Exeter Advocate, 1909-07-15, Page 2 (2)'ton
4t 1 :0
t u
ro et Was
teeosti obatil
eetmentl tonateiited-1 eij MO Upon r n lie 19s5
lQinbtS to zwathilt t'laillt"wbil"' he Catalonia. But, wish
Anna buried
edgings; Wis ' Of in 431-4r*II c tad 4eeretly tell my 0nee
, tia
ad o it know
veteou 0 me
ou b4no
nw life.dur
()lying to be i
i to every young $iirlwilo i way
ceenemie4 with lier. re$04rges uo*Itrom the shelter of her _own home,
tit the fate of her husband 'Isholikl and warn her ,of the,eonse,oences
e decided, the trial having teen et sueh a rash act,. It * 3oung's:1s*
aet for about the first of irebruary. taw /0v..01 at. stri.t )3.0 .win watt‘ for
Meantime, Lady Brorelei had re-
ceived an invitAtion to visit her 01 t 4114 seek her An marriage In an
n ..*traightiorwa ner. If
friend and choolmate,,Uelen
t hadonlyonly been firm refuseel
wod, now Mr. Irxze5t Bryant; to rattily Charlie seeretly, he would.
. nt thoet fel ointotaty. Nix* sought me into
eek* long 0 atter the ne" own home, asked for mein:*
WV 4Io Pt the .,,, ea W -
,• #
WS a ' twas
..,.**-••••01A1,11 ',J....eta et..v-ettaretzt V'.
The Bryants were a very hat
and owncd a very lov
4:4 tzars'
, continued Mrs Bryant
:shall never forget that happy
arighin 'SW -CltarWS"walked in
until now it never seenied can -
tit for her to do so, althougti
she had tong 3,earued to renew tlie
old-time intimety. Thus, while her
brother and Gerald were 0800)0
ir preparing for the great eue of
Brewster vs. Brewster, she deo!
avail herself of ..1114, IkyanVs
re's -sing invitatio?, *nd Wake the
ong-talked.of visit.
She took Ellenwith her, the giri
having become quite a 1414 Iitth
wsitintnniid and devoted to ber
kind "mistress. She was dclightcd
over Abe 'prospect:a leaving:
York, and uttered a long $18hof
rcliet when the Puritan pushed o
MU her pier, and silo -felt that.
she had thus been out loose from
She knew that her zunt had been
arrested; and that John ifulibard
liras Ai° a priioner, but she had
'lived in hourlydreLti, of xneeting
er coman; and thus New York
become a plate of torment to h
Ever, since learning. that Lady
13tomley's 'home was se England,
she had begged that she woutd take
her there to Ifvo with her when she
returned, and„ 'as her ladyship had
promised to: grant her request„fig
all went well, the, girl was begiq-
-niug to kc bottetlitg
(MS, hunted expression which her
fate had always worn; while, with.
good fare, neatly fashioned troth."
inst, and the constant eeniPisien*
ship of her oultiiated mistreat, she
was fat ',developing ' into & hale,
well-behaved,' and efficient young
woman. •
The memory of Allison. was still
Nest sacred. to her,- and el* still -
worshipped her in ieeret. Several
times (leralid vituglIt• 'ber upon.
r- knees ,Ixero_ro 'Um
whiPh;the- picture:A hs .loved one
-rested, gazing With * look Of *dor-
ation at *the beautifitt. face, while
bilk tears of grief rained .Over ;her
cheek. , •
.1Ie' was $o touched by thht evi„.
enee her arteetiOrt'.h-tave her
pietnre ot Allison, and it become
to her the,eltoicest treasure' in kr
ssession-i While, from that mert6nt
"..(verakt mightf„\have ,,ask0 -any - ac,
he-r...and weild bait;
ITAroti no effete serve him.
Lady Bromley` promise& JO
erd• several weeks .with ,he
Mend, her visit
the fait flip must
• liew. York in time for t
sib,en Ellen svctittl reqttir
rwss for the, plaintiff. *
Urs. Brytot add ..11er ladyship
• were, very litipx,iy in. renewing their
early ftiendslup I and in reviewing
' experience el tlikir.selwol daps.>
41 made a terrible nastake, .bow -
tor, Ileleit.” the Isitter observed
Alski,•,,, when they were onvers--
leg abteat• bet reuuentie Morris'
stild the, exeiting events that
lofxrd it. *lo bei. sure, *3 erelett
Well, 4.1rid ray litet with my husband •,
vas a vetry lzarlty cint.'; „but I bavetl
kftva tvettbltql la trunk/ling' 'cr the]
tctueritF,: 4.4 that momentetts step,.
I 'shall, i4tovee`terget the mental stit
feeling, . wliell I endured all thety,
.:t•ear with the bnriton et tbst ter.
rIble statt* o0 rav witta. aed T bitve!',;3011
kftint We elte4 'Iltaiir i tuatagea to
alive,fellqw and 1 am 5ur& he
devoted ugh to you ever
to nut e up for having
Lcd you to err in that one lin-
e." „ • ., • 1.
were happy together,
and yet the sting of that early mis-
take will never be entirelY ohlitgr."
said Lady Bromley sadly.
Slie- had barely finished speaking
wken the door of 1,1rs. Bryant's
was rudely thrown. Open,
d Illen eArt041 rushed into .the
state of 'great . excite -
144,1,Y. ReOn110t5
hleome quick! she tried breath-
lessly, her tato. white as eballt„ and
nable to articulate Another word,
e:sailt-upiM the, floor.at her nat.
css' feet and. burst into nervous
weePing- .
th .Lady Bromley' and Mrs.
1lryait were. greatly startled b
lea's .sitddert appearance insuch
a state of grief ,amd vxcitement.
She was usually very quiet and yttp,
Obtrusive; moving ;bout her duties
with, a Cheerful .altenty whi6h be-
spoke her desire to please the wo-
man to .whom she owed so mueb,
and sen$ef gratitude.
"Why, Ellen what has liaPpe
oil Why are you, so .excited
questioned Lady flrottiley, ass
bent .over•the $ohbing girl and Jai
Ler band kindly upon her $ho
der. • .
Tbe touch seemed to re.-itore. he
a a. measure, when, springing
ligaiito--lier -feet, she seized the
woman's hand and tried to raise
ter 6'4m her tbair.
.ommel!? :she, reiterated
t -wildly; you must come and
tell him that I have told the truth.
And by man force She pulled ler
shzt): tow*
et er the lae
thus displaying
_ theritati
and 1
at occur ed
you ,havek grpsit
door, tippet -
rudeness of
ward r su-
aid Lady Bronti-
'tat s cared
it. ir AaY:11,,e-
not tee
nn -ed Mrs
. 14 bursting in upon us
urbuient fashion 1P
" know; ',know and-Illope
• forgive me, but X couldn't help
to ythe
Ll b5und
1 . re4S
or b
I'€nd. ur lflCUkiflg
el. ui a1rn1yA
hiwing een iiu Brewster,
o rze, uu.. ,
mayhvc m.t tmo oneo
4n4 LWbO 'is the
"Wait, until
jaioi herhit), *
tremblin_g her5e1f She
t� her rook,N seLec1I*"
seal wrap from her eloset,s, en
threw jt over her ihou ' and
then went swiftly down-stairsafter
Ellen, who had again ruelied below
*04 out upon tbe street,
Whin Lady Bromley emerged
from the house she saw an eiderlY
getttleman, with white heir and
beard, standingquietly upon the
sidewalk, while . beside Wm in a.
I.uxuriously cushioned wheci-eltait
which, weli wrap
ihere -
in who f, r4}I1in
site1 &ii
v Xis
e»phatka11y as
&tIy excited
II «
ger e
The.girl was li
r -cut, -ftfress features, the.
Or luta
OP 14414
tA *icide IA L4rndw, Eiigl*nd,
h -i, . .
uut, not,driwnd;irnt in..
^ t nt,.• W1n estiu
ul! 'toothy
her hardcst' At be tr*
and n utt.er fatigue she had
There was nothing v.ery n
r Story, but when she explaine
hat she Always had plenty iif wor
o, the ,ottIY"
ve ontheprices paid for her
or, London wies roused from it
apatliy long enough to prote
agaizit the "eweating" wome
us revealed.
The Rouse of Lords once aeon
eatuiress a 40114440A UttlieV whie
work 5 care unesoi r
aurroundings and for low west*.
There are those w o would ad
at it is a -condition of 1abr whie
does,riotiive thelaborer, inTetirn
g o
rti finer
• SOLuie*
Until Lau the folio
The rout of the roo*u
* week
he told 1,*
t4I i
-the hwne
oker who made ft, 0 ent
or s dozenottliese nigh
b.o made these
• 4t dresAts said
could not payMOre as Otero was
a profit in his traee, .
There rctan.Y Persons who are
rugg1rng to organise and toeto the
romen workers of England. There
me for a trades board which
FiaIl fix * legal minimum wage,
nd there are other preposition*
bids. wit I help to do away with the '
resent sweating *Yam if they are
ver put into practice.
ncy and cozntort'.
uk In England it is women o are
the atest sufferers weate
in , Their average wage,' taking
11 the round arut-all.owhig
for sieknese and *slackness, ns not
-imielrimorei •
g he cut
now curled daintily all about her
.white forehead; there were the
same great, beautiful bbie eyes,
-and yet, they ihre not",:the,same
for there was harrowing blank-
ness in them whieh told hut too
plainly that reason had been de-
throned, while the lovely--face--and
form were thin almost to emacia-
tion., .
The g.entlemart hewed courteous.
7,4Y AS Lady Bromley. went quickly
4own the steps to bis side, her face
armingly pale. •
tiltaitittin„ trustr-lon---havis-ne!--
been needlessly' disturbed
cited," he observedi.,213 noticed.
her 'emotion "hut this young girl," mg tot. In the same iocality there
shoeing at *Ellen 'who. WAS gazing„ anotheefirin, the head of which
epeltbound at the figure the well known sportsroan and
hair, 'civet us at thectornet s'on- yachtsman, where the earnings of
otter, when the became; altooet frau. t 'Hs average o $1.78 4-
e upon teeing my charge,
iilto inSisted she knew, _eallintt-_her
'Miss Allison' and'r-ltisit larerester,r
*lad weeping with .jey .over her Alte-
overy. -Then she begged me to
tome here with her to, see A lady
'who, she ttaid, would exploit! it all
to me. she way, so violortly tar -
nest 101.$ constrained to comtar
ith her request."'
Vi her eyes wandering
0 11
side o
The Lancashire
age is ;MI5 and in somedistricts
,OLS much as $6-1 but this coral)* ae.
tively. high rate' is pulled down by
the East -End home. worker, who
earns anything from 62 cents to
411.10 a 'Wok. • ,
in the -unskilled women's' 'trade
there is no standard by: which wages
are computed. For instance, one
famous firm of cocoa mannfactur-
era pay women filling bags with
COCOA 2$* cents a thousand bags,
and exactly the $41116 WOX'k lift done
r te .tents. for-another-ltra.. In
st London there is a firm whose,
Is earn $3.50 a week by pack-
v. a* A
The manager t4 a tinplate factory
recently fired -time rateit.$1,40
week for his women workers and he
openly" gave the' reason that they
had taken advantage of, piecework
rates to make too much. Spine
had earned $41 -
%Ile avtrage wage, paid te wait, feet* offered her a seat OA the top
'eoneists,ototwo cage -
*wended ode, on each
'le. The interior of these
In e
bat Otte*.
OEe prbcrL of London
t i�
irerie and exhibittiI
tftt :l.!ltile-ep-en result.
the e
' ' 11e1, 4 :
. .
Itseuti1 atuzeslti
appinesi zid,curnfort
e'no7 fie,
et be'u
u..t .1
r, toeni.Anieriauthod of heafln, nby bot *ic
is uepopOlar in
-England, and stove he toke or ;ends's*.
eite urwceptablit'
• OD. DPW ia
in ti111:1eVilleSS: t 0 that an a4:'es't1)4trtr.
cr Berlin lies- in ;
the extended aPplieation of s•cheap
Progressgas irIa tg'n III uht occurring.
in both *these -directient, says Cas,
• *fitgazWe,..'and di:4 will grow
raore rapid As the supp1ie„,0of.thesw.
two forms of f1e1 are increased and
cheapened The domestic smoke,
problem in fact nov only in Lc
but in other lqrge towns.*
citis of the Elated Kingdom
Time, of Illueos Bachelor b
fereut Being..
The bachelor, bethe man or
ys of phytichil weflbexng. T
he rshe exulto unkindly -over
rs u
these carriages and of the troubt-
vue experiences okit their oc upante.
Two persons of about - *Fie
weight must sit 000 011 e side,
or the result, is disastrous.
I remember owe being with
large caravan. In one of these
kalarahe was travelling a govern-
ment official and hia wife. Ife was
vertheYrteisnuYiShe h nwg"thqaut4tethtehe'litvtreem"artet*
erally up in. the air, while
the opposite side of the kajarah was
weighted down nearly to t
They manner of experi-
ments in thew endeavor tostrike
the balance, gathering stones and
depositing them in the-lugher 4de,
tying bags,of fuel to the outside of
the kaiars,b, .but,all no avail.
At last, •in disgust and anger, the
itiottan jail -lipid out without giving
herlitisba,p4_any warning, The
The wife refused all that da
again to enter the kalarale pre-
ferring ter walk, till one of the mule:.
esses irt tea Viol)* or restanranto °Ite, of the baggage mid"- •#."
throughout the cotintry does n t
° *tonepicked b th
.up y _won e#
Ari .,trave. t
fisY in peace and comfort. At the
end -of the stage,..„,however, his wife
would not speak to him or cook
his dinner for and the rn
tame to Oxte of niy busband's as.
tistants, aid begged him to act *
mediator.. ' Even. Among Moslems
there are some \atrong.minded w
men. .
2t have travelletuariarty miles -in
one of these kajaratits, and .found
them very 'comfortable and r!tful.
even atter riding- for hours. When
travelling' ur- night,- ;lejt
tor hours At a stretth in one of
these kaistralts, the steaidy, weskits.*
ed walk of tne mule favoring slum-
er. Sometime*, however, the
monotony broken. -the ino
sniddenly dropping Veit% knees, an
ou find yOurself, deposited on the
round, shot .out like stt arjow
M bow..
husband was soon, balanced with
Lady Broxnley jig st spelt- girls mutt keep lip a'neat in weli
bound to the above • tion,-- a *trance, ,Then wages
she your daughter" she are likely *,0 interfered irith and,
gasped, as he concluded. , I even if "necessary" -ruined.
"1sTox •nisdant, and a -strange hope ,Many Arms don't pretend to pay
plug up gin my heart the moment, their trials a living.' wage. Thd
this girl„ --upon meeting Us, fell up. head of a large company was Ask-
o he knees beside the carriage in ea' recently how be expected the
perfect ehetass of recegnition and 04* in his employment -to lice on
began to..addres,s my poor Alice. $1.50 * week. •
Zut, - unfortunately, as you-- per: -A(1 doit"t evectiti4 lie -answered.
teive, the is not in st condition to 'Immediately We hear that a. giri
recognize' any . one, AU *eel- has lost her father of that she has
dent, Severs' months ago i doprivo .A314,e 003134 sulipp_tcsb&ii.,
er of her reasOrt, rged. ''.“ .
"An accident 1* Ali 1" brvithed This tame Orm etaploYs. what _it
her ladyship, her heart leaping in. "half day waitresses." They
to lier" throat.. air," she ad- work from 11.20 *an. till 6.30 p.m.
ded faintly, while 'the put out her for *iwevirw
band to steady herself by the stone
tost.ne*r whieh ebb standing, -
let of tilt hq#10 worker is t
ittleed„ not strange that
"wjI.fou kindry tell me about. jt
it i my maid *Wild have been star;14„ isf Mos 4.1taty: lige.'
its-trec yOung_lady _does resemble to to,teretary of the Women's
* ,remarlosble degree who bni"-Latitle.* goe *
ions, been tottarde,,d "s..des4 b$ bet, u e• of the 'home 'worker in the
friends."' End in an interview. ERS..
The tietrion s .coIor tbi
terrible ie that
er fit a_t they take the troubt
the said. Y"Iler Wear' Weette
It I t
t *I or do whet the will, or -
who must of-neeessity eonbult the -
claims of others in the importan‘
matters of meals aid Isms. But.
when illness gomes---say * tie
'444 by that unPrineiPled fiend M
uenza-ethe lonely Man suffers.
There no one to bother MIA wit
inquiries which, may be irrelevan
brit are always tender; no 000 to sc
he is supplied with food every ho
whether he wants it or not, to bring,
him the papers, and - to pit violets
on-Wii-dressingstable; no one to pat,
hiss pillow, to" bathe bis bead with
eau 41..eelegnes ,and tell hinit
darling old sham, not half as,bd
as he pretends.. The only Ambito
occupy" 'his mind is his own miser-
able condition, aim the stupidity or
the hireling Jamies, who will -forget
to keep up his lire. The bit a soie, -
he fancied for dinner was
when thatbig idiot, who never kes
o than he is told', vsould not fin
bim a clean peeltet-bandkerebief.
The bachellor, free as air,- enjoying
the amUsemen'ts of life, is totally
different remon from the bachelor
erouthed, in an easy -chair, wishing'
in vain for somebody to come an
i▪ s,
own electric plant* Arc
with light harvests.-
exei Isligei
will Wilk . .
try t;isid, to ten. ,01.1 that The, furniture clinsitts t.f a table *
smid Ellen, still breathless and r two With I than be mangle room zu pney alum,
link from 'extessiie emotion'
les Wt. on his *triumphant'
If'viirt` f,,‘Surkl ;her!: fn. -0 ft, imi know, regardtrig the Pqerr 6N:sit te141;," ',g6itat,ttiAtt.fh- .T.,,,114 WilSitiele told* fOstentsli wb I
; ' edrtbe ii
entry into Itonett in the year 149,
., *obs that were' itlirkot ;history. • I do not:like to h 're „bet '-i-X- - -7-- --- -.- appearing in abet ruled WIth
ei. cal again choked' her tate, 'sit still here ter, Itt" • h TI*4 ts * " * 6121114` at
r.ii , , , * _wag . ii ,,,,,,... , , , . ,, 1 k. arid,.. _surmounted by '
43. unusually firae, Alice, is oil" Tory her fail 16-gIV,e,3' 'rep ,_allYer plume Of fe*thers. It'sra.s.tbe Set
"You base, ‘totin4 whom,1" (leo kletlieste, and we are exceedingly i'l" el" 4414 "la' 311°-." tittUt the eitiorts ,:tutd. over , seen * ,
dchtt L*441,Y Pronlie$, astonished ,i' *refill not to .let her get ehiltm. , )1361$ th" ur slling$
13he **Wain*. herself in - bat, sots the -London Chron'ele` n'''
, i .
an *We -
-1 ht. .
al -
ginning to tear tha,t the gir
me suddenly &ranged. '
Iti5.e. Brew-
bsa't dead . She wasn't
he is eut. there itz the
and 011. ratnt lei
I at 1 row 1iPiltAt
UtItl," woo the ,t tartliog
nt relAY. J
1:13i41 bccetae very
, ter..r.vg to this; -for •ef
s witd worda net
send st. terrib/e she
get trottet-•Etli stz4dies str,4411.1e;:tr,',Ighvat her frame - •
ric, stititatiots 17:4-4 her ctatt;irlOr
'"ea it teal ralt t.tettent.1 still; the r-_,,sge:tisai !of;
Is as5ent._ • ex& tellf art..1 exeteLt,ent iesd its
c . Ler,
"C.rtaizy, 1 will •aetersranY reeet entirely, *mon weak tea. Som 1"12 The entrS t)t. tilillItk'f13 int°
u,'" Lady Bretnley replled. iltendos shetitir,kofoutteen cup, m Rouen the beginning of the enstorrt
ruing to her maid, -she atkled0 ins the iiitne tt*, lessei strivee. of wearing .hata in Ettrove •dated.
t:e71: g?„, rnY 'room *04' bring spin And again. That is ,one *** all , very well for the rich
a. *t. .1 women %lives of England, And tht/.6 .eitiort to follow the eximPle
Ed the gild, with a sorrowful but lite ,thousands- in similar hght al'ty, but when, the elerge began fo
orinri k at tlze invalid, darted gq k00.0: many w6men who, mal igh'for imalarsp!endcr a wv.s r6
awat. to ter'She was, TAtu,s .Ii.. .d at IL, In. gardet1 stalling away fre,-.41 grace.
• algal" In lel,' 11cft1ent5, have oVelk found the attual work.1111)riestt or religionireront wer
Istrets, lia4,ttr.y t5.ing the ha mskittg tiozen: shirts t flithititiett to appear abread in
Tp :iher bes.4, Jt.iu Ist.r re
*itbee bn
iih yeegiven ou
lg. diizeng,H 'el
er tildri,r)c 10t has, one bilo
remarked. tut watt' ntirev, *ocr :11/t*
r:g7.0 th3t it was wit *hitt. ont!her
a c,-tild articalets ,U4 fl)'eThsi
2qt5nd and
. nt back int) the house. "There is Voolwich
d $ ..yeatts
her. fibe
. (14;kee..button?
by band,
4i VII *;14, 0'04414 0'41 !'10,'140
tor.ive cceto,
J 144
10,A, *be it
d' Nat
014 (slit 111
ythin e.teept 'kbsperons made
1.0T bI*rk elot with decent ,eoro.
;still mete,. king developletu
tate in th sixteenth eentiiry.
Elisabeth ever),
e of ' years
* •
t4'hing r