Exeter Advocate, 1909-07-15, Page 5 (2)41t wirrAtRum) A, AT ST. LOUIS UlitiTION 1904. Onty mscUl for Atria 151.00 if paid fa odvastei. 01.110 *Toss it trot so paid. al:folisaniffitattsgalgratirrb4"1". Asattbritlfea. ?Widows. h. 1! cowslip aro practical. Our toscheni *mead. sad our graduates capehte to El *tile positions, Yfritin rs.Wvhig alsay applka.tioassoraineobsip. During a dada dm tads 'rook wirevesitritit Wet applications tor oak* hsip and tour for conesosehd towbars. our gralusto suecood *same Other/ • Three departssests- ' -wasercW, Skortkad & Telegrapky Waive* hie. ELLIOTT & Mc14.01ILAN Principal.. rade . re always a pleasure to their pwners We have sold and are selling &great many high-class pianos -and always t'reasonable prices. • Our Numerous Satisfied Customers is the strongest guarantee, of the truth ot the above *siert ion. • Our pianos to•day are the best that the piario-makere produce and our priees and terms are what you win *pp reel ate. Do not be too qutck to believe per- sons who telt you different from the Above for the maypole of selling you cheap, and, in some cases, trashygoods at big price& 0*11 and se'e US and be convinced at_srbat we $40, we live up to. MARTIN &SON X" er's Lettaing Theat'e n2e1 tar the qc.nalqr of their geode. LIAILEY. . tte-.4 A. . teWars. Of London **pent tte ,fzzot of the wzok with his neice, John McQueen and family, before lekeinx , for a trip to •Seotland. -Mister Gordon Walker of Dad Axe, olavat tew day. the first of the week with '•. untie, James Broadfliot.- A large n'tentser rrem this locality etteended the e;r4usailort to Qv:leach nn Viturslarlast and report a, piessant outing -Mr, John Ilunkfini buildtng, illo for William Ge, se this werk.--ltir, Jasliorton sield a fine beam of norses to T. It Ilati,d tord'for giiod t1g. 4MM always has •OWOMetiairagfeatta in itedlial aise ilorion. was fa rtputtey , over SultdaY.--41/11. W. alum, sr., has re. turned treero visiting; in Wellington Co. .11er .ne,re, Mhos Alma. Stewart ancorn- lPinicd Ler home. Hoer The se Oat Ihadrad Wigan Itewati tor aayeaee atoribtliat came bartsrid 1,7E04 Catarrh • re s. titeav a; co., ***Nows utoksoinir. Jiwife pass, shod lioalitre kiiii potiottly boostaldo *Ow trivactioas sawd essaelany *Moto .ibi1/4141011 adds utuilinit. Woof" %booms *loom ttliotio, 04144k* 14 ( t 4.e;.1 Yeti have a seratett, YOUr you we'll it "etit arid Cl,thitt It and tt-,,A, akin twes italIf. xott- .4-o-yer Qt doe Jeur stoneuti ltut .11VielalialtS to -day tv.AY t 4,e991,4t". wad, Skirt dieetailes 1. th‘rOttitti the thettcat ,$turttethat hear, , Otter:ere ae Vellactl* La2t;y • li „other *vale •./.14eptall to •k.n. ,pettente,, Wire e411 uff:hj root annititernal .4401%4 "remedy, " the body 1-39,t tti0elltin ozIr,wouj4 aed. • „.ValiC:/er4, ot •', rev ,ssictit ter raten Cer •our ptionn'ThisaIIuId ,41-1,1" the tilloaitt, .gerrnib while toiahur up tht healthy, part et the *k ‘ in. ' • • Far . fre apo bottle write tO The iitY-17)elartinent- .13 -Jordan Ott t, Toronto. For sale b 11 druirgists. „ , tetiedtatet,Y, ,the."440110 ltratij u.bg ell 7PO4,ed• 1n•)11}. .Pre. _ The man who Le ever ready to hand out advice to hie , neighbor's, whether, tt, mechanical, architectural or haiorovin, and beautifyieg the aurroundIngs at the home. ihould riret see that hia own place of abode I* beyond criticism. 'Such men Injure the causis for which they aim UR d in ylace• of betni -looked upon as inteiligent they are scorned by nearly every person witj . whom they come in Contact. lb • A A • eerrorre4 nt tterne, fillitn-AY, WednesdAY ei“ tettek,Ot Ur. Wine Mawion. tOwne vOuncliletnt YeAr. allsotal 144 been'. Wiitog tor 0:net ti w1t r4 UIP wiriCh. ran onalitsoni' *ertotse onttl abeet' thr '�r* th -49* Aii074 vOek. air*..‘4P•w mPefl.d- t*)1.4 go .to Intt'wbion 44., • tt f 7,4v14* ci0.10 q•fri.p.IN tcye oa. tJ.c tanifly hevirtaterheett :Aft their t. •' It .04,eilui tat2 ,reatetent.. 9 eepntly" '.t0i lwro9 O Mr.. 00040re. 140 So ha4 t Ore nsloC.0 1371'e *AVIA 4.1i0 gl„Oen roam contY, ger,14,:its bi dM In 1006. I8* 1* 4140(04 1,1 t. , '0000'ot "gt,Gillivriayi Ws, ,filieholia of. 700Z1si 0011, .11-e1111 ef LOndOn` Toxin* • Ura. Azarew':Patton:of eiandeliOnt and Mri. Frei liarrison Of Alloa Craig. , 0 , .t tallt ,ituett: ,tilCitter* Vra.. lel4,r,i,Nt. 1794. • o ttOfi. ;4*.a Ia* • 4ttd.r.annabaenee. '11100441f4)414:4;012;1411:144s.,tv:P.kiloOrera.altelt$:;.:;!eii °- .Wa-a onday and, a large:, .engilibee .0ernt .44 STRenEft e0U14,(4L. The vouncil of the township of Step- hen vointened in the Town *rail, Credi- unr-onitiondit7-,--the-5th day of July, at 1 Pan. All members were present. The Inittutes of the previous .meeting were read and adopted. 3.tove2 by Weurth, liteeCollded by Year-. ley -That a Kuhn be appointed over. deer tor the construction of the con - craft aVutments ot the bridge across the Sautde River at $1.59 pr day. -Carried Moved by Love. -ioecendeel-bY Virchrth Wgitartl Andersen overate the construction, of the 'temporary bridge acroas the river at Crediton East. -Car.. tied. .` 411.0.111.1•11.00410110. in. t Municipalityofthii Town. ship of Stephen, COUne ty of Huron. w-immystIei that have *-ttett-eurdeltreredtitrparWnir mentiona_ In sectionALol-TH,Ei-OlUAR 10 ATOTE,RS' Act the 'copies re- quired by said dsecU9rts to be "so trans. ridged or &Livered of the Usti ;nada pure silent to said Act, elf all persons sp., /searing by the lase revised Assessment Roll of the said municipality" at Elec. 'dons tor members ent' the Legislative Assembly and at Municipal Elections; and that the Asattl list was tirst posted up at my, office at CREDITON,« ONTeon the FOURTEEN= day of JULY. 1900 and remains there for Inspection. AND I hereby, call upon all voters to take Immediate proceedings to have any errors or omisstons corrected- actOrd- ing to law. • Dated at Creditoh. Oat-. this 11th day f July, A. D. 1909. , 'HENRY EMBER, - Clark of Township of Stephen. .41.....••••110••••••••• SAREPTA -eitsons Edythe -Gray and Nora Brown itaVe returned after a moths visit with relatives and trfehda in Aylmer and Port Stahiey.--Elder Gregory of the Latter Dy Saint churcite St. Mary., was a visitor with Mr. Robt. Gray last week.-fr. W. 71. tiray or Mitchell was a visitor at the same home part of last rterhaids ot Sarnia and, and his.,sister or Earl Grey, Sask., are making a. prolonged visit at' their old home here. -Haying is about ended in this district. The crop was pretty slim owing largely to the dry Weather, rl 4:141‘11.1101*COTILMALip &ma. As KM 11140 UMW* ZURICH' . Istra. Moriaig and. daughter, Miss Luey -of Colborne visited with Mrs. Henri* Ortwein the past week. -Mr. Frederick Humphreyo returned on Tuesday from a trip to the West, which he enjoyed murh.-The annual .ilidrenss Day. %PI 3 observed in the Evangelical church • tre ietn eon. bet Sunday. The r addressed the young people nand 44 -al r8 dr at 10.30 a. rh., and an In- ere3C.Itg. pnorani was rendreed at . rn.. also at 1.30 p. rm.--Adam Faust 23 lat-cn• Walt° 111 ttle Paid -Week or so, tor is 'Loamy reahvering..--Wm. Kfter.lter tome. owing to - the illness of his atfler. 'kg' Lerekter.-Misses Liz - re and Nettie 'liifeirefse of Daden and Mass Arbogast of Seberingville visited at the tontv of Tit01. Johnsoo last week. Well eas moved In the new office in the north cad Of liartlelb`s big store., ..-51aurite Rau hail returned from Cnatharn fluslriesea college.--tlies Mary ee and Mr. !Millirem' J. Pee a:rived .-c4rti flab *V-V.3t atter a Ahi. weeks': pleas. aAt vlsit with relatives.---niv, Kenri • k'aust ot Card, Mich, accompanied by her ann and daughter, Ei elsIting with lrlas Lydia Faust 'and otter• realities*: Attempted ;Durgtary...;-& bold attempt at robbery vrae trade about 2 O'clock • Thursday morning, whin the sate I the Herald -.offiee-wasr,"" Nowa • open. '1`z.e door is a complete Wreck,, although the lower bolt vias not brektn, and the contents of the safe veere not got at. The damage to, the safe Is twasiderable Whtle the e_abinet belonging to the Bell Telephone C. and the front or the Of - Ceti Wer6 tikadlIF waktked. As the branch ot itte Molions Bank is ,tra the same blork, It ti thought by some that a tritstake tad been made. and teat It was trilk Intentlon ot ttte robberi, to. get • at rata.;.flIntke bank, There' stein* 10 be no doe, nno sualliNttua 14011174 er.reracters 'vete notfeed. In tOwn. The damsge Wit amoont 60rivet a hundred (Inners, ovehat*esdstraw4vste o AlhifrilarrtitarTerrear 908 40.82: eWor '- 4 .171:4114414.4 portion ot Award' draln.-$5 her, caretaker lock-up, $.2; Geo. Hopi burn, rep. culvert on 8.13. 32.50; Thom Oliver. culverts In Centralia. 005; Jota. Lawaon, rete Ford's bridge. 317; 1,4114 Mitchell, culvert MB. 36; V. W. Fern - comb, lienhoter Morrisey Awards, P. Baker et al, award' drain on N. D. ..04frr'lre-Nitiriteretravetrael,--„--No.- *). -Q. Zwickek.-spiltear-4140 ;- S. Morrison, rep. bridge. 313; Simon Sweitzer, repnciiivert 50c; James Doyle, rep. bridge con.. 12, $6,00 ;C. Menet% grading S. B. 36.50, grading N. it 323, grading 31; R. Rill, rep. cuivert_ttl,25; .Tas. Doyle, gravel contract E. S. R. 11" 75; R..01Rourke, gravel contract C. R. $20; Jas. Delehaya, Tile on S. B. 87; Frank Triebiter, rem. gravel Pit. 015.00 Joan Keys, rep. Mud Creek bridge, 31; R. Bestard et al, cam. and rep. culverts 22.30; IL Kraft, coin. E. S. R. 31.85: Jacob Geiser. corn. C. It. 2.50; J. F. wen, rep. culvert and plank, 31.00, Ceo Hartle, Gravel' contract con. 21. $20.0Q B. Cultningliont, corn. and Plank. 62.36; A nforrison, gravel contract C. IL 25.62 John tdeLtellan, gravel contract C. R. 8.25; J. Nirilhettn, corn., C. R. 1.35; J. }Clumpy; rep. cuhrert E. S. E. 311 .7. McLellan, gravel. 8.30; N. Kinard, st. Labor, 64; A. Morrissey, award drain. 7.85n M. O'Brien, tile on 8 0 36.25; A. itilorriseori 65--; Waage teal church, timber to repair Crediton bridge. 314; N. Mark. rep. culvert 75c; Mr: West:nen, concrete tile, on N. D. 48; C. Prouty, gratuity. 325; E. Hughes, re - eel! officer re Green B. et 11., 312.50. The Council ailieurned to meet in the Town Ha% Crediton, on the 2nd day os August 1900, at 1 o'clock P. ree Henry Either* Tp. Clerk 4,4111.41041‘40MILi410,. liars Go PJ4YI* lira Ales thiett , •••• ptATTLE OF 'nth NORTH SEA Ever ate a Dreadnought vornitting flame and destructioo? That's what is • ain't to be Vat:own at the Cahadign NatIonal Exhibition, Teronto, this year. .A fleet of these monsters of the sea win *ail litto view at.one end ot • the arena and open Cie on coast defenee ve-ieelee and forts tte other end, and tor me first time you will be able to metre what. a ,nisval, battle means. It witl be the most striking. 'spectacle ever Pot on at the Canadian National , ard will givt, you- an idea or what -Mho endr.cught talk in England Means.' 'at , 401 •A, A sAmrsiatmr sir,. WM. :Simpson or Watfoni, who n beep visitingl around, here, •taas re - r: turhed home. -Miss Bertha Davie of Lor don. to visiting friend* nere.e-Geo. siting around here, has returned to his homelin• Ulm*, W. T. Mr. F. Dave. sr.. Is confined to his. bsd ' through Illne414, as rr also ;soli. Win, Derham.,--gri. and rs. Frank Sntith at London were the guest* at er. and ,Mrs, -W. Davis tor a few days last week. --The Ittv. 01. NV. Racer preached sut Orar,ge sermen to is.rge number of Orangetnefi at seven P. tn. .tiunday last in the nevellacey Parish Joseph Aticinson et Wheat-, ley II visiting her parents. Mr. lind Kra* Jas tisaac.-Mr Ind Kra. .76sikh re ery 'of 'GM:Chaim* *hilted at or. Nsiss**1 /Davis' on Sunda' last./• I1A,Y TOWNSEItP. Mr. and Mea. Vim Coale and dit Met tlily et Natorth visited Mrs. Ooo old home buit week. -141 sits Ita I a 4 V eelerteh On theexeuraion.-eLast witek Mr. :and Mre., Bell at Detroit visited In iftusall while el, their Wedding. trip. The' bride west fornierlY Nisi !layette 7Ayer ,ofethis-elieen.eliertsalt-C)unete-itaa 3etlt 61. by-law that it ohall be unlawt4- foi heroes. Mtge% bulls, ram*. aheei?. goat*. oxen, steers. pigs. and geesa to run #st large .at any time. within the and Mena Case, ' the daughters a Joy. Case,' toronto, arc hultdaYing here with their grand tar- euto.--Our. .nifts St. Clair a.td Miss 13ariett; have retame.1 horn2. -Oarnet Oudmore 1. In rfaatwood re- 1,eving the railway agent -411.s &tattle Etna and little mice are visitIng In the Weat..--Fred Sinallacembe is recovering nicely, fly intends taking a trip west. Dr. James peit of liarrtsburgf Perna.,. la henie for * three months' Vikeattell on !da July lat, Miss Mamie batre * formerly of this place wag ^a tetteE, Mrs. rritz and Ittrs. los. Brenner were in London last weeic to'see the lat- ter's daughter who Is in the hospital. :-Carnpers are arriving dell,' and now most of the tottage* sire filled.- Ur. totter of -Parkhill I* -delivering the morning mall here tor the season. -1M-r. Minter wfiii-bas-heen vlisiting at „Mr. Johnitass° left for...his_heme, Thur eda1,;;Thtee-bitil frout here and and Oreenway attended -the cilebratlon • 3,Ionday at Clintotte-air. John- Ross has tented -Mr. Pollock's blacth ksmi shop for a, term of nee year.. -Mr. Z. Gravelic and stater Ws.' Shepherd vie. tted Sunday with Dlr. and Mrs. A Gra- enne....gesors. Mitchell Statten dug a rock well to Mr. Wm. Paterson and met with great inteCeita, only. digging '`a little over a day when they struck water watch. reached. six :set train the p. , to ^-glas Westland of London arrived to came here one day last week. • CENTRALIA Me..Cedle Mkt at Albetta and his 311ster, Mrs Irving, ot Ln ondoare vls- Ring their parents, Ittr. and Mrs. Rd. Cur hay 'king, bas eagone to Alberta on a busintes 'Ariz -MissAfary liepburre who his been In the.cmploy ot the T., Eaton Co. is name testing upo-john flat has • turm4 _from Torte -4g. WOod ot London Is visiting, her sisters. Athlete* Wilson. -The ball gime on Monday eV,* entree rietween Creditort and Ceratralla teams wan erreolierier to oar boys, . - era cry to for rate, tee 'Credit= -,lads win I -tiy--a seem It* -Orr rain. Everything Is in great need of it 0 1:livt,r41,;t4rparatwaa fren quNt* rle440-,...--Th*:yatt.,--olt.440,,r..ar was at tesete place, -with. the horvi tiaat ' ' • few sI4* axq iali ..of •this 444 vixneOsauxti :to Oa. ,traetion itnsOne arat ht• w/4014‘ try, an ex*erlinerit-ii. • "turtsivir 'kangaroo 'to 4)://;010*141,, e'g ine,and, set 10 work.WUh. ,thee h wed:, lime sterrest'. .ssIniett' hOura. -ore,Wste 'done On, Sod. andwai as ga 4p011, •RiEfild'AfN To -the eredit 0! do1 ,thotirat pleWing by liteeirt. In !tits town.. • • : : • ilay--Ort Jane, Mtn. Mr, '`.Forvisc , . - A. :demists, 'Seopire was spurted to Mtss Dignan of 'Hay, at tile street paroon9te, Exeter. Naguire4,-T4e -death ot an aged rest.. 4ioettrate-tZnk-Ph"itia., wife°110thf A4rittrilexawndbeellr 7ChaTodr.' paoszd away in her 69th year. The fun. eral took place on the 711i to the Men- ezer enter. Service was conducted in tile church. Clintort-Our citizens were sheelied by receipt ot telegram from Wainwright, Sask.nstating that Mr. 11.0. r, who lett Clinton a month ago, had dropped dead, ne remains arrived in Clinton, ace0tuPented by Walter, son" of deceali. ed, an.el the tuneral took place Friday afternoon: Mr, Ker was irn, til. vai t rtrat-wil. •ritY eigh ,yeais he: eatite an at Lueau Mn,. Stnith and daughter, Helen, of Toronto, are visiting Mr. Fred and Miss Ida Porte. -Miss Madeline O'Neil Is renewing old acquaintances In town. -Nisi 3. * Simpson. psi returned home * mcath"1 visit with friends, in London. -The summer - meeting et the -Woman's Institute will be held, here on Thursday. Mis. Ash- ley will Address the meetings after - 12004 And 011041191f* -L-4 Ulliatt picnic Of the three -Lneati Sind** Se:hools and two of Clandeboye will be hekl on 'Wednesday -afternoon in John Parks' grolis?-41re. John Mundy is visiting her son M. 0.,11urtly of Londotfre. Strand and fatnlly are the guests of her sister Mrs. 8.0. Chown.-Mr.Sen. llodglns ots*ohtoula,- le 'visiting his Mother here, After an abeomce oi.. ten hinrdy. of Londort-ie pending his-holidayw in town.-Ke.- eClarence, Vernon and Oters14 CA* lisle are holidaying at the lake. oftEltrWAT. DaYerillallaSO (kaJ lend spe t Sunday at he home here« larg_e number here took in the L. O. L. Celebration itt Clinton on dity,----Kri and him Wo X, Wilson . pent Monday evening at Mr. W. J. Warta-tfostara. W. ,Piiller,and R. Mooresville spent Sunday -at Mr. T. tottoiltote*.---Mt.i. Henry Eg very elleteettful barekta Uttla y`« -,start -whets eona- Will have one of the moot uj blums in the villogre„ art Spent Sunday even' t * Lutherts.,-fir,./LAtevit And, SIMpoon Lucien visited at, , The& Stettardeon't ,Snaday. stuidsir next itto, ifinviton la in Grace Church at 7301iisL of in the afteritomt--lerr« P. Is vieltitt hie daughter, • &Chen, Detrolt..--Ifr. Geo. k of Mooresville visited Wends Zuli,« Steadman pnsack- «1 A very im h sertmon Cr the last. er- ta Moore of V Ai.. Asaaapams, au,* 3 Sunday piuraiwAyikt Cita&-iargo nm iriteiVo nUmbir ftein 14re toithrat,-, ;;;;ildeely,7,17'..ccticarely at ed they 12th, in Clinton.for t • TO Tilt OtifitAte are agents., for Parisian Salm .and We *now -the Oasrantse, , • •is tliehuine . IS. Cote .11.01.01104.4• the glattek4Ctalat • qut into r4,14ift`ti:ii , "Welli tlith ud mt$.$wMts.r,ti 11 Twenty.stx year* ago he Initrxt,..ed bits* Sophia Ahrens or Bayfield, nue- viyes him, together with their three •daughters and two sons,- Minnie, • H.azel, Walter and Eimer. P,arkhal-Cousiderable., indignation • is being expressed affriong: business. merk if the manner in eremin c I treated' in the matter of o me recent charges of illegal liquor settler. In the absence of real charges aad straight cases the County Crown Attorney has been brought here,. Considerable •clement, has •been aroused and • lead- ing men in the- town have been summon- ed to answer in the court on a pure (expedition. It is felt that the public money is being spent and the good name . a tab1eCompoui Ave alwi 10.1ns SO a 014 ' there,. often 'after eats znyfo re and ciuse so nes&.Lydia E. rinkh&rn'sVegeta. ble Compound has one me mlich- I am strong- er, digestion's bet. ter, and I can walk with ambition. I Ire encouraged many mothers of families to take it, as it /*the best rem. edyizt the world. You ean publish this In the' papers." lirrtuslit Boultiltnt, Fox Creek, 11.11., Canada* The .above is only one of the thou- sands of grateful lettere which Are hsaut ).11 Mass.,whIchpro e Cy°011;4,Pir-d:utenil.that t t P 4, Pr 4rmAir actually does cure these betini eases of women after all other Immo have failed, and that every such suf- fering woman owes it to 'herself to at least give Lydia B.Pinkham's Vegeta. ble Compound a trial before submit. ting to an operation, or *giving up hope -of .recovery:--- - _Zinitlut,.! nvltea *11 sick women to write her for advice: She Vsii guided thousands to health and ber advice is free. Cillte of the town soiled with no ‘004 end be- ing in view and the general opinion, sz.Ngardleas of politkal feeling 13 that some permanent remedy should found for the trouble. • • WHY NOT OWN , AN AUTOMOBILE? . _ -autotriohile* acneededanywhire at all they are in the (runty-. -Oner-Orthe-s-p-eaktrs of the-Womeres Itaifnie; ar Cud*, 'recentTy Tare - dieted that the time was near at hand when farmer's waves would' nth their own automobiles. Nor is the prediction a visionary one. Like th, telephone and the trolley, the automobile seems destined to add t du- camfort of country life, and the cost will not interfere with your baynig. Ws can sell SLOP stolotors **Wtt5f:tii •1•••• Good Second -Hand Machines cOst. These cars are taken by ‘us as renf- payment for the newest and latest *lode's, and are suchasAve.444.her- otagitly recommend. Any machine -we- is guaranteed to be in first-class condition, and beyond the- fact that second -hand -cars are not this Valls style, there is nothing wrong with them in any way. We us: them as a means of introduction to thecountrytrade, and Mike tht values extra special to encourafr quick buying. If interested, send' your name and address for fuller particulars. HYSLOP. 13RO8., Limited High -Class Automobiles and_.Sicycles TORONTO. ONT -• a Sunshine grates have rnuxn strength 0 SUS, *Vitae* halt • row . grate each /saving, three distinct sides. IN the shiglitprese awl two-piece volts; ao each -like proviso* Is wade for expeatioe or coetractift, awl * waste of 4,4 &Nov* folio** a *ekingft. asd . • -head *doses* coner.plas,. which whoa Wendel:wt. Those foot grate hors oast iroe, aid arsilottiohod spirsith btdldog toutkst cgainir bst boar • ' Pt"