Exeter Advocate, 1909-07-22, Page 1 (2)NO is rii oulmeriblo VATS sad _ ltt 01 owin woo. riain and Colored ,Mttlis , . eilk If , lleit,h11110,4410011311itilltripe, - to li row clear 150. . 001101704 Organdies atid, .. Dimities and linfilins‘ - ExtrioreJoes,t 1%4. nie lend- se to cleeplic. . ' lfuslins elttra 'value at . * a dient stripe and -.Swiss Embroidery Ingett o me, to clear - • A. feW sheet ends of this only, suitable for waist*. To clear Mc, Itateli Our Straw Rat Window'rrida,y and Saturtiity .r. . ,...04; 'Mend SIM Hata .*111 lw pleiredat exCeedingly loit price . . • en's Gook Reliable Summer :_poqe _.,00.!t,t04:tta.00,,eteetoest at $1.50. in Pebble is zes, wbfle tbe71a8te0e • few pair only Ladies, Shoes onextetesukaligbitbots. hest Prices pea for Produce and Live Poultry! Eggs 1.843..tritde; 17e.eash,.. • Thetir-Prices Subject to ney Money one UST HAVE Moorrt. getaucluey WeiWbo1d&. • atStaughter Sale for the Next 30 Days reducedythlug price, All SumMer 0:40ds to be told Men. Straw nate thee %tete, twstor- terwor,-, Muslin*, 010Yee, and - ralie *4,000 In bitty days. Light Rain Coats GOODS MUST 0011! 'Coln* quick and get bargain.. We Keep Nice, Olean, Froth Groceries OWEPHONE 22 ONE DOOR NORTH OF 1VSZISPFICE want o t set, t '041the mitoora, .40,44 E1to4outary84 , Engliate:Compo writing -44Y tiook,itoeping natio jccti 00 each. h aubect aaheer 9. ',frowner 60 on ...Ntar 'Guinan PO nttron. X.• Cabo .40. "rewuner 72. Ge4graphy-4Z Tretunner 77. Arithmetic and 3tensurat1On xamie toktriont 02, nobintion 46. Litefature ..00wEr Eng, Graniluar Q rtobinsion 9 Art-4,taripseet D. Lartiont 09., Gnieer 449, Tittenmer Tcs, 1tar3urie aolnan 661 Prank Ouinan 55V, llorA. Hill 850. Vauet 010. Lee Ilefre Man IIENSA/..L-.. Alex. Smith titU. ASIIPIELD-NO, 2, • Eileen Sullivan • No,. 15, Ten* PoWan 40.00. X.Ildred g 050* Ihrucan 1,Iathes4n 553. 0 'WAWANOSU No; 3, ilay ne*on 5 641, Sara ilmYtn 583, .Agar 99 U. Cordon Jet N ndi*Qwan 7Z. f3Q,, NQ. „ tivitat o fa Nowt' 'On, Oast 116e Fines I' v Itnitted„ age. 4. , &ist it IS ib. ioettng. the lien Where it iti, ',Ar.' aqt thls Thepeople prottited. but‘their t.Wa otlirtitiled . 1ttye an malty great • blunder, t our tOWn will be' l . I ppr&tcd It We alOwthe Sidewalks o11. our ientlal. atreete to be P)aeed. ** uw op.0404, against the fences', 1n- 00te1.0' the row of trees. Arid , done _unless the resident.... and p-erty Owner" along these streets rottett; In lamest and Proteet witheitit tleisty. And once *0 laid, ea tar air the M33Ority of ue II concerned, Melte walks *ill, be there tor all time. There heta. eiti or town of .03, reteratioraa'in,the4whole ,prOYInee where hey are now being ao iocato4, and many at he lawn and eittio WhIch,originelir _ Lde 01: 40 placlkig _ xn, aitt'A of the street, they are Uiein oniside the tree* on tie piottine' other. t• w yt.444.4, o, took. %a., p11 .our .40,,,1140,1104( * e0freciour. 1.0r, aU IbIte, "to Noir aur f.$ distigutedy atilt( .annualiy be. put t ter oxpernie 'the oettway-in older Irk -the junither, a:' I n the futile endeavor to •keeiA,eur walk,* deerentlY Passable In the winter? As eY,eryone k1wj, during an, average Carer aellin *Inter It has, been IMPoielble to keep them all even Paseable. We bave had the spectacle et the public -our =hoot teachers and our achool children e -many of .them ot ,,,tender year, -for weeks or months plodding up and down the middle et the roadway -to And from erebcoi, enure' a.nd elsewhere -at the Oak of life arid limb. And thie In mph* of all •Our expenditure. We believe the Saving which would be made in our win- ter cleaning ot our wants would be sof- relent, or nearly ao. to the inter-) est on _the added cost of buildiAng tee walks they should be. • nd at ,ford ate /S41441* with,. the 'rerincriP .wircutsp her* :, .•44,4:9J:,d.°).:71 , 0 , ZOOM, Vialt, ,t! O'er gto,i46; : 4:14;:!4:49441.t,l.'. 1. l'41' s1411""t;*'4"17-4 - ' ,m4, ar..1,0‘1+1ra, Avow .Praync. ot pratt. t. Mrs. AL Sheema_nstivio_dancitters *ir*t... in rrantford this Week owing to the E- ne,..;* of ,,,the late ?Zr.. Sheere. • Slim ktBanthri-dge. after i tO", dayle. vat helve the guest of Mini Hazel Browning, returned .to Toronto Friday. Mr. Frank Taylor of Winnipeg, form.- orly ot 'Wyoming was h6re in his attilt, this week. Cho %guest of Mr. W. G. We- , sett. Rev. and Mrs. Fear are holidaying up Amherstberg. Rem. Yeliand, - who re- ,taetnitrilystTccostthrvh eduhert e is auPPIYIng th he' u RCV. 9,111(1 Mrs. W. Down, after sevele• ai days visit with friends here. the• guezte of the latter's mother, Mrs. pi„ Ton). left Tuesday' for their hOme los :Vrjlar.t°G11;cgory 1.I. Tom: principal ot °Moo an,trate•with cement at Its present low cz Vancouver's public schools, arriviOr, the cost q building the 'walks here Wedneiday to visit, hie Dana*. MA.,, w tem they arould be would not,w,d Min. James Torn. It is about f er4434 the oust. Yard tor Y40114thatt,„qt-tpen yea,ra ..eanc.that.lkirir -10ra 1,014.,....Y.. ..-,............... ktritide.;44,-‘411nittr't'att*:-5'.''''',61:47,4, ,44,4.7iii(u_zw,koniT, _ ..- - - ,,,-`--,,,,-----,•,------ wos jiMIL' .L'''-'01iiit-iii6- i }no' I.M.1.4fr...q- -- dralfoii-vWaitild----come muler tiowie 93 Friday evening.. The la.Ary........,......tiraz - 4;471-10u$1771:17W440tunataioki.--wit.#4,06.___E..---7=--- i,v--regutNitiii--ol WS. .,..19:0:::019 av, but M:;. Floyd being with her st44; t w lit.a if placed outaide the -trete. a nitve of Mrs. Floyd's and had con, %V a the life of one of these drains? up frosnloro_.ittni.a_pay--her-atmt-a---41"' Jeo:n, in KalaniazOO. Mich.," they iefg ,0.1.--tkill,Fds-2-tuorning...t.o.All1t.,-.1hP.M. „ ate th diffet et In the ap- tj_ Oe tpared Witb streets bout= vzttded and he -walks outelde the rows oC tree* ont-fmaroaity t# itsit and ionr-. Pate the'sitteell of Crediton with thoae of 11(...6Sal1. -London, NIToodstenk, or In fact any u: our neighboring towns. In Ilene,,g,11 'when the question Of toca.t in the "%mien was under discussion, at -was - couitilemble d1fterene0 0; opini 'among the restdenta, and the same. artunKilts used in Exeter favoring thereliell4 Plated against the fence Were uzcd Ileneals, but in the, end the Ma* 3ority fe.vOrieg the earrOwing the read - ware. 4014011.rding the street* and plae- g the elidewalits outside the row of t mit ',levelled, and to -day, we doubt IC smother .equal to a eerie -antra guard e ul4 be:0444 hi tbe whole town who would 'favor changing their location. -nen it waft proposed to exclude the ttle from pasturing on our stre3te.one the\-argumente•usetLagainst the Pro- t:wait that the Emirs would grow so 'as. 10 diatiguie them. lhatead, ever, there has alre3dy bee. a move- in:nt towar4s_ensessiorrs O our ortree.•* , Many have takeo, dcw are :ci,glirra-We-1 -Vat de-ottnatrif----sca.* the weakest au .IttlitorY APPeara to be _ne,rierted n 3ozne schools. A_atudy of .the Mario, ta1Ot4 by the caudidatea will show • • tVaCler -witV their 11111)141 tafled. Ey- ry candidate from *onto sehoole eau - d. The pupils of No. 5, Stanley, spent only one year on the Fl th4aas work. A, Pubre School Grad tion -Ito is being prepared b the rollicatIon pArtment. 'Whet, the rtiticates ,aro eteved a Certificate wi 1 be tient to 114.1e w o passed* ihis year and last ear, The marks ot 1;111 candidateor will oo nent to their teache sowtaNa 11441141- 444 4414.414111. -The- piesident*or' and---vice-Pretoiderit'S wling niatcb woe again cut short by Lin Vriday night arid not finis,hed. .At the goo:Orin lloWling Tottenamen St Week Taylor* rink Ot glinten won' 40/01410 I .itoolt-tItt..11,-.10 NU& arki at . L. AL, lit. * DVithrearistv. 1ST; Ikea poke, se say bag eitatt 11- SOltiO 6 Ales( . owe; Ilooltseog. 111 0 HERE :TO STAY Bus and( bray Oalle piomptlyatteOded tO. Horses kept in stock for sale, ' Telephone.414 &Oki at illkittfOrtrelforia Exchan WNOLD,- Pro • ,110CStiTO 11NT Mick house, 1 and 1-2 storey, •o William .Strattrillitter, gas...number oornst. Hops In tote /Iva andi *oft water flunbe Of fruit ixes Apply to tt. 8, Vatter • M. 1'jant.13110PERTY -Vert NAtIt. The undereIgned ii offerieg tor sale South 11s31: of' Lot 21, Con. $, Stophen, Mica weat ot rattler: alio 30 *ova toot 214 cork! 2. Stephen* and 45 acres in Hay Swamp. I* on the Itty acres, a frame house,. bank .berti• born, drive- abed and other -cOnverl• kfl'g, there le on excellent *Pr.inir v'reek nnivg through the thirty as, mak. good PaltUre.lancid. Will be *Old to,. her .' et ,separittety. Por partic4lers. ly to MIRK 30/114 'COOICSOI:t. eeter. /forth, r VA101 bitadted 40Wit btst one are situated terth Of irlaht 14 zn»efrOrri thttreho school and root Ottke bEng t�t.t. Oon."Z lOttePhini. 03 the Prerniat* **nostrum „ three good frame bons, 4 well** In, 1 acre ot good orthardoloti *0 of hardwood Wait feneell In and to well andebiltalood. NIsY4 It 'or lartlealare asortto Ikteept, Centratio. Toitop, v 4.0Aoletleneet , trilltVAPIT OIlt14 1014 , 6 .9t 0 .111. * ntk 11 rite, a vq Ua'rlson,14 Xf Dioltion and tier, CollIns. skip, • the 'trophy event-*Coilins 20, flkth- ardson of igeaforth 17; 'Collin* .18. OurdY et Stratford 19. In rlie Almada- tion Collin* 21, 13eat or Seaforth 17, col ling 1,8, Hord of Mitchell 21.. In the COnaolation Collins 11, Coiling of Sea* orth 12. Thue winning two and, lene. ng three! garrie.w. 3 G ttinbury, Stewart, C. Snell and W 3 Heamtn, kip, lost their brit gatrie ir, the 2,17t, phy anIkAstooclatlen, events to.'1011cOurdle of Stratford 18.22, and Itkhard0011 -Of Se4,forth. 14-1t and in the Comeolation beat 'Beason ot-Stratford 154. And lOst to Porter of Winslow) 1045.. On Friday lam a rink ot Dashwood bowler* consisting of Messrs. Jobb Floffinan. Zara Tiernan Ione* Ilattlelb ad Geo. #41ghatter played the ,Eames with Exeter boWlere OA the Exeter green with the following result.--: .13aillvtD04 13. Spacious% Acheson, Seidel): and, !rattan 17; Dashwood 3.2, Svieet, And. ergo.% Levett.„..and Taylor 14; Datishwtied 18, PateleY,,Cetteeitc .Chr1et1elste4-11 40n 20. Tiles leaving, Ittretir up on the thie6 glinittilby 4 points! f,It4K OF NATUltni--Tilere %Salta stri*n On the firm of ,Arithleee Cidi; ughiy. Carel8, Or least illiatorl, ial;out two miles north 01:1Iiurgetuiv,iii„ Aims*. of nature, *wit •air Perinias Wai never before witneasod, It was & foot -ot a. Witi1e4 Will Well ditellopil ed and perfect physileally, but Instead of having the fOal'a.'hiaa It was thst fte'ad ot colt, 'The .peculiarity Ot the heed of the animal was Ito 'Utile butg. tog tyes, whten somewhat resembled the startling eye* of a pug dog, but they 'tem very urge,. projecting from the side* of the peed. The anlnla flnd. tor ea hour atter births, and the question ot" t, plyralologiot would be **how to AC* nt for thia freak at nature." OZoughley regrets that he ,did not have irfm remlint stuffed and thus preterved, treat to FAUX Olt . he urAraltned Jo offering tor imatt tMt We 100 *ere tom, being loot Stephen, Alicleared and In o of cultivation.' roe.* 4rairkt4 with Ole. About 00* AC 0 hat* VWO *too now brick tott*ge book barn:. olio ,eemet to- t roe seed willa Of Water 014 n in toe* 11; AP!47 ti c history of tha corporation? At boat. they, are opiy 0f a ,.tototcWx - tf*-d1tth the aide -walks, were placed outside the rows ot !Attic' the public being tur- er temoved fromthe residences skeet - privacy would be *a pract- y an addition made to each. mares Itiwn ofIrom eight to 'ten feet, the in- ducernent to remoee the disfiguring fene and irnprove aeri tarn up their fronts would be so greatly increased, that we bel!Oife our streets would Undergo seem- Plete transtormiltIon. - Dot we are told the expense would be grester. Grante44-and *0 would the re- turn. To 4uote from the report ef the Untatio GOverritnent Commissioner of "Public streets , sotettantlally Paved and bouleva,rded wIll in turn eticourate a shriller txeettoent of Hirt .prIvite forei- irti adjoining them. There is no de - *allure whir.11 weti14 so. blow ptrIot- irn antriiive of bome and colmtry as tee,.perfeeting of our street* and high. ways. Ae a strictly businese Pro:Mogi* tion street Improyernent glee* good te- t4rni.v.vaioistaisliao_viuwee:bea olt.0*.pert_trt"tuticz.vesre_tio.1 decided *donee on all properly Improvod streets." "SunfelPal IMPrOveinentio Make ago, toil.% or oty more attractbro and .Ahltable; they ntiiiie the Yalu* of tiro- pe:ztri ir.07 ate anTeVidinice orlitinement at the X*7116tilde\ InCIVIIIIIThe 1t.tkil0014 aging thriff 'and 'EoOd taste letn the pa 10.! the Individual citiatn.t' "Vn resIderitl: 014etreiptt* t0 Alt7Wes forner. ly customary to lay pistol(' isidtiWalkil im tee tette. Outaide tido roW of trees Will „Planted, • AnIt' "de tile true woo an *pen drain, and. the eentre of' the 010W/thee the read4 way tor veletas." ' .'"The present tendeneY is to riarroW the, whitr' Of the driveway, It la found that. 1.!0 06411 *4. sixtlaillr lfoot ,1reet alloWerice with' te fentrotOot 'walk esch, side, and todevote the, tenutind*, to the driveVegY, lj & needle..e.0.00,* S.1 the ,tieet,cost of construction 1, in Maintenance. Vtom 22 to,2$ lo itnity of towns ample tcr ndate traffk.: The .flarrow • r woo amplcroont. to Pao* 0fl ,ovitlie. to torn it its always cOi ient' ter them to go to *net 01. 11014 whete there to auffklent 4 t IN ittliter'ilraYtt b.13t plank, 8iit*titu1 efnwnt IOC thet, Loot*31 tLtn the present - NSW *14.. 11: ai :et Oti tks to tt* 034 0�3t 4 aysttn of pernanent .drainage--espee- Ill.ly IL 'we are, to have water works- qiii ban to be Inaugurated at 110 d13 - taut dsg. The sidewalks are one of the ;,trat pe.mine It works of impo.tance un- d2rtakNiT en by he village. hen, we put down the Vvai ks. let us put them •tiown r.g...tt and in the right place, and ice our realdental street, be as -they should 63, -“the public lawni, the public parks -0.I..et them be to the corporation as a whole what the grass Jpiot In front of the haulm lb to the individual reoldent" -a thing_or beauty and 16 joy forever. ' Tnere is a tendency , on the part of .:orne of our eititens to aUPPese that atirlt matters. whOuld be lett entirely to the municipal counell. This ta nott as it should be. Neither should a coOn eit-i:hough borne out by the law.zarh. as it should be, Neither iihould'.a commit though borne out by. the lam-i-arrOgate to thernetives. the Initiation and eartle x mat of schemes Ifite this which in- voive so rnuele,„ without coneUlting, their /Constituents. The true function ofniua Ittell?aell ittceortinentAllt-liwe teauttigaithetri3"n_er end ditt*,„ 1 in the irot *met of the word-- to ate, te ;carry .out the *Jibe* .V'e pvople, after.those wiahes are Made know * in A more economical' , minter' elan would be possible for the same eatizens to do as individual., The individual councilman is only an individual Citizen, with no more at stake. With hagreaterintereat in the tew,p.and contributing no more towatd the vest Of carrying out these improvement. than other individintl citizen.. Let the eOuncil eupply_tke_ information an to the cost of the different schemes and leave it with tile people who have to foOt the -bill to decide .what plan shall b(adopted.. ' CIVIC IIIPitOVIIMENT 4444444444444411.4444444^'?"" items • Mt** Arilisttong of Granton Is visiting friends in town this week, " Mr. Jas. Pike of Lendestloro has m0,- 04 into the hanlee Owned by Mrs. Por - *Ins on William Street. Mr Prank Ibitatill still -remains ,ery 11 at the home of his father s The lather has been quite mirk during the *their but Is improving ,adnuivriurt. - it la untiarotood, (bat' a *On and daughter of' :futy. Hunter ot Crossley ter -Witt-'-oeirti -evanolistie-serviesa $ MalitfttetrOuren In fOtrptetrober. Trdi, Onion No. 3$. 4tephen salarY. APPly..10 MUM illAritik tray, 0; Ont. BIRTHS 44.44144•444444444, Itity-At urlc on Juiy to Mr. arreit Mr. W4lain Uttley, a daughter, Parker --M1 Zurich on July -10. to MA, and Mr1 Haley Parder a don. )&arttn--At Hensall, on July lith. ttr, 3 and Mre. Tingli McMartin, a &web. r. DEATEIS Waiper.-In Berl July - 2,Qth, 1,Evilt Iiitralper, al Lond ormerly of Ere. ter. aged 44 yea, 11:51i-11:71 beere-In Ilearitford-, on 3u -1. red Sheen% of I,U,cier, aired 115 yearws,, 10 month... //OW .*?. days. .. . Keep GIeaN DoestAineaniceepittg-- your_ clothe* personal Cleanliseaelltit welt; „. eep yousszLio Clean • HOW? - Well, of course. BATHING • but note its aids.: Pure tIoatile Soap, Pee *Air. Floating Batts Soap. large cake*, -Rubbor-Sponget,-W,-0, $1.93t7 and $1.105. Perfumed Bath Payrder,26e, peeeftranerean Snongeo, lec, lee, 254.. and 50e. Ilia Brookes (handl* me. ToetWsteri, 25e, 50e, 75e, S1,/0c Talcum Powderi (11) varieties) 2rw., Sea, Salt, Ite a boz, • Toilet Soapti„ *nest TaOlety I an& Irlset-wa off-kHpth ceznplezion demand Sweet. Your 1311 DittrlSTO )rdrugsuppUM—lt P* • ( GOW TO 1 le perib. tThe PLUM Tw es—v This To 44, . 1 4 * • •2 ' lb• PlAt •