HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1909-07-15, Page 7 (2)de *ik got well, "Tills e'is that Pe0P1e thrivo b the (cod thOy likePhest is, not si Pro a you:seem to thinls,'"***1 eJ doetor:to the 'young .docto tekiet. IloluxestWaaome *at or orik LudjeL'stweA‘P „La.iignu* shroie, tliC 4steiens kis Itoitariate *Ad 1411s Adair, *UtZ*J SO- u.exject to emit, ularlYr taw "t41 14 0.-• 0 YOU:ei liye°. do .bloeks.!" her, S A In 'At rt*nxn*, • , t werxs,na, aine'were rllv'IA, 0 able. 1 That, t aur a mer*I he t big men ,railto*41. *comm Its power, The digestive orgens can never do the work,properly un.; til they exe_ j_s_treng enoisgli to do ii for themselves, -Nothing can -giv the 6t0mach that power but the new4 red blood so abundantly sup - 'tied by Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. o the reason for their success is in. The health of tlie 'stomach penths upon the blood jolts deli- ine. If that blood is week nd watery the gastric gland's t the strength to ffeerete the ioei which *lone can digest the 11 the blood is loaded- with r.ets=captun who took the &gee "After eating heartily, Mr, elt mueb better, etch. "A little after midnight, Ifolines awoke and said ties doctor wati Star l_nAg',111,E3 ed whit he would alike to eat . "Corned beef and cabbage,' re.r._ plies1 the old -mart. "The captain found some in the pantry, -it. was & staple dish in. these days -and gave him e gener. Ona plateful, -reasoning, aa -40 afterward, that so long as the old mates hours were numbered, h might as well have what he wanted while he histed. . An iflutrafeii booldet of St4 Margaret's Coflee -give* the, re-• cord of iti pupils. for the eyar :- -, G1ITE,13X attendedUniversities,' OURTEEN teught Music. OUR had their paintings' accepted by the Ontario Society Artists. 'TWO exhibited their paintings sit exhibition of the Royal Canadia• n erny.- UR, tire engaged in teaching. ;MEE are in active journalism. NE are employed as trained • nurses. The ilinisltirart,0„...pp nP,FP,PM,.ctutti. • It is pretty CeItulate that if you 44tist like yourlover.* wars habits before Marriage, ,1•00will - not like them any better after the ceremony. Re mey make ill eorts of promises, but * promises are le crust, *oxide to be broken." Re may "turn over a, new e " but you havOno assurance, but his, that the leaf will stay turned. We are very likely to undllrestini te tite strength of habit, espccsI1y in others. We forget how inuh baint means in our own ceset and thin it costs others ,less to give up than it costa us. For instance, the girl whomarriea irmo r*lass ave Ova, 4100:04,06 Tee IS' 'se surto. 04. k IK1,1143111tOiento Dosowiimm. traltotwal*tsoittiot ermonrViu,*"toriptorewrrt 1564$ K%40,R- J*UblVP b. u4.t.rw1401 AtelitgAtf*likto4ifite vilACUI Solt a.111144 r.1C. 1 lir tiltiAte413414401016' 016,0111114060i 4rtnAtiTtyShkilWrignit; 11,144:0'14$1* whM '"14rit**0414 141414)"1111:140 4414rtb:11'114:604107,1101r 1*41 43 ,1644,WItkp410016400" sess4._ lot immobalk*tik.*****th*.ta *AA*. *0040444 )1040.1,1, t ran =WA Una nothing can absorb tile 'lour. bilunent but pure, red blood. And thing CAW give that pure red food but Ifr; Mrs. Alfred Gallant, Mill River, E. L taws; 'For several years; ravioli* up to two years ago„ I suf.., could not eat enough to keep my sitrength,_and_whatJittif, T (Jae no atter what kind of food, caused ,gre 1). pains, so that I became much* ired ced in flesh, stiength and energy. I consulted several doctor" 04d took medicine from them buil 4/914 out any, benefit whatever. On .the advice of & friend I began to take Dr. rink rills an 'loon good results were notiecd, could slightly increase the amount of food day after day, and suffered rie inconvenience, until after tak-, 4ns ten, boxes I could eat any kind of food and in a short time got bac tAlny uorrnal'-stitie of health an fed • that Dr. 'Williams' Pink home surely cured me of a most stubborn ettie of indigestion," • You can get these Pills from an :dealer in medicine or the's., will he es by Testi at. LO cent e a box ot six boxes for $2.50 by addressing :the-Dis.--Villiame Medicine -Co rockville, Ont. g,1ienri. he found his patient on the road to recovery. "Me old_insn .not_only .gotwcik but kept so for four or five years afterward, and he allvaya stoutly declared that hi* midnight meal lnet een-wan • LEGACIES- OF POETS,* EMate of LateAlgernon Cbailes litburne and Others. Algernon Charles Swinburne, the hat of the famous band of great Victorian poets, who died at his • !tionse,Thes..Knes, PlitneYiWeellittt, aged seventy-two, left estate r lued at 4124412 groes, including per, torialty of the neV-valtie of -$90,981, - The will, , probate of whichwas ranted in London the other day, short typewritten document,. as folloaa • "I, Algernon Charles Swin- burne, of The Pines, Putney Hall, in the county of Surrey, esquire, declare this to be my last will. I devise and bequeathallmy proper- , ty whatsoever and Wheresoever, -both 'real And personal, to Walter WatteMuntoni-or-- The • Pines, atney Rill, &forestticl. and I point hint to be the sole executor. t In witness whereof, 1,r the 'aid Algernon Charlet Swinburne, 1'4e to thni My will set MY .hsied mi third day of , February one shod., eind tine_ hundred and four. (Sighed) "A. C. Swinburne." It is interesting to compare the. fates left by a number of other . eminent people •of the Victorian period Alfred') 'first Baron Tenny- soti„--thed 1892; et the age of eighty-three $290,036 , Robert Drowning, died • 1693 93,675 Mr, Matthew Arnold. 000 • Mr. Frederick Locker 1:asoP- , son, died la1,419 Coventy Patmort, dkd 4690, aged # sereatt-three. 43,M, Mr` VH1715111 AfOrns, died( 1E90 Aged sixty-two years .270,31.1 KEEP CHILDREN WELL • DURING HOT WEATHER very mother knows how fatal summer mouths as to smell tdrkn. Choler& infentuni, aLarrca,. OseuterY:tind sloniach kroubes are alarmingly frequent at tbis time and too often a Iitt!O lila • is at alter & few hours' illness. The ,other whb keeps flaby's,Own Tel). fortnight," lit used to say, tutu ther wouldiet let me :But I worked a traverse on her,, and got well.'" NOT TO Be HAD. A smart military officer once bet an athlete that he could not hop up a certain long flight of steps two at a tiroo, The athlete accepted the wager, and made the trial, to find that there were forty-orte, steps to the flight, and that, after making tweriV__ _hops,__he-had lost; - Ile paid -Tip,_ but accusedthe otter of sharp •preetiee. "Sharp practiee I" wee the retort dignant. "Well,' rif make the me bet with you that I ean do The ether,--expeeting to win -h* money back, assented. The officer, then-laopped -up forty steps in - twenty hops, and, hopping back one, finished in toe prescribed manner, and won the wager! , Where 1Veaknes9 is, Disease.Will Settle. --11, one suffers from *wet,. gamic weakness, inherited or eon- tiaeted, there ditease will settle when it attacks the body. Therefore drive out the..pains that beset you, de- not Jet 4.-eold-or 4-x0W-harass you, and keep the respiratory or- gans in a' good healthy conditioo. This you -can do by using Dr. Thomas' teleetrie Oil. Prevention is the wisest course. Just when the coffee think* it ha* good ground for complaint, the egg i drops n and settles the whole hos. tness. SEE THAT YOU OE? THE NEAL THI110; Usistrapuloss makers ars jouttiple sia 4emmterlait tor. —TO, la:" Xsatkol ,Plaster. 'rho anus is mad. sr Dvvid logsfrolc• - A luishand whO overcomes his wife'sfits Of temper my means Of couteeiiOna *AS in glowing te .sis sugaveuting process. Small but Potent.-Parmeleea VegetAle Pills are small, tut they Are effective in action. Their fine qualities as & vorreetor of stomach troubles are known to thousaads and they are in constant' tletaatui everywhere by those Who 'know what 4 safe and simple remedy they are. They need no intreduction to tfiose acquainted with them, but to thoie who thay not know them they are presented as the best pre- paration ,On the zuarket for /disor- ders of the.stomaeh. WEED CUTTINGS. In Egypesn eriormottiznoint'4) ouble and ckpense has been 'cans - b -d by the weeds and other vegetable growths which spread so tepidly a to choke ranals and other water. ways in a few days. (gearing by hand has been found impossible itt one district, to a motor boat has beqt.014Ped with * Unique, weed eatter'ano placed i�service. The cutting attachments consists of pair of V thaptd knives with sharp and powerful blades, worked by bett trom the prepeller SWIM. 'They tritzl 1 thf bottoni if thc water - MS PROFIT. --CuttomIlSo you wittehes at two dollars each 1It must costt that to make them., Jewelkr-e"Ib does." 111(411=fing 'ern." 115 he was, if not course of a long obseravtion, never found a ease -where the man" -e. indeenee or -wish was -str er than the man's love for “1”ixeni of dusky beauties," says writer. Many times k the man has ..m&ivara-ofri--liefore-inarriege- p ease er, AU er tempura! • stopped or smoked on the quiet, esume openly when the knot was safr tied. Her best way is to accept he habit witn.the man .and do it without nagging, or eke bid ,him go laway, and camp on the trail of some man who really hasn't the habit. Attacks of cholera and dysentery come quickly, there seldom being any warning of the visit. .Remec' al action must be taken just AS quick - %y if the patient is to be spared great suffering and perniarient in- jury to the lining membranes of the bowels. The readiest preperati...0 for the purpose is Dr. J. D. Kel loggia Dysentery Cordial. It can be got at amen cost, at -any drug or general - dealer's, and it will afford relief before a doctor can he-valled. _FREQUENT. And soinetinkos hap ns that after t4.- mart has mule his ma k he acquires wife -who maims him toe If allowed to roam over your house, those few innocent -looking house flies may cause a real tritg. edy any day, as they are known to he, the principal agents for the spread of those deadly diseases, ty- phoid fever, diphtheria and small- pox. No ether fly killer conipares with Wilson's Fly Pads. She: "Do you remember that thirty years *go you proposed to me, and I refused youl" Ile: "Oh, yes! That's one of the most treasured recollections " of my youth." mimic ITUTIONS hive lava 1Va1aki1ler 11 *seta 'Mars la ambits *via to It to *II 4s4is ot boy,' troubies‘ lairold substitutes, theta Is but uss airsitot kittor"-rutrr awl 400, , “Eladth asked me to come to his homelhis evening. Ssyti he it going to celebrate his goklen wedding."' Gladys: "Why, he's been married only 'three years" Auk 4,41hattlit -Whit am told, pe said -it seemed like fifty." 1101loway's Corn Cure -destroy all kinds of corns and Wertz root and *ouch* Who, Utenivrouid en- dure them with sueh a heep and effectual remedy within reach • • / The 'very corpulent suitor had just proposed on his knees to his inamorata* and she had coldly de- clined. "11 you will not accept my offer," said: lie, in desperation, "at least help ine A Standard Kedieine-Parmelee's Vegetable Pills, compounded of en- tirely vegetable substances known io have a revivifying and salutary effect upon the digestive organs, have through years. of use attained so eminent & position that they rank as'a standard medicine. The ailing should remember this. Simple intheircomposition, they can be assimilated by the -weakest stomach and are certain to belie a healthful and a ea,_ digestive .organs. CLADSTONE MIMES LitatEll * 040114Masit laiSkilltn • 1114introsti River. District teogonisthartrato uthar opera loaat ks to . AtEXANDA WAROEV0 arsow, TOiiONIO stitter, TORONTO. For very ma137 years tbe c hief gan Of the Conservative party et tbe stern Townships. "Th. Guardian" is an 8. -page IOUs paper, and hes been conducted b the resent editor without in r - u tion-Toir7firrettltrw tires"-, eonsequence o yawing- yea . The -plant -is in lair Wei and eonsists of a mode ate stook of now* and lob type, /-horse-power env* and boner, Peerless Gem, cutter, Campbell _power press, ,dium Gordon (aware), and Liberty circular and card press, all in Poi' feet order ;, three very large atertesi- - ts1)1,, furniture, tools, addressing machine, stoves, etc., etc, Apply either to S. FRANK. WILSON. Toronto., or W. B. JONES, lickeiond, Que., 44.14, "We -may Jive without learnin We may live withOut hooks; llut where is the man 1,Vho, can live without cooks1" After making a, most careful study of the matter, IT. S. Govern- ment scientists state definitely that tb-e-c.019,14-04„- tired mesus of dtstrabuttng typhoid fever, diphtheria and smallpox. Wilson's, Fly Peels kill the flies *rid the disease germs. too. "There was a, strange man here to see you to.day, Pap." said little Ethel, as she ran t�r meet ber fat er- in the hall. "Didlits-have bill?" "No, pap; he had just a plain nose." •• yourailed by Eseeristiese restsenitia, Mu- p1n- Doquot*t Smartt soot** xyo T4Musitilitstt '1"41fAbermrtuCo ('hIctEo.A o yen know anything -*Vold; fflrtingl" I "No,' he replied \b thoughtT ut when I trie it he giri married ree.". ' ' Mitch distress and siekness is eauted by worms. Mother *Graves' Worm Exterminator gives, relief by ,removing the tune... iOive it *trial and be conviinctIL . iTERRIIILE CUSTOM: Old oust:tuna die, very hard in China, and in we** toots of the Celestial Empire it is still coma. red * high set of virtue for a 'if an topublicly cornmit suicide fter,- the death ,of her husbsind. ecording to the law, the procer4-' ing is actually 14141 in some. pro, Owes, awl smell is the *We of ublie opinion that in districts whereit is ode -Tally prohibited Out authoriLies rarely interfere- , A "nOnlett 1011 AirsiislattakkaltSEE. to Ttata. o Wad** Ikalatir flastkoltrsit. EttrClitICITY &WINO Ateortnng to the estimates of Mr. Lewis IL Stillwell, resented before the American Institute of Electri tat Engineers, the :Niagara Falls hydro.eleetrie plants during the /car 1.003 saved more than a million tons of teal, which 4therwise„would have had to be burned in order to pioduee an equivalentamount �f mechanical enera$. During the Mi. ftilIwl1, the INI SOSI*1$1111 Itt FORCE CARRAMe er-inereaseulianilusaingsmt Company -Canadian, English or Foreign. The strongest poasibit elence that PolieyhoIdere are well satisfied with their Policies. Premiuni rates, with or without 'profits; are lower than other Com. polies charge, while profits to Polieyholders are much higher, because management expenses are the lowest and interest earniegs the highest. Asle atm Agents for Annual Report and Record for 1008, and be on guar4:1 against the anonymous letter distributor and his friends, the blackmailingjournalist*, with- idiom we do not advertise. R4L24(1110111C11 ,Toraato, Nostra/I, • lialltaxt Sto ra01011 Chailattetaw I I Announces a New Prize Contest ,witeint pima* 1111A141 The Firstidz.wW atm be It Utg ANKIIITY 01 1, baby wi bat after giving hi Table lite di Omen I. op *now during t Miss V" Mr. '7tver thunateiiand **;) 4sirt.s4ossfsteseits .