HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1909-07-22, Page 4 (2)' V •
eete tiee
e id w
and meintain a and Pun -
1392::,„ thetten- 044, le erect a. Vie'
ot Stant% 0e Itt some segita
voeattett in the 0E4 village and
-water mains connecting *all gra
„elation awl stand. pipe and ato
1r4kin aAtre.2t in Me said village and
otherwise fullY equip, maturate a.ed
Aerate esaid system
AND WHEItEAS it haat been claim),
U will .reeuire fale sum' or 0220.xo
,parchaae spattl property, ere:4 s
dam. ponaping station and mtad P
4." tr Urasd water mains and ca
AND n la necessary f
ttle ,said purposes for the *add, carpa
ation of the village of Exeter to borr
tUtiOnt: ervitt ot. the said Municipal
AUM Or 322,009.no...
AND WHEREAS for the pLuposte
aleOreaeld neceittatny to. les
eritureiii of the said Inttelcipatiter ;
tile Village or Exetbr for the said au
4zeit $22000.09 and intemet as herC
after providtd which Is the tur,arant
the debt Inten4ed to be created by tt.
73ezelaw, the piozezlis or the satd debe
to be applied in the atecuisite:
pf said lands, the erection cat said
trurciPing ntation and stand. pipe .a.,d t
laming of Lad ws•sr mains t
ni said system and n
e7,,, titer pureoees.
• AND 'WHEREA.S it le clesira4;e
'alto galreApat at the Staid delat
%payable by ztnnuat instahnenti dun
r.tke period or twenty Year* next ater
W.ssueO the. dltenturcs thereto?. sue
"zastalinsrits of principal to be ot _sue.%
Aim:Punts _that the .aggregate 'amount
..isaYabl.t.e for pKtitipai arid Interest in
ata.,,,,,te *4;4 as-nearlY as nfr-,
lba, to what lS payable for prinetpal and
Iletereat during -each Of' the other years,
witirata13, win. be ItteeastrY
tef raise annually for the period Of twin -
years (Wring thecurrency of tee de.*
imetliti‘ltetaarlialbriet3iniestrtiotaPelmberetynit4,7:111::letn'h:uPa' nn:luerna:db177:
welt' rate sufficlent therefor ein ail te
illar the sum of $1.745'.34 for paying Ate
.it-thereott at tie rate Or five Pr ce(Azt.
ver aununis ,
AND WHEREAS- the. anniunt ot tt-,e
ieehole rateable property or the saki vU-
rite tg Exeter accordirur to Atte last re.
.ertsed Asseesment Roll le the sum
'1, 4
RS i
c tot ‘`.4at "AIM 094147
Vseter aou3 :a
peMtcand Inuintagm,
• workarmitla
flee peoteeteKt
gr t
erto W.e:.: the teal: e-42.11,-
*. apIl-alitnes N. Howard to.r
* se, (iitibjeet, to the approval Ofe
ayers o Said VIllegel of ti-.4t;P71..r4'
• river ,b7,0 and banks- Ot Aux
LLO Rivers known 'S. the Ille4 el:pain:Ay
intf .Part o le)t r.tenber
n, in the 'Elret Cone_eirelan, Of tee
hip of frotorne (now Exeler) own,
by tht.ataid 473rna li.TiOveatel tr.
e price roun o *1790.01,
, e0
AND • WillititEAS the existing db -
re debt of the Skald Village. emluslie
r locai Improvement debenture. debt ace
meted by apetal aosessments therefor
Amounts to the sum of 1121364.24, sad
Ito part of the pr1po1 or interest tterc.‘
.41r is In arrear0,
.--therefort ti'her Mtmleleal 'Council Or tT.
tnartiorittitee- pf the Village of Eteeferriin
acts a* follosis;-
Id It shall be lawful or the Itmifl
ar the- said Vlihtge of Exeter to bottove
e 'credit ot t*. said tOrporation, of
e Exeter tho suni ot
00.00 foit the purposese hereinbee
tnreOtt kettitland for pat ue,p•osse eo
rasse debentures of tt;ss %Said municipality
ro the sanount.0: gl,t412000.00 in stuns of
naltt V100 each and such de-
golatinlo *hall' be signed by tits „fleets
at the the ;mid corporation 'tor the time
• *itting:and countersigned by. the Te, -
%oar for 11-4 (tine ben" of the es11 Car -
*oration and duly sessled_with, the Cor.
irerste thetft,04 Whleh teal the, tlirk
!Car .the time being of said Cdrporation.
• Est tseteby sothotired and eliceaed to sits
r.sith to eath or satd debenture*.
2. The sild,debtuttsreo shoal, be IA'
1Mors the tiaiss of' the issue thitteot
:10ball *or ,Interest at the rate ot
Ater mit. Per jahlsorn from tiltt date I.
'elite" !Lion* thereof *ad the said trite:est
*hall be payable yearly tut the day of
montb which said debentons are
soeyett Sad as to ''tooth
taztat tite saId debentures epap.
4.-3,14e In ounital imitositsverstst-withia tWITYy
lreats twat the dale of the (*sue ipt,tre,,,
• 4-ovh inistaintiuto to be tOf 'Suet
rarrir:,ea6te that tte eggregitti arg10%t4
41P-41,,Vabitt tor ptinclisal *VA intermot la*
:rear vend! be equal t; eorly as maY•Ist
. whet la Payattle ler principal and
tsreott during each .Of the other years ot.
0,00:4 rtrtod of twe7PAY stars asiCtere.,t,,
.31ter forth,.
1.1tolug the tUrree,CY of tIT,:4
rat '
)19.4 IL
M• 4 tE
it4a.11y,44* IntOt
!4.;reet cers.
t:gsel' Vote, Le „
liktgq,!*.4., . • 4tittr:',,I to
41- Ytti;s4w, ezi 00 1?, i
, UY:''.0 1,90100-,C1ifl.
•::,:g ert°, 1*...,.0*, . . 3.014 xi)
tontintAleg mulit r 0.u'cliwic ' to t.
01.10 .atann, 4V, "at' :t&e€ gOi-
4, l'".1;''-„Pl.4ce4: )..giii4a.• 00 441 ViA1410,
*74.,er ItY. V16. 'telleviing Deputy
Ott.teees Pe, . ,
SUbtlitilmien No 'Sitars •140,0:e
Itcolden • Treble D. it,. O.
44t envildan'IttO:,
ns,iti street, TA,.D Weekei, I Offl-
JAUte$ Weekes, Volt Clone. VOlilow
-Hy 1401ro - -Peel*
Street, It. f.tedote 1).
0.Mcer. Alex. G. Dyer, Poll Clerk. Poll
$itonNle.' 4, Town Hail, �E,
nt Ite Iowan Ueda_ fer „1,11.
eet. articular* next Wierk.-41r. Y.
bi--and --ferritir ATV
trord,:t4f$,Aiorlte4' ,It.tIvitanier;.., ts /*lett
ed lu
1,0%-slone,1*. 14(lbee,t'
'2 fter, '2eate,4 Weitingt Val
'tlithte, :WO 00- lAttle tij that 4ii
were' gentee hit ,-;40a1ite".. •Tile
Olsiserloat.** Yalit
cojt.•11.,' sitla0Cti,t 4,41*.tnirgt
'he sloitricat,',OtOnO:,thset tee000
'Mt* $44,4ttit' :Or, '0i4t fl1a I*t'Turs.•
tiktre Ok. 4041001'...;10, „ s(ZIys
4sieers 44; ',.11k
tOitl OrVitt0b44:, •
A** 40Wiktf
Thk''Alift*i*t Ad''o • e I
'are beine,:lor their ' .ionee.
. , . t„ . '
:Zeilekee, ' e..: :,_, ....11tiott ti tbe gni
her Ston.:-. r.. 0 ,Z,WiekOttrVril.
•e P*rkhLll v
0030.,013,' *
The' 'Of' Mtallta Is at pr..et viaIUl3g at the
it 1103n0 Orlin and NM
VS' Paittlif Of thitt bail 'men oomnurnoedIn
edc, .this* ---Th. Verik and
'Lorettalloigroson. of 004ton aie
stitencliostAutrt of their vacationst the
toe. iss Alice Trueruner of Toronto is
the spefgJer-vacation Under the pa
rootion__ tiur Goshen, r
ore McLaughlin, who spent two Wesks in
red New tas100.::Insts returned and *gain
,P44* restilmsd-his ti00 heree.-SeVers4
Is automobiles
h*7 throughthe 41. .
:01.1dennind,-Lw •
0.0 t
.0-10ze‘ Were satiVetiOtill thie 404'er
,IRS -0411, gaill0 at Ago* • Ostig
-Wedneitday Moulted in a defeat ror. ho
eescore eeA 14(e0 trewit-Witnese
W-gainie of 'ireted ball playtittc -here
dy tatigittr-ve tolwitr
,a;itoze, Di It. Of ewe, R. fleltron T'avior.
• I iClerk,' '
• Veednetiday,„ the leth day of '
ettet. 1100,, at eleven, o'clock; tht tho
r.c4m shall be the day and tile clerk**
, In the Town Halt In the 'village
4,.,*7,241 _be tbs.:Pius where the
ar !lend to Appoint Pertsortle
,1 14 " •
the 'finalu :01P-
0 votea bv, the clerk on behalf of
si interested In promoting •or Op -
g dim Passing of this fly-Laiv
_spaetively. - - - - • - -
7. 114.taa.t the Clerk of the Corporation
* 1,4e odd Vlilage 01 Exeter .hall at-
-.A at Hs office in the eatd
Meter at Twelve o'clock noon on
uedaY. the 21st day. of Auguat, 1009
tum up the number or voter'given
and against thie By -Law.
T., -i4) above Is a true COPY ttle pro.
iej Ity•Latai which has been taken
Onto tronvider,ation and which Will be fie
aaIly 1)4.420 b, the Council of the Col.e
pamtZon of the Vinage of Exeter in the
the assent of the_elegtors-be-
na. obtained therdto after one month
fran the first' publication', in titexeter
a and Exeter Advocate newspapers
*first publication was on the 15th
July, 1000. and at the -hour, dey
wd lacea therein fixed for taking the
ee of the electors a poll will be held,
rY leaseholder -entltled - by law Ito
o tite proposed ny,-law shalt at
-&n dale iteZtt' preceding th.e day
. Polling tie ha the office or we Clerk
o -the uti1e1paUt astatutory aeriar.
z .dt.zeng that his Lease an-Tlets- 'the-
01111:mm14e by laVi7 entitling 11441
tt 00 such ny-Law .and the ssarnest ct
negaeating to file euen a
sisaii not be Pluctd o.i t• -le
w'otera" Viet for ..suCti 'voting.
ete.1 at E-..;eter this 7th. day of ,Jui
a. D., t9.00. •
.108. SENIOR,
rk of te Corporation of the 'village
▪ er.
:netting' of the School Board held
Inte Town Hilt, ,tonday. Jail' 19th
W. Absent f'W Gladman and IL
ton, The following l* the order of,
llinese duI3r aUbinitted and approved -
Pr Cilalr-311nutes et previous meet
- nowt* 'feather's
SuPPIY. Mkt Ms* •Steeth. of Seaforth had
14..exepted in Slice. of Misfit atarlatn,, -It.
Dotgop engaged prior to receipt of wire
and that Miss Clara ieZCtnIe3r 13 .4„,
,_chlts of Seaforth had been secured , in
Nace ofMos McLean to Whom the of;-.
ot the board wire firet submitted,
turther that the Hoard's. offer to
•‘.5 :let Pennock, Southampton; had been
Per S. martin and T. 11. Carling that
rtYiart of the Teaeher's Supply Coin.
NVOOd and S. Martin okat lte
etra ter.esoary---to the urinal -be lzia4.
the-glirectiou of trae grounds and
Sitftary Conunittse,
Pcr T, n cirlitle and V. 'Woad 1 that
ho* enanlpig .year the salary of„ De -
No. 4. Nein treeper,
"Wotel 'And Stettin- thatthe
salary tor the ettiednk. year.
_ ,
• 1 '‘•
tin and T. ke Carling that
artountsbe `approved.4-
WHO/tic U1101, 1,V1 te* •
W. 11,,, JO =tan* express, *1*15: at%
examiner's fres, 49; 'W.
alo"stto4, do.* 444; Miss 4, Orsgtiryi
srovetnee. 41304454 R. Gould, labor
145; Times, paper $740; Advocate,
49; O. Ifendrie & Co., vielviace, 4153,
e,. 1% D. -Carling and F. Wood
ocikeuent for,schoal Torpososs tor
Year be $1,g00.
S. Martilt and T. 13. Carling the
li,tor's1/4 "'Wary 'tor 'Pet ensuing
' 1
P. Wood aotd, T. sti. Carling vizmat
t ial arivertiaing of t! 1i itehoOl
be tett ira, lee tends o tiao
ttr Uarti.ss.ardiii!ou, csinin,verst
* nritNT 1114/0/XliSi
131,131* 13Artigir$ PLAT
GAME', /t.* TO /12
Eight lite Isintora PiLed
u Ismael:salt °a' the -147,a1
was ,Oitt sevea innings'
sto 1;1. litisters
7 in OA iteventh, Said
•r 1ru*stttdg ft seer.; Otte,
*old have had -10 !1*Ijd
ti 1,
0 .0
and Stars met. The game' we* .mar
bY ome brilliant plays by both tea
tiOth pitcher* deserve praise. atter
wet --hatt- eettio,r anti th-e---rurn-
Zurich had the gime by one run. So
44. Gcerge Palmer or Exeter, overt(
and gave the hest of sathataetiOn.
beys took the lead In the first Willi
getting 2 to their -OPPOnents, .`04 T
addedi-Orits-.1n, the -*rtdthua
rmalned I* th fOttrth and fl!th
vi mew
apectiirely; -The 1114h. seventh and
, *tali Were scoreless. The ninth
.Weber ot the ninth t,Own gat ist
t see, ,eer‘buntlerity oleingt*,, and
itate later he got home on * low pitch,
tallying the yelrming run, ..Qterlitort tail
el to even It When they IbitOta to bat.!
Zurichparticularly the big fellow mit-
a chAriey, reit very happy over the re.,
ult And he Nays they will pia.* Detroit
tent. Vollowing axe the PlaYerike-
Wurnt„ Weber,_itenttle,,_
Crediton. e-Wurm. Holtzman. McCue;
VAhner. Kerr, Brown,:. Young, Fahneri
,tand l3rown.
Iced home of r and Mrs. Itterao. OW.
1 trOV' Able tri* , 7 S •
I 1 tttle*
Two rinkof our bowlers on Tueettal
of taut week drove -low -V.! Dast-ivoo4
and played interesting games, -resulting
Crediton ;13 up.
CioditOn tostehwisod,
Drown skip 21 ifartieb slop gi,
Mott skip 2.1 Miller skip 14
Beown skip 17 Miller skip lo
Moat "skip 17 Hartlein "kip 11
chain is no -stronger' than its weakest
link1 every lit* In 7nide's Greatest
.47attin -ot High-grade tiwrinesit Scheele
heeit kept ,in tee highest *tate of
o..l,intcy known tO bitainess• **Clerics.
ovtv 0.1e t clu3atul atudentir Were,
•et-o.led teat year, the demand fOr Sted.
unto was three Mike- the EMMY. The
Inot Btteneas. Colicv• which rerap,*
Augest Invites: the most err."
.eet itt.:pitetio's from Proteiretive7--
-ent-.7., Owing to the prestige- of f
chain, every graduate of 'neat aPplarm
altos. -and good tharaeter-le guaranteed
a good situation. Thtl. new -adifertit*-.
ment ot 'this college appears On :�
nOoitax von, To4tonnoi,v
The strawberry shortcake days are o'er
And the pineapple ride., on its' raide no
more; ,
Mae enerr1e,a7Teave gone and the peach -
Cake seems
Alreidy a thing ef shadowy dreantst
Out, oh. for the morrow.- -Play irei to
the drums,
.:e old huckieberry from Puddingville
Nearby tomatoes, and corn on the. cob,
With everyepe ready to get on the ,Job,
Tie residents .along the routes 0
the Diteltwood and Grand Bend stiles
bars aiked__the Post -Office Department
tor eve -them rural' tree- delivery* which
the Department will in all ProbstbitttY
do. No move is to be motif/4 with a Vieiv
to eztending „royal delivery' to anyone,
steelee of' Whom would erfolve
change of rdute. It any sp.rices who re.
a"tdes off tile line triayersed by the Moli.
teertier desires Aural .deltvere -he ,roay\
3eCtire it by pliitling a, "King Edward"'
letter bon itt some point touched tort he
i'arrier. Any person 'desiring to avail
thenteeives of, the oyster's Shan Proeurs
front the P. O. Dept. the necessary VIA;
ttenvery bat* the 'price of which is
$3, and further shall provide at his Own
ei the regulation poet thztrefOrte and
t' the *tante the department •upplyttur
t, -it the petront'a rislic.feer the *A011001
tttnir of the turd). Locks for the "boxes'
may be also obtained from the Govern*
mesit *t patron* own **emit.
rrripaiof th
l e Belt is
tielly person* *re Unaviare ofothe tn
omous co
pire. ,Oreat flIta1n till tcsAissy stove
eign -give! 1i,08„e7e. square miles, or
nottr17 one.rirth ot the land eurfitce
tote .globe, and her sub*ts are uot''fa
rent 400,000,000 Or mere than
;fourth of the popolationol_the_lemi
of the ttritish 'Doetilite
't 13 diotributed aisproximatelY e tol*
leo;r Eueoti.,* 124.e95- square n1ieut
"izerka, 000.490 • ,Attetral**14,
L0;0100; Attic's* 205000,000.; Atda,,
0.000, the 00:mutton or the *opt
distributed followsio-In 'tort)
‘*0011400(1; Amatica, 7000,003; A,u
, 11'.00u,U0o Africa, 43,000400,
Aisle 501,0000)00 Tie" whit* papilla.,
ticet *14110,1000*000."and the cblered 44
SleXOU. 114 t.triltory
The Womana notitute of Luetto
heM thelr aunimor meeting On ti
day. afternoon and evening last i
lisle Pariah SA • Theuteeti were
addresOed:by At.shley °Vette!
Among those who contributed to the.
vocal opet of theAlrOirrattl
Worille:litiVireTtirk-,-.:Mjos mei
ineoungs were well attended and 'rata
appreciated"....fliss Morin:ow and Miss
Turner of strototor are the Peat* of
NM John /Tort -Um Hamilton, who
with her husband spent the setAAn ger
months -at -the hoine of iir taretiti
here, has returned to Porto aim
We regret to report that the youngest
daughter of Mr" John D. &zmltage
was stricken sritit a form of brain
trouble 04 EtsiUrd4r Liat, suppoled to
be caused by over -study, but
glesAto say. Well'011, the way to recov.
Mary and Enid Endicott.'
daughters of Bev. Itts.: Endicott" of
China, Are ihAltfitietit. of their grand,
mother, MM. Diamond, after „having
attended. Whitby Oollege
•010.0te44, little;son _of .451;aloop,
'ate the guests of HI* E. IfeNamse,;--
Air, -John Rollins is holidaying In
Brantford. -The Misses -Jamieson of
Galt are the guests of • their getttuU
mother" Mrs.' Parks. -411,s. Mason, our
milliner" be* closedher shop forthe.
season and is gone to Prescott- for the
,t eat
6 asmiken,
nes tt
e I CI will take 00 lee that i.srn doing bualneei
cbaslngaflkladi of scrapNighesf .
aiket Prices Paid for
iere theta* will or tradegiven. 0We/rotor collection o
left at the same *tom where prompt attention will he given/
t In EX
dal Odor
THE itIORWINO - half turn
to the right and the fire is am,
ady for quick service.
itud checks pro -
petite -IOU can depend teit good bak.
ing ,results from -THIS RMIGE.
can and see our diSpliky our
prices are tight bowir HESITATE '
PorSale by. IN
Dtitit3g t
run our Cho
Thursday au
AL HOUSEHOLD idsilvies
ROSES (Lake of Woods)
ppurztr (wows eissis Ass
1 tto
-moot s Jul
August we will
eek as follows: Tue
ISO halal to oer
&per 10C) lbs.
whonisbtiso oltialettistkt.Wilat. Cb* -1' LI' °1'
hellorti" 'watch tha
teed Ulna , I
dental,. ow:
It will retai
that boy of yours
y Not
,•lot„ mit It's a
.tbsr 80 t a lit
thhigs. It I* nioelynickled*
ut tick. And it will tickle
to Mtn.
tre 00
" inantiat
erdillezte under
f 41,02
copeitlitsite Wag ,S4t$4,
W*IIy10.000.0q0 waj
stoniinenist atZtt 111.4
btldl, I1 t dbe
was '143,1044,48Sis:
oti, visor due 0,3 tho Tears
attl 41114,150,000 '
-- "tirl"4"- '
t 'it
f 11