HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1909-07-15, Page 3 (2)-01PorrillryS n .r.r1 ' t 11111r4111FF - '44 .'74117,4111.71/11847 ANIL Ole st e pr I C4 10,175' •tona and Sudbury .ri t. the low, priceslas re he ihership= reaC1ze41 res and inneraiminted iri Ontario 1at year* were valued at 21-i,616;2755-3-7-,_--Ervoratured- 1,37"414ir-- prvzoitic Yort4 roduction of nickel in iCaS allied at $1,0/1,140. The iron mine of Outline yielded 210,177 ton*of ore last year, worth $514,- 4 there was made at the lest furnaces 271,050 tons of pig iron, vatuoi at *40tA839. -"Ontario now occupies * leading lace among the silver -producing * i,j coAlriest bUI , re .prctu(tton- ippe Tree '‘`o nof o iieh was tat I) ncIuding eoneen r ttu th 4,4 01 WO7 The zierage eentents of thr,sttiPmenta for 1V01$:Iterik 793 ounces of !Over per ton, romparrel ss--tsr 314 -Nee ber, 1 The renue from .the timbe flues wart $44110.5$,•-tlier7 -proeinces .Arrears of .$400,000. accruing from 1007- are included in this art eol lectione were not enforced owing to the financial stengency that year, The riot eollectious, for 1008 were $1,e14,243 and the 'sum, of $235,iI08 was vitriol forward into 1909 owing the inability of the lumbermen to ,R41,4444240,24Rapmt., 1. cetiag at Oitelph. A despatch from Guelph gays: he Ontario Provindal Winter k air trod held ar•ineeting here on Wed. .nesday and deeided that the i prize , 1ist-thit-yeareshoul44otad-$14000- se 'We prize litw11 b Along the sante linosas that' of ist* .1** e' t to nt Infections A despatch from Ottawa says . The Ottawa Carneg6 Library Board issued an 'order -on Thursday morn- ing tbet no library books hereafter houldebe-g2-veneoutetesanr-person- whiT5.-4onsuraptive. This will ap- ply whether the application is mad as :a *Ail it.1 IS 1l• 4111111./111tetlillz./11111mr. tittramr 04P0 NSE� NEWS ITEIS $174$ ovat .uxxin n., stree ,t * Fh •bpoeu1;01* ha , est viaitor suit the British„ Two Kingston,. or fur e$$ rt, Englewood. 'en instruct- '''''ther*,w/so . runiorked, a, eltsr,ge of seUzng adelteratettoffere-, . 'Eheltzilway ('4nlmissiJn ha, 4)i'- r the •Greed Truk to build * rcw atieti at Guelph. T''„ Coombe*, Arem an on Amer Sus -Alio,' 41t0Wried at t William by falling into the , iss Amy I. Brute of Valenta, Ontario, won the Governor-Gener- al** medal for general proficiency rAt Toronto Normal School. . ',Frank Malone was asplirdated at ho-Crown-lieserve mine at Co- balt, and eight other men who went his assistance were overcome aud 7.77'1 2.-gt4i..41#0.14atatt4..t.'42;4. 44424 r .-drifting rapids when a tug carne to the res- cue. Several passengers we aboard. Bruee .Walker, Commis- eioner of Tramigratian is already irapreeeed,,,,,sitILthe_eteke_f_rumt kendle tho western harvest. ile sa s applications are pouring iU • ' He thinks stock yards in Toronto. The *motto he family, as it is the, policy of the horsefor prizes its about *3,000. board to keep all library books im. ea -burrs -of the poultry--prie from--aese-germa-cAVtuberott- ‘, year will be the depart- losis. Consumptive persons ea I -peut of 20 classes or more in pig- only receive books hereafter by fur. onst, to include the birds of 1E*9 nishing a tmedieel certificate to the ithifeh 'have been excluded hereto. i effect that there is no danger of in. fore. Realizing that tho showing section. \ ,of flit stock halt been in the past the , • • is........... ... only weakness of the show, the 1 To board have greatly incressed the -prizea for that class. Importaflt Chsage Contemplated TAX, CORPOtATIONS. ClOt4IT CLAIMS. by Ontario Government., Arrested en Charge of — _ Three men named Nathan A oof, *WO, and Appi Shyropsky •were arrested on Wednesday on a -charge of conspiracy to defraud. /he detectives,- who have worked to 'that end for months, declare they utilities, and also .on loan **mean- • re rounded up the cleverest trio !lea. The Gcrvernment's plan is bo- or "fake accident 'claim" worker's tlieved to further contemplate pine. be tier nosed_ in moneessre lag the regulation of suell corpora. "Mixtel annals. No lesa than a itions and the control of them en - score of accident .clitims have been thely„under the jurisdiction of the • pilt through h the men, find in Ontario . rto vv. ayand Municipal .every case the amount of damages lio Was large. According to the detee. . • Oro's, the men lieve taken. turns in _BRITAMS eampartencE. the role of "injured througli-negli- .gence," and the otter two acted at witnesses,. The complainants in in titia eatte are the V. P. R. the - Montreal Street Railway, and the .Grand Think Railway. The men • -denied their guilt, but were re- manded. A despatch from Toronto t is reported that important finer' - a1 le station is contemplated by he OntaricrGovcrninent,nd a -re. tett from Montreal sari:t port is abroad for which there seem* to be strong foundation in fact. It is understood that the Provincial Cabinet has been oonsielering the advisability -of imposing taxation en all corporations operating public —44444/46444.414144444. ARSENIC IN TIIE DREGS. Result of baited Ittveatte Examias - atieresitSempl-- Big Increases in . Exports and Imports*- . A despaten from London say The June statement of the Board of Trade shows increases Of 0‘27X25, 500 in imports, and *3,824,000 inex- peets,,The,principal inerlases in imports $13,750,400 An grain and $5,000,000 in raw material. liii. ports from Canada for June were : Cattle, 2,727 'heed; wheat, 1,161,- 600 ; wheat; _meal and -flour, despatch' iron* Ottawa says: 15S,100 twts7,-;-'bieork, 50,383-ris s.; • The exarditation by the inland rest- hams, 11,041 ewts. ; butter, 39 cods.; ,e444, department of a munber of cheese, 1e9,51e vwts. ; eggs, 10 great, to as found on the Canadian hundreds; horses, 18. 'rnarket, for the purpose of -iscer. * mg whether any of these con- tained Aistieet traces of arsenic, shows that- while most samples • were ,praetically free hornlike poi - eon, arsenic wa*. found to he dis.- tirittl,y present in Certain., tulphates A despatch irom Brantford says: .Ond particularly, in phosphate ofL. Laontl Atitans. 'proprietor of a • sod*. The amounts were not te local ice ‘treatn, parlor, having :eon - large as to he slarming, but, were ducted business on Sunday tar the sufficient to make it. impossible to Ptist three Years under a former 0.- regerd those drugs as meeting pro- c-ston of the ,,magistrate, was fined per 4 regairerneuts; '443 samples of f $5 herb oft Wednastlay and ordered sulphate of magnesia, 'sulphate of to, close his prentiee$ on Sunday. Ice !oda and phos hate ef isOda 'exert', ereate was sok', without meals, and irked PIRP.iwert1 qirntaining, ar« the megistrate held that the mime aortic, white o tlid. w not food. ' (TEAM NOT r000. Brantford Ilcstskaritat Keeper Fined , ' for Sunday Salta, • ible Crime rt'r`• Ge. England of NiagaraaiIs, N. Y. despatelk "lagara Palls, .4 Eva: Eileando ber of * r (led homily of (it, wad to, Mibigtn Centrel ight cenduetor„ 21 Nits ow, shot tilled his 'kik, Gertrude, 00 old, at their home, Niagere *mat time. during Wed - , rUrM here is 41 irk th door. Ow the titbit t ready to receive the milk; as usual, but woe** the milkmen looked be- hind the door be saw England's body etretthed on its beek. Blood was oozing ,frore the right tempi and ,.res4ohier tap near the man left hismL In skuothar room t d, utterly oh1I%1uu' at- tad happened, er, a 4140,44 ialitttnt wrt *hit was ible Altar. pert* 410110.41,- Y IIICIr# 1d ai* ,ret There a anft licit hie tragedy. k I t altrO Mt 1V:ft LE•40It ENTRE . • CIi ei* Dairy Puds e oeif, Or' Agariirit tettt- $0 to 040 on traek, 5.7 r ;rq0;10: •1; reek,' Toronto.' Manitubaeat -No. 1islOtherri port, 1.34 and $OLO. ...- Ontatri6 4wheat,...ero, er,e0 to 1.30 outside. ontilttitdtlY7Y-ef4' b*!1°37"'60 t° Oats -No. 2 Ontario white'57. to 5111;0, on track,' Toronto, said 6334 to 646 outkiide. No. 2 Western Can- ed* oats 56e, and, Xis. 3 55e, Bee? prices • NO, 2,-74 to 4e -outs 14u0. k•loate. .,0 . ""A 'Yellow 4 Teem ••,.1,4741.7eR V.V. term. ran outsitlein bulk. Manitoba: - $.4.50 to $23 in sacks, Toronto freight; aborts $21 to $!-t.50,To. 'v*40-freights.- ,- 44.4,4 444444441 ittAlliCETies--- Buttease-Pound prints, 10 to eoe; 4 lar. rolls 18 to 10e _ ee an ... .0,.9 . ' . srUtittilleene I,enefaeticns to t1ena h9ei"tt'lle*C':07'%i•Ititt4lEtdeeote the'remaintler . 4 arta' philantfiroPie instli'ts:i uotrits:Uo;tlien o hts utnettetitvyear' to distribute,' . .. . . .. A . i $ among the varioua educational: city his, last million doltars, TJds "Vi11 TaWalt Out the au* th t he bad --arWaya-int-entlecl-clotago to'144,-Ve, and ' leave him relatively' a poor man when lie . Celebrates hie 00tie birthday on'the SOth of n xt A di. . . _ , ,C,144" it h t .. I&rge fottune. ▪ - - - -: -Fr irtua1y. a, uater if • • e and helms alreadygiven *IVO 'Valor "tiork.'0(14%. attextti* tO con- siderably ,over ,$4,u00o00. ilia • ift'fie*-Chieage:Will Mark his re- 'phillins•- thropist, 1.,(!tirnsolkienowgh toe„ for :Able old age. " ound; Iambs,at *3.50 to $ ogs, about Sc per pound. t Toronto, : July 13.-Businesa was quiet, and prices somewhat easier consequence of the heavy- buy .ing _earlier' in the week, also ..that very fereehoice butchers or export. -*era were -on offer. 'Prime butehe scores h. • h e eline4 and i US though the break in prices had started. Sheep and . lambs were Ateady. floge weak and unchanged. Calves.. weak and tincha`used. tf VAX. 111[4 Convict Ilarrett's Excuse for Ellis ingilepitte-Warden_Steilman I I Initt 7111 quir The Canadian Express Company has been ordereslissrestore the low rete, on fruit from Qtteeneten 'dis- trict to Toronto by. Chairman 'Ma- bee of the Railway Commission. The Chairman spoke in zevere terms of the express companies changing rates while the -commission was dealing with them. ' imam) STATES. Missouri suffered from a disas- trous flood and people Were driven tt the house -tops. A largo quantity of bogus $2 bills said to have been made in Canada, was cirettlated in western Pennsylvania. More rigid laws and the. growth f public tenth:Etat .for *ane Fourth redticed „the number of kistialedG.and wounded in the United teg The Steel corporation created anxiety in Pittsburg' and arnoug the strikers by threatening to es- tablish a large tin-plate concern, in Gary, Indiana. GREAT BRITAIN. The officials of the Cunard Liiie 4ded to can at• 1?isiguzrd- instead of Liverpool in order to save time. • The London Express, gave out that Lord Eitcherter will swept, the offers of Canada and Australia to inspecttheir forces. The militant suffragettes -scored a triumph over Premier Aseteith when they were received by the Home Secretary on order of the Ring. A meeting, of London Hindus to protest ittounst the lintrair of Wylliestrokeeup iircort. fusion whert-alt IntlianLstu ent-pro-- tested.. 04,14/MRATA. • A ‘revolution which broke' oni an Columbia, resulted in the overthrow of the pretent Government. , 244444444,41424.404404.444444,04444; cisrnal DYING IN ,litaqostr, Serious Epideutie Caage$ (ireat ' Late In toitialskast, • A despatch; from' Litre Charles Louisiana, says: !Advice* received here on Wednesday- from Cameron Parish ladieate that the.' *piderkile of. thirboit„ •whic"4' has- prefailed that section for kteveral .weeks, ft*, opreiklingt widely among cattle and other stock. • Hundred* of *lige cattle have died of charbon and their carcasses lie unburied in he marshes. It has been 'propoied to iwailourn -the 'present session .of eourt at the parish scat 44. Canier- 011 in order that everyone may take and in auppressing the epidemic. NAVIN row' despatelt from Paris says: thin* In the Chanibet, of Deputies' Ws en the Navy Conrail report ereated a greater impreison 1:4,P11:rioft- 1 , (It f •* • aika.t r1 frrk .2.•••""..2.....",2211.1 2 ' its .240, an pa ator, .19 per lb. rggs lots, 20 to 21c per dozen. Cheese Large cheese, old, 14e per lb, and wins. 1434e. New (lucre, ed at 123c for large, and 1f44*.c for COUNTRY P1101)UCE. Apples -44 to $5 for choice quali- tic.22 and $3 'tie $3.00 for seconds. means-.Eriniet $2.20 to $2.24, and hand-picked, ••$2.40- to $2.45 per bushel. Maple syrup -05o to. $1 a gallon. Ifay-t-No.i timothy, $11.50 to $it a ton on track here, and low grades, $8 to $0. Straw -47 to $7.50 on track. Potatoes ----Small lots of old are jolkieg at 75 to 00e, and new are lower at $3 to $3.26 per barrel, on treek. Poultry - Chicken*, yearling, dressed, IS to 130 per lb; .fowl, 0 to ltic; turkeys, 10 to 17e per lb. _ olitret 44,01444 • .4 HOG PRODUCTS., . Bacon, long dear, 1334 to 13,10 per lb in ease lots; mess pork, $e3 to $0,50; shortecut, $25 to $25.50, liarase-Light to medium, 153 to 100; do., heave, 14 to 14,14e; 1234 to 13c; shoulders, 115,i 'to 12e; backs, 18 to IWO ; breakfast bacon, ilgt to 17c. Lard -Tierces 14Wic ; tubs, 1=1,,,le ; pails, 14%43, 4.444444.4 . BUSINESS AT MONTREAL. Montreal, July 13. -The market r oats is weaker; No. « Canadian Western, 590; No. ..1 extra feed, 5741e; No. 1 Ie.d, 57Yac ;,-No,, 3 Canadian Western,_.57c, Burtey- No; 2, 7«,34 to 740; Manitoba feed ball**, 674 to 63e. Iltielewheat Oe',K to ,70e.Flotir-IStanitoba mug wheat patent*, firsts, $3.30 e.,. seconds, $5.60: 'Winter wheat patents, $0.75;, Ittanitobe stromi bakers', $5.60; straight rollers, $4.50 to $0.00;•do.) in bag, $3.15 to $3.20; extras' in bago, $2,80 to V.00. reed-Manitikba bran, $4 to $23, drep shorts, $24 'to *0 ;Titre grain motullie, .$33 to $33;,mixed online, $24 to $30. Cheere eattrrial 12% tO I2e. Butter,p4in t creamery, 22c ,Eggs---1811to lae per 'dozen. 444.444•44414444 11)11'T,ED STAIT4E8 kETS, Milo, 3tih 13A, i/Wheate-.1Spe wheat easier ; No. It Northern *1.31N. Corns -Steady. o. 2 white, 554 No. 3 whi 64o 4 white, Me. Barley- .I'eed to malting, 05 to Ow • Chiag, July 1.3.-.tash udwat-•-- 2 red, old, *1,40 to $1.43; new, $1.10 to $1.20; NO... $1.21- to $1.21; No. Northern, $1.2734. Corn No. 6Re*I 3 No. 7,13(4e;, e; 70' to 103;e; o. 0,0 ,1)cle No . white, 71 to 71 3 i No. 4, tlen, tti 67c. Ost ee; No $ whited Me; No 3 white, 474, to,40, 0 13 434 ro, watt re* • A despatch- - from Edmonton, Alta., says G. Barrett, the con. viet l'ivho murdered Deputy Warden Stedman recently, and who is now under sentenets of death for that crime, to hang on the Itith inst., is writiog a long etatement giving his excuses for ti o crime. He will eberge the late 'Warden with treating him, with failure to recog. nize the Masonic sign, and with Sneering at an. 31ONT11EAL GROCER ROBBED. Two. Men Work the ,Sanitary speetor Trick .ostiMr. Collins. A despatch from Montreal sayt: Two men tueeessfully worked the fake sanitary inspector -trick here on sr grocer namtu Pierre Collins, One calloi at the store and requests to see the yard and garbage reeep. Vides, saying he wits an inspector. The proprietor was alone, and ac torapanted the visitor to the yard where sOnle time was spent in exam- ining the conditions. Later in the day Mr. Collins foitud that Orkoo had been taken from the safe/during his absence in the yard. sTnocic BY LIGHTNING 1. Mau Killed at Pagan During a • Torino Stott**. A despateh from Calgary, says: Just before the beginning of the Programme at the Exhibition on Tuesday afternoon a severe storm broke in Calgary:In less than an hour nearly two inches of rain fell. 'Wm. Mueller, a yoeng man, was 'struck by lightning and instantly killed,- -The Alberta, Norinal-Schoo s etrueli but notikaAlyelantaged. NOE0 LIFE WITA POISON. Brant i'Veinan 'Took Pails'.Oreeia at Oakland. ' des ateli from Brantfo.rd says: A suicide octurre4 at Oaklincl 'Vil. • loge on Wednesday •• night, when Mrs. Edward Malcolm, wife or .a' well.known fariner„, having become despondent, took, (lose of Paris .green. Thc poisonproved fatal. „KLNEW 411M BUSINESS., - • , Brien -Oh, but Me deughtee* he elinrart girl. She set two min ghtin' for her hand. LandersAnd sae inarried hinn errilon IleisgheortrvondoilickSlialu:irast FROM BONNIE SCOTLAND NOTES. OP INTEREST PROM . fall DINES AN1) BRAM "IL Seotta. Edinburgh proposes that drovers should hold licenses. ' Vavon school rate is to be in- creased, by- a penny in the pound. Lunacy ha* decreased in Scotland during_the_past...ftve..years____ -The upper decks of one hundred ot the ordinary tramcars are to be reefed at Coplawhill. Try - were killed at the taking down of onto stacks in * farmyard. Two pare white starlings' were seen flying *bout at the Grange, Eirkaudbright, one the Sed inst. There are in Glasgow at least 16,- 000 nulet houses, and faders have in 'marl instances been forced to re- duce the rents. The six cotters in Lewis who stir,- Dalberg Farm, having refused to desist, have got a week's imprison- ment each. Mr. Arbuthnot of Kano& enter- tained the children of the distriet sehools of Broadford, - Breakish and Heart recently. The new church for Bridge street treated Free congregation, Dumber. ton, 4net completed, has been .erect- ed at a test of fully $300,000. Alio* is proudly boasting of its freedom from erinse these days. There are seven breweries and -three distilleries in the town and vicinity. Glasgow and West of Scotism' Agriculture/ Wiese will take over the whole of Holmes Vann, Kil- znarnock, for sgriceltural educa7 Inverness harbor trustees lave nstructed- the preyaration of * cheme of harbor accommodation for 'steam drifters at a cost of *109,- 000: - A robin has built its nest on Shelf in a joiners workshop in Cont. do. It flies in and out a broken eindow amongst the workmen quite unconcernedly. Firernaster James Brown, Lith, has on retiring after 34 years' imp. -vim- been presented with a time. piece and tide ornaments, and his wife with a diamond deg. Lord Mount Stephen, now in • : nifshirer-has reached the patri- hat age -4 --four tore- years-,;41*--,- rted life in a very hureble way, b°Y°4the Luhis •°I • Legacier-ssf A$2,500 and $500 lurve been bequeathed to tbe Dunfeim. line etnd 'West Fife ftespital. b the late Dr. Adkuusork, Portobello, ind he late Miss Alexander, Punfe lineb"e' Tbudget duty on wik.iskee is 'to entail an inereaee of $560 * sea, er the /expenses of the Royal', Infir. teary. This applies to drugs only; .manotO,Arbich ate dilated with al- cohThe Princess Louise (DuChess'ef ,Argyil) recently presented color* to, the oth(Dumbartonshire) , Rat-, talion Argyll and Sutherland Ingle.' Waders at Tfelensburghi The Duka ef Argyll delivered anaddress. $ • .1 1 t .2 ,. • - Men one devours book it itt. IL taste for literature. ▪ , he Awarded Vetroi ore Detroit li ot k *thing ift it nn.. shown to the-. which will be of mutt that -anti 1 jthe cause of temperi drink he was a *m ttrjwtere, im hattieft down 4olfgrikplier, IItd ,reilter,PiA'art ,f`0, ednesdai Mr. ettk---Miiii0 man ., hi brought salooakeeper ,. , tnan &auning *10,00 i for having t4041,,,Irt, 4 'hr *1 litla ,her 414. ar Veil 114$1‘,,klakrerne ('o'ut r, , 1,s* he " 'Wednesday lAsi, torapan mgainst Ate 4", .4 - ai 0 I t Rt„ 4.. • 4 "IR