HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1909-07-08, Page 8 (2)rd
tt �
'• PRE.431,
tMe•o k ,�r�� a ..tris hat seri lcg$4'p-
artt,, what you 11kr* and .we`ll de • th•
rest. t"at :esv sage here dt;ess you
won at Po2ati C! areae. Get mene'ured'l.
+It . W. TAMAN
Merchant 'failo,,
.e", .. ttariC
k$Ia$sS LICIES -- Read them
t L{ w
Any pereoan wishing Buckwheat for
seed ,ean at same at the great mill,
7 -D aata-- and ----Barley wanted :gt the
at wow& Regular mto 3 tte-a
dollaa:re—mo s-quaick
_.....,_....._ agECt?l^:l� RAND R �"Y'C'I+b`8 -- -
Five ' good se;.ond hand Bicycles for
sale cheap. John Triebner, Exeter.
Mc the yard for your choice; of ,•any,
colored Dress Miuslins at Stewart's ---ret'
idar values 15c to 25e—more quick,'
• 0101.011111111.1..111111.
COOPERAGE WORK. --I cestuis to In -
term the people tot Exeter - and vicinity
that I do all kinds' of cooperage repair.
Ing. Ali repairs gathered and . returned
Prices mcderate. ED. HEIDEMAN, San
dere street.
2 for 250 Ladies' black and tan Hose
--plain or "ribbed --regular valve 20c
and 25c. 2 pair for a quarter. Stew-
To learn tailoring. W. W. TAMAN.
30 Seamless Room Thugs, in Wiltons,
—rebels, `Va moral, Bis and Irate,;
all at bargain prices at Stewart's. Do
you- want out
SUBSCRIBE ter the Advocate and
get aall`hthel mews. ..
$11.00 bitys a swell $crnkPorceltfr *
China Dinner Set at Stewart's, Pure
whirr body with neat pink floral decora-
tions and gold tracing.
Repair Shop
. Umbrella re
IAan Mowers sharpened
i es e . !i!{ aOrd eaa
Horse Clippers a
Sawsgummed- and filed
.Wringer 'Rollers. - -
.r. •
All kinds of ` keys - filed and
locks repaired.
New Uie nice and Sundries
a rti!n x Jn
'Three doors North i
!fir ra bone r,
tb C
*au els r y gat all
bo "00110M1 to n.- t Carate* a0.,
litnot coafiril
c. 'tbi >M site
The lst of Jul
has come an
la Y;Ing
lxhe cu :c •.tSa i! ' a•- 'all WW1; ,•
4 ..k• t` vti tter, ea aIl iGe.
IIs ` gay ala 'bion '° sod bar
ro tela 'a;var:ltataazr.-te« •
T -,: :Maltt Street .Sundial, $‘,1421" mit
rtlo a�at•.a dtear. R.
.kap, '' "t•-•07: t.1.0 tozy •wZf. + 4. .
h .i•
at pr a tlni'saa W ek
tt; . t*.o u e°rt. I it t ' ,n
,'� <, �. t �' :�kt`,: � uF�� , that:
1• ea., tiii WA 'gp .434y' 'r.vc .t! t i+'
'ghb :i a' 'R nl 't iXfitias. hitt .inland
•!+�, + -7w, ** .It' Q, .
�BK�'R ��s,�RlF if n����' - Jr.�s.a.M'If
‘ pt Care talk
D:P9 t ' bisar z, ltuth7, Appinion 0#
Yo.0 'sell. that . ot1 U"s-
de ok tip :to 'YOUe.•
Ellen* and. •DIkeics..:_.. It :,.est•. mltet
prices. tilteWayts,
Some Men never think of earning an
the zest Jiving until; the$ ace»!dentally get
uaa .g094 hard volt in the right spot.:
M. McVannn l of ,fit .Marys, a Knox
College student. nt. i - at • present taking, t he
Ministerial work in the k Presbyteriaaan
as arch.
A pleasant reception was given tO
Rev. Richard 1Zobber and wife at the
parsonage 'on Friday evening on their
arrival. arrival.
A number oZ Exeter people took inthe
eareureton to Port Stanley yesterday,and
number of others are going to God.
let* to-l'1a s..-_ _
The boy is. busy those Sundays-» not
fishing but trying to attend all the Sun-
day schools so as to ring in for the an-
yhe tenth annual excursion• of the
lElUroen > 'rIft "Onto -Ave e
„Aollerich -4nd Wingbaarn on Saturday
laaet, returning Monda'y.
T. E, Handford snipped two cars of
horses tnia week. one to Winnipeg. and
tine r icer-- ' It Tu -key' and Coleinan accompany tln>ns
T e t aaw,I, . r e irra 319„,W1140...,),
tjA-;Le>Itid±' o„ud _ 'i Vcrea-
:dent's neaten 'want partially played Frl-
itty- leve Kitt k =} = ibut--the-rrast at --it �lairr� t.
-- -Brussels- -1n- the
game or football ne,�- the- -se,��2-�itns-
fear rite intermediate c? lniaampionship. but
,ot . enough to • overcome their-toriner
defeat by Bruvsels.
Dr. Kinsman and Dr. Itoul/3ton. Den-
tl st / of ,, Ex.Iter . desire to announce that
th 1x' offices will be closed every Wed-
nesltay, afternoon during the months of
July and AugUst.
Tie death occurred in Alberta last
week of Mrs. McMillan. a former' resi-
dent of Het..sail and Exeter. While re-
siding in 'Hensall she was- i tis. Robert
Andreson . and when'a resident -,pt
eter she was Miss Vilna Miles.
Mother`s of restless small boys, home
for the holidays, are reading up hintis
on First Aid to the Injured. For the
next few week. they will be kept busy
anointing stone bruises, extracting bee
stings and administering eoilc checkers:
The horse of Dan Prior ran away on
Monday eventing While being hitched to•
the -buggy..-- The buggy wsaali-badlr'_daaur-.
aged- and tine' horse injured.. Mr. Prior
was about to give the , horse a drink
of water when the aniimsl bolts►,d.--t�lin»
ton • New ,Era.
Mr. Ambrose Cottlee has purchased a
-tine new. Ilse° automobile, It -arrived on
Monday, and is a nice running'amachaine.
This Sas the second now owned in town.
We -understand that several other gen-
tlesnen intend purchasing machines.
Residents of Exeter will regret - to
ice tl t___Nle ,A1 Sheere *fortun-
ately suffered a second stroke of par-
,`lysis in Brantford last week. For a
time he was rendered • helplesi and also
`speechless. but he is again recovering
the tree of his, limbs. and, also hist-volce.
The Public -School 3oard of Brantford
has 'derided to abolish sllat+s In the
etchco1s, on the ground that the}* are
noisy and tinsataltat°it, . and . that they -are
conductive of poor writing.; Mereitfter
all grades . in the ideal Schools will be
teapplieed with scribblerrs and copy book..
and more attention will be paid to pen
rnanship; -- - •
Tut -zr*r y -ot-- bird lite has,
caused a� great increase .in insect pests,
etc., an exchanges goes op to alai.. ,, W1,
are not disputing the statement, but `we
beg to statee, . thnatt the -birds • seem ,quite
plentiful enough when ' then, g !:Cored In
gobbling up every cherry ° o'ra : a well' lad-
en tree .in Mfrs. E. Sanders garden, ., to
the rear of the of!l e. Not ear rsinglee
chgry, did she � t. , • ,, ,
\lk rr theenrl .casted ailrgeinieht on`the iglitt•1
nr—n ek --took Mike- ttwatn- qtr-
P. /Snell and same int the cosi cilinen a a at
the '14:Idda;r. evening meeting. It 'did not
develops into a fistictutt encouter, bit'
sono plaint ,loll, . and not alta' eet„her'
ebmplimentary talk • was - indulged in
rant aaa .tear ininutees. It diose troth* disat
-pute a aas' to whether a ertittu lights were
not bttrraing when they al outil have berm,
Mr.' , t 1l. Me ,'rov`e, M.P P., Who has
been tr aching in the' Meter hoot ssitice'
the .Easter holidays, returned to his
int one ip '' 'ingh a n Fast week. prior Atli
his' lea*Ing he tt*rtained the .niembers
of the Canada Flub to a pleaaratnt even.
it" ;alit their mollis where Mr. • )►lain
g�}�ve, during his' / fay 1 -ere. has been
+u l.o toned guest. The boys have all nils
kin dl✓ and -affectionate feeling for him
and regretted to see hint leaner tow il,
'eat time ya,ss�• are teni$ted' t '' $tib tts
to mail order departments tore' con -
the aadvertlaa rit% in tli Iocal Oa-
1rcro and visit your home Merchant. It
las tot What you want° he will get
it torr you. It it° it law not right he Witt
will make it right.for you. Nothlon,+ran
fairer the Vthie. Tau will not loot
ak ryt' Dry by the transajtlon, lot* will
.the gainer In the !sing mitt, *ridgy ou
wail have the saiistaa tlitin 'of knowing
haat +bei araree doing ,your Oats kowarde
Cho' i� r
)d friths f'rnt"
�rfirs OTC trtolp.'
.. sill Antes
..0 • e daaaar f ` !
in de els v�+ rr aard y
: �!i oi' deka ia'tilh' r .�rard r t
Mrs. A ps�'.•-fM.i Rlfrl.yY;Y July
be at 1.7.Q.M)e.�,n
L`,.ec A'zieez0ea alter July. -10th.
.As � tW.9' act'C 9t t+ 4? 1 a..• .
'need tb' Mr! rtuettgoni.„ at tt•e n9r111
4,4 .'tow. -and! will tAke posses-
"cn 4 �D . •S'e tern r. •
ai EBALI! .:110• % P1}: ''R^''13, Ogn*risa1'
la ax E '''er BattesbaZiteAnitts ;T $t Das
t3 e cis ; Grpaianc#s.:lav I u#rl y'..ertn1 ,
seat, • th • 'weeks7611'.4e. sa era+ ii;et '.
• Q# , ,A n atc1t and tr bodle' Ohoi
ee the „game.. litMtts at fi v e oek •Ad
ifi*I1a only' „'. . •
44AniWas : f1 lytit r ti>tr .
» :.Inntt't+na xfseiteeel''lin ,acthlla 3t1�
tweek ,. '
MISS 492142 ' Weis
•{� h,,`a>t'i..9i1dan'Y1ea
thrall .hero.
Geo g Arins r
l • o
at present.
� tali;°S+at,def4,' tnillttiar; is t,gnte
rem London.
Musial Iia 13lssaaett of London le visiting
rfelativen here.
Miss Addle Morlock ai:d Mary are vis-
iting in London.
Miss Mabel Walters of London spent
the holiday tore
Freda rental.) was up from, Lend*
part ot. the week, .,
Mr. and Mrs. John Pedlar visaed i/!
Sarnia this week.
Mrs. F'r"ed Matter returned to Alvinston
one Thursday last.
Mr. T. E. ffandford intends Tsarina;
for the went Friday.
Aitoaa Stella Southcott is visiting with
relatives in London.
Miss Lillie Bali of Fordwieb In visit-
ing relatives in town.
cneveland ,this week.
Mr. Lo'sae lett old as Wil? to
Mks" allay Gill of Fort Erie 1* home
for the Summer vacation.
Mrs Jcfua Matheson -of Ayr le r
newlrg ssieges! tar ep4 _in town. -
-- :i`ra.- LL ur. Vortif of Ingernellie visit!
friends in Exeter and Eli, twills.
itcdtha — ,
�e?iA�4 Wit.
Was ` 15ijla Johns returned lartt w
tr•'om u/ visit o! Several weirs in -tea
aF _ -
"Ilse n -win d--v�; -U�r yj
ited• ter- &o . t'We tn>!* In i~h�ter-2+1ci>t`tl� last w
Ie.�;pra� A. McDotaell and E. Chris
are attending the tendon Races th
Mrs_ Hutchinson And daughter •
L�'ndo l spent the holiday at Mr.. Hie
Qu rice's
Mr. Nelson Sheere and wife of Fo
William are on a visit with relativ
n town.
Misses Gladys I:lor'd and Mina Kin
tom are visiting 'In Toronto, Niaga
and Buffalo. '
Mr. Albert • Sutton- of Martha,.,--Irld.,w
ere ,fast week renewing acquaintance
slid visiting relatives.
Mas Annie Rarvey Of Detroit is n
!silting her father, Mr. Jamas katve
Stephen, for a few weak,.
•1 eattie Martin returned ;p I.ored.
Friday. On Monday he and E3al. 'NMI
i Henan!l left for Regina.
Mra., .Mara and grandsdn,_ Murray, o
usa,n are- ,,visitors with -the former'
aughter, ,lairs. W. S. Cole.
s l,uuince of .�
Mae 011ie Quance of Moorefield • �ra
olldaying at their tome here..
Mix* Ena McPherson'awent to fort
ueaday to meet her.sister. Coria, wh
wiU - spend the, holidays at her �`tte7e
Mrs.'` Pboebe iiaarrias has returned fru
'visit in $eeafor'i*.- Mrs. Grace Udl
.edttou also spent' a hew days !tai Seat
r nla1.
ran -4:
***s *0 s�..a►�a. ..?
Ter ra.l4.larRr�}fk.+fr0******
'ret,, f'1Iv
+*w a'I t`t di Ir sir, ,1.50
tea A
�.�.. is-•'
.._ +JLC
• pp.Ri
i�ek • *1 1,„ea�r . 'p
"Mr,, 'David Maack o- Tuesday thorflifg'
g!pt an ',thenorth ono• freight train
art ,tire t2me tit t► a pUn p•house :tire, un -
d reenter! halt's ,wosul to
cd /the '!ieetie tat • the • fire, but falling
stop he took a cranes and Jumped,. wItha
't:..e t°e9uit, that he landed on' .a sto ,e
and fell. getting a few Ionises and rr<
nasty out on the chin, as well as a steak
Ing up that was not pleasant.
li'IR ,-»About 11 o'clock on Tu t ,y
manning l , -slam-sounded.
it was found that the pumping house 0!
the £1. T. It. a a at tate bridge was Oil tire
/moon burned to- the ground. The
the started from the engine used to
pump the water. and the engineer was
present at the time, ,-,butt lacking suffie-
'len9t bows or a ladder to reach the root
he Could not put it .out." This is - tete
second time the building has been burn-
ed within a few years.
000 .
0 ' e
llan gra the--agency-or
+'� .
X oma► -read
y li) +nlp.>$arm
ere' Barns and Bay owa with,
same. These forks, without
doubt, are the -
Best an the Market
Mia. it. P. Eggers .and_ ehlldren_
cye:icago arrived hereMo><nday to visit the.
;rimer's are ts,. Mr. and Mrs. E.'
Miss Louise C:aariing has returned from
a visit in Ncrwi:h. She was aaecompani-
ed here by her cousin; Miss Paulifte
Elliot, who\will remain for a time.
Jos. Spackman ofs Shedden. Mrs. Chas.,
GUbert, Mr. Rola Gilbert and witee ot.
Taibotville, were visitors ,with Mr. snot'
;ea. John Spa:ckraar over the holiday.
Miss Rose Finkbeiner, Mrs. F. f'ilum-
kousky and Master Alex. Potter all of
Derrlin, were . visitors with Mr. aiu'i Mrs.
iron 1leyw*od 'during the holiday sea.
Mr. Samuel Sample, teacher of Wet-
ord and family are here. the guests
-firs. tmple's - Patents, fir. and Mr*,
W. Bagshaw: Mrs. Sample, we regret
tee say. is {iquite in, '
Mr. Herb. K*uthcott and. Mr. Bruce
Anderson are visiting in Goderich, Mr,
Fowl r 0f . Cerediton is taaaking •fir. Ander.
sans a in the. Bank -. of Comrrtercre
wangle the fatter .13\ irk. Ids holidays.
A hong the Eur er Vaitors in l endon.
on the 1*t were Mier Panni Efillilett,
,WAS - A1`.I0 'landlord, Mr. and Mr*. A.
Stewart and daughter. William Creech.
Arr. and Mrs. John Mellott and children
IrenrY Could, Ed. Treblb ware and son.;
Mr. Robert Praatyne and Miss Pray'ne.
tan/ are the guests of Mise Edith Davi*.
Miss Iliac!: i nd Verna, Moore ot.,Wlni«
Mr. Clifford ° Spaackxnl *n lettturaialr
for Guelph to reside'.. rs«
Will join tuim there shortly. Ht. his
taken a position with Macdonald Pros.
and has charge of one 'or the depart
merits, of , tip it 'large store. '
as 1'tl'la I1'axvlkitis, woo le'a* ,bees
riding ChltharniBubbles* College, is
tsar the 'congratulated on anal' sutcess, t -sial►+,
l.ng csiripleted her course with highly;
slitlriifactory result*. Minx .spending A
few 'day* at her homo hem ieftMona.
day morning to fill a poiltion in they
office t•ori the Wa krrvilie 'Breewing Via.
sines, Gardeners,
e' h ,f your too
ox n., a nice b
on the lawn trim.
e tbe i e tote'.+ ► e : t i► flake fa'tb
t t
Binder Twineor' garnering the 'ain.
If there's un hin else you need -that -at
r ardw� store keeps, we have it.
, iayi
;and then, if you 'w3 day's recreatOn, •bny-
1 e of ' • everybody
take a day's outing. ,
WK. -S & SON
.r�-n zfR
-Always somethinguired fort the home at_
this- _ _-_..•
season -41 t ;. ' ear: -a ee 1oueb Tor - - - -_
Vie. lci�sr,
. • -
�i¢xf. .aY,%rlr, V ».K
te�Ce..=.�'�ol' _u�t��_
��b�nat�on ��-
r i .
des=Felt- iattre a -in. --
`ire Springs!,, .guaranteed notr to sag, none.better
Iron and Brass Beds, for quality and- design none -
equal. Lail and inspect our stock before you pur-"
chase. No .trouble to show goods --but delighted.
and to use them
is to be convinced. We guaran.
tee satisfaction and the price is
Wm., Gillespie, Exeter
: M -
The Leading Nolte I'nrnishere and Funeral Directors.
PRONE ,ill
er�'sOood News
The matr°keet priers for old junk
are ally. and so is the old reliable .
rtGl --31.: J , iK$O. N At SON—one :.
_dear south of thet opmrllt ,... _
Juste± 1, at the—following prices
(no trade and no truck) all CASE:
B�-- . 75e per hundred
Iron from 60e to 75e - "
Old Rubber Boob► .. 7e Per lb
a 1 ice.
Horse Hair, .. >
Lead and Zinc21c- .
N • pip, Agar m rarely et iron pi
aalavaalrss sass haauld sial q ..
asi+le price. sasizsat►tet
vixen , memo & l ot3I. rviannta11
M. Jackson & Sons
*MN ST.. l~C:
'off1T,E ; ;'L .''a ttc`pgwys Horton .
N *UEN you ROLL TITS Douai'
made from our flour yea will find 11. lust
,right. fel Instinctively that YOu:.
are going to have good luck with Your
baking. and' you will be right. '
Tire] WOMAN W110 CI'1ES•01m, noun
*Iwo* has good lt rk. ven an or.Qln-'r
art'° baker gets s.p' etld'id result*. •
time baker prodtr* better brad, a.
and pie*' than she ever did before. Ori'
der a Siiasck of our tlotatr as an expel.
mewl. We know you will like it better
,than any aotner You �hirt erten tried. -
n - ONTAirtIO
This is the math we clean u
our Spring stock. Come alongand be .
Cleaance of Wash'Suitings -
tipr .a the sea son's selling of our popular Wash Suit nge, we want
to clear them all out esti/ to give our customers *of time to
wear Vona. Only a few, but all to go at the following prices:
All 20c am, sac Waist Suiting to char itt' 15c pt.
..tse 7r , .• •e 22,0- sea
ery e sation
' This has been ter p
b�"R�k milli � ha aur bfaster►►r�r, Log,
order to cleat out every hat We are Tering than •
eduction of
Half PriceiCel
fast a few Choice one' left • •
• 1 d�
Corset Myer
A tine *exon at
204 26c and yd
alt and Conan.
- etc oft be new Dutyc.,h.
nor, el ,&114* ,
5klrt s,O*ws`np, 0. Covers
r affil itt ask
$Its, Titi
Pitney Parasols
OnIr 'as few left~ -will,.
t ' clearat our duly Sails.
Bek Piatasols
A real Wet **iodation
to cilikose trona oduo044
tog s
mod Fraifs
tww you s
is n
J J.