lo how the•eorxlition-thera to tto
ii&erca:ing!y grave. ' 1 TL! 'rioters
ves-attacked the, convent of the
Little, Sisters of the poor. This
fellowe,d the riotous disorders when
the mobs aiiissIted and then
burned several of the religious es-
tablishments, followinv, their at-
• tack by 4 fusilade on the caPtain.
General and his eseort. 1 1
New disorders are now repo!ted
flom two other interior, points,
thus far tranquil. The new points
of disorder are Alfoi and Rioja.
This shows that the zone of popu-
lar, agitation is spreadin beyond
the turbulent Cataloniati and is
affecting the Valenciians. he Min-
ister .of the Interior is he'sksred
with inquiries-' as to the various
outbreaks, but he declines to make
public the details of -the disorders.
in the Valeneian towns. .
The people continue to tear up
tho railways and noisily intervene
at the points where reserves are
ice. The chief indignation of the
people is directed' against the Gov-
ernment's policy of , rapidly ,re-
cruiting a large army to cope with
the grave , condition confronting
Spain in Morocco.
The inhabitants of Culera, a
small station of the Pert- Bou lino,
Maddened by the sight of a passing
tiain carrying recruits, destroyed
the roadbed for a, distance of sev-
tp. ficotz *4ft-wane:-
OP. 4$4,ill)
ike 3Intford.
b from Montreal 104.Za :
itlf the story of a elair-
- voyant tbat her son was Murdered
and his body sunk in Mont -
ford Mrs. Fournier sent a
vdier 911 "Wednesday to search the-
of the lake. Impressed
with her faith, whieh was, in line
with their own suspicions, two
Provincial detectives went with the
4iver in a, further effort to unravel
this new mystery of the niountains.
last November Francis Fournier,
Was working with a` centrae-
:tor in the. mountains. He went
duck -shooting one day with a, tom
anion and was never seen again.
The story- which ca,me to Montreal
$ that he was &owned by the
upsetting of the canoe. It is now
believed that murder was commit-
„ • ,
su Wen Ifas Issued an Imports
ant Order;
espatch froan' , Ottawa say
Railway Commission has finally
Vproved And sent out to very
important ordeis. , One toncerns
'the liniforsa rules for the operation
4,1 .. trains. ' ,Negotiatidos bet -ween
the tompaniss, .the t railway bro.
rimods and the board have been
pregreSs a year and a half, and
tode of regulations, makin3 up a
oodtsiged 'boolc, is. now adopted.
hey apply to all Canadian rail-
ways, and are eakulated to mini -
accidents to public and ein-
i Another subject disposed
of is the bill. of Isding. Which is
made .uni,form'in its application to
.raipkays and shippers generally.
ilpei -t
Lake Superior.
A despatel from „Ottawa says:
The Transcontinental Raitsim-Y C.ora-
mistioners report that the Winnz.
peg -to -Lake -Superior seetion of tne
road will be ready to lease to the,
'rand Trunk Pacific _early in Sep-
tember, thus enabling the company
to carry- at least a portion of this
ear's crop bandied on its main
line west of Winnipeg through to
•Fort William. It is, however,
•.doulitful if the road • from Winni-
peg to Superior Junction will be in
sha,pe this fall to ha,nd13 4a11 the
• traffic offering. With a liew road
there is bound to be a few bad
spots where it will take some time
to get the roadbed in shape to pro-
perly handle traffie, and if the fall
brings heavy sraias there will pro-
bably- be •many delays through
washouts, ete. However, an effort-
• being made to hnrry along the
'completion of the road, and ,during
the latter part of the fall IC i*.ex-
preted the wleat trains will beirun-
ning ever it..
' 114.44444.4444444444,11, .44 41.44444,41111
iltpsfered a Jewellery Stolen, But
• ,1ept Money. 7.•
1- A. %despatch from Ottaws;ays:
A conscience-stricken thief on 'Nes-.
Oy left in theilhed in the rear of
Pie house John Willianisoit of
Woodroffe; three miles from Ot-
tawa, jewellery valued. at $80,
stolen from the residence a fort -
right *go. • A gold watch and
chain; two 'gold rings, and vast° s
sother • articles were brought back
during the night by the thief, who,
however, urglebted to °show corn'
plete repentance, ,by retaining -$3,9
in eash which he also stole;
urther Use o planate m the (Ho
Bay Miners%Strike.
spakh irori Glace Bay, Vt.
An attpt was Madc,. on
neAlay tuorning.to blow up the
n f a eoal cutter residing at
; ga
inittcd en
Lcuis Guttiro,
. valid. rites Stralog is mar,
rird Atliathro's dat (dater aid ro.
skIc with his father-in-law. The
...... sivt.flaki-- titht,"0
wi ssis.Vif
rd *ot'ssnivIt , 4
!re hotise is dose to liway
A, the trtiw sb
over thtsy tftr,,
truidnight 'dtithro .heard ..footste
nhoutt the horwe and got up to leo
out of the 'window. kre, 1044 14 mazi
Atn *tit of tile yard to th
track., - At that m�•
ite the
:When tlay t calne they t,tin.
tL*tseal ex,flo'sive had been
tc-d nri'der ti o hoase ,through
utderOnati nd it
Othtr Vanatries
•tthznis.ikn 'rate
tter aspR th
tug 'rt
iCt t) giveia grant of
irk Ventensual„Ese,siss...-,..!
ontreattuteher and sea
ayerti wert$ arrested ill a rasa
W31331313.90 aoritreal.
Mr. lienjanaut Price of Battle.
Pad has been • appoi.sted to the
Senate, to fill the vacancy caused
b:( the death Of the late Senator
Anative preposals to . eons-
tnemorate elle hundred years Of
peace 'between Canada and theUnited States are to hold as,l'inlli:
tary, pageal?t and erect an inter-
national bridge.
The Mines' Cenfederation Of
-Great Britain has voted over;
wlielmirkgly in favor, of a national
strike. -- '
In a realistie war test the ter-
pedo-boat slestrssyer Terret 'cut the
boom in front, of POtooqutb har-
bor and entered tholibasin.
New. procedure rules, intended to
facilitate the passageof the, finance
bill, have been ado t,ed in the
linbert Latham made an ttempt
Ito cross the English.Channal in his
aeroplane, but plunspd into the
• sea, •two miles from Ikver. •
A suicide club is believed to ex-
ist among disheartened factory em-
ployees at Cleveland.
• Two men were killed by the ex-
plosion of a miirts,r during a fire-
works displcry near Sandusky,
Obits .
Puflian Presitlenfs
Minpted -tomm"44 sinieMe in 'New
o on Wednesday.
A Massachusetts militia Ca
made sixty-two tonsecutive built -
eyes at 500 yards at a tOurnament
aJ, 'Wakefield, Isfast.
Six. persona lost'their lives in -the
politieal riots in Mekieo on 84 -
A play to restore Castre as dies
tutor of -Venezuela has been, un-
earthed -at Caraeas.
Forty thousand workers in the
-paper and textile industries of
Sweden are on strike.
The protecting powers have evas,
smated Crete and the Greek nag
has been, run up on the fortress
at Canea.
40141441/4 . 144+1,444,14444, 4414444.
- 44444,444.4
Steamer Montroses •Rovs Tele.
. .
seeped by July:let. .
A. despatch from St. John',
'Id., $.1378: The menacing pretence
of icebergs in the path of oces!ti
steamers off Cape Race -has aorta
Leen/manifested, the Canadian ra-
citie Railway steamer Montrose,
Montreal, having. proceeded on
Tuesday after an . enforceid Inaof
four days for the purpose of effect-
ing temporary repairs, following a
collision with a, giant%ice pillar
The plighte the steanier, zwhicti
is carrying p ssenge0 and freight
horn Europe to Montreayr,as not
known here until the British war-
tiiip Urilliant arrived and reported
standing by the Montrose for four
ys oil Cape Race and helping to
repair -the damage. \Both bows of
the. Montrose are -telescoped, and
the hawser pipes entirely destroy.
ed. The-forepeak was flooded.
(table *ekes; Wititewa
Aar ,
IA.'deepateh Mu; St. Ptersburg
says: News received- here, on Wed.
ettfdity item rola*, in the (lot.
-eirtinertt of Vitebsk, the only eity
in :Russia, aside from SL. .Peters-
burg,' where the choler* boa made
tuiteh headway, ay that the eity
full of pude, owing to the Inefflei.
Lersey.of the sanitary administration
and the shortage of physipians.
Forty )(loos of 'the 4distate *tette-
ported daily, and to tope with this
situation there are ,oldse Ave.
Who 'a verwlielined with
DE 'Cps
04lie,4 Dairy
444 snal
A, 1
1 t
401#., oI1 wheat4,:.4to
on 'ssitotissfto
nt . tor ae. 0., -Torout
nd t 4 and stroi
r -track • outs
gia# Bs portrt
d No. . 4 'SPA
ntat o wheat -New o. 43.
44,utside. ,0,
Barlq Old No. 3,extra, 63e out-
Oats.. -,No. 2 Ontario white'50,4
te 57e oil track, Toro to', and 530
-initside. No. 2 Wtern Canada
oats, 52c, and No. 3.,at. 51e, BA,
Peas -Prices purely nominal.
tIluckwheat--z-Praces purely nomio?..
• Corn -No. 2 American Yellow,
7934e on track, Toronto. Canadian
yellow„ 741 to lac on track,- Toron-
Bran -$19.50 to $20 for Ontario
bran outside in bulk. Manitoba
$22 in sacks, Toronto freights;
shorts, 024, Toronto freights.
Beanss-Prime, $2.20 to $2.2
+SI t.ii
us -et--
Hay-No. 1, timothy, $13 to $14
* ton on track here, and lower
grades $9 to $10.50. '
Straw -$7 to $7.50 on ltrack.
Potatoes -United States new,
$3 per barrel; new Canadians$40
to $1.25 per bushel.
Poultry -- Chickens, yearlings,
dressed, 12 to 130 per ib; fowl, 9
to 10c; turkeys, 14 to 16e per lb.
• e d prints, 19 to 2
:tub and large rolis, 1$ to
h frirn
44 .000 1
I 1
nwlcnznt i- ‘.. tAtiril 40 0 0'4; n e . . ' 4
. , e,-
t r 1 e tllsio0a M *Ave
the 1 . witha, ‘tait,a4t.tdhee*xth;.by
'20 each. In the threatening lete
ot 8'theteM"otey was 40487344A' one
place for' deposit
7f thern. being, alongside a( large
rock, which is.. a landmark, at the
rear .of theltomars Catholic Church.
Tuesday night the threatened .Men
V* r the
set, to
i4ofiit, 14),9Was
01 T:tIPC
erat- 3i'ero puste at the defl
plateand e • paretis
re.:plavid in hiding places by re,
iolts of letters; but alto attempt
va made Iry the Blade fraud gang
claim tht bounty.
' Three hundred anal tatty arined
la bans held a meeting on 'Wed-
nesda'y afternoon and discussed the
situation.- The police force is be-
ing duubled by swearing-in ot
sFeeia s.
4-4— •
Il_gpard's Three" FIght-With _Bur.
tat* Ended In the Death et
the Fernier.
I was bunting one day, with a
shikar, for food. We -were, ,un-
snceessful in getting' a shot on the
_ art
gs . ,Cases -lots
dozen: .
Cheese .-New
•1flYs'e for twins.
c for large, a
---Bstons=-Lone Wear, 1334 to 14e
per lb., in ease Iota; mess pork,
$23 to $23.50; -short cut, $22.50 to
$26.- . -
Hams -Light to medium, 15% to
lew; dos, heavy, 14 to '144o; rolls,
12% to ,12e; shoulders, 12 to 1234c;
backs, 18 to, 18%e, andslreakfast
bacon, 104 to 17c.*
Lard -Tierces, 14%c; tubs, ',Igo;
pails, 15c.
Montreal,- Aug. 3. -Oats, No. 2
Canadian, r)Ge; No. 1 extra feed,
; No. I. feed, 551/se; No: 3 Ca-
nadian Weston!, Me. narley -
No. 2, 71% to 73340 ;,Slanitoba fecd
tarley, 00%. to 67%a. Buckwheat
to .-700. flour-Manitaa
Spring wheat patents, firsts, $9.-
30; dor, seconds, $rs'.80; Winter
wheat Pitents; $0.75; Manitoba
strong bakers'$5.00; straight
llers $0.50 td 0 CO • . •
35 to $3,20; extras, in balm
.80 to 290 Feed-Marntoba
'bran, $22; do., shorts,
$24; POxe
rain meuille, $33 to $35;'• Mixed
mouitle, to $30:, Cheese -Vin -
(t `swestern, 1.1% to, .113103., and
1114 4) 11*. Butterr-
%. to 22e An round jets, and 2214,
o- 22
%c in a; jobbing way, Eggs
-Selected stock, 23 to 21e, and No.
led; 200 per dozn. '
.Minneapolis. Aug: 3. -Wheat
July, $1.25; Sept., *1-.04%.to *1.
404; Dee.A.-
$1.2834; No. ,1 Northern, $1.27;
Northern, $1.25. No.
rthern, $1.224; to $1.23gs Fkmr
eeond patents '$5.0 to so. first
Ars,.$4,,,e5 to .0.0; .E400041 ele4r*
335 to , $3.55. Bran. -In bulk,/
Chicago, Aug. 3.--Ca,sh wheat
2' red, $1.03,I,4 to $1.08Y4,; No.
$1.03g to *11.07g; No. 2
bard, red,$I.05V2 to $1.15; No. 3. -bard
$1.41 to $132. Corsi -NO. 2, fOlf,t:
No. 2 white, 74.4. to 75e; NO.
low, 71% to 71%,,c; No, 3,1047to
..`0%e; NO. 3 yellow, 71,42/ to 7111c
4;4; 66 tO, t8,e. Oata---lio. 2 wNtet
Se; 440; No. 4 white, 41 to
49Nel No. 4 white, .42 to 45Ne;
rieken of the eity fail
tention, Manv store! Iner
and *11 well.to,ido
fiering frpm the eity.
• 1- we -
)on 4etir Ilettnnie.We
except i
viei (water hole) till the game came
to drink.
second or two later the broad
horns of a, buffalo bull showed
through the leaves and then tame
cow with af,cait. They came to
the water and drank: I did net
shoot, as I wanted one of the smal-
ler antelopes.'
All at once, like an arrow l- from
the tree above, shot the form of *
leopard on to the back of the but -
halo calf. In a flash there was a
'wild stampede. All ran but the buf-
falo east, ,the mother -of the calf.
When tliao can vas litruek it felt el-
titer -dead or lanconStioui, and the
leepard-stoodever its prey
ir -second.' Then the cow charged
nct hurled- themarauderfrom
rosUrta, se: young. A fight volumene
_The leopfini*
and in an instant was ou -944 hack
f the • cow. • With the agility of 'S.
wrestler she fell and rolled over her
aggressor, arising to her feet again
in a flash.. Before the leopard could
spring she rushed at him with a
bellow like a. fog horn, struck him
full on and tossed hinrinto thy
water. In a moment the leopard
Wits on the bank again. It sprang
at the cow's throat but missed as
the dodged aside. Again 'the lee.
pard sprang. The tow fell back,
lifted her head and caught it lull
underneath her barn peneiirating
the leopard's body. The leopard
roared with pain as it fell to the
ground, bleeding freely from its
double wound, sa)aid the cow was
covered .with .gashets from its an-
tagonises. claws. '
- The leopard sprang again on tho
back of the, cow, but shestasity
shook Itiin off. He stood for a ml
..ment and tlien tried to stagger
• urlmg hint to the ground,
"thrust her horns again' into his
helpless body., ,..1:16 offered no re-
aistance; but rolled over on his side
and died.'
The buffalo sniffcd the dead be
or a. few Minn.tes, then, satisfied
with her*work,.1
went to *r dea
calf and licked t, mooinguiti path',
tic anguish. .
admired that -c,aw teo raneh to
shobt it. My shikaree set up a cry
and I fired a shot* scare her away •
We went over and found the les
•pard's skin too badly mutilatO to
be of any yalue.'' The calf was serv-
ed that night vitith''curry and rice."
Captain Fritz , Duquesne, an
Hampton's Magazine. •
Itse,!oved Alilm by Thelr Officers:and
"•Meit. '
Lord "Charlie" Beresford 'pos.
sassed to an altogether eitraord n -
Ar e the power of wnn ii
e, ore men" -a,
very much more difficult teat than
that of vonsmanding then, obedi-
enNtison, the greatest admiral Pro-
bably that Britain ever had, eas--s
ify accomplished the latter. BO;
that he never succeeded in achiev-
ing the former is a matter of am-,
mon .knowledge. His sailors dis-
liked hirra personally as cordially as
they respected his genius as a. com-
mander. They even found fault
with his last famous signal, "Eng-
land expects every Man to 4o hiss
iduty," they tereated. -eon
the old hounder t1zik
v--goin4 to do
--Admiral Rodney, Was belov
Ike by his--offseers and his men,
EO that it was said of him that hot
had no one single enemy through -4
out the Ilea. The same rola*
-tetar;---txa the -uritirappy Ad--
to/rat Byng,
fItliide'red, -Ate instance of his
political foes on the quarter-deck
of his own Benbow was
beloved by his men, but detested
by his officers to so great a degree
that in his last engagement with -
tile -enemy they even went' to the
extreme length of refusing'to fight
under him, and sailed their ships
out of action, with the result that
two-ef-thein- weretriedby court-
martial on their return to Eng-
land, .and ordered to be shot.
And as it is in the Navy,•so also
is it in -the Army Tommy Atkins
kves "little Bobs," for instance,
.and weutd follow him anyweber7
and die for him: gkdly., Bobs
'doesn't' advertise,, .
G. T. P. Will Camisole- Work
-Within Fortnight.
• A 'despatch from Edmon
Alta., says: The tonstruction of tbo
Mountain section of the G. T. '
will begin within t he next f
night. The work will be very heavy,
raid 4.e.yintro available will h.
&wed on the job.
It's simply imposaible to love thy
neighbor as thyself If 'he is an
amateur eornet
ie toption
e re the Inapeij'al
A despatch from London
Ptoposing the to the Inapert
Defence) Conference at the Britisl
:napire Club banquet, in the Guild -
all on 'Wednesday night, Mr. Irak
dant' -sleet/weds "Thera is only one
axial that we eau lay down; ti
e British Empire, is one and in-
divisible on tisis question of de-
fence. (('heers.) 1 believe it to be
'that' maxim that the Confer.
te 4:04Y tolrentild,
''''. to 3E.14e. per ib.
rn *25to SM,If 0140114
2. 10 eifela, -iaq'
.13,!.4 to 4e
7 , pr 'Ib.4-4
srnw et
vith !*lorns
fiss. it' policy' of Britain might b.
( hear.) Ile theyglat true
isalism, was that whaela led dif.,
-1i4tins along the ,linesof
cprnerlt of their, own resureeS.
til', realiz,4 their Inwrital
rCp1rfl)jtr.'s and the peopitia: of
Canada wereprepared to lily their
a (rtbe test. In 'thoroughly
pre1:Lri18 theralSelves for 1c,e31 idr.
fe.1.1cef. t#
- -take' ,
dqing, tteir best.
C .
-41 to J al, sto_
"•wiE..1 •
0Y4L7,g't Ii;ti or
ze of last dor:6111)ns
the r,r,ANtr,