HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1909-08-05, Page 5 (2)t ajL ten. Auguet go the nin sewrt.t4 To minute.* or the la �t Were. riee4And adopte4,. • by wOotb. .0044.4 by that .t,-ai .No. 137, *two -44-4T Jet*t week.) • „flxi /flicks or TOronto ts visit. s Omuta, Kr, and gra. Richard Ethelbert Doti and wire ot teareileittlearatethe- persenckite. tcfly /mettles:wee tend in ti s Meth- thurce/ on, Sunder laste[es*Ost -of II -wheat areenels here -bas-been-cnt he crop is a ood One. - JUV7 13X* fo .tLe)r /VCift, bolas' staseed being rtatt tna thitti time, and. /111$4 y ,theWee* rir,, and tha , or beln$' allAekled • by .Aiii to110*"1 thiov, ve• o, Y'AAO0 ;Pi*, 404::" t1I on.toads 041, I10110 /Int Obet wit ono on 'A or _.1-ttkte:and lo iiro.venf'-‘-.1)6aoeiting thereon -• . • - PreVentle/se Viet; prunkteneeelie ete FOr. Iteetralning tend .1e,inishinit • Irate uts and Medleants. • or I./eve/Ili/4 lint, rinIery: Or Re, roY jg oTme$, or Shrub* planted Or #rved for Shade • or Ornament. .'Ver Reracinfk Private • Property .by Printed or other ne.leete, Or Indlit dowand 'defacing align board*, and oth. er prhited or. wrIttett polices lewtully Affixed, ' For Soppreaainir Gambils4 For the Preventiag the Postini or in., deCeut placards, Play Bills. Posters.; Writing or Pictures. For Regulating the time weach Stuinfie *004. Logs*. Trees, Brush. Straw, :Shaving*. or Itefuee may be set on fire, or Burned in open alr. For Dispenetnerewitb thiiteli*Yiagee-Of, Dog Tax collected, as proAtted by R. S. 0, Chap ZTI,--Seetlon-' fit -T and 17 .to 21 .incluelve, and provided that ill" dog taxes collected shill be the proPertY er• the Municipality. . For renposing_a_2ax___Ain=41/4-itneu pessessbre, or harbourers: of dogs. - To ,Prevent Obstruction to Drains and Watereoureesu To Prevent Charivariell, 111 I ,yrkw. prevent Joe.eejet ub11 ritsposure of the Peraon, or Indecent ExhibitIons, With the passing of the tollowtni,ore der a the Count* tietiouroed= to m‘et In theAereirn Crediton, on Wednesday, geptern,ber 1st; at 1 ,o'clock p. rn., The following order/Ai were Paid ,- W. Farncomb, Carrot's Award, 112341;: lleserer & Clark, painting_Town $20.86: Jos.- Lawsori, gravel den't,3. 3 and R., $85,92$ Jacob Swett r, Corn. 8. and 4, C. It. $5.75; Edeverd Sr.„' rep. bridges, .5.50 ; Wlfltaxn Whtte, gravel ton. tirst S. a., 24.,2$;S ,Davey, corn. first S. R., 1#1.2k; Flanigan. corn. *first S. It.. $1.60 Kratt, gravel contract*, C. le B. • 11. et/Lan ; B. Hodgins, tom:, C. . R., Matellen; gravel, 4)33,84 T.:4(coraon, cement and bags, *20; 3. Law. ioneepart-pityirtentartemporary brl e. $75:1 Leweonpart payment Or ton /Abutment*, *80000 Win anders, rep euteert and !Umber, *3. Byron Mks, tile, 1490; Sam. Smith, repelling hrtdire 4,50; Geo'. Hepburn, repairing bridge, r. Siraiiilder. APProachet to temper- ary bridge. 7,43; Joint Brize+ein retiairtnit drain are ; George Irartie, repbridge an gravel 4,40; Riker at al, rep. bridge ; Wm. Whitton, deporting expenses Stiat David Ilaigelott,\ re *turner award, VS; )1ra. Virg, sundries, 94e. Resolved that Anderson and WOurth with Cterk be as, cont. to revise. Towne ,s1b1P By-laws and 'present report to the Council. are ye a pleasure • to their (rimers TI We bare.o2d Ariteening*gret piatum-And *Nay* ruaonable prices. Our Numerous Satisbd tbo-strougest guarantee Of the truth ot the aboe aseirlion. IP, 1041 Appei. and mon, Roy, are visiting relatives In New tramburg.-Mr. and Mrs - c. Fritz left :kir 'Detroit to visit trienda. Bev., 8. M. Hauch and tam110' of- Strati ,tOrti are *Pending their • tolidays with Mr and' Km eldlip Ilauctirs. (Rev.) A',„ Gisleter and lifidlyleterned trom a live week** visit With relatives at Ber- lin„ --Mr. Alien Ester has purchased 490 Acres -_eer land 4n Alberta,- brotber Dr. -John Ester has atioiree twa sections In the same " Provitleeemorwo rinks or boWleirs took- trip to Deere \tool lest Wednesday. One:rink won by, 24, while the Other toat by score ,te., . Do 04 be too qui* to belfeve ,eone whoctell‘x4t Illttaront from • above for the purpose of selling /014 cbsp and, in 'kowtow* trash:1,400d* at ht ,1y1caI applie2tieee,40 tbtniebtbs4ie.a. 'potties et the sic Thoth PO see way to emir sse that 1. biteetkitatheiel reesedato WAN ot the the Ewtseh&sn mole WI.. this latteeeeityeeleve a 'toned et, Isl. Deaf. .a.slstk.rssitlt.itaitlittibiltiOtt be italAt41101400041* 1,. d..1royed*KOMI tatei *WO ed b7 (*Oft, lirbidtIu 10441g IR UNPIN titcnnd Pt; k C�.To10de, 0.- - . iui , oalitipetios. k . • tittelicslinth.14:9414re ,Ittozinvia+4.747. WLe: Ow.' have a iteriAtrL on 7o 4 latt "meta it out . and ele*peei'lit: ar. thez, the akin earee *twit. YOU. /Alex . k.:44.40.4riW Ir4or, /it4Tiiraelly,..1orilt,L The. best :-.141.41 4opeeliliste to4,47 r+Pre etieed.inet. lite ante. Wey •tet 'care *Mt' "ni* *n4ititntleiiskitreelleeah(le It thrown the •akin..tor, a 43144i:ea alio* that neare ,IY elle *ern.enfierers . are ie, perfect • healthy , in All OttAir ;waYee exeept Aa'r esir akin.- Ir Alio eizenra',',pattents l!,,,,;.. sotte4nit „Irina "an "IntettAl: .19,* Yr, rated 'eti*Iiitereal; reneeelyt th� entire bodr Atutt nett ttie.skin' 044r..*O414 .4 . taw.' Pronv4: tekkmi;diateli •thf, reUet : trne altin'•tluv 1,7 .dsint ••011 OPet n tergreen..ae.,,coinpOuinled In,. PetN, , rItilloi,,, Tnis lio414:. kill* • the iternia,. WW1 lerne*:.atO Me tiPaily i hiwa 'of the skin: s• ,, --.. . : • For .tree - mete' bottle write to The D.D.D. rer, ratorY, *Department . E. A.): 23 ' Ionian. street. Toronto, t • Per sale by all druggists. 4' The charge ot atealint stone from lot 12, eon. 20, McGillivray, was laid again et. George Grieves end 'will be heard this (week at Ansa cm*. It is alleged thet letr. ,Prieves sold the *tone to a map 'panted Nichols foraise in a culvert, Mae Plossie Sweet of EX4ter aid XE, ar,e44.r.L4Wiler-anti-fainillt-tet :wet* 0004 et 44r. -and Kra, =, Prat* 01‘14 onSundayee-Mrse Win. Pyre and daughter, Mary An, of Lohdon are Ideating at air. Frei* Daviete-Sei and Mr*. W, 3,Smith floated in hreGlilive er-Sundaye. elltireele-1101910-4in ha, Quinton are holidaying at the. Isate= WiniVzn Derham, who has been very tele is, we -are ,pleased to note, re- covering._ • , IIENSALI; - - Miss Reynolds or •Toronto is visitant at 'bete' homeee-hliss Vera ifordoek has returned tram a visit with *-Norwich triendeaeCievee'loynt hie returned tram spending holidays T in Wintheine-Mies Flo Cuelmore. of Detroit 1. a guest at the hem° of her parentgiaeafiss Millie Beek left on Monday to visit filen*" in 011' Springs and Detroit -Miss Robson ot Allse Crater le, the guest ot her slate er, Mrs.*11 Arnold.-Xt. !Cruiltaliank of the Mel/Iona Batik start is ,holidaying- at - his hoMe In Wilitheirteeenin PE4111101 Inc taken a poeitlen as esmvessing agent for a Toronto book firm. -We are pieae. ed to see Wilbert ,Bengough out again and able to ..1.valk around. -.airs. Newell 1111114241111 quit* 111.-Krs. W. Buds/len attended the funeral of 'her mother near .Tiru5selet,4irs. 3m.. Elllott ot Vacou- ver 13.10., hal been vlaittng her sister Mrs. Te lieelandoreeKiss V. Wog or. Itinnerdine who haa been *lilting ,her brother. Arthur, returned: kerne. On. Sot- untaio.,-*Erar D. L. tilek Or -St. 'Lmitai and /deter,. -Kra« 'Forester or Le*Ing- tonhave been \visiting MO. it. Patter. son,- lvtril. Snirrar and (laughter Kiss Agee were called to Detroit owing' to the SUM* Ot Wm.' Shirr/tee who has very lower4ohn Buchanan bow been It*• . pointed secretary to the esperbnentall. 1st at. the Guelph ArricUlturel College. esFeldie Korda011, who tett Ilensall a Year age is =hem* en.... a iiisit..--ThOS Hodson has purchased .rrOni S. Rennie the rapidence at Praeill Occupied by W. D. Itobirticine0440.,Uktirie was .4144 very serlogelyill wet wow. The friends of 3. :Wren ,ot Itevti,tin Algoma,: Will be 'pleased -t0learn thet he luta1,0011'4POirited deputy vostniaster theree-Iiirs./os.„ Ellis has rat/tined from Goderleh Vier* she Attended the fun - /mal of her xilothere-W. 8. 1404It1ns has put a new atdowalk along the front And side. at Rio hotel. -Mr. Static, of Sea-. forth, While rldinse Into the town wal• e .thrown from kw bike and sarlOttali br. Theeepsion tired bfln up. - W, )loore 1. 4jUggiog thecolter ter<a .new briek restdeitte on Richmond -St, admiter to the one he erected for Mr* -:-*.Obsterver° changed hand* this•,-1140eltir--thareir-70easing-fitt handa Or T, Neelandir Sehmouse and Campbell retiring after havington It f pen, months. •• • , „ Itobert COlby bite been taken to • *the county jell charged) vritit 'being, insane vine natigeroust,toibs at large, ' Ile Vali ikrle*Led .1re cirlhatable Patton On •ingor- m%tion *worn out• before Magistrate CreOwil by =Lon Lipkin*. Iris thatthe priaotteri• Wee threaten!' g to btarn., Wilding* beloinring to test ttr ie the vklnity. . • '- TO )(r and Mi.. rod Armitage' daughter wap born; and to and 3.441. itobek% VIZOrt & 1on.-?1+4470,-;Dentiit Ite*Ington had • istrn .retaing Thurs- day testi and: everything Weht,,,istr. and, Km Upton *two* wore toasts ot As. 24:onitege on awn.* iday...ollidriey node/ins visited' • his moths^ litoUlelfe-Nilsor WiluOn. Of donde boys has toter ,to teach a *hoot lit flianatterd.. • - &01-.-z,0 Witilez 44.4. a tlpel '4r;cluir. '-7 efer tleale Alptat leg trait eta last Week. wa,a in tp.o pailiatelse Land. get 1-4OW It ' ..leeniptze:edoliestr.nyirdotttltr::::::-.1.1. 741,047 0j . seeet4t.r.Y.e, zs, to, aave It* anttnat. Ad new have V* Ailifit traWAtrA ,agd lateyr. - ••-k• a ei P• ore4eit. vIalted at WI ae0, Andrewa vndayo-gtolte a tv.nnner , ftem ' thi* 1• ,uleinirt,,I,xtart*e.nwtin.$04i t:elZers 4:4:::1:0,0',4 V.444etn pple in their' pieta to the lake 04 therii.,p.a*::014:e14x,,t4,44.:::,.:0*,•beek:vvnlirtelit,emii,,,aio.,r,tcnio:ttile:Artiet411.nerre:tvirs:::,4407.0,tfoio,,,..tteoi:;t,atisftti41.i.:occrikitiktat4v*.ttee9x:rit:et:1:vii-o001,kt.040.01heit.inirriii having -settied" on ..ials lunge, -nut*Wt are tdod dy..,last Week vlaitlng neeesleaitter, Mra . ileaviciiinne-4104; Andlitrs." Jas. ilo Aon Of 'Granton. apenV 40444tv Y*1/4 aty latter*, mother, Mrs,. larlaaceilli 'The Canadian. perm le * new weekly agricultural journal $usa" colienelleed Purlication, An ToroAtO, barring, tor It* airo :a, siournal Whien would be more kliatlowal" in its • ecope-lhan aeY Or ell ', those At Prersent In the tield. It is A e;ean, w-priated Journal *14 00111414 C *tire of valuable Inlormatiou for vim rAnner. The subscriptiotA price is 91,00. a year. , ,t ef tu 1tor t�a village elementaty ach . elqAteett ,44 lbe „children. They are ( Many ease* liabbi anti pale. Th need more nourishing 034. - A bre* fast of "teakettle broth," * bit Oi bread and tr clef ani *One *bomb** i bly . poor ' tea these form the, three meals flatly.- r. T.J. *Namara U. re, In,' Nineteenth Ceatury.' , atatelta*. else Csasasepitheis, ,,, .There must be ncxerisii as *zee - elite, Or the COttatunPtIve Vattieht, It you ltris'abie nal feel like 2.4 amuse yourself, but don't take exercise te build YOug laYarril tip. i know. 1 too. lail*, head 41101)0 stories , *bout . .. ,. giui up war. r to sod by violent tirely recovered their health. Who* the lung tissue Is attacked by tuberott. lolls it beala, tt it heals At *IL* flbrous'ica mat. 1 itiiifinthe cav- ity.Noiz 1. tiesu.tsfotmedtik replace seer mat Its uselesi- t Ybo1entlyzow Zong woulit taka the cut to heal? When ths. oteis.:, Is taken or you "WOW tho lungs" you bare to work the tang Us» Au* just *s You work your hand, sifif If it Is worzuled there" will be aant& Iiiirger_proportion otscar rtheferiell Wi- le** for •breething when. It. doss, lfsgasine. Wake waves* inresives. The arettives so nesittideently Ikon** le the 11001 de Bobs* torte 00* et *II most Interesting sights ef Paris. iforA, bound IQ White Oalf, thessends of WO . contain the history e Tramp, 4athis •front the Coat and Taids ktugv,' 13 document* Pnoif chumgel Wale boads-4drobAstratire, Wets*, halve and iodirforf, ot with** et' whit* -plaed in the ffotel 4. Tl�s oa tbs trona- a• smslI atid optutobitoro . lag vlUags tu Item& The word SOU. more elpilpee the svtliege that inter *about the blg Louse,' a4 th.dw Ivation 4o plain whoa 'ease wee covered futile of the very remarkable big house that was 000 the stronghold et the 01•)rlecolle. It is. albtatecl npoa aro the' .110 v'ttwaillixo that •Itavg ilARPLEt MCC M011erd of Duluth who ha* been in 'Mount Carmel Or 4101110 weeks is visiting her. niotheeerairs. Geo, Sher., rittb-Miss Beatrice Turnbull or* Brow., .ter visited ter cousin. Mies „Elsa. ',Jove tha ir4#010401444tek,,~trirAWyika, Kodeans or London la visiting u der the iumeritsi roof for * few week*, Igrs. Th00. Pains has returned home trom Ditrolt.-Miater -Mite 3runt-0- of 7r.,ikrithin--1*--efillthrt-Art, picking la nearly overe-Misses Mude and Mae ilhdgins Lisa Mass, Edith and 'Lloyd Taylor took in the Exouraton to The Falls on_the -Joseph 1644. klio-tooir It In. -Miss Mario •"eiM-lifierirlefeeirmilataWee-tnle her frknd Miss Bao -Mitchell An settlers neIghborhMett -0-f- the very firet ed avor.a in the person 01 Jente* Coign hou 1. -For many yes laVarmed in Htbbert and Fuatarton, but since the year 1901 he has, lived In Mitchell. He weal about ton len Tuesday of last waek and died 'aboiat.1.30 the fallowing ritOrnirit. *VIC children are -Hugh or Kitchell; James of Stratford, Artieue,eir, Vancouver, Alexander or ±ChIcago Mrs., coG,. Jobneon. of Hibbert, Clintot/Qe0r/ July' 240/ tee death' occur ed. of Kiss Jennie Shipley, thIrd,.daugh -111 for iOnte ttroe'but the. .end came very 41.40400:01:71A411.. Sh_ehad bert - cittiton-terhe-peOpie of this tiewo were *hocked last week to hear ot the death Qt Lillian, Pair, .daughter or • Thoinas »leeks -on, Sr , which oceurred et Go Horne Bay, iituakoira. whither she had tetnq. but a week before Xbe b04 was taken to Clintonter Interment • E. Tabor, wig/ lately tett mitcheit vittp twer rather to reside • in totteron ti.e shore 01 Lake Iluroro Bay- Township, bid * narrow • mow beim being killed by lightntieg • during recent storm. She was •sitting on tite door step when a tree close by Wes riteir, and she was *twined by the ere ects ot the shock. ShS •WSLA, iakont itt. to the hotroil sald-g 'Wes owns June be re allss egained consciousne. Clint*itMI** Katy Mine 'Taylor died it London last- week at the age of 49 Vara; Ttie remains were brought here' tar interMen.t. thougbt 1 slioukl never get well. I • ,read s teatiMonlal • • g out 14111* nVe Vegeta. ble Compound,znd thougbt I would trAftery it tak- Ing thtee bottles X was -cured, and never felt so well In alt my life. 1 LydLaB. filnkhain."4 Vegetable Compound toall my WILL lebtriala, COltillibia. AMU% Rockland, lie. Backache to * ITIOnt0111 Of female weakneali or derangement. It you have backache, don't negleot it. To et permanent relief ou rou41,reacbt knowof wilido thli ssfelyandeur017 trilik14.1,10 a. egetableCorne• und. -Cure the Oadae- of -there Mit- - • Ateheii Alt beooina Well and The great volume of tili*Oileited teetlmonycoustantirpourin Inprove cono1ue1ely that 14ydl* IL ham's tableUomponnd inadefromroot. '.herbs, haa.m. of women. Pireklutto,el Lynn, Maae., invites sill sick wOsti her for aitbrice._ )3heMe gulded - thotiontla to lieslth fre. ocharrt Clinton -Mr. and Mese: Jacob. Taytme_ nave gone to the Olii-Opuntrr, on a tw9"5" months' visit with Weeds and"rita="tivee. Twenty.thie Xearsi ago Mei took their honeYrnoon trip to %Island and to cee- brat() the sliver annversary they aro go. ing to repeat me trip. RIM -John Bell is oho of the, stele -wart e of aforris Township, arid tOr man of TO is smart and active. Be ie wining 1e race any man, or hie age In the township for $1000 -and bY.ehe,.waY cate-step eorr a Xt. it Is tinliklit a,ny men could boil* to beat tithe Ile ears, that it. the Lord spares hlOik intends to live until he -le RS • yeers ateriow then, ye old ME* of Morris. , here's a chance -to wilt a' thousand -dote _ FullertoneeVery few or tee first 1;At'lt- ier* or thie neighborhag;are /tow living La? The lo.- le, be tailed a . Iiirat'**Ittisir Ann Simmons.- wire or the late Tbotreas utton. Statroni. years *go *be ran* rom Cornwall, Eng., with, her liesbend . land settle* in tilt- wilderness oat he 4tiv concession of leuilart011; Where site re- sided until atter lar, atutter0s. death, 25. years age. • ,Wbeete IfirAi 4j esei4 1000144e* polltsi; War Is ilettlt ww„,„.••••- • efl 40 ac Y motor who 1 onw litAtie--intitroef p4 the1 *11 01 thtin •