HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1909-07-01, Page 2 (2)i L o metntein ensei though the maze* imp **tett mos - Once Jaya • lie:rim listessis'She' ' --1 . ' "ril sly° :you tho tfigttoow., ;010' to .wrc. . .. "ThAnipip. OW 11O74" ' truth," he. 04, coolly., ' "Asa tele, . Ifelelte'scalled _Upon tistellnitithe inay. kiss itte if tiou'ilikes„, though, that)* the last thing in the -.whole Otary, stkel X asked a :tortes "(Si :deii't,iiii 6410044**11 orld• people believe." ' ' .„, 'of questions. ' 'The •,poliee had been aharPlY. • . , s e-knked the!1oe tobseco.,ein1!'h,"e°:'jb.*li*Th.*1.i'ar!": utehsh* ‘04it tri n *11 the if.107lLit144 esrpet. 4 oter there' . r ' "4' .2173Jerir 'elillih -44° my study *-t-441‘wi""r":-. ' ' 1 kllit*Ite4 hit* 4:16'111/4*'-' ',W. npon mine had seen sOineene Stse''Ssfoot nearer', I 0 1, _ ••. . ,-eyetts- r -J3ifitt- cth 0.1olvt('',,,,Inlie33, b ., :. Melt visite 2 ideals, 1UPPli • Inetivelt 110 . salieve the , "edge sit thi•open wintlow 4)**/411:' . "I` stud',t j'r l'atb,67.115:it'.*sliptt:iilnrsiii...93° ,iti:-'f, Wfir,14440,1410 ,i'..11);:wkto170.. Azi, . • iuidi WO, helpful conduct, iiiiii iitiielle.S. *44 ''stOie4.110.14104 100. Iniikt'41,1irk'' ',.:4*.v'" el„ica ,, the.tt-P*r• ' 4,tit*11.‘1., attO.the tonditio.no of...400f Doek., ..tiOningli , :.: . ..-.•.,, trti XPA." . .. , .._, ., .. , , , • .. . *aro* faith by: the' freits itlilt4 '• . . s .' , . . .. -: . .. ' , • , . • :00itAgteul 4. ..st. 4 w4prigtaF,,,440, I. tikought'01.1*'' ' .fuekily *ratted : .:Ika a ,ni,y9r9alle;in ' "*.A, ."‘t°441• ' 0;14,-,,_Ii.efiii.,ihteor'srii::.vitti ' ii..'S teme' hope iiii_ WI 'e teh'S .0 . that .;•04..- .Mity. it tf.t4,, elifei 'tither -44,1U9te r'ellteat. '' The ' ' i ,,, . le' The it4littiilti:iti' ,petsilexest - it; witituin thi :stance 0,034.0., only#0 PIV:ilitire*b14 I.V.1407 * luP10.#P,'. ..: Seen ' i'n.^.41W.eyea .444; ri0)4tk' ent'hlit",:,*..iii,,aii", 11.,,i*, Ow' ..th. Wk. so) . . .., . blanks if ' l'-' had,* teen him-. s - . • matt. - • . ..) ' ' : Poibg liela•a=ii-Ogiet*U- '''111°. .4•Se'll* IA $'9Prn °_,....,141.strseh."' ,itinioilktikliOn 4014.41401.4o $'01t: ' "11*.' 'fit#diekt, . tab Iteuglitfun ' i . . . if,:footh'ijorisAy•-#4;. 'grtlt.00.4••.,.**44,,*.fiffs4or 040' . '.. , t : has hilt ltit ... "Neu • had ',het*, ' 'tone a. ' „The eatittable' left` the '-'‘Pattly,S. '. Out *-ntilietly,:- but an re thes*too-biY!• X iiiigilletted.,"- s - Ilsmiitied-*.tilesisives* .. ......frUltags(.in:thet lives ril:'.t.,11.4..._. '0.010ed Ikra'turneid.-*r. ann,....4, •IF.t...44,0*•, 0.,0iitii tigut.i.ii,„ ,,/ 4 inericansiv.oultishaVe the" -s -I heti. - .- Ten ininutesshatt beta mastedlis lott his.esstrapless But•lie. rt end, ...isti,:.the `tOnditiont Pcm-oler Ot.fturnl'i :414 th.,6„.„.41'4!`..1" , 'The ..oxit••of-his,-,-head -ap ithich h produoil.-; , ,-,.:.. • • , : , , roots,. neer interiered 'sins" • "'Our; ewer the 1000, ow the 10,00. 0! *11 *kW for the .expression, and, re- eeaversittioa. We preeteded isp., .6v:in to tell tititinissaltt :41.; . Any system :itt religient'prineipleie ettioYmeut of ' the fine, rich . finits :.iiiiiint man with st thert, un- iieetinif liuDutleuees".' eubstitutrd stiiirtt itnd *ere jciitied by a stmatt. smart. cspture he - arises . amtlifle**1-0d* authoritYiiirlit, mit ' You judged the ttee by Its ,efseien 0 rimmea. beard ssaa iesesied.. •..., 71ov:seine ofskiiiintl"-ss"woultis have looking intipectots 'who • wat•by no be, wait•statiened at 'Whitee beCausii tif the wonder elerseata.in iti-',4014 itir Particular -shiiti„s the titers:spy of inindsto climb in. means the kind of man to'bit hoed- My "wife" listened .with• a its histericel or legenditty ' _mt qou.itt enjoy its jiroducta eistri s-.-4-114Y---46.1244w - WiLIS'-' 444- tC I. iitraingertii "Muse and -chuck winked easily. ' ef raptures end the U1;00044'1* a twelve feet ;above the ,garden, anti . Plug!, but because of the power 3 the'lltlft ,much potaologir •retuaixteu he had sualsagest senjetioutae up h), tobacetsash upon his carpet." The study was ompty when we bled' on utatideniuglY, At Ieuillth Iia* 4o winf- -our - arlutara * - to - .10er to ell ' . Now it.,, leg was aubg.ever. • Ile '13115nifteds hit appreciation of. reached it, midi:ay visitor had care- .4fr in sage Was brought .up that the arouse. our better passion*, arid to Men suffer atidimerifice -*meatus* aissPIP6- fully remioved all marks' of his vis- cab lied arrived. : I hut to get t s stir us to noble endeavor and to they hive areathe vision of '004 "46. Wintknrs led/*-s4P4-, •TrIsrssi:If. thi'll'IPglitti*sawi'dthrYilni:$1117:7"ereth.-; it.. The 'swelter which I lied laid servants out of the way, ss 4 *Oceans better living. A filth bail to • be which is higher and better : than 7" preparing t° 8-Prinf; ulw ''''' Went. on. "Did pretty well. ffad a on the corner of the Writing -table pahy nit, visitor to the doer. Hes judged by its present fruit's and not ',ease or Profit: ,:1111mY are giving *7had disappeared. Probably he had shook hands with the inspector by its roots buried in the dors past, their full„ efficient Hies in service The stpartner. Partner's rlanle Was rangeness if this intrusien Bowlet; mine's Vagram. We had tiansferred it to his- pocket, and affably, winked at ine imPutleitlt • We do not need to morryLoyer the Of their fellow* isseause they have and soniethina in the inan's •eyet I ked he a big deal. on to buy up another if he was caught it would be traced and be,osSit gged me, in a whisPers . bistOOr of s faith: in ita hoinninga; , karned to interpret life , in the made me cautious.. tinloctfirm. • Bowles pulled ont list when bottsmi righth0aid drawer 01 tile I wanted him, went over Ito the to me 'without difficulty. The pipe to. be, anxious; en hit *mount, . .meirweed not allow ties legends that ,terms of .religioa, of eeif.giving . he had been smoking had been re- At last he got into the tabSanti ..hitve grovoi, uP to iSccount for the ithrr-A111) SACRIFICE. ver that_ -lay there, slipped in a writing.table, took out the revol. enemy, and burst me up." I wondered how winch of this was I returned to the hotises. placed. in the rack.. . was driven away. , ,'...ivonderint charaCterti of tonie of its,' , ' : - The two Officers -looked round the That sense of the-higher:Values of cartridge, and laid the wearien en true and how much of it was in- somewhat to my annoyance the i als - st in. t wa of our' 1 ., vented.- while he was loading his room carefully and stared out ei -appreciation a ita present value*. . - life, that consciousness el the ends the table. by MY aide, .... • - , vipes.--ss-- - _ ._ .. . ; the window. - ' . •. , . spector accompanied • srsilfam_Atertiteissarssietionstlysssens-°1 ArytirwAlPh Mxkett:Ut..Meee_4htal:---Ibe,mxtratched4ije__ ---s-Thete were sno-smarkts ttii- = --Audis, s --'•- --,---- --s. ,„,,strAt4s,_114, torelfs - stii;;,Thet', ,,, pl--.4v.r1,4at 4-44 in tho'ettitiatright;.7..yro.Attett#414,,,Aa.tway .iietld. . ht,:saItida,•aesnaiphalowtiedanyorw.n,Iltx-,4Latiii-S.91 gravel patirssbeleitiSsi ______ 2-7-7-th . . . _ • .n*.-.',4b84.nritrnaott4AllaVianigkeiittivtotfitt'w-ith-anair-ef---assuranee •-• . ...0. tl•t. 1..1.: 1. 5 el V.: i, ing to be -married to a hundred- 'tilentr "6"ftr6-14. 'make hisescape saist4*.'7iie-ltin-et7441*i and fathers; •they, feel it ought te . evidently better being good than that. was not without humor. --J thousand -dollar -girl. As it was b " inquired the ins . y the way he came. The disquiet- 'Murderer ? tnean something definite d anvital; bad, help? right than wrong under Then he threw his leg over the window ledge anti ;stepped into the Bowles made half• a miltion, and i mg thought was that if he had been ter, . in a, curiously dry Iroise.'" to thetn, but. they eanno't, [force. all conditiona-this is relignm, said • He was panting and ex- had to creep into a hole; and pull 86011 tO enter the place it was cer- said I was in search of a mu to theselves to believe k every Man may know its finitage. meth- hausted ; though he was well dross. the holo. in aftei rats That was tain Soineone would see him leave TOYou must not judge any tree by E LEGENDARY WONDERS '. in_ humanity and judge it thereby. exit his Clothes were soiled IY•clireli. twelve montht-ago, but I reckoned it • er 1" "I understood that a Mak 144, .-sent3r..44.41 ilototthinai1_sehsuraitless..ititserehird by Ai owner, nor by = lug UP the face of the house, and I'd,:get, level with Bowles. I've I was in ,a fair way- of being been shot." vi r.kaar*ecii shortly. that seem to be zuseperahlif bound the crates that its fruit la Plaid' -°fle-higml-vralchleedillirlitghttr'-- Wien- ', ieraiiiiiirtlie-iiiiiiirtiiielliet ;61iiirged-Witli-iiii-STiiirliiiibOrtid-ie -ffy,ea-pe iv -iii, itie-jaifit-44v---44,,, ------,--- -up with religion. _ e sank into the arm -chair and to follow him to this country. I've murderer told helped him to es- , -.--- l ' in. You have no right ingxere. res.: wzped the _perspiration from his been on his track for -three weeks.- icaPes ways die," he replied. "I see Sit'. s t kJ)pa or us 1•--- -smoke:Turkish- cigarettes ." ..) , z b' Aug a coil, tit---. --'1W-urbuffinelit-r'imaid-tWitioter :alp yoUriligt;"71-growled. .... . ,... ._,....,___.-1- 'all here, to take .religien on., the• cretiens of its present ay in evidence! of its real, present values? tints; you must know ,it by its) es. :ward and his chin resting on his peter had the: luck to get hink all officer. "Must have. been anOther swag clear that I had been Made aii. bre,ast. . to myself for ten minutes." If -it is true that you cannot afford Beale effects on the lives °I Men' WilidOi.v."' ' • fool of in some way. ' • to stultify . your mind with suer- This is no academic, philosophi7 ...r"Ileen runningi" I asked. s "You Set out to kill him?" I said inc inspector looked at me hard. "Ile was only stunned, and tsses; ed, breathlessly. tt4tion, it is equally true., that yen cal inquiry. It is & matter for Us • nee fl vu, studi c'eldly. "Can you *suggest anything, sir?" covered consciousness two minute his appearance curious- Not me, eir. I didn't. want to he inquired.. after I arrived on the scene Me' , cannot afford to allow prejudice to all whether we will live by the as a little, wiry man, and gratify Bowles by hanging' for him. l'i'r m afraid not, I said, cauti. begged me not to arrest th; man rob. your life of .the tretnetidous direction of Such motives as these; 13 .e 'ant% • than five,aud4welltY I'm not playing nigger jokes. I ously. "Would ,you 'care to look who had shot him, -tie ,aid it wet, Contribution which religion haa to whether we will take life in the ' . a family quarrel•and he didn't Mani make to it. • terms ist its higher values; whether Years .of age in spite of the ugly wanted to. lay a stick 4011)83 him. over the house?' 8 grow f beard. Now that the I wanted to make him. yelp. I 'If you please." We rnay test every. faith wholly we really have faith to follow this it to get into the Depots." by its fruits. What is it doing for high vision that shows the path ofneed or effort had passed, he was wanted to mark him., so that every We matched upstairs and search- "Then why,” trent ling. "rota head to foot, and time he looked at his ugly face in ed in various tooins. Finally we 1 paused. If I said t•oo. nuich 1,, s .. the world?" What. effect -deiss it idol rifii, andstind the full fruitage -he dr his breath- with a, queer, the glass- -he'd say. to himself, living tor the take of the full, fine, --teLtuys-bedrooin. The door might give -my -self away. have on the- ciiitritctert, ditipositions; balf.sobbing sound. , Sometimes his _ •• s ,. 'That's what I got for playing a was locked. . i- But the inspectoes cold eyes we deeds of .those sehoileillow •it? Is of life in following our own • beat , oyes wandered furtively to the win- Jew down trick on Vagram. You "Who's in here'?" . inquired the fixed on me thoughtfully. - • any 'community the better foe.those "This little performance ‘hatstat ' who hold a certain .faith I Does it faith. RENItY F. COPE. 4°11!. ' •' ' - ' see my game, sir I I wanted to, inspeetor. .. _ . _ "Are ° the police after you?" I make that man sorry for himself.- I felt my blood run cold. My you twenty pounds," • hit :said,, -• aske,d. "It strikes me as shocking waste :wife, WAS staying in Bournemouth. quietly. not mar his .whole career because He had recovered his . breath ill time and energy. But go on. The bedroom door being locked "In -in what way?' of one youth/id mistake. And the • somewhat. "Yes. I had to sprint My visitor looked as if, with meant thatitistead of eacaping by "You arenet a very good se future.. proved that .1larnabits Was . for it," :he said. • "Vaulted the more time at his disposal; he would the window the rAtkseal had remained sir. Directly ' I- entered I Itneat :by .- right m ais judgmetiC--Paulshim- wail at the -send, sessambled" along liketo Convince me of the peculiar in the 'houses • ' • your face the man was in the hems*, Reif in later years found that Mark the gardens, saw,your window open fitness of making your enemy yelp. of the aged Emperor of Austria.- and -you were trying to shelter tn.'. had developed into * matt Of great • and climbed up.": - . . "Bowles was slim," he went on. Before I could ' reply to the in- Besides, there are scratches on the-. - .7,------------___LINLY-4.s. --s- .-heart.„r.getitil and' . courage - "And here you are." 'I cotild never catch him in a cosy tpectoes, question a . voice .said, windo-w.sill where; . he climbed ous, whom he ' e(ii,ilaifirrerarniftra -Re..._goilled,L_The man.--tiorts him eerner.. Then -I -heard ste- yeas-- -"Yeasean'tscertie- in --for -a! momentair& matter --74,1ssfsolTriiii-777 . . and respect,. In his two *Prison. self, in spite ofhis physical dis. ing a house in this district. . I i sha'n't keep you Waiting long." 'wife" had, the niis.forttme ,..; Lessee I. sPairs Seeend Mission. meas. lit, raw Mention* Mark in tress,: with an air of self -posses. found ont the name of the house. The voice sounded like that of a her ehin slightly when she gib: iul ieittraiy.Golden. Text, • terms of high approval 4: .10i sion that was almost ludicrous. It it was empty. I Climbed in by the -woman,-woman,n, though 1 ' knew. very well That's the worst of shaving an itk; ' (Col. '144,IC t 11; Philemon 24; 2 Tim. 4; 11). didn't appear to occur to 'isin ' that back window and waited for him. it must be that of Mr. Vegritm'of hurry. But why is it that liettPlis ita Patti on the other hand was will. ittoy apology was needed foisit'srud. I've been waiting for him three New York. I returned to the study, will always assume that the pot; m.' Ilanning for the Second Mfg- hag to take the risk having as ing upon the privacy of a law-abid. days; thatfollowed 's why My beard is sin- by tho two 'efficers, and are fools?" . Ping citizen with the !police at his . ... : trimniid. lie came this afternoon, Sit the eourse of 'a Moment or two "Then you have actually "314*(4 eurswas-openedsd-itr-step Thesiessonsfarste,-daysconiteets-withs-fitiled-binsin-onesoplie great -se -rises , siona,zy Campsign.-;--Acte ,15: 36-30. his assittant a young.maii who had , heels, . . -‘ at's 8the trouble asked. dtew a shooter on me. and I had a, big stick. But Bowles. I heard -the swish .of .skirts, • the this .murderous • rascal to esesips1" a despitrate effoes the eighth lesson of oar last quarter, of hit life.- and had not yet provedus ..- IP L chittch wish th. Jews. NMI WWI apparently in 'not very "111. tell you , the Yarn directly,' in the house' for about two minutes. and taken out a long, blue; cloth And now I must be going and Mike n , , "Murderl" I made the suggestion -at random, ran in and collared him. We strug- nearly laughed aloud. The res. to hold My own. • :----T--- W deseribes the eiioch melting hitruielf able to undertake such a __ _ gath.ering at. Jorusalein •to setpe dangerous journey as -was now be. never dreamed I had itit upon the siled like wild beasts, and --some. cal had made use of my razors and . "Net at alt.,- My man will Ian., how the shooter cracked eff, and- removed' his ugly little. beard. Fur. th.et cab at the corner and he Witt', Jhe disputed questions ,,concertung fore them from which he had ;re- truth. .... the reeePtiett of the Geatiles into. Coiled:three or four Years,. before. "You've guessed it," he Stith well, ----r was the • onTy _ ifottig man ther, he had gene to the. wardrobe be driven straight to the statiortS Then, there was a, ringittg at the mat belonging to my wife. • It had out my report. Perhaps, sits. yt.n... For some time after • that Paul firni health, and it was absolutely . . derfeetlwant to smoke now.It was the house agents clerk, a deep collar, and this, being will regard this a " -and .Barttabas, the returne, - mitt. necessary to have a py re-' His assurance was imperturbable. bell. -. ' s a leston. Evely; sienaties, preached the word Of the . liable helper. He admitted the charge as casual- who had followed Bowles round. -t -turned up *1 the. -hack, - eoncealed geed citizeitis:'bonitdste:Assist-i., - Lord in_the hettie elnirch at AntiOeli• • Both Bernabas and Paul . were ly as if he had borrowed somebody's was caught like a rat in a trap. 1., ,his short hair. Ho was wearing ii police. „Good day." whieh had terit...them ferth. . . right, and therefore *itch one 'stook umbrella and forgotten to a ieturn •shpped out by the back Way, think- wide.brimmed.hat ,and Neil- ,. its.. 0 :* •*. . • But. the miesionary spirit bunied steadfamtly by Ms own judgment. . it . . lug to dodge him, and ran- straight] The fellow made .a.•very present- It ordy remains to•be added Om:, 'within Mom and Paul: proPoted the- aere zasi onlymone tolution of. "You're- a• cool ha3sd," I Sal -A. into the arms of a milkman who able Weman andtrolled , isinto the _o ar Bnabas...thitt _they _. retisritto_ their. mission' field whieh needed- as friends,/Plie* and -that- was *- where were many preachers and theta more than the 'home. dty - ary compiiines instead ef one. . IL New Work in old Fiekls.- . and make two mission- shelter you, do you?" - , EA PYou, &let imagine I'm -going to about that," he replied. • ' YOU'Ve "/ guess you'll please yqurself pin. But the hue end Pry had markably small hands ---with alt the going in all directions, and it *He glanced at the effieers, with what was up. • I flung him. off and wife" -s- best -kid- gloves -he had re. etarted. I heard police whistles dignity, in .the world.. - , . , had heard the shotsamt wonder raisin fattening on a Pair of my eidents Evidently he had good rests Oaring that the . affair Witt' an • ae.. public. ' .' keep the Peace, his • prosecutor dtk. sores for not wishing to Melte -is -Vagratessim "bound over"-to- tteachers. • - • 15:40; 16: 1-10. .Barnabasand -got isle all right." ' s ., Ile $ho'idd visit his spiritual chit+ Act' As le 'spoke he stretched out his teenia to•sate 'that half the pepu- tome surprise and bowed slightly. Strange tO tay, too, thite monthis Mark went to Cyprus where the - dren to see how they were groieing hand' to the Pipe -rack by his side, r latimi was at . my heels. I ran all "Anything wrong, Harry 2" he titer I revived as remittance. for. *in grace. He would look at 'the selected One of iny briars) and then, knew ; saw the wall at the end of inquired. -"- family of Barnabas b.elottged (Acts tender vines in the vineyard.he had without so much as, ``By your twenty pounds from New Yorli,, planted to see what further care On the • firat missionary journey leave," ' reached for the tobacco these gardens, and: -here I Am." , Ile had taken, my Christiansragnelviith- a" note of thanks for "services, 4: 36),. and where he Went with Paul <Acts, 13'1. 4-12)i Barnabits is not away," 1 said. ."You should have used it with the familiarity•of cuss • "Yon made a mistake in running from a portrait in the b town an4 back, to New York, and rtn -flour, . rendered." "Your loan tarried Me: . WAS required,. Those ehurches, . so mentioned again in the Acts, for he jar. tarsseparated front others, •having. ' "I'm a bit blown," lie remarked,. „ faced 'it out, • Ti •Was.* 'inisitilven- tdm. - - •ishing again," said iny eqrrespOtidi: did not tome again 'within the. plan . , received 'but' a tmall portion of the as he pushed -tobacce into the pipe. What was I to dot If 1 repudi ent. , . . truths a the gospel, exposed .to visible" on earth is heard in heaven "Got a, match `I" ture." But it was just here that the so. WA him I Made- inytelf kok toot- ish. Besides, the fellow's adroit,' Tit -Bits. , . tit that history; but- t‘the'elisur in. The ' impudent rasol l•-4-ondoni: closers, timid 00 midi' neej- _f, and the reeordli of the faithful are Ills effronthry was itresis"tible) The rnan-ivinkedsacernfiilly at the ness wax delightfait ifs/teemed un. „ isalled Yankee Slimness came in, teraptasions„ to errors and -t-ta but,' feeling that I was, master of apostolic Cate and training. the situation, I decided to allow notien of -facing it out.. Ile knew,sportsmanlike to give Mtn Away . ' written in the Boek'of Life. Mark Ito. Then arose a practical question connection ivith Paul. . The Companions of Pahl. Pau.' it:might ir'el(7): to be, out. . ' . tragedy, which ever weuld employ the best counsel; ,"A mart has beets shot it few rods - • , to play itself tliey could prove threats and. mut- away Ind: the iiolice have a notion Satisfies Sit,* emnilderable ' better than that. Bowles's friends nott. ' PIIIIIS'SIA'S IllitT11' RATE. .. is mentiotied ,,again • through his tha-.7. rn. y , .. . Barrisbas was quite vtilling' to between •them. They needed sortie. Ile sit there for. derous intentions; he had 'waited he • has taken refuge here," I re- creasti' ' . chose .Silas as his companion . in . in many wayt. eontrection of the Silvetnus of the stared at. him and-vrotalered. WTI a few. iniiiutes for his victim•for three days in iin plied. "Very sorry to ,•give trotible ' . . one to go with them as an assistant the Place et naillshu. anis <a . puffing imokef luxnriotisly, and I A comprehensive Work hat just. . . . Barnabas wanted to take iiith Epistles/ was one of the.leaders of i3 it that a peaceful, Well-regulat- empty house, and -well, he gnessed if the police took himma'am' ," said the inspector, "but been- published,hed; which was piled sit this specialsinstigetion ,:of '' . them his young cousin John Mirk, the 'mother cliurch at Jerusalem. ed citizen like myself, who would the rope was we are bound to leave no stone ' the German Ifiniator of Itlitteatioa .1 1 their -first *lint. b*Itt op riAehirtg who • bid started with - tliern;' oh theit dele" irate tater tic grat con- the {ilrieit-m: 5 stiblYeet* tlifi'Stiwc! * ar good as round his neck - this; liskneeking was -heard it, the. yWhile--,1 wa$ urging the 'fatly •of turned."' , .. . • ' " „quell, _are you goingr. -.t i by the medical departMent of -fail ; Ile attit to Antioch with- Pahl at ferenee(Atts 15: 20. Like paw.; ii/iveyIniapath, t:ith si, fugitive from front door,. and a Moment later one quitted, by way of keeping ny the , ... . 'tile Oast of Asia Itlittor where -their• . It. etre* some interesting ttatutties ..: , maia work :wog to he done, for some he was a Roman Citizen OlendaIll, I justice?' ' ' _ 441 ian going into Kingston to sot,. of the Prussian Atte in Ott. y-esite- reason left tile miSsienaries, and re, and was in thorough sympathy with I 'ought to have taeklcd ti is Irma t.f the gouda' tame with the Ines- comedy. ' sage that a "police,l)ificer; wanted .sh. t re.. TOM - 'The birth.rate•wai consider - turned home. How Muth the dangers him. • tie Denthata s akeoutit;1 of .a .wild almost unknown country, III. The Beginning; of Chris- ittlat nillosilteeqruitellienlasilwy,Itthiouct°tIlre !, , . I took care net. to &dna the giri plied. "You had better write out to speak to nat." yeatl„, ;numberings 1,ifoo,itat. . . . ably lower than in the 'preceding. how much the tnalaiial Siekness'en tienity ein turope.-Ve. 'hi& The assistanee of the, revolver -and . • ' a ehetstie." the eoest whieh mayshase attseked four :missionaries immediately sail .handod him oper • to the .police : to the room. Bqrtil the eonstable I will be with ' "Write; out a cheque:1" I gitped. Suicides Plowed an • increase eirti.i900. There Were iltege and weakentd the- young man hid from Trots in a straight c.ourse, co There was no riatton in the world him iinniediat-ely," I Said, ' and 'Oh, wt Can attend to tbat some "et ,,':43, of mhttra I 07114 tilre woo.), . te do with his retutn. we di; not, .m..es to the island W Sarnothratitt, mily I sisiaid listea., to his story, ther time."' , 4:441 case* ()courted during:. intoti,„ know. the first atty.: The next day the witial he was Pt4461Y inventing. losed the door. My visitor 'was on his ,feet stud It'appeated to nit that tbiswas cations, While. T403 ileathslrere djaa . Darnahas htid• good 4satiotie- for Sailed 73 miles' to Ileapelis (N'ew . t this very Moment. If ihe was ikn: carrying realism too far. - "-- II my side, ,. "ICeeP, .the ' ei6hstable -Misy fi°:#f 1 promised to settle it this at. to delirium tretnent„ H Zia nuniber, of 914i** of saiit., wanting to take his cosisiii with 'City: Napiet), the seaport. of ntoeent inan*,, it rettolwith him. ternoon,"' "she said, withipeffeet der and mansion htot was .1.$1k • *V11.,, ' The yotrng man wanted to Philippi. Everyithhig was favor- to prove it to the authorities; .if. ttaket 'Minutes," he Whispered.. eomposure, "Make it out tor titett-, oDotk left flits mistioistise company three (lows * jourrter,whieh took. Paul id Punishment.fjj • : _ , 'That'll: ail I _ 90 mere than in , poeeding year. ,'.. g.-btless he s srrthat he ab waoy le, for they made in two .or three he s.rsts .guilty, he muWcake his Of -J.oeurse, I ought to have taken ty and data cross it. I can cash' by the *ernff of his neck it at the hank. Zs* iwoount is - or four Years before, elfeelally (knottier time, Sive days lAetq ,.::91.'t,'). -And Yet, such r• ck queer. tkv,ist,, etV him over to the au nineteen somethisg" . , ' when , at ,Jerussleni he heard th'e 1 Thence -ton ivi/Ps. bkland or 4 Or, 44 IhtMati thturoi I w‘is hoping iticop. iht Bii., I couldn't &) it. e Onte InOrei what was. I to dot I .. • glowing aecounti of their sucerss two. ,to Pi pi dmn at tle bottom a to heart that 1 the •4ay,I Arid; followed the hounds had practically akekrtoirledgod. hi . , and 'was. fired with new missienaty Philip-1Di was intmed• tiffs 'ions too W4)01241 be /able tio. inaW out, 'a I. ltave. liked .0 sic!, the-il li. . :Zeit!. " OtrWillted 6 redesia his Philitissf ,Mecedon. it, is aiN'll tale c 1 1 ilalt: lif. ' ' ehlr*efet iiint's .'Ritalitai irse. ,. ss.,,,, •, . s fr. 4,4'4104'i , , . . i -r4: ' _ IIE SUNDAY SCHOOL 1.1.1TERNATIONAL LESSON', spgists#004.64,,S!' ,Atogo,