HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1909-07-08, Page 7 (2)Pith 'Xiiswleilige 'Moot, ,Drerytills* • 1 re1s zn bite deeper, than, ‘4•.. eMel able That j% th. me, Wine AOwflJ - ogjail, he her btrencLI. 0', ithitan • !lenges through:which:15)1e is. psc- £ r.":` 3 k have raised thousands of growing girls Out of the, depth* of ,Mitery, _end despair to a full enloymeut- of good health and strength. 'Among thosewho have, found good health / through these Pills is Mjss Steldard 'f Ilaldimand, Que., 'concerning whose case her -mother writes. -as, follows :—"Dr. Williams' . Pink - rills have beena great benefit to lnsi aliiighter whu was 'tv'ead; and trostrable. She was pale, easily tired and was bothered with indi- gotion. The use of the Pills has brought back her health, *mimed* -herAtrong 404_4041m 1 Am very gratefut orwhaLt this wonderful Villisons Pink "Pills arethe tesadtaitA, %Pr 5t medical science. That why they cure anaemia, rheumatism, heart palpitation,indigestion, 'neuralgia, ete. That is' why they are of such sable to; wow') and giers-ddiring the changes through, which they rlho--gLWtattiritit;- el ,Pills are so y reedititi3- eaters or , direct' by mail at 50 tents a box of six 10 u. foist •The Dr. Williams' Medicine Iirckville,-Ont. NEVER HEARD OF ENGLAND. Barbarous People 'Who Own Alle- giance to no Government. When the British expedition now operating in Northern Nigeria has completed it' work, three hitherto conquered .tribes of savages Will 6 been brought under the do -i mace of the White Man. These are,the Munshis, the Abadies, and ,the'Okpotos. So the civilization of mankind goes on. But it is slow work. For, in spite of all that has been recent - accomplished; there are still -S=0 MOOS of barbarous folk left in the world, who-e-wir- allegiane no regular system of Government, each doing that 'filial is right in is -own eyes. In the interior Of New Guinea, Or instance, there are,more:than orty distinct tribes of savages, any of them head-hunters and caw •vibe's, who know of the existence of white people from hearsay only. 'hep have never even heard of Eng- TICe Tchuktches of north-eastern Siberia, although • 'supposed to be zubject to RUssia, pay no taxes, iand recognize no man as master. Indeen, Mr. Harry de Windt, who spent some time amongst thein, dis- covered that they hid never even' aid of the existence of the Czar. Similarly, Dr. Sven fledin found 31) Tibet recently a tribe of nomad bbers who did precisely as they s pleased, careless alike of the au- therity of the. Grand ;Lama or the 'Mites° Emperor. The masked maregs- of the central Sahara, de- sert 06 similarly free arrd inde- Defld , the New Ifebrides are meny lands whose-interkrs have never heen visited by Europeans, for the, pie reason that to attempt to do 110 Wouid be to court certain death At t e hands of the treacherouskind nndictie natives. A littte to the north of Assam, too, I almost within i;ght ef the tea-gardens and the retty bungalows of theplanters it 'the gountry of the Padamites: ' 'wherein no white man his dared to is -feet for at least five years past. 0113 110111111 .1111, TO110 LTliIu o hot, weather Months are *it ous time for.all mothers but fairly ifor young moilliers. ..are the most fatal time ofqhe r babies and•young children, ie ot the great .Prevalence of aeh and bowel troubles. These a!most. without warning and btfre the mother realizes there is danger the little 011es he beond aid. No other me - i. opal Baby's Own Tab - in omptly curing bowel and oubles and an occasional ghrn he *ell child will keep teniach and bowels free from ULAXi iltivincla sookera kiss ** ,Orleitt4'.110114,4y. unday I witnessed buffal iti for the first time in my lth wu t BatuThtker1 in oecurrente. . 'Jbo an 1* fouht • /in an enclosure r platforms fc ay Jor their spot, SS' her ad two r sister on 'your , well as 40 It is coniplit En land is owned ' people. ,' The hones and in selesoef the' hu- man body are calla lo Or Over 11200 different movements. Paris has e club for young men pledged to-keep-4**n their wives' milhinery bilis. By using the inicrophene the in- audible treed of the fly sounds ‘ like the tramp of it horse. In Italy the knife of the assasiiin closes the career of thirty persons out of 'every 10,000. The head of the °Wine:6r match is Usually compound of phosphor- ous , chlorate of , potash, and glue. Aenrolls ,Terinuilte ish anywherein the' To obtain' the, best resultsfrom 4"14eakttettectrilsolderttstif irj right, and 'hung up at night. Between 80 and 00 out of 100,per- sons are more or less susceptible the influence -of :hypnotism - Arctic explorers seldom return to Aitir natural climate without jut - Umber occasion ouSend Business began caniest essobn U the cm -bat -onto wre loosed. Their 'heads came together with a thul, they separated, came together again and putihed and strained for AU advantage.. In all this wild pu ing and drooling one sow that the combatants were nianoeuvririg -to bring their horns into pay Again their heads came together, and this time the favorite worked One of his horns until the.tip of it ,was well under his opponent's neck. "With_.a. sudden jerk upward he hfted the other .;# ffJis almost a eornp1ete eircle one of his horns. hen his nec muscles relaxed and the Other buffalo's forefeet found ground again.' At once the 'wounded animal retched himself out of danger and -71re-Wefliit 7a,IL•1;r•tm---teils---.---- anagediorgarethtrfavorite-in-the- On. an average,„ each resident of one -eleventh _ of his income on intoxicating drink. Bamboo trees do not blossom un- til they attain 4their thirtieth year, when they -produce seed profusely, and then die. In Sweden the public -houses are. closed on Saturday — pay-day — while the savings banks are kept open until midnight. The Nile is noted for tee variety of its fish. An expedition sent by the British Museum brought florae 2400 specimens. - It is estimated that • not fewer than 400,000,000 "shooting stars" enter our atmosphere every twenty- four hours. Water thrown upon Ice in the Arctic regions will crack It lust as boiling water breaks g1as. This a esh aus 1 'colder than the water. A *cc of whit_e_meslin tied round - -- ti belt -handle- of a house in Hol- land informs inteipiing visitors that . A political speaker was attacking a cote of infectious disease is in the_ the Goverement of the day with dwelling. more venom than reason. A man - Of the races of -the world, 800,- et the back of the hall at last cried 000,000 are white, 700,000,000 yel- out, "You're wrong, sir I" A -little lcw, 215,000,000 black, 35,000,000 nettled, the orator continued with. brown, or Malayan, and 15,000.000 ,out heeding. Presently, in -answer red, or North'and South American to another strong assertion, .tanie Indians. • again, "You're wrong, sir!" The, Japanese children are naiellowed speaker looked angry, but continu- to attend school until' sifter six' tel on the warpath'. "You're wrong, years Of age, as the Japanese. 4-- girl" again rang out,— lieve that school education before, Angrily Addressing the .persist - 41 ie Phisially and mentally det- ea one, the orator cried, "Look rimentaL here, 1 could tell this mansome- . The largest 'churches in Europe thing about this Governmenexhich sill contain the foliewing numbers: wOuld make his hair stand 'on end." St.. Peter's, limpet 54,000; /Clan "You're wrong *Pin, air1" '01=0 Cathedral, 37,000; 'Kt. Paul's, Lon- exultantly' from the critic, as he don, 25,009; 'St. Sophis'e, Con- stood up,and removed his lest. His stentineple, 23,000: Notre Dame, head *St ,a* held as the proverbial Paris, 21,000; Pisa Cathedral; 13,- billiard hall. 000; St. Mark's,, cake, 7,0,0o. SCOTC0 HORSES. eye. Middened vit1ipain and rage, the favorite bore down his opponent with sheer fury of his at- tack. The latter fled. The fight had lasted fifteen minutes. — lie flees only to die. The owner of the victorious buffalo slaughters him, cuts him up, distributes the meat among his friends and sends the entrails, the muzzle, the tail and other parts of the animal to his previous owner. A quaint cus- tom is observed. The owner of the loser fires off a. gun as soon as he receives his 'present' as an loth =don that he will get another buffalo within the year to match the, victor. The penalty should he not fulfill his words is $IM 11. like ennt being handed 'over to him should the bull he challenged not be forth- coming to meet his new competi- tor. Kings Did Kuehl° Insprove Native -,- • lE iipt to be forgotten that fleet - land has been fatneus,for its horses fren?",the most ,ancient'dael When Agricola deflatedthe. CsiledOrtians at the Battle of • the' GraMpis,0*, D. 84, the Celtic enemy, as Tot; cittis relates, were exceptionall strong „ln eamiltY and charioteer*. SuccessiTe Kings lot Scotland did mueli to improve-its-nativit breed of- ises; and, in this connection, it is not to be forgotten that the first Seottish King of - England, James 1. did more to improve the rue. boritex in. Great Britain than 'leas ever done before hiM, er' has eVer been done, by any individual sinco. QUESTION' . OF ARITIIMETt /awes WAN the real author of• litirse.racing, as it has since ',been pub' sthoolniaster's lite ktown# in England. ne Ai*** Who happy one sometimes, but in first established regularr; courses at least it has its compensation cad during his reign there came in Here is * letter from an anxiou* to,•.being the code of regulations parent reeently received bysteach- thatt led up to theornodern laws of cr in that IStittet the. Turf. Nobody denies that you in future give ny horse.roing hat 40116 /InAtil for the Itnn easier, ioms to do . at rats', breed ,of British horses. It was s This is what he's brotight Imam two gift from Scotland. or three nites beck: *If for gallins lly way of supplement to the fore. ofbite will fill thirty -to -pint hot:: going, you should tear in mind hose tits, ,how many pints and great was the dearth of horses in tie* will 'nine **Ilia* of here- iir , England when Jame* Ascended the Well, we „tried and tould make throne. IDS redecessor, Queeti.:Eli. • at All, and my boy cri of tlie greatest- blessingsto ents is Mother - Grave*" Worm ermin&tor. • It effectually ex- wornis and, gives health in *nous moaner to the' little 'You roust let the 1/107 have alr tOW's Milk to drink every said the doctor. "Very well, if you ssy so, doctor," said the perplex - mother "but I really don't see how he is going to hold it all." Practically all Canadian drug- gists, glovers and general dealers sell Wilson's Ply Pads. If your storekeeper does not ask.him why. ......._ -1 the enthuslais iligitt; soulfully. "Yes," barkedout ern* old bachelor, who hap- pened to overhear her; "but. Wale of us have !nighty poor voices," , - , • A -General Favorite—In every place where introduced Dr. Tho - j masLEcleetrie-Oit les-nottlailed-to- -establish-arrepUtation,-showiug-that the sterling qualities whith it seitses are valued everribere when they•liewme, known. . It is in gen- eral use in Canada and other coun- tries as a household medicine and the demand for it each year shows that it is a favorite wherever used. "Young man," said a father, "I don't' want you to be too _attentive to -my .daughter." "Why—or-- really," stammered the young man, "I had hoped to marry her some," "Exactly; 41,i3d, I'd like you to mat- ry her, but if you're too attentive to her You won't have money enough to der itl"•., Try blaring: Bye Remedy., POI lited„ wool', Woorr.reourr rt.*, otterutsues. proue*Priakathi:40**:4414144.,omeof01711150:111*,Tv.:::::0**::::.dsdlit"lorbY4'otitsX44P01411:40041.3: Traub*. vox will MO SOW- t 11 i****4 nylliel***; ,C010A1** 110 141446** or a inint,i0sk NarbseArs, Ill sand on IntioxistAsit Sq. The Husband —"You *ant to knew Where I was's° late last night 1 I was at the office balancing my books." Th ie Wife -9t seems to me that you balance - your books very often. That excuse • is about threadbare." T: e Husband—"11'm! If you don't believe Me, why.don't you consult a fortune-teller V' The, Wife-- *Not much. Teonsulted one ono, and she told me a .pack of lies." , The Husband—"Indeed1 What did she tell your The Wife —"She told me I 'would get a rich handsome, kind, attentive, and truthful husband." . ........ Very many persons die annually from -cholera and kindredisuromer complaints, who .might have been saved if proper remedies had been used. If *tacked do not .delay in gettin a bottle of Dr. J. 1). Ke Wed ' Individual Is-- thie - 7 itysentery-Cordisili-theinedi-1 407hei.o-they swear people'?" Pent. that never. failsto effect * taissioner for Oaths --"Yes,, sir; re. . Those who have used, it is whet can I do for you 1" , Excited ads promptly,* and thoroughlyInttividual--,:q..., want 'it, take An subdues the pain. and 4fileits., oath never fig put down another ' carpet.PP , . , . . ......... , . The Pill That, Bingi Relief. Wheis; after 'tole hes partaken of Meet he it oppasipsd by feeling* of fulness and pains in the stomach he suffers from dyspepsia,. which will persist if it be not.steeit with. Parmelee's Vegetable Pills are tho vcry beat' medicine that van Is taken to bring relief. These pills are specially compounded to deal with dyspepsia,and their sterling qualities in this respect tan be vouched for by legions of 4users. "I ,see your hairis falling out, sir," remarked, the 'hairdresser, who was getting reedy to 'Work the bar -tonic ,iclea, 4n, the custmner. ,tou duet gob anything of the sett," rejoined his victim. "What you see is the sequel to a failing out between Mrs. (lodger* And nip self." seTishhe Veh THE kittrt SAVE. ALWAYS flA0.--Ahrlisit to this great ' *IWO" Of k, le' Meath aster_eastroputoes wilco* *ter putt' Up -Q*• X*11 by Davit 1 Loy:loom° f 4 „ When a Scotsman answerifr-* question he settles the r in dispute once Vir all. On a certain 4ceas2on the tinestioa virs "Why' was Mary Queen horn atf Linlithgowl" Sand; Eerr promptly answered: "Becauseber mither was staying there"; and there *dually seemed to be nothing Inoresto he *laid on the subject. ), Mout ere, now' rtl. gwo, you ,$134r rir you'd atthe carpet to in e /04 Pete;;-"I'd-lilorto- doit um, hot -A -Totter teach_,yer les son. Never trout the word of at t tel stranger." •If every housekeeper would u Wilson's Fly Pads freely dung the Summer months the hOuse fly peril would_ soon be a thing of the past. HARD TO CONVINCE Prtif. fi- co you're going to marry old Gotrox's daughter, eht Well, you know, that two can Jive as cheap as one." • • of -that" fabt.41 -1Veillf 'HOME Mtn* * -reuxe4-th*v-tor adapted for los In OM at sudden nooklent or Illness. %Ids _411 one is "Painkiller.' 2.5o. a, bottle. Avoid substitutto, tber. Is but Pus "FujuitilIey "—Pera PAVIV-25n- und 4043. ITS USES. larber--who-waus.--cuttingli" once, said to him "You 'ave a large teiTtd, sir; it is a good thing 140 '41rite a large 'ead. for a large 'eadrneans a large brain, and a large brain,is the most useful,. thing a man can 'eve, as it nourishes the roots of the 'air."' Pill for Delicate Women. The most delicate woman can u dergo a course of Parmelee's Vege- table Pills without fear of unplea- sant consequencesTheir action, while wholly effective, is mild and agreeable. No violent pains Or surgings follow their use, as thou- sands of women wile have used them eau testify. They are, therefore, strongly recommended to ,women, who are =pore prone to disorders of the digestive o,rgans than raen. MS BLUFF -CALLED. "Sense me ma'am," said the husky- Imbo-,---Aut-litit-ttingrre nuff eat a raw dp . "Well?* replied the womanon the back porch, "just wolf here a second and I'll call one up for you." But the h. b. wait tryiegto beat his *sin getaway record down the It is an undisputed fact that ene packet of Wilson's Fly Pads fits asetually killed a house, flies. Fortunately no BA civantity can ever be found in a well kept house, but whether they be few or Many Wil5otes F17 Pads, will kill them all. WANTELrL viiklyrisit tusoll-ptliotty ivb4t1t- ors 11i11*4 XtXt$0 Or le A irilta tee% 5iop�.si St 0404o soda .s. *sou soy bto o "me us ototOostimr*Rt 1lew$0,31Xogii1 plk* elf sellirsitis'. oss. iirtiosteostunssles; nitentitasseeptfor. ot Koos" tyres& ototo lowoot ph. of loikut to boy otoo a.rty.tkW* to ikly IWthty0 writs ot, atom* ir 040 toma rot wk u to boy, *34 ors will 14*X *X 00**1104** or dm** 1144441101 'Oat SOO t x*0 irtal,0**9101104***14**4. i0,446000tX0SORMIXX, ULL CS *kb 41.y. N., ilroutooyono, Xits". ..,471tini114yogulutykOntb."141tUft.""4: 07411"VeiJot3T, eCtire :the Agency • ting . THE?sprout *WE: :POLICYHOLDERSMOTLIAL .LIFE, 4412nPlosundicuir. ' Tatou COWS stookslonutlit spot solitoatoissalsalsa. *1 TORS*T8 STOlatry 1:011114T0. CAMS, , &slur Diotonso WS, IOU ilt4 WARREN GZOWSKI & CO. - Sistobots Torouttebtook Ifotolosatgo. Tradors Unit Sulltass, IS *road etts,O, TOXOlai). 112;WYORII: riti, it itioilMentr (Que.) Cuardhus„" la Its t S3rtl Y4140, of Publleitkeus *For very many years the 41ef . iorgan of the Conservative party of the Eastern Townships. *"The - Guardian" Is..en-avage- &whir= paper, ind has been condutted by the present editor without inter- ruption for 50 years, , who retires' in consequence of advancing years. The plant is in fair order, and consists of a moderate stock of news _ sad' job type, 7 -horse -power engine 'end boiler, Peerless Gem cutter,. 24 -in. Campbell power press, me - aim Gordon (modern), --circular and -card_ press, in per- fect order; three verylargestones, -tables, furniture, tools, addressing machine, stoves, etc., etc., Apply either to 8; "'RANK Vi1tS014, **Soto., or W. E. JONES, Blelkineu4 flue* iisesc;0,' ,mall„xtt BrokiUc, Ont ty of Englishhre was , en'it 4*6-- heunting-liela wont are been for that lino otter. than .eOlinte thottoif tndy hottl my boy put It know * *e spi