HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1909-06-24, Page 2 (2)• 1 V.. • • - 11 h WW1' ,f(*ielielt him ne to laugh ace-. rese te you 1 oKw V 1r nt. Wen forni • d.*crost,tlie s ratg L?dy Altittni tipzittmeeIfrr face was vale, St< she was, soncrvotsiy` exetted that her teeth actually eh:altered- ;audi- bly: Ifer Mistress. • followed her , t er forget he tbat wretcli aJpeaie4 a little lite ,at anevJ1tck1ie wore *ken shed it nvon thesilear end set Itit el' ilreit it," Gerald laswear:tn. S 1410 o fix iitioned, &u41 re turifamt./,‘,. but at hi* woke's) acve* If there -were ever of saocelity undertook. ie on thoi teNks.st *utl nutAiut 6r. Pion?, bI4 44 'topaee , 'gerI' iquired 11. • Ot.tita le *idt (jesk, zndscieini.st elieet- stelpA permit, f41-'11 give eou the whole plot, in st, minute. SO, .9 tuote leisurely, quietly elsoing tiles vest ' eoraprossed lips, his Whele,) t') Weak, Mani Beewtter is the • door after her. Then, turning Jo filee (i'll"keniug. "He did it pur."0 name* thatis on the eettintate in the still quivering girl; sin, r eteiys because elm hest given it 57"r Pc'ssessioll, eh I" eoeitine his quires' r "Who was that woman, Ellen l" "Aunt Lit," gasped the girl hy- sterically. - Lady Bromlel looked slightly -startletl At the ,information. "Can that be poesitrle What' a, Singular coincideuce!" 'she exclaoe ed. "Where did you meet- her 1" "I had just 001110 up the stair/, and had got art far am the elevater, when she came out of it, and MU square into each other," Ellen ex plainetl. "What reason did she sive for do- taining you? .. Why did you scream feels said Ellen-humblys- "but she fright. cued me so I cried out before thought. The minute she saw tile she pounced _upon -and -grabbed me- ss a, cat would a mouse„ arid shook lab Lady Bromley looked both iudig-- neat andscliseustedsziethie Acoouist. "What reason -did she give for -doing so 7" she inquired. "She didn't stop to give any reason -she just snapped out: VII, you tricky minx . so I've got on your track at east!' Then she asked me what I was doing here. I told her I was living here with a lady. - At that she grew madder than ever, And pinched me so I had to rue. Ile was sealoys ef me be- CallBe he taw that she was fond of me, and so he meant to crush me AR effectually as he crushed my rests, wonder how he will feel ellen he finds that the tables are tutned-.when he comes to be ar- rested fer forgery ind conspiracy, and learns that I ani the rightful heir to the Brewster estate!" Gerald would net have been hu- man not to have experienced a cer- tain degree of triumph in view of the dismay ad mortification that his enemy would*experienee when he should learn how All his plot- ting- and scheming had -been ;peter - _thrown and..hy- hem and .ad" so coveted; — • That, same evening he made some inquiries about the new 4tccupant the -suite -at-the-end of the Ulf, Mxl-learne&that ,....1..4.the_lady- was widow, Ws, Adam' Brewster by name, and bad the a art - went for a year." The next morning'Lady Bromley told her little maid that she was going out, but that ,rhe need have no fear over sheing-leftsalone, lor i e e rang she need not an. made a fairly good mb of it," Mr.. swer it, and thus she would run !Plum obsetved, as he gave a satis- no risk of a visit from her aunt if fied 'squint at his work. "All the she should be impelled to steek an. same, a, man is a bungler who un - other interview with her. dertakes to alter another person's Rer ladyship was- absentall the letters and figures • *without first to scream. She was going to dragt forenoon, but found everything making a careful study of their me into her rooms when you opened' quiet and serene upon her return curves, angles and other charae. 'the -door." s_ — . --Ellen being contentedly engages' serishes. -.Lucre IS wonderful "Her rooms!" repeated her lady. with some sewing which olia had amount of iuclividuality chiro- ship, surprised. left her to do. .graphy-it's a very interesting 'Yes; she says she lives here, That afternoon all her trunksand study, very. Mr. Wincheseer, did too. Oh, Lady Bromley, I can't belongings were quietly packed, You take a. magnifying -glass with stay here!" Ellen interposed in and at an early hour the next day You when -Yon went to examine great_ distress. "She has found Inc- hey----uvressremoved to another these records out, and now I must go away, or apartment -house farther uptown, "No; I never thought of its" Ger. she will do semething dreadful to where, before nights..the small lam. ald replied; "but Mr. Lyttleton as - me. - I'm more -afraid -el her than ily ofthrestswere cozdy--eettledisand" sertel aironget ItPon mY return *ye up at Gerald inquiringly. "Ye," he Asteetest "AnAlan Brown is the nanie of the man the girl, Ellen Carson, told was her uncler '"That is right," said Mr. Lyt. tletort. Ittle. Plum wrote both names on the piece of paper; then, with a tasteful use of bharp ink -eraser tend a few strokes of his pen, he changed A.darn. Brewster into, Alden Tronstern, and Alan Brown into Adam Brewster. "By love! you've hit the right ruzil on thes head this :time, if you never did it he el" exclaimed the- e,41t421317 iUu en le ly. "How do you solve the puz- %let I'm sure this doesn't look bungled, if that work in New Raven does. - -110-plissed itsup ,Gerald arim concluded, _ • . te/fo, I should say nok" the man *served, with an amazed look ;"one would almortt he willing to swear that the names had never been tampered I Batter myself that I have ‘rr levers-now-thatslueliassget_sa that. inoneY./em - "What was it she whispered to you inst as she let you go it" ques- tioned her ladyship gravely. "She said if I dared tell anybody About her, who she was, or where oiled lived before, she'd 'settle' =es You tee,- she means -to- fin some scheme to get me out of the way," the girl continued timorous - e ter sat ed .every- way with that forgery had been attemeeel in i a • Ellen was especially delighted an deeply grateful to the kind wo man who was proving' 1*.rtelf a devoted friend to her. When Mrs. 'Adam Brewster dis covered, later in the slay, that th occupants of No. - -it had renieved leaving no clue to their where abouts, she wag, exeessively ly. Do not allow yourself to he at ali disturbed, Ellen," said her MIS - tress reassuringly. "AS soon as Mr. Winchester returns, we will have a talk with him, and I am .sure we shall be able to make some 'arrangements so that you will feel perfectly , safe. That woman cer- tainly 'cannot .httres you while you are here under my protection, And I will not send you out again until we can decide how best to provide for you. Now. do not spend afi- •'ether moment worrying about it, but tense and hold- me-w-orstede while' I wind them," she concluded . 'cheerful tone. And the girl, apparently greatly comforted and reassured by her words, removed her hat and wrap,. • and then contentedly sat down- to comply with her request. When Gerald retiirned that even- ing he was astonished beyond mea - euro by the wonderful develop- ' meals of the day, as related to -hi b his friend. He WaS ' course, • Is so greatly delighted La have the. Idence alrea.dir in hie PoitestiOn ro strongly re -enforced, and felt ;confident that the victory in the eensing laissuit would be his. Ile was deeply touched by the se- . count of Allison's kindness to the ertlutppy wait, whom she had found' sech a sufferer on Bread,* that a last day that they had spent so hap- pily; together in Central Park,' slid also with the OVA Almost, unix-. Arnpled reverenee for fitr lienefieles ire S. • 6 6%1101 Ellen into the room af- ter Lady tromley had coneluded • her recital, and, after *skittle her some searching questiens, heti not it doubt that justiee would Poen' overtake that areh-plotteri John Hubbard, And bring him his proper toward. • He smiled, tienigh rather hitters bt as he opened the little lotket *Melt be sIttays wore, and gated fondly but eadly upon the faded haves and petals %et the rosebud that Allison had .so plasitilly thrown itt hini in her fathees ofilee so long sig0. • 411010 .eliititges even **little ts it bring forth V' he siglIS ahalli„eevers forget how ,lo was.in Wit pretty di -es and ti dainty hat, with • these plotere nedding at m *lth eve nee n with those names. ' 'if- "Humph! It's as plain as the . nose on your fare," returned Mr. b -Plum senterttiously. - ,"To you, Perhaps, Mr. Plum; but . really, do not believe that one c -.person in a thousand would think , suCh a thing while reading them . names. Truly, if John Hubbard . tampered with them, it has been , • turb_ests And for dasstsssiterveird atm the street ears And eleiat ed trains, with the hope of run ning, across either Ellen or her mis tress, and so be able to trate thein But she was doomed to be disap pointed, for rhe sever met them until some months later, when she was unexpectedly brought face to fee° with them. - "Mr. kitletan," slid' Gerald, one morning, thortte after this change, as that gentleman enter- ed liis office, "whit do You say to sending. Mr. Mutts to New aireeeti to take lookatthose recorder' "I think it would he asvery-wise proceeding," heartily returned the lawyer. "I haven't A doubt that there has been some very clever for- gery done there, and he will he jusgt the one to ferret it out. • Go ahead my boy; get him started as soon,its possible. 1 waft * ':et sear esi. deuce together %%it's as little, delay 213 practicable, for it will take some kw -to -arra -up itpreper.V. 4 am getting , eeis, inipatient for the ase riest of the hour when / can ,Ploite a warrant in the hand' $ome trustworthy official, and send him across the water, to cut short the brilliant career that happy f011 - pie who are sporting so gaily • upon other peoples money, and have them brought home to a final reek- • ow eager , you Are for this flght!" *aid Gersall, smiling. - on Are tight. t am like an War-horse, 'scenting the battle from *tars and eager for thtrithy." I shall await ?Jr. Plum's report • with a, good deal of interest and nipAtienee.°1 . • So Mr. Plum, the thrigraphie fX pert, who had figured so suceess. fully in Gerald's trial the previous *inter, gas, at once -tonsulted rt. fording the wisdom. of going to see what he could discover in eottriee. tion *ith those nlysterieus records x the °thee of the city clerk at New Haven. •o 0, ' * d He was now' at liherty when Ger- n *Id went to interview lIrni, but af- $ ter listeniei to the filets whielethe soring,inan preseited, said he would s iitt(itel to the matter ix feW.44y$, ard then report at o_nee. t steeorclingle, one -•morning, 6 ys later, the queer little ffetil ap- *red before his e olio* „ yeeng-nes thoughtfully replied. .. "I'd like to be as sure of my life and Vialth for the next year as I am that those letters have been changed just as I've shown you,” said the expert. "I'm not often fooled with such jabs," "1 hs,ven't a doubt that you are right," said Mr. Lyttleton, though should never have thought .those names could have been made over like that,. You have a natural aptitude in discerning such things; thens you have made's study of eueh tticks for so many years, you have a right to -feel confidence in your judgment; but to us, who are in- , • experienced in such nutters, those records would, doubtles, appear genuirte. --They must have appear- ed so to that Justice who witnessed the copy Which was predueed in court lae_t year, to prove the ided- tity of the pseudo Mrs. Adam Brew. ster." • tf,ires ; of vetirse it -dos take a rtain **Ilona of 'know how' to deteet these flaws in chirography," :Ur. Piton admkt..-PI'41- just like a glimpse of that woman's cortili. este, and Compare it with what I've teen to -day.." give you chance, sir, very soon." replied Mr. Lyttleton: with a eotifident nod. Re was, more than pleased with the result of the expert's trip to ter Sayeni.and felt that, itith the discovery of that, day, he now had alt the evidence that WOOS neces- sary towin the battle for his cli. • ' "I think, Gerald, we are now epa.ed to rush matters as rapici. as we choose," he remarked, fiter Mr. Plum had taken his leave. id you succeed in securing, the JR/dress I desired you to.getl' "Yes; sir; the lady' at present ilguring as Mrs. Adam Brewster eailed a letter this morning t Mrs. John Hubbard, No. 4 Avenue e Opera, Paris,' young Art 'responded, with signiicant mile, "Alm! Thatis well. It wsum t uth a misfortunes softer all,. fig the woman take that euit itt Normendie, eh:" said the law er. with & ichuclde; "No- I think it *** a -try god _ n w," be but he sigh. as he *Poke, He u berteat'w ecru to lihn from ell this *het or * fortune; • e had not murk doubt winning,*04 justic,! weuld probab- jy b nes siteswould. be etlics rightfel.heies sterf* ro e > 0 ' .1,0441 nhtlessa', ibe 'loft *P :Uek•fouldlee 0: rof.1,114fi;,..trizoth'ert even 4 rtt the . eniehni the wes! whieh void ,*,4414 I o seem,. ,to u'o wheii the was 110,74one' whom to sha.ri i. exh. not yer Sure.about th women; yemAirring there t shes teiest mLxitlebtoe nta4rienmgitYkr'eccin,vilaftrv°6"nitsidr: erieg the situaten for a, moment or .t1C4. firO4i. flight from the house 'ea be likely to alatittiter she will probably reason that El- len has betrayed her identity, and that her own safety will depend ce concealment." , "I had not thought of that," said Gerald, looking trifle annoyed. "It Might be rather awkward if she should sldp and we comet not find her when she is wanted." , "Yes. I believe I will attend to having. a, warrant made out, and have her errested ee.once, A bird in the. hand, yen know," his friend responded. .The next doming' at ten- o'clock Itro; Adorturilrewster Wag. W ed. 4 I t $ , , ar gentleman o a whom she was arrested, and, b ing linable to obtain bond, she ts committed to &wait her trial, until .she cot1d 'communicato wit her sott--letwilfr. swho, she -excitedly-declared,-1-wonld attend to the matter of bail for her." " • The next day the tame officer, armed with a similar warrant* and ell other necessary authority, sailed in the Aurania, eut shortsthe luxurious eareer of the said Mr. Ruhbard, and the present posses- eor of the Brewster estate. • (To be contin•tied.) Et 4+4 • 4 • • • About the Farm • 4 JUDGING LIVE STOCB:, •Stockjudgingsissi Dater:Me possessed by some and .it is a sel- CTIC6 that the breeder and feeder should understand. The agricultur- ai colleges -are giving practical in- structions in judging live stock that is one of the most fascinating studies of the college, as it includes the knowledge of improved steers breeding. The students visit many prominent breeders of the different national they test their judgment and Professor Ferguson of the, Michi- gen Agricultural College gives the following rules to his students: 1. Rave. confidence in your own potters. 2. Concentrate your thoughts on the breed' And breed type of the ,animals you are working upon. 3. Do not hurry. Take ,tima to decide. Having done SO stick to it. "Be sure you are right, then go ahead:" " 4. If possible, watch the plass as it comes into the ring. There is often something about the style. and carriage of the wineer which marks him out as he walks. 0, Take e minute to took over the linefrom as near the centre as .- postible itt ordo to get a general idea on conformation. Then pass slowly clear around the ring inspecting _each_ animal from front and. rear. 7. Never be, satisfied without us - ink our l'And in addition to led eyes. Anverantei are often Alec. ceitful, 8. rn handling elleys werk from lima to rear. With cAttle, work on the right side,apprOaching the ani - mill from behind. . 9. First'. pick out, the winner. of he class; toen use it as your stand- ard in placing second and third. 104 When first is placed, briefly sum ‘up its strong points. • 11. Look for tharacteristica and moat common breed defects. lg. Pay no attention to either he glen with you or . the crowd *retina, you. Your business is with the animals. FAItlf NOTES. quicker stabIc inanure.1$ Jrown and spread,- open the 6e s the waste, whether the sea- son 1* summer' or winter. ss of a beekeeper is not me&*ured by the .noniber of bolo. ies kept, but by the a -tinily& so- ntr.livehives, giving Iffe.,poynds eight, are urplus ir profitable. than WO hives $urplus. t iT SosoW 4 1 hat *e wort, aothing. $ o valuah n rived: ir� 60A4 etio ri e * -oi* 10U41 arid 4 P, . ' : t i • s •o$N in,he had enly otruig the ftito.,,u, it ined , et144471ea:neo .eentinuott* repair. One of the best lines of iequipment Which any form tan.have is 6; ROM VT; orkshop well stiOplied with tools and machinery for ueedod repairs. Dieskage-And loss of bolts and nuts are of constant octurrence, and there is frequently much, loss orlinfilfor -inch accidents .usually hasspen in the busy season), .in not having the needed things at hand with which to make repairs., • 't Potatoes require &rich, thorough - ,/,e prepared soil: Stable mixture tends to "reduce scale mad for this reason, it should not he used on potatoes. A complete fertilizer rich in potash, applied broadcast At the rate 400.0 peptide per acre -wdl usually give good results. ln netey localities stAb is A source of eerious loss to.poeste-giowere. One of the best and eafei3t remedies for to seek the teed for two hours " 34,104 ' 4 $ kalat ofcold water. Hard work never has been and never -will be entirely 4311ms:flitted from -tilling -the soil. Thorns and _thistles And_weedssieproduces raft •tt alwa,ys has donet and it is still in t see& -of-his brow -that the soil tiller eats his bread, But we have relieved the farmer from more toe than would have once been thought possible, only it opeartes •pretty impartially upon farmers of all classes, -The better farming now needed must be the individtml work and thought of the farmer himself. If he cannot, plan, calculate acd judge about ties detaila of his busi- ness, he is in no better shape for success than his unskilled competi- tors, who, perhaps, work harder and for less wages than he. HIS FIXED INCOME. A Southern Congressman who formerly practised law in Mississip- pi tells of an amusing care he once 14 1St**. *in the oea In th azy darky owed 1)i ested at the iustance. o alleged that he •biug tri to her support tbe exspuin11, 11 • 'n -was puzzL4 hythet - isteel epIsuieigs,th e erori u ar. , -taint ou , .. Ot , o , but fors rt; iii :ran iePcd1h.PYnton: could-latlibesotiw;;telry * remarks, the (leases hice brit* - " Pon the oonclusion of eget) Asetioe , At otateti intervals 1.41 think 1 has * fixed intorno, seh," -said he. , . . "And what is this fixed ineomel was the -next question. --- . "Well, • tali," Answered Dick* with a broad grin in the direction of Colonel /4artio, "de Coigne dere alters 'give me fo' dollars en"' aeack allour on 'lection day!" WISDOM WHILE YOU SLEEP Some folks work as hard wh,en Asleep as when awake. Hence the husinesi man's pttrase, "Well, ra sleep over it." Robert Louis Stevenson who a wonderful dream- conlitdr.eatirin -coquet:me-Re euld continue his dream one " h ; So;vesS previous. In thisway he dreauted a great deal of "Jekyll and Hyde. The Marquis de Coutloreet, the French mathematician, solved while, - asleep , a _problem inintegral-coh,er.,_ cUliii wlnch had 'puzzled him for days. Dante is said to have dreamed -- "The Divine Comedy." Voltaire corapo.sed -the first canto of ths "Renriade" while he was asleep. "Ideas' occurred to inc," he said,. "in spite of myseff, and in whiek. I had no part whaterer;t#-----s- worrrrramorr TRAINING YOUNG BUTCHERS. An apparatus used in Berlin, Ger. many, for training butchers' aps prentwes in- the killing of animals by the hammer method is described ith illustrations in the June Popu- far Mechanics. The apparatus ha an indicator and scale which tette the force of the blow, so that the apprentices soon learn just the force they require to make the killing as humane as possible. Mt kw 1909 CHAS% • PRICE trelieSted C.I.F. Duty Paid to Montreal. - 22 H.P. Chassis •alit0 Phaeton Car 770 Lim"sirie Car 4 tandaujette Car Chassis • 11 r • £125 $75Phaetn 3,eptw : Hbeesint. ChailAs' -A 700 Phaeton Car. • 0 Limousin. Car '1 1050 11 tatulauletts Car 1005 Chasspo ii Liinsashts Car 1 Lassiauletts Car 1323 ficutais ot any of the abtlfve wr te to COV* ot TRY, 09 (1904 OLAND. r .•,,