Exeter Advocate, 1909-07-29, Page 4 (2)• 1081,3.74 '414 0 918. 11'47,94 „ , , 1494.94 • 07 1=44-7.0- I , 29;t4 in3.7.2ffr 44M5 17L. 1043 " Wki3.14 tary'.,f 414.10. .. 74 . ‘54; .17. 4.' ttit' lila 4 , atAga%cotn, Into 0 . 441.1141.44ke !0fforkt '04 tugt 4AY et t(" e 1, 414.1.,'". '4,21r1 Pe. .44, t' Silattagfe ,kriltr4-13:.ettC • it.E•Nr14.4014. tt, , to :14trilie • ::e t-_ 4. 4 tho entko,60: 22.i.i ' VO** ritte4eee. ° ..„ S 'it•doelrai.'e t4 eets , teat 44.0 Orprpol4ti)zt of ter .tvaoul t Maintaitt a tee 4 Ittroteettozt 4 and iND NVIIEREAS an agreement 'has •et ered LILO tetweeo. tee. eaid cor- • atio and Jamee N. Howard Zr tee "40, (rtibject to the approval or thc. ra of *old Village) of that part .e iver Ind and banks or the Au te P.x ter, knoww, ap the glit proxiertY W4-4,11 that part ot Let ntimber e teen. in the Vital Pertecesion,._o: the or t:-oU1now -EAeter)ooree. hy ilowar4 ;or price o unt o $1709.00. opubiie the Vigage tonatruet, Qperi tam of water '10tutiZeiPolity for ther purpoaes: °Poly ad to eon- ruet 411d 12141410414 clam and Pump- ing _station thereon and to erect a Water - Tower or:;*fat--d1,411pe- '-tozatc.loki in LiaI vtflage and.to ,lay water twine connecting seicl 44'4 tzt:oll arta stand pipe and aiong Attain "atrect In the, sold Village ani to otherwise ruilY eeti4t, maintain lad op. locale said system AND N'tilEREAS I. este been estimated 4 teat it' win ri:Aittire t 'oe tium of $220.!$),0 1 • . _ 1 kan _plpa. O purchase said Property, erect slid mr---puttsr - -Oltlall 10-10-11414-iiiif Fina.ln a and elnip amid water syetent. AVD WITER.p4S It Is. necessary for it.4q Zald riiIrti440 Or me said corpor. •• attonot eat? vPlage Of EXtter to borrow laPlon the credit of the said siiinicipauty suni of $220004to. AND WHEREAS - for the purpose 'aforesaid -It will be necessary to issue debentures or the said municipalitY of :to Village or Exeter for the sold aunt • Aar tt200.00 • and intere6t as herein- eitter provided wheel)is the amount ot the debt intencled to be created by this 40'slaw, the Proceeds or the _said debe•n turea to be applied in the acquisitio: ',kat ids.tiie erection-ot said-daro, lisaraping station and stand pipe and the laving of said water. mita, -arkel tee etquipatent tot scald sy'stent and for pm other pUrpoees. AND WHEREAS it • le destr.ittle to make the principal •of trie said debt re- payable by annual instalments during •Ahe perAod or twenty years next after the • Impala or the dThantures therefor. such. Twatohnents of principaj to be of such eamoitets that the aggregate ainount epayab:e for principal and Interest in anY sho.I be equal as hea.rly an may be to what ts -payable for principal and • •Intercat*during each or the other years. •. 'AND WHEREAS it win be neeessary r--tre-ralse annually -tor the period of twon- x.ty years during the currency ef the dee • dientures to be issued hereunder by * liPeeial rate ,sufficlent therefor on all te,:e rateable property within the munic1pal- 4ty the awn ok $1765.34 for paYitig. the _ Jnitahnents_of .principat -and -4n. 'tercet thereon at the rate or five parteet. doer annum, • AND WHEREAS the amount of the -whole rateable property of the said vil- lage of Tauter actordir.g to the last re-_ steed Assessment ItoU • is the sum of 4570503.00. AND WIlltaltaili the existing deben. Aure debt or the ,ssid Viltage excluelive •of local improve:Tient debenture debt ae- ;cured by special aesessmente therefor • antoUnts to the sum op $12864.24 an • no part of the principal ot interest there- , 01 Is In arrears. ThereforeTiht liffulaluipar-6;unorotfl -4CorpOrat1olt bf the Tlilage et'Extter • acts as follows,:-, • is it 'shalt be, lawful for the 'Reeve -of-the said ot Exeter to borrow ,.ctra the eredit,'Of tht said. ettrporatIOn'Ot • ' the Vile ,et Uttar the awn ot 114.1.10614)0.. for 'the) purl) ono ,heteinbt Soie act, forth and tor that 4rpose Lb lseue debentures of -the laid sit'lltiteipauty to the amount of #2.1000.00 sums�t(tot less than $100 each and tooth tle, datntures shall be Signed by the 'Reeve sot the egad corporation for the time *Id etnitatersigried by tits Tree*. .urez for the ttihl- betr4g of tirze' ?aid Car- , A proposition from )(r. James Bretek. /..varation and duly seated witthe Cord men In regard to the . banding Or the "orate seal thereof; wh1e4 Seal the •Qerk 'new walk* was read and filed (Orator* Car tiletime •bzing ot said Cdrporation eats. is tereby autitorized and 'directed to at- Per Johns-Lukepi-httuit the tender for tat1.4 to-eoch of sald debenture*. • new 'walks of R. cr.. soon for Ili eta.. 2. The said debentures Cali be datc4 "quere foCtio being the 10wetati be eipoi the date of tte tissue there,,aavd IctePied, ?Jr. • *Wot* being required to iitalt bear interest at the rate or Pitra •fsal a Xuaralitae for the cointletteit of , „leercint.. sor aithuzn tromthe dAte 091111A0L-041:tr$94. Attei..retivue• thereo1r.sir31 Pite 'sate Intereat Luker-*J,Obna-iitat vow stall :4 ,Yer‘oll the dsr Ltd Homan and V* It *tieing titereot.„ , • • T:.� te,et 'YoteiO. tlebt snij'Village" OA Itietztee etititcd (b tLLI y.t;,aw. . be: taken eee 4.4466:‘L» Auktuat.:'/440c,cn :f4nt7g,1* ipriti$H,46.0)**‘.1A Vat fOre'h00, t4ta'0,1901,trh; MAk4, fOe .oTelOcit "14.1 tit tett-mood-u thi in dar ata:14 tqaee.,14,glu.: the .104 Village eter Ai the ro o4zg Deputy' .t,te.e, '40e0e4 Otticersi, • •, ". SubdittisloteNb.L S as Hand. -oterelee,e-Oer . Uu4tr And p. r‘ :44:41 4,„1:Fe• ttzl tle eve riecek. •t -Mc. InetruiPg tor tCt biteIyIew 1 44)4.41).404.avtPt-440!t itt :c It- V190%040 OlSge att4r4i9a4,4• prOte;e10.113,atik. jo. reV,, 01,1n4er ver.1 -JrVeitatlian• Ia*re be°S41,0*4 zze,:sv` 4ilf.1(5s.s.,041104$ ' • -1'*.r.'".-.0eablart antt-'0014t4CiteThat 01lentrbe etrwOriett a'4415.1, IntreeetOt . new Walks °Alontg".. WItkL tbeet' ee at t2; perdi-•r- 'Uui7,4ter,it4t by '44.1";'lknbr, • ,IoOks . sine ...the. rani: i?jtLy 2itot.+4rit. ifenry v eithtit her *later; Uri. Z. Et1br, VbIY. 00-ttritil0.2„:44- Keettleg„ at ,„Mr, /dr, • 11. tafftuis. :veg. Iv stitzday. V7.1? 44rites111:i the' Ronk of Contrefor-,,....eFeeived *went an Saturday of his trar*ter to the branch orrice in .Prince EdWard Island. 'Re lett here TuesdaY morning, vie. .4.111e. emir. hut before ,going wite given a • wend Ott" The. preaentation, which consisted of a pipe, ring and box of cigars. An ad- dress_ of appreciation _was made by Mr. IL. =tier, XXX., and we all Jain In witehing%Ntre 'Arne* 004-sneede-ege. Chau Vrowri ot Mlitoburg, who has been elide. roe his 0arints the pelt' two week'', bas e,turned-to-itat-citv-,Staniey Coyle vis- ited at his' home ba Londoo over Sun ' 'The auto la back again and wc Pati a 110 et -We. Ole D. It.- Oil- teet', Herbert' Verdi, Poll Clerk. Pollinif Subdivlsion No. 2; Weans'. Marble MOD Haire street,* W. 1). Weekese Offl• pr, James ."Weeices„Poll Clericrollihg uNimsion, No. 0. Veld, denee, gain street/At. O. Seldon, D. B. OffZeer. Alex, 0. Dyer, Poll tier*. Poll 111,,e Sutdivision'No. 4, Town Hall, H. E. auaton. Z1 Officer., It. tleloOta TATUM. • T. Wedne4414Y, the zath (14y et All$Wit. .1909, at eleven o'clock la UM re-req.-notet shall _tm.lhe-day soid-the-elerles oefiee in -tee Town Hall in the Village nzQtor ahail be the place Wile a' at -lite varleirs -Petitur 'Places resold and at the final eumming up be voles bY the clerk Oa behalf ot ii ate ila:ositut. et ttita ree 1:i4,e&Iii.5„t,STRJ"1$4,414,,,(11VAP,Aacy4;41. 7. That the Clerk of the Corporation of the said 'Village at Exeter 4tt- tend at ltio office in the said village ot Ezeter at Twelve o'clock neon on Saturday, the 21st day 'of August. 1009 le num up the number of votes given and against this By.Law. Cuba 'played Zlontlai night resulted I a victory for the Cubit. Titosie who wit- nse e game we r 7-0. gatteries--Ctilni, Holtzman an Holtzman; 'Tigers. )4ols and Vetiver. The work /it the 41ver. bridge has bee delayed of late bk We banks' caving 1. • Death ot Eat. Coughlin. --The news o the .sad death of Mr. _Bata Coughlin, the south boundary of tile tOwliehiP 9 Stephen, has cast a gloom over the • whole community. his deat be Surprisef known to comparatively few that Coughlin ,waiim. He had apparentI been in as usual health up to with! A.bout to days of his demise, when h developed signs' ($r trouble from the ef :e.:.ts of gall stones. His condition I a few d3y9 took on a tier -toes tope and it was deemed advisable to procure -services-or. van -expert physician -4/!-tea Dr.1Oore of Landoll was called and during ithe early part ot lait 'wee deceased was. operated upon to th Cs0;21vat or the' trouble. The opers.tio proved a success and it was though wOuId surviVe the trying ordeal, bu was willed otherwise, ansg, slowly :iurety his nattire 'gave "way to • the Meuse- strain and he monk to 'rest on aturday at -the age- of titi years. Ittr zurnee vitae one of tee best known Armors and drovern this part or eountry, and by his death the com- lqa:tY ustains a great loss. tre was mi poisessed of magnetic person- -Ir. ,ktn,diy and generous disposition, El -1.e.ts esteemed Quit respected by .stit ad ttie "pleasure Of Ards acquoin. ace. Througn• his Zare conunerchtl eoe!riga as drover. We was •Itiniwn tar nd with..? and by hia honest. .straight,. orward -dealings re commanded the re- •spect •of all. In politica he was •a stautill Coareciratlye and In religion wit* a member of the Ittimart Catholic church Be X surVivet by a- sorrowing "tido awl a family Att_ten_children-efies itOn and fhe daughtexs-also threat bothers, Tiniotit-V Coughlin.. ter-M.P.; Daniel doeghlin. Inspector Of Weight* and geoaures. and Conrade coughlin, ot the Wet ._ The funezek whleh toOk 011ee Co the Xotifl. iltirmet cemetery ort Tuee- day prolxibly the ler e ever a place in the-Cortunuttity. Th :trro and bereaved tanallY have th9 heartfelt Nina. deepest syiriliathi au in their trial and affliction, Mr.o. 1313riete ot near Centralia IS v:ster of deceased. • niwove is a true copy of the pro. posed• Dy -Law which has, been taken into coOvideratIon and which will be fi- nally paNsed b the Council of the Cor- poration of the village 01 Exeter in the event of the nsient of the eleetors be- : Otattied thereto -after one • knontil from .the first pubOcation in the pxeler leettea and Exeter Advocate newepaeers Arnicr first publication Wall Oa the 15th • da,y of July, 1900, and at the hour, day and places ther,cdn fixed for takirtx the V0:433 of the electors a pen will be held. • Every -leaseholder entitled by 1.aw to oto on Vie proPOSeet 13r -law shall at laaat tea days• next Preceding- the day tile in the office at the Clerk Qt ilie-efeetel-palitY a statutory dec1ar- •''',1 ote.ting that •las Lease meets the emirenients LV aw entitling him to ta on ouch ,BY -Law and the names er $e3,seloiders •neglecting to rile ettc'l a rearm:en alutil not °be plated oo the otera' List for asuch voting. Dated at Exeter.' this Tth day of July .D. ipoo. • • JOS. steNrort, cierk of tee dorpotation or the Vltlage or Exeter. •• The Counen of the -Vitiate -of-gieter :net In the Town Hall. on Friday. July gard, . at 7.45 0. rn. all , the members be'nx Present. The minutes of the .rmet.,, kleld July 2nd were lead and a_ppror. ed. A petition signed by etre. leA.Voy, or a cement walk on the Past side of Wil - Ln ;street, from, Huron to the South Boundary was read. The petition was reeetved and ordered flied. Tenders for cement walks were ope ei and read 'az:100w* 'P,*w. wait% adon R. O. Seldom, greter; t Exeter; crawley & 'N.Ter)ousid; & sandeto, Exeter; . Standard Pa,venierit co, Sitncoe`;- Joe. Lawson. r",%•cditort. A. deputationof citizerolf trended in a t.tion signed brie.,*.srtinDr.--DroWn. 3, 3. G. Jones and 70 othersasking t:t4t the Cbunoll build the 11;0130eed nein( eedient walks outside of*the shxde trees and Along iside*Of the road. Dr. Drown. ing olt behalf -PI the Petitioners addreis- ed the Council. ,Petition, WAS reetlYed and and, Itudy inatualied by the COO tlell 'af- ter which ft erderizd to #de J. A. dtewart and othee members of 0.wiftris Club *eked leave to stecure .ne ten or fifteen, loads of earth trern at :end or John t street for, vim in , ne- up the howling *teen* Grilht autdecr to -the 'street commlisiertlem *oven/halt, on ,inotion of Oerling-4.incer. the ra nth in *Etta debentures aro!-..r be a otrimittes to sot low tteoutl„ eozd as to 604 principal and , Plates will .be requi teres? the 'said elebeittuits shall 3 pep- '11tl Ifj eitimeteek tor dt.ble la annual 1120alinents votaa twtn'y t Ictter trern the Clerk Or the ,County, leeaii's' from the ,dite of tt,e hone 'V.tercki4 Lana'•al Clotierith, wittr a 4itatemerit • eitvital itietalinevls to be .bf stiez 44$1.12 would be roquirkt, front estounts that It* 'aggregate arboott -!f4t :stanteloglty for Count,* rate 'for the pavoble for prir.cipal satd toer$alt iiZn any. 449"' 4114161 tied. rear, mtzdi be equal be as riury be _!-",' fotickwit4 ateounts,.wore read and ta *tat Is payable for ptio1vi4k1 *ritt In* did 147,4:..itd.randeraosit. labor, 40mM-during ea" h Cm other years -of 1 taty Sanders, #1.0.30,1. Albert u. period of twe.ty rar. as tetolr.' t Geo. Modmors .2; ltd. 4after wet forth. tt : J01,43 03;e10101e, Jr.. 50e.; Mrs, tiurinir the eturreney 01 fitetv:Aturut there stall be tabled ,i4etvitr. t`!Y, /*IA refs, ea en •w: itat serubbhig, $1.. .1'. Illietitt 4ap-,;127,os „ $1.40; IL ,t'aul: • arkiiiitALTA ' • • Mrs. Spencer of London is vieltiter rel- tiYC3 here for a few daYs.-Mrs.11. troam7--of;Parietivi 111.one guest of 'Are. 0.• erlirten.2.fr. ;WI Pargons ,'Ort he- sick John town, who has been on them* list Is recoverinir&rldleis GitadYi Irsiery and 1ndford ,4wielte1 Lucan wem:-.Ifkiormart vot4ward. ham been working te Mr. Tilos, Willis. feft laid week fel' St. Marys. *hire, he. hail *emitted a ,attaa. Cons -411)(n Wolf speet Stinday,**.Ile •\:n Credatoa.-Jo'tIlepbuta .11,44 cal co:t killed by lightning dttr- ing the rit-ent eiectrmii stortn.Attor vtigit here with seliativel utile /Allen rcturntd to 14r home In traeter.-* t.cv‘r hay buyers etreck' town lest week ettd taking sdiantage of Kr, CoIwill'a Abfenee, who.s- lit the West, bought conridersible MIA_ They were stranigeFel and looked 'lire larmere. 'They shipped to ti 014 Country...-dredttori Vast bat* bill /earn, or better' knownrig t he, brick yard nine, were to have visited .our burg 'on Monday foonins. but owlet to nese obliottomi tl* greater number 01 ttte team wet* unable to corris".041 as • toamovIto only two put their as-, ratite; &tit and Mins, the battorM• We were'gLiid or their preetence, how and arqueeod go their ritgoost ot toll% of son* nien tO go on :with t 'Mai was itleeted for 'trot saw, Or. thmeesetonitc ivoir tots, y, short, Luker. Davie and Abbott the field. 'They liti*Yed Our tofu's twat and the istoto ....lilted it to 11, lu le,' *or ot the tor the umpire, Dertro o put up with *let from both .Idij .Nttlis far the .104eitaitis" never st pd calling. *Howl* that Dorm" Snd Zr the other side. 'birdie, Ilatold keg him busy looking Atter their of the, pro. Iloweror, it was * wkio,out and the* rogulars need t bczee ectic*F„cilrottltent-tionday iet, the, e pateon P int 094,*rzYe4 at the .1101.144:'14 , PPIte4-,9,1' ; _Y, . , lie: RA vtQr„d lpt the pat%A.Vveolc, *Vier ow, .aluo TwAinea Road,-'MrL faintth. of',Re- I S4.,,1* V1aU114 at r. Wrn. ,..81,1*,' 0, and,'ether.frienda in thia 74011X10** tIrr'Araerd' ts ,:r1.11111414-`4011441llite 'ii dweller* '•-•Tee roof was , put en 'laist_.W , .r,releety plCking *Iad'etIttinie wheat 4 10+qt:14U1ia-talte„ ber on th,e ,rush, In w ..., fi'B.3!.Brapatiti. uici- ,!AstteirOoft cosirgv. --Wilk Mortarease see ell fait4 Doew.staca.M1 eect.,preoptly ‘Pcstouv4. stege 1,1ettiew. clittrale Miss Tillie Kibler of wel 01. Meg, at the home ofMr. Jeqb Mee. The Miseett. OIivtr and Lkor Venn of Parkhill are spending the week with Was Ethel Rellermann... v. W. .1104*-iif -4ZO-Rinto occupied 'the pulpit in tbe-,Efingelical Church on unday Iut. Re is spending the week at the :home of Reif. -mos Myrtle 141dt" who hes been vi. iting Mends in Orediton for the Rest week, returned owe Monday. --.Mrs. brother, Ur. re v a t hMome of Mr. an Mrs. WlIlia,n Siebert. -Mr. John unde y with Wert the vii1agt Mir* LW* Steinhartert 1. Vialt1011 h wide at Exeter. -Mrs. Pima* John. eon of Blake is spending * week With 'her sisters in this platy. -Mr. Clarence 11:0110einatill 104 11. valuable cow through death on Monday.-10.4ohn Wein is being congratulated over the birth of a little Ison into his fa il T A, -tw beat. The literary talent n the Y. P. A. of tbis place has not, as. yet dimin- Med, as was evidenced by the grap they gave at the close of the business meeting on Monday evening. -Miss Florence Rhode .was united in marriage on Wednesday at high noon to Mr. Henderson of London. Rev. 14. K. Eidt ofIlciated. Only the .ate friends were present. They left in the afternoon for London, where the will tnake their future home. We ex- tend congratulations. 14Artnraor Picking berries is the -order of the day. -Mostly all the wheat is cut and shocked and some have started to haul hi. -Mr. James Willisgauvis graduallk improving. He ittbeing-earedfor in - the Victoria Hospital, London. -Mise Myrtle Lawson is spending her holi. days with Mitre tattle Melling -Mr. •John Hayter Is on the sick hit. -Miss Mae Hodgins,'"cho bee been whiting in London, returned bOtne _yesterday. -The rain which fell Thursday and Friday did a great• deal of good. -The fla•x will soon be ripe. Heigh bo!forthe flax pulkrel-Mrs. Thai. Fall's is visiting friends in Detroit.-fdiss Beryl Jennison and the Masters ROL and Them are Visiting their auntie, Mrs Taylor. , ' *ay be obtaias4, at every '1St& Exeter Branc1i-.4, W. Harr1on X4nager, Branch also at Orediton take notice that 1 am doing busin of scrap. arket Prices Paid for ubt)eis Bo 'P „ dilivered to T. HAW,KINS* SON'S HARDWARE, ere the cash will be paid or trade given. Orders Air collection of • he lefrat-theliuriersto • * EXLER„ Junit-Deater, Exeter, 1 I Mill 11111111001 II,i j I , ill #. .,, ,,, fifrimplomign;1 'It;40.1i 1 ii. i 1,.$1 fl i I, I il ' I hod all 1,ii.:1141,,41,1111Ms rill[e4; ALIO. lpt 0 9,0! I,. 1.0411 1111 It -14111V? pilill g110111P1 ilipir rilh IPVir linilif 1'10411r/1 ilp'1111,! lifil IN - During the months'of July and Angust we will onl rim our Chopper -3 days • week, as „ follows: Tuesda Thursday and Saturday. 'e also have tb offer: Family Flour at $3.25 per 100 lbs.' Pitztty " 3.00 •" Shorts " 1.25 " Bran . 1.25 •" Good Oats ' 1435 41 essitarwiffewarsiossaffe ermr Sweitzer ttitioa \ rtgr ghtitiriOnlentlea ROYAL 11011813EIOLD (ortivtio) (Like of WoOd1)-- (wows moos name moo oirooF weal op Sel , \ Xs to own a watch. °neat his " 'Whet his ambition can easily be believe" watch that We are tbiukhij teed thrift pleolt. It iS sirnIy put t� d.ntM rough usage won't arsarranga It will retail, itti appearauc. till that boy of Vlore if you take one boi Why deny biro is net "ttiskef It's a guaran- t iterit,-- t it Wooly pickled. it will tickle Otter one thous* t*ntuzarohlpd year. It p*yi end a Ilirk Of tbhs great babn,for "lre tritlOtt•THIM tilik4111." isa • taoil Intereat 067134 ' 11t -34.0a diltit.44 1044.'70 133.34 5/t W1076tiict. 1 tt?' walk 194 ae:o4ratsuppi Co, at tv- t Zt• P'r C, Toronto., sussitEe Fitton, re