Exeter Advocate, 1909-07-29, Page 7 (2)IV\ 7-7= tees rles . *0 „ ee, neve. g „ 0 -.thieve .th. to Vol tit an t • . tees on Wtd ght- Reft„ onandy, *70 in cigars and to- lensfrom the sketiug tin etelt at midnight, and he sei e but fell n at trench,. he tInef, w&t lost 'r • gunispe tont about iNfgt re' 'NOMA front 0. A vi TE MVO/OAHU; AS A ST IlEATED HOUSE. aw4=0041*?5,04- tsia \tke Aretie Regions /hide OW BNOfl1CS Vtthearably Went. r Along the whole coast of Arctie rica_.,h,skimos or evidence* heir former existent*, are foulta- dens from the abandoned bowies villages they were-onteirum arong the north fillereT3 a. w their numbers are being lut tteta hy the--contagieulAdts- *see brought inbywhite teen, 'net which they have developed 410 immunity. , At Point Barrow, where a few -white men have beep engaged in whaling and trading for a quarter - I a, century, and where there are a missionary end school her, is still a village of 200 r 300 -Eskimos. • Another settle - t of much lees size lute gathered creche! ibland, 'where the whale have long wintered. In all miles of coast:, between these ages there are hardly skimos. Inland perhaps a e-ofdozen- families live in and follow the caribou from o place. LIVE IN Esramo TENTS. ormerly both netwee and white men constructed houses out of snow tdoeks in which to. sleep while travelling winter time. Ocese • aiOnallY now houses are still used, but situ* it has beeeine possible to secure canvas or boat drill from dere, a tent is preferred. epent months in different kinds of tents and rind the one used i. ft$' c'ethe Eskimos by far the most sootestortabli• .stud safe, writes a. tresseers-SWillovis Wake -about V feet in length are stripped of their bark, -bent into tt'etirVO and allowed Fifteen or twenty of these ht curved sticks are stuck up in e snow and lashed into a hernis- hetkal form over `which two covers boat drill are thrown. en snow is shovelled around 6 margin and well peeked down, * low, round tent will any wind that, blows., The 8110W floor. ssitt covered with caribou skins on top which the sleeping bags . ere placed. ‘There-sitisplentys tit -lb* wood along the rivers, -isct the - 'traveller need but carry smell eet-iron stove -to i ebok •with and to, heat. the tent. • Allt SPACE PROTECTION. foS *4 space, hetWeen the COY r 11111k6 -a great proteCtion ' agai the outside void, so that while etieks mg a meal the tent ,often beeomes wribearably bot evens4vith the, doors open. At nightlefter the fire is out the bodily hest from. •the people itleepiug :such a tent will rause, the, ieteriiir „temperature over 30 sitzlteces, trithrehhat) above that etritside. s , • ' ilatcllY any frost forret iU nd one is able to al with the heed ou int effort will be, Made out incipient la*lesiteets, as prey ottesto this Cobalt, hes not been troubled by the light-fingered-tribei. bag. During the 'Worst gale* that .ttlow on th.at CG&*tr1 onw ten "keep the teat warm and comfortable all day; hiIo reading or imoking' at ease, and at eight take nit nes :clothe* and steep with as witch coinfort And Safet/ as in est:teamhed- segnOs• ss.,......... --- MANWV,IIOUSES., lhving night's rest! he ea1 face the next thaf 1.1colcl with' greater eheertulness. Con- trast this tent with Abet* often 4 by paler explorer*, in which -wake meatsotssthe tied inside -a wtt sleepin lieterting to the flapping of th 925 $000,,eve but hag tent* The ,peonanen flatlV .eont ,woo' avilk 0 :erly they were heated with blubber lsmps, but now smell. stoves have ,taken the place of . theprimitive apparatus. They keep the houses too het for 'comfort, at least for whiteenaatt, but the Eskimos 'strip to the waist and do not mind it. • Itiney times tbe temperature WAS found to be ,over 90 ogrees Fah- rerdieit, and once a 'clinical, the - =meter, left in a liontss Where the Writes was attending •a sick boss was -found to register 106 *meet; -Fahrenheit., the highest, tempera -- tut& it was 'capable o indicating. In the summer theft houses Ilse -twist damp, so the p,op1e 1310Vetout doors into tents; GRAIVE-CAVED Shocking Oceitiresie at Burial of Murdered Mas 151013$1th 0014 Winnipeg says: Angus Roos, who was murdered. on Saturday' at Frank, was buried at Blairmore on Wednesday beetle his father and mother. While four men were lowering the coffin the grave leaved in, two of the men be- ing pietipitsite4' into -the- neWirdu grave under the col**, which had to be lighted and the pit dug out 110_,Atin. The. wife of the deceased tainted at .the occurrence) ' CONVICTS PANIC.STRICIiEN. ,Fire at New -Westminster realtcati- ariCiased Scare. A despatch from Vanceuver Ettys The works adjoining the Provincial penitentiaryset NewWeetrninste were destroyed by fire late on \Vol misday night, the darnag' amotmt. ing to $10,000. • The convicts quarts, rs were. untouched but the in- 'ateswere panie,striekee, and amolied.pittelepy for tli i • Irel lee. SEND PAI:PERi4 TO CANADA, britaisi •W4nist it Oitnest Ceteree, Says NOraing Past. A ile'spittelt ftom London ears The Morning Post , "Surely the saitOst end most hopeful tee- thod • it .dealing with paltrier chit- 1ritripis.t4 send Allem out to, Cana4s• Andthe tf1ier British' don -Anion% is rails ostsible." I A despateh from Winnipeg 04y5 Vaily the fistr of a seareity of farral labor this Emmer grors, a,P.ue with las: We new he l'etsery effort *eat reeltritrite esp 1 4611 b t rears k tor me than an moka huadtd mzUien bu* ement utreal., • ' •tle lad but nine age o iek" ed States ay fewer people )iireptering the • hr ugh. 0.nadu, Stephen tirttersOn, aBroek- ville eper, :f11 & dietemeof eigt et and was killed. Tht uteri° Govetnnient scribed sz000 towards the Pe Menterst memorial at Seven.thousend dollars * worth of `diamonds are said to AtilAte been smuggled into Canada' from Eng 1atd. Tho hank statement for June, wbkh has inst been issued, stows clearly r mils tare improved. The Ontario Board of /teeth has proved a -piens -for livaterworks istem and sewage di posal plant at Cobalt. Miss Andilia St. Denis is suing Varitgersand President of the defunct Benquesde St. Jean for mount of her deposit. Sir -Charles' Itivers Wilson -and t 4 4 re coming from 1ngland to inake -:Stretpeetbsosef the to Edmonton. GltEAT .J3RITA1141. • ie. 0 wekt per 0 Julyti ru ia 0 k:, ytfrs!,‘I u r:,, e on track, ttinto," ittiitOba 04, St pt uta, 'to„,,ttitt oz track,- - TOrone,4.4 ” ' oki0: . Ili!' a er ' , 0 on t.itek, TOronle, flitoba wheat . 1 Northern, *1.83, and No,OS ' ...,, Ontatlo wheat— . ,.., 41.20 ut 'Jt. ew .Ontario wheet about, *1,10 ou oak - - • Barley pid No. a extra, Oae elite side. Oat --No, "Slt Ontatio white, 57 01 tilte on track, Toronto, and etiss ,1550 otiteide., No. 2 'Western 04-0. ada Pats,. 05340, And No, U, 54Xe* ports. • s ' ' . I'eas-1rices purely nominal, /..itielewiteat—Prices purely 0 inal. ..,,..11....., A --,..-ssess s - •Ie merman y } 80144 on :traCki .Toronto. Canedian. yellow le to 77e on tribk, Toronto.' Bran -410.5� to '420 forsOnterie bran outside- in bulk. Manitoba, ll;22 in sacks, Toronto freights; shorts, 424 ormito, freights.. COUNTRY PRODUCE. Beans—Prime, $2.20 to $2,23, The budget fight in the British wantons is becoming very bitter. 1,0m1611 papers have spoken ilk glowing terms of Canadian win- nings at Bisley. The remainof Oscar 'Wilde are to be removed to a inore honorable resting-plsee. Mr. John Lavery, the famous ritish artist arid bachelor, was married to a Chicago girl. Six Yorkshire tykes on a world tour have decided to eross •the American -eontinent si& the UNITED STATES. The body of an Armenian found in a trunk in a room at Lynn, .- TT13 C. P. R. has invaded north- ern *Mtti.110, and will break the monopoly of the Aroostook At Ban- gor Railway, • The New t ork police had a fierce fight with it haed of gypsies whom they •sougbt to place on a steamer i. for deportation. It is probable that the Joint Con. erince COMMittee on the tariff at Vashington will --place- a -duty -of .es per thousand on lumber and per ton on print paper. GmartAL. e lamA; 'etch nt t ritnient s • e • . 4.! , •Ttx in vitcrt4,0%;0,1? tit thochief etlentlinted%p&rtmenti 1* $ *slininished. to r t the - rratini.fur thy ettr, fiSeel year. Al copy Of the ,order hes -bee served upon i every departments lt epcooinntosnlyt out tihs o ,4 t' o- the laterests ei that no Yesrks be underteken for has not been made Buteliers' Stid demand for ;choice hittehere e ttles Medium and tiommon tettle steady at late declineit. Stockers and feeders Domend for 'good stock. Calves lerket steady for good butchers' e.• Milt+ tows—Steady de- itlt•estsss4trsstlers--se Stedy aroulid $5. Choiee Initth ors' eattle—Steady to easier around 5.25 to 45,50 for picket extra, thoiee heifers and steers. The ordinary On of fair to good butchers* eas- ier around $4.50 to $4,00; emmnon to inferior mixed butchers' tattle, litr.217;fedasaltsv8ratedYretla, t'aen111*44);s1).50. Lnd of( earib t Or..0PriPattriorie°has be�ilt and AO ehrietostite leces supplementary, e*tiMetes e over expenditure. , Fielding desires to inehitlo in estimates text sestion, the total e- enditure irojeeteddr' the ensu- ing fseaI year. htishe HEADE% VROM _tibiothY4 *13" to -$14 Ottion—trapic here, and lowin--dranAir Trunk racille grades:, 419 to $10-50. . Eastward. Straw -47 to $7,50 on track. , POtatoes—Small lots of old, 75 A despatch from Vancouver, B. to We; and ,fiew, 43--tess$3.25- per C. slaws is, The first -shipment -0f ti barrel, on track, from Morecisy slend for the InOttri- Poultry Chickens„ yearlings, tain section of the 0. T. 11, has ar- dreased, 12 to 13c per lb; fowl; 9 to, riied At Piitteet Rupert, To *immix - 10e; turkeys, 14 to 16c per lb: 24natiate the immense quantity of. eonstructrionsmeterialsurdoaded at TEE DAIRY MARKETS. the harbor, as well is a ShiPlOad lintter4,40und prints, 10. to -2004 Oth.of steueolruk:11: usecowonoan witehavtrlyvaarnounbde t* and 1"ge rel,41' 18 to 18e; in* built by the compisni„ This news f,Aeorisoanr, diStetinto separator ciroetstr 20e ver niirchasing agent, whd..baa ireturned 41, is..tortfirmed by OsA.cNic-1011, thits Eggs -Case lots, 11.0 to -21e per s. h h , ch,eesea.; ow .n34,0 ine large,, an. otoedt .1:rot:tetra pont.f thr. stattcos mita the trip, that . ooze's. s r y ro e o e Oa of Rupert,' that rapid pregrets awbeing made in the, construction work. Tit -ere is no sibiiht about the aeon, long clear, lia% to 13,X0 traek-ittrna -Iseinit -commented by at V.:We for twins. : nob PRODUCTS. $1 $3 M. Aristide Briantl has - he asked • by tho Pitsideut of rran ts form a Cabinet. • Peru and 'Bolivia Will make a attenipts to. settle their differene thout recourso to, war. 0ermany is striving esgerly stio gain trade' Voncossions from °ease arias ° A Ilerliu„tielisr. has, tlegided tolsend & speeial correspotdent over in August. Ib in -Cgt 'Mess. PGric, S23 to ,Octtker 1. ft.„1,404.*thort ettp, $425.50 to $20, • Ifims—Light to medium, 1,0% to GALLOPED TO MS DEAJII. 16c;`Ido., heavy, 14 to 143e; rolls, • ' re34. to lae; shoulders, 11% to lee; Indian on itoessebnee Leaped Ilan baOks, 18 to 18,44; breakfat baeon, 101,4,to 1743. Lard—Tierees, 143,e; tubs 14e pails, River* A ficroatelx -from Vancouver -Bays s Victor Leesempe, 'a member of the best-known fainily in the Kamloops susiniss-AT---mosutuAlk -Indian totters* ed deliberate - 1Y to death on Tuesday evening. 112iitreal, July 27.-0,ats---1No, 2 t Aware that. tho drool, of the bridge Catiadian'Western 5se; No. -11 extra • fecd, 55%e No. iced, 5714c -t; over the South Thonipson River was Canadien 'Western, 57e. Barier,r_ open, but crazed with drink, he gal, tto his doom. The o. 276273?5, 70 p;. Mitanuietkowbtet:oct....d hTisde ois,tiltrinsins'vtiee, bridge tiniesr4. and barldi 100. Fitor_zinitoho, Landed rrt the fairway. Thelectian to .wheat pittents,*firsts, $6.1,4; extricated himself from the stir - nips, but finelly sank, -011C hundred initobee;;Toeit,-05.0,74wheat ' -ofin4,:;"„icht,67.11auLi.*-y..!r..ii.ffis be.,40,W,..the bridge. The h.„ one „tuts, 80,75; Manitoba stro ersi p3,..60; straight rellers, $0,Sit‘ ng.b k sts to $3.20; extras, in bags, $2.80 c et,f2A.; etrelght roller * eEUN ENDS 111,totot, to t 0 III* Feed—Business in most lives of milling fedd continuo; quictt Cheese -11% to e; and tviNerts 11,4 to 11%o." utter— lttomas jamieson, * former C.,. oiled lots,, 21e; jobbing 223e. R„passenger eontluctor, *es slioteni g&-iolf3 tolleoe. !iOeet i stock-, 41411 onl Tuesday\ tvening \ 2Se, and candkd at 20e tier zert.iver.' With a fislting part • . Ight 4anneeon left North Bey on steseiner Ifezel B. When near rank's Bey the fatality occurred. tring a friendly scuffle with John sell, One of the party; both VIM over the gangway board into tbe eteamer was stopped skiff lowered, Itusseli being resciP , reseued; but, no -trace jamiesoi could he foetid. ;ts peominentieitizen ortti Day,and was "widely hown and resPeeted. widow and six. children ettryive. P...t.EctT• 0 Bil,t4Roies Nairsq, a Iteriats Fer Stit • Aitather „Reviews A desisateh frora London ays; The.euraMer-Of 1009 *11 bc rcmem- bcrd as a, setsbn n ry. Lot month' the. gr *test as- emblage ot war craft in the his-, tory of the 'British nevy took plie Alf Portsmouth. 'On Saturday they gather at Prtsmouth, whore julystlt theywill be 'reviewed by 'the ting,andt,pit t14 following Mon, tbsfyilX1* Emperor I(usSiss will have laoseipporttinity to see them his 'ytteht totaes to Cowes for the meeting., with the .!ging.. PAGEINT.' HOCK SLIAt OILED Three Oiler Newt Were Dow* Dattlit„, piitkh. from Grand rot says t 'Two men lost their1 the testa of a rock 1i1e ,ork nadian Polite near here' 4::4n miay, Later, when A ere* Tearing- the track, ofturred, and buried .hurling them clown' All were fore loto Coatintor Drowned Vreich /firer, despatch front; North; Bay 1�T$.. London Goes 'Wild *It 8eilers:14areb, Through net Midst* A despatch front London soot - Thesbluejeekets of the 150 Warship* .ektrierstitessItSftneessivhe • hereto - ore have filled the,, role of hots, • were guest*. of_the City of !.40.0411, oat Wednesday': Twelve hundred,' ot them inareleNI through the prin- cipal thoroughfares and were greet. ed with unbounded enthusiesmis - The decorationssitiongsthe, line of march-a-Tre on w-lavhdreeale -Ed demonstrated the widetprea:i in. tet sissaltened In Londonere b heart of the . 1,:rotto theroncem lul)ObOn guests of the Lord Mayor poration Council, and subsequent ly enjoyed a vaudeville entertain- ment, The Tfirst ever permittedat— the Guildhall during the many tone thrice of its existence. *14 SAVED FROM CATARACT. Disabled Beets With 14 OceilPasfee ia Honer at A despatch. from Niagara say: A launch party of four- teen young people of this city had a • narrow escape from going over thia Falls early .on Wednesday -mg when the, mtitor boat in Which they were riding Spra1ng \a, leak. With the water ruthing into the fester lban tould he bailed -4u the boat was steered for *bora, htitc. the water igtopped the engine, and the party were in deuger of being swept over the cataract. A well. knowli rivermat appeared en the eerie in * sailing boat, and took • aneho'r from his boat, which led the. latmeh against the cur- rent until- be went ashore for AI motkr -boat. turoy17-En is--eternsrasT. • , Several Persons Perieh in Oisteall, Wiseonsle.. A destiatch from Ashland, Wis's; as: A cloudburet late on Tuesday night caused heavy loin to all kind* ef property in northern- Wisconsin. It is estimated the total loss will be *500000. The power plant at . White River, which furnishes light WOO eity of • Ashland,* and the State fish hateliery itcsir Bayfield praetkally-thietrosed. ,The data, breaking at Vittite- River jet- rils (Menet. Several persona are reported drowned; Six finnit. E near the or dodo in Ashland had to he taken from their hornee.. 1 ' 'FIVE FLEETS, ONE NAVIts4 est Epltinne of Lori Citadels rtssfordos Navel PropeSal.s A despatch from Lonilon EaXis The Standard, in diseussing the sp. proathing navel tonferencN, ova toot Lora 'Charles 13erestor4;114 alone '*ill fleet what, really rt very exigent,requiremeists, and s!'0'14Pba-Itl-ottur:,i)rive i iti be n V tl \NITED SATE MARKETS. Minneapolis, July . Vs -Wheat XIITY, $1.30; Beet., $1.0S,%; Dee., 81.07;'Cash, No. 1 hard $1.30.: t $1.32%; No. 1 Northern, $141,4 to 41.31%; No. 2 Northern o $1,24.; ; No. *4 Northern, $1.7,1ss• O $1.293s's, Flour—rirgy patent!. S6.10.' to 40.80;,comrpatents* '$(.4 fI 0.20; first dear, $5101 to $5.. second eleitis, *3.€ to $3.4Z3 Piens-In 100.11t. seeks; Chicago, Inty 27.-sCash wheat— o. 2 red, $ias to-lEirn} No., 3 red. mei", $1.18; No. 2 herd, 44.28 to $1; No. a hard, Oi,13 to /Mist No. I Northern, $1,39 to $1.40;,.No. 141orthern, $1.24 to $1.30; Spring', ,V) to Sii.28„ Corn—No. t 413,1fi V4e; NO, 3, 7.2c; No. 3" white, 'o; No. 3 yellow, 13 to 73 c: 4, 60 to Mt. 0t' -N. k No a white, 40% to 50,14t1; 42 to 403413; SitStidardi 49 to ° 'T'orOisto, july soli for both but rposet at fr,,:n hettx stn4 innlbs— Zxport vriarket beety 11 nt1. tet: *$ -er )relked "VtAs the site eleng et ten 'th iinpf.A; videnef.,;, °pled \ .k;/.4r4.2AkiikbirgALLikla. it.Ve71.4jA