HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1909-06-24, Page 3 (2)orZs 101'.
• or
tht 41.4
th& fslL
two ye*
• redo for the
an increase of .$5,183,
• A47 over May of last year, For the
%first two months of the fiscal 3:ear
the .imports totelied 4.50;522A49, au
t nearly
. ,
r ' o
1 ,7Iie
.. he tote t Ieuths
Udiug Coin Slid bulliim,siimeteats
to 0414,0/1sV2O, *4 inerease of
0000. For the 'first ' two
anontlo of the fiscal yeas' the in.
crews* in the total trade hat been
. .
Polled Alongside G. Ids \P. Track
and Barred From City Liestits.
• A despatch from Fort William
*eye: The 0. T. P. local, en its
way from Lake- Superior Jimction
to this dty, on Wedhesday; came
across a man lying beside the track,
millets east of the Junction. i».
ficatt, whO was en tho trains 4/P-
proaehing the man, saw what wet
*pparent1II ease of oroallPexs The
• -
4 13? ..;;•1"v
t e magtstra
mzcic errangements for an bola -
tion camp about four miles out of
the eity 1wit, assthe -city refused
to allow the man to enter the lira -
;#0,. -041.11- -paaseyagerssonsthe-strain.
elite" health oflieers bfore bei
-k-i-ced to toter tic ity, and ati
• watch will he k on incoming
trains for eome t as it is sur -
Miami the n&n may have contract-
`. -td the a e- in asearatp-suid tom-
. municated it to othera.
Preteat Agaiast Open Shop Order
• of Tin Plate Works.
despatch from Pittsburg,
Penne_ taYsi 3Iore than -10,000
skilled workmen, member* of the
Amalgamated Association of Trois
Steel and Tin Workers, who are
employed by the American - Sheet
and Tin Plate CoranenYS, a Subsi-
dary of the United State S SteeCowjIjil
o es effeetire In the Pitts-
burg district 4 majority of the raills
a the American Sheet and Tin
Plate 'Company are non-union. The
combined plants in which a strike
order -will. be _,,cifective-total...=
ithi-in-the-tin trade, -and -51-ni
. the sheet steel :trade. •
„,". •
Confinement la the 'Reserves Is to
131ame ter MOrtality*
A -despatch from Prince Albert,
Seeks, says: At the Synod of the
Diecese of Saskatchewen on Wed-
nesday afternoon, Venerable Arch-
deacon McKay, in eharge of Indian
work in th‘e aioeese, said be wished
to correct the impression that In.
hang were dying out. In reality
teliatis were increasing except
among prairie bands, that had to
thange--fronr-the open-air good----s-leather- tents a-nd----fre-e4 s
meat, to cheap cotton tents on the
reterve where insufficient rations
were doled out to them. In due
time the Indians woad(' disappear,
. As did the Saxons, Danes and Nor-
mans in England. One-third of the
ienesinsthe -west-belenged toth
Anglican Church, due to the church
epening the first mission sit Pas i
tine Specimens Coming From Mon
tan* Reserration.
A clespatch from Butte, Montana,
says: A unique round -up took place
on Wednesday en the Flathead In-
elien Reservation, in western Mon-
tana, whea the Pablo herd of bat -l-
isle were eoralled and driyen to
the big stockakde in Recalls. There
the animals AtilLbe loadecton sped-
. ally constructed eare. A 'number
d the, finest specimens will go to
the Canadian National Park.
Others of the animals will be ship-
ped to eastern parks.
herein Fear Rise In Saskats
despatch from Edmonton, Al-
iierta, Kays: Lumbermen are alarm
hid at tile tepid rise of the Iskat
cbewan River -Millions a 'dollars*
• *forth cf kgs 'have brtn 'web in
the last three years. Five booms
udws-in the rivers it is feared', may
Live way. Last year all broke, and
a' million feet of !ere went adritts
tliresquerters of 'which were lost.
PRINCE AllaltERT ExerrEo.
Goldsseekers Continue to Arrive -
silkiness or Ircitor-Fleld.
A despatch from Prince Albert,
Sask., says: Parties for the gold
camp up north continue to arrive
from different parts of the west.
Owing to the high state of the Hy -
ern leading to Lac La Rogees not
many have gone out during the
past couple of week. Many busi-
r,ess men are making arrangements
to make ilia trip as soon as the
waters go 'down, Word is expeet-
re4 daily -from the development party
which left here three weeks ago to
cross -cut the lead and took- into
the lower levels. The outer4V is
so phenomenally. rich that if the
lower strata is Anything in proper -
cent years has been made.
se --
Government Has Raised $300,000
of $3,500,0u0 Lean.
A des -Patch from Toronto 6ays.
liaeid prQgro-, is,tmitig made by
the Ontario Government in dispos-
ing of the new ii,,sarie of sprovinci
ends', plse-ed- on the market a few
eeks ego. Already $500.000 of the
loan of $3,5.00,000 has been taken sip
and the money paid to the Provin-
cial Treasury. Hon. Mr. Mathe-
son, the Ontario Treasurer, reports
that there have been many addi-
tional subscriptions but these have
not, yet been large per-
centage of the purchasers of the
• eberaturee Lave been individuals
who see in them a secure invest
meat, carrying with it no liability,
free front.eurceseien unrest and pays
ing a satisfactory rate of interest.
Filtration Beds at St* Petersburg
Relieved to be "sleeted. ,
A despateli from St. Petersburg
Th.number of cholera cases
in the Itussian cepital is inereiasirig
daily. Twenty-four new eases and
sliei.enteen tutpecta were admitted
to the' municipal shoipitals during
the tWentaefoer !peril tattled at\
hoon an TinteistV. . It it now be`
Itieved that the tutrstion beds heve
Weenies infected, as the• districts
of the city Served svith water .from
these sources are fuenishing *larger
percentage if eatses than the two
distriete that get their water bey
dirett pumping.
r. Gr'aha Bell's Meatus to Be Broug
to Petawawa Camp for Experiment.
A de'spateh from Ottawa toys: Two et these tleW airtAipS hwy.
Vic, first Canadien periirents Just ',ten tOnttructod on the model
with airships- kr military eurpesee
will be made at Petawairs camp
:shortly. Mr.- Percy Batdwin, the
of T4Dronto gladeate
ashO bst been si:sse.-Asited With Dr.
Orosliam Belt li the succe..:stal,,
Ilightg tr. the Ilettees sterNitotes
1st *.s.L8,. *trim* Ot-
"ty'edr. 44k1141-
et the Unions' Silver Dort, end they
will be shipped to Potivirawa :Under
an understondin with the
Department. Whea Dr., Bell was
in Ottawa last orinir the Minister
f Finsuce and the Minister e,f Mi.11
litia to)le a iteti%e intereot the.li
e:rsh'ip exterimente at tikadtiesk.
teritaerts 1%0 I'ett.
f 4f>
ad'Other Coesifr
• ,0
• 3,
0 4-
'Isms fof .the Wagofl'T
from Ilk 'Lake to 'Clowganda. have
been -eemPleted. •
Raymond Wileces W413 drowned in
"lice Lake, St. Mary's esi Mars-
:alay,Thy-:tiiii upsetting of his tamers
Faraday Hall, one . of the old
buildings connected with Victoria,
University at scsiboairg, is to be
torn dewn.
Two London teselsinen are being
iprosequteci under the pure seeds
act for keeping unclean seeds for
A brewery Wagon was prevented t
ftous enterieg • London camp
grounds, under the new prohibitive
eustoms official is searching
locomotives at St. Th,0111,flew as there
e acres
of mining and in the Gillies limit
+offered for sale were accepted for
the aggregate sum of $74,613.
Fourteer, hundred boys took part
in the annual review of -sehool ca-
mum& -PeuPle witnesse
the spctacle, - -
The liaifivair Commission has or.
elered the railway -ecompanies t
it eight coal cars at the port of en.
try and at destination also if in.
tasted on b the consignee, A fee
not exce ng two- dollars may be
charged for this second weighing
unless there is 4 evrious discrep-
aney in weight.
tilr. Winston Churchill propose
the establishment of an Imperial
system of labor exchanges*. '
The White Star -Dominion' Liner
Megalith, sailed on her maiden trip
from Liverpool on Thursday.
The longshoremen on the great
lakes heve voted net to strike,.
President Taft stoat a inesaageto
ing a two per cent. tax on the, in-
come of corporations, and the ad-
option of an amendment to dm con-
stitution providing for the' iMposi-
tion of an income tax.
•••• •••••••••11.
President Penna of Brazil i
Twelve native soldiers died from
rit in Morocco.
A large lake of oil has appeared
Ln the. Gulf of. Mexico.
The northern toast provinces o
• Honduras are reported to be it
open VeV0it
• The Cunard steamer, Slavonia,
which gronuded oil the Azores, in,
be a total loss.
An association has been organs
• ized in Berlin to promote better
trade relatiorr /with Canada.
• 401,51...•
• Keels of Russian Battleships 4141
. on the Neva.
A despatch from St. Petersburg
says The keels of four battleships
of the greater Dreadnought type
were laid on Wednesday niorning
in Bt.- Petersburg in the. presence
of the Vice -Minister of Marine, the
preiga:11.1mil Attaches, and -rep-
resentatives of the Itussian Naval
League. They will be of 23,0001ons
NO, length GOS feet, and beam 82
feet. hey will b*ve a sipted,' of
twenty knots, an& tile main bat.
teries wilteensist of ten twelve -inch
'guns .of it special nitkel steel. ,
Fatiditiee'le Isdastrist Pursuits--
•• Fifteen Trade Dlspnfes.
A ,despettir from tOttawa etsw,
wring the mouth a May 03 fetal.'
tir oeeurred to workingmen in
inadian trulusttial.pnrsuits and
fi5 were seriotudy Injured. Dur.
g tee month there were fifteen
tide disputes ixi existence, and in.
ease of two as compared with
of lest year. About 32 firinh
arad 4.750 employees were *fretted
and tho loss of time in working
days was etiproximately 06,257, as
compared witk127,42S in Ma, !OS.
-•••t- of.
Till:,Tril/t/011 IN 111'881A.
ratite' S'kat Liaalonsters, flfq
Mother itai Three Servtart14.
A de:latch fn 1lP Rtio5ve
se,, A 1-.104 Q.? 134.4r.Ttl urn
.daiy 14..5:1t4 -,q74
vino ektnant
I •!.
Tss, Vit011 T z_tA PRO.;
Otker -can
try nee at
ay. sr
• * t t
furs llrst p* entso,
oi tr
; and trong bakers,
to ,75sen. track, Torou
tra,an$ilt.e33bils. oNifealiregTat;--a N1141 /1)etorrttsh-;
No. 2'541433, and No. 3 $1.31.
\ Ontario Wisest -4-N°. 2 *1.35 t
01.40 eutaide. , •
Barlesi-eFeed, CO to 02e outside.
Oat -No: 2 Ontario white, 60 to
61c on track, Tomtit% and De to
S7c outside. - No. 2 Western Ca-
nada oats, 61%c, and No. 3 60c,
Pay porta.
Peas -s -Prices' purely nominal.
Rye -No. 2 74 to 15e outside.
Buckwheat -No. 2, 70e outside.
Corn -No. 2 American yellow,
S. to szo :on. track; Toronto; No,
3 at 82e on track, Toronto. Oan
dian yellow, 77e outside, and 806
ct, track, Toronto, -
Trail -Manitoba, fc 1.
$24.50 to $25, Toronto freights.
Apples -$4 to $5 for choice qua -
'ties, and $3 to $3.50 for seconds;
Beans -Prime, $2.20 to $2:25, and
- sto- s82:45 sper
busheirul. ci_galloo.
Hay -No. 1 timothy, 812,50 to
3atosr to
twston. trackhere, and lower
Straw-$7.50 to $9 on track.
Potatoes -ear lots, 85 to '90a -per
bag an track.
Poultry - Chickens, yearlings,
dressed, 16 to 17c per lb.; fowl, 12
to 14c; turkeys, 16 to 18c per lb.
• .;',,a•
Dutter-Pound prints, 18 to 19c,
tubs and large rolls, 16 to 163e;
inferior, 14 to 150. Creamery rolls
21 to 220, and solids, 18 to 190.
Eggs -Case Iota, 1834 to 19c per
Cheese -Large cheese, old, 14 to
14%c per MI MA twins, i4ti ,te
1434e. New, 12,gc for large, aDd
12% for twins.
• y
,Bacon, long clear, 13- to 1334c
per lb. n ease lots.' mess pork,
1)23; short cut, $25 to$25.50.
Hams -Light to medium, 1534 to
Mc; do.. heavy, 14 to 1434c; rolls,
t to 13c; shoulders, 11% to 12e;
161 to 17c.
Lard -Tierces, 14c; tubs, 14%c;
pails, 1434c.
Montreal, June .22. -Oats -No.
2 Canadian Western, 61c; ex-
tra No. 1 feed', 61%c_1 No -
1 feed 61c ; No. 3 Canadian Western,
6034e. Barley -No. 2, 7234 to 74e;
Manitoba feed barley, 6731 to 65e.
• Buckwhcat---69.% to 70. Flour -
Manitoba Sprang wheat patents
• firsts-, 86.80 to $8.50; seconds;
$5.80 to $6; Manitoba strong bak.
era', $5.00 to $5.80; Winter wheat
patents, $6.75; sitr?„ight rollers,
$6.50 to $6.60; do., 11,1 bags, $3.15
to. $3.20; extra, in bags, $2.65 to
$2.89. Feed-lifanitobs, bran, 422
to $23 Ldo, shorts, $24 to $25; pure
grain mounlie, $33 to $35; mixed
rnouillie; 8 to$30, Cheese -west.
erns at 1234 to IfStie, and eastern%
at 12 to 1234e. Butteteefineet emus -
try, 22% to 23e: Eggs, 1834 to 10c
per -dozen.
[Mime, June ,22r-z‘litsh" wheat -
2 rt dr litlatalct.0 41.60;
rel, $1.45 to $1.; No. 2 hard,
to *1.28; No. 3 hard, $1.15 to
1; No. I Nertherre $1.31 to
No. 2 Northern $1.29 to
No. 3 Spring, $1.40 to' $1.21
orn No. 2 white, 75 to 75%e; No.
vilest, 74 to 7430,• No. 3, 74 to
7434e; No. A white, 73e; No. 3 yel-
far 14N to '7434e; No. 4; 7234 to 740.
Oats -No. it, white, .53 to 580; No.
4 white, 523,1 to 54e. -
Minneapolis, June -22.--Wheat
July ; 1.30; Sept, $109Yitt $1.00,%
et. $1.00% to $1.01%; east: No.
rd, 4,1.34%to, 1.3534; No.
rthern $1.33% to 1111.24,1; No.
Northern, $1.31f,i to $1'4244; No.
3 Norther, $1.3034 to $1.31!.
I -lour ---First patents,' $8.,43 to tti.e5;
teeond patents, $6,14 to *3.60; first
clew, $5.03. to 111.i,23 ; Itecond elearts,
.3.45 to $3.C -A. bulk,
$23.0 to $tP.4.
3 r atilt e ,thar soli st *LSI
t per pound; ipr
411010.tewt.ord fc.; to 5 :!
‘‘,",11; '140...ffl:e.1141*
0 telq'
7-1 E11 gt
iii e
, 'illia are o.
0.; 1 1tritsh
' ' . . : .40-4000i'.
'the . 'nig,. •Atitaiii, Robert,
- .0. fille,:**i hAitlic44 404 fired- upou
on iireduesday*Otettv0E,« Wirealt tii ,
ebpateh 1ni Viborg Finlrir
e -oat *lie**
#iPiPet-.1.„"1,14,11:' '.011.':°44:10• , t
,x ritOperof Nie,
r:tre:iiii:eitu-.4:1:4srer:.e. iiisn' filf$,,,i0t. 't.1:**-'e,,..t,11:eilt-;,:sti::1:!.:
usgi!ext ,:tO . ,:he iHae.t..i.,Ist.0.47.9.::s.,,....
doomi Of the two Emperors, 'sod'. .
it was one of -these guard- vesicle
'Opt fred on the k aiiti014, ship..
Ind. pound; old sows at 60 per'
Toronto, June 22. -Choice heavy,
well finished exporters' were firm
at $6 to $6.20; ordinary loads g
t5.75 to $0. Prime butcher est -
tie -Finn at $5.25 to $5.05 for the
best picked steers and heifers; or
divary loads firm at $4.75 to 4\15
Stockers and feeders -Fair demand.
Milkers and hpriegers-Steady de-
mand Ter good milkers and near
springene C,alves-Stearly and
lellangecl. Sheep and lambs -
Firm, and iamba. -slightIy high
Hoga-SCICe -
ff .r7
A Boston Store Sid& to „I:rev Care
,--_-rieditrurthest. -
Profit shariag,,which in Americai'iirta1Iy an,
pra-ctical-application-for -a
-quarter of 4 century- in- England -
The number number of labor copartnership
societies there -rose from fifteen in
1883 to 112 last year, with an in-
crease in business from $800,000 to
above $20,000,000.
The South Metropolitan Corepany
last year divided 8180,000 among
its employees, the equivalent ot
7% per cent. dividend on their
wages, and in eighteen years it has
chstribeted $2,100,000 to working-
men as their share of the profits.
Six Engliah gat companies adopted
the profit sharing plan during the
Accordingto Moody's Magazine,
Mr. .Carseges says that * Boston
store has gone furthest .of all in
"tlie direction of making its em.
plofees shareholders" This es-
tablishment, he says, employs 700
to 900 men, the capital stock is held
-reptoyeta and is returned
tit---th-*ssoorporation- .szt sitesvalti
should the employees leave the -ser-
vice., Every share of eta* belongs
tic some one working in the store.
Malan Districts-Overrna by Core
taus and Chiaese.
A' des etch from St. Petersburg
.aye; A bill has been introduced
DI the I)ourna providing that meas.
ures be taken caainst the influx
of Koreans and Chinese, and other
aliens in the Amur district, The
Siberian _deputies emplisaise the
desirability of securing experts to
assist in the elaboration of such
-measures. About 40,600 Koreans,
who already are .on the frontier.
-contemplating becoming orthn-
dox, in order to facilitate the ae.
quiring .of Russian eitizenship.
Rare Operation Performed 1.
A despatch fiumn Chicagt! say:
A surgical operation that is being
•watched by the medical world was
performed at the Frances Willard
Hospital on Thursday. when a see -
tion of bone from the leg of a lamb
as grafted int u the right'leg .of
Docearl Townsend to replace 4 lice:
tion* shattered tibia. Surgeoxis
• Olii&gct esiert‘thist‘tgia was the
first time thi-s operatibn ever wai
attempted in America, and that
nevei had, bee* attempted more
Oen four stir five times 'before.
ueen Elena. ef Italy has' titelined
r 4 ear.the,great hats which French
iv:liners ate seeking to iroliose on
Ita iai women of feshori.
• ,
Imittalia Would Viiiertaki le
Pollee the Pacifies
A/despateh from Melbourne says.
Colonol-sroxton, Aiastralies dele-
gate to the Defence Conference sail , •
sd on Wednesday. enthorized
L dir.cuess alternatives to the gift
of * Dreadnought, including the
provision of a greao naval base for
the imperial -navy at some Austria .
tian porN and the assumption by
- -
t for ' the Pacific.
I' 1
monwealth to accept British guid-
ance in the constraction and man.
agement of the proposed subsidiary
navy, and to undertake that the
whole of Auetralia's warlike mar
chinery will be so organized as to
.bnstantly asailablasforsameints
eerial emergency. He will not.
however; irto-promisessthe
enlistment of Australians in mih.
tary forces for other than home de-
Invention Increases the Distinctness
• of Sound.
A despatch from London says.
An inventiort of the Swedish engin
eers Ogner and Holinstroen for in-
creasing the distinctness of sound
in long distance telephony has been
attracting attention for IMMO time.
Experimental conversations he.
tween Paris and Sundae", 300 miles
north of Stockholm, seems to have
been heard with remarkable clear
aims. The distauce ix 1,800 miles
in a bee line, but as the converse -
tions were corried on by way of
Rill, the length -of thewireused-
was considerably more. It is
e tilted -that- this -10.-41.1e distance
All Cadet Corps to Rectlie Copy f
Berlea,Poiseirs Book.
A despatch from Ottawa says:
Military orders state- that all
•0441 corps in Canada will receive
a copy of the book by Lieut, -Gen-
• eral Baden-Powell on "Scouting for
• Boys," to assist them in getting en
idea, of practical scouting, The an-
nouncement comes in the militia
orders issued to -day.
r. Pail Rrennate G. Tr Yards
.amastei at Ottawa, lulled.
A despatch from Ottawa says:
Mr. Pail Brennan, yartithaSter of -
tik it: at the Central depot
herr, was killed on Thursday fore-
noon in a shunting. actident, direct-
ly bene4h the Laurier avenue
bridge. Mr. Brennen wai riding 0*
the Idotboard of the engine, whets
he felloff f the wheels passing over
the upper pert of -the body. Death
was instantaneous.
4400,11011 FIRE AT 'WINNIPEG.
Rending ot, Great
"Ctpany ti Gutted
} _ ".• \-
A ,despatele frOin 'Winnipeg says; 4 .
The building ,of the *Great, Weitt
Saddlery Company,' Market Street •
east, used ,for * warehouse and
offie, was gutted by fire on, Thtt-ra.
day. morning. The building vat
valurd at $76,000 while .the 'stock
Vartta6to 0n.(Tho OW .10** r
• be shout
T °se' Twenty With &nit
Carpet Compy Roman red m WiIL
p tell from1Ke 1
SAF4,°' et,10;tdred ility -en*. 14,t20-4 cr .Lwaty
ptcs the't,iMito (?aree Vir*I6rits4 eoceive *t001 tree from silt
ee1.4e4 ehotio for IS:nee that time lists have been, tin.
Attsto es41, 41 i4ed tit; them tluii,4141r iwzotimfn in the diftercat
t-Ifll of Ii.te Ix+ SttA Eit4 L4 ttte'oo,,,gy lettoAlay. AleXandet
t.,gfeer 4°4 411112 /1,111uncti,d, that
Ntit4. 4 '.013.41,,„ 4.,.**Igi'o' • frAft 1.”4
#,441cir'61,64, 10, ..itiltrett"I
• 1Vir
-2,(SeSS ,
1 111. 4I
44 7'.).
, 440