HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1909-07-01, Page 1 (2)at 3 Wito!*- non !or tor an 4 ;le 'fill I it . -.Rev' ..'' '#-,,e no, i ' 1' ', ' 4,, wth tdick zr, 001 . r its,,eoresolti4141:44; )1 Oood.the Is oil ono , Ziret ot 'Ott t : iltle 401444 'lent be 1004.4 4 1 her eye- tor bigli lend -tow, Ind -the tether's - - * rquisUy'. lit both sides k l', , der t. thc chwch eervt4e# he IteVit it PI4_ - blot leaVditat ettrvea over' otl, *' number 1,1 0,$/otth0°**olnithtfit are14", :frvilii-,,'"It' Wax tardrezei. w' 'thette,bethr be,t;thileitritinfdrra, •••of „this teat fallsoeth;,,deu* OLVII0111 .enet Doyle in the bog for ir I cio or* They coma simppo, two inotoot* 4skeht, 1:0.*t ,tt hutdottgo'dirrer»; * te t or . remarkable bssoltri.. 'with.. A14‘4,, *PHs sat. ODI to the inikrrled* irel, -out e panzt1on Or $00,14 Tiv ow culko!lowso food tbeY Pet 14I tbrwit Out et bU.I- ter sd, the itret .tbrite Tersest Of thOutee, 'neetkIlle 40 ,c ttiss restving tor ccDnd 'ch*pter glife, all we knot of trest10; bechelOrs. Nit lie doesn't Vey , the I*** 1114°14' * l't* Iiilre 1.sr ":itill017doe*411trt'h'iro*I4v? 'eli:: dtertIViblit 4Pellnd 1 nOtiting leat.tbtrt 3' *Oen tie b. like .1*. did Lit year . ' Think he must be' Geiitele la history, ana tnuett 'aci a *)* _,11;yet bafllfli that :e1:;,1 t 'let ' 'I' 4°:4rn ;1=h-pit.-tr it 1*clear toltpitmit a, event;,In OM AV -0-#4$ - -that . 14 0 eiteletnent •04 -my text ' we .ito -40kita:,- , „ te, , 7.,=.10t • *VT- .4400.. the tru 4 ot ao uneevc a ,-' wcre coati _. * el, While Pie ' lt rt Celt). Probably mooted in a 7. 011;. itiOn 0114,_4 PlaYed, the 'genie 40, *bora Is renutrkable 'that the bible open* *04 hoNo puled *t rzoileti Where hi* errors eleeee with, tvito 'revelatpoint at wonderful were l'emPonsibie for !leveret of • . the %)i:tierity. In lj* icapo thu teat j* 4rn1tch , Compertee'er runs, ot . wideb. .aieteiti andluraeurelesel, Titre ,4* no Vine the ' guriett-uoraid osp*ions—or. inttution of 114401111011. T !CI day - does the grOUnders Would be going. yet it 11 to't , , Ot' 01 4 ICC:411 . Day 6 , . WW1 t,t $ ell, t .• r ,Vipra• $ VI .70# • kikvott„ -4)b1Ckfl 10044 'about half the.- price Our ookl: retnind,you hat. we still toe the nly;'-tro *II 'the tateet etylest;,-"holh in •the low and,bigh Out. w&git•.„.t.,0,ust, max, arne#Lau're,,Ilier wieretteft for Pick JO *top tivan. to by hour's' and dap!, 'but We at* daubtlea* living in God's loads, of praetiee but *Owe ot,:bilechan evf tv--t1erths)-04arlY-40erit*ter,...4----1.4 VCXpOQflat — V y. ono 2),0011. Oo.y. is to trc nd Out ior Doodle With 3)31 eome, b subatatme this text refer,* to Der, Wet and iratigitt at bat GOA, Nature ahd Man, widesh eottatitUtes Crfech *tvd Wes, Cole were 'back `In'tho tht4 whozo 7basis ot lac INtasoury. To W4103 'with tho beitedletat playing in ttarn now God, Ilia .1o:wit is revealed in on first 'and behind the bonto Piate, A Natwo And.c...elence, and to, knew Tniself Pal: ot 'dandies they atc aid the. reg. * thewhole subject ahti work ot ttikM• rleede, thenl.„,b04--Wiely some - Mart i* More than animal. He la Static 0110 woula get * tLing an thq0 an/ Pull, tejmnie_of-Aludlo_worildPand con. then. WO the Verne to *ay. The s/ngle er)....e math Co. our °Wet then, should fellows still dream of heating mai. a to. obtain a kuowled4it God, - or .r1c4 rnth. but wesue** Its a nightaazt aturc wad ot Man; and tills' forms, the and Wool vonte true with that gang 0 ittplete foundation ot sitaeotiry. it lei tour;41.tteher*.The batting order 144 h;Lt.00 4 baste bread and complete, tetiore f011oweee' t, eithontrit tt:e foundatiort may be_ Single*rlloaltilla_l_.: r._110.yle 0, Sen- coinplce thebutkUna now be wantinsjior 1, ailing 0. Ilawaeh 1, Planer- . bOuId be, the great work in our lives • Dyer- 0, 'Itillett, 0. itti1ici4. to reet bi11dig ot strength -and or 'N. tarriedo-Stowart 34 Andersen bauty neWitshew Vole 1; T. ort .,1*F7-4oundation.lt singirtg by the, their wee t Mepsallough 0, T. cri 1, # order .and contributed taut 1,0*.* • Ards brightening the ciytie. tar;Mit3t-', pleaidett at the organ end tta tree - tow way in which he handled It re- fected much credit- entlitleca brouht forth Ittutth praise front LIa 0 ..,/pr.„.440,4*rethrett-44,--:the--Ilar‘ room soiei ot thentts were tenderilgestie 7 o S%iftW4 68 4 trio preaeher, the wardens of the elturilf#'zionta 00. 1,,,,,Alern T.',Etnhale 431 ,c11,0,1p 'broth! alptirs.0:34.raIrly, 60 Gtorje Roberti. the young man who • C. *Dunsford , We streabowing tWs 'week some pecial Values in Fancy o' toe. nen azxl k lora. Aleo some very Ealionn 'different axle,* "VerY' **ell' for SIPMEIt- ORESSES..-- k Fancy Combs and Barretts is, ete. Verytook of these goods. Do not miss -37TAX&Ifttestitty WHITS MAW HAM 001,1,A1M- AMY HOSE* A31 opto.date goods ant prices right • ERE: T 13#8 and Dray °all or promptly attendedio. Horses kept in atoek for tile. Telephone ita Stable* at, liandfortrallortse Ezehange iittNOLD, Prop. Iti,C#1,,,,k O., 1101.10 ts1201yentity, e Alta tat, . Asia 01d a* etef.%110111.111 Om** 10 ester • 1. eitiseetei u talc `a attoth* to to, (with llot7813 TO IltikiT Beck hOuse, WA .14 •*tom', •on WI:liam Street, Exeter. .Cood.number ot OCLIAL Il'ettee ift Ticooti repalf„ Good hard and sett water, -titmlber of fruit APP1Y Jo S. SANDP.11S,_Exctcr .J Tialt VOlt CATTIAt .11011SES underilgued tan take a: unit4er of tattle and horse* ter paoture tiv* trzO4tti, Particulars ,applyto t*luinton• Saintebury a.. Lot A. t rritAt. * I at, law rata* la UMW., • ,)tesst,,rattar vadat. t!attei-L'ts rtiwtal.,:e., trier* attatIO t% SENIOR ration Life lorsuran ire Insurottein'Iesd. nd British Coropottites. Exeter., . .---,- ,' t;ierass lioNztzt ,A1•4/)ELL'4) ,'..sod Au:t'L'e`,.1.it *Ater, Celt; t Ataa be at, e ,ttilvo".7steti 'littl'rel ,Olt:ce, Crt tilt 1 * '- •Mit:Acted o.:*) .Airply A k rot st uwitrioigutil offering for "Al brick below and 10 tierce of Ian South flair tot 4. Ont.= a, St* Ti.ze %oust' 1* in good repair, *160 od frame baragar.d woodshed, good t and t ard water, never' failiVg erptard, 34 mile frOnt'etittn4. 1-4 in'Ita..frent eLur,A, PeOsiessien le txt tan, *pp 0,. tte pretniirti. 3,11`0.t.- Qntralla 41 •ItOr T%e Is oft*: fcr *Me, Coth lf 1344 * Ph. Ltre tron1 Vintralia 7„,afr2ztot, slaty five ttadir.it en:titat:o. tash,paittnre. Tatre II* a ze 1i'q,44,..i6Tey ,rettsge; tard, wares*. itree-good 'well*, ilett; 4% by 4 watr' but!Ottags,. DestiesodenYr P!a rat,. Tfthic c‘PTV-15- W„ otn!rx:s. ox.f 114,, o 0' .00010 ; rithatta; it :r4Y-'1) be tor BO, min r /0, Alkat 70,, Violet Welsh 75, Will svc*O4 " 40* 101)11* yrelker 45. .0eale to OWL Xiteterbrook vitt COrnielt 02*. 'WW1* 1101,0411 Itc-Ont. Igrd IMNIkitt, 70; Siert gorlock 76, W111 Brown 75, Waiter '0000 73, *Ctar IfArnesig 72* Viten fledfOrd 7.72. "Rre Sweet 4Ztcfrenr4 Nolo' 70# I.eon. tiler Pal - 69, toton Deering '00; N9. on roll 45 average 37# • - MII6redIliertin.*tokher OVOHT BA.UPEZR0ii R!"..rranir Corn ish has purchased the barbering bust- 'ileas of 3faclt Vincent. near the' *etre. tin end -,*01 .)its the pittrOn- age 0!, the : pobtip* .1%; dein, and ea** - a ,:theSout. . i' ne* p tint 000**", 4 .. , '144vtig„, 4,tO taAtst- Atir,411,... ' . nos. .„ , , , na , * X k . 'OW.' 4.310* .0 .*.. Item«. , ,fiew Miss Alma - Uaalc.tt to ltir. J. Otitiest, of , 'Et - iseal;ox114 14n ' , 1 1, Citillvteg od ree.144.P1040014wit*.1•40f9 't+Virict%alehmkel "-lir."' '..$14.4107,,'PritkOt,4t, 1-110011*: Oh the, 24 Dr. ,34alloy ot Dunitern, Sask.,- to Ade daughter of 1/11r, Mark Dtialm, Ittattli. EsdrOtiord-,,,Atttrme-rzokket Mier cula,C114ploci:utthoeutt, . nie,p4 daughter of Joseph goore0141t.- Oen* . , .. ,-- Coulh,-Dowaeo-,-in !Mania 00 4040 4).:St Mary, daughter of Henry Politico, to Percy Vouch Of ctinton. • Utatile--irwin.-At -13eyfield# QII June 23 1..enna, Isabel, daughter of GOO. Irwin. to James Ito**. Stattle..TroOt-' Creek. Ontario. ' Venhate-An rtiridoll. on June 17th. Mr, and Mrs. 0. Penhale, formerly af er,---e--114ugittet1/4 .• •Arnitcrstburg, on June 25,, t r, and Mrs. Lorne Fear, a eon. Mr. anti Mrs,'Itoger Glibert. a son. ‘,..x9.41,,,,,,T.PM • . • lanter, on -June 23. , m Earl, /son • ot and We* 10. OWald, ered innonthe. 10 41olice • hor-In '4,40,01111yraY, ou ;Tune zothi ji:ttu nzgamive°:;Itittil Drgt'it1 adractyn:r4rt itturday77.,#,,,7 - Regina Watches, w • en so ithout dal Ouarantee, nd byother than gent, are le to be Se-C-ond7.- and eit 1*-70*677-1111 taken in trade- nducted the bowling alley /here Tor al Vian't .for Conuuttrial DIV19134.*- w week, • atter It •wa* t diecl 1.0:1(100 on Su yeaTap, 7oung znatl WI ung trouble and was qu triteria inoitth ate. ):14M rat instailed ors, .14. ; Pepeet.% Hunter ' /•5 agtd 20..P. • Bli&5et. /6, O. Wood 07, V„, Deaver a victim 0! 60. Forta ft, ggitrancre-Itonoroi va when to .1C0ir.slatIV77. 13. 1-leggarth,71.• Wood 76, W. WeLsmilIer , zrit Pass,'4.- 'Elston. 73, -1/ea,rIng .74, H. Ii4:AOCC 70, L. - st3-43y To, G. lieoper 6t1, 11. Sweet 00. W. Stewart 68, 0. Atkinson) .07, 0. hutzilredicar0 fan, *fl artdtd tiewu'ithlaStnere 67, L Grieve, 05, A. Illeict but om Lacro; aLittlatt5111OrttA .ot.4 Coatralial s,putheotit 02, U., L, mlict fnt roakureh, !wheel and Poi% pravuo 62 Drarvat :Go, 13071e 60.„.tiee„ 'behtic Lot, 0, Collts ly Sttielt17. c4inritort.jai Jr., S. G1132c-s 61, 11, 130„jle . • - sl Johnston ram.1,tr Jr, IV, to Sr, 1V.--.11onors, Greta`Di ett 81, Mit •011itesi 18, Nellie Jone 78, iruseeiz ltalkWill 70; ra**. Velma 0.ast,erbrdot 7, 4ames Walker 71, V /tiaterson ,00, Viola :Rowe, '60. • Arlo ttevtaleY GO, VlOrY! PinneY,-Gerdon Den h3te* No. /Or- rola. .4.3t...4t*erag.c.,...44.- ir,l'ont .3wier to' 31?ddIVA?TisPelirztle-tc4c4Irr-!;.. TET !averl'e Huston 84 , 7..ima Mack 81, rear* .e StalUtes tor 100 - ncen rect:ved :Inc tor ditotrAilAnon ..k0L7A lIarry Parsons nor. MagIstrates, Justice* of t ?C4te &d ce Wood 7tP, ratulic r3oW0 75. 1%far... tie-EfIcion 785 Edith Davis 71; rA, 0.1....tr.*-eatitticd -to tr.rtro* , ts4.1a7 ta thcr) by appaYinr at ityg 'ottiet, Jotpk'l Crag ;114 Earl. iCooksba 11, - Onderich 16th Julle..7.009, ileed, 70, lna Delve 08, los., • C. MAO ft, • orus&I 00, Lulu 114,atinga 414,'' ztte3t, clork noroyl ittA*3t,ll G*1, • Vrwlt S..or /1. te Jr. 1it.,-.41caere, 1.4.tryit-tc „Yinterzt 80, Zuetle• - Norte:4' To ORE() . uciono .Ciladman 84# -Mien Cartgr 80. ctordco, Vont ; rass, ISertha 1/eritty 711. Doret/Ay :Wliite '00, 'floretiiy Itunz °a, 1)or4 Itoulden 68. ooraid Intt0:1 FA?! Mit Mei'zDatwatner do, 'AMY j0,1):1* -00 ,„ Teactimr. Fron3 $r.. tit. fp_ Jr. _.1V,...ttle Out* cl5:1* 137;-1.Irsitel liaivey 83. 8,1, Muriel Ione* 81.1/..1rhe Swett iver liolgert 80. Pitzel Sal-kw:at 78, LO* IA Taylor •70, 1hu 1"Valltei 7. (sp. litho', itowe 75.,'Siarle;t rilatatterd 73. Mdf,-.0Y 1-ttor Ta, Willi) Case 72,, inorti...7.te. It -r( /1, nutte:Lie eetenee 00,, Gladys. •Dtuo 14,7, toitie ilar,dterd 08, Ercto' 'Itarycy- i)a7 114, • Tizat4tlea rear 64. '1.1...faurtee ',Set,41or Ittvc's 12, riAlgari IllerneY 011. .d.'o 6. Veont jr. III. to ileAtttal itodirzrt 18, Alberta Xtlight 71, 74,.0,4(1,7,4 )30,wi,te71 Ai. -3.7,..a.'11(111 71, ,less€1 13111twoo1 68.. $ttfc lLwc t4. 1.17 S,:nallemnbe 04, Jet Vollit 61, itow-oLtte 63. Icifrcti Uack iJay ” 62. 02. V1, FOZ!iret, Pav-e 0q. 3. 'flarret?* 'TtaOztr. There is •on the prOmises 4,..geed frame as*, three geed trains barna, 4 well*, 1. windmiil, Acro ot goal erellard.and acres :et 'Millwood bush: tenets' in oA repair, and is well under -drained. - n ealy. Vor. partteula.r* apply to mils. 8. ,tecoy-.. rentralla. ODI� ia_UA-atSTRVIZS t4D$vozip. ICES 00 VIZ VEAC.S. , atter oftbeestateofAl tisteof theVillsge of County of Boron., cook* to *la, our. xzg. efectkos 6', -save that till traditora oat ether laVItig the *Axle et Alifelivos 'Deed . late 1se'.bal4etExeter. le the ('outy o4Bue. t;eetI,sie,who diott *a orelpeut the t Jote A.1). ISAParo, rsa Oe'before Op , eseutrrOurth Day of Intr.; A411000 , to itsil lq- set„,lortpaLlst Oftlittr ta Satarti, Ole& *ao * ftalberit. ot As V4lage tei ztoto. is,*; ,..itotikfattbodet•cattiza*idn toFisinvonogottlieeltkl, :44 e"sats nd (1: whill* tilitir. t .,-1.1V*0 their rntdtet*S. vizild , *jolt tisti sitar* clidnie.***te **4 nit el 41 ' litbite4tilet b v beire * *. .- v ittite :::::: in, fiettlitS fn.: ili Claii/tit Gt, ta AnlftlrM4•tittettortimittsx at Toi, 'be e heHi4 CW010 *AY fie thrtf,tefilk-n3s or pmoie of *two) elere et chair* ret1ce n't bate heenrettivedtylltio ii4t. the tnne tie*. 1'e1 atPct,r,tb!� r1t1t diVet Joe, A.V. 19(0. siastr*Y. solieforstort two stiseutids abed r,. leo*, O�icial Agent here, and 4.rn the only one whov,an issuean Offic. Jal Ouarantae which will he re.. spected lkir:0,thar •Official Agent* •throughout. :1:* of 1313rinontii, Twine JUt Azrived. iiSe nothing but the best this year, asprices are Ntr3r Iowi, 81e to lle per old Medal Pure Manifla Rope y Vorks, ete Special14e Ib. Slingopos, Milky Hoist Ropet etc, ile to 14e per Part �reen, Gasolene to 'eN 011 Stoves, and Windows'' hattl. I ware wants supplied. e of Every De'sc on