HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1909-08-05, Page 6 (2)•
A few e eye attr
I4)U4l to; be
tor tetiiner
'peemieelotito. pay ter
; it,. ler she 'was o
tious about . It
;which, sit was,. thonght
v linikwered, and, thus st
t ret.
.ewiling1y, her Iatleship
ntted end introduced
• whereupon th cxplainet
two sinttle3iefrien le re
Gerald. :Prom the moment ettO en-
• tered. the *coml. Allifien betrayed-.
, great pleasure An'll0 1/1",e'en.*O.
• "You know Gereld-eyou ere fond
• #01-.bini, they telt nee" she she eagerly
renotrissel, , after they had greeted
Area other. 44 -Won't you sit here,
eloee beside me, and tell tee evere-
;thing that has hapetened tenets I
leietelastisseitensess seible
oi emus
and thetlitielas been an utter
lank to me °Vet since jut
Lady Bromley told her what-
ulleleststo. interest
her, „Allison listening with .alinott
'breathless interest to all that con-
eerned Geraand every day After
'iliatliee'xiew friend went toMtwith
Iit • nesoretwoehoureseaset
th�ught-beets - • - - -
On h.e_tentIA• ,,s10,$ After these)
eration, Allison ecented to be duln
Lb well and was to iinpaitent to s
Gerald that Lady lieomlity was
authorized by Doctor Latimer t
summon hun. And so the follow-
ing telegram went thillhing along
the wires to Mr. Lyttleton t
"AU is well., Tell Gerald, an
send him. on inimediatele." ,
The young man was out when this
• tt
eraiU, re*
ill tiro I
eery• thing f
. 4 •
MeiZ am gOxig down to the
flali to,Joek ever swne reer
.Thett he efenteut, !oftly elos, a
lisseloor,after him. and (levied we
",„4"4" left -alone, to, 'piaster (thtrieloPorar
,,,wealmestt bY'..--feattion; ',and
lier'1"4";841: tt,' try to realize the; blesiied 'beee
and ;treat joy that ,had tom to•10,
iinexpeetediy.., . •
, Strong and prieuly though he wa
his love and eeatitude Were temper,
arily stronger time, his wi1I-powe bursting :barriers,
have their way., The wonderfu
. ewe had i taken him go" imatrate
he had • had n opportunity t
"brace" hiniself„ and the reaetion
is had hitherto maeirestedwag in
xaet to that euiyield-
ts the emptyng forth of
is long -peat eenotiouss bis'eeart,
began to rebound, and an eager de -
re to learn tee btced truth in
All itt.,idetttils took poesion of
lis.excessive agitation, but
ng himself Ail. beet: liecoal
thered up Ludy 'Broiniees lette
reesSageti, And, to4ing for th •
rlier dates, read froxesthe begin-
ning the,svonderful story •ef
zzon'n ste she had siegn.
it to ter "nether.
em b
y the time e concluded the
nisei of these missives he was
ferent man* His deiccted air had
inoseage leached the offiee.„and his: all sdisappeared, his listlese„,manner.
eMployer:ould..'scattely .w.4for wessreplecielliSe the .914,4ities .vigor
.return. . The poor -10110*, .1*1 heo,:lend.„etergic.hii. eye grown :tai
brave -that 9. Iio had tried'. bright:, .and',hepeNesiS uponev
t ' .
0 pi
011, n Pee
1 111111,
tie prides, to her friend.
." elen, his i *My Geeald,
, tideit old -tchool felen
a* my ten ante at the time
.the romantic his-
whieb. ,you already know,"
remarked, by way of introdue-
Itieh dues
ind by the folluw.
J,er that
ou kles o
Nu itht the miiieritY of the
tiene 'of red.enteeitee jn
744 7unioata1 rtpru-
ductiun or
of etifOreed, inigni*tiirn
whg to k esf feed. In lingland
rJQM1 rrg, , I
sleek stties•r.dentt
peas, itittr.
s en
'Inc ester
.. Bryant,
edation t
All the
stmi/e, wissbeve *11
'other -sry dearly
*111 Itot going to keep
heart is sa ing
• ale* . ;
„ s , A 'Pave' .taken pia
*ran*, AziI,1 at in rvais ,of
bout»thirty. and in Chile at
atervele of from fifteeri to twenty-
. Yi$atre# These plague* in the
v11614E40 lands follow the ripeele
Orel decay elf the ..tlominent spot
cf bamboo in ea tt oeuntre. The
ripening of the *e4 furnisbe* for
two or morti ye; e s a favorite food
r rats in the foreats, where the
Imultiply - --gresit13'1 wile
Foori fails they; are forced t
fl-„ he
loveal tepee. In 1878 Almost the eetire
notwithe crops of corn, rice and mandioea,
,Bu in the. State of Parana Were de -
•�u: n tt0Yed b rets; causing a serious
IttitiV44011, of bleek rate in th
ou are rivileged to go
tide Islands occurred „about
e - erVitt-41 tu
minutes later he was o vear they hed.intreased so alarms
with • Lady liromiess ” o
they that none of the islands was
"•side,"04 t_ at_ free from them. The rodents de -
Th ,...‘gTitieulan and nts 'slate voure41 evti,$„thing mitch tame in
• sled districts for eulities
1Y wife' him with he°rtY their way—fruit, plants, and erVtA
ear his trouble patiently and'
mplainingle,. but it had WOttl
Poo hiinE.'3,41Y# e124 the look o1
„ stoical enduraupe which his fee°
•had seemed to take on, like a. mask
was painfully • pathetic- to the kind -
At times, when they wercc�fl-
Eulting about the approachiog trial.,
which both felt confident would re-
sult in Gerald's favor, the expree.
*ion of bitter anguish which would
eel) over his • features -k told Mr.
Lyttleten Mere pIam1y than words
could have -done that the fortune
wbidt. was then almost within les
every me of his beamitig feces even s
though sit wiiesseet pale tad. thin.
from. the wearing griefof the,- last
six monthe.
He refoldee 'the letttrs and re
stored them to their peoper sexivee
lopes, tied them tegethers and laid niu
them upon Mr. Lyttleton's
Then he arranged the papers orehis "a
own desk, putting his. work •in an 1,
°Wetly manner, but laying 'on&je
side such papers as he knew his ems '1
oyer would need during his abe
• tit
• disappointed irt t
:hed of the fair girl, 'whom_they
learned to love' most fondly.,
in; with his host And
proinTra,Y, ,*rfeted • with
ioral o • g, wept up.stairs"to
ounee -the es arriVal..
fine ez'hmere robe handsomely
IIHBd with softrilully swansdown
lining upon an elegant
o pale -blue sa
ovely to be'
opened thedoor and entered
11 uibaket
joy her cagei
of .forge
ot, and eagerly extended .tie
*nal for it.
ou perceive that I 4732101,0 her
Id o tiding, dear," 13414the
adyhip. • •
erald has come 1".‘41, 'ism', mut-
* w#1rtremulous e# a 1440
Of OadittaSS breaking from her
h this basket is ainiost th
unterparesof. one that he
nie on * eertain eventful day
long ago. no* lovely of
to remember And XVIlind 00'
Itromley, let
m bug it toeme,
send hint up
--etiethats-fer _41w -evert_ th
was passed requiring every man
ir he islands to set twelve traps*
itt-$pite of all effort* the animals
neres., until 00 blear disap-
peared with a • suddenness which
coiled have resulted only from a pes-
tilence. • .
fittkTE. OVNED
eiteits And Su
1 feim
r baeperr
are rtaving
at it owne'siShi7.°
*.peration by he State, as far as
hasit been Attempted!, not .only
Thrrope but elsewhere, .seents to
failed, • aud time itud trial
in re and 'more demonstrate its irt"
tWitablik AO inherent ineteeiency.
veryWhetes State operation is
criticized, and every year proves
Increasingly unsatisfactory; to
everybody, -except -the politicians
and the funetionariet.
giant the. financial situation bite
grown to bed that the railway ads
ministration, is now Contemplating
E.40e—lov he be longer felt that he of.' it. like this t what is practicaleit,,,impestible—*
was ':'too busy' to make'"the little *tit y'eu for substantial increase both ln freight
rasp would Orel. him, no real zatis- ley had suggested- • just •as quickly 03° you tan." liankruptey for the setteme.
%Ult. to Boston" which ,Lady.Brom- I ,plitase go and pessenger /*tee. , It is that or
action, that , it would bring him When Mr* Lettleton returned, Ins Three minutes later the, door° -6sivitzeria04 Government ex.
. _ %.
only pain and regret, since he had „own face *hone with pliailure on hes opened, •iigain, when, with 4 ery of Vi0Itata00- regularIY worms. an *
• ------Itielseoveted- wealt ftion stretched Auld deficit. 'Mallet** than 3-000
lover ;who 'mild of lines the ridges -foe -Am
lost the bride. for. whom alone he bowie ,
At length his steps sounded on gearce); 'less It *bowed * deficit Of about .*026,006,
the stair* without, and tent 4 neve- 1 hereof. and ini tieee, of *bout $1400,000,
without taking *county of the -inter-
sousehrill through the 'west. of the
est On the Waded debt amowiting
lawyer. The .message he had res
seetv,eil from his sister was crumpled to teeee,600,000. : Government oper
i„) his hand, his breathing waS ra- aition m :that tompact little calm-
pid, and -his temples. beat almost
, . trY$„1071th only about 4,000,000 of in.
„ andibly—at least to hiretele , abitente ancl,.an. area only about
wiee that of ties State of :Massa -
"Gerald," 'he said, - sifter this
husettse leao given ioseh xihfaeors
young man had remoyed Ms :het
able( results that the public site
awl coat * el was in the *et of tits
mei e iti-hfri
lied Ion e stranger there.
$$ u nderful st
the change in hut Young inexpressible loy, Al
Iforth her hand* to
• "IViel" with stance, at Gerald'ii„ eve. the mgaent 7straa`,
trilielooking desk. "You not White than the fair
appear to feel youreelf eo. preiseel, "Gerald1"._
for fixate as you were a couple of "Allison
hour.* ago," ho observed, wit ' next moment she. was sobbing
-quiet ellruckle. n his arms, which:encircled her in
"No. Of course, I ,can find. tim -embrace Asti* ihdietatt
to go tei Boston under existing ci that..,from that moment he,clai
cumetentea., wmild go to flute er As all hie *We.'
of the earth *upon such & naisinon, „ , .
rto eoritieued.).
iseturried ril, 'with lunreo
tin owu---t is esk,-"howswou esoutsiessinsee
,eott iike te take a run ,qn, to, Boston)o be a leading- issue i
for a dot or two 1," " ' i electoral campaign.
, . "To Boston 1" repea,ted" the young n Japan State . ownerithiP h**
man ' astonished. ' .1Ve ve no, • so eliteistroue to the finances
. ,
ess tc.0.10/11 eith4ftr‘,0g
E wer, s
No„ but my tister ‘think$,ehei
would, like a little. visit- from you,'
-replied Mr. Lyttleein, beating
lestly About thebush, and. not
,kuowtrig hose to getdown to hie
elute* •
, le eery iood,?' said Geral
amilink; 44butreally, I think we A
too 'boo just now to spare time for
pleetiiit pe." , ,
• "I'think you might be sparcd for
'& cOutite of days. Ger.
*We -with * desperate. effort --"410
Vet think you tetn britee youvielf
for someestiews 1" -
skie' eel efartled fello
like mays intereat:
• eoping t4 his
t, he staed
wildlr at his vote n. Ner*--
1ie mitt *bet 1ir fete ir$
have leaArilt how she
04.411 How
• v
'It &its, ihite ,
ie "But X eatitot Uflr
o ,her death could hive
IA the Itostoif patteeie
it vats clai1ed.t.th4t 0• 6
stet wavidentified and re
04 fromthe morgue by her Wend
•"Yes, that has stymy* been
mystery," said Geoid; "but posi-
eibly ft wifl ll be ealsined
It was it, very elose shave,•thou$0* titigra g•
;the:poor girl* and *hall be teeiseountiet
teful to this Mr. Leman as long
live." -
"Ile 'Us certainly voted him -
to be *.chrestian gentlemen,"
Mr Lyttfeton, tadroitted; then td -
(td, as he looked at Iselesietteto
ow, what Are your planet Will
take the 36,, otelock boat, or
e'.ecening 'expreist1 think y9.
eht as welt make traelis for honie
• *our gritsasid be off,"
hink 1 will take the bo
takes p1
, •
t. 1
tcro *wend
ion rte340.
0, and their
ithly sueden, A
plienfiletion info
at a* 'hvosts •r
tome by.niiibelight# be heard * gen.
rivaling in the field near by
vest *tiny of rats creesed
he road in front of him, all 'gob*
in one direetion. Thmas ,istretele:
,ed- *awe. as' far a 61,114 be sten
er • .
• it es. -t
nt$ nit*,
ts • .. •
o id eitslLlinois
'rio to thin,
1 flulnbcrs, were
ese to the
the writer
mg to his
all hue a hotter night't rest it. the *Aim bight,, These40.41.043$
Iltantio a sleeper, • and will relleh remained on the farm' and in
Boston in•good Isestel, and heableivillagee of the turrennaing counr
get tint of Brookline some time and dering the venter and eurnm
during the forenoon," Gouldrte,' 1001 were* verittible plegue,
ponded reflectively. , eel, neeepsper Etatee sthat b
"All right. Go *heist, end joyMars+ Wand April Et, liest,
You can ha kreemiii
- of
t it
hard with
• t
' les,
a •
'„1'afl�3 for t1'
tonntry that the a7overtn1en
w 1&xkitgt to, 0.
fodign capitalists' to help it otit.
statement is made that, GOY.
• oweerahip "there has im-
the national -finances, pre.,
ed railway • improvements and
ebcked efficiency of the te.ttice.
tale', the results,)•of the State.
perstion, are thus •far notoriously
bad., The, operation results; ,of
tourse,,Lia; --464
a'lthoughthe triM,o'4vOrtstantly,in
teases' thirr,e/eipts eonstientlyedi-
reinish;', 'Deems it recent imonthis
petition,out of 4,000 Passenger
trains 496 were an hone or more
and there iif constant and bits
0 -plaii4 both
and assengers as , the, 'tinsmith-
ory chart/icier of the serviets.
Frenee Oki" itioist **tiltrotor',
cbprraton is -tiutt of the State, and
fly -thing* go from bad to
*pit* of the strenuous, ef-
fonts of Imperial Government,
with an exceptionally ec,Inirietieut
omplished generoil stitif of
railway eltleiels to get
und he inereitsingedielculties
to eke * good itppearstee.
f the v
e . th ui'wtiltiv
ngtu_ttea,•rut aiosni,,,,,,,,,
xpnesion that, while xipolvingz.
ertain ction * terms
11.04 • 11 tet
tune 44f
c, untry voteastiJ
, i their bLd * , sent
t likes froni 1ttic
ts .:„0 'Tp'.1'tffilli nti.' .'
bU li41,1.'4117' ill:'°D
t aping.
1 1 : t3Priglti0e
Tbey live '
(, 414$
.. I
t tie 'h'athscni
o • 'Aecorlingto.), 4*1,
arethey dingle 4 di
cultelt, fleeing a s
sign' of at 'lame" white- man.)
The nitre idea of iiidivdualt of out
race and color tinking to tide Jow
el is revolting. Yet the Aestreee
lien white blaekfellow has hilisteun-
terpart in other quartets of the
globe, .notably in the Guiana ' hin-
terland; where• whole colonies of
•ss ite **wages are knwn 44 bo in -
ripened amongst the buSh negr000
than whom' no more degraded ,rae.
'Ste anywhere onsearth. Like
he wild whites of the Never Never
sLand, too, these unhappy people
centled from runsmay eonvids, '
1 '.*th:ivPtr,03(4,ettis:110:0, la hictiru
ra„ is tertax
,!tn 1'n 441 4 vireen4, zi a ek'i 13*
e . 0,110.°,04tbfair3Mugwei‘illiTiost • Iiii 1 •
3. It is mode as feilewes Takie •
winat 110 nitty , eteedkagrra:popilte sroistaii::r ahiztathtte.,
hree long guy ropes or wire to thei
Up, also. the pully And rope that:
la to he wits/ for haling' the ha A
to the other end of he tope. The
Attaeh one end of lie rope to si,1
tree or firm post. *tell the horse,'
,pole, it - now reedy for hoisting.
Care mist be taken to have thei
holo dug iir.iniCh * way as to koep,
the pole from going sidevreye when
-hoistintt, s In starting the stack Ow- - -
bottom should he four feet from thik '
bottom of the pole. The top of the;,,
pole should les slanting ' sulestayei
toward* the centre of the titimtlit, as,
A does not work as well IA tient-
if two ways. \Then, uploading
the load should be outside the, rope*
ShouId the- heavy forkfuls of •hay
disturb the settle of the Auk stand.
* bowls against the side of the
etilAntsther plan that is used with
uccess, especiallY when round'
statics are made, is the following:
' three long telegraph pole
$ e • Vereit. —fIlre73-iip—iii-Iiite
y that they. will give•a few in:
Iles. Next make a thoewightleet,
41116 of 4a6 scantling ;,,, attach one,
to the, }tett** of. each._ .poje, This,
Will admit of a horse eener„hiteliest--.
to each When moving to 4 nOW 10,0:1
CatlitY• ' When, elear of the ...eta ktt
17 -Weed advise-- itt *elan' g to
them from tailing'. Tw*Pupeee
400 reasonable distance Apart to
a single rope with horse fork
het! are an that .- are neiesesar
reottly -rverietiess.e.
Then, again, •there are
lateil communities of white
dians, • iso veiled, which reoent re.
seareb hes revealed 1ivin at vani-
points near the head -waters of
tlze ,Amizzon.- Ethnologists have
been completely puzzled as to their
oantiag.in.b 4r-aTtehse.y fises,s eass,_
ion featutee, and . the dialect
ni�re .11.1rt'lltek's;'est7rn•achit,''bi:-Iitprt'auvfshd.4111wo
Tbis has led to the theory being
broached that they, are the descend.,
Ants of some Of tl* followers of
Orcllana,, the ,discoverer of the .
Amaron, some .hundreds of 'whom
are -known to have deserted their
eader wandered aside ino the
pathless forests during tliq first
aga,'at his -4111u°u$ "4 e ' e-
atable journey.
• Was N� Ifike Wit 13 She R
caved •50 Ceats a Note
Adelina, Patti never suffered from
the finaneial timidity of a Icon
c teS* scit11,, :en. only
oil; :Cavosvl °Irtll fe4a apn wite s ear ehrmoe
Iter in obtaining from a manager
the greatest possible tam he could
by any possibility ,contrive to pay*"
The musical miracle was the spoil -
darling of her da, Imes the
llookeaan, And she never failed to
obtain exactly what he wanted.
• She was first engaged in Lortdop
io left by -Mapleton to, sing folk
..n..tghts "on approval" and in ease
'of *access to obtain 140 a week.
This contract Wile not fdled, how.
ever, for being hard pressed Aosta-
eia11she ima wrrovroa 050 from
rival manager ends' her receipt
proved practically a contract. This
was the beginning at a career, 09
dazzling thet its successive steps
ere simply * series of iecreesing
bank oriVsz.he obtainetuirt London
200 int** * night, ‘since she itt-
tiistcd on having more than ehri$*-
1no 200. litiblstr st;nitIrtiTricel!lia!Vrtee:ke.iliTeling
Ate later she got -$5,000 arnight
America proeided ?that the ,
Her (*moue ontroict to *1
should be tieiti • her at 2 Vele
tho' day elle eerie, also et drawing
rooni and sletping,.,i4r'was to 1e
espeeially1 built for lite we
rervetory, fernery,' eteEitrt
there was to be deposited to her
eredit 00,000 for payment of the
hot fen Peiefernianftste-PaittPes v.-
orite device. She -thus eeeeived
&bout tweety time* , what, anio
and Her tilwiteigvitotto. • 1
4;14 in..64` too
cost $60,000 and contained a silver
hath, and goldkeya. to_ the (loam.
*ay nothing of' & $2,000 piano.
Patti only gave to the manager her
vote and her oostumes. , Her draw-
rg equity justified this,. "Lucia,"
s an iexaMple, Ilse* tong to *nil
age of $14,000. "Ttaviiittedtest,
ore, Since she ming mot*Ott.
it WO a frequent occurrence *Ifloflg
the poorer It111160 1,01VOIrt to buy
club ticket and 4taelt • **Ice turnsat
heating her for twenty minutett; if
one -of them ,overstityed his time he
pitid for the entire tieket.
Some mathematicians oomput
by divkIin number of notes sung
by sum paid, that in "Setnir
Aide" Patti received 42% eentit for
sett note; thiewlis found to htiju
7 We cents * note more than Bets
sini got for writing the whole opera.
ion &ge
John ,
itt a. $
*11.out in ma
ery f*iorabk circii
fatber _tx
nide de Lori
C�ANG D Glelt.
It is fundamentally tont
# astesral‘ o eon.
deavoning to get them to eat and
digest the greatest *mount of feeds'
says the Breeder's Gazette.
It is not cruet to saylluit it is Al
ntistake to force an animal to AC,
*rate 41), appetite for certain foodse
Most animals are notionate in their
tastes, lust as Are people, and they
are apt to *raft at new: foals. Dist -
you ever notice that farmer at *.
tette', where a wide range of prov-
ender is offered, including advanc-
ed season delicacies which they can-
not get at home, generally stick
right elose to ham and egtot Ap-
petite ismuch of a. habit. Ileums,
it, is sound practice to change' feed
gradually. In preparing feeds for
osnimalt,, however, it is certainly
desirable to consult their appetites.'
Much difference ef opinion hi*
been expressed over the time to
out timothy for hay. Dean Waters.
of the Missouri Agricultural Col"-
lege, ettboxits the retultis .of some
very clever work on that vela s,nd
clinches it with mine *emerineing
evidence reeorded unconstioliely by
this seihnals themselves., Cattle do
not care for woody, well -ripened
ther7Z411-get h
tut at an. earlier etas: ti-
teita vete creditable .1;41 o study
4)f Sr disputed point.
, .
Clean the house
Remove the males from breed.iet,
pens. • 4
Separate the- growing eoekerels
from the pullet*. • • ..
era the cockerels a little he'ava.
ler then the pullet*.
Zow is * good time to, get,riel of
he Surplus -old eteck.,
Iteteseult out all reieleitirab
took so at to glee more iiroom
Se to be held over during the
winter. Keep
the dninking water itt ete
oo1est place poisible. Sun wili
ttl(0.1:thaarrect thLithhoftiu'vr$1:30.11$ p17operly
til'ated at night. To eompelii •
fowls to roost itt * close, 'tithe pfaeor,
is a, good way tolioe unhealthr.
Cooling, non-fattening foods
nty of *better. well.vt
uses, and cleanly within, hId
he the order et poultry keeping fiir
next ninety slays.
It is best not eit lite trap nets
tiring the etttiltOtt unless. t
b. booked ilifteretgstroY liatiltueofuus