HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1880-7-8, Page 88 Choice_Musio,1, ROSE 01'' T11A1E1 (Song.) Mit i E 1+'Iti11151t•t$ (( 11A1.1I' MAST Medi tt WA1rY t, 13ItITtsI1 Mile i7IS.\'p .Utj TLIE WILD WAXES, 1.'uvt. Ct)11Ii O'ER THE 11WONLIT SEA. Duet, Pri.,s± to c . 1 is i,•tch Semi l,ostliaid ' 00 receipt or title.., U.;,) :, .t"oa '• Jous,•e'1+ :titulieai Cate- ,'u.nt, PAW(' > , t oats. Caen 1 'tt 101 'S'eletity k Aetel?.'s, St Jenard eV'oryw heft as'.a lileaos of acquiring delicacy and rapidity in fingering, music noun stock supplied to order. Vgieltseller, Main sirset, Exeter, Ont. frill' ..reter TIIUPSDAY, JULY 8, 1080 LOCAL NEWS. The To tic Dolt Co., Marsha 11,1411eh,; wif.send thinroelebrttted %;lectro-Voltate 11'u1t's to the atlliet,•d upon 9t) days trial. li{,00dy cures i naraatec,l. tete)' mem what t11Gy say. Write to them without tta1ay. ;3:znnor.rixe,a now remedy for consumption, ler stale at C. Lutes Central Drug Store. Sticky fly -paper and fly -powder at Central Drug Sore. The linty plana in. toren forchildren's carri- ages and velocipedes is at Chas. Eaorett's. Call and see there. Best machine oil at E. II. Speakman's. Post Office Plock. 'Best machine oil at E. H. Speakmnan's, Post Of,lce Block. Ano'ion sale of furniture every Wednesday at 3, Drew'sattil his present stook of furniture is clisposedof. Undertaking carried on as usual. Auction sale•ofChina, Crockery, Glassware, Cutlery, Wall paper, etc., rte.; at Exeter, in ?•Ir Sontheott't Brick deck. 'Phis big sale well c r:amenco on Saturday next, 10 of Jnly. Auction sale at 2 and 7 o'clookp. m., andcon. iiuutr for ten day. Whack -Bang they go. .'No hanging on for prices. No reserve at c:,is sale. All must be suit. 3. W. BROnERI(lt. HOLIDAYS. -The public schools closed for summer i-aoatiou yesterday. Briar. -Mr. Win. Dearing, of Stephen, in forms us that he iutetnds cutting his wheat rind barley this weak. New BAT.w.-Yesterday Mr. Jaynes Pickard raised a been 30x60 feet'on the site of the old - one wliiah was horned last fall. LARGE SNARE. -On Tuesday last, Mr. Wm. W'estentb trilled a lerge'sake on the farm of Mr. Win. Rslkwi'l, which measured eft. 6 in. in length, and 51 in. around. Hwa riesne-The edema- of the Exeter 'volnuteer company retnrnsd home from Lon- don camp on Friday evening last. They look- ed well after their short i,tay ou- the tented field. ACCIDENT. -While going around his house the other clay, Mr. Thos, Flamtin fell down cel - ler, and inert hitnselt severely. He is able, to be around, but suffers sone Leconvenience 11 from a pain in his side. 1 .........._..............*....".m, _ TES; " .L.M n CANARY )STOLitL--011 friday last, Willie all KINDLY BlSktEnrualttsn.-14fr-A. S. Abbott,. :Mr, Sptcer's family were absent, some yelsou Tour vegetable City Clerk, is iu receipt of a let - took the key from its place above the lioor,on• i ter from Athlone, Ireland, tho .contents of Weed the h(niso and stole a beautiful singing whiollar° of a pleasing nature, It appea'a (*nary 'from A (tags, On retiringthe key was I that his uncle, the Rev. \V. I3'.' Gunning,an replaced after the door was'loeke& The can. Episcopal clergyman, was stationed at Lamb's aryh$ lunchmissed, its -it -was an excellent singer. 1'oiut, nein' Brookville, and in 18+i1' roturnod toliisnative Land. Ile was a bachelor, pos- sossed of a largo fortuno. After laboring. in: IsxRonnertner S,ltuteoN.-On Senility last, Tritiated for several years ho took Welt and died, Bev, J. B. Gun ly;` the Ill) \T pastor of the Ito made a will, but until the month of May 'Methodist Cnarcii, Exeter, prenellecl his in' hist could it be found, An ativcrtisomeut in trocluetory sermon to a 141140 mud attentive ,the T,t h 2'totes (Dublin) bron,.ht 010 "011.. congregation. In the uvoniu.g aleo the church anent to light, anti the euntents of it devise the was welt filled, and the li:!teliers were again sunt of. £J,000 to his nephew. The old gen- treated to an intlitessive and elognent seriuou ( amen, sae been receiving tiro 0,,ngratulatiuns of las friends over his gond luck. Wo tru(;t that he may be long spared to enjoy it. -Len - don. Tyree .Press. Mr. Abbott is father of Mr. IL R. Abbott, of 'Exeter. On the life"of a1loses.aa applied to the life of ohristians. I.' 0. 0. F. --The following are the names of the.oflicers elect of. Exeter I.O. 0, F. for the meront quarter :-- P. G. -Bra. 3. Otto. N. G. -tiro. 3. Mamma V. G.-- " 1I. Nowell. 11. S.- " 3. Fyio. 1'. S.- " 3' . Sp'utltrnan. T'reas.- " W. iloward. ltopreventative to Grand Lodge.-Bro. J, Orr, Sreersrrcc,-The vital statistics for the village of Exeter for tiro half-year ()tiding June 80th are as follows ;-•331 the, 17 ; mar- riages, 5 ; deaths, 11. Greatest ago. 72 years ; least, 21 days; average, 80 years. Canso of death, --Membraneous croup, 1; sea^ - A lILavr Lear. --One day during the past fo,v weeks there wart 'performed fn this town a remarkable feat iiiIif `ainly*i Willes we veutnle to say has seldom beene equalled in any town iu Canada the size of Exeter. This remarkable feat oousisted in lifting a vary heavy mortgage un a printing plant in town; The medical editor desired to ]Bove Ws aloe, and a few Rrfoi•rriers had claims neatest it which aggre• gated a uico stun, so it Reformer tells as, and they wore very anxious to retain the office in their service, and likewise the renowned ma- tted editor. 'So anxious were they in this re- spect that they would not let hilt move a typo let fever, 1; iuflamatiou of the bowels, 9 ; tutl he paid oft their claims, which lie' was onngestioa of tho lungs, 1 ; cauvuleious, 1 ; I oompelletl to do, when it is sal he renewed hydropericardian, 1; general debility, 1; the threat, made ona former occasion, to whooping cough-uegleut,1; pie•aro-puemu- anuihilate the ungrateful party with a pistol.' mania, 1; measles, 1. He nzisuntlort,od the motive that actuated _, thembl demanding tbeirmoney beforcho moved. C,.Ata» II.tens.-The St. Mary's Argus, They were an -late to retails his services, aid which has for many years boon the property of Mr. 3. 3. Cvabbe, has been purchased by bit'. J. P. Rice, formerly of Exeter. We can recom- mend Mr. Rice to the good will of the people of St. Mttnys. tto is a priotical and good milder, and is tuereovtcr a man of education. and nnquestioited ability. His political lean- ings have always been Reform. Under his. managuaeut, we confidently meet to vee the Argus take a leading, position in Canadian journalism. Pintitotar,.-Mr. Brewer, manager of Exeter branch of Maisons Bank, lift no Saturday last, for his summer hoiitlaye. IIo will be absent three or four weeks, and will, it is understood, not return alone. His place iu the bank is took that wrty;of a000mplisllin g their purpose Poor medico, disowned by Conservatives an kinked out by Reformers, where next will It ti was aounllied itt speech•tnulring. The piat.forin tett; occupied by the 1i, v. lir. r11onreel, 13. I)., Lno4111, Rev. Mr. Welhl, London :north, Bev. Mi.. Crnu(ly, Exit, I ter, and the Itay. Mr. Peolode. The nitlaic MELS 0n by the Fiti field Sum: 8 ”:Ni#4 RAG er.twitherSe+ ' k .1 ` N. ;. «prai t . g l'I e l'17 t,u rlet t IMPLEMENT W .. , !'v- .A.;3.. 6 Iia .t .t ..A, T 1117 Has been. appointed' Agent for the seta of the following artiorl.:'1 M.i.i::F,cttire b - St. Tltouras and 13ranipton Agricultural Works : 1 the .improved Royce iRe:9per, i3.Y1, `sst3t 7.Fr r ;wl 4.� nG .a ;cam ..xZ•t"u(ds> t r ren ' �, ,,:::::is kern ^ et, AKE TILE CORNELL STEAM ENGINE Fort THRESHING' ;G 1AC1I.t?r4. These aro all Warranted, and have ,pained a wilt' ropittstinn. Satisfaction 1a•+n!,.:oil, or no sale. Any repairs for any of the above implements eau be obtained from N. %otiiy. and tea on Jule lot to raise some gstzi money to apply to.the pursonave fond. �•�tLYafiq'tri•TaYuwlSr.�v�`�. « ,m7tT Tlie day llei•tg fttvarable, a large num. ^;^"a« y. e. her attended. The Iteccn-itit'c 0f the ' 441101: :"tau`^ " }?u inner man were oell..upplit,d in al,ul,tl• 01108 by the ladies of tbo ellut•oh. Af ter simple justine skid Leel[ 11010 to the Haying unrchesea tiro }3,(,t and R,01 xIr i,e r•f edibles, the roluniudttr of the afternoon t;,e W. Ji. Trott, wo tate now ,ii. r tO tie i'eletti•(,•e.: turn ter comfort 2 We're afraid he'll neve get V25, or even 26 colts for his vote again. IT 'Fitts No Summit is what that very abs and widely -circulated journal, the I)ulfal Express, said of the great Foropangh :shot which is to exhibit at Seaforth on Taesday July 20th. It further eulogizes the exhibitio as follows :-"Nevor, to our recollection, haw we seen a' larger crowd at a similar place than that which filled awl overfio,ved air. Adam Furepaugh's shote ye •terday after noon -except the even greater multitude who sought ad- ochoir, cor, Alii, 7-(aktnu pre-islih�� at the u ' tllethoditts of 09111r:ilia have every rea i sot; to feel proud of tbtir l:till+++uvge., o which, with itt lratlds<nne grounds, est, and Che , st Ftcck5' of ready made work ever tic r ,i In ' t t,•t WO woulct 4(I8, renis til two a horns -:untie Iiaotn and . , tl •ai : aiY; ed, ithatwoeau supply them lttr t este, twia,,i e.sSt- sanction. Repairing done at 1'evre t r .ice and sati afactinu guar towed. :. all and sAofor rourselve:s. l,ou' organ. 1ht'pri'eeed0,incltitling Nub nava the phtee-Ea(4.t0s111ocIh' scrtptions, amounted to $150. The (7,L+'AC11tL'1'1'. 11t tl]3;1A II11i. mission in the evening. Indeed it was a big Mnpplied for the present by the Inspector, Mr. }first day for the ostai,lishmeut, bat easily ex - M. Beaton. I pained be the complete manner in which the show had been radvertised,antl especially the faot that Mr. Forepa;sgh has the reputation of never goiug on the road with a show that it no thoroughly and pre-eminently good. Mr. It'orepaugh's managerial energy is directed to the mainten mea of a spleudid menagerie and a grand cirans. A finer herd of elephants than is exhibited has never been seen here, ranging froth: a colossus to an infantile e:pecf- men, mid the elephantine performance given in the rine is a marvelous illustration of how these unwieldy, yet intelligent animals can be - lli. r. G. Simpson, of the Molsons Bank, Ingersoll, was iu town on Domiuiou Day. -Accounts from Colorado state that the three Messrs. Welsh, Hodgins, and others who loft here for that State some time since are doing well. -Mr. Robert WlIis, of Lexington, is in town, visiting the home of his ehitdhood. Nov DtiaD.-D wring the paid two weeks the Seaforth Expositor has been deeply lamenting the death of a gautla'n iu who it supposed was S.afortli's first constable, Mr. Jaynes 1)elmage. If oar cotelne will look at the initals of the de- ceased. gentleman, it will see that it has in -vul- gar parlance, been giving itself away pretty b adly. James 1)ehnage, we believe, is a reai- a nt of the Muskoka District. The d: aril of person named McLean iu Kamtsollatka (1f theythave such a name there) would not justify ns iu jumping to the conclusion that the Bea- te. th Expositor was dead. Flinn: On Friday morning last, AIr-Lewis, of Loudon, was arraigned.befor Squire Gidley on clump `of being drunk and disorderly on the previous day, Ile was fined 31 and ousts. TEE BRUSSELS Pori. -This paper has enter- ed Its eighth year and shows sigus of decided pros; erity. The Post is spiee'y written, and its local and general news well selected. We wis.r our confrere continued success. 13. C. C1Ioncg,-Rev. 11r, Webber, of the B. 0. Chn eh, Exeter,wan in 011111.011 on Sunday liteacbittg rho anniversary sermon. The pnl- I.1. litre wee file by Rev. Mr. Thomas, of Clinton, who also addressed the schuolin the afternoon. Poe } tr zarn.-At the last meeting of the T,eel er it. 0. L. it was decided to celebrate the I 1.3 t of ,fuly, Monday next, in L'ayfteld in con - ;petite' with the South tinrnn County Ledge. , The 13te'.er baud has been engaged to ae- C010',01113 thorn,. i fa ^i(rt::o rr BAY. -On the ocrawsion of lain Int r,:ii:•'.tarItt.from the active ministry and enn1-`ex al 'a ,; . ii'l.o uns, 1.J.r. W. trt.td, fo-merly of i pr L., 4 p.c'wt'ntod with rut ea•1ychair sty'iw th • u;11;1.•5-1o1his eon t!reg*atiouatDoteli s•• 11 i . f'ri ,til, wish hien many blessings in )1i, Pit u .: 1l•rtr:, stale. new pastor oug•tl;ing its prayer. A'1 retiro,l o•t Ar reit: n1.v tract:+ . • We, net lee. by the Lou.. A 1ti1:1Y \f :X Mtn fkliew I?o'r.larx - a suasnnat,la ha,i, rti,hiug tate pastor and hi c .,s. ', peon": den .1,;e1r4, rlt•tt {it.•,4.1 t M:Ly, of 1'.,n,1 01, ftrtn- illlnt fanner iii L.ii,tlott tuwn;,irio, who. id. Oe a wit.) a pt )ilgftt time in their new saner, and . . + anticipating la proallerous future 'tor the ri:•1" lit ,.,.e-tsP }t:1LL SStL3 laetui :Un9 ata a -1'Lw educated. The ohms entertainment -tile give Exeter, February ;0,100. 6nt. will compare fuvornblt' a it 11 any par- 1:r:'ici11:D sot age in Cl,ula•ln. Mr. Trivitt wont(' fr.ttn their pt'i t 0. t-t,•itiotl. They 110 doubt have blushed bind he beet) until tllei.t st•, rh, ,t, cl !l, t+ b :.t t. tthieh lit net.d to lies ,..he b u tl f.'r Duluth, itt. lice ''iI'i t,d i:,,:,,nd unit tainted the cite:, 11„ t, a• CI •tit's ick ; 1, mix which 1.1;10:« S"andel;i suite to .EExt'ter to Set' hie brother, N, hon. 'y has s, en but 0I,0e, and thin ()elf' Ti' faiw minutes, 1n 1Ovilty Fenny:, 'rte l time From the Deep. 1 of the C,tpt,�iti is ("ett. ,I :1 t.: brit, that of the lea e, J icor' (i'tr}•riot b it B lu- sRIPWRECTiA.a LARE IBu120N-O PASSE:Nt3- 'lore (Noma rc tel ti:v pa...de of {bei 0t)41i. ENS AND 6 uR THE DREW a,c m•r. ( r 1ne pa6brt,ret's l nitro, be t:ia lot Orl l.lond,Ly evo,,ing last a mean ltuaw.` dreese1 aftet tale 1c 1tiull uI tl miter, n. anti anti giving his name ae .)olln 1bautlere, _._. of Port lltti•o11, arrived ill Linter by (JoutzoTL 111nrTI:d(3. --The OCnncil met traits front 1, )I.dt'0 and engnti•td itt way to the 1e:+idence of 1+'1 auk Sanders moulder, of h1xoter North, whose bru• lug rend and sill ,•:1. Petition of part- ' Cher tie cittUt,et1 10 be. 'I'ite object oI lee all 16'11 eon, 1etluebtil'g n--iotance his searail Was fond in due time, and to improve t1'1 r' ed, hosed l y I. t1u 'Tuesday morning he chute down Ii•t'z see',utie,t by \V. 73.114, r that by towel ttitb his I)l'uther, nod stints O,,n tecetve 1, grail. . f .885 tai cw'diliou vel'nit,g with struts of our tuwLNwetl iib they enpltla'11,, it i. ii :,: IN ,vo,lt tt related is bttt1t L1 07(Jierel,0" Ot 11 Any. the amount t I' $ 5.- Ural t l' d. 1�ext wreck which t.ceuriet.I o11..1+'rltlay nig t Itle1'ti,rg of rb• 0-.n:.ei'� n be 1.+1. Mon. Inst in Lake HU 11/11. A reporter of the day in Augu'a. 3', t'. ,t'os are required Timms keel -viewed Milli and eatlleteti in, hand to utotli•the h!,,. Mat.; th,y re- lit() following details. quire for their sec i•,uta bef.,tte or at • ,I0I1.N SANDExs t•littt nlreli,t;;,',the,'tti a Ih,•ir 1'egnetits is -or lather tweet-oiioelowatt 00 tine clay not be r••« ie't]. The following ''i3auin r 31110," 1L btealller of the IT (It t ?tI'doret core g"eta, u: J. .:ealne0 L. Web ten, Traoboot'talion Oompiatiy, 1t. c'tu $79,87; 3. 1l»ttt)tttl L. It. re- 1ltuuin htatweeu Cltictal,o and it 410. pai:i,tg cult': rt 1,75; J. S. Lindgius 0.1 £'nudity la.••I they wore oh their way euro 1 b r 58,00 1t. it. I'lereal 525,00: to J3uf1'i11«•, the boat. Poing loaded wILli P. McKenzie ttn.n o . 100,00; J. 13. aiierul tnbrcllan(li e, anti (mit ),Ing IL. Ilnd�=iuv tau 70,410; P. Uttiititi:tn d(1 crew of 9..tnt:ll thwidtts cis peso cgerb. 80,00; 3. IN11,.atl C. 11 :triad()') 5101125,00; About eight o'clock 3a't� ere took' tits W. 1i Weitz -or lol'n•tiila,4 l.0r t,et 2,25; A ttt:el, They were tiled 1L oollb:derab,e 'J..(7,tvie tit, 1.25; A. 11IoO•'rniiclt O r afterwards asmall cloud gathorut17,the ():tin 81,51;P.Z+;a,rot 001:1g r 88,50; distance off Thunder arty. $uor'tly A. Pitchers worts m1 colt'2012,00; Win. North West., . It;•L:5r11eted the eittentiuu 'Gamble g .r 8,00: L. L)t,lier'd,tu do of the nate whin c arelesely tt.•Jkatt Sand- 8,50; P.1)i•:hrrt1.an du t:,75; It. 3)irlier- el'_y if he thought they would etAtounier shin do 2,05; 1). Di,itt•t 01 'io 1.50, a etortn. The whee uittn ausaei','d A. I)isberd;t:t (10 ;1,t2.3; P. Farrell do that Ire thought they would etot. The 5..00;,1+P. 1l, Tot do 2 47; E. Dish- cnboe:gneiit event, however, proved the, '1'd,t:t 8,00, A. et,w tt, 8.87; G. Irvin Years Of (he mate to be well grounded. '1,50; C. Ma 4111 1.00: J:1;11es Weber About eleven o'ch;clr a 1,00; \Val..1?';11i,t 20,:10; II t 15 45; J. WHITE SQUALL STE:TICK TIMC.it ('. T„tl'ea0 20,00; t j. fin tot"; 8.0; . without a tns,uii:nt'ti 4arbit.g and illy' O'Giatti.tt 9 50; 11. • I .ihcu tot"; 1. burst almost ]taaiautly capsized., . the Clrar('nre,1 1,76; 3. 10,1 11 7..60; 1). mate 0{ll•j' Ilial tithe to cut loose tL small Collins 125; 1';, (tarry 10.(IFt;. A. Alien b,mt. into which be and the mitt 11,00; J. Dor. 1`2.00; f;.:iirq'olt21 4,'.1f; jumped it hen ll,ey. struck water. Tire 11. 1iu(l;tltt� 1.1',010; IL �A(1a1•tus 5,12; 1';. night tta•c pit(111y' drttk and noth11ri,'. .hi';.8111711 ii 1.1 fly, (.1•'c^Iii 11,1(1; .l'. Bhrntll�r 1.50; 0. `'>1p. a (:11.11(1; Ito 10,75; IL Jt.,x 8,00; J. .l; x 8.00; 3. rustlers 7.00; T. ;i•a1!dt:es 14,50e 11. (i•;itiivill 85(1; .13 ie ell 11,'x5; 1�'. Vont 8.06; J.iii,i lith.'' 3,00; (1''1'alaou 1,50; M. Wins, 2.4;;,7;'3?. tiitrtuler 5,00; 1:1, Surlily 0,50; J Tia owns 11,25; J. finites 10.26; U, Hai, hard 11.25; 1b . S ltrultir 1:3,75; 3. 1'direr (J. 60;11„ "l.l;'ritz 1,87; present and h"ard '1)8 praise which wa$ lavished on bila by the wail• as �pealiel:s for his 1ib••rality to thy' church in 11:t,nsitI of his handsome property at a Very 1-'w price. n ere present. ;tri. tit:. •.f termer meet - in another and yet larger pavili.nl. and is per formed tri two rings. There a -e fifteen ele- phants. His menagerie is immense, a zoo- logical garden of rare beasts and birds from every q tarter of the world. They have been chi. looted with a lavish hand ami seem to be in a remarkably fine state of health and happine.s, a sign that Itf'. Farepangh',: emplovees know how to take good care of the ilnprisonud ani- mals." TEE lernussnitx Wourm,-This is the name Rrscarxiox OF TUE New PAs•roR. A •num- of a new weekly publication that comae from Ottawa. It proposes to deal with trade affairs, ber of the inottibers of the Met llo,list Church and while perfectly Clear from party influences, .anal eougreg.ttion 'stat . iu the bastnuout of the it will give a decided support to the National church ou Friday evening at 8 u'alr'oh, with a Policy. The first dumber is excellent, and the view of giving a reception to li::v. J. R. {sanity, succeeding issue only requ`ro to Fie kept up to the new mini -ter, on his assumption of the its standard to insure for it.a large cirottlation, antics pertaining to tiee pas:urate. After the It should be 3n the bands of all who desire to good things provided had been "di.scuoeed,'' see trade affairs discussed. independently of Mr. W. Ii. Verity was called to the ()tisane, attd politics. The subscription i iia per auuurn. opener' the meeting in a boort, bat appropriate 'rho industrial World Publishing Co rpany are epe"clr, til tine courts of Willes ho rvrien a 041 the no pastor in the roost friendly manner. thopnkilishers. and hoped hie term would showgreat a.lvaitce meat in' every branch of. the • church work. Anvatt'rlsme.-The lack, of al ertising; says Messes. Guo. Wil;is soil 1). A Itt>ss also ex - the ;Ilo,ietare Tilhee, is one of the chief causes 1 tendo 1 a cordial welcome to err- and Mrs. of busiteas failures. There are business men , who don't nodi rstand the value of a lvertising. (xundy a',3 t:•ustatl their efforts would conduce to the progress of the cense which they all bad They do not heo the direct connection between so much at heart. lir. R. H. Verity gave Ldtertiaittg eat( the entering of a customer; or a recitation, lir. Gundy in course of a neat the Cl Mend for any particular article. They reply, thanke,I all present for the knldlyman- el+e, with rL self-imeortence which is told it:g, ocr in v'biell be bad been re,eiveJ, any' for mai their busineee kunwn t., the whole corn- fraternal Sentiments uttered by the brethren unity, elangit as that o »mop ui.y is to at' tvho bad alib'ess.ad then'. He would civ all tont Which 01# have-na' eoacuption of. The that lay in his power, and to the beet of his 1110/114 upon whiclib:tsillees mea shoultl'o61 ability to advance the causlt of Christ to his 'Av.:ruse, 11717 o„tvertis. the truth. If yon new field of labor, and asked for their hearty •stela ,fl 1 thin.; lot the pt:aple know It• 00-ow::ration in his offer .a. The I41C(L ant in- t-I`1rtealte, ,Sewol• let art s eive&Beement got iangltre/ l'enniOi wag brought tO a erasw by the (tent I be seen. 1,1 14 Ili int'te tiny -heard wane 01)0 CRYING L01001.! FOR AR1Ibr'ANOT olid oil 0,r:clog Lo the {Betanin)o it in v111c11 the clic. p oceeded, they found a man gallantly snuggling in the h•Ib;e'r. , c 1«i ttl,tl tuna of mind, tried his hyoid at' ehul•ih. 1,�,+,,'L r, Ixt haea itp be+fare rho Lt,nduu alfa- lar ,n; ;��,tratnt,s by n, u:,tv art; the other ()three do . •'.T S'. __.... I +1 < � . 1 breaking C• 1.1n^ u,r, . '•11J l•1 t -•H• ce . t bek,u - „1 r.• t'• 1, •• � C Il:aa•:q Lu i ,ni o,t6' hl::iF•ftal9 t. r. 14 .L CtBOC E�a1L VIl pusSind- 1 to ra ri.'i�•libor (i will 1 They ttecertnim d thilt ii. was .Souders, ire svheelorn ws`, and at once `lift(:11 171trs !Ito t: be boat. They svaldied for ,chert=,. but Naim; to the dense fol, it. J11n1(+rhrrn 12,rtl; ti•1- a 17,1.1 is 'i r. f13PSi :NT.-Itll'. J'tlinee tone, e', of a u t• 1 to root e nl.t eau rte yon cat/ 1. hared n: lunch of ca.et iia as he 111tes'111 the b''14111 City. ti gond ihrt, ;,h.r l,n: o 13 411utity ilt the bottom. of -�- - e :uh suit rr•..l 1,1 til 1113 Iaic], potrttoee on Lop, k- f':errvexoN.--",'h•• 1 ieelrtett of iltie place , covered thorn nit art,' e5•rtitett for the re;ltlts, ha -yo t(t:t:ir,•.1 nit li:(•it t4:•It to (14eri(1iiiu o1,e11• At the noel ;,5 a itt!, tli 11•,5 Analog; ' any 11;{04 in:; of the tv,:tn1' 1wnrlt4 ': Li 1110 2001 Of this Of »atr1Ft'.v3 ,'.n;11,1:4 11', 1:11 Ir`: 1:: IJiIC11' ttlu to ,tit, .A prima 1+30 will be Allen. to the O tr 10.0and ieiel t iet11 ia 1'> wetr nut}. ion regi tvhnn 1', " 1 i'1•o et;t 5011 Jr: 1.81•'1011 ilitittt(018 with the he pin. them in. 111 i V N,'�a•al ,:Cls lilt i,:e.t' no hair. e:111 and have it et work i,, the Ihnrt.'r(1 r+1,; n =.f ,e, It:M1 lit: '10 rl ;plecn wee, ct:,l,:, We hope ear boys nill the 'A good ar.• : 1't 4t 1,11c. 1 ,a.t o. o•i. 1(t r1 uta t1 11 1u:;r. ;111,1 tho e,PIWL Of thrall oltieta, '` il,tw- of ;.t1-..ist,,; the ytolatoce 1r1 thrown away. Gea'raiil, l.S ipblch prevtlai(•tl could see uoIJliu,t., In 7,00; (;1'i outy MOO; W. i:'e't111nn'f41.(111; ehc,l't tune they began to drill, away 41. 1.bi,lll10 aii,)(i; «.. 1:10(J.Irr<,i01( 4,011 rc,m t:bN IaCb1IO of the (limiter. After 'Ii. Ltaiup, 11 20,00; C, Cheeks 7,00. they 111)11 been in tilt, small boat about C: Piton:11, 2 hours, they spied the lights of tL (Jletlt, 1.04'tb01'0 boiled st(u)tter, 11(141 It1 (mon belt tlit3waelves in 111x: 0001's to' inter. i, 'ftlt•nit'i''e eaten nfitxtsri 'Wuir1121nl opt tier. '.L'htay furtnrl.at•ely ouceee(lod an ttiitred foto' injuries by the over . I attruotittg the atter/Li61.1 of emzeoilo turtling of buy 1tl:tbaotl'-3 wagon oil U the 1)081 and view %,%btu+ 0.r0Lt, Nebel-en:ill), aiiitn,t'tl ot1,-Monday ]p.sty I. from t,, in crab"1t ra'3 311niity of. fre,tllit to big 0011111,(1 :1011.111 10W. i11 Mitiiit0' bbl. 1'issTrv.Lr,.--Tho 1C0'ltn(liat Loci = o emitl'.tlia baying b,t(+ttlne, possessed of 0 "' T lv 1 r. lt•1r a' I , 1 111rt:i 11 t 1 ttH,t; rate. s '•n 'r to d 1 lu c its. a parsonage, hell a titruwuorry feot•iv1L1 • 0