Exeter Advocate, 1909-08-05, Page 2 (2)syr,
' I •
tete %drugs,
Vslio do not see
lining them more
re1 tb&. eed 'of * warni
Sys e
t a1es. na,‘IttoR
4 0drug u
r in kin*,
yslue is come
. •
1$ '4014g
uhlie, of the' '41ituttee ofuthig
em without pOperfrom
• tiyeieian, T
tbat thetoxic-. proper o
drup are Objectionable and that
tbeir effeet s perticulsotly deprei.
lug thelietrts IniOlttstlatIlrit-
2.1sh Medical associtition .publiehed
c. report of a ,.onlmittee of %vet-
tlgstion ofitiesesdruits: It laid the
evil result* of the drugs to 4=4)07
ellre and injudicious dctes. It sug-
gested, much greater ceution in
Sineesthat timerphysittis
*as havo been more guarded in their
%recription. •
But there hat be4n an increasing
, sele to the public directly in head-
ache vans* and -other lt•ter*tottitatt-
, the evidence it cumulative that the
"s- 1- drugs are habit forming. ' The tr.oxi-
-blot for Which relief is sought are
vicurrent. The tendency to use the
drug freviently, is strong. The
et reiulfi upon the pbysical con -
tion ef the indjvkIua1-arcdisaz-
troue. It it the story of opium_ or
cocaine over *gain. A drug. hailed
-once as postessing properties of
peculiar value has become danger.
out• because the habit of excessive
use has brought with it .ruin of
bcdy and mind. As the investigss
term have ttudied the eorresponds
ettee with physicianirend the pre.
sieriptions on Ale in pluirmacies they
have become cOnvinced that the use
et the three drugs mentioned is be-
coming habitual with manyAnd*
viduals and that the number of such
PetsOnt is grewittg steadily- That
is the reason foram warning which
now is sounded. These fitrustt
seheuld not be -used .carelessly sor-
frequently. There is peril in m
0 a
- _
Farmers Warned sto *end Their
• Way of Raising Wheat.
Some one asked James 3. Rill,
President, of the • Great Northern
• Bailroad, if he thought- there was
any practical aul. of conservation
of our natural resources...AO
aniiiver .
"We - are fiddling while Rome
burnsi Why is there * scaxcity of
wheatt .The Valley of the Euph-
rates was onee the garden of the
searth. Why "did thats ,,tceptre of
'greateets pass away 1, -AV -hen Greece
was master of the known_woild why
were laws enacted pronouncing
sentence el death on any one ship-
ping grain beyond Crete?
"Why did 'tome build her wo
derful roads but to bring food from
foreign -countries -it - Why -di *
launch out on a policy , of 'fortis
conquest -hut to brie* from Abroad
the wealth whieti ..fier own toil
could no longer yield I Wty did
Greece sell Bowe and Skala fall
baok fromtheylesiderthiP of the
tions just es \loon its prodnee ciasod
to Pour to from abroad'? -
• "We. are growing more wheat,
than ever beton, in, the history of
this. eountry," he saws in Outing,
'but the demand is growing fester
than the supply. Eutopean coun.
tries that formerlytssed *at
atly white bread now • nse from A
pound' to 4, pound and e, half of
fr ? t Om Per ceeita week ' end our
,own population is growing/ faster
'then the food *utility.
"That is where conservation
• to• tiehet us pretties*, but we need
not worry. Naturesis going to take
este of thing*. When wheat does
not ayerago so mutt) an acre it is
not worth raisintt. Do you know
how hug it took Fitglantl tor,Mend
her methods- to raise her ieverageit
from tivelve and fifteen to twenty.
five *fid thirty and forty. bushels an
acre It took her almost fifty
'In fifty yestri whet populatio
Will we have to feed 1 And we hat*
ot even begun mend our
methods. It is the eepremely big
'volition, a the day. Our
her too
tan ner
'sou sessost
yr u vs*,
e et
At ,A
4 ve 'ran Assitein., Ti
„ eye tt! °
ret,-skto tts meau so mnci
finds her, :vet oorer
orty utsiiglxiog for:
O5 a.ntl Most of sit 'tor.
ing.things wittryou
nt fre*htets v Slott
• We n to know whether this
hardening, this lets of
power of the 'keen enjoyslient of
Is,, thiii'illaskenieg tit reponse
en usissuw necessar
her the heart tied spirit m
old, along *with the years', an
the love and hope Atiffin 111011,g
with the limbs, Youth's dream*
pat fade, but need the slit hes
omit unreeponstve Eto the otter
visions that age ought to hringt
At itisheart thi*.passion for read
oletoeitee is the longing to
find again the lost keen enjoyment,
0. we woul4 take it „less as
dose; we would feel time *pen-
ity, some teal pleature in the.
day's work and in the ou-comiug
renewit,t-of -the heart. t is
matter of Audi?* *gain the sufficient
motives for living., They,cSome again
ntoyouth' keen -jay listingssidia
t&k6tithet�lQok up
whie from -tlieir tasks to- the iete
nities, to set their little round o
daily doing in relation to the -great
universes in its infinite course.
A man soon becomes only a cog
wben he looks only at his own parti-
cu ar wheel. Somehow we need al-
ways to .keep before us some sense
of thit whole workshop. of our hu.
manity ,in each is doing our
parts in which in some way all the
stork will fall short if we fail of that
pert. Seeing life whole, in its vast
relationships, saves it from the
curse of steappli trivial.
No../ife-ia trivial. It may be a t
*Ara in tlikti---most-norelrut* (04
oninstanees and yet it maY. reach uP
may SeNU.
Iowliest condition andsyet its inlin
emit may go througitthe "ge4L#
site* every WO depends on it
JkL his r1bsent rnood, he could be
t, eutwered ssi-niee
. **Niue .oe poor, misintleed stir
1 returuoit ;hi* work, .sletiiriniFis
• .
ia• the inlet:04 tOnstiort us
to set * trapthe iiffe e
Thus et* •
'6 ,
s •
t.r „ the bc
into hirger
.• no,
, x
' 14'
, i •••plesstexi o
, , 0 1. it* i
etaturer, y. le its btu , of , h
. onsolousatess , ": greatness of
life .antl. o . . of thel. resets
of guess iiithienss?s, 1 teisiiititities
of. one's living.. A uffiesenismotiv
• o when is „
,clianee Imfe,:andy serve;:.
The *boy thouts:hceause taus
he mew may nbt
he sparkle may come to his Tey-Teiesid
go wood .rush:to,his, art, and the
sout 'Within' him le at the hes'
A. sinkk- i)Assrco,
with the eittliusiriem of attemptin
great task. If you. want to feeI
th memo' pf_yoxithstalceson4
worthy of Your, pitieere. .
It take! large IneAtUro of faith
n.the universe and he oistiness
harlf 44iFfiltiff
keep our hearts ,yon Nothing
*Mere the stunt/and congeals the,
blood quicker than the habitual
theism: born of looking only
fabric of life from the, under ui
seeing only the. knots and tangles
and knowing, nothing Of the glowing
pattern the ;wholes'
Let the eye •once catch thu
of-th_e wohder ottlitswosIL
nerisestA beton ' um:vets
of hiving a place therein and alurt
to play as truly as the, stars in their
courses sort you hove tatted of the
springs Of -eternity; pasting: years
make no impress then, for you see
yourself AA part of thereternat
poseEitpl lsi4e4..0 ..th,e.vrat, at. lift, has
its own vision, its oirii inspiration,
'Toy are .eternally young who live
Idways in their dos leaving the
ask they learn the Ineititing of the
present; they.. do its work; they
catch the uplifting, invigorating vi
sion vf the isismuntd*tms - 'TO l'Ut
stlf the heart into lifts to live out
gretitly_ana not meanly, to
live for a great .viarld and a t
to -morrow, is to he eternally young.
t t
o super.
in „ there.
t • ,
0, e
,. •every , It ript
*,, 'new tuts egattt
) dene.on•thir-:
. , .
lie min his OW
und 00,414 ti usitt elot ' the doe
t at eonneeted ,littl
theue girIt one woul • v
guesstid trent Ilit,stiff Awe. how ter-
rified lie was of them, nor how h
-dishkeds. at tIat- had
them under hit el, e
bruised .. by terrible .fittitellation_ at
I. ,Characterittics of the -First
Epistle to the .Thesialonians.—Roto
the facts in "The Lesson in Its
Settinic,"--1„,- Ite-view the circum-
stances of the Thessato Man church
at given in kits 17, See Lesson
III.- of this Quarter. Three; miss ,
siontiries- -had come there' from
Philippi, two of them tern And
rigiro, einergieg-trom the lowest
dungeon of a, prison, their whole
aspect be akin ''their vert
t eir suffer ga, their earthly in-
significance. •Sis famine, says Farrar,
i'vess **ging in the Roman empire,
and thetommonesit neeesentries of
life ha.d „rhea to sik times, their
proper ',elite." - . These poor tsers
seeuted watiderers supported them -
saves 'by ‘weavin/ block goat's
hair into :tint cloth.; Here they
preached * few, weskit founded, a
churcli„ anci..wete driven away bl,
perstoution. , ' '
O. Paul longed to visit them
again, and matte three 'ram at-
tempts to do so, Ittm Beret*, froth
• Athens, . from 'Corinth; Ile felt.
'their. ,need of. trsdoing and of ";incire
knowledge bt•the truths .of rtoMfott,
of guidance. .
• A:UW.16T 9. .
Leeson VI. Paitl's Instritiliens tcs
the Thetealonlans. GoIden-Text,
3.1 Timothy had lett comeback
from Thettaloniest, and had brought
concerning the elluteh,
ming a favorable account ingen.
al. But two facts were ina‘de,
own by hint. One.Vair that they
were suffering Eeverti persecutions
from bob Sows And Gtentiles;..the
other that they Were discouraged
and troubled by the death 4f some
before the second emits of the
Lord/3'04s; „
4. The 'Epistle is: '%'err pertonsil
d retrotpeetive, tereething a spit*
if *Notion. said of lop It is full of
"sweetness and light." "A loving,.
spirit breathes. itt. -every
oils, a
tr ,
• • '
ho through the gospel had been
nlightened by the noly Spirit -
II. A Lesson in Morals for the
Building trp of the Noblest ,Ohris-
thin it3. First, the ,Ideal
and Aim, The first . sentences of
the Lord's-Prityer, and, therefor!,
of all prayer and ell living. It is
as necessary to have the right gest
of life as for a se* captain to_taiow
he port for which he it sailing.
V.:4 -hr We sidearthat sere -test' our
daily lives .."The religious view
of heaven is 'no unpractical -things
Think 0! it, earth the Once- where
heaven is shadowed forth! This
meat's!) 'that outslife and *ffeirs and
• conduct are to *how forth the very.
highest that we cani know or -con-
ceive.. If then heaven be the pla,C6
of the teal and ttues it not that
greitl and noble* And_pratticat t!!!
The tame is true of life, Zvery
ung person should know definite.
I and &tided' ants to
0, wbat he wants to become, whit
As his ideal.
23. And the verystted of pew.
Better as "the Cod of peace
himself.," the God who - firm
peace -peace with brinsegrkthroug
*intorgiVent and native* In har-
monywith ,1061-Peaco in the soul
peace in
consctenee; 'Ott pesice o
trust 'Gott our Fathers peace o
righteousness; :for it is only when
righteousness is 4-tes the /AVMS Of
the see that "peace' can flow like
river"; plies) with 'nature . and
providence; ,pesee with, our
men. Sanctify you. Make you
holy, pore free front in and im-
Perfedioh: froth ever*, (taint of
vil, Wholly,' Irnto completenets
full perteetion, in degree and in
kind Till We all come in the unity
of the faith, and of the knowledge
of the Son of God into a perfect
an, unto th measure of the
allure of, tlii\ fulness of Christ:
and grow up into him in all
ings, which is the head, even
4: 13, 15).
Whole qiirit end tout and body.
Every part of your astute,. the
,spirit that allie us to God, the
highest moral maitre. And soul.
Our real selves; Our immaterial
nature, ineluding *II the ftieulties of
our being. And body. The home
ot the *Ws seliielt *koala be ati
tide, wo ve been *stoat`
Is know hat awe, he los
them. frozen manner AU . For a ineinent-he-could-nolt, ;IP es*:
gid tte under which he MO . 0 Isnowleage that his prime fav
his Ahyliess, had gained for him, the liotociteed,'•Ohnii honor,
hltatie rawnoeuilldxolirovwe
title of the "Crab."
. "Idie,sgosWitg chatterboxes as tik_pilfer front the firm, was *
be muttered crossly. . er:uthing blow. Then he spoke
Then he smiled, as be 'sifted, out 001wIts . ,s
unlike the eediesry girl, "If you will not honey
the rain of truth from among the "Mildly estplai your presence
tsllipla Ittett was, in. here, 'Misr Neal tsss'stssr.77
h I testify from elose _observe xn skasthe, think
in h
de h titit'e ,
0 si he :4'''. 41, tit .:,Isktirelet:44 e '
i t
, •
ent. sev p ff parto
, .
• ter e n
•• , u I t ,sinove..
pfi in t . nter;O 4 .t 4
sprng. up, , an e
i k .the
The ' ,e4. isr,aigtolifohl 'Ili: u
-,ree ,
desk', '-fumbled with the key, and
then, eilently r lied back the top.
•' At :that mit' Dosie s napped
o twit", .
mded with li lie fell ,hix 'in
shrinkinglrror;--fteTbefore *Min
ilty eoufutio as Viola Britt.
27 Meat,.
, answer for Ler
The word wer.
of sensational
;uraliy felt thatisthes reit of th.
141 4'`,. W114 41‘ farCe. *titer girie
to his mind, effectually wbite-
° thoroughly enjoy the eit.'
tise bad token.
littrieds hie'Iwz
.1. fot 191Iy
e, g -
4131 4n0),
Wituld ,
, 4•Sn
' • .! se,
truckben lliaquettve-ver it
O tout*** his end Viol Qyl4e.rne°1::?ihat cw4laluse'stilreePri.4.Ioo
herself entered the -oirite. bat', *-8.117---4ibOt ttedere 11171im---a 450‘,
with dati-47 tutilltuebt"br ION °ter° ;tightly her hands • - • #
bout this -owl typist that would. tho griw"roment.
WAS air of reserve and dignity "Stili, I do not understand," was
jitii#:Ii_301114.4calgoret_twoicoubielou th‘oulthritii4041t?itivolo*knOiiroW-hat,rput bav
with something exceedingly staples.; the Inquiry *tent the theft wood
sant" snaptied Dover,- oozing to ie out, -and the trouble would
the point in his ilatia114000:0 17flAn- tette. That's *by.): resolved to
.nets "hut I notice ttiortage of make good the lois secret."
One pound in. the petty CAA11. Can 4414440d Thou I must *engraft,
you account for it 1" late you on your sound financial,
A startled look swept over V4)141$ position, Viat enables yonttoit of
face—it etriking, contrast to ha. Your present *slaty, to give sway
bitual calm. • — imam sovereign* * Minutes no -
"No, I eatiesit,'4.1114 stemtnered, tice apparently sto satisfy your
"You had better tell the truth—" *Innis!"
began Dover, When Viola interrupts 'Viola -colored deeply.
ed him. , - • "I_ see that you. do not believe
"Indeed, indeed; .1 have had no. nse,7 the said. have one piece
thing to-do with it _Flew believe of jewellery --a diamond ring.
.nieV. the cried,-chispingtershands. reiststevereigu- on it-this-atom-
"I'WaS merely about to remark0i! is,* from si •firm jewellers,. who
said .Dever stiffly, '"that you had are also pawnbrokers, You Met me
deer. confess that you -have _left; there youdeltItt
your key. lying about."' es race brightened.
Iola, in her position of hi, me exactly why you *redo-
warthe sole person, *. g "You Ate,
miself,. who had attest to the tests: tug Youttelf OPOn the gravest
ty,easht and she are* on it for odd Auspielons. The truth, .new I Are
expenses solely in his sihtienee.— Prsu shiekling astsrene t" -
"No, I have not left the kiy ftNA0. .1‘.. -tut. tmlY ItSkou to
about.", she mu, inesigi. content with what . rot told
Cable I" " •37041' •
°Plat' can •iitsi the • only explatas. "Vlortr weiV-1 Dover drew a long
doh," stated Dover, rather annoy- ts, te,sts. aeizet# your statement,.
ed At her obstinacy. 'Have you ,,ineomplete as it I believe you,
rettsototirtatoin*uir matt talirlof the gniorltodros it91(1
The Whole. of the next day Dover
trust you. Iteinember ft"
AnYthing so \unjust and unfair. as avoided' Violas for their mutual re-
tostuspecttanybodytWithout-Prooff 'litttssUltstel"4"4-104itiv."44
And, I mutt say pla:inly', that Isean.i, thin-skinnedssa trait without • his
not undertake to spY on them!" ishell--and 'Whenever the claim*. of
"NMI". grunted Dover bailee" brought theta together,
crabby voice. "This is in i could not :fail notice the
ant matter. - The smallness of tbe
.sum does not *4feet the priucipl�
which. -is at take. In spite Of iyour
ssertionsitliere is a -dishonest per. -
$04 in this Oftict. I must won you
to lit) .on. your ,guaras_Andsauspect
everybody, or eltit, againat my will,
.1-104y. have to resort to i itte services
*o * deteettve. Fisher s .stesitt
Bus heart failed at the -eit'pres-
siou of utter fear that *wept over
Violet fate at tint left the !ethos
having *phut
teed of distrust in his Iteitrt,,aritiejt.
«1 with favorite for besting tots
red his tutpieionit by • her unusual
behaviour,.,and furious with liftmen
for tilting any notice of these base.
Feeling the need of LOOM)*
tillnce he Went ,+out to lunch,
and1,4after satisfying meal, grew
more *bitable. 1U tOY0-0: 111,10:101tad
an, Air, 41t ;litigated snit on to the
busy street. Thor!, his performance
came_ to An untimely end, as he
saw Oda Brett pets in the throng;
Opposite the restatir.ant was
loge jeweller's ',shop,. before the
stitidows of which theigal stepped,
in evident indecision, She -looked
furtively up and down the street,
and then,,_ with a berried gait, very
different from her 'usual stately ese.
ritge she priictically bolted into
the shop.
The Cratisiemotithimapped. What
have shorthand -typists, toilful;
thirty shilling* ilt*ekt, to spend on
,jewellery,t .
Then his
• •
211 his huid. ile toldsttittel
41Ile .es,
nia1;8"stanAe. ut of his lifess
ro*Oeuttibri; .
, .
Ilettire.dOei .:Nethlr51"9‘ el,J40/eltner7t:
xten,00iarbfle relititinf of
rheerirtzt74, Smoot Of
withoutia vk4s**coiaircirt4400us4.Tolta format
s College, evident)
spised the business, and mere
garded it as a field for 1144.1, n
• ' •
“Ilear :FOU**(0 - little -her
to: -day,” he reworked, with * grin.
'Rathr good that t givert the
matter is, I was taking- a friend to
upper last night, and found thy. s
elf short, Victeria Street wes '
neeresti- so just None here and
berrotsva five quid. I've got dupli-
cates of sill the governor's keys,
04 Visited your show as ant on s
the way. I moult to, have returned
sfirststhingsthis WAWA
ut went to the rues and clean for-.
e r t
overwhelming 'rush of thankfulness.
The money was aceounted for and
Isseliaraetets cleared, -4060
her e4traortlinary course of actien,
14 stilt veiled in Mytterys
But the first thin WAS to find
then straighten out the
tls.s.h.sthat-tssoictint to
be Nutted tot erewt-LI.
nail, *sit threaded its way among
the traffic. When he at last reac
the place, he was met by a crush-
ing annottneeitient, for the land.
lady, with excitement oozingtrent
every feature told of litis rett's
'dramatic departure.
"Paid up, tar, and left at
ute's notice, fer, all the world, -esi
if the police Were after , She
didn't' leave any address, tut" she
asked me to post this I"
Theswortien put a letter into Dor.
tar's hand. 4.4-, was addressed • to•
hiniself,. and he tore open 'the+
velepe ;Yu agony .of .riusperis-e,
Here, he thought, he might find *
clue het -whereabouts. -
But the note merely
few scribbled lines: •
."Xiy, this time. you think not
indeed* it is not'so 1
But I canna face the suspicion
your seorri, so I am playing a cow-
ard's part,', and running
Dover left the house feeling bea-
ten and hopelest, ne " knew
ectly Well that it was easy for the
kirl. to he swallowed up in the laby-
rinth of London.
As he whirled back, .however,
sudden -thought atm* him. There ..
wiiiissisfaintrehaness:thati if she:con-
templated leaving London, Sher
. • .
itsleetts her riug.
It was a fool's :cried, but for
full hour; from 'the, shelter' Of the.,
restaurant, he watched -the fateful
that). At list; however, the wait.
testes' stares *nil whispers stung
him to action. Girls all int
Might get a duo from -
the jeweller himtelfl But he had.
bai•ely croised_ the toad when int
patience was crowned by sueeesi; ,
for, coming ..rapidly towards him,
he A** the.talt,figure,ef Viola. Sh
tiffled cry .at, the sight of Dover.
right'!" he tri -
suringly. "The incomes fog
you are eleareill have come
apologize fur :Wronging Sit by
iol is eye*. thone thitiu0 a mist •1,
f - pitte
so gledli,t -*sr said:Lai/41y. ,
But Dover did not vonsider this
"Don't 'you -think you owe me an
explanation. after *Ill" he *liked,
lien -Vohs told the tale. ,
When I weir fifteen. was cash
ier in .,st small shop,' Thing ;were ,
at * terrible erielt at home. and
-yielded to ternotatkon,„ And horro
toiettign from the till' mean. •
mg to reitisee it. But the low**
+discovered, and a dettetive celled
n. When my employer' heard the ,
eireumstances, he *greed to give me
iother'rhiknos to redeem my past
That I did. lItit it teems that you
tiinnot lose the, brand of past sin;
for •the detoptive you e*POCI, in was
the. „Very 401* 1030 diseovered my
sin4.4 Although. it is „seven *
years. **its I' knew he would reeog.;
tize Mil,' then, would you
'live believed in ray innoceticel!
' "Thank t.ou for telling me,'" mad '
0,01 veitendeigy, after A short Pause.
In return, let me give you smile
dviee. Your best courte of_ actiitg
" • Ittist
• iss if by
h ad afled
confusi▪ on. „.
But the next ri morning there fell
the doubting lover * heavy blow,
which made him entrench, his wow',
dot spirit bellied his 'defensive
mour. As Viola entered his office
to tau. hiSletterA,.. ANS NW, " with
tlittatlt, that the kind light in his
eyes had turned to it steelrglitter;-
Brett. To Detetivc Fisher, Seot-
'it seen here this
Iorning on a- er of ;petty
• Itioteic Angel:* shook as :she
-cr&wled her 'notes.
Jibe spoke
"Yous-yoteptomited lit ' she said.
"I did,' the night beferelast. But
'I And that five pounds are Missing
this „morning, and, 'in:, 'the fete of
this repetition, I have, !lead ,a,* *Just
my will, to alter my opinion." hatis
all, thank 'soul"
The detective arrived's* the einee
very', shortly; and WAS soon deep in
cotteeltaition with Aver. Ono of
his first actions was to overlain the
desk thotteistily, and, iirtheseourse
pointed out *
"It looks insignifieants but it is
toin mer have squeezed
through into the space 4 theitaeli
of the drawer. 1*atilt oterhaut.
I* were brought. and, after
Lle is, one severeign was fishe
1 of the Ctritt:sitrrueUed hi* thin.
Thet asssounts for the litst theft
But the seetaidi and morel :wriest
one, has still to be clea,red. With
your permissions t will intervi
your laxly clerk*. *You may re
na not to alarm or annoy ji
• szsos
`Me' •ef,„
h re
hi ,
1 in
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the eiefer rnont
indistrioua typitt
in spite of Mies
*es a thief. 2
it s' •Bret
Up . were dry, .
head rk." he tat1.
ote left. Ifer ts
Oil flttr4P .1
Ss •
he "mon
)s bsd idea to se-
t 'ging pew.