HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1909-07-22, Page 3 (2)- • ee oh) 0*bout ii 11 tr. tiwas pzid o them towever, here any fek‘ iven this Burnrner by alleged prac ejora.in hoods out On the lake. Eiuzlly t 2 (Mock en urs -. lay ortaut,- '4,14-fetntr-eriet wer. itili heard, some member* of the ictoris Yacht Club put off to t rscUe 11 out 1i ace t ti loundi ctrnging toiter ' '141 go rap' exbautiou. o. cling hose baj let go az bur or inthe tveui Ontariu shore.in o1010ek, their boat began C&p51ZeC1. Loy, wbo i* switomee, remelting both of gir whole. four whilttahoet bours" The girls, fory complc exhaiiated1 gave up tr r I Viterriet P 4 A, I* 1**tiee. c to Vir04,311111 , despitteh froin . Edrnonton, II*:1oteat.nz-•his in. 47 g killede "tt 8tethnan of -Albeit* Penitentiary, formerly of Toronto', .in self -d ce, Barrett we* hanged On y vetoing in the ridor of the prison. The drop be. sprung,ng ft ,required fifteen minuta before the doctors pro- nouneedhim.dead,..Atettoutoeite had th-witeslifirto straws at lis Awn, who was net perniitted to resent.. rat the execution, wage the beily,'-whieltr will be taken o utte? Montana, for burial. The ondemnecl Man'shoWed this utmost titmice n, save thathe objected to be oration he wished to deliver be - ug cut r short. I I. CRESIIED 11 Means.' WlIIIanuinud JIughHLSer& ously Iiijured. depatcb from Sault Ste. l4arie, Ont., ye While standing on s ttet1e leading to the s open- heartb- furnace at the plant of the A, gem* Steel mpany on Thurs- day Mes8rs. D. S. Willi - *um and Archie flughill were struck by * carshunted' from the furnace . were taken to the hospital, n it ied-Wilfierne-will hot -recover. Williams is superintendent of ho* open-hearth furnace, and Mr. Itughill is 'chief , chemist for •the coinpany'. They -were engaged in ersation and did not tSee the car approaching, and were pinned againt the girders. Mr. Hughill suitained very serioiteinjuries to the t side, and Mr. Williams wee. injured about the ehest. lefessrs Eughill Anti Wi11i0,001 are among the most, *popular' business men in the - eatiedian Soo._ • . s If I SEBMARINE SEN1i. Thitlsb Yce1 Cut Down by Stea er Ara! CreAt r.1er1sb. despritth from London says: A 'wireless message received it Portsmouth states that submarine toipedo-boat 0 11 Was in eollieion Tatt onWN,ItteStiay_ialka *rith.-0,6 .go steamer Eddystone neer, westoft, and was flunk. 'Of the crew f 1.0 men only, three were • saved. it is •taderstOOd. tlist tho # „ *en of 0 it "had no chertee to 4s- -tope, being insides the sulhautriney nd went1 to the bottom with it • If -1.10 TA1113.1t Putts ceot. of Samples' -Taken 1* Canada readulteratedi tell' -from Ottawa 1. on.,Wednesdity bv Inlandthe - Revenue Department shows from a large number of mom. pits ana1y4st.hy the department .1bet about $0 per ent. of the cream. 'onus on sale throughout (!snaJa re pure. t'r A I I I the ffitriey- 44, - erstst,,th becau mei. 8uceess, comes persist- nce. En-Chini a parallel 'use is evident ;in the desire of WOM04 to ;share in Ulf attivantatito5 ef educa tion. Tho majority of the according to writer in the Atlert. tic Monthly, look upon this attitude as scandalous, and. not at all to be • „, I oont.fg,td- • ire„Yten brought about ubt� .,Or• 414tY to'ward the old and the new. • A short time 'ago, in an interior village in -Xiang Su 4 woman,' ambitious to . becorne 'educated,. killed herself 'after 'but treatment from her husband's ret; liktives. Rex, farewell letter was c'rerywhcre copied by the Ob-inetst- ress. sIt his beerome ar,, national document) end 41010St charter of the newisaeveinent. 1 1 it +(neer the . following sentences:, . "I am about to die to -day becene my ituisba,ntl'a - parents, havirTg. found. greatfaultWith Me for hav- ing unItteled my feet, end deelaring, that I have been ditfusine, suehr*n evil influenee to have invited the reputztions of my . ancestors, have detcrmined to put: tee to death. "Maintaining that they will be Verily censured by their relative once I enter * school, and receive Instruction, they have been -tryir hard to deprive mono! lifer in.order, et:OW-say, to stinelieforehand 4,11 the troubles' that X. May eause. At first -they intended to Starve me, hint now they k ompel Inc. to commit suicide by taking' poison. '1, do- not fear 'death at all, .but how ean I part from roy who are so young? 'Indccd, thero should be no sympathy for me, - but the mere thought ofthesiestructiort of roritlealS, and of my 'young chit - oaten, who will without doubt be compelled.' to live in tbe-oki iiiiilter'mflieitt-alraoSt- break." The bloodof each rnarLyr is be- gnning to make its, impression up- on the Chinese people, and tit turn - leg them to favor..morre pjularreustome. A • nation in -will& ,sptrit of int& ruthresif $'01-tatri, flee Is atilt SO coati -eon may being, .fkrth things that will astonish the world, * It Ineslitters-said that "China tott otitis Materials -for -4k revolutio ,n7-4 she should start one, to which the horrors of the French . Revolution. would bs a suerref.squilP ;..but. if turnedinto different channels, this pirit selfoeterifiee• mityi as it did time of Separe- bring itbout quuk regthietrition rsV national Iife and -national prestige* through the tablishmint of , yew institus ons that orresponif to the vit- t; of life thus striving to assert theneIve. • NSE� TE Me Mx SE OLOS114 tt'1010, natto‘ P*rky di. \Olt ild a, iu new,atation [theIatd of .1 4,27 114 /1 * 41 x " lir for forging a recip The Michigan e has ordered seven new e he hunt &tMontreal. Tho ne on Moving pfcture men at Montrtalwho keep open on Sun. n raised to one hun- dred 41oUars. , a, is of relict has been Grdered. to ereign, and an inveti- &tionintoiheajiduet.of the fore .• ...,... P'in'Aeq ilwrey Ines to captain of ezcursroa at ta In, boats.Pcrot:ilost cating 1 u n their bce chosen to *et as the *gent of Great Britain in the presentation of the Atlantic fisheries dispute before the 0:1%00 trihunal. Ittontreal firm of architects are tiepins% plena for the new trui. nits' of Sasketchewan buildings Saskatoon, Accommodation for 14.411. "Whatg the matterl" ked th4 ter of the hen. im afraid of thettlpon, d. -Vie you 'needn't be. tf I*, boo to be fricasska Iro 1 v be drow ed • borers wed led and Po Pbiladelpbia. ty:four are uior.o ars *telt o • says:. Tbe e.*torey -vireo <1 • W • • Cfln$tflHtiQj* works *he, wart p**$in uflg t! .ide The entire -S1 t4„ 11 • -- EAT TA1N. Ohkilee •Dielsens „1107:1;oilte eliair brought a big Pike in London. Father Tyrrell, Whose modernist eysepsympathiessome time ego brought himinto eonfliet with the Vatican, is dead in London. , The' London Dirk -Mail severely censured Montreal for short-sight- edness in connection with her mu- nicipal loan -floated in England. LTNITE1)• STATES. A -veritable waiking Jewellery shoe was arrested by the'rittsburs 'Olney- bearing what was, eortSider. 4,4 the 'z oils of a Canadian or Euro- pean rQbbery. v A new ellor has been ap- ninted in Gerniany to secce n A.rrang ments bave been esompfit. edlor a steampship eervice between lktontreal and Naples. The French Chamber of ties martimously passed the Fr a- nedian• commercial treaty. Argentina withdrew her Minister from the Bolivian tapitat• in 'de. ult of an explanation of insUlte, '1'—' . ONLY xlis Emelt LEFT* Man Returns, ttelied Wbolr Family Wiped Out in Two Years* Itiespatch" front • Ottawa says: After two 'Years' absence in the moods of,nolIltern Quebec', remote ,from all news of the outside world, ;Joseph 14.7•Armour, of Notre Dame tie la Stiletto, on his return tome this week . foend to welpome him only/ his: father, left alone in * fani- iiy of nine. Not •until he reathcd e -of the.home-heAm years ago did the son learn' ef the landslide that occurred at the vi Ivo a. year *go' last April, wide *:spes1 out half the place'. and swept five members of his family to death. Two others bad also posSed• alirtaY •durintshiesalotente,?withoet *word el the tragedy reachinet,'Idni in the north: QUAKE VISITS- altiECti- Marty reptile Sahli. Itave Perished li tlis „spatch from Athens, Greece, An terthquake has occurred Ceof Elio, the, eapital PyrOfos. fieVeral lasges were destroyed; and manY 'eople peri1ijfd. Tho material lOhs a t. CLEVER WWI NEEDLE. The PrinCetts of Wale* io elever ithher needle and boa exhibited in$fly speeimens of her embroidery. Her Royal Itigttnesi sites her .work for sale at hsotars in *id of various h si and it *hay* eoliamand* priee. At * ettotity tale litile *hit* ago * sewn worksd Prinees. with mato* pies on,* treom growl, 'the whole mounted in rosewood and I, wits prieed $125. th ntn the* bese timber*, kn )Q*Iflfl 'The rex by 41 in lo • ' 0 Nate* Ju A K 031 l'OR LE.401. TRES.) 0. 1 u patent 0 or',le r is firm; firt. patents, 40 o o b ertie 4, 0 -0 pa1cI from datingo 01eseae .fytwi nhts at ., c i• ,, , 404, . *114-1 3zk soolier are ;;: n on v ar ., o se he ,, top ho has ' * risonment to:* 1.the'. about. 114; a 4nden senten(e of Thi ien us' ,..wr.h:lichttulitligellst ' be' i ind.east of the 'prow ner- 'rf iheir sea iidkate, � daring of the two:men t Atosrent..e relestinek* of vex* guarde who were stationed on --1101,1-, 410,ty on the tenets and *rmed with koss riflea'and repeating re. s, • r oronto:• 'itoli 1Vheiats-No.)1 Northern .Getirgian.* Dv ,port*; 1 2 t--411,-*, On to Wheat -No. 2..quoted at I. le titside.„ ' - ,, _ bailoy,„,,Aucted At 00 to Oki cut *_ts---Ito. 2 Ontario white, 50 to 56e on track, T,oronto, and at toaK ro 044 putside. No. 2 'Western ('sn- ada vets, 57c And X0,4 3) 500) Bay sh. ate, #.44, wheat -No. 2, 7Oc otitside. 411 130.art to $10 on tracic, Toronto. Cana.- dian yellow, 70 to 7/0 912 tree To- ronto. r• ran -41040 to $20 for Ontario bran outside in bulk, Manitoba, $9.2 in seeks, Toronto freight; shorts, *24, Toronto freights. OUNTAY PRODUCE; an -Primo, $2.20 to1$246, and itke toishel. • -110,y-No,i timothy,. 4112 to -4112.00 * ton on . track here, r1 lower • ri •SOUIC 01 les noz-th s. The • voiverse 'ereworking on t the new cell blot the' resen. 440 ft n eavtj 0NA tkini4 V*ere al deep.the exe*itifnir fret settbong plank, o dcats, .wbich 0114rrOW* u tetei face. llViothf thetbfen e. ran ta, *et tlistout„,-*nd-plati g it the wall, were soon u and taking cover in the brush. 0 e Vat eD4 of. teredin tions throughout n and 3ohusn, how, r by $0 to 50e then last eek. ark* `St 'tor 2' 4. et wel , a, 5. _ - h etittle 1 0 a . lum,,, .,$/filfi, aws lic nd npringers--Oornrngnnot wanted;, good • market, -however, ' for good quality milkers and tear spiingers. Choice teges47.75 to *7.00 .0.1., and $8 to *8.15 fed and watt ..................es................ EDUCATE TUE elliLOREN.. tilted- States , Sehools-11111,-Fight: 41 0t7 -b -7"-F-1:4 os A despatch from York 0 4' Straw -$7 traek. Potatocs---SmalI lots of old, 7ee to 00e, and new *3 to $3.20 per barrel, on track. 'Poultry-- Chickens, yearlings, dressed, 12 to• 13e per pound; fowl, Or to loo.; turkeys, 14 to leo per lb • THE nun MARKETS. Butter --Pound prints, 10 to 20e tubsand large rolls, 1$ to 19e; ferior, 15 to Itic; erearnorY) 24 to •23c, and separator, 10 to ' 2Operlb. Eggs -Case lots,. to 21c pr doz. Olicese--Large chcese, old, 14e per lb., andtwins, 14c; Nev quot- ed at- ]2e f&r large, and at 1234 for twins. • 0 flacon, long' clear, 1334 to 13%ci per lb, in case bots; mess pork,'*23 to taw f short cut, $2244.to Mauls -slight to medium„ leg to 1.6e; do., heavy, 14 to 141Ke, 1234 to 130; shoulders' . 11% to 12e; backs, 10 to 1$14e; breakfast bacon, 103,4 to 170. • 1.04111-Tiereos# 143403 tub's 1430; tails, 4 14.Ye 4•' BUSINESS IN MONTREAL. Montreal, July 20.---Oats--No.- Canadian *Western, 59c.; No, I extra feed ros.,4401., No. I feed, 0834 o; No. Calwbart 'Western, 58e, * Barley - a. -2, V% to 7414e; Manitoba feeds !ley, mg to 680. nuckoest- --410,4to 70e. Flour -Manitoba Spring 'wheat patents, firsts' '44030 do„ s•keotitls; $3.80; Winterwheat patents, 40,75; ..tistnitoba" etrong bakers', t5,e0; straight rollers, to $3.20; extras, in bap, 112.00 to reed,44-Manitoba hrmn, $221; itnitoba shorts, •41243 pure grain mottillie, $33 to 4135; mixed, to $30. C1ieese--11X to: 12e f • 'eete"rnsesilg.to ltgelor.eitstems 'Uteri:1Mo for pound lots, and to 2230 in 4 jobbing Ivey. Eggs, Selected *steel; 23e; straight 1834 t 1' 'per ,doren. ' STAT ° July 0444 ,No. 1 Northern, .<42; 2 Northern, $1.44 t No. 2 $prin • 44.20. Corn 74e; No. 3 733" to 7 No 3 yeflow, c; No',40 16 to 11.11#3, Oats No. 54‘o. 13 White, -51 to, 54O; rNo. r 4 WItitift,4444' to 5h33o;*tsintlardii4/ flitlintletteslis‘ Slily 201...-11Viiest 411.344Wst 8ept4 141.131 to 411.13Y:s; Dee. $1.1034 to *1.10304; eastie No. 1 hil‘"dy $1.'35 $1.00;14o. 1, Northern, 1,34 to 41.35; No. Northern, *Los te, 043; No, 4 Northern $4,30 to $141. Bran bulk, 104 lbs. sacks; Pionv • First Detente, 4141.00 to *4.40; *ee- oad petents, .10 to .44.304 firists. e1e4trao *45.15 t $3.16 to $3.14. Iseeonds, , • .„ , LOVER despatch from , Sheboygan, esiye: After a long journey •!Toronto, Ontario!. Miss Maggie Bloomer Ito arrived in .Sheboygan. only10 find her -intended huoloond; Rarry Cleveland, dead. * The W ding was to hove taken place on 'Wednesday. Mr. Cleveland bid made all necessety arrangement* for his Wedding, had .secured a house, and was selecting furniture. was about fifty-three y era of . mop I . — !d and had eorne from Tor�nto half o o ijTcia1 work at the Badger' ate. Tanningteom. pany plant, but had not been WO**. itiXsince Memorial -Day. Before that time he bad begun to make arrange- ments4for his wedding,. and had ut Miss Bloomer $34, to come to Sheb�ygsn. Visit Bloomer is in the eity without funds or friends, and is repaving to return to Toronto. OleveIand hitd several hundred dol. lare in beak • here, but nothing can be done in settling his affair* ntil the relative* are heard:how. *bolt • • .1. *. twos, the National Association for the study and prevention of tuber- euloSitsideelared, in a*statement is- sued on Wednesday, that the. Unit- ed States is paying aertuell,y *7,500,- 000 for :the education of children who will die from tuberculosis be- fore they reach the age of eighteen. There arel,nearly 1,000;040. rsehool thildrezt in .the country to -day Who .will die of thi&stlitieeSer before tbey are of age, the 'stetetnent continued. To offset this yearly Waste, -the chil- dren re hems educated *bout the dangerstuberculosis and the ra thods to be taken for its prevention and during r the sehool year just closed rover -3,000M- of tlet 000 _School children in the tnitect States, , the society *tate*, have re -ceived such training BIG Ontarles Iteeripts'Abore 411 Esti mates for '41909., A despatch Torontosays: Ontario Ili expericr.cing - times" in tonnet ion with Provin. eial finances. lion. A. I. -Mathe- son, the Provincial Treastirer, re ports, that during, the ..first.aix - ntoetlis of the present year the dinary revenue of oni-receipts_ trota loans, etc. ---is ver $400,000 ahead .of that for ,the Sante period lest year. "There has," said the Minister, 4beett a general inerease*all *long the.line, the largest advent& -beings 7U the Crown Lands id rrovincial See'retarei Departniente. WetinealaY-waS-Also a big day for the Province in, the disposal of its loan bonds.. Subscriptions were re- eeived for --4v 10,000 of Ithe is - u. It:1:Iltuotr"*,;..41") '$7;4 inS"4p1endid. It :elv$01;141)mic7:0,* • •I _ Mostre*1 Reeord s Ophsioa aa Who Selistesre Milk* A despatch from Nontreai $ Yetere-44 you *re," deelareel Reeorder puislrom the Bench pn1Wednesday- morning to *f. Altinuts, a Longue Point milk -dealer, who was, for the fourth time, et:emitted of selling di- lut?d nilik that contained very lit- ,- tie that was nourislarig and " was I otherwise unfit foe- .consumption. , man sell milk like tbati for ese by little thildren, is rio butan ,--40$0030inir continue *Rccorder, in the course o leeture to the aecuaed and seeraL 1 other Milkmen,, who werearrested oh a, 'charge of selling milk below the 'standard and otherwise unfit for use. Jer Anti% Bank of �i 11et Idlers y itit0r* ..sPittett- from iny. Detectives have got - track of the then believed to be the ban its who robbed the bank of Nov* Scotia here some time, ago, sip at, ottit Island, near the head of Rainy River. eosseyihoeuetdie.:dAT Pin erton gone Strikers Alta* Ves tlie Presse, Ste� • despstc1r fronk rittshu,reo sew Wednesday. Wita day uf mOst fearful rioting at the Mills Of the Preoed 'Steel 'ear at ifeXte's Hocks" six miles below rittshurg. A4least, one hundred persons were injured in gun, bat ties, by thrown rooks and clubs rnti, at midnight .one thouscid angry strikers. *ere grouped *round .t,ho *Oast etteli with it half brick or a un. Eight persons were so seriously ''uredin the clashes that 'they oould t he hurried sway by them Used at ,outpq.,nWorks, f f probabiya inindred abets write lic'fi,re the boat*titrned•stbont eed n for the opposite shore of ttms Ohio River. The Pressed' Steel Car nipany is no* in -close comvuutikalion with the itittltoritle,s at SVAthitle,04, ask - ng that: sottethil* he tloue at ortrep l.r'cau' tbo. Steer -Queen was ply - on 1.7niteil 13tates wate:s at the time the strikers opened Are on At least half a 4orent of the -Lets lippearof to have- been hit by 'bullets from the fiteel marksmen, but it h not known is he.4 .r thv t , an cattl ‘. * tO it'ere • veiling ill Ate* Colttpa tit th ; pit*i # tole of o 4 p, th,N Pit 139S,tt ,i 1ij'y1istts%t ) ; rti rale.V.C# A , 1 „P. Pt#'4'4.tv •