HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1909-06-24, Page 5 (2), is nothing better r Porter, the laity and merit of which been -Attested—kr- chemists. physicians and ciperts at the great ekhib. OltrelestO advseee. ' e, 1.44 it pee if set art Veldt Te ted Seas. Solltecellgoi toile .40 1. Otriettite 14 40•41111100.. 00 .are riceiv otir ticMs Otrati. celtliigaaay tta otheri is Outbid a tilogrOy Oateleetts tete, LtigiO'n k MOZAOTILAN rade are always a pleasure' to their owners We bore sotti and art, 10!411120X *great many high-class pianos -sad &into' •at reasoneble prices. Numerous Sat'Med--- ustomers is the strongest a.rantee or the .truth of the ove �s�eition. Ourpianos to,day ar the hest that he piano -makers produce and our prices and terms are what you will *Ppreciate. • t be too quick to believe per. ho yon different from the *boverr-the pinvese of selling you cbesp rid, in some C3seir, treshy goods • at blg prices. and see tts and be convinced at we say we live, up to. • MARTIN &SON eters La Wing Musical Emporium. 'ncte ter the qtattv thelr ipoda , ding 'E. afire. Horses. or, imiroveniekt of Stock .11 Avis cAnta a' 7p, 'pure Mee Impotd Cledeadal igt OW bay color, by bletisrs. C, IL SiteIterville & .Tht. Itandford ot etentrella. Seel *On ot the noted ling Thomas. WI,11 eland for mares this iseasiOn 111 Own stable, Oeetralia, all week, ex- ept 'WedneedaY, when he goes to Josh nes,' Von. 2, Vebortie,. for noon, e home lite/ same evehIng. C. DA ItiatVILLIS, Manager. 0:2 Atter senterel weeks of Ire tenet,. *eateries efts. Hiram 11111 .died test .waret.. She was a daughter et Us. r'llrownite and ,Was bora .feltuliett '160.10.1; meting to Clinton wtzen she emir tied in 1661. The huebeetd aed two ritdre'n: eurvive. Beware otOiutzueuts for Catarrh that Contain Iferturyt looms dotor tht item, demon WI 40100 *m00 sv4ent *bee Suter,* . 11 tits ****t entries, Solt stills intotne except pnicept2etto fest matte bkpto tee &mete tkey will de le tett444 ae poteakty derivitl horn .thee. ausurectimpit by P. 4. Cy so vattattre, Ann ist .11' eh Os ble.ted and enemas ia itt$ Cater* It kVA,* isitsr, F. elfittieT tie iteretnith rani . . :trr,' - , , Wubwr1pU�na. '«t 4 *s.for'.. ,1 . 4344** ,n,t4 „:, It., the gra** ',O.t,', Otti t 10... ..,., . . .. . 1*.. : ii 1111, . . 4t; 0.44gt.t* lat Yuvr .4e110h4Plailuxtvf 4.000 !etkrh. pen* Altathed...fOr ,Interent,.,af, t :perz*nnunit A 4Year1y'.;,.on' the. ,itiot t Dee.mber In eakti Tienai at tM ono., 'Toronto.' or office* of the 'Bank Of Montreal, -Mentreel; .0entedee and In New 'York, N T.4 el Vie Newer's. op - on, Ilona* w11 be tna.40 payable to bearer,ett- -on 'eequest regte- tered n 'the' otfice of the Provirtelel asurer and endorsed ste Itee*hie niy te the ordet Olt eertaln person* or rporations, and on request or holder 11 be exchangea for Vatatio Gov. nment Stock" at any time. 'Oelitio . Government Stock" v1111 bar interest from tre let deyot une*1969, principal parable on the t 114Y of jtine, 1939,°and interest at e rate of four per cent. per annum 111 be veld taaleeretrlY by cheque on the lit der of Junel and 1st Oa/ eft* tuber In each year. 'Ontario Govern - tent Stock" may be subseribed. for In Ornejee ..r euelltipieselitereokestrid be itterable In the beik. Ot 'ts :40PRiTti older or Ws' attorney In similar Inane rger to trettefers of Bank. Stock. • The issue 'price during the month of June, 190, will be 162 tor each $100, and fetter tee 30th day of lune 1909e the issue prke will bel 402 and interest accrued froirrethe 1st 3unte-I909. ALL ' BONDS AND INSCRIBED STOCK ISSUED UNDERTHE _AM! Ttfoturirtiv-ar11111-taitrlitir- ARE PREZ PAC% ALL ONTARIOPRO- VINCIAL, TAXES. -CHARGES.• .SUCe. CESsION DUTY .4331) IMPOSITIONS WHATSOEVER. Purchasers Of Stock or Bonds wIll be required to send certified cheque with the applicatiorg, Parable to the order of the 'Provincial Toessurer Ontario." • - This leen is raised upon the credit of thit Consolidated Revenue Fund ot Ontario, and Is chaneeable thereupon. Subscribers - should state whether they desire bonds or "Onlirlo Govern- ment Stoek," Example -A subscriber tor 0,000 will have the optkon of' -either a bond or 'Ontario Government Stock." A.subscriber for 11750 lent be given. 0Ontar1o• Oovernment Stock" as bonds re onty in the denomination of • A. 3. MATHRON,. - • •Peotincinf Treasurer. Treasure , Department. Perlameut .Bundings; Toronto. 3rd June, 1900. ewspepers Mserting this advertise* mentenwittout autrotity front NW' We; ternent velei not be paid tor it. zumcrt 01010•110111111 Building operations are not very bask this season, although the following are building dwellings-Jaceb wcido. 8 al Faust and Henry Rupp.-Cornie Holtz- • man ha, 'returned from Berlio where • -tlas -beep -attending collegee-D. is moving Into D. steinbacteet house, recently vacated by 3. .1. Sterner.-- The .Iublite- Silver Band Wee -been- to-stiee-at-Exetereartal-litetagall urfte-- day and Fridey.-Vietor Appel who has finished his course at billthatm Business, Cenege has secured a position In a, bank at Stettler, Alberta, and bas gone to the Wete-Rev. Peter Geiger at Wa- terioe visited here, last week. --$150.00 was subscribel for new uhltortne ,tor the band. --Engineer Hyde ot the C. P .R., was taking a look around tins district I 133t week, which looks , as though we iiere Wing onsidercd as likely to be put. on the line between St. Marys and God- erich.-J. A. •Williams Is making a pet. yet* bowling lawn beetled Dr. Camehell's off:co.-While getting a barrel of salt at efernees warehouse •Jolue .0alitter ;tad the misfortune to have the barrel e*ra,e) Jle to ankle, breaking his Allan, w.to spent the wln- ter in Boston. Mass.. has gone to'St. Peet, mine.. ter twe moitthS. Nears the Kisi Yerthis Sier", , LAIttlt.” 1#447 werteen 'ven have beat,itiful, a::cL tavola* halTe by ..Using. Pathogen $440. 0 *004 intite toetc and dandrutt cure. arlehm. ,fnute li the ravorlts gate 'tirx :o .ief..eI rop2i4-and sinte-it* -11„ Vet -vill.4 ,Wot« ral * wat- ' heaOtitot- 14004,10 -Pelf Thzt wijj be,tite,. 1V$ or •frietbieti e . , rut Store of W. lit. „0.01e An n , 4 . , ttla.:, t .,P,taelelark.',', '' .0 ,. e vat 4r..,r .,not se,tia itel. that VAttal4 '''. eilehttut -.-444 .retitelAnii, YOU ever' used. 440 it '140,1,c. "44A: r"rtlftalat:iltilts'Up44/1614ra''riltatie; • ft,eOat. onlY ZIA tents .e,„ bottle at W. Sr ti;,t1ei, Or by . express, charge*, PrePitd from ,Giroutt' Mfg, dee.' Port . Bele. Ont. - . - -, - .1, Obituaree-Death 13 again,. in ou r midst 'this time cielmieg ter its victim, Wile but', son et Mr ad Mrs, Welter oWan who passed *Way Thurs4ayeetitte-11-, et the .eerly age of '10 years. It wits but at abort -time eaga That ttie tuture Welt. 'blooratter and gay, with the plight - est of prospect,* tor a long and useful lite, but God willed otherwise, for it le 3' Old that In life we are in the 5pidst deetttle" We are cut oft and *On fly awae, and 'the place that knew us Otto knows us no more foreVere The dreessed nee been et sufferer Zr 'the lest eeight ,40,mttles -fromel elieerecelLed i 1 -' $1. but he got no. reliet. The funeral tOolt place on Saturday' to Kirkton Unioncem- etery and was very ligegelY'attended..The casket was covered with lroeutiful Moral tributes, which' went to 'thaw the deep respect lu which the deceased was held. •Re_ was a member ot thelarkton Pre*. bytertan church, and his end was peace. trite funeral service Wile COAdlieted by RevreCteleletehereater waseverreititereitei; ive. Mr., and Urs. Gowan have the sem- Vatity Pt the entire =immunity: In net. their _sad hour ot trial. • We teel sorry to chronicle the ser- lous. Illness ot Miss Bella Mellor, who is an Intense sufferer from inflamma- tory rbetunatism. She ls unable. to feed herseer or turn a 'newspaper over while reeenng, but is kindly looked after by her mother, and we hope to soon hear ot her recovery. . ,tear new hank, branch ot the gole sona, opened up for o, general bank:44 •business on Pricier and report cOnsid- treble business already- with bright prie- *pacts for the toture. This is indeed a long telt went and wc are pleased to have it In oar midst. Anniversary. services were held In the Presbyterian church on Sendai Menthe pulpit being occupied by Rev.•Mr.gcCoy et leritish Coltuutes, who delivered two powerful and attratetive' sermons to 1111- mense. congregations: end on Monday tea WAS served on the church grounds and was said. to be one or the betet„and most up.--to.darte Ints-thet-they -Nave 'het in recent years: !everybody seerhed to enjoy theMseIves. Proceeds about VW. It ts wIth regret we announce the mete Iota illness of gra. Alt. Roes, who is confined to her bed with consumption of the teroat. She has completely lest her voice, can scarcely take any notirishe anent. and but. slight hopes are enter- tained for tie.r recoyery. 'Much sympathy is felt for ,both Mr. and We. Ross. , The English Church garden party was held on Mr. John. gortitt's lawn on VA day_evening last and was a decided sue - eess in every' weiiseeer sic, singing,. speeceee, .pts, and games of various forte wore indulged in Mr. Alfred Paul, late front London, Eng., was the cher' entertainer. His singeing was magniticeet. He was encored time and again and it is, not too much tosaY that it *41 the best tea and entertain* ment given In leirkton in recent years, and all tor 25e. The ladies of St. patil's citurcu cannot be too highly cOngratul atcd in making it euvn a grand success. Proceeds' $90.00. , .• . torley-Doupe.-The soclai event of last we* in reirktort was the *marrisege of• Miss Flossie, second daughter ot st." re Doug*, to elr. Ctscar- ?Marie*, et Wecoen 00 Wedneaday evening, VI.' The marriage took peace 911. votive* tr,autiful lawtt in the Prceene tot 41t- nt-Alate relatives and friend* of the contracting parties. The ruiptial knot wee seeurely tied by Bev. ' Jahn Veale ItIrkton. The floral display was very geetty and. uelque. It e.,me-eueeett, te—the prettiest weddings taking plate in Kirke ton in some time.. Needlegis to say the bride" was beitititully attired and 1Ook0 very pretty. The, grown is etre high epekeh, egit erid 4,1 congratWate en winning eonc of Iiitkton's pdpuler young ladies., Atter I e ceremehr and the usual 'seeking of bends arld'salutitle tite bride Ahe wedaing' party, oat 40Wri o a sumptueue marrialte feast, .that awaited them There was a beautiful array of usetul and costly potsents se - hie to show tin, high esteem. in Which the bride, and ieroont ere held. CVNT • Ladies* Md Concert. -The Ladies* Aid Satlety of Centralia Methodist will hold their annual xen,cert on July lot. Come ad iz ear the eetebtated Or-. ettestrase- Sir. C. Pink, tenor soloist,Mrs. 03.30, reader of London, also,' Prof. Brown. -emote:fastest and piano soloist of Canton. Doors went at 8 p.m.: title- ets 25 and 15 cents. 1 - DROWNED IN ST. MATINS. 0100:0•1100i01 O Teursdae :Nee 17, itsemeed ereseedratientel the rivief.ist unrys by the, upeettittg ot canoe in *Zan% et. and. Bentz Morreet weft ridleet Path WaS gOOtt ,SWirraner but nay. :toad couid net swim a stroke. /tot as itayntoed sank !teeth dived for him and brought hind to the tour. face. Here Ate struggle stetted. Ale though nude desperate efforts to take entint tewarda shore. ttaymond nsisted ol grabbing Mtn std dragging Irn 'down. Delth at teat *weeded In getting' itaSno:ttl oil a ledge of rock vi,!‘„C.T-0 CIO canoe utteet, wten, Le rtt toe help, but Wilion itgail41 feli Iola a deep !tote rear the reek pszt * tlroweed. Tie bete wee IOWA an t leter, nukes' tte set.r.dad St. Marys btr tiTowoltd, vti.'t): two Weeks, Itel bel;* tytt! • A tie rozario, CURED IN SIMPLE AT NO more Dosing the Stomach - Cure the iSkin .throttion the Skin 1' Pet t YAP; ' eve ' a .*rate your hand you ***It It out and cleanse it and then the stein mires ttself. YOu never think et doeing Your ttomath for The best agein speciallete to. -da' are agteed that the Obee Wee to eta., itteee me and eitnliat skin diseases Is through. the ,skin, tor •statieties shoW thitt.telare )y etereinge letterer* are • iterlittii healthr itt *11 other Waits eXCept 04 to their *kin. If ihe treents. 'intents Wert really statering from let Interned rant* *dire •needtteg 'an Internal .ternedt* the eatire bodyatd not tee *kin OnlYiwOuld be. diet/teed. Too, ten prove imMediately the relief' f a true silcin cure:by tieing 911 tit Wine green, st ompOtittded1t 1:031354 iettlOn. Tls limed XIII* the diseeire As„ ,white toeing' itio 'ale taint)" Vert 6 C nit .iavente,;It tlittiwa i.t• Village* ttot Monty follOwsztitrat4M e4e, 41111, Newbutl levet.9..Viaa Craig 0103* leteean *IV. & by.law wait passed to borrow 1012.950 for current expenies. 41.eo a 107,e1aW to fade% t11,4,10ST 'Ito Meet urrent expert** 4,11‘11 Interest -on dchtn!.. tere.e;e Tee Ctititteli nteitte 4In4ie WOO 3l0,04*.y » -. 34W4nt-*Vent :inok-..p.lace at ul!..At' VIM**. when :Mile 1010.,,ter Of the - late 4T1z3rn1 . 1 , (4444,-* lb* c0 alatio; 94ffit Pt7, nes - -31v. a�l oia. 'Noma, .161.i • . Olui suffered% tbe • here', aftlictio*, tt 10ite,'.of,';:theit; Inv -43,90-tek; Liry gatrica 'Oh Juni 'Tee IUIpraii:vinfet4 *411,.,...474Yatiti'' wit* bold 404 .40.44i; to Et. .vermereemetery. Nr. Doyleat fitm- haft..beenAiLtut.....mte-- -pastfew,-,,veeke tel“.**, whc1 fii !Igt,longc.in tephen „and -the, north- ?cart of:Ifet11,1114 vray. Ther little daughter took the die* ease In At* worst form and pa,ssed away late Saturday evening. from heart fall - etre. Mr. and gre. Doyle teeve the haute felt eympatley 9t the community In *Ns Two liteGillivrey peePle were lteCeller nettled ill% the litth et the Meteediet Pareonage. Parkhill, by the pastor. Rev. Godwin, when Thos. Flynn end glee EveMaY Smith, Seined hands in wed - lot*. The• young people have the cone gratulation* and best whems of a hetet of friends. • The tuneral took place tier* Teeter/LW tit a former welleicnown sficillUvrs.r boy' 131.---41,14204110:10F,1-1114 11 land, - .114.4414,' 1 • I had -been ill about two weeks, b th was not expected and It came as a great shock to hlii friend. and relatives. He was 05 years of age, and WAN consider- ezi irery clever young matt. A • widow and three email children survive. illIP BIDDOLPH Mr. 'W'estman of Granton is buntline a new cement bridge on the 5t11 con. ot Piddulelt, known as the -Aecrorr-Deihs bridge. It Is a tonnty bridge. -Mr. Geo. Cobleigh ot the :Ind con. Jacked up his barn on Monday and will bulidee. _new foundation there under.e-Mr. Robe Flynn ot the 2nd con. had a large barn raised gondsr afternoon and every. thingt Passed off satistactorre-etr. M- ort I. Carter ot Loadon was visiting friends on the Sauble Line on Sunday •lime • . .1 -e" 1,14'111 ; Died In MontrumeeThe sad news" hale been reteived ot the death ot Mr, Alex, •'Atkinson, toriner resident et this whO passed *way In Montana. His 'brOther Milton and his btother-Ire taw, Str. Rkhe Dickens' have gone to Montana to look after the buelneshiitt connection with hes estate. Wedded -A very interesting event took place at St. Patrkit'neetturettee jun* when Miss Bridget Tolley and Mr. Anthoity Lamithiee Were united In. marriage. The bride wore 44,Prineemi at White, tteirit-erspriteoveres ifieb pint los trimmings, and ea 'efed a bouquet of rose*. The bridesmaid was Ms* LamPier, sister or the groom, who wore a princess gown at French mull. and carried .pink carnations. The groom was attended by Mt. Dennis Toohey, brother ot the bride. Little Laura and Eddie Drown, 'cots:tins of the gnome were ringbearers. 'bride's; travelling suit was grey, with old rose -hat. _ellen& from liewk; Sae Diego, Stratford, Mount Carmel and Detroit, to the number • of about. 100, w attendance, and eat down breektent "get the home' or elle Tooaey; •father ot the bride. -Mr. and Mrs. LAM. tinier lett for a seort trip to Toronto and Niagara Falls, and on their return win reside on Mr. La:11010es' beautiful farm Maple prove. The harlot ceuple were the recipients of nugnerous beau- tiful and valuable presents,. j PAItQuimArt 'V'i Annie Lang et St. Marys was the guest of Mies Clara Stewart last week. -Mr. 309: Vance ot Brittort vise on 'the Boundary over Sued:we-Quite% 'number_ _from_ her attended. ,4ceeeeki races last weekeeldr. Joen Witeon spent Sunday at Grand - Bend.- Accidentr. Wm. Stewart• rile with a painfulaccident on Monday last. Ile' was workleg with the team at the beret when in• ionize manner he wait titrovete to the' %remind and trainitled upen by one of the florets, inflicting palatil iniutles- to his ' thigh and ankle. • • _ • Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Meleleol of Stmt. ore *pent a few days Iage, week with eteres in the vieleity.-Leiveettce Fute ' A rted fatelite visited at. Wale, n on turday end S\teaday.e.Hanle et, ,rowee Thames 'toad he* treatedbtm*et to 11„. w• trettioe ettElriee Suceess jitsi,--i•Ar thur isi all • *miles 'these' day!". .vvis.t I* the, cause ? Virity, Ito' the eirriVal 01 a fine baby by t! 111* ititme Isla week.. 11AV TOMIS/Ift ChApPel--Iteratoldseerze home of and Nfra. it, 110Yeolds, ariooketde Farm,/ Hay TOwnsilleavaii the Scene of * pretty vreddtne. on Vireeltiesdar, .lune 16, whe their eldest 4aueleter. Miss Vlortaze wee united In marriage to Mt. W. c.uppei, a prosperous yount tomer bt I leer }wit:term. The teretronr was per formed at high notei, by Ref. Awn: A„, 'pastor Of .Iatnes itreet chuect4, Exeter, atintdst fettle noel tl3Wm ere, in me presence of *but 40 *Wet*. The bride vele.* was germ away br her tether wore a gown Of Yihite allk et. broldered neell, trimmed Wit11 tete end setlit eibtoe, eigiet a Yen itel outgo blestoms, and aitried, bunch Ot. rotes and tirrationi. Little Mildred ,Ifithol. 103 ot tart Otte. Sask.,: coueirt Of thil brZde, Made a vreetf nowt': std, dyes** ed '14 w.b.tte organdle. The, , weellient MOVIZ, ',Soma ' by Ms* talth notelsslater of, the Wide, brides to:truing eoit le, of blue 1,4,6110(16lb, with welter pittere tat. Atter therftere tasnz,s. cistt wedding, breakfast was botrvedafter 1ttlit4t,Mr .V4s,birs. **Pt !,1 lett:for�e ew ,:ap" • sheiSte eteeeeettlelleet7eNiteleettle-teleeltritx....,—"heerielliitill114111111111Weate ".1""-Irte -• • T..,, (any Contolittse of the Tow_l, r.I.1,1*4 C44:010444 AsosOclatione•Ar rn'on az° tirOlrig. to ca7z,dttrt. a tegeday seteuttier WAIT the hove or eeeLak. unty-oq-teei ;Stem. at -Z..4ifi. t st-..aover t sOuth or tiOderie ' beilitiatift u 13. --4.-vo . ,tz IS mide_for the, 1 -..r '75- ' erTd: the gmntlit a ' II c'd tut,' th:' wn, and ill , e , t ..' tog0.., ‘TOO,' v , hint Wilt 'OS'. S1,410 t 1.. 1 trid . the heys-'. 11, • les clothea'S,11 04404 . ':''' . ' 1It-tiar the' , mit ° 41.. t4*ftay , , Hone • .0 • heyvetiniin 00 Ilene 1u3 g). ‘Tlt onefOr egulipillene There is ,41.- pring-ef water, good biattdat '" and `,geteelleitt,' grounds:, fee:* andreethletectee- The eatopewill. the -management -br-1*,-7-4(7. V bounty Sevretarxe-eteho-Will bI by A. Cunene," Provincieleifecet B. Chant.. forneetir Physleat Director midiand 3t4 1.7. t fitoberiston ere! Johns vei..Aottert and'othere. It is expected a physician will, be otz the grounds; cook will be employ and every arrengemeneernade for . seretY, ceratert end pleasere or the 00710 Perents need have no fear or tuaxtetY ooneerainig the welfare otehettente while awaY, and should entheltee the' opportun- ity to give their boya *healthful, wholesome outing, under Christiae in. tluences and eupervision. The emana- te* have no other Pereese In -conduct* bee *ugh a vamp, than to -do every In- - ..etenreAreee-letteleeettir7tito-lroixt 0 50 tech he'.• eXietitee , 01 patenta or . 1,04.- **Ifi` 010* Ir. -SO& -w Fleming, Clint 0.4116111117Pa goo* • Ile COI TO 60 sr soot Misses Mettle bfearelfor and Mabel' ord spent Sunder eveninetwittegra7 Clifte.--Miss Iva Stevvardson of Park. hill spent a tew dare at her uncle's, Mr. T. Stelwardsoreete-Mies Sarah Shank .14teed te_etendie_in_theeburg on tsondaY. Nelson Mose ot Clinton itpent a few days the past week twith . his uncle. Kr. Robert Hayter. --A summer, meeting ot -the Women's Institute will be held itt Wilson's Hall on 'lune 2ette at 2.36.- Addresees win be given by ellen Shut- neworth and Miss &Wilk of TOronto, Everybody' welcome. Art.:.. MEN, e""'....". • /OP Ai l‘trii. R. Coates tett-kited Friday fronl a trip to Douglas. gall.-grr. Fred Lux" ton returned home last -Week atter ate tending the funerit his brother, the iate Themes Lutton. otttar city, 14.1,Ch. umber- from bete attended the oration at Exeter Sunday '.-Mr and mrs. Matson .viarir of .Wincheltea, spent Sunday et Skinnertge-A. itetnibee trotn here eete evrititer-Otiettie"efritilinee-0"Tertft' amlnatiorte trt Exeter 'tete Weein-Mtes sister- ot Luxton heti returned from rs Vis- it with friend" In and around Cregroarty. -A number from 'here attended the so - eat at No. 3 school, ilsbcxene.. Vriday evening and eepOrt';* $004 time, .11VOCATE1 strascalna for et all the news. ovate' lan AROUND A13010 Mt - Clinton: Within an alcove formed of white and purple Iiirthrthe_draw- .2 room of the-bildi s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. liessten. Huron street, youngest deo hter. Miss Nona*, was unIted ritsib it_. a to Mr. Arthur Read ofP mucti be Canada. Another 'Woman Cured. Christiana,..Tenn.--",1 suffered from the worst form of female trouble so that at times thought *wild not nd my 4"1"magull •-•,, ale Mxtl gan to take r., beut got toakbatelimef,001I be. 0 Compo r three weeksllidttO lare' wewilitleeling" BiLy Dovedale', me'fee-rent woman. E. Pluktiam's Vegetable Compotmd 1. worth its weight in gold to suffering women."--110.X.enr wool. sar.utt. youbelOttg tO 004)011241mi anny of WOttlen who suffer from some form of Abele Ills, -don't hesitsto *Eir Lydia E. Pinkhates• Vegetable Com. pound, roAtle fromreett and herbs. - ----41`ot-thirtryeargthhiramousrensedy- ha* been tbe st*Thdlirdfor all forma of female ills„-andhas cured thousands of men lirlarlideiril-been troubledwith such ailments sadisplace thrners-rold stlIDIettle ulceration, 1 Titles, backicher and nervous prostration. Clinton: .A„ Pretty and quiet wed- " ding was celebrated at the home of Mr. 11. Pennehaker on Wednesday of haat week, when his daughter, Flor- ence May, was united in marriage to 144-Thoe. Watts. The ceremony was performed by Rev. 1`, cbarlet. worth. xittheu: On Weaneeday, et the of the brides parents. Peed- erick Porterfield was married to, Arise - Nettie Mae, daughter or Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Coltjuhoun, by Rey. I. W. In tb presence Or only the minediate rel Uses of the 'oontracting VOUS* Seefortb: The weddlng took Place - quiet! at St. Times' lc Church an Wedue.dsy,--juner-l. MP. ,Kiliotrut- Youngest daughter of Wh3nifted /More" of temeforth. • to Mr. Edmund A. Mary, eldett of of Mr; Frimia OirorY* A;of Windom OW" to *recent bersalrement in the brides family only inustediste reit- trite were ,present. Brucefleld: A quiet wedding was sn1emnsrI h Rev, 131.. N. Hazen- of odist -Ohurchi-atAbe- na,geon Dumb" street east, Lon. o # *t_noon on Wednesday, June le, - when lir. George Strong, • of Brut* field. vms married to. Mime Etie.txtut "•40 Harisy. The happy con- PIO willreside in -Brucelleld. They were unattended. CASTOR IA sad chizdr Ent( the tr.�f Another ine" Fe -This is **entirely stew ides, askt vtillispes. ; 'chilly interest people wito.ritide its natural. ,,gss'districts. The gettiefieet takes the,, , ortheticiwer Sunshine ekeilot, thes_making it possihie to-Iturn-tteeetts.-enttfirott lei Inconvenience. Such 1 .ttot ,po lite in itt , furnace where the oedinary ' 'otirlog is inserted; . far, Shottld thetas give out, a coal or wood ., 44 void wat be Started until the gas pips .ivitre disconnected. • . . To provtde igehtst eweating IF the sumrn�r , time, ,fettesliitte Earttece is' niektitied steel radiator •aad 4 , 'bolts and 'rivets,' ars viieltii en '' .''copper4litted. This epeeist , (sides meaning epticher and goo I 'frost the two:het/4e a,*4 .4063* than Cola dill iron 'Could' possibly give, acts as ... ,for the holt% tiVrile and rod s (re* .aerosds of gas.When csit 4001 00144 I* tOoti our niekelledetteef it i4001tedettith Our Ant -Rust trestititst, *tick poeventef !b.,. slight -0( possibility or, net co*1rss.cuig suyerbeett tit Soasholifa Ititteatie* t.,* 9 Olr aummiumpoo.4111 I� by T u e )(4,ter ‘tr, ee.