Exeter Advocate, 1909-08-05, Page 4 (2)outgo •sin r ..040 VIOast Qe • eq.,•istruct, gper4 teat ot. Water .'•• 2tu;LIpa1fty CQ' ether purpo,ies,. t' 't ter milou maintal tiFe within F( or:election s. !T ---t, 1..nt hati , ter 4„'betwcen , Nall potation a tws,`,147:1Zeiviard tor the rttrellase; feu . o'ti aPpre:valeit :Aber • r*.teti4rtrek-at-; .141-171tiagelret thatnart of. the riverc.htd. 444, bet**. at' the Attio. *Able Ittvoi tolaWn. as 04 tfttit .PraPertY* &and.: _being alt . tnotrAli Of' .1.40t Munber ,'-tfinetton, ik. the Virat 'ConreallOir ,ef, th Tof*rtshli . .''t tiellorn.0 (tlOw-greter)Own. , el by. the said. lanto.0 I. liolo.farti 'to - th,a • *hitt or sum o; uloitioo. • avrf 'CS'IllellOAS ft.',410 adviesido to put* tr.424.0.--Wit.'gavareFproperty\-and-ta-Cati.• tr*t. ,*.nd ma1nt4;n i'14 dant and Pump, lag -station thereon and .to erect 4- Vi4tee '.1:401Aliir ' Or IStA!.14 -Elko- ttt...„*Oatt.JitMtOtget "'7"100.tithr'111' 'the '.-iiaid , yilletre and to • - 4149-0...seeitte, elution. aed stand pp aiorig -:---efaire 'street In thiv-tiaitt frillage otherwise fully tolpi. trolutatti and,:'n • *rate said sYstem, ' . 41.40. etnatj • that it Will require the *Au of to _purchase staid__:nropertY. -erect-Jo-1M dam jinsuping station and. stand oleo *rid to 14Y 0414 watgrInninef and equip said; -water -system. - :. --.- - - . ,-- * . . • ,..Ale . wItEltruta --tt :Is net:Wear tor ' -the d „ur _ id at xe v g Tit Exeter to bort* ;even tin,- el t tile said MueleiPalifY , the sum or ' Z.42000.00. AND `1ATIISEEM toe tim-- Purees. aforesaid. it Will be rteceirsare*- te leeo. debentures of, the said municipality 'of the Village of Exeter for the *aid sum of a,e,t.,o0o.0(1 end - intereet es hereln. atter provided ;which is, the amount Ot rite dcbt intendett to be crested On\ thIs By."Inw, the preetadi of 'the *aid deben, tures to t* applied in the acquisition ot -.IMO land*, the erection of said dam, pumping station and stand pipe and tile • layher of said wafer main* and the -equipment of sald:'systera and Jo no ether purpoeii, • witEitaAS At is detirabie "te\- melte the pliteepal of the sad debt re. eb*:re-ble by annual instalments during 'tee perlod of twenty years next atter the tepoixe,00 tite dAentetres therefore -such inetalments at princtliel to be of such amount, that the aggregate • atnatint peYnhle for prinetral and interest in Jetty year shati be "equal as nearlY 3� be .to what is paxabitt for principal-4nd Interest during -each or the other years: •' 44111) W33ERA3 it will. :11e. netelears , to tratee, annually for the period ot twen- • ty- .14eirs during the currency* ot the de- bentures to be Issued hereunder by -special rete sufficient therefor on alt tee litteable property withifithe . ity the sum Of $1145.04 for paying the several Instalnients of principal and In. (greet thereon at the tete of five pertent. per *omen, AND wilEttlIAS the *Mount' of the •-whole-rateebic--Property-of the *Aid vil lege of Exeter wording to the last re, • vised ASeessraent ItoU 1. the *UM Ot 46/11503.00. AND wairatimoto the existing deben. • ture debt .txt the ;laid Village.. - exclusive of local improvement debenture debt se • . cured by sPeehil aseessment* ,theeefor --tentounite to the -some ot $1264.24 end no part of the principal Or interest tnere- of is in stream. Therefore the Munitteal Counell ot the Corporation ot the Village et *steer en- acts as toile** , . • of the said Village of Exeter to..botrow Ort the efidit tot the said corporation of Abe Viltaget of Exeter- the s *t 102000.410 for .the ,ourp °sem, Iterolnbe. tore •soti-torth and toin that ,p urPoue. to illsoue debentures Of the'leold znunLcI1ty ta the amount ot $22000.00 In aunt* telt lees than $100 each and ouch da. berituros shall be ihrned by Atte Bove Ot the said corporation, for the time being and countersigned by the Tree*. urer 'tor the, tittle being ot the paid Cor. *oration and duly sealed with the Cor* .PorAto:ateal•thtteor, whtch slit the Cleric for the tline Wag ot said leorporattion t to tioribr oothortzed and directed to -at. WA to each 'Of meld debentures, t 2. The,sititi debentures shall 1* *�d, the, Atte Or the leteue thereot;*1 *hell heir triteirst at the rate ot totes -Per-twat4-trer anoohiltrritn the 4itit t the. !ii* thereef and the said itttereet be Peelle* yearl the 4.10" tL.mot:in *Melt seid,debeeturte are ees to both principal and in. torrid: the 'IOU debentate* *hell beta)** able In annual Lts.aireents w*thin twenty a' trete trete th* thott or the Issue re.- t. anet ifiestaltnents to be Of lt arestillie that. the aggregitte t eleeeeble for principal. and interest any lleetC0bell 1.1e 0441, ets, niatit as may I* AO Whet 'I* peeeibles for PritKlitod otul Itrint during Oath ot the 'Otter Yeareof •ituth petted of twenty year* al terelr,- Atter *Kt tOrth. 1. • Doting' the 't Urrincy of thead vas. PAO shall ,be 'teletil an 14,14r 1 • .13A ' ;tall:1.10 'ITV& 143244- --441 1.745. 1r4 4r 214. It 115. 41131.444, • tell.f VFW - .„1002'440. ° '',04•213' 404-, ai.d.taise ;effect ,e+.4 the rtt Paseinii t4eteet.Tluit ',. ^ I 'lpe ;VOtil$1'uZ 14 11114SCV 44, V, - tJs 14w 'fit ' 4 i:''19O. cqjxj. ;ci:K. ,nitte ,Weltielt:40,t) f�enoo f:OntiOoll!‘"..Ontil tife ,iiioloc)r; ' r ot,:tikt :•lesit4, $','',*,:tt ,. phtr# within,. said Villapi toe 4 * folloW -*1 ut,v,„' v 4;34P ' 4 ""m• ' - Polling 04441 i it .4t•citio leiSlikeleot lee A A taV41, lterbott. Vortt.: I . erit.. , a '$,OhrlisislOh'ttb.,'"...1V:ttitOet. Marble Itain street,'•Vit, I) _ • : -x•erM7-4--nfe-S-Vir*e*Crw; ("ro* f ti.nbil Mien NO. 34:Ed. 'MI. kts • '414te. goo street,. It, p. toxin,/ °Otte 0 Mrs. 0•.' rkyter. ,nrott nem. PO 'eg, -Sixtdivision'ti0.--*; twern-II41 iti,..l,Aton, IX It, Offirer, lt. ;Nelson 'Tenor PolV Clerk. 4 Z -tat: WeltievIiY*' thek- X th 447 'Of Anzaitt4 11)00. at eleven We ock in the forenoon shall be the daYan. the tittles otfice in 'te TGWU MU In the Viltage (.4. Vitafr **hall be the plate 'weetli-the •teem etall attend to appolt t- paeons to 41.tiend, at the varieuit,P0111nir Plates 44„1.4-44 and at. the final OUMMIOS oP , af the votta lite clerk on behalf of D walnut thierciiteet In prOntating oti ;patosprAtiap****tutrikr.,*ttr*413paaatw-*** op ofttiveir. t Ine--orPoration ot thaid Village „of Exeter shall at, end his office in the said voiatrik o outio at Twelve olletes tia04 011. Nt43,1434!..44-444t-40.7-4t-AutWot aunt up 'Abe xtumber vote* gyen ' r and agalnat thee Dy -Law. naaed tir.-----i:Offejeteratioznali" w. nally paesed the. Council of the Car. PortAtian at the Village rif Exeter InItins event of the assent of the electors be - obtained thereto after .ene month fr*rn the that Pohltelitto.rt hj Me Exeter Tente and Exeter Advocate newspaper* wheel% first publitatipn wax on the 15th lay ot July. 1909, end at the hotir,'day a141 p4ae.61 therein tixed for takher the vo,24t or the elettorie a poll will be held. ' Every leesehoider entitled PI law to i4te on tee proposed By.hew shall at icaotten day* next' preeedinx. tite dax 'of Pollihit ft1t IIZ the' office ot the Clerk of the brunielpalitY a statutore declar- x•tetatine that his Lease meets the .e.tiarernents by. law ;entitling1xm t� 3t.e. eon suelt leev-Lawand the haitterr et eqooehtederse ueglecting to file duc 1;.41%rat:411 !halt net be placed oa. the_ Yote'rat Liget for such voting. -Dated at 4.+4toi• this 7th day ot Juity A. D. loon. • • 'lox isitt4tort, Clerk or tr.e Corporatlon_ot the .1,71t1s.ge of Exeter. NOR AND 0011MENT. - Over 2,000 tanners of the -In*Incet Ontario have entered In the Sitainsing retold Cree. oOmpetitiotuthe Unrest, num. ber tee history' of the.conteet. These are In rhatga Lockle Wileeit, head of the , fairs and ve.rhibition. brench of tho Ontario -Department ot Agriculture. As *Ara one et these has on 'ark eve:age ot 15 acres set 'avert tOr tOmPet- tion the total acreage win tattoo *01000 onto outtoiteaitticanutai Societies 'NO* taken It up, and have agreed to contrib., lite $20 each, while the department Will .edd Tbete will be five ,prizes Veen out of. this Intim* at **eh exhibition. T.te crops inelede pease_ tomatoes. tete,: The puniehment for nititilittli4lind at femetittir yes* mitilated coin* is not generalle understood. 1014 that there Is a reit:glance to prosecute and as * Consequent* mint* Initoestit porsoo* are. put to incenvenienc* and Wes, being Only able to dispose..of thent d sliver at a mere-Ixectlot or their value. ta: order to relieve **b. person* and at -the norm tithe tile currency clests that Atinister et Firt 4ttet tuts no*. authprieed .tbe-Aesist qt ettesivoeeleneree to 'Amite such 'table disfoun)t 0! .23 Per 'reel. "Ott their faci yelue \*0 thee limy rney -be redeetriedat - „he' ht. ' • k The beat *thelars Abe frequently 'etuniped for * triotnent When writing hy, tho ri4nbirstion at to and et. Men: tre. teelitly !stop In the .middle" ot *letter and seratch"their Wade In Perille*-14( ** whether 'it should be "receive" 'et ettreteit." "beleite" gebelitele?* NOW the eft ten -be found in the *try • eitt seratching the 'head. Withotit single, treption ."114 *twee* fofloves "I" and aliesyi 10116w* "ens. The kay ioon, It Ito-. Mut* forget Abe nest, thrptIroet tre,obiut to ',scratch yoUr host -land *.n4 you *Ili/00s 0401t*br to the- prevailing notbon Pam.. nratetaltre not Medlin katitinta. The ?lief "lamp, ef it**, atodiatttort )Lta unlbtao Pru and 104/11ador.. The ifelentitie4- rnericiel limy* the, tost. ot' material! rev- erted, and probably sitiotagto iose ta' 1. The cog ot 1004 ,l‘loch "f4 6tC4:(1141y thee) amount* to'cousid- ese* It take* Olt or stein 41*Yteekt t teura a tisy tor a ***own to malt. t.goal:110a t At:worth ari4. two week* 4 inike * het; Ivotett int), • *tot sr,. tutitotio*-04* wiskka are *pent issOti t for which $20WOg4 be obtaln el. Tte &rzw %toot It ot‘ ,14 - '44140.90 " ')-At tooup,t, alms t� 4.01000.- 044 notwithotar'dinit tt'4A. * mint* It r,lie loped out -Ono *0 TO this tar. ea be that la ate; er aetver , 0014 rates s. h rut Malian t AinertvAnsit • •OtevernMent :Oct )475, entt.,. .10'40 t°,o ahrsellvver.. eat ti.entevQnrnt • to �1 I ,be,%fot.4 to u 'ag14 •04.-174'.4.4,""4 It 'II eatinta 114 0 *ea': itrieket ton' ;le „0,1, y trete , bitty 'to ta :the 'total,' eir6tiation:°Of. the ,COuntry,' ' glom 044 feltAPcnt ,40,441 '- Mr. Andrew s 0.-r.W*0 afo , 464 *0(ktoi±itiat,a now engaged in Pete- lin,* the eldinit inee 13/104 eef011eted At' • wfl be One 0; tho.Porit'.4the ot : • • ed *044 4, 4:inaPt, vocp.With.bie I lamt •Yr .*** teottin ,t**144. ot 'horse* ,tr,= :w41400 *OW **)r* *tn.' tiloi,t1 arta a- op tter ailtotati sp,.fii44t the 116 le' Ito* iitkk.. ''vtOionoile ar,41:t 44.0t- *Oh toth reet1lettli4ti* the,you the Mw , •Alut 4.17Ovving4idttraboUt fifteen 00'00* tatif, wee '..friettemilatelee. renloy0 to ballet*. and Medical' aid ,etnitino,40 loth It _1!0:4.: fonn41,4bat ..,404reit'e,tot other,114tirtes intitOtedt -41teter Te patient be' doing es well eke venbe .0e0Oeted. liendersextrelehode., A 'very •pleasen -emit- -took- .p.bm -714 the home ot • 'and 244. Nvrrn. Itohde. On Wedneery.' 14 140:.fiteachere: gomar, will tit; ImottOtO per*orm,thele work rntwher 'so hool4lite anti sehoOlaitito never (Our* to the pupil' thatwhat Jearnsuotti beolre4sta *try _cola, ectio.n with or. solalleskion to the Inge that oocurIn every deellteZ Ifere We think ,the trouble, and In this we reform. Liet ' eit t h vont Jona Pteetical; tto *Wilt) to tut ids ,po0110 from their unthinking. tuipractleat methods or Art,u00 ,him give them Matto for thtgolte. Upon the almple and common ,thinge , arenrid- bInfl let - UAW 70-tideaveur to create en Intoreot In their minds Opt F4444mte Oleenesed by the elder eopiic of the cominunitv, and iaan, we. etU4.4-4*-irk7t*ee-Ot'•2VOldteIr.:ttt- our ho'iI4 Whi),-8,411 knOW,MOre, at . the' neio isreetiteal am*. useful ur Oildren'icnow When they' leave Almon school*. ' You ran get a' very_good idea of-, the wrsenst habits and tastes or the OC'eO. pante of 'property by the appearerre of atout the Premises., It the' yard tali of retbbletti-.7-tbe bUshest *grime ed. * dearth ot flowers, and ..other c*, • -hichres.otgareissortose4ho-cha trd he-oitter--hatt t!Lstw is-cleart, neat era tdy, fIowere blooming,, and a hoinelike 3r or, tentreeot *evade* the preinteel ,the,eban ces ate that the occupant is neat and progreesive. Let all keep these hints in ruled and titanup aed-beeetlfY bropgrty. • • 4'W* athisrn noon •when their eel ond dantrilter„ Viorena become the brld ot Mr. .red lientleriOnk a proeperou young fiondener. 'While the ,wetitting waren w 0* Aek eleudereon *1st r the4 gtoontr, th groom took, 'his Place --44 the Varier the bride tollowIng, leaning on _the og her tether and unattended, The brill was titsteftat le P4114140 c The gootT*4 * the line 0/pure 6 t Scrap TrOil gown .ot cream .flk embrold ne, trimmed wit erect collet).- purchases to be delivered to T. 1/4.11VICINS4k SONS IIARDWAIM Utah aitee and VIETER, where the cash will be paid or tra.clesuf:po,.sr 1 ect ik ltitiarttonii-rirmovn 4,14t4r vi vtorpatOttrarthee*Theite*:' Si ViirioPta4tOottio w ieff ter the tersmorw,the paitf:t* * wooing ,stipper we* Provided by .the the. 41010W4rOettx Where . se ' intniptuousM. WEXLER, Junk- Dealer, ExeterL100 host and hostels. Thertollawing, morn. . • i Inc the happy toupie. lett tor their . London. 1%41 _hose the beet wishel cif toor roato, itriendek in which the . Advocate.. heartily ;loins. --4...--e-es.............„.,_ tat; otice'tbet1 ani doing business In Ezet 1440o/scrap.' Market Prima Paid for -Rubbers, ?ore* Hair, Coppe 2td, Etc. Etc. CUP; ;TOW Ur. V. W. Clarke. Wife *lid *mill,' lett Tueaday for Iderletta,. Ohio, where they wilt visit torelorne time. Mr. Amur 2:wicker of London visited eta brotho /Merles on Sunday and Sten. day. ` • Mr. F.flowald anti !nib lave re• Win -ed frehti Gtaitil" Bend. where they bee4--e4211Plint the met two wee**. M. Mos. Zwieker le spending a -,;tee weeks at *GOodereetn. gr,,e04 11,004;i: Meeeta. A. • %Wicker and rate:ter were at grand Bend On Sunday.Cerdlton got the better or the Nee er bowlers heft on 'Thursday itat. woe riedre Ot the elsitors 6anfer back, lOokriltanie* !mail were -played. --Ott" Iowa, ekkileeed 'Dr..etcCute. and Claude alUste, wOrt three et them and were -11 *het* up on the dare 'Mos May Armstroug of Exeter.andism Olive Armstrong' of Patio Visit- ed at C., rah., uses' over isundat. lier. S. Uaker of' London spent 141100 here. The Quarterly* Service held in the eitethodist &tierce on Sunday nifiroing spas will attended. * Ur. and Mrs..t.,11collert *Tett of Win - rose visited Xr. Vito. ,Fethtter this Weie4 Accidertee.A teem of bores* hitched to * loaded **goo at toe river at Crediton Ite.st became frightened and tell heed.. long Over the east entbankneeht, one the **timid* being killed and- the ,otiter, balty cut up. The team had-bein.* lift standing on the, road s little east ot the- road to ther-ternporar7 bridge.- while tba .inoot *Cre oolO*41011 some ot ths Iron work. The bora.* belonged to kr.11. one of the eon oto, sztputitc, Nearly ,Burned,r-thiring the seVere tent*** *teem lasied Over, trtie ion on •Thursday ,ereening the bon' belengleg to, .*Iale Brokeltshire.- • tied mile* west'et toter,- Or( the 9th wee Stele* by Ilighteing. Which • aitti Mr* to the oar that wasIstoteirthereite;, loortutstele it Wel seen tri.16..13roltett- 'shire in time And ordtbOugh mole blind ed and suttOtated with emelt. hio. taught Ow *nein,' %HMI it was statelypzt out. Te414 won iztirryltic Water *04 nat. going Into * *into as generally' the tea* oti such oceaskerti.. About 20 et ,Tthe ntIchboro hurried Asslitt but, th, *#re wasduSuched bet& some ot the& coisid get there. The 'barn Wail et much dameged, but Mr. lerOkenstdte, will Mee 'three or. tour' WA* ot has diunito at water/tared ati*ke. The earn' 404 content s SreItrily insured in the tleyriKituel. • Amer* then* ,tolk -in' the ettateion to 111 last week' we Mr. "rend Mrs. 3" Wilson and 3ilese It1*1 1:Aigrette!** and LI* zia 3U)jr hes our* teed , new Veilkinteeti ttetting koie lA re4.1 to give tirstictese eet.* tst*t1On ' is cestotreet* tor .thotom eg **so WIN% Men and. .I‘tt litatleseit Patichill *Pent ,.Atto past *sit with, their remain. Kiser, Lott* emet Mt*. l'totied *ttit*I' ish sar. toesits at Mr. ' Ida ORnninr_returned _home on •tativee at St, Merys..,..edr. oon, or. near Mitchell visited it .the home of tProther -here oin rriday,-4tre. Wm. Itteweliffe, and Mr* i James IlroOlf ot -tiear Ezeter.41e1ted with !Mrs. 3. V. ;Xlibron. on Thursday.feetre. Joh Tales MIs. Bertha Stitherby gertle Su- Itterby and Mr. I -Wm ilutherby slatted with, -their mother here on Sundey...-Mr .Wm. Tales ot London and elies McDon eld visited here Sende.Y.-Rev. Butt, ceir Junior pester, visited at this ep. Poinitnent Thureday.-.4er. glees Dine. more with kite win, and two children, of e..ndereen, indianavisited here the guests of his uncle, 3, V, MlIlson-Our pastor, Bev. Mr. Watson., preached bere in the afterneon While Rev.- Mr. Din*,. mole demoted alt extellent sermon itt sybning, Sunda -both emotive* -`bee etteheed.e.erie and etre.;Wm yederearect!Mis*Vere: Ogden vialted with friends at...Stafre.teenday. IMPERJAL 'totlioRDkANGE lIASILYCIIitildED for cosi or wood la short no- tice -see our stock (Ws Yott bur -You *Viva interested in outlite.dis. play And tuodere4 POW« 1,0 by W. Durtng the mouths of July and Anglia we will oul run iSUr Chopper 3'days week, as follows: Tiesd Thursday and Saturday. limo to offer: • y Flour a 41 U 300 !Melo JEWELL (Ott ROYAL 110t1 00141010 6 ROSES (Lotk0 of Woods) PintIrt (Wstote Coale Ober Itillej s Why dafly'Im hIiL.not A. that le lit It ynick gitor otto thooaaod ntaenrolled by our th 14 year. • It pais to t. ink of thia great halo,foznzoruaw