HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1880-7-8, Page 6^t.�.']:It,E IRRESPONSIBILITY OF A GLASS EYE. As n1 'train on the Pacifio gulled away from the depot at Denver a few mortt'lugs since a tall, angular specimen of humanity tool; a seat op- posite a lady passenger, au& to all ap- pearanoes, way iutelitly engaged in studying tier face, At $ret the lady 'treated the rudeness with good natured indifference. Boit at last iu begrt' to tell ou hes nerves. It was a peculiar and astonishing piece of impertinence. He apparently had the faculty of loon. ing two ways at once. One of his eyes was reetlesa, excited and roved in all directions. The othor,fixed: aud stony,. fastened on her with au undeviating stare. She turned her head away, but it intercepted her vision. She tried to bide behind a paper, but she felt that cruel eye piercing through the screen 'and creeping with to etnny look all over her features. It eeeined to be picking them up one by one aud examining them with care. The thing became unendurable, and she eriecd out to him 'fieroely "Sir, why do you look at ice so per. siatenly ?" 'lie, madam ; why, bless my soul 1 I hnvn't been looking at you. 'You have, sir. For half an hour or 'more your eye has been absolutely rivited ou my face.' 'I beg your pardon, madam, bet it's this eye, is it not ?' Itftieg his finger to hie left optic. 'Yes, sir ; it's tit»t eye.' 'Weil, madam, that eye won`t do you any harm. It generally looks any way Henry Smith, who Waif, for many years it pleases—it gives me a good deal of Member for Ooiehestet, while onelves- trouble. A. great many oonerlaiu Of it. sing 10 person on one occasion, asked a big dell looking Essex fanner for his vote. The farmer was a fine specimen f utioglod bueelie. indepeedonce and thick headedness ; reuoasned too, foi his brusqueness aud he said bluntly : 'I'd vote f :ry: u, Sir Henry, as usual, only folks tell tete you're such a fool." 'Foul, am I ?' retorted Sir Henry ; 'then, my good sir, I'm the very man to represent you.' Down came the farmer's baud upon Sir Henry's shoulder a., he exclaimed disguised admiration. The lady lough with a hearty laugh ingly accepted the explanation and the 'Colne, I'7a gra med if that aren't e rest of the journey was passed very gond un 1 You re not such a fool as 1 tlleasautly, thowt ; and yon shall have my vote. 'dope's ley baud on it.' tra.tiou of this pleasant tetidouoywas. given. not many months eines, by an old man, with several millions. He was in the habit of prowling arouud the office of the insurance onus• patty i t which he Was a Director. One Morning as he wasthus investigating, tau happened to conte across the din ner-pail of the oflioe•boy. His onrioeity• led hurl to take of the cover. A slice of home made bread, two doughnuts and a piece of apple-pie tempted the millionaire's appetite. He became a boy again, and the diuuer-pail seemed the one he had oarried sixty years age. Just then the office -bey came in and ted. surpri. etd the old mail eating the pie -- be bad finished the bread and dough - THE TINIES eTFT]',Y 8, 1.880 gist has to say about it-' how long it would take oebbage,or pork, and beef and potatoes, and other meats and es - outputs to go through the protsess of as. siudilation. They roar at new bread, hot calm and flied meats imagining these to be the aause of their maladies. But the ice water goes down all the eaule, and flually friends are palled in to take a farewell look at one whom a mysterieue Provideece has called to a clime where, as far as }s known, ioe water is not used. The uumber of im• moral beings •vllo go hence, to return no more, on ago Leat of an injudicious nye of ioe water, can hardly be estima• Important to Coni:lnnptives Buts. A. gentleman baring been so fortunate as to 'That's illy dinner you're eatitlg1' ogreitis sun oft;onsumptiou in its worst stages, exclnimed the boy, indiguantly. l after being given up to the by the wort cote - 'Yes. sonny, I suspeot it foal, be ; I braced poysiciaus, desires to make known the but it's a first-rate one, for all that.' cute (which proves successful in every case) I've not eaten so good a one for sixty years.' 'There,' he added, as he finisher' the Pie, 'take that and go nut slid buy your, sett a dinuer,but yon won't get as good a ono.' and he haudt•t1 the boy a $5 hill. For day's after, the old man kept re- ferring to the first-class dinner be had eaten from the boy's pail, NOT SL;CH A COOL..AS HE LOOKS, Dutins' the Fng!iah t•aee•tions there is always lots of fun. The late Sir. At first I thought they were making fun of toe, but. I've found out different- ly now. I've been knocked doaru two or three times for the impertinence of that eye. I would leave it out alto- gether but for the looks of the thing. It's a glass eye, madam—only a glass eye. I hope you'll excuse it. lint, upon my soul, ].'m not surprised that even a glass eye should feel interested in so pretty a woman,' and be brought his other eye to bear upon her in un - CEYLON ELEPHANTS. The Ceylon elephant enjoys a good name, not only in Ceylon, but on the coast, for docility and. intelligence. However, they are not elwnys to be trusted, and at certain seasons they lose all command over the uselves, and plied : -My lege reach the ground - are ext,•cmely dangerous. I remember what moria eau you„ do an incident which teak piece at a kraal Never be afrni,l of a mail a ho ab+11- at Kornegal, between Colombo aud lenges you to fight a duel. He will feel 7til that you San feel,atl d more torr. The man flint rushes xt yon wish a tgmmule is the chap to look out for. A woman bought a cirens ticket f' v harm &t, and thea taking a boy fully 15 years old in Iter arms, she wt tipped a shawl around biro am!d stunted in. `TlInt's a pretty big baby yon have WItiE AND O'1'IIEPWISE. 'When a slow eater calls for catchup he .roods bust, es s. A tall mall rallied a friend on the shortnes8 of his legs, the friend re Kandy. Among the decoy elephants was a splentlid fellow, belonging to the temple' of Bud ilia at Bandy. I[e was one of the finest I have ever seen, measnriug upward of eleven feet in beieht, with a;?.fir of tusks that would • have made Gordon Oumuining go near• ly crazy. He watt always rather glnick tempered, perhaps from being made so I.liri'e,' 881![ the snail as she came up. 'nuts' of as at temple elt+ltlinut ; and .lily ? \Vhv y +n on ht to see his bre. fears; were entertaided that the sielt of tier i' so mane old coml anion,= in a Willi stat,: •A dare ha•1 from over the river na: looking over Koine books in a Qui' ey book stns e, enrlt-avnlint; se matte col leetiom , when the clerk fisher', 'Ems •1. bll`d yon like the •A.utorret of the 13reatk:Stat table ?' ' She telided : Oh 1 might itej n riou,ly affec4. 1St m. The re • suit inay be anticipated, In the mid- dle of the day, and in the height of the excitement, when many elephn015 bad been securer', a trill truanpeti+,1; teat heard, and presently all t qtly ''care W vo fat two of 'em just as good as turas,' dnvnwar.+s from the r• ratty' new—only been washed twice,' nest to witness the sp.•otnole a'f ih,, temple elet.oha.nt in fall chase 'of his t1.`T a•t ricultnral'falter has an argots nil Noshed trod Unwashed butter.' deicer, eche grid given him Fovea eensr= s7aGa1 that rho markets now dentantl for 1=rcvoeati•'il. The man herd 11i` • that butter shall not only be;fresh end own gallantly only, just, net of reach of post', but be properly wtrkacl and the elephant'µ trunk; still there ap,pea.r- tr mshect, A round of butter that: come" ed hopes that lie would gain the ja"mop fain market without having its face and set his pursue..: at deft alnot. rL1I rs t'+hod and its hair a .nlbed i netof fa sudden he was seen to fall, llitving I very il1 v tir7y�, that's a fact. r ti,ng blmd t+:'er the projecting root (if a , said ^ all tro4. In to m imams ttheolepll'ttlt, reels'Ah •ve ihlngs iu the world., to v,.tith who shoals at street corner, with rage, lard gone en lily iiia,=es, a d foo. a living 'rl,m I value the love of my to all Appearance had impaled the nn- " 11 l • nlnttlrar. 'G= a blears on, young man fortunate man. A. ahrit•k louet firth , all 1>tescoit, who were Kitlitenefl at 11 for thea, eentimenta, Prop' a mission- tizht which so Irii+tr.tlily marredtlu,era. 'Having so much respect for a ntlrwise once, g:ful i.+sue of the div. mother,. yon need no other recommend - But what was mil• joy evhnn the * 1.13 ; 77.11011 to sueileya,i'nl teen who will air! ° ii \'nn.' 'Yes,' continuer' the yamung roan, was soon to wriggle Ions+•if out fpr to mother foods mo, anti clothes me dr fan f,etween the tusks of time better. and be. niv wnsltinrz, duel has 1)00n doing it for "fore hta adversary eon[d extricate his twenty five years, I dent know what tusks from elle gentled, again cautions I would do withouther., his fight. lie wits, however, pressed 11. 41E4-4 oiont,ly, but menaged to read' a deep, narrow and dry evatttl'•cnuree, covered DRINKING ICE WATER. with therms and briers, into which he There is muse doubt that cirinitin immediately threw himself. `i ,7e els.g }Ihant !c7 pt libation lam by „cent fr,trn ice water arrests digestion than there Itl,Ove in a most al mvar rottener • but i8 that it ref' igerator would arrot:t pore- to those afflicted with Asthma, Bronchitis, Coughs, Colds, Consumption, aud the Affoo• tions 01 the 'Throat and Lungs, a.id will send the :Recipe, free of charge to all who desire it, if they will forward their address to DANIEL ADEM, 34 Liberty St., Now Yeirk. Gm. BEWARE or UeDNTE1w1 rrL AND t.IIITATTONS.— '.tbe high reputation gaiuc,ri r,yILu rAnu's Pao- TORAT, B.tr,sA:u for til' •"i"t +t ('on:C113, Colli , and aril ui+r,'.5ua of tit.' Pill' • tt aud Lungs has given rise to si'm'ians imitator's. Tho guan- ine 1'wriu r 13,thsut Las the name of F. C. Hagytu'.l blown in the bottle whish is of the large sitµ and sells at 25 ots. We think it proper to warn. the unsuspecting against ,sacs bearing other names, or remedies offered as a substitute. Look carefully to this and take no other than HAOTAan's PccronAL I3AT, aAat. $5 4L fj)F) per lay ttt home. S t i'p1os wort'' WW 1pfd..- .ifrse. .larass, 5tioson t5 Oo Portland, Maine. la AY PUMP WORKS. 0 Man - PROPi ETtJatlls 1.4,ving added to my pomp mammary, and pro cored a Large quantity o= first-elass pump loss, 1 axe prepared to oiler au article Superior to anY Factor id the County, and at prices that defy competition. Wells and cisterns dug ou the shortest notice. nefore purchasing call a :the Hay Pump Works r „Shop--nue-quarte utile nort of ','rater, 1,ondou IieatL Iitav 1 GREAT BARGAINS IN MILLINERY AT MISS GAR ,I_1 I C Ii' S The remaining stock .•f Summar Hats and Trimming., Feathers, Flow+•rs and Ornaments will be «plat greatly pounced prices 1.-i-1 a 11 C:'V ( OOG•l S. Rnuitnn anc1 Point 1 �rathis, Berlin and 17ee y Avo,as. 1) totn.tis tote s, Ilttc!t Com1.5 1111(1 Ilrai.1 Pius, t 7:t+'.lbnar,l.: [nttu•s, etc., etc, Th•,se V•mls lilt becJea"'•,l p1r1, ;u1,1 \will 1, sold cheap- er than thay u •n be got aaywb're t.l••i in town J.CI AIt.LIOK. MAIN STURi3T, - - EXETER:. nitimetely we brad tine pleasure off 'lair•• piration. It derives from the atnitlach ,ug the pont fellow emerge a hundred its nntnrtil heat, suspends ilio flow o'. j ;yards below his pu-sur-r and wain ;a gastric jeieo brit' shrieks and weckons Mace of safer T l even• the dcliei.te organs with which it comes Y. tie slop rant Stationery,Sahool Books,Fanoy Goods,(ec saltily had to be destroyed, as tie d ty's' 111 esettaet. An able writer op human proceedings bad 'natio bins irreolailu• diaeRSes sa,ya• habitual ice water drittlt• ably gavage and dangerous, ors are uaitatlly very flabby shout the region of the stomach'. They ootYi• that their food 1194 heavy on that A BOY AGAIN. patient organ. They taste their dinner for hours after it is bolted. They eni• Sandi ties an old man bectunes a tivato the neat of stimulants to aid di. Directly opposite the Central Hotel.. •l oy again, though to. 'smart to ih'op gestin». If they are intelligent they into his 80aond' childhood. Al il;tis• seed urn) food awl what the pbysiolo- Pi1T,TJP1 SUPPLIED Dominion Orsrarts tuid Pianos. The Largest and Most Complete Factory in the Domiuiorip 4 140x100 feet. Rightist HIonors ever awarded to any Maker in the World, MEDAL AND DIPLOMA AT CENTENNIAL, 1876, Do do SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA, 1877 GOLD MEDAL AT PROVINCTAL' EXFiI13ITIf)N, TORONTO, is17G. HIGHEST AWARD AT INDUSTRIAL ENHII3ITION, TORONTO, 1870. We are now lnanufactnring Square and Upright Pianos. Best in the. market. Correspondence solicited.. Send for Il- ustrated Catalogue. Mailed free. Address D:attinion ®:'gan. and ,Piano Cornpaz.17, 13OWMANYILLE, l TABIO. Auction Sale of New Furniture! :fit ) TERMS : $10 and under, cash ; over that amount. i ���1 4 months' on dit on approved paper. Private sales at cost will be made between Amami i sales. A fall assortment to be offered for sale by Public Auction at J, BREW'S FURNITURE WAREROOMS,, Opposite Central Hotel, Exeter, EVERY WEDNESDAY TILL STOCK IS SOLD. UNDERTAKING as usual at lowest rates. Orders in this departmel.t received at all hours, tGt, ur night. JOHN' DREW. auukkoth than ever. DASHW00D FURNITURE WAREROOMS c\'AI. W. BALL. woulditti*nate to tuese about to fur,,ish houses ur in ne,nt •of anything is his lice that he hit$ added iu.tguly to Itis tactlittes for tut1111W ant r'r1a-class Waris. Sash, Lucia anti 1'i ,tura Frames on hand. All Ortler3 a Specialty.' Uivu hila 7t u.tli DerilttvooU,.June 17 1883 iY Central Drug Store. WINAN',I' OLD S'BAND. THE SU[ SCTIBER TAKES THIS it oopa.rtnnity of thanking the public fn• their fair share of patronage in t=utus past, dual resJ.o.:tcnll} solicits a cuutivaatiun of the swine in tile futon', A CO11PL:E CE AND FUFAi STOCK Drugs & Chemicals Constantly on limit and A u.rrantod of BEST QUALITY & A'i MOD.EBATE PRICES Medical Wines and Liquors can be relied on as best quality. A complete stook of TRUSSES, SHOULDER BRACES CHEST P1tt)TTU.1:0E.S, Re. Always on biota, luso • CENTRAL DEAN TOP, , (WINAN'S OLD STANR) re Q. LUTZ, ar ONE OF THE OLDEST AND I'.)OST RELIABLE REMEDIES CN THE WORLD F03 THE CURE OF Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, Sore Throat, Bronchitis, Influenza, Croup, Whooping Cough, Asthma, and every affection of the `Groat, Lungs, and Chest, including CONSUMPTION. A WELL-KNOWN PHYSICIAN WRITES :. " It does not dry sap a cough, and leave rise cause behind, as is the case with roost preparations, but loosens it, cleanses the lungs and allaysirri- tation, thus removing Me cause of complaint." DO NOT BE DECEIVED by articles bearing a similar name. Be sure you get DII. WISTAIt'S BALSAM OI? WILD CHERRY, with the signature of " I. BUTTS " on the wrapper. 50 Cents and $1.00 a Bottle. Pre- pared by SETH W. 1l'owrn & So•Ts, Boston, Mass. Sold by druggists and dealers generally. -177 ""[..leel.5eLseiii e • to iy �er 4y'i�•''�s •'�l U ,1'k�'ra rYi . .rl -i • ,itr • �_ ill•ill•4,.;.,..:,.,.,.�.,as..-.,e...... A Protected Solution of the Protoxide of Iron, Is as easily' digested and assimilated with the blood as the simplest food. When the blood does not contain the usual quantity of Iron, the deficiency can bo supplied by the use of the - F 11UVIANS'}RUP It cures a"thousand i�l/ls" simply by TONING Ur, IN VXGOXATXNta', and Y rTALrzine the system. The enriched and • vitalized blood permeates every part of the body, repairing damages and waste, searching out morbid secretioes " ' ' • 'tiling for disease to feed upoh. x cps rs toe secret of the wonderful success of this remedy in curing Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, Boils, Dropsy, Chronic Diarrhea, Nervous Affections, Fefiiaie • Complaints, And all diseases originating in a bad state of the blood, or accomptt#lleil by debility, or a low state of the system, CAUTION.—Be stare you get the "FE-. 2tUV1ANSIRUl." Sold bydruggists gene)... ally. Pamphlets sent free to any address by Spin W. P'owt.0 & Sorra, Y'roprictore, 813 Hare rison Avenue, Boston, 349f: