HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1909-06-24, Page 4 (2),
*LiY,One 244909
to «t
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$Nrotk,' • .
A gettit
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, it will he, diffie,Ait •sifter- eel*
`e; the *VP' be '4014'14 tre/iiire•
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ter -Siheulcr neOit
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TON 4010144 Ite, 'roe law treetittiot.adverHe
15,14 R•finl•ra.trs '114iO4---eveel'ieeeltett
Ilttie summer* '
OlIntoo has three 'bend* witile Reefer
-hay tepee COMPaelsons ate ee-lieuo•-
lettes have a band.
Hon. Wm. Lyon Maeleenzie icing was
teleeted by 3ee1amatto in. Woterloo
the Minister Of Labor W the Laurier
Several piece* in this dietriet -have
vatablished Fanners' Clubs, but there
Are Many other -convenient points where
!such clubs ellould lee established, The
ellecussions at thew) meetings are the
best means ot building up agricale
Vitet: 0
Jr ,!.49;z4Ora tgait been v
.t `,:sto Inman for a. tow411•Ye.
leierni .44 gettine ia, tNeir wi
zoiketkiy rat oat»
4 'number Qt nor, PeePli attended' t
Lit -t4! 9114nrie-se,
ehordHowse)) of *to) tienk le to
4n t • flie hence lte..Wlegitaene
• OWlereelia&-eeteeeit04-hereeeett
;eu!.2 pi* dettleS ilteel•d
'ofeRics!". :4141cAtia, ,
191ttati4o„,WO. 1 '• '.*itsirciiittig
Niii.stAt 'VOW*, reeiltre:
hOLOCI or 14•111•"•4101,4444
.hireAtiy: ahloickted. tO ah.04•17.
tO. • ade tx'etina. oro4
:2 cis: or but IPe'd4seittraticon,
•Xeo,?n *teethe le our Padang, *boat
tew• e-eire. age and' •veote the`Miene
of by everyone -in this sieetiOn, Hetaftete
Wards tateeht' In 040 IlIgtL Wheel •
Outten -and later. accepted a siteatien
as Mathematical teacher in the High
Whoa t Midiaed. His .renielmo were
Inteeeed in eloefesville yesterday, Wed,
needeee A widow and three email Child
een-survive Mm. Oue citizen' all Join
'in extending to the bereaved (*miler our
eeeertfelt ymp.tby.- • •'
• The Ladies' Aid ot the Methodlooteleer-
ch will have a etrawberry social> on the
'Cauren lawn on Friday evening of title
week. After the social an Interesting Pro
gram to be rendered by local talent and
Mr. Pink, the tenor singer, of London,
be given
_ .
'Ural edueation, 40e0Per4ionk better Harey letain hes purchased, a piano,
seed, ltecreseed production and enhanced automobiles are _quite numerous a -
ices., The ter:acre have a Wong round here now. The horses see so
,eartting and leavening intluenete on the many that they are getting used to
widere•-trorluence- eensehereitreet-earboutekkeeraitegnehawbuzew
• Ilei-bf.-the vx-vilfRitisolifffeaffirtortittant Goderich
criminal code, the carrYing of a revol- spent si few days here !est week with
ver, Or other concealed weapon will be tee mother. • -
smashed with imprisonment. Hitherto a John Morioek raised, an tiddltioual beat
fine was the penalty. But this ha* tie....ov- on his bank bagn on Tuesday. The rain
or ,heen generally or strictly eaten:c-, made it rather dangerous work to hon -
.:except where there has been a speelat_die....the,Ltaavr_pieee of•-timbet-, -- -
M-aQns the law as been Inactive' A The mid -summer examinations are bee
- eetsmf"aled---YleallolLeta-a-"iserwaultent° Theitr-it-t-riFIfilblie•-ifi,RtliFiterer---Mr:
-the person possessing it and to the Shore of Dashwood Is the presiding or,-
. Cortuttertiter at large,The cell should •
be Aurtineer, _ . _ \
-abated. but *a mere threat ot- Imprreoll-, - While going up stairs on Tuesday
anent will not be eneugh, to do it,- ani
i 6
G. Young, tripped and fell the full flight
of the .stairs. it is • thought that she
fractured a bone in her rfrght arm. Gott -
7)18 EXETER COUNCIL • esidering Ur*. Young's advancei
her neat birthday -the -sh-ock might
Tsome serious ettect. Her many
eo second sittings ot the, Court of eriencls trust however that she will not
Bei/1810o for the Vilia,ge of Exeter was nave to *utter much pain- In her pre*.
'held in the Town Hall on PridaY, June
lath, 1009. The members present were 0
The Ansa Craig auto which came here
Outman McCstilum, Messrs. lobos, Int.
on Monday to take in the ball gatrte
leer and Carling. The minutes of the rame to grief south of town and the oe
There being nfurther bust*
sneeting belt' gay 28th were read an* cupants of the car were obliged to stay
approvel. o
mess to briat Robert Ussery's for the night.
ng befoxe the Court the Cettrt Sheardown--A-A happy event
-of Revision for 1909 was closed on nip-,
of Johns and Luker. took place at the home ot Ors. J.
The council met at the close of the
*aim. Abient Couhrillor-Heaman, The
=trustee of the meetings held May1,11,
29, June 5. 7, were.read and approved.
xeport tee the Pellet Viewerseregard-
ins line tence between R. Gidley, James,
Creech and I. Armstrong was read, the
ortme being referred back 'for other ih-
aormatien on motion of Carling and
johns. -Carried.
'rile reeve gave a report as.regshis the
'tertris and COndIttona as agreed with J.
N. Howard. The same was accepted by
The council on motion of Carling and
• The clerk was instructed to secure F.
W. Particomb to take levels of the new
elide walks on motion of Carling and.
The t0l1gwhiir accutoutio -wer?
ordered to be paid. -Willis Chipman; of
Toronto, service* re water supple'. 950: -
Thos. 'Houlden, prepaid account for one
week street watering $15; Thos. Houl-
den, one' week street watering, $15.00;
• Gutta Percha and Rubber Co, Toronto,
• account tiro dept4 l.7; Times Printing
tett to June 1$t, 445; The Queen
City Oli Co., gasoline, $7.05; R. ItTar-
- Lor, eleartinng flute of steamer, 2.50; E.
Venison, street watering $1.5; Jos. Sen-
ior,' postage. Se; Labor Accounts, Fred
Mills 4.50; Jaw. Stewart 75c Arthur
Sanders 10.40: Thos. Cookson 10.50;
Albert Diesett 15.75,e Eli_ Snell 15.04;-
lealah Hall 14.55; Jos. Sutton 14.00)
•003. Sinders 12.00; Geo. Atkineon 3.00
Vera. Andersen 17.05; Tilos Snell 9.25;
Thos. Cornish 10.50: David • •Russell
.10.50; ltd. Davin 2.1'5: Silas Mild -
lora 2.75: Thos. Cretet 5.4.:15; Walter
Westeott 12.00; Sidney Sanders 14.25e:
' Al!, Bedford 12:;00 e• Wm. Welsh 0.00 e
, 'Henry Bairney 1.80; Geo. Cudtnore A;
William Gillespie 2.50; Wm. Britria-
comb3 5.50; amounting in all to. 331.1.0*
pe.seed, en motion or Carling and Laker.
Ade. to Monday, June 21e by Carling.
' Jos. Senior, » Clerk,
*1 eau '
4 et\ CORREtTION e
rommorrorroorre •
Mr. oral -JAM Richard' liodgine otethe
e Beath neendery, ttsberne, desire to eon-
trallet the statement made in recent to-
ilette of the times of tee district that
their daughter, Miss Lou*, was mar-
,rk3o Nr. tkcdhatri of Lbudon.. There
7.1deto trutlt, whatever in the reportr, knit
it 1* Most regrettable that anyone,
'evOold be guilty of catts'atg the press
elreuMte the ' report:.
;0Pa I
et. tean, at, high neon. WedneadaY. June
tetri, when her third daughter. Edith
Fawcett, was united in !nunlike:3 to Mr.
Wren Sheardown, formerly of Crediton.
The 'bride. and groom »were 'uoattended,
the bride beit•tg given away by her bees
ther-in.lave.-Xr. -GeO.» Fowler. Among
the out of town guests were Mrs. Shear.
down and Elmer Sheardowe of Crediton
Ws., Pickering of Shipita, the groom's
sister. and Mr. and Mr* W 3 (Mgr
of Torontosister or the brille. The
happy couplet lett on the 2.40 tralh ter
their wedding trip, amidet showers of
»Ws extend congratulations and
best wishes, * -
Last Week the Sunder Schools of the
Ztaltifelical ,and i‘tetitodist churches held
their annual picnics at . -Grand Bend Park
That or the Evangelical ehurch took
place on Wednesday. The'clay was n
i.atte,:Tdaz.„m. Thebi,044
tr4tu kt the aftereew ,
tOr ttiet h0nteY4-n3ors..• •atter
ttey Will residei MUvzr T,owne
,leeeeThe ether veoeddieer tee)* "deka
p. tb at tl14,. home Of Mr. see4 Won
lelieent IU,14,410.1 their leConel ;laugh
terMie* Wart Weof inereled to-iler* N.
eet 44tent),-41,01--'404,40t*/ -eaten -Preget/et*
The • Marrtage errei3O,01)Y1 wee, leerfeeene
"linder i areti. • 'Slees
solt.lbrideSittaitt An4,)0.--SCOtt as-
te4 lets tviotheei .?tht r,rtx. Mrand
eg,e,,We for Wiederoro Velday.
.h,e?‘ 4610 tut1ot t4
e ttVe1 Willetieekeelheir feiteee•ieereee
to **loran* trsoe: tualosy. tote
belielnele '‘,41.ttring, their 'man?
'ple-so •
rIed ire
A 1.;!140014;
LC itOada and .ri ea.:goitunitiettl Of
the 4 Vounty..'rAmodit Met In' "Welter
on Monday to 1e s contract flOr t*.
.beildiner of a but .:boldite between Stan -
ler and Goderieli toWnehips, and else
to examine and decide upon the iboliettnit
Of' another bridge at Sodom, or the clos-
ing upot,the water WO' there. The latter
was decided upoi and one ot the presient
bridgee, the -Oid wooden one, will be
taken away and the road tilled I.
Witigharo Lodge, A. F. & 5L. No.
296, will run •a Masonic excursion to
Port Stanley, ott Wednesdar, jOly 7tb,
viaDrand Trunk and Pere ele.rquelle
Rallwa3i.s. Port Stanley is the "'Coney
billeted of Western Ontario," and Is. a
popular place to spend a holiday. The
committee has arranged for gOod
' --amusiticling-exceirotion,Je
on -Lake --Erie on, the Itatedlet- Steel
Special train leaves Keefer at 9.15 a.See
good tor two days- and the return fare
Is $1.10. Everybody come tend enjoy
3PleOidtd day's outleg. See large bins
for cull particula.r.s.
The school picnic held on Friday las
was a decided success-. there were
sports and amusement* of all kind, and
-nenavallettenwrirs-eives of -The op-
portunity to hale an enjoyable time. An
interesting feature of the afternoon was
the preaentlition to Miss 'liners, who Is
her connection with the school,
ot an address, a beautiful watch fob
and crescent brooch. Miss Miners,. ale
though taken by surprise, replied in a
very able manner. -
Mr. H.G. Bolton Is improving his lane
by a good coat of gravel. -Mr. and Mre
Sen. nee Miss Myrtle Eyre, at Detroit
are apending their- honeymoon with their
aunt. Mre. Frank Rychman and other
relatives here:411es Lillian • Williams
lett on Tuesday evening for Vancouver
where she has alposItion awaiting her
We, wish her a pleasant journeY.-- Mr.
Stewart and Miss Margaret Mcqueen
pent Sunday with' friend* neer ICirkton,
-epee Grant nychnieh spent a few day*
trim her parent* 'ott Hillsgreene-Gener.
al regret is felt here et the leaving ot
Ntl'oa Miners as 'our tereeherre
llobkirk Sr.. tat nis wefts visiting) his
daughter, mr3. Smith of -11agersville.
The services here on Sunday were very
largely attended. Tbe sermons were Ire
teresting and impreseive. The subjects
were -In the morning, "Be not . con-
to-anded.b nto this woilerendlii. the
•eyeningo- "Whatch ye therefore, quit re
like men. •Rev. Mina014, very ably han-
dled these subebeti.• aorn,dno doubt
Inc hearers,
si*lo sang a very fine iolo In an ex-
cellent snannere-Ilev. Fair will preach
Ms* farewell Ammon here next &Miley.
Special singleee for the occaslorn-Mr,
and eine, Tiles. Gunning of Marlton,
Mr. and .Mrs. Oscar Gilbert of Luca%
Mr. Harvey Sutherby ot Kelly Siding
and Mr. Allen Parkinson and sister eat
St. Marys visited friends here over the
eft sin -bulges. to transport the chlhire
luck to the lake. During the day.'nume
erous sports were held, Bali games be-
tween the teaehera and scholars and
then one atnong ;he girls. nares were
also held for which prizes consisting of
bano.nis and *candy were- offered. , To-
wards -evening a large number went boat
lig on the lake. Sonxe went fishing and
HEIfe • eekeessfui i -n getting a goodly
string. The picnic was a decided sue.
cess throughput and all fled a » Jolly
good day's tun.
On Friday the Methodist elturth had
'their picnic. at :the send, andalthotigh
the v.eather wallet so aireeeable, ft
not keep the people from . going.
,elour busses were used beeides ',Liege
hunther of -single rigs wentalong.- in
the enerneng a ball guano eons:sung of
girls and » boys was Played. 'SomebrW
io.itt plays were mute_ but tile, run mom-.
ber Innings were not .Platred tO give
a derision as .to which side *on. At
2.30 p.m. different ?games were played,
Weaken Lewis was beer handing Out
the 'treats of °ratio -sena -urines *ravine
dy, Ile Chambers and IX Mawhinner ent-
ed as. starters. In the highi jure') one of
the Grand Mee boks laid he could beat
ist,tent all, but didn't) consider our. atit-
tete. 'Elmer (lower, *Ito catolly jowl
to a mark lite other lad couldn't atta14
After tite ra.eei a game et bieehau Was
played between the alniele and Married
men; The battery for the married' men
was made up of F. 'W. Clark and TOst
Mawhinney, isnd' that of the' batitelots
g;mer Gower and Art Anti, The game
14' the single men winning' IS/
one run, A teature orjhe game wa,, s a
v•olhe by itet. nicks. /
The Aslia Credo' boys came tore otl
Monday night to play our Stars a» game
of ball. The old aggregation used to
be whirleinds and made enir 'boY4 go
some, holt this game was a waitt-over.,
following Is the result •ot the eratne0
2 2 1 •-e" .5 0'12
Aliore Mali; 0 0 01 0 et 0 eeleiee.1
tesetei the 5te inteeng „Craig was shut
wtvat, owing td'Itiniverethrow or
b;i4,8). to Star'a plteter. Oho, ran gte'
thR, 11the fitil inning Cralg »eizange
geteizete atqd the boys certainlY Ltd
reakieg !lite rune that enetee.
.0 following three innings Craig inade
tie etre.e.' Them was a goal do'vel
,datt•ete bat me *ante .was a little
et-Vicd to :hale) jt fere' interost4
V. e teaderetat4 gurtql wZh *tzar
L.0 ilcenD day this week, and. tt.ta "tire
eepeef to. see the tee fie'. Wits Wfll
ou annottereelt tzce gatoe. onr
c.kls 07e:at.
giptp:et gobu* 1=1011r re=
ele. Roberts ef Clinton has moved in-
to- the- blouse- recently vacated br X.
Tiedman.-Mr. L. itareue's store ts
nearly completed astd he intends nlov.
Into it tele, -week.--eir. Clinker, of
London arrived here Friday eta. will
camp for a time... --Mrs. Brenner, wee
has been visiting in London, haft re-
turned horneo-Xiss Mettle FolUck at
Eeeter has taken up her reeidence here
for the aunirner.-"Arr. 3. Robins,
tograPhee, 'has decidedto locate at
Grand Bend for tot sum -mer and moves
to that place toemerre've.` Mrs. Roberts
ease relatiies living 'near that retort,
which will make le additionally pleasant,
for theme during the Nheated ttrrnr. troy
• t ton leave thereitlio
eote a el 4ron.
tOlvh I In the till." -Clinton
visiting litre, tionthren.ee
Ilev.rti,• To will eteeelOY the getbo",
diet puiPit tor oho ii4r4tisi more, 4tttr
wiateti gat* WikilaFelliftew0 W,11.4e'
•chtilhg itratte vottO *`.00C,Yine, 4011,
t4ttger ta4iny..rWe are *444 r(o state
OW Wilbert flofigrouiro to na**10,11r 0,14
ea -iv -mom toy!orfi- pacoretxt-AirtkAna.,
IC1.71 4101,4 vtittkog her
daositter t*rir. atiotivt,,,Avr,or.44ot,
to lendere • octet**, t4o- t
v1, east tom:434 f; *rook thia
'.C*R10.1» the gOttif
„k#40,A4artv,.. ,win ;teen an tile bolt
?It .OA:krarag .4., Zurich rtle,a4
414- tOo • goitiour.,....'-.1iiod „eri,„ -. -
Ot .*eck 'pp too West, where, . w' un
on:rot,4tad,.be, tiatei.01O, noun* 00 tiara
1"edilli!ir-larAtatetelot,.-Ito'lre •
salL .peottle tee* piece .41tt :the 119-014
tite' bride; Chicago; when, Mies Jessie 13.
Andereon became the wire of Vernon
XiereNeelands.--A pretty wedding at
the horaericeisauls.-proPristor_or
The Observer, took place ens TithroklaZ
June 17tit, when hito daughter, idiots Ed
non ' was married to Mr. Arthur liang,
the G. T. R. agent nem The ceremony,
was peelonned Uwe, Frank POWell Of
Chesley, aseleted by Rev. Smith; ef Hen
a/U, an was witnessed by about 25
friends. The house was beautifollIt de-
corated or the occaelen witle palms,
ferns a cut flowerse'seld the bride
and gra m took their places before a
beautiful bank of ferns. 4, dainty lune
cheon was Served after the Ceremony,
and at 4.50 Mr. and, eers King left for
a two -.weeks' trip down the St. Law-
renee, atter 'which they will reside In
eleostallenGueetto-Werre Prestittetetera=ort
onto,' Cialivflie, Port Arthur, gles,ardicse
11040•14•'eurtent Fates* „
, and sti inrorinstion ressiding theta
t et
ot Wale*. • • -
t i
'0. Barrioon, Meneger. Drench at Orediton
The general le take'notice that I tam doing business in Exe 1
the lino) of porch g kinds of scrap.
hestlialketTrices Paid for
Scrap Iron, Rags, Rubbers, Horse Oa*, Copper,
Mc. Mc. Me.
basest° be delivered to TzrilAWKISS;& SolTSTiimatnyvA,07
—*Pram,* be:Wu
LINAIliCitat. Nods, MU, iteettsees atm en
Thainuoutsearokholly mad_ esseated
enarese.ssoderete. 4sosseote.1.14yeaess.
1. XLEtt, Junk Dealer, Exeter Ont
r. ttelcxsHtte4oete-eseevaluabie-enareee
through death on Thursday taste.-
Tiernan & 'shatter's millinery de,
or her home in Thorndele on Tu.*
day;---Severail from this. village were
in attendance at the 'wedding of Mies
Geiger. of the 14th con., on Tuesday
afternoon. --Mr. II. L. Kraft, while uu-
loading some concrete tiles on Tuesday
in some way gat his leg Wordy hurt,
which will lay him up for *awe time..
-The Children's* Day Program On
Sunday was well attended end. A choice
was roftdered.-The bend at-
tended strawberry • festival at
Shinka on Wednesday evening. --Rev.
L. and MEL Riat are this week st-
ing the seeelon of the Causp-Meet-
ing at airrick.-Rementher the Straw -
'berry festive! given by the Y. P. A. in
Dashwood on the evening .
good time may belookeitfi-ar.,
41.' W. Shore Is thiis week acting ot•X‘
*miner for the entrence. clam at °real -
ton. and Sirs rielgetty is ailing the
.samet position in the school here. -We
were glad to lett that Ulm Lilly Ehlers
Ites so far recovered as to be able to
attend church on. Sunday. She has
been eick almost. a year. •
to t It
lit* McLeod of London is the guest
cot Nita Lou. Hennesseit-I-Mrs. ()un-
ninghara and daughter two -returned
home after spendlnicas few ofs,ye with
friend* in town.-Mmo SWUM Haden*
left for Muskoka last week.- Miss M
tie Sim rt returned home after a vis#
it in B -TheaM"Woirs was
armainimr of
Sim • les death. .11e had been
Print' of the High &boot in Mid-
lan4. vrs extend otteolettpt
eat sympathy to the rdatives:,-`,Mrs.
Carpenter of Detroit is 'visiting her
daughter, Mrs. Perry' Bice. -Mrs. Pat-
ton attended the funeral of her moth -
ex. on Sunday. -Miss Mari* Lewis and
Ethel Wilson arrived home for the
U meet home a good oven to
is the rugs that has *'perfect 1;11k -
ins oven, --the are and oven con-
struetionitske it se --call ia sot ,„
wo to you *WA
For Sale by WeJa 'MARIAN
rrnr, .
holidays after ettendink London Nor-
mal. -Another echool meeting on the
30tttw---)41-try artat be out.
Mr, lames Simplon and wife of
Olondeboye-spent -Sunday- -with-their
.on, Albert. -The Neil Brae. *ref busy
drawing gravel these days.4.Thecrope
in this Vicinity are looking fine., --The
fernier* in this vitinity are busy doing
their statute labor tse days. -Mr.
Albert Sirropson is busy these days
tweeting a new drive shed. --Mr. Wes,
ley Miloire had the misfortune: to
Monday morning. He ed 14.14t
'have hko- bums *truck byeftraing on
insurance. OWYnt $400..-- *re KW
t� see that Mr. Wellington Whiteford
Is able to be around again.
'nit, Is tha hiat goaeyou. Vant there Ie.
bet owe pia& is toes to sit it-thet
isnot* tie. Thor brutde arr
JEWM.Ito (Ontario Blended)
•UOSES (Lake of Wood')
puitire prikero Neale lleur *Mei •
"Wive per orders or tell
14"*. •
hive t'off er Good Whi Shorty' atop 13114
triton tow.
Shorts, a
Bran tt
our at
tit tt
I tItutoni
tbls turf to
4 C
+r A
Mra-Wm)Lcoo,or_Traverse City,
Mich., is visiting around here, the guest
of her sister, Mese Rich. Dickens. --Geo.
Atkinson of Detroit, an old Bitiduiph
hay, -after a -couple wetice - eisit -horror-
has returned ttome.---Miss Sadie Maine
and 'brother Gordon, » are visiting here
the guest of their sister. Mrs. 'William
'A big time is expected at the Thames
Road sorhSol picnic on Saturday next in
Hunldn's Grove. Everybody is invited to
come ansl enjoy the sports and pirtake
of the refreeltments. Exeter and Par.
guitar Will play baseball.
vood» Furniture Store
-Lwisii to nounce to the public that
our stock is now oneof the largest and
best that we have ever carried.
lewing 'Machines
Xio egentet Commission vele to 'you.
li,ek *line is no* tOnatAtiis
• oute: F, tirnitur Thiught ftom
he leadin m4 •
g ,
of Canada, aswe are barred from none.-
. We ,have a large assortment of Window Shadte. otkrisN'
Pole. and Trimmings, Baby Cerriagely frokling_Carts, tilo-Carts.
. .Exprese Wagons, Curtain Stretchers, Step -Ladders, Carpet.;
..Sweeper, Picture Ifouldidg Itomn MouLrllng, Pipturee, -Etc!
Breee'pattensionitddok.11Vhite 'Cottage,Curtainkltdde, ipc tech.
t • • Pieturii Vraktnint.doe on,thortest 'optic*
1: UNui,kirrA0cli001- We7
iterry a ikrge it'd well swotted' stock in this line. in
Mut of needdozot fail to call. Any orders received by phone
Will be promptly - attended to. those cell ar4 examine OOP stock
and get price/.
Incorporat 180
Oapital (paid up)
Rot Fund
end Agent*
1ncIpaZOak% in the
ron A
' Inter