Exeter Advocate, 1909-07-29, Page 1 (2)VIP
,-T, " -I
• 4.-
' 07)4
4,1 #
t o foflowfrbi
mktut4vrtith paIe
very fin,1113e, reg.
value at
lowered Muslin .
Showing * different stripe and
nc pattern, regUlar30e, to clear
rt and Colored Itulls
wfth zing plum) owl -MOO* "to
clear 150.
Colored Organdies and -
Diraities and Aluilins
Extra 'Aloe att 104 121e att4 150
to clear*. •
Swiss Embroidery Insert.
A few *bort ends of this only,
suitable for waists, To clear
)1 our Straw- Eat Virmdoiv. Friday and Saturday
t" ;4 474 ▪ ir 1!
,Bt*.ht..!*** 3utv
6e 6% ttieMea
r• 4 4 e
14er''°•the trakirMan erPid AS
I • VuZiett -VP &t the litation, atilt
•°,44:14$04 -04, I My, 1,1,11).4 a chptinfe.
Stvle a beautiful,' little etatiOn.".
getting ,,eitY-Ilite." 114u ek' Ot
e I took he it'
seemed mot* like old time*. !"MZ,
board"called the, driver and awaY ,
went. - ". •
"Sa Ilarry, how old is that Wall
attitteen-Yettrar 160110 AndIri1U gOyOti
the drink* It those horses, ain't nearer
trt Le:Alre t tl _our -Mind- here, t14
glue Man, who hen been eYeing ttret4
ever since he- got 'in. 'What say you.
Josh?" 'Weill 1 Sal twentY "Wren
yeararelitht mOnthacand nineteen , .daya
and tutor born about 2.13 it.rn. ons,
Sunday moruloik" W41, 2U treat tile
-the--driver confirms that.- -Slick 't -Oven
isn't It? Niee ilonves. Fine sidewalite.
$e tbe.laWnst. BerttititUl. Get Watez.
e troca
or t ion co
hcto aim, Barri?" • 77,, but
-hes, pr 134400, cleating at -11.50.
Bo 61 Shoes in Pebble and Spliti
1-eieeskisbiletbey-laivt 500 pef..-vair.
Ladies, Shoes
111y 9f, Oelle0P,L0f°0. 'PA to A-0# Res
-and 17,t9ys' Tau Oxfords, extra value at $1, to clear 75c1
Highest Prices rata rot-PriAtibe antirtiviToilli0
Iutter 18e. Eggs 19e. trade; 18e' cash. Thege prices auWeet to
! Money! Money
order to get, money we will hold *
Slaughter Sale-thr. the Next 30 Days
erftbing reduces:1 In price. All Summer Goods to be sold
trim ante lian=at,,
• and Suits
_ _MG113:viesatta
want to 0,000 in days. Light Rain Coats
Come -quick oind get heroine. -
We Keep Nice, Clean, Fresh Groceries
N. E Pll9NE
01,11{ DPO
•7 soutirox.t. I.. D. us:
O. D. et **tufo sad Ram
Tweets galversitr,
-1)14444 Osuliste law 'My, Is
m.flossiaeaIi* Osstal radon.
• S. MOW& h. D. IL, D. D. Ito
am* et Tomato thriveristr.
without say pods, ow soy load Meets.
agetabory*, /gala *tent
*Wed ,
D. N. noson
Is Vato years
cyal ta), etc.
weld StsE, Andrew
114 I,7.itelamonts
ate/sows *seta (
C tisestitt talk gotta
Usti 01 Sys, (witit Sine-
, Omer. D46611004, tkit.
& to&tatattis. tho
4Thillettl4 Canusailose
sweet nolo iatering
as-L,R. Kass
itf pita.* tiro to lasso
it low rates el 1st,*
SiAlaat.,zatter ° oi
iLlOsesee asionsissist.
e4.d hi 0,11 pato. Sotivtactios
. Teta. r�isMh& Au
ion,* ho,
Bus and Dray Cats
promptly attended to.
BOMA kept in Stock for sale.
Telephone 41A '
St4des at Handford's Horse Exchange
wg; .ARNOLi4 Drop;
ligtiou TO RENT '
14kk house. 1 and 1,2 storey. on
°William Street, Exeter. Good number or
roemir. Mune in good repair. •ci
haed tend soft Water. Number) f ftu1t
trees, pply to M. M. SANDERS, Exeter
Auction Sale of Valuable Farmland
t the Central Rotel on Saturility, 7th
4ugust, at 4 o'clock. Mrs. I. Cookson
FrItT.i.Y.,Vetglerotto Atiet•
fieOth- Thar Of Lei Con. 3, Stephen.
1% miles west of Exeter; also 30 aere*
a Lot 23? Con. 2, Stephen, and 25
acres in liaya Swampi
1011. SAIM,
A hundred atiel farm, all *ceded down
hat one acre:, altuMed north of:Centralia,
1.4 zille frotri thutteb, sehool -andr,rost,
ottroy, bent tot. 6, Con. Z.
Ire' Is ozt tevren-dties.* soOd 'Mune
house, Itree good frame barn*, 4 Wells,
wIndmill, 1 'acre of good oretiardiand
10 *ens Of hardwood bush; fences In
good repair, and 10 wea untielvdriviited.
. Terms easy. Por pst1CUlit5 *pp to
5.,Utear, Centralia.
tion tife Assurance,
lostitilinee lead -
and that 001elfeernell;
, Art
10:1 • o. Step'Len.-
, Ns
Ilith'',da .0 ugUst4:
t °' or the
,ttl*On tO'SAY "Or their vote
heY *re th" AV*" eft:Stgairist
*44 'bielatte to ItUthOrlie ;the
Og..Or .'622060 for water Work*
, Thin %In * Crucial period
I-tatorr, and In simpIY: to
-44000,1e-2eler will
ti4ouielves Or ;the Prtvellige ° et.
et tht toWit:UP to the standard that
1nMO necessary for the weiraretanAV ad.
a.neement Of ever,r,--wenr-4401-ated-lown
or eilowit to lone into a 'stele or dor.
nuttier and degeneracy. This is a Mat.,
ter that Should be CO1104004 serions-
bY every IlersOn vi1t0 ba* a voteom this
wealtiOno and to casting that vote let
utOt be from a oselliah and narrekw
u:ndta standpointr but let it be trOm
,the standpeint that w!1.1; bring the great
eat g
a o
k• ' •
. .
M;! .7er440* ipa* o lt.101(tahm° ./
at ter ": hem,
Ion 'were gOcitts, or, Mr, Meru DOW over
vitLt 7.41ISS. Ei,;0.ter nerite.
.4r ;gra. John kiti$14 oot Otiust.
Me* It Or' 1,1400iiiii4Z ;la
an rs. Clare, nee'Sznith, 'or Inger.:
e el., arid Mrs. McDonald ' &hit 6114 .44.
Chicago, okre gueots a.led
Obh Snell, —
• 104'044i; Geo. POwelb and We.
Joa. Snell of ThedfOrd .pent Monday
wall friends °Ilere, coming over in Mr.
Powell's tine
prosperity of a town is not
guarded by tee wealth or its inhabitant*
but by the uniformity with which they
pull together when any important un-
dertaireing is to be accomplished. A. man
to the 4teatest a --thousa,nd-diallars at his command
e-rostt. ot„w":01:,..wr" „....,132_r° and a love or town in bis heart. can
standpolKJelve 's 11P do more for the building up and. Jrnprov-
°OK ait to Its t Ts30. ing or it thareeStgoAlllionatrveletsbilogirs,
,,,fatter Of reduced "now" ,:josok4014. . arid snaps ittli fingers at
4•i• 16• or"
means hun
oit Sti.Altei_road-Imp
- • •
ti:OWn WOndtrAMY " •"Sige•
educe.) the coat of keeping, up street*,
as well. ;No cutting I to the boulevards,
o."In niia-1#14Kileflot but a fine Kutter
nest the walk to tic waterAb run In
th. water, after rain, cleans the
razy, to put down Sidewalks, unless
nest- the roads. Bee_ Toronto and other
•.ttetr adopting-"thihrviretres; and
every up-to-date t own kas "Thug"
go.)es the wheels: the driver calls out
-central" and we get Out. "Hello .Andy,
where have you been all these yeare?"
-Out West." 7'Why, you will be US blit
a talking feature' as the neW preacher
in town." And whotts he. .pray? • Bev.:
,ttobbs, did you Say? Oh no, Rev.
Elobb3.1" "Where did he • come from?"
"Toronto, 1 believes" ho, Guees I
ave heardor him." "Well, he's a talk-
. They say he is down on dancing,
uot he Amine to get around the plat-
form lively enough to Make a good
dancer, himself. Got them all talking
yway, and they say going to fill
bigchur0 full. Coming troth all
t cinarithes to hear him., Good preach*,
er and a hard hitter. If there are any
pqrs over, there, be will wake thein
up and wake up the •other enurCheS, too,"
You ought to get him to preach a Ser.
Sdawalks. startle *woe'
of them with, sort* Mighty. rifle points
Ong the line or eddownike. etc-. ,Bst
Y. la that Cider Gilt. haven't teen'
to tor silo long. I must °catch ,him."
ooa4.eve.. *Sec _you.: .agarn.-"- '
Edward N. Mara, a' farmer who resift
s In Me,Gillivray Township. One and a
alt miles north of Clandeboye, watt ar-
'fled July 22nd on the chargeof burn-
ing a barn belonging to Geo. C.trter or
-the same place: -The -information: - -wa
laid before Squire Chittick by WilitaM
L. Patton, who rents the farm, on which
the93001---that-was- -burned -was-4
The burning took pace on June 25 and
county constables have been 'forking on
the ease since. .Iara 1. a Young mar.
ried man and looks very little like a
criminal. When taken to London tie wait
neat in dress and appearance, and did
not seam at all nervous. The Squire re-
manded him for One welc
The burned barn was on the tarn.; ad.
joining libtres, and *as burned *Pout
in-ednight& heavy rain had fallen And
te offitera say there were tracka lead-
ing to and from thebarn from liata's,
homeacross and that there
were hoot inarkt, in wille4 were Ural,/
eaiti, with some or the oaths miesing,
and that boots that wolikl rake such
track:: were \found' On Mara'* place. -
Later -The evidence wail palmed on the
pa° pa Monday last and the priSoner
'man tient up tor telal at the December
,zessions, but yrs* let out on hail \of
44,090. $2000 being his own surety and
two other suretibi or $1000 each.
VANT Grate. wirs
p-atairs or Dining .iteozaApt%
TTENRUItY cantal o-nt,
01111.A WANTED ....
Cre:ators on Ladies' Waists
Willev&tar., mon .6 -ages. Steady work
-.Tee next 'ectartzwEAn. mtFo, Oo,
Perlin, Ont.
Vali atres, to get peoiscionion b fa%
Apply to SANDERS * C1tSEC11# Exiter
The undersigned 1* offering' for all
that valuable 100 *ere 'fart% being Lot
6, Con. 3, stc,t4mt., Alle1eare4 and 1
good state, of tultivation. Vence* good,.
untler-dralcett Witt4 tite. About, one
vre ,of orchard.' T*0 story tie* bt•Ick
cottage ottal biknit Nutt r, sOxo centr
IV.10; 'ttatto shod *Olt ot watt!' ti4
ittetki One quarter mbritront
attl two rates from c%ureh..
Posiless:cr:a given In the t*o; &No to
ttAittrt, titt;trtAtitA., ONT.
bah1Y not un
a•OP ; ; "morlmosor 44•04
moo s 000m rr" o,O6.6 .61,;roo V.Ooloor
ttee01,t0 asheti, throughIn-Ang eonsiderable expenee to their sce-
er and It Is proe Con and incorrienience to their teachers
I are visited by a eon., by meeting before the reopening of the
_Ice, up- our scheels and-paseing-tlig-rics.
our present *latent is in- olution.--.RemOlved that we the trust-
ika*,nothing more or Ices than a tea of this school in accordance with
ioy 4eUtItt *When it emporto. noting Resolution Four ot the Departmental
Now. the question Is-WOuld wOu like. yexr.„ de hereby authorize the continu.
to -eke ''WaterWqetti
le-itoeetelor-tlif-137y4aW, on .August Ie. nooks in use during the January term
Po YAM, &vire to have .Exeter grow? o: tjle current year.
EtY vOtllig for the by-law your answet •
will be "T"." •
It we ' neier venture to help the town, GRBENWAY.
WO Wm no faith in the future. The . . ............
heaveI0Paleror ere willing 10 do the* . Brophey spent the mit week with
hest leir“outt nitudelpalitY, a* the'growth
t 'Meter aids tnern pin proportion, as -
sting in paying their large share of
t Keep* propertY from standing
idle, ltd. *eta tin, sells ready to catch
averingt breeze* toward the harbor or
sUceetie,'‘. -
"/„,,et evlory person vote work for
the BY -4w.
ot .t Left -Over*" Or the
ro,..»eter bowlers, who A:01114)1'1 go to Lon-
drOYO.,40 to Dashwood,Monday at.
ternekort and Played foOr genies 'with Ilte
,borterg o tht v1.1144*. Exeter vilonlet
two ihdlieisint two. And being 121J-ointit
up on .the 40;$' Tbs. were royafly re*
wed, and entertained by the Deabwood
And DOC. elaim that It SA
ðos on the leall-:wh"elt accounts .for
the vfetorrand the defeat. Dashwood.
haa a beautiful, plot of grass but not
Swvt a* level aai tt vie.
hors emit:wed a Lovell:wig-or Supper,and
for tile better playing -at
r tea., -particularly. the leads. The
ores sere-
Eteter-II. Spackman, W. T. Aches011,
t,IXD. Hutton, Jas. elrieee, skip. Vivid
;,,,second -
Dashivood4-J. W. Wambold, W. Se -
bort, D. Tiernan, 1. Ilartleib, akip. First
E r -Dr. Sweet, J. W. EirOderieleF
R. N. Creech. W. f. Blatchford, skip.
.Pirst game .18; *SeeOnil 26. '
Dashwood, -J. Hoffman, .7. Kraft, W.
Miller G. EdighOffer, skip. vino. game
24, Siecond 19.
$4 "
t,TO to Widnesday rifght the three rinks
of Exeter bowlers are doing good woTk
in Loudon; Itev. Oal/Ins' rink lost In
the first game in the f.irst event, *hilt
':rtleaman'S rink won_ two and_
oh& In the first gitent. -In the second
event with ,Taman alchiping In Collins'
theY_ have won, two gainer, while
Ile*Man'a rink has also wen two gatheir
Irte rinks arfeoi‘Clarke Taylor, • Diticion
and liftman; Snell -Stewart, Taman
andl calm".
friends at Clandeboye.-Miss Mabel
Knox or Grantor) ie 'Pending her 'holi-
day* with' her cousin, 4rs. W. England,
During the storm which pamsed over
here on Thursday last, the lightning
truck the end at Rufue Merher-
..lon's barn and splintered a couple of
the ratters. but didn't burn.. -The many
fr-Tends of 3Irs. Whiteside win be
pleased to hear that she is. recovering
from° her recent Illnens.--)41ars. Gal-
e n Gooding .3oent the past week over-
hauling their separator and are now pre
Pared to. give first.clase satisfaction to
their many euatotnera.-.Miss Esther Mc-
Phereon vislted her friend,' Miss .Z11.
English on Monday evening ---,Mr.
and Mrs. Smith. or ..ShIpirdi were guests
of Mr. Ilenrs nagert on Suite•y.,-
ism Sion
Having lased e- st,Oce property ot
Air. 3. W. .13rodithe-
Itslui lama!' I beS
to announce to the pubilh -that 1 have
fipti-%ed-out business in ThOli-Iiiie-Orilen
oral Provisions.
it,e..e..DS, GRAINS, ETC. ETC.
The Yes" beet grades of flour 0q.
on hand
al IteArts-
. _
Goods delivered to any part ot the town
We invite your patronage and ,aolicit
call $rom you .
OW amid
Braderickl EloT
• mob
IS1'30 Amy 'Jelin') left luesday to visit
n St. Dtarys. '
!Toe Itawdell vlsitcd relatives in Clio-
tol on !Stolidity. ,
utts stab' canes I spcnclitish�U-
dLtys at Grand Ben&
lar,. Campbell and Editor Zeller of
Zurich Herald were In toWii Monday
is Oriels* and Miss Cheiney of
ulvflle are the (nests of Mrs. Geo.
Mel.eod. •
Arik to hear Ott and siuguat rte‘t
ds at The Purity. You won't re.
t !tearing' them.
Masterit. Ashton Dyer of CaseVille.
Mieh..1,viSiting tie grandpereM4,.
and UE.S• A. G. Dyer. Mrs. Oyer is in
tiomien at propent but w114 Visit here
ehottly,,whUbXr. Dyer is expected in
course of it Week Or 00.
Stiles P. E. .e!arlint, who Is a urse
ifa St. Lukts tiospltal, Neve' Toxic4 was
ppoInted assistant to tim ;second dir-
Ire:04141as in /audits last.
51.1as WilitcX1'haying teligned, Miss Citr.
,t1C. been ',APPOinted to her plate.
tow• $tat di as MIL of the Leads of
:large to*pitat„
betau*e the rrpotter sets
, •
gettitlit till the train, that Ite. ough
°.,_ow, *Let- Veiu are atid NitiV.ere ou
zitt otitill,,$,OU greet *�ne
tee ,
I k
t 1 run
te. Om.
wog1:1 watrArAt
'odors, *r *t
geed ttant
se tta
one *etre tO
41.4 • 441
91,01? .004.13,
404 it
114 reet, dlOte
'Mr:1E1010i 'Elr:Jstt gat,Arvne
Tender's fOr. road gralVer for 'the Maier
met ot Exeter will_eeL,4.04,iup1-143",---tio.
undersigned up to Friday. July .10th,
'7 IL lit.. ter 100 loadal more or l'eitC.
of good clean road gravel, deltvered
directed by Bead COnuniealoner. Ten -
Aim -Urinate 'price ner nerd.
By Order.
Cu'ilmore-At Unity. Sask., on July 10,.
to Afr. and Mrs. Enos Cudmore, a
ellen,At -.Farquhar, on Jitly -2,0th;
Mr. and- Mrs. Wm. Pollen,' a son.
Bensall, »PAY 40th lo
Mi. and Mrs. Frankrgarritthar,„aqm,"0,1„,
4-nel Mr. W. A, garila, Cm**,
. •
White -Engels --At Chicago, on July
Miss Augusta Evelyn Engels, to Mra
alarm" Edgar, 'White. of Toronto, eonto
of 3irs. W. P. White ot St. MArYa.
Vale -Hammond -At St. Marys on 12tlx,
July by new 11. Ulm*
frameadild-to Isteltion Vire-
oir Exeter.
•,;IrMe-Fiarition-At Byleedep. elri --
July 14th, by Rev. J. A. Thorn...is, 3,tisee
Maf Britton o Mr. Lloyd A. 3,ferar,---
iane, of St. Marys.
Palmer -In Ezettx, on July 27th. Ellen,
- Saunders, beloved wile of Lyman
Palmer, in her 30th year..
veal -In Centon, on July 20,
Veal, formerly of Eihnville, aged ,t12,,
Coughlin -In Stephen, cm July 24th,nalt„
Coughlin, aged 00 years.
MtIntoab--On the towntlue, Mcalllivar
on July 16, 11,latilda, rout of the Wet*
Aleaander McIntol
sh aged 47 Year";
6 months and 6 ditye. e
Keep Glean
Doesn't mean keeping ynur bottle or
Clothes personal
cleanliness al Well;
Keep Yourself Clean
HOW?, .
Well, of court*, BATHINIL-..-
but nOteits aids:
Pore Volatile Soap, 25c a bar.
Floating Bath Soap. large cakes, 50
Rubber Sponges,. 40e, 00e,
and $1,25.
Perfumed Bath Powder, 25e.
iditerranean Sponges, 100•.15e, 250,
85c and 50c. . • . -
Bath Brushes (handles) its.
Toilet Waters, 25e, 50e; 45e, *1.00.
Talcum- Powders (10 varieties) 27o.
t3eit Salt, 250 a, box.
Toilet Soaps, finest yaOlety in town.
..and_wbat...ire_ofter -keep the
inplex;oliiid sweet.
Get Your glreep-Olesn" gupplie
001iESI)11110 \STO
Get the habit of coming • to
for drug supplies 'it pa
P SM. $
* • •
* • • • • • •*411
OLDP4EDA1,4* • ** • *•• I
"I'svilleS---Itery 104
' 4„ $
X; V