HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1909-08-05, Page 1 (2)V,
ti�t With
ttern iln ed With *ilk
A. Teri' nue The reg.
40c, to door 000%.
1301tStripe Muslins
rey ttorttextrit„ value at
.1Thelrilag( & different stripe an
fELy Vittorio, regular MO. to clear A few *bort ends of this 0017#
suitable for waists. To clea,r 03c, .
Our Straw Hat Window Fnday and Saturday
41, Tie era :OLD() cleared ofexceedingly low prices.
p '-'44r4tigVfriri521014,4*14,!1,!afhli0,311,,,,Y+ WPfaVatar4,4,1*tat
vow, npuutuil, oummer
n 11 sszer, reXular. Price 050 1114,0.69,Cle*ting at SLAM
e loflowitig
Plahr and (Ntired MdIs
With hoe? pattern and *tripe to
Colored Organ.dies and
Dimities and tusIins
,Extra valuest 10-4 -12ie 114 1.5e
tO clear 0c..
• uthroidery-insert.
le Shoes in Pebble and [Split,
sir" while they last 50c per pair.,.
low ly of theiteoin Oxford* and high oboeto clear 60c.
.tattnv:v at' to_eleari
be*t Prioot Paid fer produce and Live poultry
19e« trade 18c emat.friettoiocee inbiloct to
o se,
'et ney
will• boa A
411 to be soli
Glove. and
In thirty day& Ligkt lain Coats
Gooas MUST ,-
00ene.quick and get bargains,
Wei Moe, Olean, Fret* Groceries
o ore Poszortrion
Bus and niay 04318
promo? attimidal to.
01134)13 kept 1404 for apala.
Telephone 414
Etandford'a Howe Exqbange
9111t14 WANTSD,
tAteratormt ,on Ladies" and
Whittivear. Good Wages. Stet:4Y work
Volel STAR. WM\ MIN Cp.
Otit, 1- \ \
FARM rtiOPEntr riontlAIUM,
.Auction .Erale of Vat nabli roma laid,
st the Ventral Hotel on Saturday* 7t1i,
Atsguit, 4 oielotk.JO*. Z. Crookkin
;11 Caintron, Auct. • .
eolith." lialf of foot 21. COn.
,11#,Thilea west of Exeter.; also SO etre*.
et Lot Ilt, Con. 2, Stephen* end. 25
:vs In Zloty Swarna.
PAU* FOlt•dAtIt.
- • •
A hundred Atte firm, ell seeded :IOWA
t one acre; situated north Of 10entre11e
1-4 mile -from Church, othool and Post
Otike, Wing Lot. S. Co". 2. ***hen,
There le On the pretrilseat ,a -good frame
oust, three good trim* tatto, 4 wana,
*theintilip 2 acre 'ot good otehardAtid
0 ewes •of, Nirdwoodisesh4 tenets in,
good mteir. 'and is wall' under.itralnot
11140t. ror, putkomig apply to
XemYra centratta.
beioj ,ow
t .n)OyIn tog
day t toun.ant. Wjfleh
not •Iz:ftig bb. * tr�phy wlth. •
•they were' 04,
ing.' 1100thet^
t4kitia,WniJng ,20 andleeing
tit a flinch ,better showing' the
Extcc.2414 hitherto made at Undo:4'
Tarn.m'a rink, -tenalatint tot Snell. -
t Coigne end Teman, Wen rout
and loot. three. in thia order;..4.ost, t
'Pon of 14Intion; wbn from' RewsOn ot
WYonlint, and Dowding�t clinten,- I t
to Greenwood of Toronto. WOO from; 41
han) Of London and Thompson of St
pm. And Ioat 'to Iltngileh or itimilto
treentaleor rink. vorteleting ' Clark.
Taylor, Dickson end Ifeamen won el
and lost three as tollt?*00""Wen trore
ThOunpeon of Strethroy and troger of
Toronto, -lost 10_,X100401)-0,1_,Ilarrivoh.
won from •Dttneall of Thameeville, TOY -
ell or. St. Merys• 110eicer or AYIniterl nd
Allen of fiendon,.loet to AZT:Otago or
Part* and McDougal of tendon. Tar
nk winning the theropionehIp was *kin
ped by an old Exeter bey, Chas, Abbott
S.V,Vs$ 41,1•Pit
• Two .rinks of the Exeter bowlers wen
to ---Ciiedit04 •ThuradaY -and PlaTtol--.A. .
games each. The rain In the evening
Interfered wtth the pane a -good deal,
but wet.greounda did . not keep them \ from
finishing the game*. ere ton wao II
up on the day's Play". :':e taymberger
suPper did not seem to ble to .help
'Our boys -out awinucireactr-didut-Dasiv.
-wootv..prohably diae-titters
the quality ofithechm*...-atthOugh-,SPatic
;veld it wail lust al. good. Then Parney-
Prown. and Berry Silber •had a pernt-#
anent Skip in the form cir' a fence poet
,which. they aimed et, with the reeult
that therhad kitty.touchers nearly every
time. :Maude Bluett won both the
tallies against N. D. Iturdon by 20-
17 and 10-14. -Doc, -McCue lost the Prat
to, W. U. ,L.evett"by 10-13 but, won the
second . 1240. The 'Plalters ivete,0-0,1*
Iten-lirewil, Bourne, .: Clerk, Illuett ; Mor.,
lock. llowson, Eilber, )MO04 ' (Evening
game Icuhn, Itilber Silber, Vice:re.)
,E,etter--$Paeltman, iclieson, Creech.„•1404.i.
don; Gould, Sweet, Carling, Lcvett.
. The' President's: and 'Vice -President's
rinks tinuili got in their game Vrld,g1
night," after five week* PealiPenem
and -unfinished teraes« -The-result a
n favor of the .Vice4tresident, W.
L'am*n, w3,0 OW' three *a* I
' abet,. the Preeident, X•evet
of titti4 game* Were close 10-10;
aid In laeroe-Ot. the Ilvieddent, but the
went Vtrooltir egainet him, to. n.
Ickson *meting Bev. Collins 27 to 12.:
The *core
Preeddent'a Pinks.
AChtsori, Weenie, Snell, Levett.--.
Creech, Carling, ileamen
3 -Anderson, ftelden, gurdon, Collin. 12
Spackman Taylor ‘Tithion40
2#--Stanburr• MaY, Davi*, B1atchford-14
$-Anderson, Sweet, Christie, 0Ickeon.27
vtaanterts suctssout AT CWSLP.I1
VMVP.W.4.14., •
Toe tont:Wing are the immes ot e num-
ber of tvatchers who have aukesioruny
roioed ersnonations at tit!. Onterlo
rieulturil College, Glie:ph, in ,these two
slibikets.-- •
Slernettary IndUstriel
'Abbott, Lucien: Mollie Z. C1UU 3rdtlie
COPP* Minnie X. Kilri; uuntor: Annie
)4arri: Mery 'Strati;
Parkhill: Nellie LIsaearin, t *ary'ai
IfItrnentarY Agriettliure.-dit.21310.0o
of-Miition; "trettrtids i U1ot,' toOcan;
011ive if! llodirino, twin t Nettie Agfa**.
art, ; Mabel Welsh,
• gr. 'flos.- Qke of Bryanston woo' in
'town a, Itew days this' week„on .tonlineme
int tie:Mettler: withl hi. ProPertYl 40441
the mirth end or town.
he knit open shedat litihesde. Will
be *old by Public Auction on Tutedai
evening* August „1.0th, at 7 o•cioek,
S. Phillips, Aut., Ktddy• ate
4)f Trustee /laird,
•SETt'VANT °int. AFtZo
7 ,
tItt.ataire Or. Dining. Ito0;11 , Work.
ATTENPURY 11011181t, Clinton, Ont.
Oil urea; to get tietteession tn ail.
A ply to SAND:1MS & MOM teeter
Te Untkeraigned 1., offering for
that velUeble, 100 etre Atierni *int Lot
ft,, OM, 31 Stephen,' Alieleersit and In
good state Of cultivation. Fence* good,
well' urldtr4rodord. ,with Aiwa one
are or oitt,u4td.., Two Stant' new toriek
Cottage and "blink born; also Cement
edlot three good 10,41#1, ot watt*, and
114 tismic. 0.. a*tr
*11 1ie
#tottt, •. ‘.,1
ee l'.1'
th prod41r:t*:7°;7't *4::;°* 1!i
o ,,40.4:rat-
.,._ list , .., 44Y:' word*
:410Yr•tiiife -,', It 4,.rost*.t. 0,,, viO4_7_,,..U.Yb.7., -Hon ..ttAsmti, ilt
' work .41.• Witlielit 40Utit."1.14 - :;'neit ' ilet!or
,tartt of ali public -Utilities' to. be conelder.
ed by 41%-inuri_._411.*aliti.,Atint thili preej.
te/WON" *,h oPoorlOne time for ,tiae -,etti,-;
%Cut -DI :-S,Iirtter:.-to *volt - theMeetiteiciot
• he „.•PriVilege• ,ot i acquiring. that '. lox*
sit want• It **Ma to Me Wet i.t .let
it _404' .0t: every eltivten ,Wim hats. the.
oW:110 eltere.' at heart to lend a help.
X Li:. 4,4,vionr,s, tOttp4p:rttoofu-*.tetie, ,ourhy.les.vi ttillnaogiwo,
or Mat, not .only - by cleating a vote
td thiluence to...getting otbors to tozp.
the efea I 70174.11-0.7 — — - -
41,:one Mixt' in turning down a propo.,,o
t 04 Ot tliiiit kind we
.rehlrdt* th*.t
tt ,,, .,.t
e.I, ,,, I, • viol well regulated
tewn,•**/ all Citizene..it we ard worthy
ot tt".0 name -lei. us , not be guilty ot
raiding our 'Own .w.tin a black , eyq, •
ow",:iydeeek:reco,:flitft n.1,::0::;4araontei_eittrixtrel"ottl*:#4viblimettri4thitt:tatirteitY:,
we ire bernaclea and ,ioliimpires on the
.C.Ot..01.V1411-;ettr.:*wn --111417-,-Prebabir
norne of Citioen. Your vote lost on thin
otwaolon may , go, down to popterity re'..
g rotted and, „not to ..bre':recalled; hence
'Vote -for .1110-1by.imeer---ort, the -1.13th inet:".
Ott' Wiii )1aVe ,done your duty.
.- -----..„---...„,- • _ .. .
wnucrtos "�Z' V# fi. SI-IARP# AS
rrit nonoi Tag CAXENfltEs
141,telittAN 4310.8011.
''-W ut.tion of sthe...itiev. Samuel P.\
iarp es ' peatoz .of tie Coven Prceb$4
eriaA'•0.4.,urch took place on ,Thursday
afiert Oen, Jolt, .Ploth, 2000. . _, •
VOA,. scraion for the occasion' was -do.
*led 14 ..tht- leat inducted ininteteX
withln, the 'Oren 'Posbyteri,' iteV. Mr,
Mann Of Atalulin, who took for lila test,
v Merile. leaVel have ye." Te '1:Cri..
nrrt Ito** * very',ciegant and intinceinelve
dtecourav. At; ;the close Rev. 0`, Pies
cier, .Irkerinit • Moderator, put the nee.
nal. goo:Alone' sod declared Mr.: 2atp
Id seed t pastor Rev, .
Blyth the tOtigMatIont, '
The •oormeno, and, addressee wet* aLt
la keel** With the oceaadon and W
ILetened 10 'by it good congreotion,mso
44to,cm'.. treat neighboring-. churchee, '
lag Vireteeet4 . r' - ' ' •
During the evening a reception • was
enderal. the-Itter, . and: Mrs.. Sharp, oleo
their ;daughter, 24Pott Margaret, by the
merabers and adherents Or -the thureh,
tee being viened bY the ladies In the
basement, where Mr. and Mrs. It ;aro
-wire, nuide acquatutedtat oc member*
of the :congregation p gent. The :relit,
denninieters and - ir :Wives- we
toreaent to 'help in the celebration. At
eight o'clock a..short Protritro ' was cow'
inenoed inthe auditotturn of the chUrch
Won the following mimbers. were 'givens
ftOlk..1qe.tcf.);„ ..r.....11,01; 14 as..onainnask,'"4, LA?,
them by the Choir., Advirees by . the
heirmeri, *Ole by: Mies ltditt:„.Kenciir,
ddrees by Rev. lir. Viordin ot St.,
-Marys. radiation /by 'Ilse SfertauSht,
addreute by Ide.lkeyannel, solo by Mies
lovingatione, recitation by Xis* Mc-
Saughtautgoal. by Mr. re W. ;Glad.
mon, flueit hIrltiresra. Kit:man end 'Sten
ior, addrees ../by Bev. Mr. Sharp,'” • eel.
salon, by the their.. ' .
' a congregation 'I* to be,. congtatul-
atd ▪ the eU:cems .0! the4»'.gervicel
and silo .0:1 their tokining as their pas-
tor the Rev. Ur., Shot*
he following Po, •geritlemett were
pr.se:t beatdu tliosa atroady j»tgboh"
Ith oL lieniall, And
I In ihe ,Otfice Of the Clerk
Friday, 3u1y 50, at II P. Aboint
Illor fleernan. A torreePondence •
from.' ' W. Singh. or Ciodertch. irt
Theelerk was
meted- to, --„staki ensWer that ' the
tialmacit would not grant :a
A motet frent the Public School
Board, asking 12000,00 be raised for
i booI .••• purpolos Or the, current, year.
Tci4rr for graffiti were , opened 'it
trad as '44.1...lioloter, W. T.
Calliespie and Creech 4: itimotiod..,
lotr,..c.--toalter.-111,tast thi tender of IV;
pee tont deltve
It bei4 the lowest, acc*pk.d.-CsrrI
0,1stio3 ittiOn tattooers reiddruir
h'erth side of Itimeoa street, as
I� r * Cement walk, and signed
the• gienswiht Patriterio was
4f,1. Parithiseit,
fforthrott, CI. Rook. P
tro-Carlitur-.:That tts eartillot a.
r.ebv.d he ti1et.,-00irr1edl, Seat
triidaY. Auguat $th. Aa
CeSigallo 0
threat whe wrOte at Itsetter on11*
ert Teithate ltetunination It
Oct to litattnal Soda* the t
Aver* 'treeeloatim3e4gello' 00111e0,
theme* )
zi 0P•11!. 0141h.'ipth
w .4tin hex rziothrr :ret1419.°1'n:f.Vr'14"Ht140eitt4)..9.1w:siv111:le'll:
s • eye% Sne1i of"--tewiwia—th
gimlet of Of 4flaii• Gladys mord.
I4*" /tore le Welting jeletivee In
Clinton ter couple of weeks. .
Pright or Viet:ton t vieltint'hie
brother, Pr. It B. Dright, here. ,-
311*. J. A. Sanders of Woodstock via-
ited hts Parents inl town „over Sunday.
George Anderson returned
flay after a few week* •violt at Fingal.
The Miomes. tiptoe ot L.ontiOn visited
their sister, Mts. .7*mesto Deering.. over
Suciday: •
Sri fltuurate of 1,00n4on Is the ifucet
ot her -aleter, litre. Units Dearing of
Sgrftlienitteienee 414...dersoi; lett' Se. tin.,444"'
tor vielt for et*.
Min* Oladysr- Ford returned Saturdol-
from avialt- at Iluffalo, Niagara Valls
Miss TillieLrager of Tileonburg
ItinE friende Id town, the guest 0! Mb.,
ettle Walters. -
Mr. Ne1.on Prior Portage la Prat.
le ba o been the guzet of his parent*
P. John* and lcosee Lino and
or 7-Voronto
o a few days.
ss Annie Hanover lett. Wed:100:w
Zo her honks near Dasttwood,- where she
lit spend her hotideys.
Mies Margaret illacom *rut M. Arthur,
iFaettl.t.ntronitiottronto are visiting with the
r„ (Itev.) Robbie..
gra. g. 110000 Or /Vehotetadr, X.,
is on a monthis yisit ber alatersi,
'Oa. Wm. Hockey anti Ur*. Coitie.
Miss Itaercher of Itincardine and Mr.
ttefibroa4earnotogt Mr.
04eArytrioelhd, ej.reamegaticestatt,
Mrs. If. N. Andersen and her children
Rawl nd Donald of the Soo, aro _via.
iting Jas. Wood, Itra. Anderson's
141.11.140#41.1 a'• Were. tousumin
Or one:of 'WO:V*0o
xTotionti Inelltera 'thet.'kee 'ohm'b.
*do, pa*,
,-di alt the,a0r.04)Fat ectnent. manutaeto,
ng ,companies, Panada., tbo.i.vn.:
14.1.44,toinpahy. wbte.4,vila ,b#p.;loo,,,ofiza •
•$,S, Catadlan _Co •Iiitateds , eprzetlt.
OontitanY, o
$45,,one,go .
•14.3,1,rationt Early Tuesday. .mornings.
rer cernpletely fleetr6Yrd ltm reeidenc0
t• lierron, French: street, A:rid
hou.oe unof..cupitd and tho °vigil) of
the Ore 13 unknown.
Seaforth--,The oceurre4 0. JulY
20th of Cetharine IX 17, relict tte
late James -Sperling, 1 her 9Imt Feer.
The tur.erai took pia on the 2,h to
ther-Maitlandbank Wry.
74.4vp•av....110101107.4va•vmmulIt., . •
,-,,,v.,i47:' ,,,, , . , t,,,-.• , •-• ,
' t
UOWei"..in 'Exeter, .on July 20th. tit.
gr, ikrid Ws Wo 0 Ifowey, a on.
Eugene..ftevifition. , • e"
Ifelunan--At ShIpka, on July 27th, to _
Mr. end "Mr*. William kleamart, a son.
liforley--At Brine:10Y,, ou ' 4rolY 21,110., ill •
Mr. and 5/1w. Walter Morley, a daugh.: _
ter. , ,,
28th, pled Ilendersoii•vt 14„:140)1,_
':-*-lorenar-daughter, oirMr. and
•'Mr*. WW. Rodne of pashwood..
/Wiz. At Stayner. on July 23, Itichard ;
• Hinz of Exeter, fattier-- of Mrs. 1.4
Vincent. aged 04 year*.
Pearing-In-Pacter," on 'Monday, Autnet
201, Thomas Peatant, aSed areafe.x
.1010.1tten.40 Mitchell on July 25th
Ann Simmons, relict 'or the late T o
Mutton, isr lier 67th year.
Cohntheun---In Mitchell, on July, 29, jag.
Volquhoun. aged 74- Year** ;.
Seeforth, on July.
arine Menaryretict 0r,tbe late Jame*
ackson,,,,At Go Ohne Aftutieeka,
22, x#111144...X*14 *14:at daughter of
Thos. Zackson, Jr., Clinton aired
years,. 1 month -and- 22-..4eYs;-- 7
Taylor -fn "London, on, 4411Y,25th, Marl
Zane • Taylor, daug),er the'lats
Taylor of.faittioNaged fits
lrenfrentond a termer mol-
ter, timing conducted the
WooLte 1i1te here long ego, was here
O -Rcistt:t07,11,:e4wirets,t01404170k:h4nes heettornon,
yo4X10a )datian Gibbing* 0! *won
1. vijanibi; Was Beta Rowe. .
The, Sunday School 44-tve- Trivia Stern -
oriel Church, plenIckeyl at Grand Pend
on Tuesday. The annuli pastimes- were
indulged. In and a pliamant outing Is re -
Ported. This year's..pienic was prob*
ly more successful than .• any larreto.
tors held under -.11milar auspice*.
DIAA.T110--The. death occurred StmdaY
at St. Pent, Wong of the 'wife or Bev;
fernier motor ot the
34U0** Street antech, Utter. Atter 50
the ininietrY last year,- and *ince -that,
time they had been *letting with their
daughter In- tat, Pawl. Pei:idea the hus-
band, one son and three daughters our -
rive. The rentaine were Interred In
110, Maori. On. Nitednesebtlf.
*Vic tenerel agent for the Woodmen
, the World has been here tor sems
weeita._ enrolling tandifistes end isucteed.
getting * Sufficient number to In.,
etituts a 100 which, Wee dons Friday
evening liket in the °Wallowa itall.,
Some 'twenty znernbsrs. jobued.
Prospect ot a, dozen inOre thio week., The
4:glowing' 'taker* Were electedim- Past
Cons Com., Z. -P. allietti. ten. Com,
.-01, looker; Atte, Ueut., C F. $ea*
*right t
jf; ; OrIght
*aced, X.3, X, ZIA t ' hnsiu, IL bp
Quantici tientmhfoed;
440..0 Pi .10eterritht,, A. VI Jarnile, fi
I •
laving leasta the ;tore propertY .4tt
mr.;.----13roderick, irrieureet.' 1 ON
to announce 'to. the public that 1 hitt
opened out _bust:tees' in the line of
eral.Provialorts. ' '
Flown, MED,' MOCK FOOD, PitESS0.
The very beet grades of flour alwaYek
on hand ••
•delivered to any
alt ot tbe taVra
• ;
WeInvltrn opie pidronsopog 4nd. solicit * •
colt trom]you .
• Ir. ** • 4'. 1 •
•, p'•,*•• • •
3.02 o
r 11
8p *1*1 4,2* * 4444
* 4 4 * * • dd,#