The Exeter Times, 1880-7-8, Page 3JULY S, 1880 THE TIMES A. SUIt.GLOAL WONLIBIt. The Hertford Past publishes the fort lowing aot'ttvtt of iL tYlrtet rete 'keble ttnr;;ieel ttlutualt , —"Ott the Slat of Do,:eu)ber, 15711, J? tu'3 an eleven year - tad Hun Ut 1 t egad Noreaot, an itt Int ti- thtl eitizo i of Catiterbnry, fell into .a eltttlinw vet coutainiug a selut.ion of potash its bailing water. lilt struck on bail feet, the lig Lid camellia ttottrly tip to his hips, and itattata ly the skin of the legs cutntnencecl • to peel tiff. it was found that thelleeli oil ]loth legs had bean so thoroughly bailed that aro cels t•t+tn:uue/l fin' a new Klett to f,+rm. tL growth upon. The b t)''t] life was one of excruciating agony for month% Last At'ril a young pay:deittu deter- mined to attempt the salv:Won of the 1,4tt s lire by skin grafting. The bey's Parente i+tiptoririg hf+t) t., uriitortnIce I tit' operation, he was finally iedgeed to try it. Giver two t•I.t/tu•;eed ;;rlifti were used, trite mother of the cltil:t, tt n `bar hearted Irish coachmen in the fetnily, the last himself and many of the mei: bore submitting pot tions of their outi pie for the npe:uttiuu. H,tudrsde of visituJ's flocked to to the patient Krr.l implored the d !et•. r to try a phren of their skins iu the operation. The piectes of flash t eee willed off with for- ceps and were itb:.nt teree tunes tate size of the head of :t tri", ria process "of grafting is situ: ter t t tii.tt employed ill horticulture. The grafts grow last est in the Hering t►,onths. One of them is pet Ott rt malate, where it t,il;lts to and deposits It 0011, of wltieb tete top sloughs off. Alto—mall the work its not Yet complete, the lea,' are neatly ree- tored to their itot'mal and functions tend the child oen walk a short di.tancie without a, eratclt but is still very weak from. el'.haui tion and etniteiation." • WHAT STOPPED HIM,. Some weeks since, while a party of Detroit surveyors were running a rail- road line down in Iudiana, the survey .carried them across a cemetery. In tee course of the survey a small stake was driven into at grave, and before it was removed and fortiori ahead, a lathy, long-legged Jooeier over'hattietl the risen, peeled of hitt fiat, and dean .ped Lronnd as ho sailed oat : ":'then me the man who dared to drive that stake in that grave 1" .Wetezei going to remove lt,' gntetly replied nue of the party. •1 don't etre if you are—show me the tn'in !' 'Weil, I'm the man, and what are you ;t'+i// g to do about it '?' said tue big In•ub of the lot, as he walked ont. 'Didn't you know that was my wife's grave ?' naked the Ilnmtier, with a oou- bideroble fall to his voice "'No, sir.' 'Well, ll, it is, sir—. -my filet wife's grave.' t Aitd what of that ?' 'What of that 1 Why—why, sir, if I h:lllu't Married a seo')tal one about a tenath ago and kinder foram my grief, t l:t` Ova stake. and ]tin you to the fence with it ! It's lurkv for yon fellers —m hey lucky for yon that 1 don't Seel half ae bad as I did !' --. 1>••0•11).....11 Potts°. He shook the sleeper gently, but the latter slept on, Then tie shook him good and ittout au.d called "ticket" iu his ear. 'How dere you shake the around in this manner 1' shoe tett the than as he awoke trod stuud up, 'Ticket, pleane..' 'But I don't please 1 How dare you ()utile to the every t.itne a tl•aiu leaves a Htatititl ?' 'l'htt conductor looked dowu the aisle, thought he iaW the tart with time pais iu hie old seat, and said to the other : 'Conte sir, delft bother me. I waut your tioket.' .You cant have it 1' ''Titan I'II put you off 1' He remc;ted tor the bell -rope, but seeiug a general. grin all around the ear ite stopped and looked more,cloiely at the men and recognized trim as the one with the pass. He went out with out a word, a ld a lieu he returned half tau hoot later, he expected another trap. iie'lo ked carefnlly over the ear, and was going atom; in search of new faces wh, u a matt with his coat off, Pond outer the iufluence of liquor, eel - led out : 'Shay, captain, 1' haia't got any tioket 1' 'All ! you can't beat me again—knew you 21.8 t oft tea 1 watered the car thuokted the cranial, and be walked on with a broad gritort hie face. It was not until he saw the shirt• sleeved man fret off et the next station that he knew he had been tnistakeu a-n,ald arid had let Ititn travel for noth- ing, while the man with the pass was iu the smoking car. HOW TO T1 EAT BROTHERS. Girls, be kind to. your brothers. Dou't be afraid you will spoil thein by showing them sisterly attention. They are tiresome Chaps sometimes, coti- lsegneutial and overbearing, treating their sistere like iuferior beings. But never mind that, girls ; carry ttitis you two beers—hear and forbear. The couse- gnentittl age generally peeses off with tate incipitentanon.etecise and when real manhood days upou there they will rea- lize how gentle and kind their sisters nave been. :stake Mame pleasant to them ; let them see and feel that you enjoy their ot. rtlpauy sometimes equally as well its sotno other girt`et brother. It you sing or platy on the piano, do your beat for brother Jitn or Will, or what- everr his name may be, and reward him with a smile when he turns over your mucic or gives up bis seat to you, just as you would any other gentleman. Lay aside your work or book to have a pleasant chat oe innocent game with your brother ; draw out of trim wi:h whore at,d where be spends his even- ings outside of the family circle. En• !courage titin to speak of his associates. A. sister often has more influence with a bro her than a parent has. if he can 1 confide with his sister l'Hga,rdii g his t friends and alnuseuat•nts,yau need have 00 fear of how he spends his time away from you. Let him see that yon take an interest iu hie studies or business. Wiwi he asks you to sew on a blttton or mend hie glove, don't put on an aggrieved air; do it eheerfnily and win- ningly. Ile will reward yon in his secret heart with a wealth of brotherly love though be might nut show it, for some thitrlr it nnulaunerly to show af- fection. Treat bit ftieutlt with polite - nese even if they are not your style. 1 Throw all the sttfegntrrtls you possibly I can around your young brothers, by sisterly kindness and forbearance. Try to make it tite tleare::t and happiest spot on ea) tai. BEA'T'ING A CONDUCTOR. A p:).ssenger going West from De- tr"it by rail the other day had a pas to Chicane. When the centlector took it up he asked several quettiot)e t.o SIL' is - himself that the puss had not been trarsferroii, and the holier of the pasteboard (tidal tike it as geed-natllr- wily no some leen w,.tlid. no than t have much to say, but he was deter• mined on reveuge. As soon as the -- il Undertakclr OULD SAY TO V V those who intend purchasing to do so from the manufacturer, The dealer wito buys tet Roll again must necessarily have profit. Wo 'thrum to givotho purchasers ttto benefit, which canuotfail to meet the views of the Grangers, Our ex malaria aro less than tilos° of alto manu'aoturertoonseq"out we oau sellohoapor, Emblems O,c S and 1i , GIDI JY,, Irnitur . V. aft aC of all the Different 8 I GENTLEMEN, F. E HATCH, —IS °MIRING.-GREATBARGAIllS HARDWARE anttfacturer V MB WOULD eallslteofalattentton to our undertaking cioptat uiont which id more °um - plebe thanaver, adw itavo added several new dosignt of late The best ooitlns, caskets shrouds,and every uneral requisite at the Lowest prices. Our new Hearse is pronounced by competent Judges to be second to nore in .the provinces' Societies. JUST RECEIVED AT TEE EXETER GROCER Y EXCITING SCENE. eendnetor tett the car tete man c moue( teats, remt+veil itis linen dneter,toolt off his hat and looked like.a different per- son a' -together. Atter the train had left the next statue the conductor eame along with an eye out for new passengers and presently reached ont! ,for the holder of the pass. 1 '1 haven't got any ticket,' was the I surly tttltver. 'Titan: ,you must pay yo:lr fare.' '1 wou't do it !' 'See Isere,' train the cendnctor as he :b)gau to waken up, 'you must either pay your fare or prodace a ticket. Tt :sot I'll drop yon on the road 1' 'Drop and be hat ed,' The train wee not stopped, but after .a run of ten minutes it reached a .sta- tion and arrangeln.otts were matte for .bouncing the team. When all was .complete he Rhon'etl his past. 'Why didn't yeti tell me you had a pnsso' roared the oouduntor. 'Why didn't you ask ;no ?` shouted :the traveler. 'Well,, 1 don't like such fooling.' ''Nor I, dither.' The•train went on, and the' maa put ,on his .duster, traded.hats with a pas- senger, ani again belted like some one .else, Hs changed 'bit seat to the front .end of the .car and was seemingly sound .asleep when the conductor again had ,Corston to pass through. He took two fares and then held out his hand o the ,travelIer. There was no res• A large staff of aesietents are (o.utin- nously enPlloyed in putting np Wilson's Uomt onnd Syrup of Wild Cherry, the most popnittr of all remedies for the cure of Coughs, Colds, Cl4,up, Whoop- ing fi'ugh, ]3rorichitJe, Catarrh, Loss of Voice, and all affections of the Threat., Lungs and Brnrchial Tubes. The rapidity acquired by those con- stantly engaged itt handling bottles it most astouishing, and to au nuaccua- torned onlooker the great wonder Is that almost every bottle is not broken. Wilson's Wild Cherry is always made under the direct supervision of • elr. Wilson,, a Chemist and Druggist of over sixteen years experience. This great home medicine is sold by all leading druggists, and should be found in every house. AND LIQUOR STORE, A LARUE STOCK OF GREEN, JAPAN, YOUNG HYSON and BLACK TEAS, RA.lb'TNS, CURRANTS, PRUNES, DRIED APPLES CANED FRUIT, SARDINES, ' LOBSTERS, SALMON, BITTER SAUCE AND PICKLES, BRANDIES, GINS, WINES AND SYRUPS, BYE, DIAD SCOTCH, IRISH AND COM\ION WI'EISKIES, TOBACCOS AND CIGARS, ' GE! MAN 'YRUP." No other medicine. the world was eyor given such a test of its curative dualities as Rosaxnna's Grnnix Svnnr. Iuthree years two millions four huudrotl tb'tusaud small bottlos of this medicine wore distributed free of charge by druggists in this country to talose afcted with Consumption, , Asthma, Croup, severe Coughs, Pnouuinouia, and othor diseases of the throat and lungs, giving tho American people undeniable poet that GrnMnt Segue will euro thong, The result has been that druggists in every town and village in the Ca- melot; and 'United Status are recommending it to their customers. Go to your druggist and ask 'what they know about it. Sample bottles,' 10 cents. Regular size, 75 Dents. 'Plana dons will relieve any oose.. Wholesale and Retail. fl. A,MAOE Maio Street,Exeter. THE CANADA COMPANY'S Tranizie Lands for .Ick In order to moot the present depression,the Canada Company offer for sale or lease, on easy terms and in certain -cases AT REDUCED PRICES, \ll their Lo,tds re-claimed or benefitted by the " Lake Burwell. Drainage Works," in the Township of nosanquet, Stephen audtleGidivray, in the Counties of L,uubtnn, Hm un and Middlesex redpee ively. Lists odr,amrls may be obtained, and plans of the lintsmay he ser n, on application to M. John Sp: ckman, Factor, .td v. George W. Holwell, of the " Hutwoll House,' \bidder Station, G. T. Railway, or to .1\1r. John Irouside,ofGrand bend. For Lists, Priors, Terms or other information, apply to the Commission errs, Canada Company, Toronto. G. W. ALLaN, IC. ;LI.Ttt0PL'Al2T, commissioners. Canada Company's Office s, May =0, 1SS0. 2m THE E All kinds or printing done neatly cheaply and with dispatch Order your work where you can get it done the cheapest. Colored Work Specialty Do not fail to =liana see his barge stock b.e- fore you buy elsewhere A VIERICAN UT NAILS Cheap for Cash at the Sign of the rad Loo11, Samwell & Eickard'sl3lock,Msin St., Exeter. True TIhiESOFFICE has excellent facilities for turning mit 11 RD 1 BILL E xt) S, POSTERS) CIO *✓ •LABS HO ! FOR MANITOBA,. Durin, the tomaidder oz the season of 1880, GREEN �V A:Y'tel Manitoba Parties will leave on The FIRST TUESDAY of Ever, Month Next Harty on 4th May. For particulars apply to fNO. irsoX, G,W, It,A#+eet, Centralia LEGAL p H. CADDY, BARRISTER & ATTORNEY At Law, Solioitor, &o. Office, Fanson's Block Exeter. MEDICAL. DR. HUTCHINSON, Member of the College of Physicians and Sugeonsof Ontario, &e., &c., Office next door to I. t;arlings Main Street Exstrr nit. I3YNDMAN.—CO1tONER FOR the County °Moron. u5lce,uextdoor to ttir.I. Carling'sstore,Exeter. JW. BROWNING M. D., 0. M. • 1'. 8, Graduate Victoria't7aiversity' Office andresideuoe, Don: Mei+ Laboratory, Exeter. 14 C. MOORRE. M. D. 0. M. • Graduate of:deGill University, Montreal Oilleeam:residence,t:xeter,Out. Ovine i ours- 8to10a. ut and lto10u. rn Tall, J. A. ROLLINS, M. C. E. S. IJ 0., Victoria S. C rc'diton, Ont. Oreoe hours 110)11011.1110.: N. to 5 t,• m, g�1 LUTZ, M. D., L.J • (Mice at his residence, Exeter. F' R. IRVING,U'IIAT'r - VEBSITY TriuityCollogeADU11er,.iE,o1ColieUtiIge Lnvsiciauaand surgeonr On..,'iO ceKirkton. NEW 13 U T'ChEllt SHOP The undersi€ned wouldi+iforu. the inhabi- tants ofExeter and vicinity that helms OPENED A NEW BUTCHER SHOP 'roe lour sent': oft isBlacasniitl•elr•°p andhol)ee tlic;aine liberal patronage that has been ue eordud to him in the . n7 .aCFelt)Tn AND WAGON TAAE)NG hue wiltet+i':tendecitohim tuitis uewbrancir ru:int•ss Ills meat wagon willonl] at the rest lents of Lite vtllagethreetinleseac1weekand :111 kinds kol+t constunt!T ru hand at his butch el shop. Blackstr.ithir.p and wttgnu mak ingearried 118 ,t+tntl in all its brarel.c t R. DAVIS. jest Received. CHOICE HAMS, BREAKFAST BACON, AND LARD, FRESH STRAWBERRIES ORANGES & LEMONS, —AT THE_ Choice. e may Grocery. 7` 7:27 a. FOWLER'S EXT. Wien Strawberry A Specific Remedy for all Summer Complaints :molt as Diarrha.a, lly- sentry, Canada Cholera, Choler Morbus, Cholera Infentum, Sour Stomach, Griping Pains, and all derangements of tato b,twels, halts- eel by ening improper food, Rich as raw venettbles., -unripe or sour fruit, bad milk, ;impure water or change of water, dustup of tho seasons, exposure. No matter from wltat,cause or' in what form you are subject to any of the above com- plaints, iau. 110N+L)lit's EXTRACT os Wtl:,n S'ritAwnnanV will relieve you, and a speedy euro will bo, effected without injury to the system. It is )manufactured from the Wild Strawberry Plant, anti free from opium anti other injurious drugs. lour sate by all dealers, at Is. 10i�1. to.er 41.00 I'Itl FARED BY MILLBURN, BENTLEY & ?EAItSO '