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Exeter Advocate, 1909-07-01, Page 8 (2)
E�. OAL Mese joie• tiiwe inbe, vi2 €tra,'fozrI t7 aittf R tea. 13. Siantrnai was tel Tor nt0 +414 t It : ttisa Zaast week.. -. . �r �Ae k,'��a \�to *f k� c�k��� are h'M� -.i^bM1t tr1s . and to.licas: 142]'51n at Detroit. c.3 't� :Sites, . Wilson retuned to hce• LO:tue in Wr..,'�� ran dg:Abt'�gct to ��w4rttt 'i�liit� tiiQ la wn h oWfar. ' , ' • , ;des. 1 Q . Sit and child of inttoo ,., { , aro vssriti4 here. a hast .1'#t `-dry 1$410;;0•4 a rybody Zr."tt ttz"ai# 1" t "-.. ladoRt'--4*--1 PO tw't Ra _ tt a =rt laity'• in t4Wn. . tells. pva Godwintoa'usteriy of lute, /digs Itasilett of r tasonville, is tivaast a t3rric d• at Parkhill ytinterdslf, , iil,s . P 4 ,. Par`its Or en 25, ,celat*; a >4u1*: - -11.1t t iarjzE 1SeI ip. returned , t !r ` her' at, h ale'S ,P !g Oto . + osti ` no note, t?Oliie gi Ingersoll iiain,r4y,t, , {' 1,0'01. Ct a b.:a • qtr.. t►t ., - Ot- Tortanto .'dra, 'ata .,>kA1F€:i t,�k'�lMY±if iE`1 Ver 'a tie .ie, dta ll ei t>ted " rc ideas '.ttwc ``y ! t t � t+ ,e +el tett :t its batt; . TE Cik us rpotliute. ,slay, o 't«tarr is f►' to w. tl tea hQ11 is.. 3 '� t. err, �,y., .e�YY Centralia L "rt*F. LF7Le : �4ltl � ''..t dcle it°f c me, ' by e1Aage. herniae `..-;d+c . :ishtQtxeill Yioilit941,"wtrnitk. titrcitit< ti.}".fledttac tatut`A rr an lr1e .SAAe'73xbik+t 1tttln t ." Vit'$., $' Cibii'lbw it#n. '': .' '��, �,at'�r?w' ,.ptA 'trt3E't!,• 'T0 : .'pfif'I��3r3��.O l;t'•=�,.��• temp' tation' -,!i i f•: they meet it, tour scut • . • V ,` 1►irs. Norman Lloyd left on l�torn-„„, for ,„ T.lae 9, y man 'When business does 'Fart wi'l lam, where, she will .Coin tier DE VAI I4 . IJRPssPD 0' • not. n ,, advertising is the Maus who httsbalasi. - ` 1,0Ole o• er aur Site line of suiting*. pack d°`ea rant want to sell arrnythInge. Mr. and Airs. George• Soutltrcatt we out, what you .like, and we'33' ase Gum" Manna i, t"out of bataet for here. Isar k. 'and har ona to the rest. Qo;,i es made here dress you a time owing tact tvwo' severely sprained Rend ta. catnweaap rZor the suvaagllitber. well at rami' charges. Get` naea.ured. wrists -suetai -w# (C4t.) W T Clarke ot Port Hope ' ..?wilding. is visiting her aunt, Mrs. Chas. Torah.' 'Wheat halt as good igmwth ot ,Statile and other relatives in town, alas this year. We plucked an ordinary Siis.) .Hazel L. Browning returned from stalk trona the field of Win. Robinson, Whitby College on Saturday, having pas Stephen, on Friday, Which measured 5 sed a most creditable examination. Sheet 5 inches in length., The grain IS Drs. George and Addle I3. ' . • " aaokln; line and it will --no . + • a amtlton are visiting - 2tir.. fore It wtli and harvested•Mrs. A. Holland, for a few weeicaa The country ya got the better of ' �Mies. C. H. %i'oriaey and sora- Eddie left the :Y. M. C. A. Football team Friday ^ Wednestday for Cargill to spend the fight, dettatint► them 3-?. After the inelid ,y. while Eddie will remain for the amer game when they were defeated suriune'r. ihisthe Country boys went down and got Mrs. (I�r.} D. A, Bouu�errtian and da Mess Locals__RatThemglories In it is a good game of foot- visiting at the howri of her mother, lairs. Men, keep kooi ! ' Wear St rt'ss5Qc bait. %aarles Town. y]¢ 'GVW entria- •, Areur d r�f. Gilliam,- Bare, tile- littltleetW .mom, last t. 'F> W. W. TAMA Mecchant' C , lizeter, Ontario .txlcv," 111 NARKt O D ACMV/X1)11 i r„ '. . OM'.w,. ...A...1Y.#..b. perhag p .dti 4 O 0,19. 1 j OU -909091.'M0.... 7 5{'� .8-50 ' c,f TM 3!25 owgr as s p e"r' ft* 150 '.w#r•r..�.r•.•wR.p o.a► pit O a. P tat `r to , Hot 10 Olt r c ...... , •■ • Tet Ale 'kickers' ai1 s. joist . paw; they *T". kiektn " at$opt�,:ti • war ` " ' weather We t he been, l► • alt, ",,.' 1 RAY- FORK 000 Having secuOed the agency for Beat Bros.' Round Track gay Forks 4 I am now heady to equip Farm- ers' *Urns and4ay-!lows with Uwe. These forks, without • doubt. are the , Best entheMarket :tiny persona wiehiwng Buckwheat for Newcctrnbe) aged 11 months and Y8 Mr. Frank II w11 breed earl get same at a greet mill. days. The little fellow had been ill forstat, jr., went to" Lon - Any time qt whooping cough, watch de- don Saturday where be has aces Wheat. Oats and Barley wanted at the 8 a positiorh as brakeman on the C. tP, mill. --II i��'a�Y BROS. veloped' into inflammation a few days „_, previous to his death: "ENerytheng, paw R,, running out--iof the city. ---------- Me - Ladies -$./.96 buys a auedditiayned sible was done to save the life of the Mr. Ge. Willis and Miss Edna Me- ..,y, zini `°`sten` res,,,..., y la.*1 _,lava e.bett-ire-vaitaeeTtanpaxent ,have est.11ta f...Londou.�ve-he+r. la e • `� t t e~` d't` the sympathy of their friends in them and with, Mr. and ties. mcoai_, . r: -.�, 0 tliek ! _ -t v :am�pIng at. Grand }fiend. •..---- Lie L inetei^y. from the residence Meeatlidatra. Carfit4tk--Raehaltars vier - SECOND HAND BICYCLES of Mrs. Newconibe on Friday afternoon. ed relatives Caere this week while n Five good $e:a.►id hand Bicycles for t?telt tr,rneyntoonn trip, prior to leaving sale cheap. 3onn Trlebrner, Exeter. bd�Ct:F.S i•"i,L STUDENTS. -For Com- , for tee r home near Manor. Man. ' TQC the yard for your choice of any m r'c-lal .Diploma in the Exeter sehanl °i1i -Knlgtbt. who ° recently retun, ted give out of .six were successful at the from a vielt tto California. was in Lon - colored Dress Muslins at Stewart's -,reg- reeea e::eneitationas, which is an excel- don Monday consulting a specialist ie- . • lett showing for' dose Johnston, the g�srdlag t t'e affliction in his right eye. talar values 15c to 25c -move quick ' '------ tear -her of this work, and for the (MCC COOPERAGE WORK. -I dealre to in- .•e.esfu1 students, who are Harvey Pope form the . people of- Exeter andvicinity of HHensall and Flobeie Hunter wbo took that I do all kinds of cooperage repair- honors, while -Gladys Meseta, Olive lang. Ail repairs gathered and returned wood and Fred Beaver got pass stand- Prices moderate. ED. I3EIDEMAN. San Ina. . dere street. • suC ESsFuL GARDEN PARTY. -The 2 for 25, --Ladies' black and tan Hose Garden Party held on the Rectory Lawn .-pluttt or ribbed regular value 20c on Thursday cv-onlog last urad2r'the aus- and 25e• '2 pair for a -quarter. Stew- - Wee of the Ladies Guild of Trivitt Mein oriel Church was A very successful af- fair in point of attendan e, enjoyment, Mr. Thane. Willis left for Kincardine Thursday to upend a few weeks by the Lake shore, and among friends of many years since. when he used to reside there A number of 'Masons of Luran and Hentall were here Sunday ; among them being former Exeteritee, Geo. Crawley, Geo. Bawden. Wm. Dignan of Lucan and Lorne Scott of Hernial'. A by-law to raise $50.000 for a new 3,-hoo1 In St. Marys wa.a defeated by a tang zhha,iority. and a ay -law to grant. and also' financially. 'free grounds were pa'l.oltebe9 to a seas cowrapa,ay l:t •Glidex. APPRENTICE WANTED AT ONCE. --nicely arranged. *(11 was carried by a -large ivajo'rit '. To learn tailoring. W. W. TAS AN. aged, Frufta, lee crearrn awu, cool drinks were suppl' .1 in absindsanee. --T- The music icy -the Zurlcn baled was most 30 Seamless Room Rugs, in Wiltons, ; yabis n Velvets, Balmoral, Brute!. and Wools: teat organization. credit n . A number of guar- saargaa , t t rt:„etre lee ecsot ns� tt e band boys ;were yQIEQrIf (l12e3 much apPrcclate'd, as were also the short ppe vhes by Rev. Collins. as chairman, SUBSCRIBE for the : Advocate and' fir. Weidenhammer, Mr. Hur-don, Mr. Eft 'a17 the news.. , • Huston and Reeve 'McCallum on various �� ' , • subjects. Tire proesede amounted to t$.I1•O0 bnys a swell Semi -Porcelain abcwut $t;u. China Dinner Set at "teacart's. Pure white body with neat pink floral deeora- A regular storm period covers the let to the nth of July, being'.., central ©n the tions ani gold tracing. • 3rd, with full moon at extreme deelin- atloon scutal on the same day. The gam Repair - Shop Gun repairing - Umbrella repairing , Lawn Mowers, sharpened 'Knives & Scissors " Horse Clippers 44 Saws gummed and filed Writger Boilers. • All kinds of. keys filed and • , - locks repaired. - 11Tew Bicycles. a da _ Sundries Gane add Ammunitioli in stock.; J. TR BNER 4,4 Three doors' North of Post Office - .• THE BEAUTY behind a suit is not confin- ed to other clothing estab- lishments. There's a love - 'bless about ourarments that will simply delight all who come to us -that's so. The lst of July will soon be here Got___Youi_Sew_ • rr ^f' JOHNS 'f 11111000 . Exstorl Mr, Will Knight arrived home Satutr . dray. morning from a two months° vitnit with rfiatives in California, which bo en. ,payed very muche Unfortunate" a month ago the upper lid of his right eye became paralyzed and refused to to drawn up without considerable effort. While not painful it is of great ineon- avennlernee and we trust of only rahbrt duration. •Several cars of export cattle weae°sept pal from here this week. Deet tie. It wastes my time and your,,• and I am sure to find you out In the a od, and it Is alway a the wrong diagram 6t -.Owe that the period of . bobs } end. ` {Mercury and. Venus being at the open- Mr. Henry' Smith has bean appCninted Ing of July, hence their' combined ver- Iudg, of shorthorn cattle at the .°rat.- turbleg .influences will be felt at this don Fair and wile leave for that' place first July storm periad.o Certel t wisp 43atrtl.y. critic. 'inform us that -Iv ie °sae to preiiet ward 'µeau:er 1•1 July," se we w'11 say that very high ternprraaturea w::i prevail from about the 2nd to the ri'h. eausieg a warm wave to -pass ea'st- N.vardlY over ti;e country on and about those days. From 3rd to the 5tn, low barometer and blustering, • • violent lstcrma will visit many 1 oralltiee in their eastward sweetiover the country While - vee de not '-took for a-hearsy -g€n- er l rainfall in July. the combined for- ree .01 Venus and Mercury' will n:atiurai- ly cause some violent local downpours. As the storms move to the eastward, tee barcntetsr 'willms , rise west of storm streets. bringing cooler westerly winds ani fair weather ; but in advesce Of t - ese' clang€e most parts, ttt the coun- try : w�ilFF' heave) blu_sterinig to violent titue ter 'SSterme, say about tte1e 3rd to .the 5th. The 4th proniises rain and thun- der s£ornis for many irncailtiee. A per cod 'of Bernie probability le central. on the .'3rd. extending fro;, June 29th • to the Gth. • d ' F AIt SERMON -A large eon- t;lc altt0tn was in attendance at the Ja- mea strctt church Sunday rve.ting last to hear the farewell sermon of Rev. A. H. (IIaairg, v;no with his stall&• !eft yesterday for Ilia`milt nl. where she will, ,nave chaarfge of the wen' Lin Zion Tab - ern lade. During the fotirf ycatl s rff Mel pastorate here Bev. Going has made teeny friends in Led au't of the church and tele work has bees very successful, At no prriod in the hint-.ry of the church i'as the pulpit been triter° 4bIY tilted, vr$,nk both he and Mrs, Going in their . tieiaterinng to, the people of Exeter:, nave date so watt) teas true Czsistian ,spurt teed great is the rcgrer t c e ..::perture. The earnest wish et all is t they Ina r he even mere st eessfni h•.t?W field. In tine eourge Of his L i e a tl s; r4n:on 7r. Goa 'g '15 73°rio al tree duties of a I taeinister ins goccrai, in ne tg:i,., . en-onrarn C and pelta°ici 't to way Ib aarea ion, tea arcenriplish east be free to etre-coo , is apt, ions yaw Pettit tee nest&snee C and suppas4 c Lan ccr grrg atio;n. aa.;. 2 all trust to al as spirit 01 love. never tallorag_ g emu:. , sS���'sicaruUn tcritett v �.}� UY Vii44..1:i4' C1'/ lJ �13Iba41.1""�'9•]D wx :: art tc�u ':.g t .a a $•1 r`rYM1 -t a`tti ,..rfAV' iii.!>r0rutLC��', .,. .:;15:1"44 t+rtta fre:•. Ibis t ua ci .a wt�'3 .o e::.-:. roan Z''ad teen .fir- ti ons a:nd e-_orsz rtfte' Bots years he vvo:,A awl y. wit,.). '"1 fig' tat Site kindest twztzt3a for tee:nee._re reel r ere l fr..-.1.tt1:-tar w a"r ,i„ a i:73 pi_x.15trA ly cr::dar ..t:11. au cers- o f"ay. � F -ark 1/otte. - Messrs. Marcia Salter and Geo. Ander- son were elected - to attend the Mgt) Cut - of IIndependent Order Foresters at Chatham. oz, the Exeter Court last` we:k. Dr. K:ns an and Dr. Roulaton. Den- fiste of ;Exeter, desire to annotnwtc`e that their offices will be . closed - every Wed- nesday afternoon during the months of JUIN, see:ILA-agnate- - 'T)rop in ,and let us know what you know, that others may 1 know • what ' everybody wants -to know. but if ` votf say no -we can't know, and everybody, t:nctws t hat int no gee A Jew peddler came before Magistrate [{ay assn„ Pridaiy lase for violating th- C iei-ty, peddlers' and 'Hawkers' be -law .tree 1''dile•,, wltt•out ? Merrier and was; fi,,..tid $14. 10 paid' the fano ar.d then lieea:tiped. - - �f W. II. Jchna wt4o.a of Kifetieet and Mr. l fawson of Hay are presiding at, tke Normal Entrance and Teachers' Exahnin atones now $Byrd at the tctei Sebool. Thirty-one scholars are wait- twenty-eight of ..whom are studtiate front the Exeter ,School. BIG BARGAINS, I3.ATTLINO RJ+ BARGAINS, -The " Exeter Bargain SteZro 1W'' rented and we must 'crack • out the goods at oatk In order to' give up poar,- ewelpn of ,are store. Evcryythnrtg goern- at rattling big* bargaalae. It' a half price Bale. Or tree Week is offered tan job ,lots at a low rate out the dollar. At - se fpr sale at halff price one iron 'safe. Dane cash register, two ceiretere, ' two tReas, sur0 stove and, pipes, etc, etc. All inuryrtG� t o tep�reel our' at once. E•ap'1cin W1Ot aOL V. Z. W. I"3SROi iI+i 'Ir: c 1Y� e -1909 Eodak` ares e 314-.1 rAr 1i to • and to use them is to.- .con vin ... . 4eepsatisfactianAtudthe-cis .41014 . v •'--,.�.,,:r w x rtre^a r, a espoe, Exeter. PnoNz 51 1 11 era, Gardeners, and c.the, ' \come here for your Polfi.• -For wifeitad -Orls,a-niee enc. Get thea to s a n � no i,er �a. �d keep the t -- �0 lawn in tri PO the the n x • ` eon tools like:. fauces th . • Ay h��y n . .come,here we. aU4 grass seed. Nye have some uiet s'ar'i Omen for r. • Pont 1�. Rr .g -let the vi tors get busy. h . 'Under Twine for garnering_ tlp_grain. If xhere'b anything else you ueed that a good hardware store keeps, we have it And then, if you wig a day's recreationi buy some of our fling tackle and everybody take a day's outifg. SON The market prim for "old`.. junk are alive and so is the old reliable #lrm►--ht. JACKSON & SON -one door south' of the Metropolitan,,,,. just- look at the following prices (no trade and no truck) all CASH: Rags 75c per hundred Iron from 60c to 75c e4 Old Rubber Boots • .7c per Ib Shoes....:.. . Copper 8 Brass 9 Horse Hair. - • 30c 44 Lead and Zine 2c " molt R 'PE A groat vsr3ety of lata pii►e i1ws s' on,bsnd at a;)ees$orn- able ,•rice, suitable tot C i ►sTe, BRACi:tG 1't'c ULEVA,RDINQ c a" M. Jackson & Sons it -MAIN] -ST.. EXETER.. . OPPOSITE ELECTRIC Powi n Rotor' Patronise Fair Dressing Parlors . sT_ I Hastings' Old Stand First-class equipment throughout ane careful, conscientious work. We guarantee tattletales to all customers -Your patrornsgerespst;tta ly solicited. A. Penprase -- W. B. Burke �$0111141111111111111.141111111101HDINHIHI ' WilEN YOU ROLL THE .DOUGH made frotn our flour trod will` find. It haat right. You'll feel irustinctiveiy,' that you aro going to have good' luck ' itit•iyonr baking, and you 'witi be right. ' THE WOMAN WliO L -$I S Oita run= always Inas good iu0k. Even et l - orale. are baker gets sp:endbd resujte. T1zo It n fakeer prOthres Letter bread. cake ,std pies than she ever Old before. Or - dor a sack Of our hunt as an mem. tr=nt. i]'f o itntw yea will like' it bolter an arty' other you have Ever tried. HARVEY BROS. I1] _31,1l.'tt1±Ac 'CnERB ONTARIO 'Fall Term • Open r Aug. ,3t.h , Aj} !ti ;4Y ua Always something rectuired for the home at this 'season of ¢the.ear. A ice Couch for they prior, _- Three and ex� Five -Piece Parlor - Suits • Combination II nding - es,_ x'44 " i • f 47 '''t ' 1 three r --the- bt--o hm market for comfort Wire Springs, guaranteed not;to sag, none better ; Iron and Brass Beds, for quality and design none equal. Call -and inspect our -stock before you. pur- chase. No trouble to show goods -but delighted. RQWE�, ATsnvsox The Leading Home Furthers • and Funeral Directors*, JONES & CLARK esoNs Na� 0 n Ca lCr 8111 tczt!Ons This is the kind of weather we have been looking for. Good. warm, summer days. It makes us think of the summer. 1 iust WbatioLLntJ.�ntIJiroJI-iidaflgi! White Muslins and Lawns • nice Affor nicetbe whitewaiGrni dredag ys.of''ne of our swell white tousling will be very , Good Pima Muslins or Lawns from 10c to 35c per yard Dainty,Cheeks or Crossbar Muslins 15'c to 35c per yard Nice Fancy Striped Muslins from 100 to 25c per yard Also &nice line of Colored Muslins from 80 up • Stylish White. Warts We are showing a beautiful range of the Very fmarte waists we ha'e ever •h wn just the thing for this wether. Prices $1 to $t Dainty White Wear This is a necessity yob cannot overlook. If, y want a large velectiob, this is the p to come fpr your Skirts, • Oowns, Corset Covers or Drawers. t�iiciiitnc._n aMAtt' A Big Silk $pec-ial 4 pieces only of the regular 2 ` inch , 5 Ja r�r,,, • ra'R Silk, r -1 • 40ca y' "d r,. Colors Cream, White, Champagne and iterate. Fancy and Black Parasoh You must have a nice sunshade for the warm days to come. If it a Real Fancy one or :t Good Black. we- have a good laarg - sdrtment..- to choose from. ii . I to• air . S am • a o111 750 to 3 '` Don't Forgetthe.Gents .. Hero is a litttt.of good wttrtn;WettLor ecniktfabiem Shit I;y �,1 K Y] y l k 4 r Y. n .rtert iwlr'tiWC":�i'� lebrated. 14 t11�Q.4�=4 ro" �,Y�.�iF1tf��ir�R.t A.r 4, 4.N